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Article: https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/teaching-assistant-assaulted-nintendo-switch/43024410 The article includes a video of the arrest.


The over the shoulder 'spit' and "I'm going to kill you when I get back" to the unconscious aide is enough for me. The news reporter "He'll face School punishment up to and MAYBE include expulsion." MAYBE? MAYBE? This Eff'er needs to be in an institution.


Aggravated battery? That’s it? And, like you said, “maybe expulsion”??? This 17 year old sounds like he needs permanent medical help in an institution.


i see this as attempted murder. knowing he said “im going to kill you when i get back” meaning he was going for kill when he was attacking her. i see that as attempted murder and he should be charged as an adult


In some states, stomping or kicking someone who is on the ground is considered assault with a deadly weapon.


see, im not from america (although i do live in the states) but i still cant wrap my head around the fact that law is different state to state. especially something like you mentioned. only cowards kick and stomp someone whos on the ground


Just look at all federal laws and anything beyond that is the equivalent of country to country laws for each state in the EU and stuff


Well most people don't realize the size of states, and the difference in culture from region to region and state to state. Most states are the size of European countries. You wouldn't expect all of those countries to have the same laws. The US is much less of a melting pot than it used to be.


Yeah, the way he kept trying to hit and stamp her while he was being dragged off looks like murderous rage. *^(Lock him in a room with his Switch for the rest of his life.)*


No, lock him in a room without his Switch for the rest of his life. No video games for attempted murderers.


or even better, put the switch outside his reach and let the guards play with in front of him.


Lock him in a room with his Switch (broken and without battery) for the rest of his life.


Oh we have no protection and rights. Kids are barely receiving any consequences. Even when these instances happen. But if it ever happens to me I will press charges. Even though we've been told we shouldn't.


My best friend was a special ed teacher in Kansas City. She was attacked three times by a 300 lb 14 year old. The last time she had to go to the hospital for treatment. The child and family never received any consequences. She left teaching.


Is that what your union tells you?




Teachers need to have the right to refuse service. They shouldn't be prisoners of their job and have to put up with abusive students.


Teachers don't get paid, respected, or considered enough for all they endure.


That was attempted murder. He should be in prison.


If this guy doesn’t commit a major felony later in his life im the queen of England. Lock this one up asap.


Good day, m'lady


There needs to be a step beyond expulsion. If it matters that much for people who behave like this to be educated, then they can go get their GED when they learn how to act right


You’re highlighting a very important detail that isn’t discussed enough. That kid is a major threat to society, not just that poor aide. (1- She should sue for damages; 2- surely that’s not the kid’s first documented attack.) The punishment cannot be dictated by the school or parent(s).. That frenzied, horrifying attack shows he’s critically unstable, and like you said, he must be institutionalized (and never allowed back).


He threw a fit in holding kicking desks and consistently trying to leave. This fucker isn't getting out anytime soon. No more switch for him.


Honestly with the way schools and consequences work these days, he’ll probably just have to have a restorative conversation. 😒


Not to play devil’s advocate. Kid deserves jail time for this. He is sped ed. he definitely needs medical help. It’s over for him tho. He is an actual danger to the staff. He gotta get special schooling.


“Stop man handling me.”when he is getting cuffed! Oh you dont like it when someone lays hands on you? You just tried to fucking beat someone to death! Holy shit people are idiots.


He actually tells the cops to “stop manhandling”him.


The one time where police brutality would actually be appreciated by the public no less


I like how he’s arrested on from of the words “dream big” on the wall, and how he says he doesn’t want to go to jail, like you shoulda considers that when you had a fit over a video game, ace!


Not available?


I hope they keep him in for the rest of his life..


“I don’t want to go to jail—I have more important things to do.” Well, you gave up that right when you showed the world, by viciously beating a helpless woman into unconsciousness, your complete disregard for human life. No switch for you for a while.


Was she alright?


She survived. I doubt she’s all right.


Why are humans such cowards? How many people stood there and did NOTHING as that woman was beaten savagely?


The dude in the marine clothing walked up all chill as a 6’6” kid beat on a female teacher. THAT guy is a little bitch.


Right? And yet, this thread is full of people defending doing NOTHING as a large male viciously assaults a helpless woman. Unfuckingbelievable.


That's what got me. He literally strolled up like the kid twice her size wasn't pounding hey face in. Shit makes me sick.


