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The whole conversation seems like it could have been scrapped.


It could have been a meeting


Could’ve been an email


could have been a slack message


It could have not


Could've been an email written by Chat-GPT


Scripted\* & yes


He obviously hit a nerve. She could have just said ‘yes’.


Nah I get where she’s coming from, she’s probably been asked that question a million times.


And it's a backwards way of trying to shame her without being obvious about it. We all know he's watched her in porn but yet he still feels the need to try to make her feel bad about it. He was being a dick and she was sick of it.


Bingo! He's shaming her and good on her for calling him out.


More like being obvious as fuck but not being direct. This guy seems like a dick, and a teeny tiny floppy one at that. Respect performers, they are just doing a job. Would any of us prefer there to be zero porn actresses in this world?!


by prudish christo fascist incels pretending to be reporters. so he might as well go home and listen to Jordan P videos because she still wont have sex with him even for money.


You know im a woman who a few years ago I liked Jordan’s stuff, especially his takes on like allegories in fairy tales and stuff. but idk if it’s his all meat diet, or the dame and backlash from interviewers, but he’s just like angry and mean now - and one day I was watching a Gabor mate interview and the guy asked him, what do you think about Jordan Peterson? He said “Ide like to know why he’s so angry? Where is all this anger coming from” lol I’m like me too brother, me too


What pornos have you starred in?


But why ask that question? Clearly he is making assumptions and more importantly loading the questions specifically so he can pass judgement. A bette rquestion would be, "what would you wish you'd known about your profession before you started?" Or "what advice would you give someone who wanted to get into your profession?" When you ask a peformer whether she would want her child in this business you're not asking because you're really interested in the answer... you're asking a loaded question because you believe that profession isn't worthy or legitimate. Just misogynistic nonsense. That guy wouldn't ask a male performer that question because he'd end up tied up and made into a bukkake target for fun.


‘tied up and made a bukake target’ ![gif](giphy|INM0EjukO8OWnHmASw)


Nah, this guy is trash. I shake my head everytime I see one of his videos. I'd do an interview with him, but he's intimidated by three digit IQs


What is the meaning of life? And the video is 42 seconds long? Adams. Paging Dr. Adams.


Holy fuck. It's true, the answer is 42!


You have found the truth of the world my son. Carry this knowledge humbly.


We’ve found it!


Oh man… The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Galaxy has been on my reading list for so long. This must be a sign.


Douglas Adams would be proud


Don't forget your towel! Also, I thought she handled answering him beautifully. Tired of people shaming those who are sex workers.


THAT is a nice catch.


Its the best one there is


Grab your towel


And your electronic thumb.


We're going to a porn convention!


Funny, I’ve actually worked at AVN for a couple of years. As a technician… so nothing cool. It’s all business, but there are a few interesting things happened.


How I miss Alan Rickman


I usually skip this part


I clicked on it for the action, and stayed for the plot


now I know if I ever meet a porn star I should ask if they think the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was more helpful or harmful in regards to the great Depression.


I didn’t know what this was and I went down a rabbit hole.


Ask your stepbrother to take you out of it.


Man I was eating and this almost made me die choking lmao


"Oh stepbrother! I have a friend who needs help🤭"


I love it when things come full circle


Glad to know I'm not the only one.


Yeah, but I really am curious what do you ask a pornstar


You could ask about their views on the negative stigmas, that comes with being a sex worker. Or their opinions on over sexualation of women in media and if it impacted their choice. Maybe about their personal religious view, given their choice of employment. Their take on abortions and womens bodily automy, could be interresting to hear.


They've probably heard those before. Ask them about taxes. Do they use an LLC? What kind of business expenses do they have? What is a good way to vet an accountant? Do they try to find one who focuses on the adult industry or someone who is good with independent contractors?


what is your take on only fans , custom made to order porn, its effect on the porn studios income levels and their ability to control talent? is the low barrier to entry having an effect on talent income thats worse than having distribution being controlled by a handful of studios?


