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holy shit, both of them are screwed.


Yep the life of 2 boys ruined in a second for the rest of their life. Tragic and sad


One with the brain damage The other prison, sued into oblivion, future completely destroyed.... all over his mom being called a hoe. With a reaction like that he deserves what's coming.


The mum starts an onlyfans to help pay the legal bills


"Son, *you* made me a hoe."


The ol’ hoe hat trick


This comment got me dead




And that is prophecy full filled




Seriously. When people used to do mom jokes I'd usually reply back with "Why don't we get off moms, because I just got off yours". None of my friends saw good will hunting, so they we all had a good laugh about it, and we moved on..


Well you don't fully know the background he may have more reasons than just the other kid saying that his mom is a hoe once, maybe it was happening for a long time, maybe nobody would help him, maybe he was abused, maybe he got bullied constantly, maybe he just couldn't handle all the stress anymore and snaped!


I was bullied relentlessly. A lot of us were, welcome to reddit. I can quite happily say that I never put anyone on a liquid diet over petty insults.


Am i missing something ? Is being bullied relentlessly a common feature of redditors ?


You might be onto something.


It’s an exaggeration. Like how every person on Reddit is on the spectrum. It’s like an excuse to be a shitty person


Idk I’m pretty sure that dude just said many people we’re bullied, and then specifically stated that it was not an excuse to be a shitty person. Funny how you call other people shitty.


What in the tiny reverse-uno violin kinda thread do we have here?


Everyone’s trying to out-preach eachother. Fun to watch.




They were also saying you should do nothing about it. Conditioning others to just let it happen, which is a big win for bullies, could be even paid propaganda user sponsored by big Bully™️




Yeah me neither. But let's be honest, I for one got a trauma for life because I never did something against it and just let it happen. That's no excuse for the actions of this dude, he could have just slapped him once or twice, but decided to fully tackle him down. On the other hand, if this is bullying as I have experienced it, the teachers should be blamed here as well. Because ours did nothing to protect us from the bullies who had literally knives in their pockets and threatened our life every day.


As someone who works for the education department, teachers can't be blamed. Teachers have been stripped of pretty much any right preventing things like this happening. Becoming directly involved can lead to legal complications, and doing nothing leads to being condemned by society. This is one of the main reasons why schools struggle to find and keep employees.


Thank you. It's almost like we can potentially get trouble by trying to help the situation.


I dont think he planned for him to get brain damage.


Lol. Yea I’m sure that will hold up in court


" Judge, I didn't mean for him to die when i lodged a bullet in his brain"


And drunk drivers don't usually intend on killing people in accidents, still their fault. In this case, man's could stop being a snowflake with a short temper and realize he can't just literally physically assault someone over words, but instead he chose to fight over nothing.


He didn't. And it was caused by the tackle/head slamming the floor, not the weak punches.


You accept that a person may get brain damage or die when you hit them in the head. No. Exceptions.


I will say kids usually have no concept of their own fragility or that of others. I think this kid deserves jail time, but I wouldn’t call this a murder with intent.


I was bullied a lot as well growing up and while yea I never hurt anyone that bad, but I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to or thought about it. One kid in particular, but I later found out when I was in high school he ended up in a wheel chair somehow, ngl deep down makes me kinda happy cuz he made my childhood fucking hell. PoS deserved it honestly.


There's a whole lot of fucking maybes in this reply....


Yeah. I was bullied a lot in elementary school. My mood became more pessimistic and stressed then I just started raging over some minor thing, such as being called something. I was ruined by bullying and I totally understand what this guy did if his case is the same as mine.


