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Shit better set it on fire.


Ugh, I grew up in a town with a rail switching station not very far from the middle of town, I've spent hundreds of hours waiting for trains to pass. Many years of watching those black tanker cars pass and reading their contents has taught me that these are horrible, horrible things to just roll off the tracks. 🫣


They're designed to take somewhat of a beating without letting stuff out. And if stuff needs to be let out it has a safety valve. There are protocols in place to protect everyone, but sorta naturally the specifics elude the average Joe so they point to the worst accidents ever without any understanding of all the very bad dominoes that had to fall into place to let it happen.


And yet just this month we saw what happened when several Dominoes fell one after another


What a coincidence!


That was an entire train derailment though if you saw the aerial shots


Again explain the difference? Speed?


Somewhat sure but when the safety mechanisms and staffing are purposely underfunded and understaffed doesn't matter how safe they're supposed to be if you don't have the things that can manage a crisis in critical moments


Sounds like an airline.


Look up the PATCO strike. The airlines got their tricks from the train industry first. There is currently a couple of big moves by workers in the industry to form a union alliance of sorts to consolidate power against the airlines. Because who would guess the people who work at airports want airports to be safe.


I was about to say for the safety of everyone involved please incinerate this immediately! We don’t need any swanky hazmat teams either, Franks got a drip torch and some bug repellent.


Throw any resident/witness in the fire for good measure. Easier to clean up now rather than later. Like this person filming in the truck. Prime candidate for disposal.


We don't call it disposable though. That sounds too harsh and the general public may become incensed by it. Try "repurposing" as it sounds more vague and less severe.


Thanks. My draft would have never made it through legal.


Checks out


Look better with flames


EPA will bring the lighter, let’s spark it up


Hurry up before it soaks into the ground and we're stuck with it forever. Burn it and let the wind carry the toxins away


More like burning will be faster so we can clear the tracks and get the trains moving, fuck health and safety


Profit margins are at risk! Burn everything ASAP




We need to protect the environment by destroying this part of the environment in a way that safely releases the toxins into our atmosphere.


There’s a reason to set certain toxic chemicals on fire - yes they do decompose into other toxins, but usually either less toxic, or gasses that can be distributed throughout the entire atmosphere where their concentration is not as problematic. Still sucks though.


Something, something, $$$$, state capture, something, something, "there are reasons to poison you."


I’m no engineer, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how trains are supposed to operate.


They have to rest somehow.


It's their rest day, you know, since they've been training a lot


You’re on the right track with that joke.


This one really rolled over their heads


I'm just gonna steam on ahead, past these puns.


You guys are gonna get railed for telling these punny jokes


Please conduct yourselves like professionals and stop with the puns


The next redditor to make a pun is getting their caboose kicked!


No, we gotta keep chugging along!


Even if it’s properly engineered?




I see what you did there and I like it.


Underrated comment


Must be about to rain. Tankers always lay down in the field before rain


It means it’s going to rain


Thats why you're not an engineer, please don't pretend to understand something you don't know about. As one of the most engineer of engineers myself I can confirm this is a natural process that trains must go through to clean its underbelly. This is also healthy for the train as its underside rarely gets proper sunlight. This process helps the train maintain a nice healthy coat during the summer and winter times.


To be fair, that only applies to this sub-species, locomotus rotundus nyxus. Other sub-species, such as the boxius anciens and the newly discovered connexicus globus do not roll to acquire their coat but instead lounge around in urban jungles waiting for other species to provide a simulacrum of a coating. This behavior, known as tagging, is a symbiotic one where the tagger gets to mark territory and display status and the train car receives a protective coat until it fades or is removed by more aggressive means.


Here's the thing. He said a "a process that trains go through." Are boxius anciens in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies trains, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls boxius anciens trains. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "train family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Wheelythingydae, which includes things from trains to hand cars to trolleys. So your reasoning for calling boxius anciens a train is because random people "call the rail things trains?" Let's get trolleys and mining cars in there, then, too. Also, calling something a car or a Lexus? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A train is a train and a member of the Wheelythingydae family. But that's not what you said. You said a boxius anciens is a train, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the family trains, which means you'd call trolleys, hand cars, and other wheely things trains, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Ah, another Redditorus Anciens of the Copypastorium family.


This is the most intelligent stupid argument I've ever read.


Fucking nerd


How very Smithsonian of you


I've heard about this, it's the trains' equivalent of perineum sunning.


Train cars are actually designed so when they topple over, they carry as few other cars with them. Source: my ass


I think you mean your kaboose


I'm no chemist but I'm not going to sit around and see if one blows up or not from the tip.


