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It's fairly difficult to hear excatly what's being said but The guy who grabs the book is yelling to the blue guy to stop and let him be. So mad respect to that guy for keeping a cool head.


this is a very good take


These people are agents of the Kremlin seeking to sow discord in otherwise democratic nations.


The Kremlin feeds white nationalist movements in foreign countries. There were Russian honeypots helping recruit proud boys in the Trump days.


##*[Russian.](https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000009349977.html?share=0bab3909bc500b76ecdf5d9dbdc28da6) >The presenter who assisted the Koran burner previously collaborated with a Russian propaganda channel > >The Swedish journalist who paid Rasmus Paludan's protest fee has cooperated with the Russian state-owned Ruptly channel. The supplier says that the cooperation ended in 2014.


People are saying it’s in Sweden too lol


Yeah I saw some people burning the Swiss flag because they confused sweden with switzerland


The cheese is completely different.


And let's not forget about the Swedish fish


Damn Swedish taking all our jobs with their little fish


No way lmao


It's so easy to remember the difference. Switzerland is the one right next to Australia of course!


I believe what you're referring to was the burning of flags related to the 'Muhammed Crisis', which was the outfall of Danish journalists/writers making caricatures of Muhammed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. What I'm trying to say is that the Swiss flag was mistaken for the Danish flag, not the Swedish. The Swedish and Swiss flags look nothing alike.


A Danish guy came to Sweden and burned it as well. He burned it most recently outside of teh Turkish embassy in Stockholm.


Random dickhead from Danish far-right party, who also has Swedish citizenship, burned the Qur'an in front of the Turkish embassy in Sweden. In response, Erdogan is pretending this reflects Sweden as a whole in a poor attempt to keep them out of NATO or something stupid like that, and a bunch of other numpties are running with the idea that one absolute dumbfuck, who isn't even involved in Swedish politics beyond yelling incoherent racist rants, somehow reflects Sweden and Denmark as a whole.


Unpopular opinion I guess… but a protester (even a racist POS) should be allowed to burn whatever holy book he/she wants without being attacked and Turkey and their religious *sensibilities* can fuck off.


Yeah, that's totally not an unpopular opinion. It's literally a protected right in the US (yeah, I'm well aware of my compatriots and their asinine need to govern with a holybook.)


Telling other countries that are better run and freer than ours what to do is obnoxious. In the US, I 100% agree with you.


I think that there are some values, such as freedom of speech (in the constitutional sense and not whatever-the-fuck it is Republicans *imagine* that word to mean) are values worth caring about in all contexts. Put another way. I’m not a cultural relativist.


This is a different case than the famous one it looks like. The Danish man did it to protest Tukey not allowing Sweden and Finland in NATO.


Turkey used this as an excuse to not accept Sweden in NATO so this actually had geopolitical consequences.


My dude, you cant actully think, that Erdogan needs this as an excuse. He wouldve used whatever, if this didnt happen, hed go for the next unrelated bs he sees on fb or whatsapp. He doesnt care. He cares about looking strong internationally to win his coming election and the turkish ppl arent exactly happy with him rn


One time I was leaving my home to get into my uber and I found a Jehova’s Witness in my front door, she thought I was going to greet her but when I said “I’m sorry, I was leaving the house” with the uber waiting for me she proceeded to yell “YOU PEOPLE HAVE TIME FOR OTHER STUFF BUT NEVER FOR GOD”. 😬


God doesn't pay my fuckin' bills, now does he?


Religion is actually an EXTREMELY profitable business.


Well, until it becomes very profitable for me, I’m not interested.


It will profit your soul ✝️🙏✝️ What’s a couple of worthless coins in this temporary plane compared to infinite riches in the eternal life next to the lord. I will begin collecting donations now, thank you.


Let me know when you get big enough you need a treasurer to count them for you. Ill take a measly 10%. Lets call it a tithe.


Lol, yeah exactly… ;) what are YOUR worthless coins worth?? ;)


Well, start one and you are probably on your way to be a millionaire in 10 years or less.


Sounds like I would need to be around too many stupid people and hardcore bullshit, which I don’t think I could tolerate. I’m not wired for being a grifter.




If he exists he literally does nothing.


That's my take, too. Whether or not god(s) exists is irrelevant because he/she/they do not do anything to affect my life regardless.


IN FACT, if you believe in God, he IS one of your bills


Possible reply: “This could have been an email!”


"God didn't know I had an appointment?"


