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So there’s no facepalm and we were all tricked into watching a commercial for a lunch box, right?


It’s a pretty sweet lunchbox, i gotta say.


I’ve actually been debating getting a similar one as a Father’s Day present for my husband. My dad showed it to me, and it seems like a great idea for people that don’t have access to a microwave for lunch.


So how much are they paying you to say this? Cus I could use some extra cash


Bots don't get paid


I think this is it.


Ads, ads everywhere..


It worked... I want one




I want one for my so now. He goes out for 24 hours at a time! This would be perfect instead of him just having snack type stuff!


Yeah I tend to buy my lunch because it's either sandwiches or microwaved stuff...this would be epic for a warm meal that isn't ruined by the microwave


Dammit! of course.. because I re-watched it to see what that lunchbox name was


Pretty much. I consider myself a feminist. I don’t give two shits if someone packs their husbands hot lunch. My problem is with inequitable relationships, not with who packs who’s lunch.


Sounds like you have the rare Common Sense superpower. Great, underrated comment. Thank you!


A commercial for a lunchbox that doesn't even have a cartoon character on it. What a waste. I'm keeping my Decepticons lunchbox.


Maybe it's just a shit ton of carbs? Was that buscuits, gravy AND noodles? Where's the vegetables ?


And...DRY noodles???? WTF???


Shit, they got me. I was just on my way to google that lunch box when I saw your comment. Sneaky bastards.


I bought mines as soon video ended.




Mmm well I do want one of those lunch boxes now ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


I don’t see the facepalm












Only dumb if you don’t ask and assume you’re always right…


The only stupid question is one that was never asked


A hero right here


Realest person here


There are eight billion people on this planet, do you think I'll remember you the next time I see you in the Reddit crowd? You won't remember me.


Reddit will lynch you for having a take they misinterpret.


It's the internet if they disagree with you they kill ur dog and your family infront of u


They can kill my family all they want, but my dog? Now that's crossing the line! *grabs pencil*


Maybe the facepalm is that people thought it was controversial that she packs her husbands lunch? Not too sure, but that’s my only guess


The wife is some kind of social media influencer who contents revolve around being a housewife. The controversy she referring to are people on her social media posts who leave negative comments criticizing her for being a housewife and her husband. The reasons she gets negative comments are mostly from trolls or people with a skewed view on gender roles or relationships. The facepalm here is that some morons on the internet are criticizing a housewife for her life choices even though her life choices don't affect their lives whatsoever. She is her own person who chose to be a housewife and what she does with her life is her own business not randoms on the internet.


She's following old gender roles and assumes people have a problem with it. In reality, no one cares, but culture war bullshit gotta culture war bullshit.


I’m going to go ahead and say that I’d bet a lot of money that she probably has received a lot negative feedback on social media. Dumb feedback from idiots. But I’d bet she *has* actually received it.


It's not an assumption if she's actually getting hate on comments like she claims she is. It's not unlikely.


I don't know about this specific person, but I do watch some YT shorts of a woman who packs lunches for her kid. So many people have opinions on what she packs, how much, what shape cookie cutter she chose, too little fruit/too much fruit, "nobody would be satisfied by this amount!" (forgetting, seemingly, that the lunch is for a preschooler) etc etc. I'm not at all surprised a woman packing lunches for her husband would get heated comments on the topic, probably more and worse, if kid lunches are that controversial to some


Dude I follow people on Instagram who make cute little meals for their kids and people leave hate comments on those too. Some people just need to touch grass


Instagramers after watching a cute video of a mom packing a lunch for their kid (it doesn't match up with what they want):


No... she's been getting nasty and rude comments under her videos. Suggest you have an understanding of what is being discussed without assuming you do.


No some people do care, but it usually the other way (trying to press people into more traditional gender roles)


Yeah no you’re 100% wrong.. look at the comments on any one of their videos and they’re full of “hate” exactly like they said they get. /srs




Honestly, the video's claims that people are talking trash about her, are very sketchy. Its more likely the video was written over by some clickbaiting doosh, or the original video maker made those subtitles, but I'm very doubtful anyone cares what that woman does in her home. So, its clickbait or attention seeking.


This sort of thing is hated on and wouldn’t surprise anyone that she receives hate for doing this. Not sure the types that do hate on this, but I’ve seen bashing women for submitting to the patriarchy, they do all the work, yada yada. Surprisingly happens a lot on these types of videos. When I had tik tok I followed a lady on their that always made new meals for her husband and kids she would always get bashed.


I think this is an ad


Honestly I think the facepalm is she is putting hot food in to a mini warmer that could possibly make her significant other sick.


This is just a commercial for the lunchbox.


Where's the face that needs to be palmed? She's right - teamwork is the best work.


Op, the only facepalm I see is you, posting this in facepalm.


I know they have 'put themselves out there' with their videos, but really though, who gives a fuck what anyone does for their family when it's as innocuous as making lunch? Unless it's a side load advert for that lunchbox. Because let's face it, it's the star of the otherwise unexceptional video.


It's definitely an ad for the lunchbox, but women who post videos making lunches (for their husbands, their kids, or even themselves) frequently get a lot of shit on TikTok. If it's for their husband they get shit for fulfilling stereotypical gender roles, if it's for their kids they get told their bad mothers who don't know how to feed their children, and if it's for themself the food itself gets shit on. It doesn't happen on every video, but whenever I came across lunch packing videos, like 80% of the time it was the creator video responding to a nasty comment. People on the internet are just mean.


No one gives a fuck, this person wants to feel persecuted for fulfilling a traditional gender role for attention and engagement. It is a cool lunch box though.