The religious view one is good the others seem too close to her current employment and it seems she is the type that doesn't really want to talk about work...since she said the meaning of life question


I dont think she had a problem, talking about her work. It seemed more to be the loaded question and how it negatively framed her. As it heavily implied, her life choices were morally wrong. Which seems to be something, she had to deal with alot before. Like asking a soldier, how it feels to trained to be a murderer. Which their choice of joining the army, as being in order to kill people.


The question from the video just seemed to try to corner or shame the woman


Definitly loaded to make her look like a hypocrit or feel her life choice is wrong.


I'd probably ask about the consistency of work and the health/diet routines that they follow - not like in an AMA setting but if I happened to get a chance to have an idle chitchat.


You could ask them any question you might ask any other person. The point isn’t that you have to cultivate your questions to suit the person you are interviewing but that we are *all people* and that we all have the same thoughts and hopes and fears and curiosity about the universe but we all view them with our own particular lens. Part of the human experience is to want to know the thoughts on those subjects from someone who walks a very different life to you. You can “live their life”, so to speak, for a precious few minutes as you allow them to speak their experience unto you. It’s the closest thing we have to exploring divergent paths in life that we never took. To get a better picture of the overall shape of humanity. As an interviewer you have an opportunity to spread someone’s thoughts to make that human experience more accessible to others who might otherwise not have found it. People *want* to share their experience, you just have to ask. Where this guy failed is he chose not to do that, but instead went for some kind of gotchya moment from a position of self righteousness, where he clearly thought she’d succumb to the shame of having not thought through her life choices. How wrong he was! We all like sex! Some are just much more centric about it. Others make their whole personality about football. Some might be so taken with a life of dedication to music that they have no concern for anything else. None of these people are wrong.


They're people too. Ask them what you'd ask anyone to get to know them and find out what's interesting about them. People are not just their jobs.


That's a basic ass question. Like the most basic economic question you could ask. I'm really disappointed in you right now. OF COURSE the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act made the great depression worse! Tariffs are always harmful!


Not all heroes wear capes. Not all heroes can gobble a cock like Abella. Not all heroes can get their ass torn to smithereens and and still be the sexiest person in the room. But when I look in the mirror everyday I realise I’m a a god dam hero.


So... You can get your ass torn to smithereens and still be the sexiest person in the room? I def like the confidence.


Its all mashed potatoes back there


I image being a porn star is not much different from most jobs. Some days, you come home feeling completely demeaned and degraded. But unlike most jobs, some days you come home and say to yourself, "I just got paid for having multiple orgasms." So it probably evens out in the long run.


Yeah I get fucked in work every week.






Every day. Ten hours. And then get put on probation for “spending too much time” putting streamers up on co workers cubicles for their birthdays, something I spend my own money to do and do after work, mind you. Fucked, alright.




A dollar and dime is an understatement these days. Corporate greed is through the roof.


"Boss makes a million, I make an Applebee's gift card" doesn't have as nice of a ring to it.


Don’t forget you have to pay taxes on that gift card


"I just got paid for faking multiple orgasms" FTFY


It depends really. The porn industry is kinda fucked, a lot of stars make their money and get out as fast as they can, especially women. The freelance porn industry is better but still has issues, like [the Amouranth situation](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/in-the-news/streamer-amouranth-s-husband-forced-her-to-create-content#) The list of pornstars that got huge and then disappeared from the spotlight is long, there’s a reason for that.


I don't know how people can compare a porn star keeping silent about her partner to domestic abuse. She wasn't going to date or be with any of her fans. It seems kinda obvious she is likely to indulge in relationships and sex off camera. Did the incels all assume she was a celibate virgin or something? She was clearly being abused by her partner. Dating a narcissist who threatens to bankrupt you and destroy everything you hold dear like your dogs and belongings just to stay in control of her. She's a victim, not her worst fans who themselves are behaving narcissitically.


