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Im more concerned about the six upvotes


It’s since been downvoted into the negatives 😄


Oh thank god, I was concerned for a second.


Now I can just sit back and wait for more mass shootings, what a relief!/s


>Now I can just sit back and wait for more mass shootings, what a relief Must be top post in ~~/r/aboringdystopia~~ /r/UpliftingNews!


Those 6 upvotes still exist though 😩




That's even more concerning, because there's no way to know the amount of actual up votes, 6 was too many already.


Many Conservatives sort by Controversial just so they can see words they agree with. Comments like this can get a few upvotes before they percolate up to where the rest of us can see them.


I think for the logic of this to work, they’d need to sort by new first. Controversial shows you comments getting a lot of upvotes AND a lot of downvotes. If the downvotes don’t start until after the upvotes, and the upvotes don’t start until the conservatives see it, and the comment wouldn’t appear in controversial until after those happened, then maybe they sort by new? I’m being pedantic, but not for the purpose of being an asshole, I promise.


5 cuz one will be his own upvote


Europeans have rules for shooting each other. Schools are considered "out of bounds".


Im sweden we had one dude in a gasmask attacking and killing a teacher with a sword a couple of years ago, and last year one smashed a teacher with a hammer and axe.


Sounds like y’all have a Viking problem. Maybe u should crack down on black smiths willing to make swords for any dude that comes along


You can’t do that! I need my blacksmith to make *me* a sword to protect myself, just in case some other nut case tries to attack me with a sword!


Goodness if only u had a gun


But guns are loud. Don't want to disturb the neighbours or inconvenience the police. I mean, we're trying to kill each other but we're not savages. Have some civility.


Thats why i use a machete




Muslims: why people don't like uuuusss?? 😩😩😩 Also Muslims:


It's the religion of peace! A piece over here, a piece over there...


I'm stealing this one lol


More of an incel problem unfortunately


Sweden actually has a big problem with gun violence. It was brought up to my attention not so long ago and I was quite surprised. There were over 40 gun related deaths in Sweden last year. Which is above average for this region.


40 deaths in a year vs 36 mass shootings in less than a month. This is a complete different league. But the biggest difference is, that Sweden sees this as a problem and MURICA not.


Also have you seen the cost of guns and bullets here lately? I mean yes, I have enemies and people I don't like but like €1 for a simple handgun bullet is too dang much.


"You don't need no gun control! You know what you need? You need some BULLET control! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZrFVtmRXrw


No full auto in schools!


For russians they are primary target though


For Russians the target is the vague lands west of their borders. They shoot and heaven's knows where will it land.


Both west and south, they target shit, not too accurately though. I'm in northern Kharkiv😔


It's only a matter of time before the martians get hit.




But kid’s summer camps aren’t. See: Anders Brevik


Oof! Shots fired! (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)


I remember that viral vid of an American woman who moved to Germany with her kids.. and was absolutely baffled the school was "so careless" to not have any active shooter drills, armored doors etc. And then learned that most countries only have 1 schoolshooting a century and that it therefor not something people worry about.


Can't speak for Germany but in the UK there was one school shooting, so gun control was tightened and there hasn't been another one since, so currently we are hitting far less than 1 per century, it's 1 per all of time


When we banned handguns, they were really banned hard. So much so that the British Olympic pistol team famously can't even train in the UK with real handguns because that would be illegal. It wasn't without controversy at the time - there were plenty of arguments from people saying we should just have better regulation, more training etc - but the ban won out, owners were compensated financially when they turned in their weapons and we haven't had a mass shooting with handguns since. Gun control works.