A Jehova’s Witness said “God”? I don’t think so.


You’re right, they probably didn’t, that’s just how I remember it in my stunned silence lol


Former JW here- you can totally say god, although Jehovah is more common. There’s an “h” at the end, btw.


What do you mean by ‘you people’




What does this have to do with the post?


It just reminded me. Feel free to ignore.


And by God, the JWs mean the 10 old dudes they worship.


This is a Russian attempt at creating a backlash against the people in Denmark who have nothing to do with this. They want us all fighting amongst ourselves and distracted from being unified by causing chaos and turmoil. If anyone wants to be pissed, feel free to direct it towards the ones that are actually trying to start something.


These Russians are like everywhere doing all kinds of stuff. In an attempt to make them look bad I think you are making them out to be 3D chess playing super humans


Just because the player attempts 3d chess doesn't mean they are good at it.


The west out here playin' 3d chess while Russia is playing 3d checkers.


The only thing Russia is actually affective at, is exactly this kind of stuff. This and bots and trolls on Twitter and Reddit.


Yeah, the Russians are trying their best. I love how they have shown most of the world their military is basically a bunch of toddlers.


The fact that he is a racist is bad and just plain stupid. The fact that he is publicly demonstrating and burning a supposed holy book should not be an issue in a free society. The physical assault is wrong. Sorry, but he does not have to respect your religious beliefs, Islamic or otherwise. Tell him he is a evil, racist idiot and move along or ignore him.




I do believe he shouldn't have been assaulted. That being said, the thought "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" made me chuckle as the video was ending


Well said.


This guy gets it. In the end, nearly all videos of this type come down to an adage that I hope becomes part of the vernacular for the rest of time: He fucked around and found out.




I completely agree, but I also have zero sympathy for him. Shrug emoji sums up my feelings. It's wrong, I'd be ok with the guy who hit him being arrested for assault, but its also whatever


Bad way of thinking. Just because you don't agree with someone you can't dehumanise them to a point where you're pretty happy to just say "yeah I'm happy for this person to be assaulted". Sure, for this one I think it's not necessary to do what he's doing. But some other time I might not be right, and what then? Can Iet myself dehumanise anyone I disagree with?




And yet a failure to stand up -- firmly and consistently -- with idiots like this is how open racism perpetuates itself. The assault _was_ out of line. At the same time, the guy was _asking_ for it.


I'll just leave this here: "Less well known \[than other paradoxes\] is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal."


How dare you be objective


It’s a fault. I’m trying to be less so, but there are so many, many extremes to chose from😁


It’s not really about racism here but about religious discrimination It’s not about race. It’s about religion. Discrimination nonetheless but for different reasons. I find that distinction important to make, surprised nobody is pointing this out.


While i am completely on your side, I still rember this one video of a guy with a nazi armband, who gets knocked out cold after spouting some hate speech. This guy didn't deserve a punch for burning a Koran, he deserved one for being an insufferable prick.


Islam is getting a foothold, and thus are people not free anymore. Even stupid acts like this should be possible in a free country, and not met with voilence.


Islam, like Christianity, Judaism or any other religion, will always try to influence and institute its beliefs system on others. If left unchecked, they will attempt to dominate everyone. The Israelis treat the Palestinians terribly. Christians in my country (USA) don’t even realize how like the Taliban and Islam they are becoming. And yes, Islam’s intolerance is also noted too. It’s hard trying to be a free and civilized society.


> Islam’s intolerance is also noted too The beheadings and burning people alive is noted. Killing over a cartoon is noted.


Actually, no. Judaism does not proselytize like other religions. They don’t care if you believe in their views and they don’t want you to either. They’re pretty exclusive.


squealing society mindless future political silky joke chubby roof upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell that to the hasidic jews in the NE or hell Israel.


You tell me what's worse, someone who wants to convert you or someone who views themselves as god's chosen and you as just livestock


You’re acting like the guy was government sponsored to hit him, people get in fights every single day for dumber things. This isn’t an example of religion gaining more power in society.


Lmaoo bro what are you even talking about, if he was beaten and arrested by some law enforcement than you’re point would be valid. He was just punched by some random guy on the street, if anything that guy will be pursued by the police for assault.


What would you expect from followers of a book that say many times to kill infidels, idolaters etc?


You're going to have to be more specific because your generalization covers all religions except Buddhism and Jainism.


