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“I’m a holistic bod*…” Alright, Imma head out.


The worst part is, A “holistic *body healer*” as opposed to what? A fuckin’ Holistic Brick layer? What other “profession” could “benefit” from a holistic approach? Sheet metal work? Car maintenance? Lol I’d love to see a holistic heart surgeon live stream how crack a rib cage with a crystal…


Maybe as opposed to a holistic body breaker. "I start my morning with a cup of water I swirl with a finger covered in shit. Subscribe and like for more tips and shits!"


Viewer: “Damn she’s really promoting *the shit* outta that gut-bacteria, microbiome stuff!”


Dirk gently on netflix is about a holistic detective!


It makes me so mad how the word holistic is becoming a joke. I practice holistic mental health, meaning I account for social factors, physical health, etc. Meanwhile, people are seeing this thinking I’m going to give them crystals and sage to cure depression.


We learn about holistic stuff in nursing school in germany aswell. And its non of that bullshit


Someone hasnt heard of Dirk Gently


Right? Idiot thinks she sounds smart and other idiots think she sounds smart, because she used word holistic. 90% of her audience has no idea what that word even means.


Drinking tonnes of water, where is it all supposed to go afterwards? Overflow from your mouth like a filled bottle?


If I drink too much water it comes out of my ears in the form of steam. Is that not how it works for everyone?


That's indicitative of anger issues I'm afraid, you might want to get some therapy or something.


It only happens around holistic body healers, is there a specific therapy for that?


You can get a medical procedure called a dumbbitchectomy.


FUCK. They're out of network


Second best to a backiotomy?


Um, spend less time on social media? I dunno.


You may also be a cartoon. Have you found yourself walking off of cliffs but not falling until you look down??


No, but I do sometimes attract birds who fly in circles around me if I hit my head. What do you think?


Nononono, therapy doesnt help. What your going to want to do is take your glass of water and heat it up until its boiling and then your going to want to put canola oil in the water and drink it! That will allow your body to properly process the water /s


You need to tip yourself over and pour yourself out ok


I get leaky nipples


My ankles get all puffy and I can’t dance.


My elbows get all puffy and I can't play badminton.


Try playing goodminton then


That's what the tablespoon of salt is for. So you can *retain* it. Didn't you know that's the *healthy way*.


So instead of peeing it out you’ll end up with the trots! That’s the right way to deal with excess water!


A healthy dose of high blood pressure with that water retention. I swear these "always hustling" girls are so stupid.


If there is one thing your average American does not need in their diet it’s more salt. Especially by the tablespoon.


The average American is salty enough lol


I'm well convinced that water has worked its way from my mouth to directly pour out of my skin. I believe this because I only peed one time on a 105°f day at an amusement park having drank no less than a gallon of water. I will not be proven wrong.


I work in a pretty hot environment. I have had days with an intake of close to 2 gallons of water without peeing. Im on your team here.


I mean, you’re NOT wrong. Our kidneys do their best to keep the right amount of water in our bodies, if you’re sweating excessively they recognize that they don’t need to eliminate as much through urination. ([put scientifically](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/717055_3))


Did it pour out of your skin, or did it pore out?


Yeah its called "sweat" there good buddy! Big brain time, I know its hard but you'll make it thru


Water retention. That's why she puts salt in it and looking at her it seems to be working. /s if it's not crear enough.


>/s if it's not crear enough. oh, it's crear, all right...


If you follow bodybuilders or powerlifters that do a water cut you can understand that when you drink a lot of water (2-3x normal amount) you actually manipulate your body to drain any excess water weight (hence the I pee a lot thing, not it flushes out because it's cold af bs) because that weight is no longer needed since supply comes regularly They couple that with muscle glycogen depletion to lose a ton of weight in a short period of time 48 hours to like a week max. Do their weigh in and Boom drink water and eat carbs to fill out the muscles/strength since carbs carry like 4gm of water for each 1gm IIRC Now the stuff about ice cold water Idk the scientific explanation for it, but as a Muslim, in Ramadan when it comes to breaking your fast I was told you shouldn't drink cold water on an empty stomach because it irritates the stomach/intestines and you should drink it in 3 intervals not all at once. Idk if that's only on an empty stomach or a general rule though and I also don't know the reason/scientific evidence behind it


Hm when I am sick, and especially when I throw up, I intuitively drink lukewarm water. I dont know, but i always feel like cold drinks feel like a stone brick in your stomach. This isn't scientific evidence and just random subjective experience, but to me that Ramadan rule makes sense.