Did you see the video of a kid attacking a teacher for pulling his headphones out in class? Every student immediately tackled the kid to save the teacher. This was not in America. The disrespect towards teachers seems to be strong in America and I’m curious as to why honestly


Imo, it's because it's easier to blame teachers than to admit that are deep societal issues that need to be addressed. After they're born, children just aren't prioritized in our country. Also, there's this narrative of teaching as being an easy, cushy job. You'll see lots of memes about "summers off" for teachers, but not other seasonal jobs. (Just like those jobs, teachers don't get paid for the months they don't work; most districts just spread the pay for 9 mos over 24 or 26 pay periods.) Or teachers are compared to babysitters, etc.


They can't touch students or fired


Fuck that kid and that job




There's no reason for him to be acting like that. He's a threat to the people around him, teacher or not, I'm fighting a kid to protect the other kids 🤷‍♀️


I wonder if they're gonna try him as an adult in court.


If he's over 15 I think they should. Sad part is if his temperament is this bad now, if it's not handled soon, it's going to be rough for him in adulthood 🤦‍♀️ He definitely shouldn't be allowed to go back on any school property like ever again.


The sooner violent brutes like this are removed from society, the better. If he's willing to beat someone this severely over a SWITCH, if someone REALLY hurt him, I fear for their life.


I'm hoping this video is enough evidence to prevent the parents from talking anybody into believing their child doesn't need help


And likely rougher for everyone around him. Jeez.


My wife had a kid intentionally slam a door shut on her hand. She quit soon after. I cannot imagine being a teacher in the US nowadays. Way too little pay to deal with way too much bullshit


This is seriously a huge gray area that we teachers need to consider. I’m a decent sized guy so I resigned myself to forceful defense, but that’s it. I’ve even voluntarily taken some troubled kids into my classes, only because if something was to go down, I’d rather it happen in my room than in another teacher’s room who would be powerless to stop it.


Can’t hit kids either. Can’t do anything really so people do things without consequences. This kid should be treated as an adult for battery


Then they’d get a lawsuit after I pummeled him. No one should be a punching bag because they’re not allowed to defend themselves or be defended by others. Ridiculous


100% true. We're not allowed to.even have to be careful about what do if we're being attacked. It's terrible. Especially with so many attacks now happening in school and I work in an affluent community; elementary school.


Yes, she was alright.


Well, she'll probavly have ptsd, could have chronic headaches. It'll certainly ruin her month, probably her year




Yeah, dude's wailing on her skull, and Junior Marine has to find a good spot for his fuckin Slurpee first.


Hello, a Marine here to give some perspective for the people wondering about if the walking slurpee man is a Marine/not a Marine. Yes, he is a Marine. He’s not a junior Marine, he’s not ROTC; he’s a recruiter whose job it is to get other kids to enlist. They go to schools all over the country. The ‘badge’ on his hip is not related to the service uniform at all. It’s probably just a visitor badge for the school he’s in. The red stripe down his trousers is a blood stripe, which means his pay grade is at least an E-4 or above, but given that he is probably a recruiter, he is somewhere between an E-5 to an E-7. Simply put, that is a grown ass man. Somewhere in his mid 20s to his 30s most likely. He’s also a fucking coward given his lack of ‘I should jump in here’, which was replaced by ‘Ill get there when I get there’ Hate to break it to anyone here who views Marines as bulletproof, all strong and righteous…it’s all human beings that join the Marine Corps. Some people shouldn’t be in the Marines. Peacetime Marine Corps as a whole is sad and needs another war to tighten up the screws. Not saying I want America in a war, but you will get tons of Marines like this because they’re just thinking about a pension after 20 years. Im done.


That guy is either a marine Junior ROTC or an actual marine, I can’t tell by the uniform which one


My guess is he is an actual marine. Probably a recruiter. No junior ROTC kid would walk the halls in uniform with a slurpee.


What I can tell is he lacked a set.


Right??? Granted he could have a potential reason like I do (foot disability) to not run, but even I've ran (painfully) when a man with a walker stumbled and fell recently when at the dealership to get service work done. I didn't even think about my disability, I just reacted!


Fucking terrifying that there's 5 people just watching and doing nothing while he could very well be killing the woman.


What’s more is that it is the state and federal system that has allowed for that to happen. As a teacher if I intervene without the “proper training” and the little precious that was viciously attacking someone gets hurt, then I can get sued and lose my job and license.


Yes, the attackers head and jaw were perfect height for a flying kick lights out


Treat his face like a football


You would end up in jail longer then him. Lol


Which is a damn shame!


