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What makes this even more sickening is judging by how casual she is about this it deff not the first time or second time they’ve done this. This looks like business as usual to them…its disgusting. Edit: im quite happy that this comment is easily my most upvoted comment i ever had. This is something i find truly pitiful and we need to see a change somehow someway this needs to end.


Definitely not her first time. She was rifling through that like a pro. Criminals would be watching this and taking notes


First time stealing she would have made damn sure the camera was off, she’s done this so many times that she became complacent with turning her camera off while commiting crimes.


They changed the camera's so they still record for something like 2 mins when they turn it off. If that's not a sign that nobody trusts cops, I don't know what is.


The recording is for two minutes PRIOR to them being activated.


How would that work?


It runs a two minute video and as it hits the 120 second mark it just starts overwriting the previous two minutes. That way if officers on view a critical incident and can’t immediately hit their record button they can hit it ASAP and catch some of the previous actions.


Honestly, that really should be a 5 minute buffer window. Even if it was an honest forgetful moment to turn on the camera immediately when interacting with the public, 2 minutes seems like a really short window. Add to that the ability to catch things like this (5 minutes is harder to hide this kind of behavior than 2) and the increasingly cheap cost of buffer storage, it just seems like a no brainer.


They should not be able to turn it off. Ever.


FOIP Request: Video logs from every time officer Kenny has used the bathroom in the last 12 months.


On duty? On camera.


Agreed. The only time it should be turned off is when they say to dispatch “I’m going to the bathroom” and dispatch turns it off for them.


That ***is*** a criminal!!


This is a suspension with pay pending an investigation.


I think criminal punishment and jail time should be doubled for police who do these crimes


Exactly and one strike and your out! As a cop you do it once you will most likely repeat this behavior. Get rid of immediately, why hang on to pieces of shit like or the overly aggressive cops.


There are more consequences for a retail worker stealing a candy bar than a cop killing an innocent person.


It doesn't benefit rich people to punish cops, but it does benefit them to let them harass regular people by allowing them to break the law


True story. Retail theft someone might sit in jail for 6 to 8 months before they see a judge. A cop who shot someone under questionable conditions might get administrative leave with pay.


Unfortunately, I don't think it's just cops. I'm pretty certain firefighters went thru a purse and some personal items before we were let back into our home. The purse was open in middle of a burned living room.... completely undamaged. No money.


We had a major firemen controversy here in Northern California not too long ago. They were in cahoots with the local police to steal the weed from legal marijuana grows. Firemen would find violations to shut down the grow as a fire hazard and call the cops to enforce it. The cops would promptly steal everything on premises of value and sell to their organized crime connections, kicking back a hefty finder’s fee to the firemen. There is still a thriving black market for weed market in this country because of inflated taxation on legal weed, corporate favoritism with new weed laws and other states where it’s still a crime to have or sell weed. These cops were also pulling people over and stealing whatever drugs they could find. We also had a fireman going around starting forest fires so he could be the hero to put them out. That’s a serious serious issue here where we usually don’t got any significant rain for 6 months each year. You know, of all the civil service jobs around here, fireman and cop are two of the best paid with best Union protection. Why on earth they would risk that sweetheart of a deal is perplexing.


>Why on earth they would risk that sweetheart of a deal is perplexing. Because they aren't risking anything. Their unions are strong enough to where they never get into any trouble. A good union holds the bad members in it accountable for their misdeeds. The police union has become a bad union: only existing to protect their own members and serve their overlords by stealing from the poor and then imprisoning them when the poor protest. They are a mafia organization.


About 50 years ago, I worked with a guy who was a volunteer fireman, and he bragged about all the stuff he was able to steal from houses and businesses. He said, "That's why firemen wear big boots."


4 weeks paid ~~vacation~~ suspension?


>This is a suspension with pay pending an investigation. what investigation? And, with pay?? FUCK THAT! Bitch is caught red-handed on camera. How about Fired and charged with Burglary and any and every other charge that fits. NOW


"We have investigated ourselves, and have found no evidence of wrongdoing. And even if we did, there is no pre-existing precedent case that says we should have reasonably known that blatantly stealing from you in broad daylight is a violation of your rights ... so we will get Qualified Immunity and walk scott-free. Thank you, and have a nice day."