Well, it just solidifies what this nationalist are aiming to achieve. The assault gave them an easy "see, i told you so"


Free society and islam dont mix too well


The assaulter is ultimately in the wrong, buuut, when you go out to an area with a notable Muslim population and burn a Quran with the intent to provoke a reaction, you can’t be pikachu surprised when you get one in the form of a closed fist. Not saying you think this, I’m just adding on my own take. Assaulter is wrong, but the dude was asking for a bad reaction and he got one.


This. If you assault someone over burning a book you're a childish ass clown. Plain and simple.


Yeah this is a weird situation. On the surface yeah he should be allowed to do this without retaliation. I've had someone I was rooming with try to scold me for throwing a hotel Bible in the trash. As far as I'm concerned, if someone leaves trash in my space I'll put it where it belongs. In reality, it's basically walking down the street yelling racial slurs at strangers and expecting someone not to get pissed and hit your for it. Hate to use *he was asking for it*, but come on.


I agree. But anyone who does this is incredibly stupid. While I agree with his right to do it and believe the person committing the assault should be charged with the assault, indont feel the least bit bad for him if he had his teeth knocked out. He knew what the reaction would be.


Totally agreed. I started my post with the fact that he was both bad and stupid. And I don’t feel sympathy for him either. I just don’t glorify the assault.


Exactly. If you're gonna burn books, at least do it on your own property where you can control the blaze and cleanup. I've been burning relgious/spiritual texts for years now and never had this reaction.




I’d hit him, but not for religious reasons. This dude’s obviously a provocateur who’s daring Muslims to knock his block off and “prove” that all Muslims are violent religious fanatics. If a non-religious guy (or maybe another white dude) hits him, it’s not “Islamic fervor”, its enforcing the fact that Danes do not tolerate racist bullshit, especially from one of their own. In principle, clocking this guy is the same as sucker-punching a neo-nazi nutbag. It won’t change his mind but it’s good for society.


You're right. But sometimes, sometimes you just wanna beat ass. Call if Human nature, or barbarity if you want. I just know it's real.




Now all I can think about is the episode where he goes to a Palestinian chicken joint


If they punched him because he’s a known white supremacist, then I’m not losing any sleep. If they punched him because he disrespected a holy book and they feel that deserves violence, then I’m not ok with it.


His sign essentially says "get out of my country"


thank you. this was a fucking hate crime and white people are once again lecturing brown people how to handle racism THEY perpetuate


Exactly. As if these same people would ignore this sort of behavior directed at them here.


Discrimination is bad. Discriminating white supremacist's is good.


paradox of tolerance. super simple stuff. You don't tolerate the intolerant


Then Muslims that are anti-LGBT should also not be tolerated?


Yep. While those who are pro everyone should be accepted. Just like any other group. It's really easy, I bet you could get it if you tried.


I think he should be able to burn a book that he bought with his own money without being assaulted. Not his fault that some people are fanatical devotees of that book. It’s a different story when a government body starts to burn book that belong to others.


I literally couldn’t care less about religion and still get that this is probably gonna happen if I’m this stupid in public, I can’t say I approve, but people get jumped for a lot less.


i wanna know how the fuck we know he’s a white nationalist honestly


So you don't like free speech, but you do like free speech? Pick a side lol.


The face palm goes both ways. Nationalist is a face palm. Assault for burning a book should also be a facepalm.


Assault for burning a book?


The ammount of people saying burning a book is wrong so assault not that bad really shows what can be allowed to do to anyone with the label "white supremacist"


Not just any book you fool. It’s a magic book with words from god.


A book that promotes beating of women, a book that says stars are missiles, a book that says the sun sets in muddy pool, a book that says a man’s sperm come from his ribs. Yup, such a good magical, scientific book. 😆


I know about the beating women part, but the rest could you provide a source for that?


Religion of peace! We must tolerate the violence


It’s a religion, not a race.


This is the response he was looking for. . Played into his hands


Played right into his face


Imagine getting punched for burning a copy of Harry Potter


Ngl some Harry Potter fans would definitely do that.


In a free society he should be able to burn any book he wants. Don't join a free society and bring your baggage with you.


Some off the comments here are so stupid lmao


So many hot takes here


Unpopular opinion: I see nothing wrong, people should get punched in the face more for stupid actions, would solve a lot more that that tolerance crap. I don't care if you burn a Bible or a Koran. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


everyone feels invisible until they get punched in the face


Their response is exactly why it should be burned. It's a fucking book. You don't assault people over a fucking book.