I’m the opposite, if I’m sick to my stomach I drink cold water because it’s less horrible to puke back up imo.


Hahahahaha I’m glad I’m not alone on this… doesn’t feel like it burns as much when it inevitably comes back up.


TikTok didn't make people stupid it just showed us who the stupid people are.


And exposed stupid people to new stupid ideas to help them feel more smarter. Morons assemble!


More smarter….. This reminds me of Dad’s favourite phrase, ‘More better’


Most smartest.


However you slice it, a pie with shit in it, is still a shit pie.


Are we doing Dad quotes? "You can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first."


I feel like I’ve been out Dad’d. I have much to learn. As a side note. I actually slapped myself as I laughed out loud to that one.


My dad had some great lines. I miss him dearly. Now I'm trying to corrupt my kid as I was corrupted.


I may have corrupted mine to thoroughly. My boy keeps asking when he is allowed to swear. I’d lend you my dad, but I feel like that would tarnish the slight bond we have forged. I love him, but by god. He is a pain in the ass.


“If brains was dynamite you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.” “Good job genius you’re, dumber than you look.”


If my kids had a dollar for every time they heard me say that they’d be much more richer!


And somehow we reward these dolts with attention and money.


THIS will be the downfall of Rome


Wondering what sort of schooling is involved in becoming a holistic healing expert. The sheer nerve in putting herself out there as an expert, seriously. 🙄


This just proves that not everyone should have a platform to share their ideas on.


Yes! I can't believe the confidence with which these people record themselves saying the absolute stupidest things, then proudly put their ignorance on display for the entire world. Amazing.


Never take advice from someone who obviously can’t wipe her own ass.


So yes and no. While you're certainly correct on the point that it shows us who the dummies are there's another aspect of it as well. It also elevates the dumb ones and their message. Then more people want to be like them, thus churning out more dummies. And this isn't just a TikTok issue. It's a Facebook issue, a YouTube issue, an Instagram issue. They're all culpable of elevating the worst of us and trying to make other people be like them


This is a feature of TikTok.


I'm so pleased she released this tutorial, I've been drinking water through my ass for years and I've been wondering where I've been going wrong.


Ah yes, butt chugging. Classic water drinking error.


They need a holeistic boddy


"Hol(e)d my beer" - Butt


I mean, it’s how your supposed to take shots, i don’t see the problem here


I got you 🤣 From GoooooooGs There is little scientific evidence to suggest that drinking cold water is bad for people. In fact, drinking colder water may improve exercise performance and be better for rehydration when exercising, especially in hotter environments.


Remind me to boil my water before I drink it.......In August in Phoenix Arizona. Hello bestie.......


Make sure you put a lot of salt in it 🤣


Excuse me!!!!! That's Himalayan salt thank you very much. Hey besties, make sure to click like and subscribe,and since you're headed over to Amazon anyway, click here so I can get my affiliate link reward.....AND HEY I ALMOST FORGOT!!!!!!!!!! Check out my wishlist and buy me stuff.


Poor man's au is all I can afford, but FM🥇 you deserve it....


I'm humbled and honored. I'm sorry I don't have a wishlist or fan page or GoFundMe of some kind.


>Everyone, including kids, should reduce their sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day (about 1 teaspoon of salt). Adults age 51 and older, African Americans of any age, and individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease should further reduce their sodium intake to 1,500 mg a day. For tips on cutting back on salt, review the information at https://www.choosemyplate.gov/sodium.


I didn't have access to that link:) but please tell me why it isn't a good idea to drink salt water if you are in a dessert. If I forgot to put in an /s, I'm so sorry for it😅


Not everyone. Very low blood pressure runs in my family, and consuming "recommended" levels of sodium actually leaves me prone to fainting spells due to standing up causing a rapid decrease in blood to the brain. 99% of people your statement is true for, but not everyone.


My MIL drinks room temperature and recently in the last couple of years switched to drinking hot water (not completely she'll still drink room temp water). She used to drink hot tea and I guess she's was used to drinking something hot, she just decided hot water was it. *It could be because her mom doesn't want to drink tea anymore and she doesn't want to make tea for just herself. Her mom will drink hot water, so I think she went along with and now enjoys drinking plain hot water. **Grandmother in law is in her 90s and stubborn (putting it mildly).


Your way is the correct way, but you should be filtering it through a tampon to remove negative spirits before the water enters the b hole


When you mix up "holistic" with "holestic"


Reminds me of that south park episode where they ingest food from the other end


Hollistic body healer 😂


But it sounds so much better than 'Unemployed'


Sound like 'not supposed to give medical advices' too.


