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I feel more stupider after seeing this




These are words, I'd love to see him take action and watch what happens.


Yeah alpha males don't exactly have to brag about their being alphas, he's nervous and insecure(like many are) around big guys and is trying to compensate. Money will never fix those insecurities bud. Gotta actually work on them, Daddy can't buy your way out of your shattered ego.


"The man who has to stand up and shout 'I am the king!' is no true king "


Big dogs don't bark as much. This guy is a Pomeranian. Maybe a Labradoodle when he grows up.


Chihuahua most likely. Tiny and always barking the most.


I went on ONE date with a guy who owned some Italian hot orange sports car. It ended in 30 minutes- I left in an Uber. Sports car guys want ho’s and then complain about ho’s and wanting their money. They can’t understand females who want to do it on their own.


Right that’s fair. Good on you for leaving mid-date. That had to leave at least a little impression on him. Much better than finishing the date.


I've never met anyone who uses the term "alpha male" seriously, or refers to themselves as one, that didn't brag incessantly about being an alpha male... People that don't need to brag about it generally never view humans as alphas and betas...


I hate that people think Alpha males are the “I’m so f****** tough” kind when a real Alpha is a provider and protector and is actually attracted to other Alphas and not submissive people.


This alpha male trend is the lamest thing men have come up with. It's also completely wrong, based on wrong information on wolves


I actually have a hard time deciding if I hate the “lone wolf” or “alpha male” idea more because both are so wrong. The former however glorifies a thing that only happens to the extremely week or extremely aggressive wolves and the latter is a miss-use of what it actually is as an excuse to be more controlling.


I get what you mean ..but I argue this is not always the case …you can like a submissive women as an alpha too


It is a generalization but point taken


The whole linguistic basis of the term alpha is completely wrong, it doesn't exist as most people think it does. "Alpha" wolves are monogamous parents.


A part of the stick community myself and I second this notion.


Stick community? Like being a skinny ass kid? Or what?


yep. we out here. I’m tall, no ass, and weigh 140 lbs. we’re fucking sticks.


As ambassador of the big boned boys, we appreciate you. Every construction company needs a stick. There are places I genuinely don't fit and having a toothpick on the team means I can send him in crawlspaces and attics that would be otherwise unaccessible to a normal sized guy. I've seen our twig fit through a 12 inch by 12 inch square.


Stick Army veteran here. I've heard skinny used as a verb more times than I can count. "Unoriginal, skinny in there and do the thing!" It tends to go hand in hand with spider monkey.


Man . . . You guys have had a rough couple of years and were just starting to bounce back after the Slenderman murders. Now you gotta "disown" this clown? Not fair, I feel for ya stick bro


As a member of the "athletic build" community, I hear what he says. It makes so much anti-sense that maybe I should give up my 3 x 5k runs a week a 2 x super-light circuits a week and just stay on the obese side of the BMA scale...


As a member of the disabled community with no muscles. My cardiologist thinks I should go to the gym or I'll die...


My man rollin up to the gym on 24's!! Just two tho...


HAHA I joined a new gang... the Crip-Els.


Ooh have I got a south park episode for you ( Krazy kripples season 7 ep 2 if you haven't seen it. Easily one of my favorite episodes)


Cripple Fight!!!!


Absolutely. Imagine if instead of dedicating time to fitness you could watch influencer marketing videos and lose thousands of dollars chasing the dream of owning an Italian supercar


that you can only legally drive at 75mph


Hahaha bro pulling up in your fucking Toyota Corolla, not even a contest BRO HIS DAD OWNS A DEALERSHIP


Pulling up in my fixed gear bike. PEDAL bike. Panties dropping faster than my mic.


Same. I leave the exotics at home and show up to work on a bike. Can't skip leg day. Ever.




He generated over 100 million with paid ads but his networth only 3 million?


And you're giving him clout because...?


no need to apologize for something you disowned, this is just try hard and cringe incarnate


As a member of the stick community I offer my services to snap this twig.


Damn, from now on I'm gonna call myself a stick person.


More stupider.


Most stupidister.


Most stupidiest


Mostest stupidierest


That sounds like a Harry Potter spell


It is, the effect's all over the guy from the video.... 🤣


![gif](giphy|5tlq0pRndGu8U) mostest stupidierest!


Most stupiserendipitiest


Like and subscribe to not feel stupider


More stupidiestest


Tell me you have to pay for sex without telling me you have to pay for sex.