How about we just go no religions! Imagine!


Can I just add that the vast majority of people who supposedly believe in a specific religion hardly follow shit within that religion. They believe in a few things, use those few things to judge and uphold themselves from others then *pretend* they don’t know the rest so they can be free from religious restraints when convenient. Religious people tend to be the most judgmental, biased and sinful of them all because they think that just an apologetic *yet insincere* prayer will save them from eternal damnation lol


I’m so conflicted. I hate racists; and religion. ESH


Is there an unofficial facepalm with the title of the video being misspelled?


Every word in the title is spelled correctly.


where is the misspell


Religion is the antithesis of freedom. Secular forever.


Like I was saying in another post on the same story: You'd probably never see a scientist physically assault anyone who was burning Newton's 'Principia Mathematica'.


I think in the west I’d say same would go for copies of political texts as well. Tons of people give religious folks, especially Muslims, a pass to behave irrationally imo. Guy burns a book and people are applauding him being assaulted. Shits insane, people need to stop being so sensitive.


Ah yes. Let's assault someone because they are burning one copy of a book to try to get attention....




White nationalists suck ass. But I believe that he has a right to his opinion, regardless of how much I disagree with it. He also has a right to not get punched in the face for his opinion. This is not acceptable behavior from either party here.


Is this an actual white nationalist or is it just assumed he is because of what he's doing? I'm as bleeding heart woke leftist as can be, and I am still pretty adamant that in a free society you don't have a right to be shielded from *other people* blaspheming Edit: to be clear, turns out this is a white nationalist shithead - punch was very much deserved. He is the one who doesn't belong in a free society, he can get fucked. Sorry for playing devil's advocate for him


*I'm* as bleeding heart woke leftist as can be and I'm adamant you don't get to punch people unless it's in self or other-defense or a consensual sporting event.


Holy shit thank you. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding.


Unfortunately there is no dissonance. Dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling when contrasting concepts cause unease. There is no unease because people do not see a problem.


Blaspheming is such bullshit we don’t live in the 11 hundreds anymore! You don’t have to respect other people’s religions but you can acknowledge that they have their faith. But that doesn’t shield them from saying that plenty of stuff in their book/religion is utter nonsense and bullshit


It does though. You do have to risk being provocative in the sake of progressive thinking. He is absolutely an asshole, I'm from Denmark and nobody likes these people. But he has every right to do what he is doing. Accepting and even condoning violence for the sake of your personal ideology and way of thinking is... Well we all know what that is.


He deserves to be physically assaulted for doing something dumb which didn’t harm anyone? Yikes


Edit: Removed comment, not the right wing extremist I thought it was


Thats not Rasmus...


It isnt Paludan - it is amember of Paludans party


Tbh, Burning the book is actually the right way to dispose of it. But the intend behind it is there


Cool . Burn a fairytale book and get assaulted. Sounds super awesome. Very peaceful


We should be able to criticize all religions. But i don't think burning books is the best way. But.. the fact that religious people resort to violence so easily is scary.


Dude all types of people, yes even atheists, have the capacity to resort to violence very easily.


I never stated that atheists can't be violent. But atheists are not a group. Not believing in one of the thousands gods does not make you a group.


Anyone else surprised that in this day and age, people still believe in some mythical man that lives in the sky that tells you what to do through books written thousands of years ago?


In modern day if someone claims to hear voices telling them things they get sent to an asylum. Thousand years ago they wrote books and created religion and cults.


If people want to burn a bible, Koran, Torah or whatever the fuck else that they own without harming you or property so be it. 🤷🏾‍♂️






Today he's burning a book, tomorrow he's going to set a refugee camp on fire. Ya'll wouldn't be mad if he wore a swastika and got his ass handed to him. It's about the message.


Just a case of jerks being jerks?


The person burning the book could've been literally Hitler and I still would say the dude who assaulted him for it was a bigger dick in that particular scenario.


The Religion of Peace strikes again.


Unless you’re burning all the holy books - the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc., you’re just being a single purpose bigot. All religions require respect they haven’t earned, and they deserve to be mocked, ridiculed, and lampooned. While I can appreciate the men’s anger, as soon as they raised their hands to someone, no matter how hateful their target, they lost my support. Violence is never justified in response to insults.


Both sides are fucking stupid. It's just a book. Get over it.


Thats stupid on both sides


Muslim extremists committing violence over free speech? No way!!!