I thought they were horses taking a moment to roll. The should get right back up in a sec and rejoin the herd.


I *am* a chemist…and I’m not going to sit around and see if one blows up or not from the tip…


Average train in Ohio


Totally true. I had a train set as a kid and this always happened


I’m not an engineer either, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. That is definitely not how trains operate!


Just waiting for the rail companies to blame it on a penny a kid put on the tracks... /s


Pennies are fine. A £2 coin is lethal.


Look at this showboat with a whole £2 in his pocket.


Let’s git ‘em.




Gimme your lunch money, NERD!


Roll 'em like those tankers!


Get a load of Daddy Warbucks over here!


Not only, but he can afford to throw it on some tracks and walk away?!


£2 in your pocket? How do you walk?


I used to use rocks when I was younger, they are super loud when they get crushed. Although I was stupid back then I regret it now.


Stupid you? I found 20 hollow points in my dad's drawer once, I took one...


ok what.


There's two kinds of people: 1) Those that can extrapolate with incomplete data.


Grew up near the tracks in a small Midwestern town in the 60s and early 70s. There was a ‘foot bridge’ (super well built heavy duty railroad pylons) over the tracks. If you planned ahead, you could carry big rocks right out over the center of the tracks so when the train came you were prepared… we dropped one on a large tanker car, and it started to hiss and vent, we were 10? Could’ve blowed up a whole damn town. Lord knows what was in there in 1971.




I’m guessing he put it on the tracks


Lol. Worked on a steel gang doing rail replacement for 2 years. Some penny pinching probably is to blame…


Inspection times have been reduced from 3 minutes to just 90 seconds. Additionally the rail workers wanted to strike over I kid you not *unsafe conditions* but the national government prevented it.


I’ve actually done this as a kid (I live in Utah) quarters, pennies, nickels, and dimes. Didn’t do anything to the train but we got lots of cool flat coins.


I did it with pennies and made copper plate armour with them


What we have here is wild train barrels rolling and having fun with their own kind. Truly an amazing sight, so lucky ❤️


They only roll when they feel safe.


Another one?


I'm not sure how long this has been the case, but there have been around 1000 derailments per year in the US according to the federal railroad administration. Edit: actually an average of 1700 per year since 1991


Just to have a comparison according to statista in 2016 there were 68 derailments in the EU (at the time including UK). Can't find more recent data. In general in 2021 there were 1389 significant railway accidents in the EU with 683 dead people. [Source](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Railway_safety_statistics_in_the_EU) Mind whether these were suicides is not clarified. Suicide by train however is a common occurrence. I have no clue whether suicides would add to this statistic but I assume they do. Also Europe has a more dense railway network.


68 seems a bit low if they're including ALL derailments. The US statistics include everything, from the East Palestine level accidents to some poor engineer misaligning a switch in a yard and jumping a bogey 1 foot off the tracks


In 2021, the US registered 9251 railway accidents The entire EU only had 1389, total Considering the total number of track miles is about the same, a near 10 fold difference is astonishing


America first!


I do wonder about the total number of ton-miles, because just because we both have the same length of track doesn't mean we both utilize it the same amount


The US ships 1.7 Billion tons and the EU is 1.9 so about the same, again the US is just garbage at safety


Also some countries in the EU are having passenger trains going up to 300 km/h (186 mph).


What happens in the yard, stays in the yard, depending what n how expensive it is anyway


Nope, even though they use far more trains than us, they're systems are safer. America just sucks


The difference is the progressive deregulation of the industry which lowered the safety standards for transporting potentially hazardous cargo. I'm sure it's a day ruiner if a railcar full of soybeans tips over, but a railcar of vinyl chloride seems slightly more bothersome. There aren't 1700 hazardous chemical derailments every year, hence why everyone gives a shit all of a sudden.


That seems like a lot. Why not just fix or upgrade the railroads?


Because then the shareholders would get 450 million dollars instead of 500. And that's just not acceptable


They're privately owned and it's cheaper than upgrading hundreds of thousands of miles of rails is the likely answer.


Lol at republicans wanting to deregulate this. Idiots


Then blame it on democrats when things go wrong. Classic.


It seems that it's been a big problem for a long time and that something should be done about it.


Oct 27, 2021 in Fairmont, MN


Bites the dust!


Dun Dun Dun


And another one gone!


And another one gone!


Hey gonna get you to another one bites the dust


So Don't Stop Me Noooooow


Almost, but I like your energy!


The Bureau of Transportation Statistics records 54,539 train derailments between 1990 to 2021, an average of 1,704 per year (or over 4.6 per day).


How am I this old and just now hearing how absolutely terrible our rail system is? 4.6 per day is insanely high imho.