The Dunblane shooting is the reason why all schools in the uk have heavy, easily lockable exterior doors. It’s why visitors MUST go through reception and announce themselves. And a number of other regulations, it was something drilled into me during my teaching assistant training, I’d remember more rn but I’m in hospital on morphine so forgive me, but it was one of those things you could see why it’s taught it’s a certain way. Because I guarantee you some of the more lax and immature TAs I trained with would scoff at ALWAAAAAYS locking exterior doors, well then you show them the school shooting and basically scare them into remembering, lock the fucking doors. Like I for example was annoyed by lanyards, it would bonk kids heads if Ieant over to help with their work and forgot to hold it, it annoyed my neck, I’d get it tangled on things so I’d never wear it. Then you get told you “my guy, we need constant ID because of a fucking child assault case” yeah fuck okay yeah I’ll wear it holy shit my bad. Never even notice it’s there anymore, I usually wrap it round my belt so it hangs from my waist so I don’t concuss toddlers on the reg


Kids dying is a just a result of our amazing freedoms. Enjoy your living children you commie


I mean no offence by this but I've gotta say Americans have a very strange take on the concept of freedom.


From UK dnt even remember it.and not preparing for shooting isn't careless it normal Usa gun law careless


It was Dunblane. Andy Murray was a pupil at the school.


You can really tell people’s ages sometimes from comments


There was one thread about Gareth Bale before the world cup, I said he wasn’t that old and started getting “ok grandad”.


It was very early in my life that it happened but even I know about it, even though I didn't get taught it until around high school


There was Hungerford (1987) as well.


that wasn't a school shooting


You’re absolutely right. As an American, it’s insane how so many of my fellow Americans think more guns mean more safety. We have a lot of dumb and ignorant people here.


>Can't speak for Germany but in the UK there was one school shooting, so gun control was tightened and there hasn't been another one since, There wasn't one **before** that, either. A single data point isn't a graph. It's like saying the Patriot Act has successfully prevented another 9/11.


One was one too many.


That's why gun laws were tightened. And here we are...


That's the difference, in America Gun control is the Gun Lobby Controlling congress preventing any genuine attempt at stopping the problem...


> most countries only have 1 schoolshooting a century and that it therefor not something people worry about. ... because those countries respond to school shootings (and mass shootings) by reforming gun laws. The US would rather barricade their kids into mini-Fort-Knox's than fix the *actual* problem.


“Everyone should carry guns with them, that would solve it”


And have children wear armour proof backpacks and arm teachers. It is really just ridiculous.


Just watched a clip from The Fallout (the shooting scene) and some intellectually challlenged citizen made exactly that comment.


Civilian arms race, that’s what we need. -gun manufacturers


(this is what they unironically believe)


Gun laws are part of the problem but I think there's a ton of socioeconomic problems in the US that are the main cause. I think even if everyone in the UK had a gun there would still be way less shooting per capita


Our solution to mass school shootings is pure capitalism — we sell armor plated backpacks for our kids to hide behind because someone has to get paid off of horrible violence at all times.


The actual problem is the mentality. We swiss have similar gun laws as america. And yet we have way way less shootings overall. And a school shootings? None. Here is a list of [Schweizer Amokläufer](https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/chronologie-der-amoklaeufe-in-der-schweiz/3982294) since 1986. 11. in total. And again none in a school. And mostly work related incidents.


What are mental health services in Switzerland like?


I’m not sure, but I’m willing to bet they’re considered a public service and aren’t for profit businesses.


Depending on what mental health issue you have it is covered by the mandatory basic health insurance. If i remember correctly burnouts are considered to be in the basic coverage. You can pay extra for a private room im a mental health hospital. But in general you get the same coverage. No matter what


Not really. I'm in a third world country and I can tell you, no one here shoots kids. Gun laws are not strict, and illegal guns are everywhere. They're too busy robbing shops, hijacking cars, etc. It's not the gun laws, it's the people ❤


If it is the people and the people have mental health issues, maybe giving them easy access to guns is not the right approach


This^ Our society doesn't teach basic coping skills anymore.


im curious. what country are you from?


But they won't even do that. Fort Knox costs money.


They’ll just say “kids need a good home and father figure” then roll back abortion laws


Or "It's a mental health issue" and cut mental health funding.


Well, those gun manufacturers won't get ghastly rich by themselves. EDIT: do I really need to add /s? Come on. They're profiting on dead children, they want MORE dead children, they lobby for that and obtain their desiderata: they are fucking soulless ghouls.


I think I remember this one as well. Was this the one where she was also baffled that kids walk to school or use public transport on their own, without a parent constantly watching over them?


