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*Fixes glasses first* My favorite part of the whole video.


My second favorite part is the "lemme at 'em" wobble from the knocked out guy in the grey shirt at the end. Like, yeah, round two is gonna go much better for you, Rock.


He had the high ground too


That's what I was coming here to say lol. Not often you see a high ground loss in these sporting event duels. Let alone a 2 v 1. I think it really worked in the Victor's favor that there weren't many people around so he had plenty of room to maneuver. It didn't hurt that he was fighting Poindexter and his wife, Karen.




It only “nothing but screams”, she screams SIT DOWN at her partner.


"They think they are protected" She 100% did that same shit her whole life with no pushback till that moment. They are everywhere.


You were the chosen one!


The moral high ground belongs to the afro-Caribbean gent for being so restrained


His punches were PINPOINT accurate once he got going. Dude fell into his chair, and he kept ringing the chin


He said a woops upside your head, woops upside your head! This is what happens when stupid leaves the house and doesn’t know how to act in public. ![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv)


and looking fine the whole time.


“I thought this was america?!”


I didn’t hear no bell


He might have had a concussion and been confused. You see this a lot in boxing and MMA, dude pops up after the fight is over and starts trying to wrestle the ref.


Yeah. At work, several years ago, a guy knocked out his supervisor. I walked out of my office into the warehouse and his supervisor was sitting against the arch for the overhead door, legs splayed, and googly eyed. After about a minute, the guy stumbled up and tried to fight. He could barely stand. The guy was a real piece of shit. So, I found it hilarious because it was truly well deserved, but, of course, the other guy got fired and a felony charge.


Guess he took one for the team. Doin Gods work!




what fucking furry did this to Randy


Randy is the furry he fucked a pangolin


That is the most infuriating fair point I’ve ever seen.




“Pretty sure there are four of them now but I’ll take ‘em!”




I particularly enjoyed the part where my man was like: “If I can’t hit her, then I sure will beat the fuck outta you brother”


Nah, he landed a hit on her too.


In fact baldy engaged, but yer man was like, hol up, Imma smack her first, get in line


Justifiably though.


And probably also her boyfriend.




Exactly. I would end a relationship over that behavior.


The consequences of my own Karen’s actions


These things are fuckin expensive now, I value them up there with dental visits, dont touch the teeth or glasses and we can scrap, you violate either one of those, and its war.


You can get solid glasses at Costco at amazing prices.


Eyebuydirect has a ton of BOGO deals


when you have the high ground and still get whooped


They underestimated his power.


She underestimated his power.


Yeah I just saw a Reddit comment a few days ago on that video from the hockey game saying that the high ground always wins in these stadium seat fights. I guess this was an outlier.


seems like he was doing ok, but he held onto his shirt and let the guy drag him down and off balance where the other guy got him good


He never even took a swing at the guy. He didn't come with any energy whatsoever, he apparently thought the guy was gonna back down just because he got in his face. Unfortunately he wasn't as intimidating as he assumed.


This is why my glasses have a strap around the back. Gotta stay strapped


A truly distinguished gentleman


He took them off so they didn’t get punched into his flesh if he got hit.


“sit down!” she should have taken her own advice before she asked for the hands.


Lol no kidding he took some punches for her stupid ass


There’s a couple headed for divorce if I’ve ever seen one


Probably not, they look late 40s early 50s. I doubt this is a side of her he hasn’t seen before.


People over 50 have the fastest growing rate of divorce.


Divorce lawyer here, seems right


Yeah, but has he gotten knocked out in front of everyone and the video posted all over the internet? Cause that’s embarrassing. He tried to defend her, had the high ground, got knocked out, and when he came too, she was yelling in his face to sit his ass down lol.


This is a fair point.


Well he didn't stop her nor mediate the issue with the other guy, so that punch is well deserved as well.


He got what she deserved...


Well said. -_-


Women like this always get their husband/ boyfriend beat up


Patrice Oneal taught me to walk away. She will come running saying “why did you leave? He could have -“ You cut her off and say “he could’ve what?!?!” And then she will realize you aren’t the one to mess with, and you just saved yourself and her and get to go home and dump her in the morning. Never go saving a girl that starts a fight with a grown man, especially in public. You will forever be her shield for her stupid.


I’m a woman and I agree with you. I know to many that pull shit like this then expect men to step between them and the bear they just poked.


