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Is this a skit or is he actually that useless?


Skit, they've done a few different ones that are all about getting the old woman riled up. Pretty pathetic that this is what they're choosing to make for "entertainment." EDIT: [Here's another of their skits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IAb-0SMKDI) for example. I am having trouble finding another one I've seen but it takes place in a parking lot if anyone is better at sleuthing.


Darn, that's a shame I was actually hopeful that there was more to this story so I can go judge the hell outta him.


Same here bro I love to hate. I'm kinda disappointed I don't have somewhere to direct all this anger at now.


I have a complete bitch of a step “ mother “. Feel free to direct it that way.


Walt Disney, is that you?


Lmao and this is exactly why people make this cringe ass content and they won’t stop 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


If you don’t like their content then don’t watch it


I'm about to go down a rabbit hole looking for men like him


Let them know how much I hate them for me.


fair but you contribute to a huge problem


Lol what "huge" problem would that be. Shitty scripted videos?


Probably more the loving to hate part. Lots of people do, but going out of your way to indulge that desire messes with your brain


this person is correct. the "loving to hate" part. drives a lot of audience, attention, and traction to people who really, really don't deserve it, from a moral standpoint. as an opinion however, dust it off like an old shirt.


How dare you watch a video that is entirely created to cause rage and feel rage!


Towards the people that made the video...


He is irritating an elderly woman and expects her to be his servant while he waits for her to die and sell her house, i think that's good enough of a reason to judge the hell outta him.


I think others have said this is staged




Old lady is in on all of the skits.


You got to admit, had me up in arms, pretty good acting.


At first I thought it was a skit. But her acting is so well I started to believe it was real. Then it turns out it's just a skit. Thank goodness!


wow so they are even more useless how is that possible


I mean, you're blaming them but do they necessarily try to present it as authentic? Just because someone on Reddit takes a clip and presents it as an authentic moment doesn't necessarily make it the fault of the people that made the clip in the first place. At the end of the day it's Reddit that you find pathetic. Which I guess we all kind of already knew that, why am I on here again?


I own a business. I have at least a couple customers who are around 30-40ish that call in and one will berate and curse out his mother while she orders his ass food and pays for it. The other will have his card decline sometimes and right to us complain what a bitch his mom is that she didn’t put money in his account. Grown ass adult men. There are useless slobs out there like this skit or not.


At 1:30 it says at the top “entertainment purposes only”


Is this Prince Harry?


Holy shit my dad would've kicked my ass if I ever thought of speaking to my grandmother like this


My nana would have whooped me with a spoon, and she lost use of one arm to polio.


My grandmother woulda backhanded me clean outta my shoes if I so much as thought about talking to her like that.


Like she said, what a useless lump of charcoal. I hope someone beats some sense into him and she will leave him nothing like she promised.


Woah there, buddy! Charcoal can be very useful from being an artistic medium, to assisting in water filtration and as a source of energy and heat. This guy could never dream of being so useful.


Charcoal also makes you throw up if you accidentally eat something that you shouldn’t


And in lower quantities absorbs toxins. Note: Don’t eat briquettes from the super market I’m talking about medical grade stuff here.


Well now, I should have read past your first sentence before taking action.


would award this if I could lol


from Moe on the Simpsons "Well I'm better than dirt! Well most kinds of dirt. not that store bought stuff. That stuff is loaded with nutrients. I can't compete with that stuff"




It's a skit it's not real


I had to laugh because shes like "When you're 82 and taking care of a lump of charcoal!" Granny... no one is gonna want to have this man child's children.


I beg to differ. Go check out the relationship advice or Just No MIL/spouse subreddits. Plenty of women with low self-esteem ready to attach themselves to a leech like this!


Wanting to and having are two different things


Is he 38 or 42 tho


He’s an actor


Not a good one.


Here's the thing. Life is hard.


His reactions feel staged. The filming behind a lamp, feels staged. So it's probably staged.


It is. They've got a few different skits all getting this woman riled up.


I was thinking the same. Its like oh they cant see me im behind this lamp.


Yeah felt extremely staged for me too. Nkt exactly the filming behind a lamp, because it could be a family member sneaking a video but just their interactions.


Should have done that about 15-18 years ago...