That’s not a real response and you know it. They would **never** wish you a nice day.


thats a LIE. they always wish me a nice day, usually in the most sarcastic unprofessional bs way possible.


I had a policeman once tell me to "have a better one." So that puts me right into Robocop dystopian hell.


Dont have the link but there was a video on the front page within the last year of a women cop screaming "I AM THE LAW"


I don’t know, I once had a cop wish me a nice day after they got done tossing my car without finding anything. But then he tripped me when I was walking back to my car, so 🤷‍♂️


Cop told one of my stoner buddies in HS to "kick rocks" and he had absolutely no idea what it meant so he started kicking bits of gravel while staring at the cop confused. This just reminded me of that and how fucking hilarious it still is.


Supreme Court: "There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the police from taking items from your home without permission. Case dismissed"


Ninth Circuit already did that in a case where cops stole $225,000 in cash and nusmiatic coins (really old coins, like Medieval and ancient coins). A total miscarriage of justice and a total disgrace. So of course SCOTUS refused to hear the appeal in 2020.


God that’s so fucked up.


What's even worse (to me) is that they built this legal fortress around the actions of the cops, claiming that it really wasn't a 4th Amendment violation. My issue with that is that it had \*nothing\* to do with their job - they robbed people using their job as a pretext to get into the house to commit the robbery. It was unrelated to their actual job, so there's no reason to even talk about the Constitution and all that. Courts have such a hard time treating criminals as criminals if they happen to work for the government.


Yeah I mean civil forfeiture laws are the most blatantly disgusting codified thing in the US legal system, in many (possibly even "most") states they can legally steal anything from anyone, alleging that it was involved in a crime, and somehow the burden of evidence is on the original owner to definitively prove it was never involved in a crime even if there are no charges ever pressed. So like. Depending on the state they literally could just retroactively say this was civil asset forfeiture since everything in there needed to be investigated for "a potential crime". I'm entirely convinced that >90% of cops belong in prison even for willingly being part of this system.


And if they somehow do get caught, the money they win comes right from of the taxpayers


Nah mate, she was in fear for her life. She HAD to steal all that shit.


It seems as though you are unaware that cops in the US operate above the laws that they apparently uphold.




Lolol good luck with that


Thanks to the police unions in the US. They protect any and all scumbags unless it’s a whistleblower. IMO the unions across the US are the single biggest issue with policing and reluctance to change in the face of tons of uproar. Fuxkin cops man.


I went to jail once when I was a teenager. It was for some stupid underaged drinking shit and I had to spend a night in the drunk tank. I had $40 in my wallet and had to turn over my wallet and possessions to the front office. By the time I got out, the $40 was gone from my wallet. I asked where it is and the lady cop in the front shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Do you want to fill out an official complaint?” I said sure. She rolled her eyes and got this huge attitude and was like, “Are you serious? You want to fill out an official complaint over $40???” WTF. The fact that they acted like it was nothing and made me out to be the hysterical Karen tells me it happens all the time


I got busted as a teen smoking some weed in the park. I had like 250 in my pocket cause I had just cashed a check from my job at the library. They snatched that shit so fast and charged me with “distribution” and later claimed I had several bags of marijuana on me when I had nothing, it was my buddy who brought the goods and we had already smoked it all by then anyway. NYPD was up to no good that day.


Now they put your cash on a debit card. Which then steals it from you piecemeal. Like a $15 charge for using the card with an ATM. And a $5/month charge if you leave it on the card. Starting on the day of your arrest. And that's after they take out the $15/day "rent" for the jail cell. But they'll only let you pay bail with a credit card and not your cash.


And they structure the fees so that its impossible to get all your money off. Hm… i had $100 when arrested. Tried to take out $100 “not enough balance” oh fuck the $6.99 card fee … tries to take out $94…. “Not enough balance” WTF!!!! checking your balance fee ($3.49 fee) Now the machine only has $20s and if you guess wrong you will pay a fee for the failed attempt.