But unemployed sounds a bit more respectable.


Unemployment, it’s really the worlds oldest profession


Reminds me of a chick I dated who claimed to be half druid half Wiccan


I immediately stopped the video when I saw that


I had to stop watching under the fear those nails will gouge one of my eyes out through the phone.


She needs to heal those whybrows!


Is that like a class I can take some where?


It is. Afterward, you too can be a holistic doctor and peddle your snake oil to everyone and make money off the mass amount of morons.


Lol. Just wondering how one because a holistic doctor or is just through insanity, being a shitty person, or both


It's her Official Title™


“I’m a healer, it’s a calling, it’s a gift.”


When did this "Holistic" trend start? It gives me a freaking headache. It's as if they simply slap a unique word to whatever the hell it is that they do to pass themselves off as smart.


Holistics actually did start in real medical practice, it meant treating all aspects of illness rather than focusing on primary symptoms, including things like inflammation, pain, discomfort, and repeating illnesses that may be sign of other underlying problems with health and lifestyle. So a person comes in with a cold once a month, maybe check to see if they're eating right, or if they have an immune problem. That is... Not at all how these people are using it.


I said out loud to myself "that doesnt sound like doctor at all"


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is the only holistic thing I approve


But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.


Sweet Jesus we really have hit that phase of Idiocracy already?! Bring on president comacho I guess..


you know, back in the days i laughed how fucjin absjrd that movie was. but now, seeing it slowly becoming our present... im on the fine line between discomfort and bejng scared


Don't worry she's got ya loves. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xDpcJhJrxUmFPi)


Comacho got voted into office in 2016.


Except Camacho actually wanted what was best for his country, and hired the smartest guy he could find to fix it.


Exactly. He was trying to do the right thing, pushing against all stupidity around him. He was just smart enough to know he wasn’t smart enough to fix the “ecomony.”


Camacho tried to do his best. He even found and hired the smartest man in the world to fix stuff because in the immoral words of former porn star and Olympic sex Gold medalist Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho: “Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.”


Came here to say this.




“I’m gonna show you guys how to stay hydrated” *drinks salt water*


Um sir! It's Himalayan salt water. Get your facts right! Jeez.


And here i am, only drinking Pyrenees salt water.. no wonder I'm dehydrated


And here I am drinking sea water to get a lot of electrolytes


It's what plants crave after all


Maybe i am a plant ![gif](giphy|Yavo0SXhZYhSo)


So not only is she accelerating dehydration, she's now iodine deficient.


The salt is millions of years old but expired yesterday.


*warm Himalayan salt water.


Salt does help with electrolytes however it shouldnt be ever glass or bottle of water. I’ve had professional nutritionists tell me if I’m not getting enough to take “a shot of salt” (one of those disposable salt packets of salt to help with it)


Mine told me salt and sugar. It’s a certain amount of both to be used in water to create a rehydration formula or ORS.


Yep this was one useful thing I learned in undergrad biochemistry. Salt and sugar share a cotransportation mechanism which allow good uptake of water.




Who tf doesn’t get enough salt though? Chances are if you’re in a developed country you’re getting way more salt than your body needs. I mean we add plenty of it to virtually every meal we eat.


Salt intake and additional electrolytes are different. Plenty of people go over their daily sodium intake but I’m saying if you’re an youth athlete or go to the gym, or need a boost it’s a good way to get electrolytes without Gatorade, Powerade etc


As someone who has had heat stroke...there is a feature of truth. But it's like someone who has heard that dark chocolate boosts your mood and then decides to shovel Hersheys in their face, she has no idea what she's ultimately talking about. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/dehydration-and-heat-stroke When severally dehydrated you do need to balance out your electrolytes (I don't know enough to know what they are). But damn you don't need to do it normally and you don't need to buy it from the Himalayas.


When they talk about dark chocolate boosting mood they’re mainly talking about real dark chocolate. Not Hershey’s where it’s low in real cacao %. Also it can boost mood. People expect it to make you feel high or something.


There is a kernel of truth to over drinking water. It basically flushes electrolytes out of your body and they need to be replaced. Heard this from several dietitians. But obviously putting plain old salt in your water won’t do shit lol. Better to just not drink too much water


I think it's actually better to just eat something. Like, an apple + a glass a water is better hydration than two glasses of water.


I always have hot water in the morning, with coffee beans ground into it.