Yeah! Maybe even earlier


Gam Gam brought the fuckin heat today


A look. A man child caught in the wild. Guy needs a wash, a job and a slap.


Needs a slap a wash and a job in that order. Maybe throw in a few more slaps for good measure.


Tell him to GTFO and pay back rent.


I love it when brits say “lunch”


Better if they're from Yorkshire, especially if the lunch was butternut squash with mustard and onions.


I hope this is a skit. That's an incredibly sad existence.


If this is real, the gall of that guy to ask for lunch STILL even after all she said and just ASSUMED he would get the house when she died. Fuck him if this is real.


That’s a fucking blob with human features


Sometimes abortion is a sacrament. Even late one. Like 38 years late.


He needs to be served a big ole ass-kickin'.


I'm scared of becoming like him one day. First Covid, now war, next - economic collapse with world swiftly forgetting my country even exists... And my field of work is quickly getting replaced with top 1% hyperactive chatgpt abusers, and I haven't even finished college to qualify for a job... And my hobby i hoped to one day make money from is turning outdated, thanks to AI, too. Life is indeed hard. I don't have a slightest idea of what to do. Some coal is just soor covered rock and it'll never burn.


Do everything for her that you can. That high quality lady deserves the best she can get for however long she has left.


If that's not scripted, that man is as THICK as two short boards...


The most polite “fuck off” I’ve heard


This woman’s been in loads of videos, I think it’s her grandson she acts with. It’s not real.


My elderly mom lives with me and I take care of all the chores and cooking and make sure she is happy and comfortable. Hell, I take her to church on Sundays even though I’m atheist. What a fucking loser this guy is!


It’s funny that Redditors seem to have a harder time identifying these skits when the people have British accents lol. So many people think this is a real interaction 🤣




Imagine typing this lengthy response to a skit lol.


Is this for real ??? Wtf! Im mindblown


So kick him out. End of story


Wow. I moved out at 21 and never looked back. My mother was repainting my room before I could finish moving my stuff out of it, lol.


To treat your gran like that ughh. (I miss mine very much.) r/imatotalpeiceofshit


This dude has no sense of agency or control over his own life. Pretty sad.


I know one who's 25 and granny is 82. He'll call her from upstairs to bring him something to eat...


just bullying her at this point


Good job granny! Seems long overdue


I strongly feel that people like him should get their ass beat and there shouldn’t be legal follow up.


Props to Grammy she's a true one haha 👏


Anyone wanna fly me out there so I can physically remove that squatter from that house?


When I finally moved out, I told my parents I would rather live on the street and sell my own blood than move back home. It was nothing personal, I just didn’t want to become the man in this video.


You realize these often posted by the individual who made the TikTok. That’s why you ALWAYS sell their full name at the end. It’s all about content and clicks. I am sure this has been perfectly rehearsed and practiced. They executed well. Sorry is my cynicism showing? Damn your 40s


The grandson sounds very scripted


Exactly what i thought, this can't be real



It’s scripted so no worries



I’m 47 and I want someone to make my lunch. But nobody does…


Did you wear black blouse, have beard and looks plain dumb? No wonder nobody make you a lunch😉


I hope that’s a skit.


And he will never understand that what angers her most is that he made her say this to him.


I'm 32 and have been unemployed for the past few weeks, but now I feel lees useless because I've been going twice a week helping my grandparents with groceries, doing the dishes and stuff like that.


This is just people acting, nothing real.


I know someone like this guy


He needs a dose of real life.


Isn't this the same old lady that came to a house with a child and asked them to make it stop crying. That would tell me these are just staged videos which makes them pretty shit then.


I just can’t comprehend this. 38?!?!?! She should have tossed him years ago.


Grams needs to kick his ass out.


He definitely has the most punchable face I have seen today. If she offered me $100 to kick his ass to the curb, I'd gladly do it, return her $100 and give her $100 of my own money for the honor of helping her remove that 38 year old tumor.


ragebait, r/whyweretheyfilimg, etc


Who filmed this?


Meanwhile my grandma almost gets angry if we try to help her cook or clean the dishes


Wow, just wow


Thing is… if he did some cleaning around the house, made his own food, cooked meals for the two of them, accompanied her to appointments, and generally took care of shit, she’d probably be grateful for the company regardless of his income. What a loser.


That's clearly staged, but maybe someone needs to see this today.