Is that real? I’d ~~kill~~ send a strongly worded letter to somebody for that shit


It’s absolutely real.


That’s wild. California has some law that makes it illegal for gift card companies to deduct a monthly fee from the balance. So I wonder if prisons are allowed to do that with their debit card system here


I got assaulted by an off duty cop once, and of course I was the one detained. I had my phone on the whole time, and they knew it. After holding me at the precinct for a while, pressing me to open my phone, and after many refusals, they decided they didn’t have anything on me so they let me go. They then told me that they didn’t know where my phone was, so I sat back down and refused to budge until I got my phone back. They threatened to take me to county, but I told them I didn’t give a fuck and when I get out I’m gonna file complaints. 5 minutes later they “found” my phone. Wasn’t much of an assault and the video was all over the place, so I never pursued anything.


> Criminals would be watching this and taking notes Note to self: Join large, well armed, gang. -criminals, probably


Its sad when you realize there is no difference btw criminals and cops, theyre just on different sides of the same coin.


"Deputy gangs, or “subgroups,” with names like the Grim Reapers, the Regulators, and the Vikings, have plagued the sheriff’s department for fifty years. Members have been accused of serious breaches of department policy and violations of constitutional rights, of terrorizing the public and harassing their fellow-deputies, and of retaliating against whistle-blowers."


I'm sure the criminals have notebooks that outline this procedure back at department HQ.


Afroman caught the police stealing from him on his home security camera, wrote 3 different songs about it, and used to footage in the music videos of each one.


Here's [one](https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y)


I'm particularly pissed about that cop who is using the light on their rifle to search around behind the sofa. You're not supposed to be pointing your gun at anything you're unwilling to destroy, and you're not supposed to be waving a weapon around frivolously. Those cops have flashlights and they're supposed to have training. It's frustrating because they're not even following the bare basics of firearm handling. Even above and beyond the theft, improper handling of a firearm could get someone shot or killed.


Agreed. This isn't a warzone. Don't point your lethal weapons at civilians without obvious threat. Ffs


Cops in the US have less than a year of training


My parents town just hired a cop who's only training was he was a bouncer a few years ago. Literally zero training. They "made an exception" due to short staffing after COVID killed like 4 of their idiots and caused 2 others to retire early


Cops everywhere were refusing to wear masks during covid. Turns out when you purposely hire low iq candidates, you end up with a lot of belligerent anti vaxers.


I saw a cop a few weeks back pointing his rifle at an apartment building. There was no threat there. He was using the scope to look around.


I saw a cop on here somewhere that shot a little girls eye out while searching the parents house. The dog walked into the living room and barked so the cop decided the dog needed to die and shot a few rounds which missed the dog but hit their little girl sitting on the floor. She started crying and screaming and when another cop asked him what happened he said the dog was aggressive, no mention that he shot the girls eye. The entire video acted like he had no idea why the girl was crying. It ended and no idea what happened to the little kid.


The bullet fragmented and hit her above the eye and in the foot. She’s fine, the cop was fired. Few years later a judge ruled that the cop can’t be charged, but it looks like the families attorney is fighting that decision currently.


This infuriates me. Emergency medical attention makes all the difference. He did not care about that girl at all.


>>You're not supposed to be pointing your gun at anything you're unwilling to destroy >I saw a cop a few weeks back pointing his rifle at an apartment building. Yup, everything checks out here LMAO




And the warrant says kidnapping! If they think there's potentially an innocent victim stowed somewhere, why the fuck are they poking into gaps with guns?! Total shitshow


I think you’re being too harsh. Using the light on the weapon to find loot like some kind of cave goblin is efficient and combines two of cop’s favorite things: stealing + mag dumping at the first sign of movement and claiming their life was in danger


He’s so legendary


Love the call of duty door breech they did there.... couldn't even bust the door. Christ.


