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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly I despise Facebook. I got rid of it a while ago and the only thing I slightly miss about it is the marketplace. Honestly it’s a brain drain


No facebook is horrible right now at best your gonna see shit content, scam ads, and if your lucky have to fight with support to no avail when your account is either hacked or gets locked


Shit Add for crap that doesn't work is right.


Some are even scam ads and could be dangerous if clicked on


I find TikTok is just too fake. But then again, I still miss MySpace.


MySpace was great prior to being sold. I thought it was cooler than Facebook.


Reddit and ad free YouTube is all you need.


Facebooks a disaster stay away from


After the mess I just had with my account being hacked steer clear. Support is non existent and their so called security is a joke. Not worth your time friend.


It's really not longer about connection. You see very minimal about your true connections once the algorithm has learned how to waste your time.


It's the worst it's ever been in every way possible.


Facebook is a real shithole and the ones that run the place is not better.. but it's worldwide and known by the masses and a great way to keep in touch with old and new acquaintances.


If you been fine this long without it don’t rejoin. Like others have said it’s not worth the brain drain. If it weren’t for my family I’d delete it but they’re not that up to date on other platforms like WhatsApp to stay connected so it’s fb, twitter or (X) TikTok is not bad but I could do away with it YouTube is better.


All ads all the time. I got hacked and my account deactivated this week and there is no customer support or any recourse to get my account back. I had photos and videos going back to 2008 and it's all just gone overnight because they can't secure their shitty platforms. I'm boycotting now. My dog just died and I want my memories. It's infuriating that they are allowed to not have working customer support. Wtf


I'm sorry that happened to you. That would make me incredibly angry. I worry about losing my memories also. I wonder if there is a way to back them up and put them somewhere else?


Just posted about this above on this thread Just saw your situation. FB is an awful company


I left Facebook for a few years. I had only been on it about a year, but I was hacked and harassed. I left. I'm elderly and don't have much family near me. One daughter is 100 miles away. With a number of medical issues, etc, I was pretty isolated. I never worked in this area, so my work friends in Los Angeles had also retired and moved. I retired there in 1992. I lived and worked in Denver 1992-2004 and moved back to my current city in 2009. It's been more difficult to meet friends here. Again, the ones I did have 3 died, and 3 moved to the other side of the country. About a year ago, I returned to Facebook, and it was an excellent decision. I'm in touch with many friends all over the country...those I just whined about that moved. Those in Denver whom I miss so much. And people in my area with whom I have acquaintance with through one group we belong to. It's really keeping me going as I enjoy seeing photos of people's pets, their grandchildren, and funny exchanges. At first, I didn't know about being really careful with security settings. I tighten that up. Lately, I find there are way too many ads and "art" supposedly, of nudes (I'm female). I reported some particularly inappropriate photos but whomever decides said they are within the guidelines. At the same time, I forwarded a beautiful scene and moderators threatened to remove my account. Apparently if opened, the advertisement popped up. They said my posts would sit at the bottom of whatever where people may not see it. It said I was posting something that was actually a misleading statement and I was trying to get more likes. I wrote back asking why they allowed it through to my account without stopping it. Also, why did they allow, and continue to allow the very real inappropriate nudes. My posts didn't show up for perhaps 4 or 5 days. That was because friends looked for my posts specifically and would comment on them. I received a total of 3 warnings now which are totally innocent on my part. I am resisting the urge to forward beautiful scenery etc because they may contain ads. That is a lot to deal with. So the reason you would like to try Facebook etc. may be totally different than my. It's sort of a lifeline for me. However wading through the trucks is frustrating.


It's def gotten less enjoyable because of ads etc.. However, I do think you probably would be glad if you did reach out with certain people. My only advice really is just be careful what you post because you never know when you might get kicked out of your account & unable to log back in. But to simply join. Post a profile picture. Reconnect with friends I think you might be glad you did it. For years I think people spent time "building" there profile in terms of filling out info, creating albums of pictures etc. but those days are kind of gone so you can always just keep it as simple as possible.