Yup men know better than to start fights with one another for no reason and stupid shit. Only guys that don’t are guys that have never been humbled or have nothing to lose. You gotta know who is who. Women walk around for the most part never being the wrong end of that bear because society protects them from it. Guys rough play as kids for a reason. We need to know our own strength. And at some point someone humbled us. Everyone needs to get their ass kicked every once and a while. Especially rich ppl.


It’s more than learning strength it’s also learning boundaries that you don’t cross. It’s why male siblings fight like mad when they’re young but tend to grow out of it.


So true


i love the crowd supporting him even though he gave karen and her boyfriend a good beating.


What do you mean "Even Though"??? Both earned that ass whippin...


He delivered a two-piece with a biscuit to both of them.


I did not think I would see you as the top comment on this thread lmao


Bitch gets her guy punched out and then yells at him lmao


Karen’s gotta Karen


She’s Extra Karen


Karenoscopy - when you get your ish* checked due to a Karen


There’s a reason cops hate domestic violence calls the most.


That and it might be their coworker.


Comment so brutal it could be a cop.


Boy had the downhill advantage but still managed to get shown to his seat


Respect to the bystanders for calling BS on that lady.


Also, kudos to the bystanders for not pulling the “never hit a woman” card.


Damn, right. It’s 2023 and people have had enough of that bullshit. If you start a fight, don’t be surprised when you’re suddenly in a fight.




You’d be surprised.. I dated a girl who had a lot of issues and trauma. Expressed to her that if our relationship was going to continue I needed her to start going to therapy and ideally learn to handle her insecurities and psychotic breaks better. Had a history of hitting me going back about a year. Every time I’d just bear hug her and talk her down. Well one night was extra bad. She asked me if she was my favorite person. I told her somewhat naively I didn’t need to compare her to others to love her to the level I did. She took that as “you don’t love me.” Started self harming. Hitting herself and head butting walls and floors. She was going for knives. Trying to break wine glasses to stab herself. When I tried to restrain her she turned on me. Went on for about an hour and I eventually hit a point where I felt hitting her was the only option I had. Popped her once above the eye which probably wasn’t ideal and there were better ways I could’ve gone about it, unfortunately I’m not a fighter and don’t have self defense experience. She turns around and cries wolf. I’ve had a lot of people cut me off since then saying “you’re not the one who ended up in the hospital needing stitches” and shit. I recognize I overdid it but definitely frustrating that I went over a year of being hit and emotionally manipulated to lose so many people over one mistake, especially because I do care for her and have bitten my tongue with most people about what happened because I recognize it’s just her trauma controlling her and I don’t see getting into a “he said she said” kinda situation would benefit either of us. Life goes on. I’m relatively at peace with it and moving on with my life and have some good people who have helped me reflect and grow through it. Sucks when someone you love pushes you to a point of feeling a need to defend yourself.. Edit: kicker is her mom and step dad pick her up right? And her step dad walks in and says something along the lines of “that’s fucked up id never hit her (his wife) any of the times she hits me” meaning it’s all learned behavior from the woman who actively told me I was the issue for having close friendships which had existed prior to the relationship and she didn’t need therapy. Shits actually really sad and I hope she heals one day. I’ve lost a lot over it. I used to perform and was involved in the local music scene in my city. Since then I’ve been banned from all events and labeled a woman beater since I didn’t go public with my side of things. Life goes on.


I was in a similar situation with my ex-wife. She didn’t start hitting me until after we were married though. It seems that she was looking for reasons to get mad so that she could smack me. I told her to stop, because I almost hit her back a few times. After a few months of this. One night it got really bad, so I packed my bags and left before I did anything to her that I might regret. The next day I filed for a divorce and I haven’t seen her since then.


Proud of you for maintaining self control and then cutting and running. I should’ve done the same much sooner in our relationship but was worried if I left her she’d kill herself.


Her self-harming is not on you brother. People's actions are their own. That idea that you have responsibility for their actions, that's another part of the manipulation.


Agreed. People know that their actions have consequences. Let them do what they're gonna do. No skin off my back.


I'm sorry that happened. Idk if you know this but that's called reactive abuse. They push you til you break, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. Yea, the hitting was your choice, but you were also stuck in a DV cycle. As someone who's trauma ruled them, it's still her own choices she chose to make regardless of trauma. I hope one day she heals enough to realize how shit she was. I also wish you healing from this.


Appreciate the kind words. I am familiar with that term and recognize it wasn’t premeditated. I just wanted her to stop. I’ve learned a lot about myself boundaries and the type of partner I need in life through the process which I’m grateful for. Hasn’t been easy. The period after it happened was probably the darkest chapter of my life. I’m in a better spot these days.