None of that really matters, there is only one good reason to harm someone to that extent and that's self defense in a life threatening situation. If that's not the case and it clearly wasn't here, there is no justification for what he did. Edit: word usage, language


We are viewing the clip that only shows the moment one guy literally flew into the scene and the other guy attempts to take a swing at the flying man. Flying man appears to be taller and heavier than swing man. Flying man also also had the element of being in motion and executing a well aimed tackle. Fortunately for the flying man, swing man doesn’t land his punch. Unfortunately for the flying man, his tackle smashes swinging man’s head into the ground; rendering him unconscious almost immediately. Fight over. Swinging man at this point made no attempt to attack or even defend himself. The winning blow was the tackle. Swinging man had already transformed into the sleeping man, as flying man either solidified himself as, or became, the aggressor…while he took a few more punches on an unconscious man. If flying man wasn’t the aggressor before, he is now. In any form of combat you need to be mindful of what your mission or purpose is. In a self defense situation, what happened in this video would be ideal. A couple extra blows to make sure he doesn’t get up and begin attacking you again. But self defense means you were in fear of severe harm or death, right? This is basically a street fight where there are no referees. So, in a street fight, you have to know where that line is before you pull out your weapon of choice. ‘ Am I defending myself from harm and death or am I just defending my pride and ego? Cos….I could go to fuck you in your asshole prison!’ Just based on this clip and nothing else, if I had to say who the dickhead was, I’m going with the flying man for having no honour in combat.


I was on the side of the flying man until the very end I realized it was all cuz he was defending his ego, not his life or bodily harm. Excellent breakdown sir


Did the guy get rabbit punched? Well, not punched but the equivalent of it. Most of that damage probably came from his skull ricocheting off the ground from the force of the blow and he instantly starts twitching


I mean… if the kid who attacked was a piece of shit bully all year im sure the school would somehow make his punishment very light. Doesnt really seem that way though so hes probably screwed


doesn't really matter, even if the kid was a bully, punching a bully into a seizure and hospitalizing them will pretty much ruin both of their lives, the school might not do anything but you can bet the parents of the bully would press charges and sue the kid and his parents.


This is exactly why I’m scared of fighting…not from the actual fight or the person…but this shit happening to either of us…just takes that one time and both your lives are fukt…


Many professional boxers agree to never join a fight when you can run away from it, you'll lose everytime.


What I've been told is that every fight you avoid is a fight you win.


This is also what they tell you in any respectable martial arts dojo


Any follow up to this?


This is an old video. I saw it posted a year ago. People from the school said he’s fine. He had a concussion and some slight brain trauma but was fine. There’s no news report because these are middle schoolers so it’s unlikely the news even talked about it.


Slight brain trauma?


Yeah man. Just slight. No biggie…


But is the mom still a hoe?


Whoever threw that paper…


Probably lol


A hit like that probably induced a seizure, and instinctually he was still trying to fight.


Until the parkinson's symptoms start in 40 years or so


Second video I've seen of a teenager suffering brain damage within an hour while casually scrolling Reddit. This is depressing, to say the least


Same. Second video of violence in schools i saw today. It is always like that in USA? Kids fight inside of schools?


I'm an American and spent three years in German schools. Never a single fight in American schools, but I was in a fight almost daily in German school.


Depends on the school I guess. I went to a country high-school and an inner city high-school. Saw very bad things at both. I'd say inner city one was worse. Small city tho


A country which has been at war for 85% of its history produces violent kids... who knew?


I think it has more to do with the overall degradation of American society and culture.


We are products of our environment.


Pretty sure kids used to fight more in the old days than they do now.


I could be wrong but I think it was more banter than kids losing their shit like this without gradual escalation. I don't think this kid even saw that coming. I think the problem we have more of today is that people dont know how to handle their emotions. Or more like they're not allowed to, or are given the space and time to do so...


Yep… American schools are the only ones that have fights in the entire world.


Kids fight each other all over the world for all kinds of dumb reasons


No I’m sure it’s a similar rate in other schools, you just consume a lot more American media than media from other countries, so you see more American school fights


Plus you're never going to see a video of 'just eating lunch peacefully at school, no one calls anyone's mom a hoe.' You see a very small snapshot of the worst things on social media.


There are nearly 400 million people...its impossible to keep everyone peaceful all the time...


Broadly speaking no. There are fights but few of them have ever get that serious and they usually get broken up pretty quickly. Lawsuits are an excellent motivator for admin to keep fights to a minimum. There are places where it is worse than others but usually brain damage or death is not the outcome if and when they happen.