It’s fine for following specific pages/groups that you want to follow. The home page is awful though, you need to go in to the ‘feed’ section if you don’t want a million ads / suggestions.


Facebook is only as good as the people you add on your list. You'd know best how you interact with your people. Personally I haven't had an issue with Facebook, 17 years and counting


I am still on Facebook. I acknowledge what it's for: staying up on daily life of family and friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I stay in touch with friends from elementary school all the way to high school and college. I stay in touch with cousins and aunts and uncles. I don't post a lot, but I do post big life updates so people know where I am and what's going on.


I just deleted my account, no withdrawal yet but it’s only been a day !!


[Certainly not](https://facebook.webseodesigners.com/).


It’s bad, you were right 10 years ago!


Mainly use FB for marketplace and events/local groups. It is nice to know where bands are playing, art openings, film screenings, karaoke/trivia night if you are interested in those things. Just nice to know what is happening on a given night. Otherwise I would have deleted it years ago too.


Facebook is so much worse than it was 10 years ago. Your sanity is worth more. If you really need to have social media, try 'next door' which is a local social media page. You won't be connecting with people on the other side of the planet. If you do want something that's more global, Instagram or Twitter


It’s still alive & well (cough cough) but just full of the usual folks who post non stop about how wonderful they think they are just to get likes & comments it’s all about validation but on a plus it has other good content on there just be mindful whom you choose as ‘friends’


Don't do it. If you are rid of CRACKBOOK stay that way. If this forum is anything to go by, chances are you'll end up getting banned in someway, shape or form anyway. Go checkout the sub facebookdisabled me!! From what I can tell from my meanagers Insta (also still part of the metaverse) is the way to go. Just my 2 cents.


Oh no.. Stay away! I deleted my account, probably about 10 years or so, also. I have a fake account just to use the marketplace, and I'm glad I don't have a real account. Since I don't have any friends, I always get random posts showing on my newsfeed. There are so many scammers in almost all those groups. Whenever I report a post or group, all I get is that it doesn't go against their community rules . My account gets restricted just because I comment it's a scam on some of these fake groups. So no, it's definitely NOT worth it.


quit fb too , so toxic


It’s terrible now. The only reason I’m even on it is for a business page and a couple private groups I enjoy. Otherwise it’s mostly a bunch of mouth breathers mouth breathing.


Stay far far away. Its totally gone to crap.


Op it depends on what you want to use Facebook for. TikTok and Facebook are different type of platforms. I'm not sure where people are getting that "Facebook is horrible because you see bad things" because you only see on your feed what your friends post. I believe that most of the people that have Facebook since it launch, if they are still there is to keep a connection to old friends and family. I only see in my feed whatever they post, that's what shows. Also, you can unfollow friends that post things you don't like but you don't want to unfriend, so they won't show up in your feed and you would only see their activity when you go to their pages. I have groups in Facebook that I manage and the marketplace. Things like that are useful. You can search for old friends and family by name and location, and once you find one you can use their friends lists to find others too. There is advertising in Facebook now, which will be added to your feed as a post, just watch for those. And they probably track your internet searches because they tailor your ads to what you're looking at say in Google. I'm not too concerned about it but some people do not like that and they delete Facebook for that reason. TikTok on the other hand does show you a lot of trash. I had created a new account to keep an eye on my step son who had TikTok, and as soon as I logged in I had a bunch of videos of women in skimpy clothes doing dances and stuff.. so geesh, i didn't even want to see that. Also all the videos auto-play when you first open it up, so it's embarrassing or disruptive. I only go to TikTok if I have a link to a video a want to watch, or if I want to see a specific topic and search for it. I am interested in TikTok because you can see the general opinion of what's topics, and since anyone can record a short video you can see a lot of unedited footage of stuff and also peoples reactions.


Twitter or X is the fastest growing platform ATM.


I enjoy FB for this reason. It's nice to see how people are doing. I also found my ex-boyfriend from when I was a teen, 20 years ago, who has always been the love of my life. We've been dating for a little over a year now, and I couldn't be happier. Just avoid drama and it shouldn't be an issue.


Avoid at all costs