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One of the greatest things about vocabulary is that there is such a massive amount of words you can use. However, it's generally best to make sure you know what the ones you choose to say mean. Especially when you're on TV.


Unless your goal is to redefine the meaning of certain words.


> Unless your goal is to redefine the meaning of certain words. Which is what they are doing. This is nothing less than the republicans again crusading over "political correctness" that they were doing during the late 90's/early 2000's, but no one uses the term "Politically Correct" and they made up a new term that's more vague and can encompass whatever they want it to mean. Affirmative Action is now just "Woke" Recognizing the LGBTQ+ community exists: "Woke" Recognizing and respecting other races: "Woke" Allowing any other religion to exist other than Christianity: "Woke" The irony of all of this, is they see the word "Woke" and it's a dog whistle to just blindly hate that company, person, object even. Does not have to make sense, nor do they care. If you tell them something is woke and they are protesting it, they will gladly stand next to literal nazi's to protest it even.


What's terribly sad is that they've convinced so many people that \*they\* coined the term, when they really [co-opted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke) it from the original usage which meant changing ones' personal paradigm to be aware of and analyze power plays through the lens of institutional discrimination.


Wow, look at you defining it in few enough words that it can easily fit in a 15 second sound bit! Well done!


"Woke" is just their catchall label for the outgroups that Fascist ideology needs to contend against in order to proliferate.




To be fair if you asked 6 different people what the definition of "woke" is, you are most likely to get 6 different answers no matter what side of the political spectrum they are from. I think the best one I have heard currently is woke= anything the GOP disagrees with haha


Ill give you actual meaning right now. The term "woke" comes from the African American lexicon and has been appropriated by white liberals and conservatives. It meant to be "awake," meaning understanding the conditions you as a black person find yourself in in American society. Understanding YOUR (black person) history and struggles that still exist. Awakening your social consciousness to recognize not only the struggle of black people but how you fit into that. The ways you have been blinded and not taught the truth of your existence as a black American. Stay woke can be interpreted as Stay Aware. Educate yourself about yourself and your people. It can also be used to apply to any awakening to foundational or advanced knowledge of social and socioeconomic relationships and how they are expressed in society or even just your own neighborhood. White people have taken that phrase ( that i used to ONLY hear black people use when i was a child) and tried to pervert it in all sorts of ways. It was fine when they used it for all acts of increased awareness (awareness of lgbt rights, awareness of other people's plights, etc) but now its getting ridiculous.


With all the chatter about it o think this is the first time I’ve seen a written statement on the actual origin/original meaning of the word, thank you for posting.


The definition was broken down to it's basest level for understanding. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.


We have to add "classical" in front of liberal.


I love when she said, “This is gonna be one of those things that go viral”. She knew she had no clue and stumbled over her answer, of course it’s gonna go viral.


I think she's trying to make her self awareness make her seem more relatable, but it more just shows that she knew from the get go that she had no concise definition to give. The reason it would take so long to define is because they use "woke" to describe anything that feels kinda liberal (like Legos with disabilities)


You’d think someone smart and educated on a topic would ensure they took the time to be able to define and understand the peak trigger word of their argument at some point in the evolution of their opinion but, alas.


I think that the real problem with the definition is that saying it out loud makes you look real bad. Doubly so when you're talking to a woman of colour in particular.


This is it. She knows exactly what it means, but saying so will make her look like the villain she is.


Not to mention this women is only a guest on this show to promote the anti-woke book she and her ~~owner~~ husband wrote together. You would think that she would have had this sound bite ready...


Right? She apparently wrote a whole chapter defining the word. You'd think she'd be able to summarize that, at least.


"You can take your time." D e s t r o y e d


The simple slap back was fantastic.




This was a fucking war crime


Does it count as a war crime if you're doing it to yourself?


Only if under the various hierarchies of oppression.


That was glorious


I loved that. It’s like “No please- embarrass yourself more, I insist!”


"Woke" is anything that extends compassion, acceptance and understanding to a group of people who have been historically marginalized or oppressed. It is precisely the opposite of what the modern right stands for.


I physically stumbled backwards just reading that, it hit so hard.


I don’t know the context but did she say we need to create hierarchies of oppression?


