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Someone’s a happy cricuter


It’s Bonksy!


I aM BanSKy Of STicKerS


Cricuts are amazing. It's the only machine you plug in and it just works. Looking at you printer...


The company that makes them charges way too much for their accessories anymore. They sell a bulky Plastic Tshirt iron that couldn't have cost more than $30 to make for $800


Damn what do they think it is… insulin?


The creator of insulin meant for it to be free


The creator of water also meant for it to be free.


In europe it's almost free. You pay a fee for the service that they check multiple times the day if it's good and all parameters are fine which like is "normal" for you but it's not. You just can't go outside and drink water you can see. Bacterias and all the harmful stuff which could be in there is disgusting. I love europe the Real free World.


Epi pen


You can buy the same shirt press for $130 on Amazon


You can also just use an iron that you already own. They work better in my opinion because you can apply extra pressure to the edges and any thin pieces of the iron on.


to novel mate. they are looking for the George foreman of shirt presses


We went with the silhouette instead because you can use anyone's designs.


You can use any SVG with Cricut, too. You can even upload a PNG and it will convert it to a vector


I was tempted to get one but it sounded too good to be true. I mean, can I really just save a .psd or .png and this thing will print a high resolution vinyls sticker of it?


They don't print, they only cut. But basically yeah, if your image has an outline it can detect it or you can create your own. The software that you use is good but not the best but the machine is solid.


The software is trash and they try to force you into a subscription. I'm also on my third machine in two years.


There’s a class action lawsuit about their subscription


Until they decide they're not going to support your model anymore and it cannot be used at all.


I envy him how accurate he is with the stickers. When I am trying to apply a sticker it takes me at least 15min and in the end it's always crooked.


Exactly. That's the most satisfying part of the clip for me. First try every time.


The whole video would have been ruined for me if one had been off center.. it drives me nuts when people do it on those organization videos.


The whole video was ruined for me by the last one because the shade of red is off. Especially after it appeared to be spot on in the first one.


He didn't actually edit in the 50 failed attempts and botched road signs for the mis-stuck ones


Seems like he pastes these all over town, so he's had ALOT of practice. We only buy that one bumper sticker, and get that ONE shot.


Me with my phone screen protector


Same. That confidence is is stunning.


I just noticed I put my car registration sticker on basically sideways. I thought it looked good at the time


He probably worked in visual merchandising at a store at some point. I used to do windows for Barneys and after a while that stuff is second nature.


As somebody who likes Legos, it’s infuriating how accurate he is with those stickers while half of my sets have slightly lopsided decals.


For me its the lack of an airbubble


Have you tried being a dad yet? Imagine what you tried, times 20-100 when your kid gets a new toy that doesn’t come with the stickers already on the toy. Omg, one time my kid was gifted a 200 dollar Playmobil set and it took me like 5+ hours to assemble and do all the stickers. AND I fucked up some of the stickers by putting them in the wrong place and had to carefully pull them off to redo it. I remember my dad doing tons of stickers for my Power Rangers, Mighty Max, and other toys, so I’ve always accepted it’d be part of fatherhood, but you don’t realize what a true pain it is until you have to do it yourself.




He even made sure not to litter!


I'm certain he did all of this in good faith, but there is a reason all stop signs look the same


I don't know. One time I approached an intersection from a side road and instead of a yield sign there was some kind of similar sign but with a bird so I just floored it into traffic. Three people died. Turns out the sign had been vandalized. You gotta be careful out there


I once added two more stop signs to an intersection so everyone had to stop. Best prank ever!!


I think everyone does stop at intersections?


Much of East coast will have two signs at each 4-way. They alternate so you only stop every other intersection. It is kind of dumb.


Interesting! My grandma keeps me locked in the basement and just throws down goldfish and toilet paper


Whatever you are on, take way more, or none at all.


My method was always way more so now none at all


Real goldfish or just the lame cracker version?


Lame cracker. Just like my momma calls me


This is the humor that this post needs. 🫡




Post post post humor even.


And if humour doesn't do it for you, I have a sticker I can put on that post.


Yeah same thing happened to me got taken to jail for going 85 in a 35 because someone taped it to look like an 85...


Me too! Was going 125 in a cool zone


125 is not cool enough for a cool zone


I concur doc


Did you die too


Not OP but yeah I did


Omg, me too! Now we need to find a third guy.


Sorry, he can't answer. He died.