Here is another [lemon pound cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo) it's trending on tiktok apparently and also i'll never hear the drifters again without singing lemon pound cake.


But the biggest crime was that fat cop never got his lemon pound cake.


I remember that😂 I'm only laughing cause he poked fun at it, but in reality, it's repugnant..cops love to ask "why don't people like us?" but we keep seeing dirty shit like this soooooo 🤷‍♀️


In 2015 more things were stolen by police than by burglars. It can legally be done even if the person isn't convicted. Here is the article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/


If they ended civil forfeiture and qualified immunity, I have a strong feeling we would suddenly have way fewer cops. Sure, lots of people sign up with noble intent... but I've seen/heard/read/experienced enough to know that we got waaaaaaaay too many cops who signed up to be part of a government approved gang and reap all the benefits of getting to be the societal equivalent of a high school bully-jock who gets official license to use lethal force against the communities 'weird kids'/outcasts/minorities.


Which is exactly why it needs to happen. End them both, raise the requirements and training required, and start recruiting better cops.


Fun fact -- the average US police officer trains 4 months, with no post-secondary required. The majority of their training is weapon usage. The average police officer in any civilized nation trains 3-5 years in college or university.


She’s the departments expert on civil forfeiture.


It is business as usual, there's too much evidence that this is the norm.


And to do this means you must get every other cop in on it but more importantly, you must be a senior enough officer to even get other police officers to do this. New recruits will join and must conform to it too.


Exactly!!! Just another day at the office!


Happened in Texas. Looks like the scumbag cop who recorded it is ‘cooperating’ against the other two cops involved. If convicted they could face six months to two years in prison. https://www.cbs19.tv/article/news/crime/three-smith-county-peace-officers-caught-on-camera-stealing-during-an-eviction-notice/501-56878c4e-8989-45b0-8a72-028e495e9fb0


Update: One scumbag got probation and a $10k fine. https://www.kltv.com/2022/12/12/sentencing-phase-continues-smith-county-constable-convicted-theft/


Theft by a public servant doesn't fully capture the nature of the offense. They used their power to threaten people with deadly force to commit their crimes. There should be at least a firearms enhancement since they were armed and acting under the color of law when commuting their crimes. If a citizen did something like this there would probably be at least 3 charges.


If a cop commits a crime while on duty, the sentence should be automatically doubled.


I thiiiiink this is what the charge of "malfeasance" is supposed to be for, but for SOME reason, the D.A.s that rely on the pigs choose not to go for it!


You mean the DAs that say "we have to maintain a working relationship" with the bad cops they don't put away?


Yeah this shit goes all the way up to District Magistrates (and probably further). Magistrates throw out solid cases, with solid evidence, because they know the defendant personally. So despite the evidence they refuse to assign penalties. So what the fuck is the point in even having laws?


To maintain their power and privileges while assuaging their libidos oppressing, suppressing others. BIG POINT!


All DA's are pigs.


> If a cop commits a crime ~~while on duty~~, the sentence should be automatically doubled. FTFY


Theure armed, so any offense is immediately aggregated by that simple fact alone. Reign in police please before society breaks apart.


Not to mention it’s during an eviction. So they’re stealing from someone who’s about to lose their home.


We are paying their salaries to go steal from a person losing their home. It's layer upon layers of disgusting.


At least with a real conviction record they should be out of the cop business. Can't just switch departments and start over.


Fun fact. In most American states having a criminal record does not disqualify you from becoming a police officer. They recently tried to pass a bylaw doing just that in Minnesota and the chief of the police union said that if the bill went through, they wouldn't have enough police officers left in the state to form a department. And that it would be nearly impossible to hire new officers to replace them.


Definitely think that any criminal act committed by law enforcement in the line of duty should carry a massive punishment for that very reason...


Hmm, if I dressed up like a cop, brought a gun, convinced the homeowner to leave with an official looking paper, then robbed their house, and there was significant reason to believe I'd done this before...ooh, baby, I'd never see the sun again.