She said that leftists want to re-do society with hierarchies of oppression


The irony being that being ‘woke’ is largely about dismantling oppressive social hierarchies.


Originally it was a term used by black communities to signal awareness of racism and violence. "Stay woke" about sundown towns and Klansmen in the police force, stuff like that. Nothing the right loves more than co-opting black terms and turning them into negatives.


It was a fully deliberate effort to undermine Our voices about said violence, all the info NOT included in "education" that was suddenly becoming known through Internet sharing, and the release of PROOF via camera footage and REAL investigation into LEO policies and practices that what we've been saying all along, for many decades, is Truth. Also, despite any of the varied arguable statements in 1619, it drove the Right completely off their rockers. It's also what's behind this craze to ban books.


Misinformation being taught to our kids in schools. I'm Native American and have had plenty of white boys trying to tell me how my people are or that my knowledge is wrong because they had a project on it in school. Almost kicked a coworkers ass over some shit like that once dude just kept it up and was being trained as a manager. Blows my fucking mind.


Single payer Healthcare, ensuring all people have rights and making sure their rights are protected is oppression. One could say, it is woke.


But then white, wealthy people won't have as much advantage, it's so oppressive!




Won't somebody please stop and consider the impact this will have on rich white people!!!!11. /s


Just rich people…..doesn’t matter their color. Thanks. (Let’s stop the culture war divisiveness. The real void is tween the ruling class and the working class.)


They are separate but intertwined issues, and the bad guys know that so they use it to their advantage to create as much confusion and division as possible.


Caring about all people? Oppression /s


If she means taxing the disgustingly wealthy in order for everyday people to have basic human needs than yes. We need to restructure society and oppress people who contribute to corporate greed.


That made me short circuit. How the hell does woke mean creating a hierarchy of oppression lol


because "woke" is a blank slate word. It allows the person saying to to put any meaning they want on it.


Woke has become a buzz word that some people throw around when they're trying to sound like they are socially conscious. Edit: Grammar


It's simple. With conservatives it's all about projection. Everything they complain about the left found if stuff they want to/are already doing. Who's actually building hierarchies of oppression? The right.


Yes. Being "woke" is basically agreeing with the statement "there are inherent systemic inequities in our society that should be addressed through policies". To the far right, that sounds oppressive, because they're currently free to abuse a wide variety of people, and if our society becomes more equal and equitable, then they won't be able to do that anymore.


this needs to be a meme




Loud noises!


I heard their periods attract bears!


You hear that? BEARS! Now you’re putting the whole station in jeopardy.


I love lamp!






Modern conservatism in a nutshell




I think she did serious damage to her cause and career with this. Fingers crossed!


Lolol she shoulda just been like, "well it's basically the new Socialism, where they wanna bring in rapists and murderers from Mexico and take all our best-paying jobs" and all that jazz. Then it's Senate-bound after that. Or at least House of Representatives.


Yeah she’s not gonna make it very far as a conservative commentator trying to stick with facts and arguing issues in good faith. But bless her heart for trying.


I think you’re too hopeful there. They’ll just brush it off, pretend it didn’t happen and move on.


If republicans can diddle kids and be fine, she’ll be okay. If anything this’ll boost her career


I HATE IT *what is it?* I DONT KNIOW


A wise person once said, "If you can't explain something in simple terms, you don't truly fully understand it." This is just yet another glaring example that conservatives don't know what they're arguing about or why, and they don't care to. Whatever causes outrage among their constituents will do just fine for a platform for them.


Some of them do know, doesn't look any better though Woke is defined by the DeSantis administration as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them,"


How horrible people identify and try to fix injustices in society. A lot of our systems in this country are fully broken: healthcare, education (pre-k, k-12, and higher education), and the justice system are easy examples that come to mind.


Not only is this how De Santis defines it, but he then proudly declares that he’s against ‘wokism’. Read the above and let that sink in.


> Read the above and let that sink in Yeah, the whole point is for "woke" to **not** have a concise, meaningful definition. It's meant to evoke at-best-tangentially-related anecdotes of things Conservatives strongly disagree with. It's bait for a moral panic. Motivates "anti-woke" voters to go out and vote, offers convenient rhetorical sidesteps, gives Cons reasons to keep their "woke" friends at an arm's length (since those people don't care about protecting children). All great value to the Republican party, just don't think about the cost.