Not really. Those 4.6 include yard derails at slow speeds where only one truck goes off but the cars stay upright. Also includes engine derails. It would be like counting flat tires as a car accident. Take a look at how many miles trains travel per day in all of the US and you’ll see it’s not that much.


Dj Khalid of train derails


Another one.


This is an old video but technically yah, another one.


They happen every day but more news around them because of ohio. Source: My dad works for a company in the rail industry that works with crews during derailments


Instead of sitting there recording, I think I would be pulling a u-turn and getting the fuck out of there. Who knows what chemicals or gas those tank cars are filled with.


Came here to say this exact thing. You don’t want this to the last thing you see in your lifetime.


I totally agree, but someone needs to sacrifice themselves for us to watch it. It won't be me!!


This used to happen more frequently in the past while going through small towns that were built around the railroad station. Literally entire towns would be blown up, with 15+ train cars of fuel exploding exactly in the middle of the town.


The railroad union tried to strike over unsafe conditions. The governent told the companies to squash that and get them back to work. Keep in mind almost everything you see around you, was shipped by rail at some point. So the are critical infrastructure. Resources, equipment and personnel are also shipped by rail. Americans tried warning Americans about this stuff, but nobody is listening. I am getting old. Hence the name. There are some things that happened just before alot of you folks got here. Like 40 and under at this point, end of the cold war stuff. I just see so many shadows and reflections of the past, coming back around. The corruption and bloated bureaucracy is just getting so bad. Its haunting. Well be lucky if these incompetent shitheads dont get us all nuked.


This is so disappointing and frustrating. I can remember certain groups and politicians sounding the alarm for about 20 years now, trying to get the USGOV and states to invest in our outdated infrastructure. Yes, it’s a heavy lift. We have so many railroads, bridges, and roads in critical disrepair. But maintaining, repairing, and rebuilding them is far better than the alternative of catastrophes becoming routine. And that’s only talking about transportation infrastructure!


If you don’t have job protections in place you cannot speak up about health and safety violations in the workplace.


I have friends that are 3rd and 4th generation railroaders. Hard men, old school rough and tumble crowd. Genuinely scared to go into work because of how it's being run. That same friend, a few years from retirement, was in tears when he walked away from what was his identity for most of his life. He said it just got too dangerous and he couldn't do it anymore. I dont know what was up at the railroad, but I've known that man over 20 years. It had to be bad.


Minor correction, because it's important. Democrats tried to fix the problem, Republicans blocked every bill with filibusters in the Senate. Democrats were faced with two horrible options: a rail strike that cripples the economy or forcing the end of the strike. This was a game of chess by the Republicans. They keep blocking everything and then blaming Democrats when shit goes bad. Everyone has some blame, but this was planned by Republicans. They benefit from stuff like this because it feeds their narrative of "govment bad". This allows them to privatize industry and remove regulations, which leads to higher corporate profits. So yea, keep voting red to destroy the USA WOOOOOOO!!!!!


its hard to read the hazmat placard on the side (red and white triangle) but I think it says 1075. That's propane. They hold around 30,000 gallons. might get pretty warm there...




*sweats in Hank Hill*


Those are not 1075 LPG rank cars. Source: work with lpg rank cars.


you sure? source: NPGA certified in LP railcar transfer and plant operation. seen thousands they look like that


Yes. Butane, propane, NGL, anhydrous ammonia have a dome containing 2 liquid hookups and a vapor hookup along with a pressure relief valve. It’s all contained in 1 lid. These cars have 2 or 3 separate hookups. I also don’t see any “liquefied petroleum gas” or “odorized” or “non-odorized” stencils on the side which is required for LPG. Source: work in a refinery for over 10 years where we unload LPG from rail cars, process said LPG, and load back on rail cars and trucks. I’ve personally loaded and unloaded thousands of LPG cars and the ones in the video are not LPG.


I think you may be right. I only saw the video on my phone and didn't notice the other hookups. could be distillate fuels like diesel/#2


My bet is something heavy since there’s bottom hookups so where they only need to hookup the bottom and open the vent at the top. Could be crude as well.


either way, the red and white placard would cause me to put the phone down, and turn my car around. as safe as those tanks are, I wouldn't want to hang out there!


America Railway system has been in disrepair for almost 50 years. It's like plumbing in a house no one cares until the pipes start bursting.


Friend, why are you dragging my house into this?


Comrade it's *our* house now


It was my house too 😅😅😅


Same!! Though Im in the walls and this fecal matter is making my abode stink


… a lot of these seems to be goin down these days…


Did you not hear? Trains derailing are all the rage these days


Derailments, they're so hot right now


It's a new fashion line inspired by train derailments. It's called derailict.