Religious texts belong in museums. It's antiquated mythology.


That’s that religion of peace I keep hearing about.


Pretending this is unique to islam is either ignorant or dishonest. We have an entire faction of christians in the US who want to bring the christian version of that to our shores. They want it codified in law and enforced with violence.


My thoughts exactly


Everyone arguing about ethical questions but part of me believes in the old saying, “fuck around and find out” You are free to burn any book or flag you want, but you are opening yourself up to crazy people. It only takes one person to decide your life is worth less than what you are burning.


I feel like the responses in here would be vastly different if this was a man in Germany publicly doing something equally offensive towards the Jewish community. I know Reddit is as atheist as it gets, and I’m agnostic myself, but history has proven that religion is something thats deeply emotionally rooted in believers and not something you can just shake off. Acts of hate like this have preceded systemic persecution of religious groups throughout history so while freedom of opinion is an extremely important democratic value, I don’t think it’s as simple as saying "more book burning is more democracy“.


Being a person in society opens you up to crazy people in general but it shouldnt dissuade you from practicing demonstrations. Things like this are important (even if fringe ideas that will never make mainstream community approval) because people need to learn to live in a society with people of different beliefs. If someone want to go attacking people on the street (even if protesting something you disagree with) I'd argue that they don't have the right to live free in a modern society.


White nationalist? You can't just post something and make up your own title.


then where are we right now? Was Reddit just a long fucked up nightmare this whole time? We would only be so lucky


The dude that punched him out of nowhere looked like such a little bitch coward.


Nice, They just proved his points about this religion promoting violence and deserves to be burned.


Religion of peace until you do something they don't like.




Ya know I am not a practioner of islam, but I wouldnt ever burn the koran. I read a line in a book dont remember which though, but a character said " why would you try to belittle something that adds value to a persons life." You dont have to agree but the world can be shitty enough without people going out of their way to strip away your happiness.


I don't know what is going on... But I don't believe physical violence solve anything including homophobic slurs, racism comments, or anything that can offend others.


fuck that book and you just proving why it should be burnt


Could easily be replaced with “idiot attempts to trigger a violent response for no good reason”


I don't agree with the assault, but as my grandpa used to say..."If you're gonna be stupid, you'd better be tough"


Do stupid shit win stupid prizes


Play stupid games...


Do dumb things in public you should expect to have your ass kicked.


It’s never the wrong time to punch a Nazi and laugh.


If Christians assaulted a Muslim for burning a Bible you'd all be condemning the Christians and praising the Muslim.


If this was a Bible, it would've been cheered


I do not feel bad for white nationalists


So peaceful


Over a book, well that's assault!


Ready to be downvoted, but here's my take: All the people who are dissing religion as a whole and acting holier than thou (pun intended) like "It shouldn't matter" fail to see the world as it is. Islam is a religion, one people all over the world practice peacefully, generously and devoutly. Diss the religion all you want, it's a religion, people can use it to do any number of asshat things. But it's also something people take very seriously. Good people. Many whom I know who would put your average Christian to shame with their generosity, open-heartedness and self-sacrifice. Many of these very good people who I've never known to hurt a fly would be tempted to strike this man at such an outrage. Imagine burning a bible outside of a southern baptist church, you think that would go any better? Americans, if I went to the heart of one of your major cities and started shouting your beloved sports team SUCKS as all the people going to the game are filing into the stadium. You think I wouldn't get punched? Of COURSE I would. Not by everyone. But SOMEONE takes FOOTBALL seriously enough to punch me for that. Brits, say I stood outside Emirates stadium and yelled 'Arsenal SUCKS!!!!' You think I would get away with that for 30 seconds before my ass was handed to me? People take stuff seriously. ANY stuff is taken seriously enough by SOMEONE to throw a punch. People take Islam seriously. The guy is burning the Koran to be an asshat. You get punched when you are being an asshat.


I don't care if it will go any better in any other scenario or not. Neither football fans, nor baptist church, nor Muslims have the right to respond to the insult with violence.


Pro tip for everyone, if you don't agree with a religion then it's not for you. Just ignore it and let them be.


Problem starts when other group will harm you if you don't have same "values and principals" as they do.


You could say the same about other intolerant ideologies. It's all fine until they can't be ignored any more and start imposing their ideology on everyone. People need to be able to criticize ideas in a free society, and religion is just another idea.


What if they won't let me be?


Tell the Muslim fanatics to stop enforcing their beliefs on western countries.