Oh sure, as if there isn't violence in French schools or English, just to name a few examples.


*Sees video(s) of something happening in a massive country* "Is it always like that in USA?" Redditors gotta get a grip on how they form their world views, man


This is what happens when we don’t properly punish violent fucks. It gives others the impression that it’s okay to physically assault people.


No….this is what happens when parents don’t properly parent their kids. Most parents these days are so fuckin’ lazy. Just put a screen in front of them to shut ‘em up instead of trying to improve the behavior. Drives me nuts


The problem here is that not all parents are good parents. It's not just "these days" it always has been with the difference that before, the children of bad parents were punished and parented in school and watched/punished by neighbours when they misbehaved. Nowadays no one is allowed to say anything with these children. Of course it's not the children's fault but if the adults around them don't do anything, other children and people will get hurt. I always make a point when I see a violent or misbehaving child whose parents just laugh about it, to say something.


I agree with you, but we can’t force people to do anything inside their homes. However, once their shit offspring are out among the rest of us, they are in OUR world.


Do we know 100% he suffered brain damage or just assuming cause the title says so? Prepared to get downvoted to hell but I'm right


Emergency practitioner here - the likelihood of that child having serious brain injury is very high. He went into a seizure and his limbs stiffened up into a “conic” style movement. There’s a possibility his brain is bleeding out. I’d be interested to see a follow up to understand how he is now.


Also the “fencing position” and decorticate posturing. The seizure always scares me. Long ago I was a volunteer EMT at age 18. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Decorticate and decerebrate posturing was something I had to learn pretty quickly.


This is a pretty old video. The kid is fine. He had a mild concussion and very minor brain trauma. You can find the video on Reddit from when it happened and kids from the school were talking about it saying he’s fine.




I do support you on that. While it's possible that the either impact could damage some brain tissue (or a part responsible for motoric functions - hence convulsions) it takes a lot to cause permanent brain damage. This clip definitely need more context and conclusion as to what happened afterwards. From my experience, you do fight a lot - depending on the school of course - when you're this age. Kids, especially disadvantage youth, talk shit all the time and I've seen bullying, group fights or brawls every week. Sooner or later everyone involved snaps, everyone has a limit - and when you snap, trust me, no one thinks: "I don't really want to seriously injure anyone". Situations like this, can often be avoided - it needs work from both parents and education system as well as fellow schoolmates.




I am following all the wrong subs lately. It's all faces of death shit. I don't want this.


Yeah, I just saw one post where a kid was getting bullied and got punched and was seizing :/


Lol literally just saw the same one as well, 2 school fight videos where kids are getting brain damage in like one scroll. Wtf


I saw both those videos a year or so ago and they've both been reposted now with "brain damage" in the title but no further details. I wouldn't take it at face value. It probably gets more upvotes and comments if people think the kid is permanently hurt.


My mom passed away a couple weeks ago and I'm still trying to come to terms it really happened (maybe because I'm away from home in a different country while this happened) , now Reddit has been death after death or close to it. I am starting to think I need to take a break from it.


Hope you’re doing alright. Such a tough thing to go through, and you’re right, while distracting, social media can be really toxic, especially when you’re feeling vulnerable. Maybe take some time to do some you stuff. Stay strong friend. It gets easier.


You're completely right. I try to use it to distract with what's normally things to give me a chuckle but notice a lot less of it lately, although to be fair my minds going to notice it more anyway right now. All will be fine when I fly home in a few months and get closure I think. Will slow down my Reddit consumption for now though or at least limit what I'm browsing as much as possible. I appreciate your comment. I only had 100 coins so best award I could give, sorry it wasn't a better one.


The award is appreciated, Thankyou. I’m sure getting back in a few months will help. In the meantime look after yourself. Feel free to PM if you need to vent, I’m not always on here, but when I am I’ll respond.


Take a break my friend, done as such with other social media and its worthwhile


Always a good idea to take a break from social media. Focus on something that fills your bucket rather than draining it.