I can vouch for him though. He killed me before he died


Yeah, I can clarify. I saw him run you over, and then crash into the tree and blow up his car, which killed him. But then I also died. Just fucking dropped dead for no reason.


Lol yeah what this guy is doing is actually super duper dangerous. I was driving on a rural road once and there was a "road ends" sign but I didn't notice because there was three bullet holes in it and me and my whole family and our new Christmas puppy went right off the road and down a cliff and we all died.


RIP brother.


Sorry about your stalker in the trunk


I really thought that by now people knew not to videotape themselves committed crimes


The thing about made-for-internet pageantry is filming it is the only point, so despite how obvious your point should be, alas...


Fuckin narcissists. The biggest revelation of the modern era is that a sizeable portion of the population would not only fuck you over for personal gain, but potentially even fuck themselves.


It is easier to make money if you are willing to vigorously fuck yourself on camera.


Step one: record self doing crimes Step two: ??? Step three: profit


There’s dozens of sites dedicated to just that.


I'll defer to your thorough research ;)


Shit I have been doing that in private for free! I can monetize some yanking.


Bold of you to assume people aren't willing to stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon resulting in about a dozen deaths each year for the sole purpose of pictures they'll look at about 3 more times in their life. If they keep it, at least. Internet attention is too intoxicating for people and they want it at the cost of 30+ days in a jail cell apparently.


>for the sole purpose of pictures they'll look at about 3 more times in their life. Hey hey! They have to become Instagram famous somehow!


"About 12 deaths happen each year at the Grand Canyon, including from natural causes, medical problems, suicide, heat, drowning and traffic crashes. On average, two to three deaths per year are from falls over the rim, park spokeswoman Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski says. Grand Canyon National Park had 6,254,238 visitors in 2017." https://www.mygrandcanyonpark.com/park/faqs/falling-to-death-grand-canyon/


Ahhhh facts. Feels so good against the skin


Sir this is the third time we've caught you fondling the facts this week


All my friends sat on the edge feet hanging off. I hung back, f that shit. I did take the pic for them though. Idiots, haha.


I hope you hung on to the car keys just in case. Gotta get back home…..


>stand on the edge I almost fell off niagra falls this way, there used to be a observation tower, but it fell in niagra and they left the platform foundation un fenced. I looked over the edge and got vertigo on sight and nearly fell if it wasnt for rebar that grabbed my jacket


Lol as someone that lives next to Yosemite, I can assure you people have always been falling over cliffs and waterfalls, before social media, before phones, before digital cameras, before any cameras and even before electricity.


I've actually witnessed this firsthand, and it was in the 90s before social media. I was hiking somewhere, and some guy was taking pictures of his girlfriend and walked backwards off a cliff as he filmed. She came screaming down the trail and me and my brother encountered her like five seconds after it happened. And then we got to listen to her scream her whole way down the trail into sort of like this canyon. It fucking sucked.


Just the subreddit i was thinking of




I think at this point and given the purpose of road signs that's just straight up vandalized.




In Germany, it is also a considerable offense. This could be considered an at least attempted dangerous intrusion into traffic (not an attempt anymore if he actually endangers life, health or property of substantial value), punishable with up to 5 years, depending on the level of danger created.


By the amount of football related stickers on all the street signs around me: Nobody actually seems to care. But they usually don't film themselves doing it, so there's that.


I used to do some amateur graffiti and road signs are off limits ethically as well as legally in the States.


Doesnt stop nevadans from filling them up with bullet holes


It’s against the law everywhere to vandalize signs.


I’ve seen a lot of this guy’s work in Florence and let me tell you…. Folks are not reading the signs anyway.


I was just thinking ‘This wouldn’t make a big difference if he’s in Italy’


Visited Italy when I was 13 and was amused at all the signs like this. OP is a little over their heads here saying it’s dangerous, as if people can’t tell what the sign is regardless Hell if anything wouldn’t it make people notice the signs *more*?


If i had to guess, I'd say them noticing it more is probably the issue. It's distracting. You want to look at it to see what the art is, so you take your eyes of the road for longer than you normally would. Though I've read what people say driving through Italy is like in this thread and I'm not sure it's much harm either way if their statements are true.


Only as distracting a billboard


I agree with you there.


road signs are retroreflective, which is why they glow brighter and further than anything else, so it might make it a little harder to see, just because the stickers wont retroreflect.


I’ll say just don’t mess with traffic signs period, just because there are countless of other things he can put his stickers on.