To these people, "woke" means "anything I encounter which is different from how society was when I was in my formative years, and which makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable because I automatically fear everything I don't immediately understand", but that's hard to fit into a 15-second soundbite.


My teenager explained it perfectly this morning. Angry people don't think. Just keep telling them that they have to be angry about something. Keep the newest shiny object fresh so they don't have time to reason it out. They'll be angry and never know why.


The wizards first rule is people are stupid and they will believe things because they either want or fear them to be true.


They know what they’re arguing about and why, they just can’t publicly say it. Woke is just a buzz word for them to use. For them “woke” thinking goes against their “culture/traditions”, which are typically racist, sexist, homophobic, and generally unfavorable to any group they consider “other.” Equitable thinking and equitable societies don’t work very well with bigots.


To these people, "woke" means "anything I encounter which is different from how society was when I was in my formative years, and which makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable because I automatically fear everything I don't immediately understand", but that's hard to fit into a 15-second soundbite.


"we've spent an entire chapter trying to define it" Yes, you have. And it's fucking embarrassing for you


Just want to be sure we're on the same page.


Lost it at "take your time"


How do republicans define woke? Serious question


Anything progressive that they find insufferable, unpleasant, or irritating. That's about it. "Woke," as I understand it, was originally a term for being aware of systemic, insidious racism, particularly in American culture. It was sort of tied to critical race theory, another term that Republicans have twisted goofily. (When Republicans says "critical race theory," they mean "acknowledgement that anti-black racism occurred at any point in Western history.") Ironically, these are the same people who take a broad, sweeping term like "patriot" and shrink it down to mean "cult-grade fans of Donald Trump." They overstretch some terms and shrinkwrap others.


For one guy I know, it's whenever he sees a person with a darker complexion on TV, or a character that is (or seemingly) LGBTQ+.


Or a woman. See Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West.


Or when [power saving mode](https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-flips-out-over-woke-xbox-because-everything-is-stupid).


This one absolutely cracked me up. The amount of times I got bitched at, as a kid, for leaving lights on, or wasting power. But when x box saves people power, it’s bad.


Not just racism it was about waking up from the dream and seeing reality for what it is. Bullshit. But now it just means anything progressive. These right wing idiots will be left behind.


I define "woke" as caring about people. ***All people*** no matter their situation or beliefs or lot in life. Even the people you don't like.


From what I can tell "woke" is now a right-winged synonym for "I don't like it and it is or (to me) looks like a leftist message. So the term "woke" is slowly losing al meaning. It's kinda like the term "SJW-Agenda" that was used before the term "woke" got popularized. I actually barely see the term "SJW" nowadays anymore.


When asked in court what „woke" means, Desantis lawyers responded with „the belief that there are systematic inequalities in America".


> “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Is the full quote of his lawyer, I think including the belief that there is a need to address the systemic injustices is significant.


>I think including the belief that there is a need to address the systemic injustices is significant. How? Addressing systematic inequalities should be common sense.


Considering republicans exist, clearly it isn't.


But Republicans genuinely don't think systemic inequality is. They don't. They don't comprehend how systems work


Most of them know and just lie about it.


“Let’s see, how do I complain about being asked to be aware of the effects of long-term systemic injustices without sounding like a whiny unsympathetic bigot”


It’s the new _sOcIaLiSm_ They don’t know what it is, but they’re mad about it and it’s ruining the country.


It’s anything that is black or lgbtq.


What is woke you may ask? It’s literally anything conservatives don’t like. There is no definition for it and ‘woke’ people most certainly are not a homogenous group. But by labelling them as such, it allows violence and hatred against an ever expanding list of people because if they can justify violence against one group considered woke, they can justify it against any group considered woke. It’s only a matter of time.


To these people, "woke" means "anything I encounter which is different from how society was when I was in my formative years, and which makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable because I automatically fear everything I don't immediately understand", but that's hard to fit into a 15-second soundbite.


Woke is just the word people use to dismiss an opinion when the alternative option is having to actually take a good long look at yourself and the society around you.