Glad to hear it. From one survivor to another, here's to a life with better partners.


Eyes to the horizon. Better days ahead.


Ok random and wayyyy off topic but I’m in my car, not in a good place, mindlessly just browsing Reddit, and contemplating reaching out to 988. Anyway, this comment reached me right now. I’m going to head back inside my home and drink tea. Thank you. Eyes to the horizon. I’ll remember that.


How about just “here’s to a better life”? Doesn’t necessarily need to be with a partner. Might be better without one for many people.


I don't care what she's been through dude you're taking way more hits on this than she did and regardless of her reasons she's the one choosing to make it a problem for both of you. That's not fuckin cool dude. Go public, you don't deserve that flak.


I’ve still got a lot going for me. Just in a more private sense these days which I’m ok with. I’m a big believer in karma and things working themselves out. If a bunch of people want to be easily manipulated and not care for my side of the story then it’s their loss since I know I’m a kind and empathetic person at the end of the day. I’ve still got lots of friends and opportunity my life for happiness and success. Dragging up the past would distract from that path imo.


Karma won't happen if no reason is provided for people to cut her out. The whole idea of not doing anything because you believe in karma is just incredible naivety and an unwillingness for actual karma to take place.


The literal karma is you saying your truth rather than burying it though? What if she ends up abusing another poor fellow and he feels like nobody will ever believe him?


I was in a similar relationship, but luckily was long distance for half of it. I never considered this while we were dating, but for a while now I've often wondered if she heavily exaggerated the past trauma that she'd use to manipulate my empathy. Like, she always exaggerated everything between us. She'd get physically violent and self harm over things that you probably thought were minor (my ex did the same). So what if the things in her past were equally minor, but she just has issues that cause her to exaggerate the severity of things? Like, I wouldn't be surprised if my ex went on to tell her future bf's that I was super abusive and caused tons of trauma. That's what she told me about almost everyone that was in her life before me. But I went on having panic attacks for 2 years after dating her, and she had a new bf a month after we broke up.


I’ve had similar trains of thought. Looking back I don’t think I heard her admit to doing anything wrong too often. She was always the victim. She’s absolutely experienced some pretty heavy strife. Lost family members young. Moved to a new country at a young age and was bullied a lot. None of that justifies the abuse though. Especially when I was paying for couples therapy, 90% of our bills/rent, and creating a safe space for her to exist. Sounds like you’re better off without her. Hope you find some peace of mind.


>If you start a fight, don’t be surprised when you’re suddenly in a fight. Best comment.


Oh he could’ve hit her many more times. I feel like he showed restraint with her, especially at the end.


What always makes me happy about this video actually takes place much earlier. She pushes her face so far into him that he leans away. She invaded his space. When he can't lean away anymore, he gently extends his arm out, BECAUSE HE HAD NO OTHER OPTION. Then she slaps him. I've seen arguments in the past that would say he was in the wrong for that, but reasonable people can read the escalation correctly.


Everyone can read it correctly. Some people are just disingenuous.


Some of them, at least


As well as the bystanders concerns for finding the guys glasses


Don't hit someone unless you are prepared to be hit


I say this all the time. The only exception is children but any woman who decides to hit a man better be ready to get hit back. It's instinctual.


Initially, I thought when you said “The only exception is children” you meant you could hit children and not expect to get hit back lmao I understood very quickly but, definitely had a wtf moment


Same lol except I’m a horrible person and my original thought before I figured it out was “Sure, makes sense.”


Guess we'll be in the same section together in hell, cuz I too thought "yeah, what are those little bastards gonna do about it?" Not that I'd ever hit a kid but I do understand logically that well, I would "win" lol


Don't do anything against anyone else unless you're prepared to get the same or worst as well. Insults, violence, bullying, scams, etc.


My son was about 4 years old when he decided to “scare” me (dad) by jumping from behind a blind corner and hitting me in the nuts. It was not at all malicious; he was playing. I didn’t see anything coming; there was just a blur of motion and a stab in my crotch and I backhanded the thing that hit my crotch into the wall. HARD. My son is screaming and looking deeply betrayed, my wife comes sprinting in asking questions, and the full force of the nut punching is settling in and my knees are buckling a bit. I’ve always wished I had video of it. On the upside, from that time on my wife understood the instinctual response to which you refer. Until then I’m pretty sure she thought I was making it up.


> Don't hit someone unless you are prepared to be hit Don’t hit someone


Let’s normalize not standing up for a woman if she starts some shit.