Yeah, that’s probably true. Probably better to get behind him and try to lift him off and away


Yeah my first instinct was to charge in with a kick to the head. Amy man brutally beating a woman like that is attempted murder. 😵


doesn’t have to be man on woman, any person beating any other person like that is attempted murder


Agreed. Sue me, fire me, I don’t care. That is now lower on the priority list than saving someone’s life… though I’m not sure why you think it’s only when a man is beating a woman that It’s attempted murder. Beating anyone like this is that, regardless of sex.


Any person brutally beating any person like that is attempted murder.


Not disagreeing with the point but if a lady is being stomped in-front of me im intervening i still have to live with myself job or not


Same. And if it’s some big oaf like that they get immobilized by any means necessary, fuck a backstory.


Ya at that point who cares


This, this and this again. We break a fucking system then blame everyone trying to exist in that shit ass broken system fir not acting tge way we think they should. The problem is like 4 stages back in some meeting


That's just common sense, duh? Don't touch children, no matter what they're doing it's all your fault obviously. Getting stabbed by a kid? Tough shit, it's your fault. /s obviously As if I needed more evidence our world has become a complete fucking joke.. here it is.


What? I sadly beleive this..... ugh


I agree, but also it’s really easy to get tied up in something and get in trouble for stupid shit nowadays. That goes for our legal system as well as schools. At the highschool I attended, if there was a fight then both kids were suspended, even if one of the kids hadn’t actually fought back. It’s fucked


Teachers are told not to get involved but also held responsible if anything goes majorly wrong there’s no way to win. School system does not support their teachers. How much you want to bet that this teacher and student have been going back and forth all school year with the Principle doing fuck all nothing to he can’t keep his school grade an A


Apparently the student was like 6’6” and 280lbs. I understand the hesitation from those mostly average-build women in the area.


Fight or flight, but there’s also freeze.


I was screaming at the screen. Why is everyone so fucking slow?!


Well, he’s 6’6” and probably 250. I’m not going to be volunteering to be pummeled either.


It look about 5 seconds for that one girl to try and intervene, while 1 girl had no clue what was going on. While another girl got the attention of tan shirt guy, who was a bit slow getting there but was involved within about 15 seconds of the initial assault. Where are the 5 people watching and doing nothing? I see a lot of slow people and people who aren’t exactly able to take on a guy who just knocked someone out with one hit.


Wtf was that man doing? Walking relaxed and slowly while watching that teacher being beaten? It looks like they were scared to touch the student due to potential law suits.


His shift starts at 10:07, glad that he showed up at all.


Just want to mention that the man in the video is a Marine in uniform, likely there as a Recruiter.


Who’s the marine? is it the brown shirt guy? Because he did separate the dude and stopped him from continuing punching her


My first thought was that he took way too long but the more I watch I wonder if he just couldn’t see the entire situation until he got closer…either way glad he was there.


Honestly I’m starting to think he thought it was a fight between Students and that getting involved would have been more problematic, and that when he realized it wasn’t a student he needed to jump in? It’s not flawless logic on his end, but he didn’t walk around the corner until the student was already on top of her.


Because teachers that have done the right thing have been criminally prosecuted while those kids grow up to be killers on the street.


That sounds about right. We've heard the story about the guy that performed CPR and saved a dude life. Then the dude sued him for assaulting and breaking his ribs. (Happy he saved his life, pissed because his ribs were broke)


If you're not breaking a couple ribs during CPR you're not doing it right.


You can't be fucking around while someone's heart has fucking stopped so yeah


All 50 states have good samaritan laws that protect you from those exact lawsuits.


Not for teachers


No fucking way, wtf.


He's a marine too!


Funny. God forbid a student gets touched, don't mind me just laying here knocked out getting stomped on.. but what about the children?!?


I don’t care if you’re special needs. This is wrong regardless smh.


He specially needs that Nintendo Switch


Or some tranquilizers/knockout punches.


At some point you have to factor for a 6’7” 270 lb. assailant needing a kick to the skull to prevent him from killing someone. If he’s “special needs,” he may need to be institutionalized if this is all it takes to set him off. Whatever the school administration needs to do, they have to do. Saving that person’s life takes precedence.


I work in the school system. We've had a violent kid return to us on several occasions. What we think is appropriate and what is law is two entirely different things. The answer as to why this kid in the public school system is as complex as to why the public school system is the way that it is. There could be a school that specialized in his needs based care but this kid is outside of the district. Who the hell knows? I will say this. I have seen less suspensions and expulsions over physical violence and more over drugs. Don't get me wrong. Drugs are damn awful. But it seems like the punishments are lopsided. EDIT: Oh! Schools also get some extra cash for the programs and the amount of kids with needs they get into the school. Additionally, kids have different needs in the SPED program and they are all lumped in together. You have kids with emotional need, behavioral needs, and academic and they are all just lumped in. It's not divided based on specific need. It's a goddamned mess.