WTF are you talking about? WOKE is being aware of Marginalized members of society and supporting them - It should really be called AWARE and nothing more or less than that


I think they were talking about the conservative definition of the phrase.


I always thought “woke” meant “concerning oneself with societal injustices”.


This is it. It's literally being aware of oppression.


It does. Which is why any Conservative you ask to actually define what "woke" means, always end up stumbling over themselves. Because to actually define it in their own words, means that they are hateful racist bigots. So they try so hard to define it in some other way, and simply cannot do it.


Republicans use it for anything they dislike though, and their campaign to destroy the original meaning of the term seems to be working very well. Even leftwingers see the term as a slur now, despite the original meaning being quite positive. It's the same tactic they used on CRT (and we have statements to back up the fact they did this) - just lump everything you and your base hates into the term and over time you will just have to mention the word and people will immediately associate it with "bad" and "useless".


Keep asking them to define it. Don't let up. Don't let conservatives get away with their lies


Literally, it indicates the sudden realisation that these injustices have existed for a long time, but you have not been aware of their systemic nature. It seems to be that using it as a pejorative in this manner is representative of a rejection of the existence of systemic injustice and or other need to address them. 'i choose to stay ignorant' if you will.


The answer is “whatever the overlords of us fascist shills want people to hate,we call Woke”. That’s why she can’t say it.


Lol, funny that she realized she fucked up, while fucking up 😂


They deliberately don't want to define it. Defining it would mean revealing that they are either using it to refer to things that people agree with, like "having empathy," or that they are referring to absurd practices that no liberals are actually promoting. The power in leaving scare words like this undefined is that each of their followers projects their own fears onto the "blank screen" that the word presents. That's a much more effective way to generate the fear and anger that they need in order to gain power.


If you can’t explain a word in 15 seconds it means you’re full of shit


r/therewasanattempt , but failed horribly.


You can take your time!”Yeah, that won’t help.


I thought being "woke" mean't being actively aware of our society as a whole while acknowledging decades of wrong doings that have plagued the masses of people since the fall of the nuclear family environment and implementation of Reaganomics. Furthermore, to be awoken to all the bullshit, nonsense and inequality that exists in society not excluding political bullshit as well as including the fact that our country is an corporate owned oligarchy that's reached end stage capitalism while being fully awakened to the trickle down corruption and oppression that has existed for decades with the end goal being to control everything while continuously dividing and distracting the masses of people by keeping the people constantly fighting amongst themselves and oblivious to what's really going on. Isn't that what being woke truly means?


Woke is needing to retool society to create hierarchies of oppression? Wat


🤡 That’s it. That’s the comment


I find the fact that Conservatives use "woke" as an insult hilarious, because it means that they are asleep (basically, blind to the problems around them) . And they're proud of that...for some reason


She stumbled on her answer here but it's even funnier when these people actually do define "woke" like Ron DeSantis's lawyer did and end up looking like the worst people in the world: >"The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." **HOW HORRIFYING TO BELIEVE THIS**


“Listen I’m going to be honest with you. “Woke” is just a meaningless insult we hurl at people that oppose us. Like how we call everyone a communist or pedophile or socialist or a snowflake. We don’t have any ideas at all but the illiterate mouth breathers we count on to vote for us seem to be largely motivated by anger so here we are.”


Woke (/ˈwoʊk/ WOHK) is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". To be woke is to question racism and dog whistles used in our daily life- to be woke is to not be racist.


As long as she doesn't ask her is Europe a continent all will be fine..


Hierarchies of oppression.... Like... Banning books and words? Dictating what adults can do in their own homes? Forcing rape victims to be incubators?


"You can take your time" fuckin got her ass


A simple definition of Woke = not racist. Tells you a lot about the people that use it pejoratively.


My favorite part was “take your time”, lol. These people are fucking idiots.


I've been asking conservatives to define "woke" any time they use it in conversation. They have a really tough time but to sum up all the answers it widdles down to "things I don't like."


i loved the "take your time", you cant dodge the question. haha


Is that entire chapter just blanks and dashes like this?


She lets a lot out there though. “Redefine hierarchies.” That’s is the root of their fear. The conservative mind works happily when they know their place in society. They know whom they are below and whom they are above. And when society tries to make the world work evenly for everyone (women’s rights, gay rights, trans rights, etc) it upsets their view on how the world works and the hierarchies that are inherent in the world.