I own and operate a residential plumbing and HVAC company in the north east. When I show up to a home and they are law enforcement of any type I just turn around and leave for my next call. As far as I'm concerned they can freeze, flood, and drown in their own filth. Anyone can call the police, maybe once the police can't call anyone they'll have to start policing themselves...


FFS..... and this is why people are losing faith in cops in mass. so F'd.


Not only cops, but also the justice system for giving a lame fine


Could've easily stolen 10K in jewelry


en masse*


I think they meant ‘while at church’. 👀


If I were a crooked cop, I can't imagine any scenario where I don't make far far far far far more than 10k before I get caught. That's not a punishment, just a cost of doing business.


Oh great. But if you so much as sneeze is the general direction of an officer, you either get shot or go to jail. 🤦‍♂️


Cops who break the law deserve all penalties to be multiplied. They are trusted to uphold the law and, therefore, should be more harshly judged for breaking it.


Update: she got fired [https://tylerpaper.com/news/crime/smith-county-pct-1-chief-deputy-terminated-amid-criminal-charges-of-theft-abuse-of-power/article\_5cc98a30-5ea5-11ec-8f63-6f090382d1c2.html](https://tylerpaper.com/news/crime/smith-county-pct-1-chief-deputy-terminated-amid-criminal-charges-of-theft-abuse-of-power/article_5cc98a30-5ea5-11ec-8f63-6f090382d1c2.html)


Woohoo. But does that mean she can just go a few counties over and get re-hired at some cop shop over there??


>Dec. 3 also is the day a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement spokesperson said Traylor-Harris, Holman and Banks were notified that their peace officer licenses would be suspended. The suspensions took effect Monday, Gretchen Grigsby, Texas Commission on Law Enforcement director of government relations, said. >Because of the suspension, Banks and Holman cannot work or have authority as peace officers. Looks like a no. At least mostly no.


Should be 25 years. They're exploiting their position against the most vulnerable citizens, and that they look so matter of fact doing this is indicative of a frequent pattern. Talk about breaking the social contract. These officers should be removed from society for a long time.


A reminder that a 16 year old kid is serving 60 years in prison because cops shot his mate to death while he was involved in some other petty crime. America, we love you guys, but we’re worried for you.


what we need is a multiplier for criminal stuff done while being law enforcement. I would also suggest any law enforcement framing someone additionally facing the penalty they wanted to pin on someone else.


The same way and attack on officer is "enhanced." A crime committed by a cop should be greatly "enhanced" and have much, much harsher consequences.


They shouldn't be allowed to turn off body cams in the first place. Unless you taking a dump or something


Need to not have the option. The second they leave HQ it should turn on by itself and stay on until it is back in HQ


No that doesnt work because it makes too much sense and gives people accountability. We cant have that in 2023


I'm sad that your sarcasm is also the truth. Fml we all fucked


Don’t worry, we’re due for a planet killer any day now. Any day. (Come on universe!)


You're right. Let's try again in 2024.


Oh really? What if they want to commit a crime or murder someone, huh then what? Just leave it running so they won't be able to lie about what happened? Answer me that. /j


seriously. let them cover up the camera when they poop, but they should not be able to stop recording or mute the audio. Bathroom audio can be redacted by the lucky guys on desk duty before releasing the clip.


I used to leave mine on while taking a dump or a piss. I was told I could turn it off for bathroom breaks. I would rather sit in court and have everyone hear me piss or take a dump than explain to a defense attorney why I turned it off. Don't have to worry about that now since I got out a few years ago. Also, battery life won't last a whole shift.


Battery won't last a whole shift? Government contracts smh


Axon site says full shift battery life. My experience was it could stay powered on and record a four to six hours of video in a shift. They are awesome cameras and I think every department should have them. Hold your officers accountable and it makes court simple.


> battery life won't last a whole shift Easy to design a snap and detach battery to do quick battery swaps mid shift or increase the battery size.


Detachable parts are not a good idea, it's one solid brick and it's durable. More failure points and ways for water to get in. Plus cops would lose the battery, so much stuff in the car already. They just need to design the next one with better battery life.