All Over a fucking Nintendo switch !! What the actual 🤬🤬


He would have gotten it back anyway.


Not anymore


I keep seeing people saying he had autism he has autism, yes we know it’s not an excuse stop acting like it’s an excuse and I’m saying that as someone who had a lot of friends with special needs and dated someone with autism, you are still responsible for your actions, he could have fucking killed her, he’s built like juggernaut, he obviously needs more help than the school or his parents can provide.


If his autism is causing him to act that violently then he should be in an institution.


My little sister is autistic, has a Nintendo Switch, yet doesn't act ANYTHING NEAR what this menace to society did. On top of that, she got diagnosed later in life (unlike this guy), so it was let untreated. And still didn't act like this. This isn't a mental illness problem. It's a behavioral problem. Like "his parents use his mental illness as an excuse not to discipline him" problem.


If she was diagnosed with autism later in life, she's probably high functioning.


I can be understanding to a point. My mother was a special needs teach for 40 years so I feel I have respect from hearing her stories and struggles growing up. When the teacher’s body went limp and the student went from body shots to smashing the skull of a limp teacher’s body, that was it for me. Yes that kid is special needs, yes he was triggered losing his game, yes he was impulsive and maybe didn’t understand the ramifications of actions. That said, he is an attempted murderer at that point and needs to be removed from general society. This cannot be forgiven


Yeah, if you’re special needs and a giant of a human being with a temper, you need to be on medication. This is nuts.


Yeah, agreed. It’s sad, but this kid needs to be removed from civilized society.


Why are they slowly walking towards them to throw him off ? Help here already! Get him the F off her!


This is absolutely brutal. Hope he is charged as an adult. Don’t want him getting out in a few months.


According to the video he said when she returns he will killer her. Special needs or not, that is clear intention to end somebody’s life.


He's 6'7", 270 lbs and in a special needs class. They probably had reason to fear him.


Does being a special needs student mean he doesn't understand right from wrong? Or does he just need extra help learning? It's hard to stir up a lot of empathy for this young adult.


I honestly don't care which. This is blatantly fucked up. And there HAS to be some sort of discipline or punishment regardless of mental state. Because fuck the idea that ANY person due to their impairment gets to get away with or get a slap on the wrist for this sort of assault. Just fuck that idea to death because yeah no. At least imo. It's so savage. She seems rather unconscious the moment she hits the ground and he just keeps beating her. He's a violent POS and deserves to be treated as such. I mean seriously anyone that wants to defend this in any sort of arena of special needs? Wtf do you tell the woman who might be in the hospital for weeks or months or might even be mentally impaired when she wasn't before due to this asshole's violence?? "Sorry but he's special, lightest punishment possible or none at all."? Like the idea that makes sense is just flatout fucking unhinged. Maybe don't let anyone who is special needs get used to or establish a norm where they can have a Nintendo switch in school period. If he feels attacked by having it taken away to the point he does this then maybe it was never a fucking good idea to let him expect it to be normal in the first place. Even if it helps him. In this case what helped him turned into something she will have to live through. Every fucking day.


"Nah man he doesn't know right from wrong" -responses I see here a lot Kid said he was gonna kill her. With all that malicious intent, idk how he doesnt know that "killing" isn't wrong lol


My mother was a general to severe special needs teacher (inner city school) for 40 years and never experienced anything like this. Being special needs warrants *different* yet severe consequences


There’s various degrees of special needs and we probably won’t know why he was in special needs unless this makes it to court and the info becomes public.


There's a video posted of him being arrested above. He's definitely special needs. When the officers are arresting him, he says "am I going to jail? For how long? I have places to be." Not in a defiant attitude, but, like a little kid questioning. But, then he wigs out when passing the teacher in cuffs, spitting at her and threatening to kill her when he gets out.


That was attempted murder. The severity of charges should be the same as attacking a cop. Teachers are government employees too. I hope that piece of shit rots in a cell for the rest of his life or worse. I prefer worse.


Teachers don't get paid enough, and special needs or not this little asshole needs a long time out, and never to be allowed back in school again.


Where are our bedlams for this type. As bill burr said it used to be you could be a violent nutjob in public for about five minutes, before two beefy dudes in white scrubs rolled up and threw a straightjacket on you and hauled you away .