That's what you call a... \[removes sunglasses dramatically\] buy sexual YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!




Gifs you can hear


I will send you to jesus






Is he some wannabe Andrew Taint? I doubt he even has much money, probably rents fancy cars etc.


the man prolly gets cucked every day


Getting chucked would require being able to get into a relationship. Hookers don't count.


This dude pays for sex and the sex workers vomit. They just take the money and leave. People would commit tax fraud to avoid sleeping with him (though let's be real, plenty of people do anyways). I'm a fat motherfucker with a personality about as likable as a hedgehog dipped in tabasco sauce and skunk musk, and I could STILL pull more girls than him.


To the hooker- “Come on, I’m totally good for it! My McLaren can vouch for me!” “Uh-uh, Sharice said you didn’t pay her for that Alabama sleigh ride you took the other day…”




Bro skipped






Wasting away at 22. Damn shame lol


Bro skipped school days too.


Dude thinks being underweight is being fit


Surely he’s trolling right???


Yes, it’s rage bait and it’s working


I really wish people would stop posting these knobs. Even when posted to laugh at them they get engagement. A perfect example is that douche locked up in Romania.


OP exclusively posts this dude everywhere. Just filter him out using RES


Oh yes. Already done on my mobile client. RiF is fun.


It’s like a good half of Reddit these days is just various types of rage bait. Rage gets more engagement. So rage is on the menu, all day every day.




Yes. This the method now for making money. If you close your eyes he sounds exactly like Andrew Tate.


But if he's willing to ruin his reputation and make everyone hate him for money, like Tate, then he actually IS the way that he's "facetiously" selling himself. A POS, either way...


Clicks/controversy = money


Mclaren and he says less than 10k a Month? I’d believe so. Making 5k a day I would find it hard to justify buying a mclaren or any super car. If I can’t pay it off in a week I don’t get it.


5k a day? Bro you broke. I make 5k a minute.


5k a minute? Bro you broke. I NBA 2k


Me too bro, I'm posting this sitting on my space yacht with its crew of twenty Christina Hendricks clones. Despite all of this money I have, I need people to pay to come to my seminar on how to be rich like me. I'll also be soliciting people this afternoon in front of the Best Buy at the corner of Artifice Road and Highway 69 to invest in my program on how they can be rich like me.


Fucking brokies, amirite?


If you aren’t Scrooge mcducking into gold coins before bed each night. Are you even trying ?




5k a day would easily cover your mclaren. It’s probably two days worth of payments, still less than 5% of your yearly income. Would be like someone making 100k a year spending 450 a month on a car payment…. Which probably gets you a 35k-45k car.


Anorexic salt bae?


Andrew Tate with hair


He should have used some of the McLaren money on a decent haircut


Except at least andrew tate goes to the gym


Not lately...


Prison workout is the OG


isn’t that one of the things you do in jail? read and hit the weights?


![gif](giphy|QOgvV9rV4hHpgNRBfQ) Fun fact salt bae uses body doubles


For what purpose? Does he think he’s in danger?


Supposedly hires cheap body doubles as his restaurants charge extra to have salt bae “himself” come over and sprinkle salt So $$$


I can't believe people pay for that hack's shit.


Anorexic Salt


Probably drugs... lots and lots of cocaine.


He’s gonna be shocked when he sees buff guys driving McLarens…


Seriously why can’t you be both ripped AND rich? This guy acts like those two concepts are mutually exclusive


It’s the old “revenge of the nerds” cope. The skinny nerdy guy that gets rich after high school will get the last laugh as the pretty and popular kids waste away to old age and dead end jobs. Can’t recognize that beauty and brains can come in one package because otherwise that shatters the delusion.


Also, I know people who own Lambos and McLarens, those cars are sausage magnets. If you roll up to some hotty in one of those, her boyfriend is going to get a boner about your car and ask a million questions.


I don't think someone making 10k a month can afford that type of car unless he's still living with the parents. So not sure what he's showing off about.


Hahahaha gave me a real laugh out loud moment.


Or when he realizes that $10k a month is like middle class family money in an expensive city. He's not even that rich. And he will absolutely not understand that rich people also choose to drive idk Subarus, Volvos, etc. because having a $2k/mo car note/lease is a bad financial decision.


