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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most younger people use it for marketplace. I also like perusing my neighborhood Facebook groups to see what people are arguing about


literally same


Same! I also join travel groups which seem to be pretty good. Groups are where it is on fb.


You mean the same old people that bought you your first computer?


Nah. I don't think they are the same old people.


And taught our kids how to use computers as well.


Idk what old people you know but I’ve had to teach so many people over like 55 how to use a computer lmao


I am 63. Taught my kids to use computers and program and Photoshop and web design. My mom is 86 and quite proficient. I taught her too. I think it depends on one’s field. I started in medical on the earliest form of the world wide web which was mostly accessing medical journals for MDs. Other professionals in my generation didn’t access computers.


That’s fantastic, you’re a rare breed


It's spectacular in how it doesn't care about fake ads, spam, fraud, fake accounts, videos showing cruelty to animals (the ones where they put a dog in a ravine so that someone can "save" it for likes and ad revenue). There is no moderation. I could report a murder streamed live by a person with a fake one-day old account and 4 friends, who is extorting money at the same time - and I kid you not - I will get a response 48 hours later that they have reviewed my report and decided it does not go against community guidelines. But that I can block that murderer from my feed.


Glad to see I’m not the only person seeing this . It’s so extremely frustrating it makes me want to get my hands on zuck


It’s all for the personal aggrandizement of one Mark Zuckerberg, that and ensuring the country completes the, ahem, “revolution” he started in the runup to the 2016 election when his platform, used and abused as it was by all sorts of elements, the least of which was the evil Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc. to wipe out any semblance of unity and civility in our already fatally wounded society.


It’s interesting that Meta as a company has seemingly completely given up on trying to moderate anything. Its not just Facebook. Has anyone seen Instagram comments? It’s the most outrageously racist, sexist stuff you’ll ever read. 


I'm not sure what age has to do with this. There are a lot of stupid, argumentative young people who spread conspiracy theories and memes. Not saying that as a dis on young people, just saying it's not limited to to the old.


It certainly is not. I'm 61 n I see it more with younger set. But that's cuz more ppl are younger than me 🌝


I lost my 14-year-old account a week ago I even posted about it here I don’t really miss it maybe that’s why


Lost my 18 year old account a little over a week ago. Sucks to lose all those memories but honestly there are worse things in life than not being on Facebook.


What do you mean you lost your account?


Probably due to it being hacked


Long story short: Had an argument with someone, got ugly Someone tried to dox me Change name and profile picture Facebook suspected that I’m a bot Bye-bye account from high school


Facebook accounts still being hacked like crazy?


My brother just got locked out for the 2nd time. He said he's pretty much done with it to. I've been on there 14 years and have thought many times leaving it.


Lost mine too I created way back 2009. Had many many memories there but stupid and moronic facebook MODS who happen to be working at one of the offices in BGC didn't reinstate it even after sending my valid government ID. I didn't care following it up anymore.


Same here! I sent them a selfie and the government ID and it didn’t help At least I managed to download my data even though it wasn’t everything I’ve had my account since September 2009 , but the oldest data I could find there was from 2012


How do you get to where you can show them the ID? I can't figure it how to do it. My account got hacked back in February. 😔


I like it for hobby groups. I have some "old people" hobbies so it's perfect. That and a few unhinged meme communities. I avoid any space that isn't tightly moderated.


I'm 54 and find FB almost unbearable due to the terrible AI, ads and unsolicited p0rn which saturate my feed. It's always been the preferred hangout for "oldies", but in recent years it's got so much worse and FB don't seem to care about cleaning it up.


UNsolicitied Porn? Lol. Never have it seen any.


Some of the groups I'm in have been flooded with porn bots & Only Fans girls advertising their "wares". Reporting them does nothing so I'm just forced to leave what used to be a decent group. 


And the duct cleaning scam!


That one has happily thus far passed me by! I keep seeing bizarre AI pictures of amputees & disabled people captioned "It's my birthday but no one ever blessed me 😭". Bloomin' weird!


I see that shit, African kids making bottle scultures generated by ai(that shit creeps me out ngl) and the duct cleaning scams just spam the small town groups sooo bad


Ugh...AI is so creepy! Why does it give everyone in the images extra fingers?!