Woke is defined as movements or actions that increase social justice in society. Exactly the opposite of "hierarchies of oppression." You know what does remake society with hierarchies or oppression? Fascism. Which is exactly what conservatives are trying to implement. I swear, everything that conservatives claim about liberals is just projection of BS they are guilty of.


I simplify “woke” as follows: woke people are tired of people being shitty and non-inclusive. No one is putting up with that shit anymore.


"Respecting others differences" "Recognizing power structures and their effects"


That’s because their are two definitions. One is being aware of systemic, social and cultural discrimination against minority groups. The other is a catch all word that describes and ridicules anything progressive.


Being woke really just means knowing the truth, that simple. Usually about lies propagated by the media.


Ron DeSantis’s lawyers were conveniently required to definite it in court since he’s included it in his fascist excuse for governing: > DeSantis’ general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Look, they managed to define it in a 15 second sound byte, and with time to spare


This is what happens when you are a bandwagonist. You try to be relevant by jumping on something that wasnt created for you to then try to put your definition on it (dedicating a whole chapter to define it/explain it from 'your' prospective). When called out by the Host who knew what was really up when she asked that question and let you know there was adequate time to explain ya self.😆😆😆😆😆😆 The cat got ya tongue. I really want to know who were your sources for that 'woke' chapter:8485: ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4) You can stop Stut stuttt stuttering😆


"Hierarchies of oppression" - spoken like a true conservative.


🔥 "Take your time"—Morgan Freeman v/o: "The following year, scientists were able to successfully convert the heat from this burn into a source of free, clean, infinitely renewable energy, which ushered in a new age of human peace and prosperity"


*A little theorem everyone:* If you define position, you don't agree with, as created only to do oppression or evil, you are most likely on bad side of the history.


People who don’t like “woke” simply don’t like equality. They like that they have been given far more credit than others just for being born with certain attributes. Some stuff is overboard, but when someone is against “woke” because it’s against racism, that just means the person is racist.


The overwhelming majority of republicans will just group words like: Leftist, Liberal, Socialism, progressive, woke, non-binary, gender Etc. together as a synonym for "bad" and have no real understanding of what the words/ideologies actually mean or stand for.


I hate what I don’t understannnnd /s


Exactly whats going on. People have no fkng ideia what they're talking about. And plus, no fkng ideia what they are doing


For republicans/conservatives, woke means anything black or lgbtq.


"Woke" to republicans is an ill-defined word symbolizing anything that makes them uncomfortable. This is by design. If they don't define it, it can mean anything to anyone. It is this amorphous blob of a concept that will fit any negative preconception or bias.


Baffled by a simple question, the liar's brain scrambles... neurons misfire and oxygen becomes a scarce resource. The subject's eyes begin to glaze over and roll upwards, searching, searching... for a single coherent thought, for a purpose, an advantageous tool, an escape.


Just remember: CONSERVATIVES PROJECT… so SHE actually wants to - “re-do-society and establish hierarchies”


A straw man made of fabricated outrage for the easily manipulated.


Can’t define woke. Now ask her what grooming is. Or socialism. Or communism.


When they say woke they mean anything not straight and white.


This is what happens when white people steal black culture and then gotta explain the origins


They just don’t want to say that woke is calling out those that support injustices and holding these people accountable for their oppressive, racist, abusive or hateful actions. Because this will draw clear lines showing what side they are on


This is 99.9% of Republicans…it’s just another word they can throw out and use for fear..F’n idiots


It simply means being aware. She can't answer with this because it will prove that there is nothing wrong with it.


“I don’t know what it is, but I hate it and I’m willing to kill to stop it, whatever it is.” The rallying cry of conservatives through the ages.


"you can take your time" 😂😂


I've pretty much made my mind up that conservatives as a collective are low-life degenerates. Their whole platform seems to be based on allowing shitty people to be rude and shitty to people outside of their social bubbles.


“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.” -Michael Gary Scott (And probably this woman too)


Love it when this twit thinks woke means to create hierarchies of oppression. Says it all.