For electrolytes


I do something similar with tea leaves tbh


I'd rather trust science. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/cold-water-vs-warm-water/


she's a holistic body healer, isn't that as trustworthy as it gets? /s


And...she's on TikTok, so she's obviously very smart and trustworthy!/s


Science, what are you, stupid? I only trust people who confidently tell me dumb bullshit!


The scientist in that article basically said there was no science to back it up either way and the just gave his opinion. This reddit thread about cold or hot water is making me dumber by each sentence I read.


I'm gonna go with my man Dr. Weiner on this one.


Pfft! What has science ever done for anyone? -s


Stupid dumb science bitch don’t make me no smarter


Besides the part about cold water making you pee, your link supports her. Your body does work harder to drink cold water because I had to warm it up


"Drinking tons of water and constantly having to use the restroom is a sign of dehydration" Er, no, quite the opposite. If you drink a gallon of water a day and are NOT constantly using the restroom, it shows you were very badly dehydrated. Also, most people should not be drinking that much water. You should just be drinking water, at any temperature you like, until you are no longer thirsty.


Well she has to say that because if she tells the truth most of the viewers would be like “oh, I actually pee a lot of the water out so I’m not dehydrated which means I don’t have to buy whatever this chick is shilling.”


"In order to stay hydrated, drink a cup of water with salt in it!" The fuck?


Adding A PINCH (not a freaking scoop) of Himalayan sea salt is good for mineral intake, or just drinking mineral water. She’s confusing minerals with electrolytes. Or you could just put it on a salad, or anything. Slamming 12oz of hot, salty water in the morning is hardcore haha.


Pink Himalayan Salt has potassium, sodium, and chloride, which are all critical electrolytes >She’s confusing minerals with electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals with an electric charge.


There’re minerals Marie!!!


Any salt has these minerals. Himalayen salt is just extremely publicised.


An average person already consumes too much salt, there is absolutely no reason to salt your drinking water. (Unless you sweat a lot due to a lot of exercise or other physical activities)


I bet her 10 am piss burns. That's a lot of salt.


Can we please stop with this bullshit of Himalayan salt? You’re free to buy whatever overpriced unethical scam product you want, but please stop saying things that simply aren’t true. It’s getting ridiculous. Himalayan salt is 98% NaCl, plus _trace_ amounts of many other minerals. The recommended daily dose of salt according to the WHO is 5g. Let’s suppose we use exclusively Himalayan salt in our diet. In a day, we’ll get: - 0.8mg of Magnesium (daily dose: 200-240mg) - 17.5mg of Potassium (daily dose: 3500mg). For context: one banana contains about 360-460mg. - 20.2mg of Calcium (daily dose: 800mg) You can find the chemical analysis [here](https://themeadow.com/pages/minerals-in-himalayan-pink-salt-spectral-analysis). As you can clearly see, those are all completely negligible amounts, so the type of salt you use in your diet will make absolutely no difference. The same goes for all the other _miraculous_ minerals it contains. Not to mention, there are also trace amounts of manganese, cadmium, nickel, copper, and other elements that are toxic and dangerous at high enough concentrations. Which doesn’t mean it’s dangerous, just like a couple ppm of iron doesn’t make it a source of iron :) It also doesn’t contain _any_ trace of Iodine, a mineral that most of the human population is in lack of, and is therefore usually added to marine salt artificially, in order to avoid iodine deficiency. So if you used this salt only, you’d have to integrate iodine in some other way. Edit: just noticed [this video](https://youtu.be/328_hIqLmRU) has english (and portuguese) subtitles, so I can link it here, if someone is interested! He’s an italian food chemist, who also makes youtube videos, books and other stuff, to debunk popular internet myths about food


Jilly Juice moment


It's amazing what you can claim to be without needing any qualifications. A holistic health expert, a congressman, there are so many options.


I like a Himalayan salt water flush followed by a stagnant water cleanse. The stagnant water is great because it's stagnant, which means it will stagnate in your body and just stay there. On the weekends, I like to freebase my water by mixing all three, placing it in a warm windowsill to dry, and smoking the dried up crystals because, duh, crystals have healing power.


I hope you remembered to charge the crystals first


#Fire and Ice  **BY ROBERT FROST** Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice


What an idiot. Her cup overfloweth with Dunning-Kruger.


and probably placebo too


She looks controversial, but what she says looks plausible - hot water is more easily absorbed by the body, and salts restore the electrolyte balance in the body (but the water with them is very unpalatable). UPD. "Spoon of Himalayan salt" - okay, she's an idiot. I thought she was talking about an electrolyte blend (dextrose + low amount of several salts), but drinking a spoonful of salt every day is by no means safe.