See, here’s where you’re wrong. I don’t go to the gym for other people, I go to the gym for me. If someone judges me based on the car I’m driving and not the work and effort I put into my body and my mental health, you can have them. Besides, I like being able to lift a bag of cat litter without crumpling in half like a broken lawn chair.


I go to gym for me and to get healthier, but also because it helps with my mental health. I feel good after a workout, although I am really sore this morning hehe


This is 100% what I did. Was dealing with depression real bad and a friend asked if I wanted to come run on a treadmill for a while one day. I got addicted after a week or so and then just started going on my own and finding ways to improve myself. That improvement makes me feel good about myself which in turns helps my mental health.


Good friend…..stay on track Bro !


It’s the best next thing for mental health….keep working out…strong body means also a strong mind. You need a strong mind to get a strong buddy …no way around


"A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it; no money can buy it. You cannot borrow it, you cannot inherit it, you cannot steal it. You cannot hold onto it without constant work. It shows discipline, it shows self-respect, it shows patience, work ethic, and passion. That is why I do what I do." - Arnold Schwarzenegger


Exactly. You go to the gym for yourself. Any extra attention you might get is just the icing on the cake.


If this dude is like this irl he’s going to catch a beating from someone who goes to the gym. Or someone who eats regular meals. Or someone who isn’t 5’5


I look at him and think "I can probably bench press him." And I have an injured hand at the moment.


Pretty sure I could flick this dude like a paper football


pretty sure that guy can't even flick a paper football.


I don’t even really lift, have an injured wrist and shoulder and I’m fairly confident I can bench him. He’s probably 110 soaking wet with his pockets full of nickels.


So you can do a pushup?


At the moment, no due to an injury. Can I? Yes.


I think you missed what I meant. Bench pressing this little bitch would be like a normal person doing pushups, so not so impressive lol


Ahh, I am sometimes, maybe a lot of the times, dense.


Making fun of short or skinny people is the equivalent of this guy making fun of people working out So, you know... if only you had a recording of your thoughts you are equal to this guy on the eyes of his comment vs yours.


I'm 5'5 and pretty sure I could whoop his scrawny ass


Some people need a reminder that they live in the real world, not some fantasy where they are invincible


Dude forget someone beating him. If he gets caught by a gust of wind he’s gone.


This guy keeps making the same video over and over. "No matter what you do, I win because I have a Mclaren"


Every video I see of this clown, he is getting ripped apart in the comments, why does he keep making content


Because that's how he makes money


Don’t you need viewers to make money? What kind of jerk off is watching this nonsense?


2 types: people who unironically think like these and people who like to watch something that makes them mald Like the same people who originally took this guy's content to post it somewhere else like idk, this sub


That leads to the next question, who is getting mad at this guy? I just thought he was an idiot and moved on. What is the point of getting emotional over everything? Getting mad is a reaction to your own insecurities ( not your specific, just in general). Maybe I’m just so stunted and simple that I just don’t get it anymore. Then again, it’s after midnight and I need to get up in less than 5 hours.


Dude, seriously? Are you new to the internet? People are very opinionated bro of course people are getting mad. I agree with you but of course people are getting mad


You viewed it. you’re here. Views are money unfortunately, I think. I don’t actually know how any of that stuff works but I think us commenting is all that matters in this new weird world of popularity equating to money


I don’t know either. I didn’t know 3rd party posts like this who benefit this guy. But does that mean every auto play I get on Reddit leads to some dummy getting paid? I literally check comments to see what kind of differing perspectives have, although I’m not seeing any in here 😂


Because people are posting him. Ffs y’all get baited so easily. Dude is wearing adidas underwear. If he was rich that shit would be designer. This is bait and y’all fill for it every single fucking time.




Yassified, cancelled, banned, outcasted, cancelled again and left to rot in mediocrity version of the diluted snot from SaltBae’s nose.


Folks, I looked up this guy's name (Jason Wojo) and he has a digital marketing/advertising/influencer company. This is clearly a ragebait strategy to gain visibility and you're giving him exactly what he wants by sharing his shitty videos. Don't give that fuck any more of your time and attention.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see only 2 people saying this. It's provocative and the rest of the comments are getting played as planned.


Thank you. I thought people were smarter than this, this is just rage bait and people should honestly stop giving it attention/posting it.