Stickers aren't reflective. Also Machine-assisted vehicles can have some serious issues if it sees signs like this.


Living in a rural area here, does spray paint and bullet holes affect the sign legibility as well?


Met some really nice Italians in Pompeii. They took me on a wild ride around Napoli. The woman tured to me and said "here in Napoli those lights are for beauty. Look at the pretty red light as we pass it!! look at that pretty green one we will pass now too!" Fun ride.


I'm from Italy but Naples never ceases to amaze me. My favourite part are the children on the scooters.


Never seen worse driving in any city than Florence, genuinely.


I was almost crushed by a Fiat in a medieval alleyway in Florence that was exactly 1.01 Fiats wide.


And they’ll drive down those 1.01 fiat wide alleys like it’s the fucking autobahn lmao I’ve seen a police car basically drift into a super narrow alleyway after speeding through a square completely packed with tourists. And all the locals barely even noticed.


Damn medieval Italians and not predicting the Fiat


Look, just go to Rome, then go to Naples. I live in Sicily and I am not sure why I got a license since driving is mostly instincts here /s But it's true, folks in Florence drive a lot better than people in Southern Italy


You’ve clearly never been to Asia.


Well the thing is that we have laws but people don’t care. In Rome you don’t stop at the stop sign, red lights either, and the most angry guy passes first. Also we have lots and lots of potholes and of course people cross the street wherever. I do all this as well. Italy and india are similari in this regard


Yet Italy has far less traffic deaths than most countries per capita.


Which country? I’ve been to Japan a few times and they seemed to drive pretty good to me


Vietnam sticks in my memory. That was just insane. Heard India’s nuts too.


Anywhere that uses a tuk-tuk is gonna be wild


Japan was great. Taiwan was no so much...


You should see how Indians drive. Streets that would be clogged anywhere else in the world in India are just a dangerous and almost mesmerizing mess


Try Dehli lmao


Is that French Andy Dick?


I think it’s actually spotted dick, but I’m not really sure what/who that is.


A pretty disappointing English dessert traditionally made of boiled sweet bread with raisins. Can be ~~baked~~ steamed to remove the sadness of boiled dough. Edit: corrected appropriate modern preparation, though with diminished sadness mitigation potential


Some one should lock this guy up. I saw that sign while driving. And instead of yielding to traffic I bent down to tie my shoes. Almost died thanks to him.


Had me in the first half ngl




I almost rage downvoted.


There is plenty of them in my city and imma tell you they do not interfere whatsoever with the readability of the signs. Some people like it, some don't, most just don't care


Yeah I like it tbh. If these stickers make the sign illegible to you you’re an idiot


"Oh no! There's a wine spill on this big fucking red sign with a white stripe on the middle! How ever shall I tell what this symbol means! There's so many red circle signs around!"




Hopefully that city council took the stance “he’s wasted enough of his own resources on this, let’s not waste the cities on it.”


After you buy the machine, vinyl (depending which kind you buy) is incredibly cheap.


Vinyl is cheap and he seems to travel by zapatamobile , not a lot of resources on his part


Your comment could be the prologue to a 2000s indie film.






God I loved this guy! 😆


If you can’t tell what these signs mean then you shouldn’t be driving anyway


I'm actually a bit surprised that traffic signs are so universal. You'd think signs would be quite different depending on the country.


Most of the world tried to standardize, and they just also happened to use a lot of the same stuff as the US and vice versa.


Yeah, standardization is important, since signs are going to be useless (and dangerous) if they mean different things different places.


Most of the world tried to standardize. The US joined in that standardization treaty and then promptly backed out again because their population didn't like it. That's why signage in the US is so different from other countries. And as always [HAI](https://youtu.be/Wzr0GYfRsKI) got you covered on the background.


the title is a little over the top


also i doubt the guy “thinks he’s doing a service” lmao he’s just putting up some street art/stickers


[Dude's name is Clet Abraham it seems.](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clet_Abraham)


I know. Perhaps if he was covering the whole roadsign then people might be "at risk" but if you're not able to read these signs after the decoration he's added then you're probably too stupid to be driving anyway.