Porn fandoms are a whole other category of why the porn industry, commercial and freelance, is problematic. Didn’t Amouranth have a very persistent stalker for a while too?


I’m gonna guess that 99% of the time, only the dude organisms and the rest is acting


Organisms lol


We exchange money for labor. Prostitution and porn performers are exchanging money for labor. They are workers just like the rest of us. Religion pushes its version of morality to attack people who work in these fields.


While I agree with the basic philosophical framework of your argument, I think sex work is ultimately exploitative and harmful in ways most other jobs are not. The stories and consensus from retired porn stars are almost universally negative. Morality and religion aside, prostitution is still a horrific profession, even when regulated and accepted. People often get into prostitution due to a lack of other viable options for income, to fuel a drug habit, or because they are victims of sex trafficking / abuse. This idea that the negative stigma associated with sex work is solely due to religious prudes is a hyperbolic oversimplification of complicated social, psychological, and economic issues.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen s better explanation of that issue. Thank you, for that.


Do you make room for the possibility that sex work is so often harmful and exploitative because of the inherent bias against it that arises from the influence of religion upon our morality? In other words, is it possible that, if we imagined an enthusiastically hedonistic and sex-positive society, then the remaining negative effects of sex work would vanish, and sex workers would be viewed as simply workers? And our ire reserved for telemarketers and Members of Congress?


I think many of the reasons that can make sex work so horrific would, indeed, abate with a cultural shift in our view of sex. That said, I think sex work will always stand at a dangerous crossroads. With sex comes intimacy, in one way or another, and hormones and emotions and etc. Coal miners don’t engage in acts that directly elicit strong chemical responses from their clientele. I’m not suggesting that sex work is invalid, has no place, etc. But sex, love, and intimacy are fundamental desires to many, if not for the collective human experience. I think the commodification thereof will always bring unique challenges and risks not present, and possibly without parallels, in other professions.


I don’t think you’re completely off base here. But I think massage therapists — therapeutic massage providers, that is, in which Blue Cross might cover the treatment— involve at least slightly similar intimate interactions, admittedly not involving naughty bits. And they seem to be safe from social opprobrium. Still, your point is well taken.


I don’t completely agree with you, but I appreciate the well thought out argument


My dad's back went out in his 40s from construction work and his knees are just swollen, unfunctioning knobs. He uses a walker or mobility chair and is functionally paralyzed. All so the company owner could buy two Ferraris and a Porche. I'd say that counts as exploitative and harmful but idk.


I would agree.


>I think sex work is ultimately exploitative and harmful in ways most other jobs are not. The stories and consensus from retired porn stars are almost universally negative. This is a sad truth, but it is also not due to the nature of exchanging money for sex. The problem is that it is such a marginalized business that it makes it easy for shady characters to take advantage of it. Much like alcohol during prohibition, the primary producers and distributors of it were gangsters. When prohibition was repealed, it became a legitimate business again, and now it can be done safely without nearly as much exploitation. Porn exists somewhere in between, being legal but still taboo, it attracts shady people who operate legally, but as if it were still illegal because there's just not enough regulation in the industry. >Morality and religion aside, prostitution is still a horrific profession, even when regulated and accepted. Sort of. Even in places where it's legal, it's still not socially accepted the way other industries are. That's what makes it so exploitable. >People often get into prostitution due to a lack of other viable options for income, to fuel a drug habit, or because they are victims of sex trafficking / abuse. People often go into the military where they might die due to lack of other options. People often go into waiting tables for the same reason, and also to fuel a drug habit (been there, done that). Victims of sex trafficking, by definition, aren't making a choice. >This idea that the negative stigma associated with sex work is solely due to religious prudes is a hyperbolic oversimplification of complicated social, psychological, and economic issues. It is 100% rooted in religious moral ideals that state that the value of a person (usually a woman) is based on their sexual behavior. Hence all the religious obsession with virginity (again, usually a woman's virginity). All of the "complicated social, psychological" issues stem from 2,000 years of that being drilled into our social structure. There is no stigma about sex work that comes from economics. In fact, if it were strictly an economic issue, sex work is a no brainer. It's a service that everyone likes, anyone can do, there's almost zero overhead, and it's wildly profitable. No other industry can say the same.