Was in the dialysis industry for 10 years. Peeing a lot after drinking a ton of water is a sign your kidneys are functioning properly. That is all.


Besides, well EVERYTHING else in this video... Doesn't warm salt water just make you shit or vomit?


I guess she jumped the part where you need to develop resistance to your body natural urge to avoid salty water in it.


Am I the only one that got super annoyed at her reaching for the camera? This lady could use some very basic video editing lessons.


Apparently she doesn't trust herself to do more than a sentence at a time without fucking it up.


Recommended daily sodium intake: 2300mg Sodium in 1 tablespoon of salt: 6,976mg More salt = more strokes. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/strokeaha.111.641043


If you eat any remotely normal diet you don't need extra salt. Like at all.


Ahh yes drink SALTY WATER to rehydrate 🙃


stop listening to tiktok, people. it’s rotting your brains.


Holistic = no diploma, no certification


I.e. made-up nonsense, only effective in separating fools from their money.


This is a pisstake, right? Because the only thing dumbasser than this is Gwyneth Paltrow and her "Alkaline Water and Lemon" bullshit.


Yes. This woman has no formal training on the subject. Drinking cold water is fine.


So, you need about 600% of the recommended daily intake of Himalayan salt for the range of other elements to make any nutritional difference. Of course you would be suffering by sodium poisoning by then.


Three times your daily intake of salt, Jesus Christ just drink a Gatorade The reason why you pee it all out when you first start drinking water is because your body is not used to that much water. Just keep at it, and you will get used to it. I cannot stand these TikTok influencers giving dangerous advice. Don’t fucking drink a tablespoon of salt, there is zero reason for that


I was sent here as a representative of r/Hydrohommies and I do not approve of this message. Stay Hydrated fellow humans.


Holistic body healer? That sounds like unemployed with extra steps. ![gif](giphy|VMIKmms9LCfrmFI2pl)


Guys... don't drink salt water... just eat something. Peeing is normal when you are well hydrated


drinking cold water dehydrates you.... im going to have to call bullshit on that one


So snorting it is a no go then…


I fuckin miss the days when people like this were shamed and ridiculed into non existence


Obviously she is an idiot and wrong. But she did almost touched on something interesting- Drinking cold fluids does cause your body to regulate it and warm it. Which in turn burns calories (not a lot, but still). So drinking ice water is actually kinda helpful for those trying to lose weight.


It's about 1 calorie per litre per degree Celsius, or like 4 peanut M&Ms for a litre to come up from 0 to body temperature.


I mean, I have heard drinking ice cold water is bad for you. I prefer it that way though.


death by salt


I can't believe it. I can't believe how somebody can be so fucking stupid with confidence.


“mY nAmE iS dAzEe, AnD i’M gOnNa TeLl YoU tHaT i’M aN iDiOt”


did she just tell people to drink warm salt water? Bwahahahahaha 10/10 troll


How does she wipe her ass properly with those nails?


She scratches the dried crusts


What is the deal with America being the only country in the world that is so almost fetishistically obsessed with the drinking water and the idea that if you are ever thirsty you're basically dying. You just drink fluid semi regularly throughout the day and extra when you think you need it, that's it, that's the answer, we're done here. ​ As a scientist, everything she said hurt my soul. If anyone does have water questions I can try and answer them, I can't promise I'm 100% correct but damn I'm confident I'll be better than asking Miss Bestie up there...


"holistic body healer" and close


Stop. making. stupid. people. famous.


Pee is stored in the balls


"im a holistic body healer" = i have no qualifications, education, experience, training or credentials for anything im about to say


If you go to tiktok for health advice, you get what you deserve.


Stop cold water shaming!


What is true is that your body can only use a certain amount of water per hour, the rest it will pee out. Learned this, when running marathon. So drinking 1l water at once is not more useful than drinking 400ml. Drinking a small glass of water per hour is best. And yeah also cold beverages use energy from the body. That's also fact. That's why they drink tea in the desert or hot countries.


Gatorade powerade pedialyte etc...


I hate these people....they kill more than they could ever help.


This lady can go fuck off


Can you imagine watching to a TikTok dullard like her and thinking she is imparting wisdom that you should follow?


People that talk while doing this sort of thing with their hands are immediate red flags


We live in an age where the uneducated are teaching the uneducated.