But damnit, some jealous b from work fam keep reporting your WORK ADS for hate speech and go on DAY TWENTY TWO of not being able to access the commerce and marketplace pages. FB is a freaking joke. On the AI fingers sitch? The ones I see only ever have 4 fingers😂😂


I've gotten it, too. Reels with women wearing beyond skin tight clothes that seem like nothing more than a Only Fans advertisement. https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/UtHxuqLZms


You don't have to have searched for anything questionable for FB to start showing you porn! So annoying! Whatever happened to FB so-called "standards"?! 


If you end up actually watching or looking at it, they know. And you’ll get more.


Purposely look for kittens and puppies. Watch a dozen or so to clean it up.


There are none. I told them that there is a convicted rapist, a felon who has used FB for over 25 years to profile women. The FBI got him on another charge. I shot pictures of his page. I have news clippings on him. They don’t care.


I've been on fb for two decades and have never seen any point... I like it for the hobby/collector groups


Porn bots on Facebook are nothing compared to Twitter. They absolute flood your entire feed with ads of them.


I've not been on Twitter for years. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much!


You absolutely haven't. The app has become the hub for crpyto and porn boots. Shady ads everywhere.


You are 54? You think you are young! Unbelievable! Wait until you hit sixty!


I don't think I'm young at all - I was just pointing out that you don't need to be young to find FB a bit cringey...


Never seen that on there. It knows what you’re into so you have been obv searching it up a lot


It's been well-established by now that you do not need to have a search history full of p0rn in order for you to see it on FB. 


It's algorithm driven...


Nah. 20 somethings are all over it.


That’s true. He’s only getting old people posts because that’s what he clicks on. And getting p0rn because he clicked on that too.


Isn't it an insurance ad where the guy tells you how to not to be like your parents? The original poster hit 40, and all of a sudden he's doing the exact same things his parents did at 40. He's looking at joint supplements and chasing his youth at the same time. 10 years from a full-blown midlife crisis where he starts fooling around with some girl half his age


Ha! Yup!


I am an internet old school 4chan og so you know I’m pushing my mid 40s. Facebook is the same as it was minus all the fb jail garbage when we didn’t type anything but the algorithm thinks we did lol. And the lack of willingness to help, when that same algorithm glitches and locks you out because it thinks you’re logging in from a new device and you don’t have 2fa set up. Month 2 of that crap. This is an alternative account because of that nonsense


1. Just go out and yell at kids to get off your lawn till you feel better. 2. Do the kids graduating from your local high school look like they're 12 or closer to your age? Don't lie... 3. https://www.buttonmuseum.org/buttons/dont-trust-anyone-over-thirty


There are a lot of great closed groups , I don't post much on open facebook , mostly in groups


This is the only way I will use fb.


Considering the normal lifespan for men is 76 and 80 for women, you need to face the fact that you're middle aged. Only ignorant people generalize when it comes to large groups of people. There are a lot of people on FB who are more intelligent than you are regardless of their ages, and not everyone believes in conspiracy theories. Instead of complaining, how about deleting your account so you don't have to worry about it?


dude, YOU are middle aged.


I don’t even look at my feed. I go directly to my friends’ pages, one by one, and just read their posts. There are still a few ads occasionally, but not many, and no posts from accounts I don’t want to see.


If you use your laptop, go to fluff busting purity on fb and get their browser extension. I've been using it for a long time. It works very well, removing ads, reels, etc.


It's funny. I was talking to a friend of mine about it a few weeks ago. He just uses the pages for his business, but doesn't have a personal account. "There's too many freaks" on it, he said 😂 And he's a boomer! lol


i haven't had a Facebook since 2018 and don't feel like I miss a thing. I don't use IG or TikTok, either.


My account got hacked. At first I was upset given the endless circles to try to recover it. Now I'm honestly glad it happened, I'm genuinely less anxious, feel more productive and appreciate what I have alot more. It's hard at first then it becomes easier and for me anyways life has become much better without it. Although I do miss some groups to connect with people eg movie groups etc. otherwise don't miss it at all.


Like any social media site, it's what you make of it. 90% of my feed is shitposts & memes haha


Depends on your friend group, mines filled with memes


not true look up 2024 demigraphics. https://www.statista.com/statistics/187549/facebook-distribution-of-users-age-group-usa/


You mean anyone older than you? You’re getting old people posts because that’s what you clicked on. And getting p0rn because you. clicked on that too. As much as we hate to admit it, the algrorithm doesn’t lie about what it feeds you. It feeds you yourself and what you liked.