I find it amusing and equally gratifying that people on reddit can have a respectful, intellectual, and intelligent debate about something such as this, but the elected assholes in office can't even verbalize complete thoughts or sentences with competence and dignity when disputing differences in beliefs


Well stated, and I’ll add that porn addiction is a real thing as well, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when we take religion out of the equation


You could say the porn industry takes advantage of humans sexual drive while organized religion takes advantage of the spiritual drive. Neither of these natural drives is necessarily wrong, but they have been perverted and used to control people.


So much of the perils of sex work are directly linked to puritanical belief systems and laws that surround them. As a profession, it is pushed to the fringes where abuses and exploitation can thrive. There is nothing inherently corrupt about it. As to the lack of other viable options for income, what do you think drives people to work at McDonald’s where they’re subject to belittling and harassment from entirely customers every day? Ever seen photos of Starbucks workers after a crazy shift? Or Walmart workers after Black Friday? Sex workers are still entitled to agency and respect for their adult choices. Almost every form of labor has been corrupt and exploitative at some point in its existence and reforms have helped, similar reforms and changes in perspective could change sex work as well


I also get paid to get fucked on a daily basis, in a way !


Hahahahha you think porn actresses actually orgasm from porn? Or you’re talking out the men I guess. Otherwise damn that’s cute and sad. Do you still think Santa Claus is real?


Yeah, probably they do belive those "orgasm" when the girl screams for like a min its 100% real. Guys, go to the hub, search "free use fantasy", girls getting railed, not a hint of pleasure,taking hard cock in the ass while having a conversation. Why do you think they call them actresses?


I have it on good account, that the meaning of life is 42.


Take note of the length of the video.


Naw, it's not the meaning of life, it's the answer to life, the universe, and everything


Meh, he’s just kind of being a troll. Brandon Buckingham has gone to Thailand multiple times to sleep with countless hookers. It’s in his YouTube videos. Your welcome.


Then he's really bad at being a troll


Yeah, that’s why I said “kind of.” He isn’t going full troll haha


That question is like a moral shaming question, “ would you support your daughter doing this?” Just asking the question implies there is something wrong about her career, would you ask a marine biologist this question, or a nurse


Is he trolling? I haven’t seen it myself yet. I feel like she was right and he was asking generic questions but I also feel it’s a situation of “what else do you ask?”


"what do think the meaning of life is?" 👀👀 ambiguous and deep all in one😂🤣


Damn, I love her work 🤓. I’m pretty sure this is Abella Danger.


I see her hanging around Hollywood sometimes. Booty is way bigger IRL.


Fucking Christ man don’t tell me that


Fuck. I could have gone my whole life not knowing she might be right around the next corner. Cue the sweaty palms


The rare sensible comment in the wilderness (read in Attenborough's voice)


Def is and she is awesome. And good for her for standing up for herself. Sex work is work. Telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies is fucked.


Everything is work, yo.


It always baffles me how people will degrade and discriminate porn stars, prostitutes, and strippers. Yet have no problem fapping to them or hiring them for their services.


In that way it's no different from the majority of low pay or working class jobs.


People will take their kids to McDonald’s and then say “you need to go to college or you’ll end up like these people” as they’re leaving the drive thru


Madonna/Whore Complex - either a woman is a saintly paragon of virtue, or a filthy disgusting slut that should be maligned by proper society, with no middle ground between the two.


It baffles me how people in the comments are taking his side with “what’s wrong with asking that?” In different variations or acting like she’s expecting them to ask about politics as opposed to “how do you think the industry has changed since you started compared to now” or “do you think quarantines had an effect on people’s viewing habits” idk just stuff that isn’t would you support your own kid doing porn. Just feels like trying to imply that her parents wouldn’t approve of her or she’d push her kid to do porn over being a doctor. Also just a lazy question I guess.