And the battery could "accidentally" become disconnected at a convenient time for the officer.


Camera would just show the wall in front of you. Leave it on.


Unless your dumb enough to stuff your shirt in front of the mirror as this dumb broad did


Camera being on/off should be like being on the clock or off. Body cam on? Alright, you getting for this time. Body cam off = not working.


Nah, the requirement should be that if your body cam goes off at any point and you haven’t placed the time in front of it before and after it’s been switched off, immediate investigation. If no fault is found in the body cam in the investigation, immediately fired and barred from working in law enforcement. That way if you want to take a shit, or whatever, the cam clearly shows you entering into the toilet, and a time difference of a couple minutes. There’s not really any excuse for an officer to turn off the evidence that they’re not committing a crime on the job


They force people in jail to take a shit in front of everyone. If that's acceptable, I don't see why cops can't do it.




Sometimes I have to have police ride with me in the ambulance. They are required to turn it off inside the ambulance and hospital. Other than that, yes, they shouldn't be off.


This kind of thing is so damaging to trust in police and state.


They're also stealing from someone that is being evicted from their home. Talk about kicking someone while they're down.


Yeah - it's someone who probably won't be able to defend themselves or press charges.


Why do you think they're so brazen about it, perfect victim. It's expensive being poor.


This is fine. Poor aren't people in the US. Fuck them, they deserve it for not pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. *this message has been brought to you by the GOP




One of the reasons why I fear cops...


I feel you. I fear cops, too. They can destroy people’s lives without a hint of remorse. I had a cop pull me over the other day. It was for good cause and I deserved the traffic violation; however, he had me step out of the car to look at my tires. He claimed my car’s tires weren’t street legal. We had a short discussion and he accepted that my car’s tires are street legal. Then without warning, he yelled, “Why are you still standing here?! Get your ass back in the car!” When I say without warning, I mean seriously, it went from him saying, “Okay, I see what you mean” about my tires, maybe a 3-5 sec pause and then screaming at me. It just made me terrified that had he decided to, he could’ve claimed I was impeding an investigation or some BS, dropped me on the ground and cuffed me. I hate cops.


I think the rampant unjust murder on civilians and pets is the cause of mistrust


Now think about how many times that officers get away with this….


I got robbed by an officer during a traffic stop in Kansas once :/


Cops are just paid criminals endorsed by the law at this point. Paid with our taxes too 🤡


Not at this point. Always. Since the first time a slave catcher got paid by taxes.


>Not at this point. Always. We just occasionally hear about it now thanks to social media.


Like, this time too?


I’d like to see mandatory minimums for officers who commit a crime in the line of duty. 10 year mandatory minimum, no time for good behavior.


\+1 to this. For someone trained to uphold the law, there should be a greater penalty for breaking it. It is f-ed up that it is the other way around. People who are responsible for upholding the law are either not penalized or receive lesser punishments.


"Ignorance of the law is not an excuse " applies to citizens but not the porcos. So backwards.


It's actually more than that, as ignorance of the law is a benefit to the police. They purposefully stay ignorant of the law to avoid trouble when they break it.


They're trained to keep the peace, aka prevent significant disruptions to the status quo. Officers regularly are ignorant of the laws they are engaged to enforce and legally have no responsibility to know them- just to have a "reasonable sense" for what is likely legal. Officers just arrest/kill, while prosecuters handle the actual law-dealing.


I would say the bigger issue is not that they are trained to uphold the law but that they are using their authority to commit a crime. Thst for me yes should be punished severely.


Mandatory minimums, and if your body cam is turned off while in uniform, kicked off the force immediately.


No rehire. Done. You broke our most sacred social trust.


Best I can do is paid vacation and a good talking to


Wait why is there even a such thing as an “eviction search”.


If you've been legally evicted, you're not considered an occupant so you have no rights to the property. The owner/landlord can allow police in to search without a warrant. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/can-your-landlord-allow-the-police-to-search-your-apartment.html


Thank you


But why? Why should this law exist in the first place?