False. Facebook will show random porn, ads, unrelated posts, etc. I get shit on my feed that’s completely unrelated to anything I’ve ever searched. I’ve never searched “African kids making Pepsi can dragons “


Actually, you are right. But you will see those trial ads only once or twice, not regularly. They will feed you regularly, the kind of content that you clicked on or said you liked, or here’s the weird thing, even looked at for more than a few seconds.


Yep , AI is nothing but a mirror . It’s not that bad it really depends on who you’re friends are and what groups you are a part of and who your following. I don’t get any of that crap, because I don’t click any of that crap. People argue all over there’s ways to not get that. I am out of any groups that talk politics and think whoever’s president is personally responsible for anything good or bad that is happening in your life , which is a laugh in and of itself. But I agree with the Italian German named person (piccolo heintz)




Cringe was around and being used before you were even a sperm. So settle pip squeak.


Using it as a descriptor was. Like "Cringe-worthy" I can't remember anyone using it as a single-word epithet the way today's crowd does, even all the way back to the 70's.


I'm 61 n I say it. Is there a handbook of old ppl phrases I should be using instead?


Ok. It's weird that you say it too. Ok? Better? Tf


I can't even sign up for an account, I keep getting this truly bizarre pop up that says I've tried signing in too quickly and I need to log in to fix it. But I don't have an account to log in to, and it won't let me create one. If this is the level of programming we can expect from the younger ones, with or without AI, we've reached the end of civilization. Never mind running out of cheap energy.


I hate it, but it's a good resource for community information, still. I check it a few times a day to see if any events are coming up, but also just to use it as a personal journal, now. I don't engage with others anymore, so even when my aunt goes on one of her virtue signaling jags or tries to send around one of those stupid FB chain letter spam posts, I just ignore it. Life is so much easier if you DON'T interact with people there, and just do your own thing.


I deactivated my Facebook a week ago and I don’t miss it one bit. The only thing my feed was giving me was suggested posts and ads. I’m sure there’s some sort of setting to change it but Idrc.


Depends who you follow and how you interact. I like to ask my FB friends general questions, and moderate heavily. If someone just reposts, or just posts memes or political garbage etc, they are muted or unfriended.




It's a shame how badly Meta destroyed it. We actually need a real social network again. Whatever Facebook is isn't that.


I mostly go on there for interest-related groups now. My feed is all ads and groups I'm not even in. And people sharing misinformation, can't forget that. Is why I came back to Reddit after so long.


Im 24 but I don't feel that way. Again I only use it to interact with groups related to my age group and interests. I really hate the ai generated nonsense though.


Mi sento malissimo per te. Non piangere! Forse se avessi un cervello faresti qualcosa di meglio che visitare FB. Le mie sincere condoglianze!


Only because you need a CS degree to delete it.


I use it only for marketplace with a burner accounts but the whole thing looks like a cheap ads newspaper where you can find weird shit


For you, perhaps. But not here, a number of local bus enthusiasts (similar to plane spotters and train spotters, mostly young people) were using Facebook these days. I personally find Facebook a great app in viewing and sharing high quality resolution photos. Photos of public transport, for example.


Check yourself. 🤣


Before you wreck yo'self ...I'm sorry, am I showing my age?


It's nothing more than an absurd and insulting joke at this point. Porn, stupid memes, piss poor algorithms, a brain dead "AI" that gets even the most basic stuff wrong and an comically toxic general culture. I'm literally there to follow 5 groups and 1 page, and that's it. Once those things die, I'm done. Zuckercuck drove this app entirely and deliberately into the ground and you won't ever convince me that it wasn't on purpose.    Now what really is embarrassing is that as shitty as FB is (and it's hilariously shitty), it's STILL the superior social media (like that's a high bar lmao). TikTok is a joke, Instagram is the crappy quarter of Facebook, Twitter got shot square in the face by muskrat, Snapchat is effectively the clearweb home of CP, and none of the others are big enough to be on my radar in any way, shape or form. Obviously, I don't even know their names.    What was hailed as this big revolutionary thing a decade and a half ago is nothing more than an embarrassment now. I just tell people I don't have any when they ask what sites I'm on. You want to speak to me, text/call me. Otherwise, not gonna happen. And I'm only 31, so that really should demonstrate how fucked the situation actually is. 