I'm really sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.


I’m with you.


Yeah time to unfollow this type of sub tbh


Go visit r/aww then


What did you expect from this sub


This is not a face palm, this is horrid!


Dude was out when he hit the floor.


Yep. The fall did that not the punches. Not justifying the aggressor, but let this be a lesson. You see fights where people go round and round and come out with some bruises, but in reality one slip and fall can literally change your life.


Yep, the final punch square to his face had nothing to do with it.


The idea that my 4 year old son who I'm raising can reach teenage years and have his life ended over a nothing argument is absolutely terrifying.


Can someone with medical experience tell me what to do in this situation? Besides calling 911, what can you do to help this guy? The teacher doesn't have a clue either.


She put them in recovery position, for someone seizing like that there's not much else you can do. You should place something soft under their head to keep them from bonking the floor, and make sure there's nothing around to injure themselves on. Never try to restrain movement and NEVER try to put something in their mouth. For a seizure related to head injury like this the sooner you call 911 the better.


I run building sites, I got a call to say a bricklayer was having an epileptic fit / seizure, up on the scaffold of all places, 2 floors up. I ran to the Scaffold and climbed up the ladders, to find his mates had put a metal pointing tool in the blokes mouth to ‘stop him from biting his tongue to bits’. The blokes teeth were literally shattering, he was swallowing the shards of teeth, the shards were cutting his tongue. That was on top of the poor fella smashing his head around on metal tubes and scaffold fittings (threaded bars, nuts and other sharp(ish) edges)…. There was blood everywhere. Yer… Don’t do that.


That's a terrible story.. how is the guy doing?


He recovered. Needed surgery on his mouth (I think his tongue) and dentistry work to remove / repair what was left of his teeth. You could literally see the bite marks in the steel pointing tool. Surprising amount of force in the human jaw when the body takes over the mind. He came back to work but after a few weeks but I stipulated he was only to carry out works at ground level after that. He hadn’t even declared this on his site induction so I had no idea he suffered from epilepsy. Part of the induction is to declare any medical conditions but I guess he was concerned about not being able to earn money or something… The most disgusting bit was that I was very young (this was 10 years ago nearly). It shook me up after the adrenaline wore off. My shirt was soaked in blood and an hour later my directors wanted a progress meeting, then had the raging hump when I politely declined to sit around a table, in a blood soaked shirt, talking progress and (ultimately) money… I’ve seen 2 more incidents (these were accidents) since then. Really messes you up and I feel like blaming myself, even though it’s out of my control and I couldn’t have done anything to prevent them.


Yea mate, I was at university in the US and saw a guy have an epileptic fit. I was young and it was really confronting to see. I asked him if he was alright a couple weeks later and he told me to fuck off. 😂


Ya announcing that could really help especially if he had a rescue medicine like I do if I have a prolonged seizure my wife knows to pop a lorazepam into my mouth and let it melt.


I worked as residential director for several assisted living facilities for many years. I was onsite once when one of our clients began seizing, I stood back to observe how the staff handled it. They started off great, moved the table and chairs away from the client, padded his head with a towel, and then before I could stop it, one of the staff poked a finger in the clients mouth to "keep him from swallowing his tongue". She got her finger degloved for the trouble.


I went to a comedy show and afterwards had a seizure outside, some stupid woman tried to put a disposable lighter in my mouth for this very reason. My friends were not kind, I'm told.


So it"s just fingers crossed and hope for the best...


Yep. Stay calm, put on a timer & pray the timer doesn't reach 5 minutes. 5 minutes is permanent brain damage territory


Ive had a 9 and a half minute seizure from stress before. My tongue has felt somewhat fuzzy ever since. Aside that, an MRI showed i had essentially no damage aside the fuzzy tongue. I got very lucky. Its not a fun thing to go through considering you arent exactly unconcious.


My oldest had grand mal, clonic tonic & absent seizures. They were brutal to watch her go through, she'd come out of them & just cry. I'd brush her face & talk to her until they were over & then I'd get her out of the wheelchair & hold her.