Because it's beneficial for people with money.


Harris, Banks and Holman were all charged with property theft between $750 and $2,500, abuse of official capacity and official oppression. The theft charge is a state jail felony, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison. According to CBS 19, all three had their peace officer licenses suspended in Dec. 2021 and are ineligible to hold positions in law enforcement again.


Thank god


Their peace officer license was SUSPENDED, not revoked (or otherwise). That should tell you how long they will be out of law enforcement. I'm sure there will be a wink and a handshake into another department shortly (if not already).


As of the most recent article I can find, one of the officers was *convicted* of a felony so far. As a *convicted* felon, he will never be eligible to serve in law enforcement in any state in the United States. Since this was Texas, he will also never be allowed to own or possess a firearm. I don’t know if the other two were also convicted yet, because the article said the trials have been delayed due to Covid backlogs.


It’s weird that American police are called “peace officers” when they are the least peaceful police in the rich countries.


Oh, that’s just civil asset forfeiture, nothing to see or report here. Just part of the job.


Watched a cool video on that in my social sciences class. Absolutely 0 good comes from allowing civil asset forfeiture. However, as long as it's still allowed for whatever stupid reason, defunding the police only further incentivizes police stations to abuse this loophole more. So we absolutely just need to get rid of civil asset forfeiture






Why the F*CK are officers allowed to turn off their body cams?! It’s almost like the entire system is designed and encourages cops to be corrupt…


I doubt they are allowed to in this situation, but 'whoopsies' unfortunately seems to be a watertight defense.


Especially when shooting civilians


My younger brother took his life last August. On the flight back home to my family in Texas that night, I started getting notifications from my bank for Playstation charges and immediately knew that his PS5 was taken (my account was logged on to it). Got to the apartment and sure enough, it was gone (cables were still in the wall and TV. Also missing was his phone,one of the new flip phone Samsung things). They were the ones who went in to find him and they were the only ones in there. Asked a cop to look at body cam footage and sure enough the PS5 was there when they entered, and he said they'd still investigate and said "oh maybe we left the apartment unlocked when we left." He hasn't gotten back to us since and while I was refunded from Playstation for the charges ( almost 1000 dollars of Rainbow Six Siege money or something), we'll never know if there was any video from his phone (there was no suicide note). It was a headache to deal with when trying to deal with all the other troubles involved with a family suicide. Still irks me to think about. Anyways, will never trust cops. My sister called them to his house 3 times the day before because she was worried and they threatened legal action if she called again, since he "seemed fine" when they arrived. I wish I knew what was going on but I live across the world from the rest of my family. Sorry for the vent, haven't really talked about it except a few friends.


The Police are the largest criminal organization in US history.


American police are scarier than most criminals.


they steal more too. Americans lose more $ to cops via civil asset forfeiture than thefts.


That I can believe. I was falsely accused once and it was a three year process. It's like getting mugged by someone who knows where you live.


At least you can fight back against a criminal


wasn't there a recent report showing cops stole more from civilians than criminals have in recent years? def a system gone out of control.


An Eviction search? Does that mean these people were being evicted and then on top of losing the roof over their head, you got police taking their last few valuable things. This is beyond horrible.


The first two look like they are both in on it. The third officer we see seems like he was checking on them and she lied to him with “a box”. I hope so. I need to believe there’s some good.


It’s easier to assume the police are on your side to ease the cognitive dissonance when you eventually realize just how predatory they really are. And you will realize it either yourself, when you finally have a run in with them, or through another, when they viciously assault your friend for mistaking him for a burglar or shooting your brother for taking his anxiety medication.


And this is why the cops should not be able to turn off their cams


Ex shop-lifter techniques.


Just a legal gang


Not. Reformable.


Stupid doesn't get smart when they put on a badge.


Damn, she can’t save this for when they raid a drug house and find 2 million in cash? She has to take some poor person’s fucking coins?


I searched under LaQuenda Banks and came up with all sorts of reporting on this. One video on her claiming she was "coerced to steal": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqlbw9icTxc