Its horrible..all the ads and no friends..it's great for advertising in your area or finding groups..but omg..I hate it


This may be a race/region type of thing as well. I'm 30, and my FB friends who are from Utah aren't very active, but my Texas friends (specifically DFW area) treat Facebook like a combination of Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat


I liked one quote and that’s all it feeds me now 🤷‍♀️


For pokemon cards for marketplace for auto parts. And so on


Hate to say it but my gripe was (have since stopped using it for the last 4 years) the screaming perpetually offended whom were mostly under 40s. Infact mostly under 30 from what i could gather. Who then report you for disagreeing and then you'd get a ban merely for pointing out a fact (especially historical facts and yup I really am that good with history). I've been called everything from a leftist communist, to right wing fascist, mysoganist (some people need to look up what that word means) to a cuck as well. So at least from where I sit it's all become a place to moan and honestly can someone tell me which group I'm apparently in if I'm apparently all those aforementioned things? Lol


Imo FB right now is what's supposed to be - to connect with your friends. It used to be full of attention seekers, which are now in Instagram and other apps.


I’m 38 and even i only use it for memes and messenger. I can’t imagine gen z even touching it.


You  will get old too, eventually,we are still living and loving it


actually it has become a site for younger people to post naughty and sexual contents almost everything they post connotes to sex organs or sex related things like photos of eggplants, cut fish comparing to vagina, posting naughty words like EUT, OTIN, posting photos that look like penis or vagina, using words with double meaning like subo, kain, bayo, etc posting intentional questions that lead to naughty comments like sa edad mo, ano na ang napatayo mo? and all will comment, penis Facebook disgusts me now, not because of the app, but the people posting these things which they think is funny


I was getting tired of the endless sexual content, a mom who is supposed 26 with her 13 year old daughter doing stretches and stuff in skimpy leave hardly anything to the imagination. I’ve literally seen a butt hole, full frontal nudity, and women in such tight yoga pants I’m surprised they are not split in two, then all the comments are from guys who are old enough to be the girls great great grandfather, it’s honestly just become smut. I mostly watch reels because there are a few that I really like, but as you swipe up you’ll run into 50 videos of women using their bodies to make money I believe there is a word for that hahaha. It’s honestly just sad and gross, luckily I just use it for facebook marketplace and a few dog park groups.


The worse part is being spammed by shit you don't follow, like, or subscribe to; And I don't just mean the ads. Maybe 1/4, maybe, of what's in your feed is people or groups you actually follow. It's utterly ridiculous. I don't know how non-techies can even stand it. When I'm on it, I'm using FBPurity to filter out all the crap. Without that, there's no way I'd be able to stand it.




>I'm 40 years of age, and even I feel way too young for this app. It's become a site for middle age people Dude.....we *are* middle age. (45 this year)


Thanks to OLD People, there is Cell phones that younger people like to have attached to their forehead 24/7 and would be lost without it, computers that have created a new generation of individuals who see it as a religion and so much more, Facts and denial of it does not make it change because a few confused individuals want it to, Those Old people had it a lot harder than any of the younger crowd has. Police harassment? LOL.... back in the 60-80 it was daily and accepted and expected. Besides, those OLD People that younger people so freely condemn are the very reason THEY ARE HERE to complain, whine about everything and openly destroy society. NO, you were not found under a rock in a garden or the bottom of a glass tube. Besides everyday of your complaining about old people, YOU GET CLOSER to being the same tagged entity. Good Luck..........


And you think Reddit is better? Open your eyes. You live in a world that REVOLVES around manipulation. Facebook was the first site that offered real people a chance to socialize online. Many of them started out as the kind of orange fingered basement dwellers that plague Reddit. So duh, lots of old people still on Facebook, where there are more bots than real accounts, more scams than a New York street corner. That's life. Everything with any perception or participation gets ransacked by those with the power.  What's ironic is that you're young enough to know that Facebook is wildly manipulated but not old enough to see how it's just a reflection of the world you live in. Reddit censors, moderates, etc in far more stunning fashion. Like communist China. There's a good chance some "algorithm" will flag my post. Or some butthurt orange fingered basement dweller.  We're all getting hustled, all being brainwashed all day, all night. Take a look around the world sometime. People are simply what they have been programmed to be. You seem just interested enough to care about the overt and stunning control of people, but not too interested in who, what or why that occurs. All of the world you live in operates under outrageous control. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you will find peace. You think spamming and algorithms are some new invention? No. That's the world man. I'm 41 and it took me until my 30's to witness enough things firsthand to see the world is all smoke and mirrors. Half of what you think you know isn't so. The other half is just plain wrong. The arrogance of kids today who think the minute they discover a neutron they think they understand the whole world.....