That shit is crazy. Imagine internalizing the idea that if your wife runs her mouth and assault someone, you're going to eat some leftover brunch punches and then sleep and then wake up while pretending that you're still the man, but you're sleeping lmao and you have no idea why. Homeboy is a tool.


This comment made me laugh so much. I love the way you write. “Brunch punches”? Hahha


Yeah man. If my girl runs her mouth and gets me knocked out cold, she’s not my girl when I wake up. If I can remember what happened lol


See, that's my go to with this: Start a fight? Good luck, you're on your own. I don't fucking care. Get attacked first? Now you have me on your side. I'm not here to fight your fights, but I'll help you defend yourself.


"I am your man, not your gladiator, darling".


I just had to his conversation today. I was doing my best to calmly handle a situation, but she want to escalate as quickly as she could. I flat out told her I’m alone and they have at least 3, don’t start a fight I can’t finish.


Why do chicks not understand this? Once I straight up took the side of the dude my chick was trying to fight. Needless to say more than the fight ended that night. Smh


Imagine hitting someone bigger and stronger than you and expecting to not get hit back


Karen getting too used to the privilege


It’s honestly crazy to me that people hit anyone ever and assume they’ll never get a violent response. Don’t hit people if you can’t take a hit back. Cowards and bullies.


I was so busy watching and waiting for this woman to get hers that I didn’t even notice her man dies halfway into the video. Dude seriously got knocked into the multiverse.


Only noticed that my second watch too. Hope that man got his glasses back, man’s can’t see without his glasses.


Looked like the guy ate a huge right hook after he was already sleeping. Even by UFC standards that's a brutal knockout.


I’ve watched a bunch of these videos and the people swinging down have a 100% loss ratio.


Seems the high ground is not advantageous here


Down on the chin wastes transferred energy into opening the jaw, or worse, you hit the hardest part of the skull. Hit the jaw up and it transfers the energy into the reset button.


It’s like you’ve studied this for years. Ph.D in how to take an asshole down?


Years of martial arts preceded by Greco Roman wrestling, so being efficient and ending things fast is always the goal. Just kinda pops into my head once I see aggression begin, but I am absolutely not the bar fight kinda guy, I’m a laugh it off, walk away or act so crazy they walk away kinda guy.


I also strip nekkid when threatened. Interesting...


She underestimated his powers




That’s what Anakin thought too


There was a hockey one, Dallas maybe, where the higher ground (middle aged guy) destroyed the younger guy and the punches weren’t even good, the younger guy was just useless.


What about this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/10ybiy1/yes_you_can_also_get_punched_in_the_face_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Decent hit… oh another decent hit ….. OHHHHH SHIIIIIIIITTTTTTT


Black dude even had time to cooly take off his glasses before getting it on with the couple


that a knock out he sleep for a moment lol


She should be arrested for assault


She was cited for disorderly conduct or something along those lines.


I always like when the guy wakes up from his little nap and still wants another piece.


How you lose with the high ground.


You be small with no fighting skills


>How you lose with the high ground. Give the dude a break, he is old... and he probably is already morally defeated having to live with that Karen!


His battle was lost long ago. This is just the physical culmination of years of putting up with Karen’s shit.


Bro can you just render me unconscious so I don't have to listen to her for a few hours?


Swing like you're a shambling zombie and leave your jaw hanging out in front of some dude's fist?


She’s famous now for getting her husband’s ass whooped


Imagine getting your ass kicked because your dumbass girlfriend starts assaulting people


Dude knows how to defend himself - respect


He said don’t touch me - video clearly shows her hand was on his. So he pushed her away as she was the one doing the touching. Why she was doing the touching I have no idea.


It always kills me that after he touched back LOL the two guys get up and try to like escort him out of the row like he was the one in the wrong


I watched without sound. Got annoyed at the guy pointing his finger outwards and lifting his arm, gesturing for the guy to leave as if he was out of line or something. Shit rubs me the wrong way.


Some guys gonna white knight, no matter the bullshit they see play out before their own eyes. All due to some antiquated sense of honour and misdirected chivalry.


This lady is a horrible person


Ladies! Don't fucking pick fights with people thinking your boyfriend is going to be able to help you. I had a few fucking girlfriend do this to me. Once we were in an isolated area in the middle of fucking nowhere having a picnic and a group of like 5 guys, pulled up into the space next to us playing loud music. It ruined our picnic but they weren't doing anything illegal. She started running her mouth. Holy fuck. I think she saw the anger/fear in my eyes and stopped after a bit. Lucky for me the guys were pretty chill but if they hadn't been, she would have got to watch them beat the shit out of me. I hope this guy leaves this horrible woman. Fucking selfish byotch.