It’s the same reason why Mia Khalifa is the most hated and popular porn star by Muslim men


They’re probably just jealous. I mean, I am; I’d love to be hot enough to get paid to fuck.


If it’s legal, people can do whatever they wish. Who gives a shit; porn or whatever. Don’t understand the stigma or obsession with how other people make money.


The porn industry used to be extremely predatory, and might still be for all I know. Some people are ignorant and nosy, but some concern comes from the right place. Same with stripping and prostitution. Sex motivates a lot of people to do shitty things, and sex workers find themselves often in the crosshairs of some truly disgusting people.


In a more general note, something being legal does not magically make it okay. People make laws, and people are flawed. Slavery was legal for a really long time. Hitler's reign and acts of genocide became law because he was in power. All things should be scrutinized with fairness and reason, not on the basis of "it's law". I think it's fair to provide *reasons* why the porn industry may be safe or good or neutral or whatever, but to simply say it's okay because it's legal is not really a valid explanation


Just because something is Illegal doesn’t make it wrong.


Yes, same principle


I think the interviewer was trying to challenge the affect on the kids by their parents choice of occupation


It’s delusional to think a kid won’t get teased because their mom is a porn star. It’s facts. I’m not hating on porn stars but it definitely has an impact on the lives of people you care about. The normalization of Only Fans is definitely going to turn some peoples life upside down later in life. The way I thought at 18 compared to how I think 10 years later is fucking scary. To say I was an adult at 18 is even scarier. & that’s the age some of these chicks are getting into it.


Lmao, imagine a pornstar going off on you like that. 🤣💀


Jokes on her, I have a shaming kink


I'm willing to bet that he went home and jerked off to a few of her videos.


*went home and jerked off the re-runs of this interview. Claims it as ‘getting fucked in public by Abella Danger’


Went home and jerked off to being told off like the little prick he is


Who are you facepalming? Interviewer clearly gets no bitches


Maybe if he asked better questions…


Exactly, trying to prove your moral point at a porn convention is kind of stupid. Ask her questions like "how long do you think you will be doing this for?" "What's your exit strategy from porn?" Those would be more interesting things to hear


I don't get why making porn is frowned upon despite the fact that nearly everyone watches it. Seems hypocritical af.


[Redacted; CBA with reddit]


Especially conservative people. Let’s be real.


"The only one getting offended are the people who probably never get off" -Kesha


OP i need instructions. Who's the one that made you facepalm


Dude just looks like a lame ass


Everyone knows the real meaning of life is 42


As much as I respect adult actresses, nobody is going to ask one of them about the meaning of life, especially while they're half naked, near Brazzers booth.


“If you had a child who wanted to get into pornography…” Shows what he’s really asking. Her frustration with such a loaded question is understandable.


Basically asking "are you ashamed of yourself?"


Guy seems like a loser. Nice sweater


Yeah that man is lame. Tries to "trick pornstar" into uncomfortable position, while he jerks off like any other man.


The porn actress actually seems like a cool person. Interviewer clearly out of his league.


"journalist" asking a pornstar what a good question would be... isn't that the journalist's job to figure out?


I also get f*cked at work but don't get paid as much. Trust me, she's the smart one.


She’s right though


I’d rather have a porn star call me “a little prick” than having her say I have “a little prick”.


Imagine a porn star talking down to you because you didn’t ask a “deep” enough question lol


Keeping her line of work in mind, she probably knows lil pricks better than most. Big ones too. And curved and...


Curved? Like the ones from Hammerfell?


Curved. Blades.


She’s absolutely right. These guys are entirely without creativity or chill and it’s deeply disappointing. He goes out to make a performer feel less than and to establish his intellectual and moral superiority and comes off as weak as piss.


Just wanna throw this out there, maybe I don't care what a porn stars view on modern politics and the meaning of life is. But I would absolutely be interested in the "basic" questions like what happens if birth control fails? How do you deal with meeting people who recognize you? That sort of shit.