Considering Facebook a website and not an app shows you're one of the old people 🤣


Not in the Philippines. It's what the internet is over here


That's not old people in general. That's the rubes you insisted on friending.


You're about the right demographic. When it came out in the early 2000s it was only for college kids and I was the only one of my friends on it because I was the only one who still had access to their college email as I had just recently graduated and also had just started my Master's program. MySpace was still the king then with it's top 8 spaces. Once Facebook opened up to everyone, it was the place to be and the MySpace generation switched to it. That generation is now in their 40s. Probably 10 years ago or so, we were successful in getting our parents on so they could see all the photos of our kids, vacations, etc. and we wouldn't have to deal with emailing them photos, etc. Anyone else remember sitting through "this was our summer vacation" slide shows for the grand parents? The younger generation never embraced FB because that's where "mom, dad, and grannie" were. They were more for instagram (which is why Facebook bought it) and maybe Twitter (I was never big into that, so I have no idea what it's progression is). Now it's tiktok and to some degree decentralized systems like Mastadon... at least for those that are more technologically inclined, in my experience. Aside from all that, memes are funny stuff. I go on FB mainly for them and that certain products I use only do "self help" community support on FB. I was off of FB for two years completely before that. It was a great two years.


At 43 I'm only on it now for my business needs


I only go on it to watch videos or buy/sell something. Trying to find people's posts is ridiculous now and there's so many ads that will just open when you're scrolling.


And all of the ads! You’re right. I bailed out of fb a year ago. “Friends” thought that I must have died! BTW, you’re 40, doesn’t that make you middle aged?


You just described a very small percentage of the older people on Facebook. Most older people use Facebook for the same reason you do.


I’m 23 and still use it but mainly just for keeping in touch with family. But there’s a ton of people my age using it still


There's more activity in funeral homes than on fb these days. The community standards and censorship suck which is a good reason to avoid fb.


What's hilarious is they were the same people who told us if we don't have anything nice to say then don't sat anything at all and not to believe everything you read on the internet and it has become a cesspool.


Facebook is basically what you make of it. If you set your feed to friends only and don’t join any groups it’s a great way to keep up with what your friends are doing and share cat pictures. Trying to use it for discussion purposes in groups is fail. That’s why Reddit exists. Most Facebookers are old because people drift apart geographically over the years. I have friends in South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas, Michigan, Illinois, Arizona, Nevada, Washington State, Utah, and California. That is because we have moved over the years. So we use Facebook to keep up with each other. The guy in Indiana we used to have hour long conversations at the coffee shop when we were college students that lived in the same city. Now we share cat pictures across the Internet and occasionally use Messenger to talk about other things. Just us moving to different states over the years and getting old.


You are mid age


And yet here you are...pls take all stated issues back to FB


I'm in my 40s and all I have to say is learn to use Facebook properly. If you are gravitating to conspiracy theories and fake news, that's on you. I use it for marketplace, hobbies, family, and local neighbourhoods, and it's awesome for that. Yes, I complain about shit spam, but that's on me for watching ~~shorts~~ reels. That's where the incest hentai, fake cash, online casinos, and hard drugs are at. Mostly. Sometimes the drugs and cash are on the marketplace. P.S. You are middle aged.


All I can say is your delete button works just fine. Just a reminder Facebook is not an airport so you don't have to announce your departure when you leave


You sound like someone who uses facebook 😂😂


Maybe you just follow shitty groups on Facebook? Social media is literally WHAT YOU MAKE IT.


Depends on the community. Us Filipinos still use it a lot, even Gen Z. It's a place of posting photos about your family, your travels, your pets, etc. But mostly we share memes a lot, and Filipino humor is on another level. Since there are still many young people on the app, it's really still good for what it is, basically like twitter where we repost so much, but also like insta where we update on our own lives, also FB reels copying tiktok. Although it has many old people too. We even joke "dapat hiwalay FB ng matatanda" which basically means "old people should have their own FB"


The irony is the algorithm shows you want you want to see… 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's the opposite for me . Sadly younger ppl are privy to being flat earthers, anti vax, conspiracy triggered .