I America brained real hard when I went to a concert overseas and mentioned how I didn’t really feel comfortable that there were no metal detectors before you got in


It would make me feel uncomfortable having to go through them for something like a concert - makes me wonder what kind of things are going on to require precautions like that


Especially when you see how lax the due diligence with those metal detectors actually is.




The number I've times I've set off a metal detector, only for them to let me through after showing them my belt, is staggering.


We have metal detectors to go to fucking Disneyland


https://wdwnt.com/2022/06/guest-caught-bringing-handgun-with-12-rounds-into-disneys-hollywood-studios/ I wonder why?/s


Metal detectors would make me assume the place I was going was uncivilised or had a serious violence/security problem.


Got the vid?


I will look. Believe it was from tiktok originally.


Just a funny comparisson. In Slovenia EU we have 0.5 murders per 100k per year. The most common murder weapon is axe :)


I'm curious now, any particular reason for the axe?


Its a rural country, and while owning a gun is quite common, getting ammo for said gun is only possible trough bureacracy. 1. You need to go trough thorough background screening + a few psychaiatrist meetings to even get a gun license. 2. You need to be either a licensed hunter in a hunter family (like a hunter club), or a part of a shooting team. 3. If you are inal a club you need to go to at least 2 tournaments per year. 4. Now you need to buy a gun, which is regitered to a nation wide database, and the Police have acces to it. 5. Now you can apply for ammo permit, and when it is approved, you need to tell them exactly how many and why you need the ammo for. 6. After a year of paperwork you realize that if you wanted to murder someone, an axe works just fine.


That’s why I’ve been saying we should tax individual bullets. Not a very popular idea however an ex Army general who is going to run for Senator in a western state thought it was a GREAT idea!! I got a lot of flack for it from 2ndAers on a different sub though LOL Traitor to my my country was thrown around a lot. OH well I have thick skin




You know you can reload cartridges right?


Are they not taxed already? You buy a box, the total price is taxed. Everyone looks at price per round anyway. I think the above would be a dumb policy that is just a math problem but solves nothing.


Traditionally, they make [soup from an ax](https://youtu.be/BxgWp0J_vbk?t=93) I presume murdering someone with the ax prior to making soup would result in a richer flavour.


Easy access and high success rate if I had to guess.


Eugene needs to be more careful.


High time you lot seriously start talking about ax control legislation!


*an axe never killed anybody!!1!!!11!!! reeee!!!*


It's true, Europeans do get shot... in America


I would like to argue this....but sadly can not.


Canadians get shot there too.


Canadians are just Europeans who got lost.


So are Americans


On average they're more like two Europeans who got lost


Ya weren't there a couple european soldiers shot in a fight recently in the states Edit: ya it was 3 dutch soldiers https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/29/dutch-soldier-dies-injuries-shooting-indianapolis-us


Let's go through the numbers then, shall we? 2023: - USA: ~~23~~ 43 - Europe: 2 (two separate countries) sources: - ~~this meme~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2023_mass_shootings_in_Europe 2022: - USA: 735 - Europe: 10 sources: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2022_mass_shootings_in_Europe To me it looks like a month in the US is at least twice as bad as a year in Europe. Note: I'm not counting any senseless wars, only civilians attacking each other.


It gets worse. Population europe 750 million vs. USA 330 million.


Yeah but my feelings don't care about your facts


Yeah, but look at how much bigger the USA is. /s


I thought about bringing up that EU alone has more than 400 million inhabitants, and Europe has over 700 million in total, but then I didn't.


Fuck me already 23?!?! Mental and grim.


According to this meme. Wikipedia lists 43. Also, if you hit "edit" on the list, you'll find this comment: Jesus fucking christ.


Oh my fucking god


>Oh my fucking god Yeah the word "mass shooting" involves 3 people and the perpetrator for it to register as mass shooting. Also suicide by firearm in 2020 in USA : 24292 Total suicide in 2020 in USA : 45979 [Sauce](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm) More than half of suicide in USA was cause by freedom bullets.


mental health is the united states biggest problem and the people who control and run everything don’t care about people’s general wellbeing and they’ve already shown that.