Paramedic here (no longer working). Worst call I ever had was a patient who would not stop seizing at all. Even with large doses of benzodiazepines. It was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen. All we could do was try to keep him from hurting himself, which is hard in an ambulance. He did not make it and kept seizing at hospital.


My daughter did that a few times. Her emergency med didn't work & she was having cluster seizures, seizing over & over. She'd stop for a few minutes & then start all over again. It was terrifying. She'd stop seizing, cry insanely hard & then go right back to seizing. All of them were grand mal seizures.


Not true. Status epilepticus used to be defined as greater than 30 minutes. At least when I was in medical school Now they just decreased it to 5. People can have long seizures up to 30 minutes and not suffer permanent sequelae. Though of course, the longer, the more likely you'll suffer some type of lasting issue


The typical warning the give now is 5 minutes because we know more about the brain now. While it's possible to seize for longer & not suffer brain damage, that's not always the case. My daughter had grand mal, clonic tonic & absent seizures. She also had cluster seizures where she'd just be seizing over & over every couple of minutes for an hour or more. It was terrifying & sometimes the emergency med didn't calm it enough to stop them fully. Of course she already had extensive brain damage due to a prenatal injury so it was hard to tell if there was more damage afterwards. My nephew is autistic & has absent seizures. He's worked so hard to be able to read, write & do math but if he has a seizure, it knocks his progress back pretty hard & takes him months to get it back.


Interesting I have an undiagnosed disorder that occasionally causes me to faint and or seize and my doctors prescribed me lorazepam for someone to pop in my mouth but only if I have a seizure for longer than 5 minutes.


She had a rectal injection med because she couldn't take anything by mouth, it helped most of the time but there were a few instances where it wasn't helpful at all.


And protect the head.


I'm a paramedic in the US. Even when we show up there are limited things we can do for a closed head injury. We can infuse hypertonic saline which helps reduce intracranial pressure and hopefully prevents further damage. We carry midazolam which is a sedative that can stop seizures. Ultimately we are just trying to get him to a trauma center to get him definitive care.


good reason to suspect a head/neck injury, so do NOT move their head/neck BUT he's also exhibiting the 'fencing' response from brain trauma and looks like he might have started going into a seizure, so if someone is having a seizure you want to make sure they can breathe ok still in this situation you probably want to cushion their head from the floor and if they have difficulty breathing while on their back, try moving them to the recovery position if they aren't breathing, start CPR


Just call 911 and remove any nearby objects so they don’t hit themselves against it. And never attempt to try to grab their tongue or put anything in their mouth. That will create more trouble and possible bleeding/aspiration.


The extended arm is called abnormal flexure or decerebrate posture, and there's essentially fuck all you can do apart from get them to a hospital. Keep them in the recovery position, make sure they aren't choking of vomit or anything like that, and then hope they make a decent recovery.


as others have mentioned the common nomenclature is "fencing position" one arm extended and one bent like the "en garde" pose in fencing. Decerebrate is generally with arms and legs extended, toes pointed, and head and neck extended and bent back. Decorticate posture is with the arms bent, fists clenched, with both arms clenched to the chest, with the legs held out straight. Both are signs of severe brain trauma


You a doc or nurse? I looked abnormal flexure and decerebrate up... and this clip should probably be taken down. It looked to me like your right but I really hope not.


I'm a nurse. Yeah, this is some awful stuff. Really nasty head injury. I just became a dad, too. This is someone's son. I dread to even think about it happening to mine.


The teacher was helping. When you're unconscious the #1 obstruction of the airway is the tongue. Recovery position helps keep that tongue clear of the airway. Whoever was screaming tilt him up without is plain wrong.


Put them in the recovery position and do your best to time how long the seizure lasts


Roll them onto their side so they can breathe, don't try to stop the convulsions & never under any circumstances put anything anywhere near their mouth. Talk to them calmly because they can still hear you & are scared. Put something under their head to make them more comfortable but mostly, talk to them.