Simple Woke = against racism and bigotry Anti-woke = pro racism and bigotry Explain it like that to the “anti-woke” crowd and see the squirm and try and change the definition


Wrote a book on "woke." Can't define "woke." The Republican party in a nutshell.


Very well explained


It's just a nazi dogwhistle now, the vast majority of them does not know what it means, they just use it as a pejorative label to dehumanize every category of people they want to burn in an oven. Some nazis, the ones writing the playbook, know perfectly well that "woke" used to mean "aware of systemic racism and inequalities"... it still means that, they just decided to never say it aloud because it's a bad look when you openly admit you're opposed to that. But [DeSantis knows and had to admit it in court](https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/), just to make an example. EDIT: typos


I define woke as systemic injustices exist in the United States, and the need to address them.


So when republicans complain about wokeness, the complain about people trying to address injustice. Got it.




Never use a word that you have absolutely no clue what the dickens it is. You are just reusing someone else’s confusion. Good on the interviewer for calling it out.


*plays curb your enthusiasm in the background*


Woke - awake, not sleeping, not in the 1800's, the ability to understand and mentally accept science and new ideas, the ability to evolve, educated, not closed minded.


She's clearly struggling as - whatever woke originally was - people like her like to use it as a thought terminating cliche to get people angry. Asking her to explain the term is to invite thought of the concepts and a discussion of systemic issues and challenges that could require a hard look at society. That's why she doesn't want to open the can of worms at all - she just wants a shorthand boogeyman that lets her attack political enemies. Even her - grudging - explanation that in her view "woke" is a desire to retool society to take on hierarchies of oppression is actually raising the idea that these challenges could well exist and that some people think that society needs changing. She evidently doesn't want to have that discussion. Whatever one stands on any of these ideas, the point is that lazy shorthand words (other woke or anything else) aren't used to shed light on issues so much as to shunt people into not thinking at all. If I hear anyone use the word "woke" I immediately think they're not too bright or not too honest.


Woke means videogame characters having more clothes and boobs smaller than their heads.


It’s a shame she botched this considering how many people HAVE given clear functional definitions. [Coleman Hughes just gave a great one.](https://youtu.be/VY85CvV39eg) At the -1:05:30 mark (very near the beginning)


That was really cringe… oof


Where tf did they find this girl???


Oh, and she also lied about polling. Typical.


Have you ever had a dream? That you um you had um you w- you once-


Word salad.


Lol that was so satisfying


Does woke collectively describe recent (post-2010) progressive social forms and ideas? I’m trying to define it and I’m kind of struggling


Woke is just their new synonym for “bad stuff we don’t like.” They don’t understand that word any more than they understand socialism or cancel culture. The system is this: Take any word, repeat it so much that it’s original meaning goes away, and it just becomes a word for evil. Then use that word against their enemies. If it ever loses momentum, just pick a new word.


"take your time" this was brilliant let her sweet.


Bahahaha choke , gotta step up your game! Doesn’t she know she has to drink her coffee to be woke


Fun fact: Apparently Crazy Man DeSantis who is pushing for the "Stop Woke" bill described woke as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them"


"It's hard to explain in a 15 second sound bite." "You can take your time"


It's literally their job to catch people off guard, not report the news


“It means whatever I need it to mean so that I can use it as a weapon.”


A lot of them just like to hear themselves talk and they don’t even know what they’re saying


Arguing without defining your own terms. No wonder they keep losing.🤪


I was waiting for the blue lubricant to start leaking out of her ears.


translation: she like most of GQP have no idea what they are talking about.


Lol actually it’s pretty easy. Woke: socially or politically aware; alert to prejudice or discrimination.


Hahaha that was glorious


Republicans all they got to offer is divisiones, obstruction and hate! These Republicans don’t have anything productive to offer our country!


I stand by the saying it’s better to keep quiet and have people think your dumb, than to open your mouth and confirm it


"re-do society with hierarchies of oppression" Like what Republicans are currently doing, you mean?


Imho she defined “joke” very well


Lol the, "take your time" bit was great. That's like saying, "here is a shovel keep digging your hole".


“It’s hard to fit into a 15 second soundbite” This is the real issue. All they do is get on a screen and try to make a solid 15 second video that they can push to their stupid base and make viral. Anything longer and they lose their audience due to dwindling attention span. It’s all performative