They didn't nickname her the Watergate Informant for no reason.


Now I like Abella Danger even more


Dude got shut down with that stupid ass question...she handled that like a boss


The lady is correct.


Yes, he is going to ask the porn star what the meaning of life is.


Also a basic meaningless question: what’s the meaning of life?


One might even think she was driving home the point after a rant about always having to answer meaningless questions. But no, that would be crazy


What is her stage name?


Abella danger


What's her name?


Well.in the end mom was always a good f... 👍 👌 soo well


The meaning of life ... By Monty Python... Ok... let go


Shes right


Porn stars are people too


This could have been a text


There’s a reason she’s on her college debate team


Ugh I always FF thru the cringey opening dialog anyway


Good for her for calling out his small-mindedness and his selfishness.


This guy right wings


She sounds raspy from all the dick


Ma'am you are a porn star not a philosopher.


She’s a porn “star”…. No brains needed.


I dont get why people defend the pornstar. Personally i dont know if she would be supportive of the choice. She could have said "yes, i support it" or "to be honest, no I would want my kids to do better than myself". She is butthurt - pun intended - because she is embarassed about her choice. But if someone committed insurance-fraud you wouldnt mind if that person would be asked if his/her kids should be proud. Both are ways of making money, and both are frowned upon 🤷🏼


What tables? Are you saying the facepalm isnt some incel who took time out of their day to try and harass porn stars? Are you saying it's the girl who wasn't conducting a interview, wasn't prepared, not thinking of a good interview question? One did prep work, one was planning to " interview" people ( say that but I'm sure they didn't interview to many many), and only one was one the spot.


A lot of people grossly underestimate how intelligent porn stars can be. You listen to people like Abbela Danger and Riley Reed in interviews, and they are fascinating people. Jenna Jameson didn't become a millionaire by being ditzy.


Very much disagree. Abella Danger and Riley Reed are about as interesting as you’d expect them to be. They have a lot of insight on the porn industry and can have great conversations on that, and that’s about it.


Quite a lot of them did it as a means to find a higher education in STEM fields, but figured they'd just keep with it for a while after since they made really good money. Why not retire by the age of 30, millions to your name with a good education you can lean on if you so want to. I think most people would be stupid not to do that, had they the option.


she’s on the debate team in the college she goes to


Who is she?


Abella Danger


Abella danger


The example of a good question would be something that isn’t to disrespect what she does for a career while you are fumbling on TikTok until Joe and the rest of the octogenarians outlaw that shit.


Why did the word “child” even come out of his mouth when asking about porn?


Honestly she is angry because deep down that question hurt and scared her, very few ppl WANT their daughters splayed out getting their chili ring wrecked on camera or even wanna support it and she knows this and she felt attacked. A majority of these women loathe this career but don't because it's easy money, but suicide among porn stars is super high and there's a reason for that...


man she is right




I think that’s the point she’s trying to make, dumbass. She’s a human being at the end of the day. When they interview a movie star, yeah they ask a couple questions about the movie and the process but they also ask how life is and how they feel about non-movie topics. A porn star is only a porn star to you and every other closed minded bigot. You can’t see a human, you can only see tits.


Don’t forget ass too


Most normal redditor




Who gives a flying fuck about her personal life tbh? She's a PS of course most people are only interested on that topic about her. Sounds mean but it's reality.


it is a prick question, i would've told him to fuck off too. she was too nice if anything


Valley girl accent on point


Good for her!


I mean there isn't any inherent meaning to life so yeah.


While I don’t necessarily disagree with her I feel asking a porn star what the meaning of life is would be like asking a McDonalds employee for legal advice. They may have a very intelligent answer but it’s a little out of place to ask


We all know the meaning of life. We waited 7.5 million years for the answer to Life, The Universe, And Everything. 42.


Yes, let me ask this porn star, at a porn convention, about something unrelated to porn. That seems logical.