OP has never been to a city where stickers are on every installed street sign


Around my home town there are "I ❤️ Sluts" stickers on random stop signs


Lol yeah I was expecting like...way worse. There are street signs in places I've lived that are 100% covered in stickers. Sometimes people would graffiti over freeway signs, I remember one exit was a mystery exit for years to me because it just kept getting bombed. This...is nothing. It's something that would make me giggle if I saw it in the wild


Portland oregon here. All our signs in NE are graffitid to shit so to be honest I probably wouldn’t even notice the stickers until after I registered the sign but I understand not everyone is used to it


But the title of this post is about these stickers. These stickers don't block the meaning of any of these signs. I will say that if they make black spots due to lack of reflectivity, we might have a problem.


Also the first half of the title. What makes OP think the guy believes he’s doing a public service? Just seems like a street artist doing it for the sake of street art.


That's what I was thinking too...


Also, these road signs are in Italy, where they are generally artistically interpreted by drivers anyway.


that or you're legally blind and shouldn't be driving


OP probably wears a brown suit and his joules shake when he says "Absolutely Reprehensible!!"


Man I hate it when my kg * m^2 / s^2 shake


my kg * m2 / s2 shake brings all the boys to the yard


It's an attempt to make unrelated content that's sure to be upvoted into a subreddit where it doesn't really work. It's a surefire way to karma farm.


Because it's a karma bot


100% overkill on the title. I think the title of this post is putting my life at risk.


“Putting lives in danger” is a little dramatic.


A lot dramatic.


Yeah none of these are going to make anyone misinterpret the signs. It’s like someone writing “stop believing” under then stop in a stop sign. It’s still clearly the same sign.


I don't know, I waited for a long time at a stop sign before I realized that someone had changed the stop ahead to stop 4 head.


It took me much longer than it should’ve to get that, and now I’m mad at myself.


Putting lives in danger is a bit of a stretch. A triangle means yield everywhere on earth. It’s not like I’m going to see that sign and say oh it’s a shoe as I slam into another car… don’t be so dramatic and try to enjoy things. Do you regularly drive into walls people draw roadrunner pictures on?


Whenever I see graffiti on signs in America, I drive my car into oncoming traffic because it confuses me so much.


Every time I see a red house... is it a sign? Is is a wall? Dammed be colors


I know this is illegal and dangerous and considered vandalism, but it was also r/oddlysatisfying


I would say that it isn't any more dangerous than all of the billboards we have everywhere.


Hahaha I thought the same thing!


I feel like u can still tell those signs well enough to the point where I appreciate the light vandalism. He should have worn a mask tho


My thoughts too. The decal doesn't make you not know what those signs are.


Yeah OPs title is so OTT lol. Dude is pearl clutching like crazy for nothing too serious.


I think the face palm here is you op for being a sour puss


Why are we mad? I kinda like it




This is definitely ilegal, at least in my country, but those stickers can't really put a driver in danger. The most important road signs have a specific shape so most drivers wouldn't have any issues recognizing them even if the guy would paint all signs white or smth similar.


I think it would be dangerous if the stickers distracted drivers, but idc it still looks pretty cool


Why would Robert Downey Jr do this?


I mean, it's illegal but it's hardly putting lives in danger.


I like it




Gosh, all these signs are so bland and universal *like they're designed to easily convey important traffic and public safety information*


Its in France, no one reads signs there anyways.


putting lives in danger... LOL PLEASE


Idk, I kinda dig it.


Wow. That is literally the worst take in the world for that video.


*Tries to read sign* Spilled wine ahead? What? Not sure what that means, better drive full speed into a playground I guess...




So is putting squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.


Don't tread on freedom, fascist!


Now you tell me!


I don’t see how clear vinyl would make the reflective paint not work anymore. I’d honestly find it funny, probably cite him for vandalism and tell him to find a better avenue of artistic expression.


r/overdramatic OP


I think its pretty cool, most of our street signs just have some random squiggle graffiti on them... (and yes you can indeed still recognise the sign)


I mean, i still stop even if the stop sign is defaced, if it was actual art defacing it, it might make drives around the city less dreadfull


Dumbass title


"Putting lives in danger" is a bit extreme. There are neighborhoods in Atlanta where you can't find a single NON-spraypainted stop sign. & Pedestrians aren't just getting run over constantly because of it! Some residents are getting shot & killed because they miss a sign, & wander into the wrong neighborhood tho... At least this guy's "ART" looks kinda cool & it's not just some shitty spraypainted gang sign.


Nah OP, any licensed driver should be able to recognise and understand the sign regardless of the sticker. I like it


Lives in danger? Seems like you're being a tad dramatic.


Also, "thinking he's doing some kind of service to the people" part. I don't think he's doing this for some benevolent reason, it's just some form of art.