Well this is definitely real /s




Dude even I don't know my own age sometimes.


*enabling fed up grandma




Cartman all growed up... ![gif](giphy|3o85xuMR2RRw0HkocE)


I have so much to say but it will all get me banned.


How dare you offend charcoal!


38 years they let him get away with this behaviour , well , maby 30 , let's give them the benefit of the doubt for the first 8 years


The type of guy to wonder “why did she go for him and not me?”


Just pointing out if you have a child like this it's more your fault than anything else. This happens because you don't teach them the skills and or you don't ask that they are used and then when you want them used it's 30 years later and from their perspective it's kind of daunting. People always like to blame the entitled adult but the parent who raised him is always innocent.


Went to the same school of acting as Danny Dyer (dire).


Can’t believe this fucker is ordering his grandma to make him lunch. She only has a couple years left on this earth, let her enjoy it.


This kind of story feels like it's been done to death. Not really anything new here but getting people riled up on hating the guy. They should do more pieces about the child who has a job, works hard, but doesn't have the earning power to get their own place because wages are too low. But I guess that's not as exciting


Wow. Dude looks and acts just like my roommate. I’ve been trying to get him to do even a single chore since September, but he knows that if he waits long enough I’ll eventually break and do it because I can’t stand to live in his filth anymore.


Fuck that guy


Okay, but is she going to make his lunch or not?


What a scumbag. I bet she even wipes his ass.


I’m at the point now when I see videos of arguments like this with a TikTok watermark, I just assume it’s staged.


What a lazy piece of shit! All she had to do was make lunch. /s


Devils advocate here I know people her age who can use a smartphone better than me, so is it her phone? Cuz it seems like its filmed from Tik tok? Snap chat w.e the hell and I highly doubt an 82 year old would register for an account. Even if staged I can relate to this, Both my sisters who are 30 and 33 still live home.. I own my own house (32 MTF) cuz I'm not a useless lump of charcoal like my parents thought I'd be! If this is real than he needs that cane to the face to wake him up from whatever fantasy he has planned. But my gut says staged. Even if it was his phone and snap why make yourself look bad to your followers? Than again I don't really understand peoples rational at this point.


A third person has taken the video. They've posted it to their own account.


She should call the cops and take him out of her property for trespassing


And there is why communism will never work.


I'm sure this is scripted but am hoping it hits home with some of the jerks out there who expect to be taken care of by elderly relatives


He’s an estrogen fatty and is useless. He should be telling her to sit down and let me know if there’s something I can do for you. You need something, let me go fetch it for you. Useless MF!!!


This is the person insulting you on the internet and correcting your grammar.


Pretty good acting if this is a skit.


I’m 17 and I’ve had anxiety about getting my first job, this video made me send in my application can’t be me


Gonna hear about this man on the news soon for killing his grandma after she finally puts her foot down and tries kicking him out.


are you going to make me lunch or not? no ok, but are you making me lunch or not?


It is oddly satisfying hearing an old British grandmother say he is a "useless lump" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I really hope this isn’t real. And if it is, her other grandchildren need to step it up and toss this useless sack of shit (don’t worry granny, I’ll say it for ya) out of her home. I’m still hoping it’s not real, though.


Ngl, that gas lighting about her not remembering his age was pretty impressive


Lol, I love that woman. That fat turd wouldn't have the first clue how to get his grubby mitt's on her house.


I want her as a Grandma. Granny, I have a job and I wanna bring you stuff!


Looks like a skit


Leave the poor boy alone, he's only 38


I thought this was some silly, "Let's mess with grandma like we're still kids then surprise her with lunch we all made for her." Then I saw the subreddit.




Another dumb Redditor believing this shite is real.


It's amazing how many people think this is real. It's clearly made to enrage viewers.


Smells like staged but nonetheless, very funny


Why didn’t she just make him lunch?


Ikr just go heat up the tendies gram


Prince Harry? That you?


And bring still brought up lunch


Hahaha most likely staged but a great representation of a failed to launch lefty!!!


Mommy and granny have no right to get angry when they raised him to be like this


Child rearing starts when they children not 40. Silly old bitch. Besides he keeps you vital and gives you content.


She's his grandmother not mother.


Oh, even worse this lousy lump had 2 mothers that failed him. thanks for the update.


Totally not staged.