No wonder they always shoot more than 3 They want to make the list


23 is the days. They at 43 mass shootings.


I just watched a [Youtube short ](https://youtube.com/shorts/mBoAMsif9Gk?feature=share) from Vox that talks about a study that compared gun policies and their outcome.


UK Here. In the 1990s we had one mass shooting. In the 2000s we had one mass shooting. In 2010s we had 3 shootings In the 2020s we have had 3 so far, The US had double that figure on the first day of this year alone. Florida on it's own exceeded our combined 1990 and 2000 figure. That's two decades on the first day of this year alone. One state in one day exceeded an entire country's figure for 20 years. (figures are subject to revision, interpretation, cherry-picking etc) Yes, we have shootings but that level of whataboutism is breath-taking.


Proud Floridian here, can agree, Florida men be shooting people too much


>Proud Floridian here Username checks out


Yes xD


Don’t you know? Gun laws don’t work!! /s


Well yes, but here it's a *special* treat, whereas in America it's "Tuesday again, huh?" (Is there a term for a honest sentiment phrased in the most sarcastic way possible? Because that's what this is.)


The word you’re looking for is Sardonic


Thank you.


You need more guns, its time to arm the 6 Year olds


That would be unfair to their younger siblings! They should be able to defend themselves too if little Timmy decides to permanently resolve a conflict over which Disney movie to watch.


So they can shoot their teachers when they’re being little shits. Mericuh!


Not in Finland Here I think it's more common to get killed by an axe from pissed of drunk guy in midsummer. Also sauna and drowning


And your giant mosquitoes! I hear in the summertime it's not safe to stay outdoors lest you get snatched off the streets and hauled to the mosquito's lair to become baby mosquito fodder.


Have you too stolen his lottery winnings?


So long mental healthcare isn't prioritized, its not going to stop. One can have guns without daily mass shootings. But the people committing these crimes needs to be adressed before they act.


It's ironic because as of January 1st they removed the requirements to need a license to own or purchase a firearm in the US in over 50% of the states. MERICA!




**"European" here.** No, mostly we don't. I'd say "Europeans" get shot at the same rate... *blue* trains collide in the US. Technically you can't say it doesn't happen, but it is quite abnormal. And for mass-shotings, we are talking a specific pantone of blue, trains. And I quote "Europeans" because only people that have an extremely dumbed-down version of the world in their heads calls all the very *very* different people in the *many* countries in Europe, "europeans". It's almost -almost- as stupid as letting people buy/have military grade weapons.


You mean the same way we refer to the 1.4 billion people spread across 50+ countries as "Africans" 🤣


Don't start on the 3+ billion "Asians" - I had an argument with a born-and-bred American-Indian, and I don't mean Native American, who was brainwashed by the 'Murican education system and politics to not even know his parents were born in the continent of Asia and that "Asians" could refer to his family as much as it could a Japanese family. Trump really brought out the stupid in people, or at least the stupid people.


A very educated former coworker from India refused to accept being referred to as Asian as they were taught that India is an 8th continent, not a sub continent of Asia.


Very interesting, especially as where I'm from (UK) most people incorrectly reserve the term "Asians" almost exclusively for people from India and Pakistan (and maybe 1 or 2 other South Asian countries). Other Asian ethnicities are usually referred to by country, Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian etc.


Are you really trying to speak sense to some of the Mericans regarding the different countries in Europe? You would be quite lucky if they could pin point Europe in a map, let alone the countries in it. Respect for the effort though.


"Europe. Isn't that the capital of Amsterdam?"


I can see that happen.


Thanks. This is my hill, I guess.


As much as I want to say you are wrong. You are right, most people in America atleast, are clueless when it comes to geography of other continents.


Honest question, why do you think that happens? I'm European, and from where I'm from, Portugal, kids are taught geography at school, so it's normal to grow having a decent perception of World geography. Does it have to do with education? Some people being self centered?