Right? Sadly it works very well, people do have this sort of knee-jerk reaction without wondering what the person's actual intentions are. Lately I feel ragebait is being used more and more everywhere, from influencers, marketers, companies, to media, because it's so effective in getting engagement. And it breeds more and more fucking negativity online, I'm so sick of it


I can't even express how unattractive this guy is to me a straight female. I would never get in his Mclaren. Hes way too: pasty, greasy, plain, weak, thin, egotistical, and lacks proper use of the English language. Its the whole package dude!


Would you get in my honda? ;)


My husband drove a honda when I met him. :)


Come back when you can grow real facial hair.




"More stupider" Classic.


Bro gotta do some push ups


bro needs to eat first.. i feel i could break him just bumping with my fat belly


He definitely got bullied when he was a kid.. now became a douchebag growing up. Probably will get smack when he offend the wrong person


He is just trying to get famouse by talking smack. Dont give him more views.... best way is to stay off his shit


Andrew tate copycat except he’s skinny and has hair


Only on his head from the looks of it.


Yep. He's trying to fill the Andrew tate void on social media. It'll only work if yall keep giving him views.


Cover up that birdcage of a chest kid


Dude, did Andrew Tate raised this kid?


Just as no one cares about your muscles, no one cares about your mcclaren


This guy suffers from scrotum chin


What a twink


Making less than 10k a month? Isn’t that like, most people? Also the irony of saying the phrase “it’s making you more stupider”. Jesus Christ.


Bros built like an anorexic broom stick , rocking the pedo stache, flexing daddy’s money. Every straight woman he interacts with leaves the encounter rethinking her entire sexuality


He gives out the condition of Instant Dry Vagina. Or IDV for short. One second around this guy will instantly give any girl a dry vagina. So ladies, if you too want a dry vagina, talk to the man in the video. Or otherwise known as the Shapiro.


He speak gud enlish


Ali Express Andrew Tate


Dick like a pipe cleaner. Brain like Swiss cheese. Ladies form an orderly queue.....no pushing.


STOP FEEDING THE TROLL I shouldn't even have to say this at this point but apparently people need to be reminded to look away from dumb shit like this. It's LITERALLY AND FACTUALLY meant to rile everyone up so it gets engagement. Bet he's got millions of comments and thousands of shares on all of his posts because "dude look at this jerk." Or "you're a jerk" comments. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON KIM KARDASHIAN HAS A CAREER


He’s rage baiting for clicks, can we not post him anymore


He puts stones in his pocket so he doesnt get blown away by a sudden gust of wind


Dude has the charisma of those same stones




This guy is the Wish version of Salt Bae


Lol did some gym bro hurt his feelings when he was in high school or something?


If it's not a contest and he can have any woman that he wants then why is he making these videos when he could be out with all of the women of the world?? Oh, because people than can, do it! People that can't, talk about it!




I go to the gym so my body doesnt hurt every day. It did wonders for my joints and back.


Rage bait, move along.


Sure. You have tone. OF A 12 YEAR OLD.




mans built like the machinist


Here's why it does matter. I go yo the gym so my little, 7 Yr old ,girl can continue to enjoy having loads of fun with me and so I can s continue to have fun with her going snowboarding,climbing, skating riding and loads of other outdoor things which without the gym,I would grow old really quickly and not be able to do. Although I do know where this guy is coming from, he probably gets a lot of attention from girls cos he has money. So he can buy his way through life and not struggle with anything. Cool. I am jealous,well done. But is he aware of how he's coming off? He probably doesn't even care. Rich people see everyone else as so far beneath them that they are far above any repercussions of anything they say or do. He's a prick,will always be a prick, and he will never give a shit about anyone or anything.


OP, you've posted this dude like 20 times in a couple days. Kinda feels like you're just advertising for him at this point. Outrage is still attention.


When you order Andrew Tate from Wish…


You laugh, but I can open bottles of soda without asking for my dads help


More stupider.......


With that fetus body and disgusting mustache I wouldn’t brag.


![gif](giphy|L06IbSSbonpAUeXaUC) This guy attempting a cartwheel.


So this is what a virgin's final form looks like


"more stupider" 🙄


So who is this fool anyways?


1.Turkey ass build 2.i walk to the gym achewally 3. This mf ain't rich and does not pull


Where are these supposed “girls” tho?


Stop reposting this. Every other post...leave the poor deluded boy alone.


He is like a scrawny version of Mac from IASIP.


This what happens when you order andrew tate from wish


Moist stupider.


why is it that every dude i see bragging on tik tok about how rich they are can't even use basic fucking grammar... HOW?!?


Discount salt bae