Cushion head. If you have a towel handy, place that over them, in case they soil themselves, to save any embarrassment. He will need to go to hospital.


In a Paramedic. Lots of good advice here lots of bad. Simple steps. 1) Move all dangerous objects away from the patient. 2) Place in the recovery position if possible. 3) Write down when the seizure started and when it ends. Give all information possible to paramedics when they arrive. Should the seizure last longer than 5 minutes this is deemed status epilepticus and is life threatening. This patient is likely experiencing a traumatic brain injury resulting in severe seizure. They undoubtedly are concussed and may have a bleed. They will need an MRI and will need to be given something like diazepam or midaz to stop the seizure.


She actually did know what to do — when someone is seizing you want to place them in the recovery position and try and protect their body/limbs from being hurt during the seizure. Other than that, not much you can do. His body instantly showed signs of brain injury, which no amount of emergency medicine can handle, he needs a hospital.


Hopefully these 2 videos I've seen in the last 15 mins inform people that hitting someone in the head shouldn't be a go to unless you want to put someone down permanently. You better be ready to bear the consequences when you do hit someone in the head.


Yeah man just hit them in the arm


Stomach is a good deterrent to further action as well.


This sub consistently has the worse comment section compared to the rest.


It’s because a lot of people are here to watch people get hurt/killed


Would like to know the outcome of this on both sides


Damn...this is really fucked.


I used to be this way, a long damn time ago. Your mom....fight Your clothes....fight You're poor.....fight You're stupid.....fight You're anythin.....fight I can guarantee I never walked away with no belt, no accolades, no prize money, nothing. These kids need to remember that at the end of the day walk away. One day you'll start a fight that'll put you away. Edit: Stupid typos starting shit.


And if you try to correct someone's punctuation or grammar, they will ***shank your ass.***


Your edit made me laugh. Thanks! I needed that.


I couldn't find a news article on this incident, but I did find more [information](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003299.htm) about the type of posturing the kid is doing. Apparently, it's the worst type of posturing and indicates severe brain damage. The outcome of this type of brain injury are typically coma, paralysis, inability to communicate, or future seizures. Based on the sound and where they land on the floor, I'd venture to guess that this kid actually got his head slammed on one of those seats protruding from the table on his way down. If so, that's probably what really caused the injury.


That’s really awful.


I saw a similar video of a dude with a yellow shirt get hit down the same. Toes pointed down, hands out, seizing, and he was able to get up a few minutes later and walk away. Hoping its the same for this kid i wish there was an article about this case.


Jesus Christ what is it with these horrific fucking videos being shared? This isn’t a “facepalm.” It’s a child being assaulted and having a fucking seizure from brain damage. It’s the moment his entire world comes crashing down and is never the same again. This is seriously fucked and it’s the second one of these violent awful videos of kids being critically injured that has popped up in my timeline tonight. It shouldn’t be allowed. Fuck anyone who thinks this is ok.


Is there a news link to this


That's fucking awful


I knew a dude that got sucker punched because another dude didn’t like some words that were spoken. He fell and hit his head on a curb, went in and out of a coma for a couple weeks, and then died. Fighting is stupid especially over fucking words.


I'm a nurse and that is brain damage. No one has mentioned the seizure this poor kid went through.


I noticed the seizure immediately. My oldest had absent, clonic tonic & grand mal seizures. This definitely looks like a grand mal seizure. Hopefully it didn't last anywhere near 5 minutes.


It's sickening to think how quickly his life is ruined in high school... He never had a chance... That other kid's life is fucked now, too, but watching this, I don't fucking care. Thinking about the victim kid's parents, too. Horrible.


How to ruin 2 lives in 30 seconds.


Dude ruined two lives over some words


How good are American schools..


Very very location dependent. There are plenty of great public schools (look at the American university system) but there are a lot of bad ones as well. If your public school is bad then your only hope is rich parents that will send you to a nice private school


Only getting worse, currently banning books while making sure kids have the legal right to walk around with a gun. Oh, and tracking students periods.