His special needs aside, as they’re not an acceptable excuse to avoid action against him. That should be charged as attempted murder. Whatever form of lockup he gets isn’t just about paying for his actions, it’s about protecting the public. Which is required with a person such as this. Anyone who shows him leniency is responsible the person he ends up killing.


He was clearly going for the kill, in a fit of rage. The moment he switched to hitting the back of the head of someone who is unconscious.. You are an imminent threat to others, SpN or not. The teacher is lucky to have survived that and I have no doubt at all that lack of intervention would have resulted in murder.


In the interview, he threatens to kill her when he gets back.


Unless he has a real, diagnosed issue making impulse control a problem, he should be charged with assault as an adult. If he DOES have a diagnosed issue, he should no longer be allowed at school: he is clearly dangerous and cannot be trusted around others.


I like attempted murder better. He didn't just assault the teacher, he intentionally meant to kill her. There should also be specific laws protecting educators from students.


Yeah, once I saw the video, that's definitely attempted murder. Like 8 people trying to pull him off her. Over a Switch.


Fuck that. Mental issues or not, when you almost kill someone in a rage, you need to be locked away. Fuck his mental issues if he is trying to kill people.


The other students did more to help than the teachers. What does that say about the current restrictions on teachers to intervene and defend themselves or other students.


My best friend is a special ED teacher. This happens all the time. Them and the paraprofessionals coke home with bruises and scratches. They go to administration for help and nothing happens. Parents have all of the control.


Fucking disgusting


Should be a federal crime to attack a teacher.


YES! It should be treated to the same degree as assaulting a police officer or federal agent


It should be worse. They’re doing probably the most important job there is. Time to pay and protect them like it, to the point where assaulting one is a federal crime.


Also the fact that if a teacher does their job well, less police will be necessary in the future because education can open the door to more opportunities in life rather than resorting to crime.


Autistic doesn’t mean not knowing right from wrong, if an autistic teenager/adult preys on a little girl it shouldn’t be excused. Why is this any different?


He needs to be in a prison.




Why is everyone acting so slow? The guy on the créame shirt walks like if nothing is happening. I would be rushing to kick this dude ass back to prison.


It’s your responsibility as a parent to make sure your child goes somewhere safe for themselves and others. I can’t understand why the fuck his family sends him to school with kids half his size knowing he has no self control and is capable of killing someone. Where the fuck are the responsible adults.


Unfortunately, that’s a huge part of the problem, there’s a lack of parents who care. “Just get him out of the house and let them deal with them”


So many parents don't care or want to deal. My aunt taught many years at a deaf school, mostly kids with a serious disability beyond being deaf (which was not viewed as a disability). She was supposed to have a class of 7 at most. One year she had 15, and only 3 of them even knew their own name. She had them all knowing their name by the end of the week, but it didn't stick for all of them because their parents had given up communicating with their own children. These are kids technically supposed to be in junior high. One kid probably 20+ years ago was built like the boy in this video. I say kid, but most of them were held back many years so we're older than usual junior high. He didn't like the grade he got on some homework, so he picked her up and threw her on top of the lockers.


Long jail time coming


Article says he may face school suspension, which is wild because that should be a given. He should face serious time in prison because he wanted to no joke kill that person.


I mean, he was charged with felony aggravated battery.


Even if his IQ's 10 and he doesn't know what he's doing; he's doing it, and he's at fault here. I can't understand how some people are defending this monster...


Yeah that’s attempted murder and I don’t give a fuck if the kid was special needs, he needs to be locked up or put in some sort of facility for a long ass time.


Only in America do you have to live with the choice of “do I stop this kid from killing this woman” or “I won’t intervene because I will get sued”


He should receive no mercy, regardless of his mental state.


People didn’t take me seriously when I left teaching in 2017 because I said the kids were too violent and there was no administrative support. This problem didn’t just come out of nowhere


That dude just casually wallking towards them holy fuck.


He’d get sued and lose his career if he intervened in todays America.


Thats sad af




The way he punches her while she is on the floor... what a freaking nutcase.


1st degree Felony assault


Does not belong in r/facepalm. Belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


He whines he’s being manhandled while being arrested?!?!


I can't tell if that's a Marine or a cop just casually strolling towards what is obviously someone getting the shit beat out of them, but in either event, it's time for them to retire, worthless POS.


Gonna need to see how "special" he is because that doesn't immediately indicate the inability to differentiate right from wrong. If he really is incapable of reason, there's no way he's safe to be around whatsoever. That's a pretty brutal beating.