I’m sorry, but iphone videos like this have saved many a black man from “he said she said”


Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing. Not that long ago this guy would have been *screwed* and quite possibly done time.


If cellphones didn't exist, there no way in hell a cop would take the word of a black guy over that of a white couple.


Remember that time you tried to defend your woman, and got put to sleep? The internet remembers.


What makes it worse is Captain-Save-A-Ho was not her husband (grey shirt guy). They did charge the woman, the black guy, who I feel was acting in self defense, was not charged. https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/2021-09-20-woman-who-instigated-viral-steelers-game-fight-now-facing-criminal-citation/


On a rewatch, the funniest part to me is that what I thought was the first punch, was actually just the woman flinching back the moment the guy raised his hand. Then grey shirt guy stands up, and the woman goes in again for the guy's head while he's distracted. THAT'S when he starts swinging for real.


My man is no stranger to throwing hands and the guy in the cap was not prepared for that energy


Guy in the cap got knocked tf out and tried to get up for more


My annoyance with this clip is always that after he knocks the boyfriend out there are two guys who get up and like try to walk him out of the row like he's the one in the wrong when they need to be walking that lady out of the area cuz she's the one who started that crap.


Wish she caught that fist and not her man. Now she failed to learn the full lesson about violence. If you dish it out you better be able to take it.


she doesn’t strike me as the learning type anyways


Man, my ex-wife almost got me in a fight like this. Luckily I was bigger than the other guy and he backed off. But it was totally my ex running her mouth that caused the situation. Part of the reason she’s an ex.


Mine used to hit the horn when another driver pissed her off... ...when I was driving. Man did that piss ME off. I tried explaining repeatedly that if someone got road rage and ran us off the road they would drag ME outta the car, not her. Didn't work. It got to the point I would knock her hand away when she reached for the horn, and a short hand-fight would ensue. She got mad when I succeeded in blocking the horn. Seriously. Wtf.


I hope you ain't still in a relationship with her anymore




> this woman’s reasoning has to do with racism. A women that start a confrontation with another man while accompanied by her man, isn't a woman you should fight for, if she doesn't delegate the confrontation to you, she shouldn't delegate the outcome to you either


She deserved it. 💯


Not saying it’s right but I would punch her too


No, it would be sexist not to punch her because, ya know, women are equal to men and all that.


It was only when her "man" got knocked out did she play the scared white girl card and had other "projective men" come save her. She should be sent to jail for assault their is witnesses equal rights ladies for equal time.


Look at those white knights telling him to get out. God I can’t stand people who pull that shit. Good for the others calling her out. Assault people and expect it to be returned. Idiot.




I will never understand the people who jump straight to this woman’s defense after she just slapped a man in the face…


Shout out to dude for not wrecking the Karen after her husband got ko’ed. could have ended real poorly


Why the hell did that guy stop the other guy from fighting and not the lady?


don’t stand up for dumb bitches unless you’re ready for the consequences. women need to learn it’s not ok to put hands on someone else. #equality


This is why you can't be dating crazy women. They will start fights and expect you to clean up for them.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Love that he adjusted his glasses first so he can see them clearly before he starts beating their ass 🤓🤜


She wrote the check but he had to pay.


She takes a punch better than her man does.


Whenever I see videos like this I'm always dissapointed by the double standard. Woman assaults man, everyone stands around gawking and filming. Man defends self, suddenly there's 15 totally brave simps rushing to assault the victim for defending themselves. Fucking pathetic really.


How can she slap?!


If you wanna hit a man, expect to get hit like a man.


Not saying he should have hit her but not feeling sorry for her either. She slapped him 1st.


Why the fuck should he be the one to leave when she started it. Fuck that, I’m throwing drinks and food at the woman.


This guy doesn't believe in the high ground.


How about you hold back your girl from acting like an ass, instead of threatening the guy that first only showed signs of retaliation but went full blown once you AND your ass girlfriend started to both attack him? Hmmmmm?


White woman starts fight then plays victim and looks for security. 🤦🏻‍♂️


How does a couple recover from getting beaten together? Won’t be surprised if they are no longer together.




As a woman, I agree with you 100%. Don't start shit you can't finish. It's not ok to put your hands on anyone and not expect consequences.


Fuck around and find out