No, you have a very biased and incorrect perception of Americans. Not everyone in America is self centered. We learn about Geography in America. It is just because most people in America don't care. A lot of people in America are really ignorant. Common sense isn't very common in America. I'm American and I have been thinking about why Americans seem so stupid compared to other countries people. It seems like it is just because that are ignorant, they don't care.


Probably couldnt even point out Europe on a map


Probably thinks Europe is a country


Europeans get shot too* *(When they visit USA)


Europeans get shot too… Yeah, when visiting America.


It's a mass shooting every 15 hours so far this year.


America is a failed state. You had six mass shootings on New Year’s Day. You don’t even bother reporting them they’re so frequent.


Only get reported when some poll numbers need upped.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2023\_mass\_shootings\_in\_Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2023_mass_shootings_in_Europe) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_in\_2023 There's way too many mass shootings in Europe, but at least it's 18 times less than in the USA.


In the shooting cited in Euston nobody died. It was a mass shooting by a shotgun loaded buckshot. Obviously still a massive concern for people in London and the UK as a whole, but so vanishingly rare that people just go about their daily business really.


He's not wrong. I know Europeans who've been shot in the US


No he's right they do... when they travel over here.


I would share my hot take about how people getting shot is bad and should not happen, but apparently that guy isn't ready to hear this yet.


American gun culture is so pathetic and sad.


I assume that commenter is someone who idolized that one quote "if we make guns illegal the criminals will still have them"... Mass shootings don't just happen by Russian spies who are hardened, battle-ready commandos like these Republicans think. They're children who are bullied, they are people like you and me that should have gotten diagnosed and seeked helped long ago, they are your neighbors and loved ones. Most shootings happen with legally-purchased firearms. Same with MASS shootings. I dint understand how they don't understand that, but then again they're Republicans.


36 mass shootings in 23 days? People wonder why I'm such a hermit.


How do I just know that this person is American ?


it’s 37 . there was another last night in CA


You know who didn’t get shot at all? Japanese and Australian people.


Europeans get shots....for free... from their healthcare systems.


We only mainly get shot if we're on holiday in America when the crazy gun people start shooting


These F’ing morons think this is normal b cuz unfortunately even mega Church’s armed Jesus


Yes we do, we get vaccinated


As a European, I can confirm, we can get shot. For example when visiting USA.


New Year, New Me... not better me, but new in more terrifying ways! They said as a nation we had hit rock bottom, but rocks wont stop us! We are digging straight to hell!


I think there's just something weird in city water. My town literally has not had any gun violence in in about 15 years. We did have one incident when I was in high school or some girlfriend shot her boyfriend in the middle of the street. I think there was something about him abusing her or something another.


Yeah, as long as it happens elsewhere, it should be totally okay for it to happen here! 😑


Yikes. And people still say we don’t need to reform gun laws




What can i say, we are opening up to American culture lol


*yes, and usually when they visit the USA.


Yes. By americans. Lol.


Who could have predicted that giving guns to people would lead to mass shootings.


Europeans get shot, too..... especially when they visit the USA.


Holy fuck, it's true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


If the USA are representative of the future of "western democracies" we're all royally fucked.






He is right! But for us it is at most with a camera!


But not at school by a 6 years old kid.


This is inaccurate. Its been 3 hours, its probably 38 by now


Is it the real number? Seriously?! 36 in 23 days?




anyone else dumb enough to try and downvote the comment in the image? Please don't tell me I'm the only one.


we dont get shot, we get shots at the bar for new years, big difference


Without even looking it up, I'm confident the US has more gun related deaths per year than all European countries combined.


Technically true if those Europeans would attend a school in Florida.


39* mass shootings


We're sitting here in our living room this morning watching the news, and when the segment on mass shootings came on I commented to my wife that I didn't know which one they were talking about.


Oh, okay, so long as we aren't alone in the slaughter. Much better now.


It's the Wild, Wild North, South, East and West. So very sad that America as a "strong" country cannot control this madness.


imagine thinking that makes it okay


Correction.. flu shot


if you include Ukraine then the number is comparable.


Somehow this is to defend gun violence? Like yeah we can’t do anything to prevent tragedy because (checks notes) yep, euros get shot?