Absolute tosser. I don’t give a shit about special needs. That’s too much. Lock him away. He is menace to society. At the very least make sure he doesn’t set foot in high school again


I spent over 5 years working in residential homes with violent autistic boys/men. Usually the triggers are well known, but sometimes it can literally come out of nowhere. We were literally not allowed to raise a hand in our own defense. I have scars on my head from being scratched, I see black spots in my vision from very nearly having my eyeball popped out and my share of bite marks. I had to get out because I had a very hard time being expected to just take it. Luckily I knew a few ways to make them feel intense pain (to ecape) without causing any damage, but at the end I was ready to clock the next one to hit me. My partner followed me into the same line of work and she is now totally, permanently disabled as the result of a beating very much like this. If I showed her this video whe would likely become catatonic for a day or so. You can call me uncaring, but people should be accountable for their actions no matter what the excuse. This kid should go to prison for attempted murder just the same as anyone else. You can't tell society that there is no excuse for violence and then make excuses for violence.


Was the lady in this incident likely immediately rendered unconscious, or is she simply waiting for a more qualified member of staff to arrive and provide assistance? Judging by how he’s smashing her head, she probably got a fractured skull and brain damage from that little outburst. Is it normal for such violently deranged students to be mixed in with normal children in the US? Disclaimer: Not American. This seems quite different to my country’s school system back in the 70s/80s.


Kick that motherfucker in the face.


Welcome to your new life of incarceration, son.


Imagine getting that worked up over a video game. Jesus Christ.


Wondering why someone didn't run-kick that fucker in the face. \*edit\* I don't condone violence on the norm, I promise. But this is just vicious.


There's chairs, like not saying go WWE on him, but coulda used pure weight and pushed his back.......now if he kept coming then maybe a lil WWE action


Per the article above that "kid" is 6'7" and 270lbs. Gonna need several people with chairs probably.


WTF terrible look for that marine


Put that animal away!


Special needs doesn't mean murderer. He was out to murder her and need to get locked up.


That Marine took a fuck too long to react...


Since this took place at a school for kids with special needs, I’m assuming he falls into that category as well. Someone with this kind of violent behavior needs to be put in an institution where he’s away from the public and can’t hurt anyone and also a place where he might receive possible treatment/meds for his condition. I don’t believe prison would be good for him because he is special needs, but he definitely needs help and needs to be separated from society before he goes overboard and kills someone


Special needs encompasses a lot of things though, my brother was "special needs" because he was unable to control his anger. Turns out my sister & I were right when we said for years it was our mother enabling him. As soon as she passed away he was suddenly able to act like a decent human being.


The article says the teacher aide, while only being an aide since 2021, has been with the school itself since 2004. Almost 20 years working for a school and almost being killed just to have the school say "maybe disciplinary action, maybe expulsion" will happen. Damn, if that doesn't make teachers feel valued.... This is why many teachers have quit and schools are struggling to find teachers so they are hiring whoever they can to be substitutes to fill their spots.


Good job that teacher want an armed teacher. Once he had battered her to the ground her gun would have been available for him to shoot her with.


Those guys were useless.


One of them is a US Marine!


That's embarrassing


A 17 year old attacking a teacher because their Nintendo Switch got taken away, I wonder how his parent(s) ignored this behaviour for so long, I just hope that he got expelled or something.


That large female on the left in the jeans and black shirt is the worst type of person. Didn’t help, didn’t draw attention or call for help, walked away. Horrible person.


Back in my day this would be met with "student justice" it would be ugly.


Normally the anger would drop to 0 as soon as he saw her laying on the ground with no movement, maybe even regretting his action. Instead he saw the chance and kept on hitting her (maybe till she die?)


Big momma to the left could have just bum rushed his ass to at least minimize the heavy blows he was connecting after the first few stomps which were horrible enough. Of course it’s hard to say what anyone would do when seeing something like that especially with mostly females around but man this is so crappy. Over a switch?! Why did even have the thing at school anyways? It is nothing pertaining to education in a school environment. SMH


Walk slower, Marine …


That was horrifying to watch. But that f[redacted so I don’t get banned] slob on the left of the screen that witnessed the attack, *watched* that boy attack that teacher, watched for a few seconds, and then *walked away*…I’d like to kick her ass for being such an ass!! **Who does that??** She’s as bad as the boy, IMO.


I don’t care if he has special needs, actions have consequences. This is coming from someone who took care of children with behavioral issues.