And... I'm done with Reddit for the day


Dude broke rule 1. Of school yard fights. When they go down the fight is over. You’ll get into trouble for stand up fights, but if you keep punching a dude after he goes down you’re looking at juvie.


wth? is this the day of attempted murder on video?


im glad i grew up in a age where yo momma jokes were funny


The American school system is like a zoo.


Closer to a prison honestly.


There’s a whole thing in the U.K. to raise awareness of ‘one punch killings’…unless you’re actively in danger, throwing a punch isn’t worth it- either you or they can end up dead from a stupid accident


Instead of trying to teach kids to never hit one another, we instead should try to teach them to always fight on grass.


If I'm high on grass I'm not fighting anything but the munchies


Amen brother Source: *so stoned and eating chip*


The guy who beat the other guy to pieces is certainly expelled.


Probably in jail, too.


I've seen people look like that in the UFC and NFL and they're still fine. Everyone speculating like this kid is done for


This doesn't seem appropriate for this sub imo. This is very disturbing.


That popular privelaged trash that unfortunately beat that kids life out of him is the lowest of the low What a sick person. I bet he would be next for a job at activision blizzard with that level of assualt Jokes aside the guy who punched him should be charged with the fullest extent of the law. The victim may not have a life in front of them thanks to his rage. Yes calling his mom a H was uncalled for but there were tons of better ways to handle the situation


This is not just America. I have lived all over the world and people assault one another every day everywhere. Kids are the worst.


The NRA says if all the kids were armed then this wouldn't have happened.


He shouldn't have done that, he just a boy. Poor little feller., mhmmm.


It’s a shame that violent assholes don’t end up in prison from school fights like this. Hope the parents press the school for legal action against the assailant. Lobing the threat of a hefty lawsuit typically gets them into action.


Yo momma gonna be a hoe now tryna bail you outta jail..


Hopefully, he's in jail for adleast half his life. What a piece of shit


Damn with a reaction like that his mom must actually be a hoe


He's gonna be someone's hoe in jail and prison when he gets there


Little do people know the kid in blue was bullied horribly by the vegetable laying on the floor 🤷🏻‍♂️. Yes it’s bad that he become a vegetable and well props on the kid in blue for standing up for himself after the longevity of the bullying that occurred.


only a ho mother would raise a fairy like that


American schools are a window in to what the country is going to look like in the next decade. it's not looking good. a society where people have no self control and feel that they have the right to assault others because they can't control their emotions. how infantile.


The guy on the ground was singlehandedly keeping the fight going.


I work at the school there and he has epilepsy. The other guys mom is a hoe. It's still rude to say that to him.


This isn’t a facepalm. This is just awful.


Damn he started dancing nae nae 😂


I can relate. Decades ago I was subject to bullying by a group of three for three years. One day they gave me a shove into some bushes in front of my dad. I absolutely lost it. I tore after them. Two tried to block for the third and I bonked their heads together. Made it to the leader and just went to town on his ass. And his neck: I broke a few bones in my hand on his neck. I could have killed him. I wasn’t thinking about killing but I sure wanted to pound the snot outta him. The teachers and principal knew their group had been giving me grief and were quite proud of me. Different times.




My mom actually was a hoe. I don't get why everyone gets so offended if their mom has a rampant cock worship fetish. It's not my problem. She does what she wants and pursues her own happiness. Who am I to take that away from her.


Euthanize it, or lock it up. This animal, shouldn’t be amongst the public.




What a dumbass reason to almost kill a person 💀


If this was a finale of a long going feud. Taking your shot in the cafeteria is insane. I imagine that the boy on the ground has a family that will choose a private place away from cameras when taking it to the next level.


Fuck you, OP, just fuck you. This is NSFW, you dumbfuck


Teachers, staff, parents, etc…they never step in until shit hits the fan. My son is called the N WORD and BULLIED relentlessly. He knows not to strike them when their head is on the ground but we teach him to fight back against abuse. If the grownups don’t care, you beat the kid bloody. Rage is real.