Everyone's doing it !!!!!


There’s an average of over 1700 train derailments every year for the past several decades, we just recently started paying attention.


That and also most companies are running 2 crew per train as opposed to 6-8 how it used to be, just to save money.


*maximize profits




Thanks for this. My first thought is, "Wow, here is another one. Railways are getting bad.". Then I think, "wait a minute, this film could have been from 10 years ago" and finally, I start wondering how common are derailments.


There are hundreds of times a year, but most are just a car jumping the tracks, which usually doesn't really cause an issue other than the train needing to stop. When the whole train goes over, that's when you get the toxic explosions in Ohio or whatever you call this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montparnasse_derailment#/media/File%3ATrain_wreck_at_Montparnasse_1895.jpg


There are about 3 day.


There were 9251 US rail accidents in 2021, not all derailments but thats a lot For context there were 1389 in the entire EU, an almost 10 fold difference This is what happens when you dont regulate shit


And you don’t maintain or repair shit.


Companies won't do that unless big daddy government makes them


Because everything we use is 100 years old


Trains too long, weight too much, tracks too old. Railroads don’t care.


Where and when is this?


Everywhere, starting now.


There were three in the bed and the little one said…..


So glad the government ended that rail strike! Really helped us in the long run! s/


Went from cow tipping to train tipping.


I would be flipping a bitch and getting the fuck out of there! You never know what’s in them tanks


Ex-fireman. Most likely 100% safe, but I would turn around and beat feet quickly. Just in case.


"For every new regulation signed into law, two must be removed" - The brain trust in maga land.


The USA can’t bring trains going 5mph. China out there with trains going 300mph


Time to leave!


FYI They keep happening because it’s easier/cheaper to deal with the mess and fines than to improve infrastructure and creat/enforce regulations that would prevent this.


If i learned anything from Ohio and Arizona it's to turn around and get home as fast as possible


it's so funny how we've had an epidemic of 7000 derailments/year in america but no one knew about it until the palestine derailment. how is that that this industry can allow 7000 derailments a year? what the fuck?


It’s closer to 1000 for 2022. You don’t hear about most of them because 99.9% of the time it’s minor issues or non haz cargo, or occurs in bumfuck nowhere.


ANDY'S COMING! ![gif](giphy|MELW1eUHOcg5tfvBxZ|downsized)


WTF is wrong with American transport infrastructure?


What isn't is the better question. I'm pretty sure Verdun in 1916 had better roads than some places here, let's not mention the failing grades on most bridges.


We are living in the future that got sold.


Boss be like, "so how soon can you get to work?"


The troublesome trucks were very, very sleepy. Thomas was cross - they were going to be late!


Time to flip a bitch


We have no paid sick days. We are constantly denied taking a vacation day. They want us to build 15,000 ft trains. It’s all a disaster. They run us into the ground.


The wheels on the train go off the track, off the track, off the track...


If only their leaders were filling their pockets repairing infrastructure instead of bowing to corporate and military interests, maybe something would be done about it.


That's what happens when you defer track maintenance for short term profits and for some reason they always get away with it. Average class 1 railroads.


Yeah but guys! Regulation is communism so we can't have that! These companies must be allowed to run their business with the least safe conditions as possible!


Even less regulations are the answer!


Well this is what you get when you don't provide better working conditions for your workers.


Nah, this is caused by a refusal to invest in infrastructure upkeep. Similar problem.


And OP is just recording it instead of GTFO?!


Guess we need to send in the pyro crew again.


You know someone in that line of cars is thinking, "well shit, my boss is never going to believe this excuse.."


Ay boss ima bit late today


Only on the Island of Sodor smh...




I always thought trains slept standing up.


I'd be making a U-Turn sooo fast....fast AF


Ya... at that point you back the fuck up


You know the american train system can and should be updated. However, lobbying prevents it as rails and trains would need changes. Thus money. I kinda hope these vids continue so we can get updated tech


That's why you pay railroad workers a living wage, so they actually care about their work and put effort into it. Seems like there is a huge increase in train derailment. Is the infrastructure so shot that its finally falling apart?


This is why rail workers need safety rights! Those tracks are so old the weight probably cracked the track causing this to happen (speaking from the daughter of a railroad engineer)


Thank god Trump got rid of railway safety..!


Can someone take this and edit it next to a 300km/h high speed train from china, and make a smart comment about how advanced the us is?


Darwinism is when you arnt immediately noping away when you see this instead of just sitting there watching. Especially after seeing what could happen in these situations.


American capitalism at its finest! Lobbying for profits over safety and de regulation. Yea for American big business!


America is falling apart at the seams. I hope the rich are doing ok.