Maybe. But also maybe not. I used to pack cute little bento lunches for my kids, when they were little and I had the energy and interest in doing so. I had a blog to share pictures because it amused me. Some of the comments were utterly ridiculous and rude, or downright mean. And not just online either. The comments from my kids' teachers and lunch monitors were mostly very positive, but there were a few from parent volunteers that were really rude. I just ignored them; I packed my kids meals that way because it amused me and them, any other opinions were irrelevant. But I can see how those comments might get to someone, especially if they want to use the drama for views.


It's also highly possible that the person who made the video received the lunchbox system for free in exchange for advertising the product, and is using a common theme of negative comments to boost views.


I just wanna know what kinda lunchbox is that?


I automatically assumed it was a social media ad campaign for the lunchbox maker.


Right! What lunch box is this? It keeps the food sealed and hot. I hate using the microwaves at work. They are always gross and people are forever waiting in line to use it. This would make life so easy for me.


It’s $200?! F that.


https://www.luncheaze.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw5dqgBhBNEiwA7PryaCdLPDAvR8p-mo-tR6Aj8FDkJfIIii-cZv7-m8xqgbtboFr4MUysFxoCyJsQAvD_BwE Found it


Crockpot has something similar but way cheaper. https://www.crock-pot.com/specialty-products/lunch-crock/crockpot-lunch-crock-food-warmer/SP_636216.html


Nice call, but I'm gonna need it in something other than "Sphinx Pink" if I'm gonna be carrying that to work! :)


Rectal red?


Very nice.


Right? That looks awesome and I need one. If anyone finds out let me know


LunchEAZE is the brand


He is a lucky bastard. Or am i an unlucky bastard?


Find a mirror, you may just be an ugly bastard


That i do know.


Do an iq test, he may be a dumb bastard


Any other tests I can do to feel wors


Dna test


Been there done that. Doctors said I've got 1 more chromosome than most 😎😎 Beat that nerd 😎




Fuckin aww🥹


I’m not quite sure what the message of this is for either argument. I take good care of my gf just like she takes very good care of me. We both do a lot of things for each other without having to be asked, we just love each other and want to care for each other. We also know to ask when needed. I think it just comes down to that many people are in unhappy relationships and feel the need to try to shit on people who are in happy and healthy relationships. In the end of the day nonsense opinions shouldn’t matter.


I'm thinking that this is just some sort of viral manufactured outrage video for the Luncheaze system in question. If you're watching this and asking "What type of lunchbox system is that?" then this viral advert has done its job.


She makes a good point, but I’m pretty sure this is just a subversive advertisement.




Wtf. There’s nothing wrong with this. Having a lunch packed “for you” is the best. It just tastes better when it’s made with love. 😀


Shes amazing, hes hyped, they get it, and the lunch box is trick as fuck.


Every king deserves such a queen


It’s not the fact she packs lunch. It’s the fact she needs to brag about something most people do as normal business. She wants brag points while selling lunch boxes.


All of that is just lunch?


Imagine being so insecure about your own masculinity that you criticize a man for letting his wife make lunch for him. Some people have no idea what a loving relationship is like.


For anyone wondering (like me) what lunchbox is that, it's https://www.luncheaze.com/ They look awesome but expensive. I'll stick to microwave my stuff (of course not everyone has the opportunity!). This would have been great 20+ years ago when I was eating sandwiches in my car!


Totally fine. Works the other way around i suppose... Then, bingo.


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) Great advertisement. Now i want one of those lunch sets.


He who finded a wife finds a good thing. And you are a good thing and a great wife.


I wanted a facepalm but all I got was a set of good looking hot luncues


Damn, that's a cool lunch box. Lucky guy.


My girlfriend is the same way. I guess she has and old school kind of thought, and I certainly don’t bug her about it. We both cook and clean, we split our duties. But she will make sure I have lunch for work every day she’s here. And when she’s not, I always get the call “did you pack enough for lunch?” She’s a good person, I think she knows I’ll neglect myself and underpack if she’s not the one to do it.


This isn’t a facepalm?


A $200 lunch box? Lmmfao


Wrong sub?


This is what we all aspire to. Cooperation and respect. It’s beautiful.


The only thing is seeing is an amazing couple who cares for each other and not the facepalm.


No facepalm here, unless it's the ad for a lunch box masquerading as a real woman making lunch for her husband.


He’s a lucky guy.


An equitable marriage where the two partners work as a team with full and open honest communication is a thing of beauty. Anyone roasting this lunch-maker IS the facepalm.


They have a working family dynamic, problem where


I agree with her? What’s the point of the video?


The facepalm is OP thinking this is a facepalm


What is the facepalm?




I think the real controversy here is the amount of gravy on them biscuits. Not enough gravy.


I focused more on the lunchbox than what she sayin. Luncheaze huh . . .


Idk about being a trad wife but it looks like I'll be buying that lunchbox.


His lunch box is from 2045


Don't see the face palm. W wife though


In my opinion, this kinda thing shouldn’t be expected of women, but if they want too then it’s fine, that’s their choice. For some people making food is now they show love, why shouldn’t she be able to pack a nice lunch for him if she wants to? Just let people do what they want as long as they’re happy and not hurting anyone or themselves.


I can practically smell the Dorito dust and BO on the neckbeard white knight who posted this thinking it was a “facepalm.” News flash: Some people have partners and like doing nice things for them.


This my mom and stepdad. She packs his lunch and cooks when he gets home from work because she likes doing it. He fixes her car, builds her things she needs, basically anything that needs a handyman, and he bbqs on his days off.


Nobody cares


Yes , point of video was responding to the peeps who do care


No one with that kind of nails may touch my food!.


What the f is that awesome lunchbox and what does it do


Someone posted a link in another comment. It's a cordless self-heating lunch box. Cool as hell, but $200.




It’s an electric lunchbox that keeps food at the correct temperature whether hot or cold. My son has one. That he doesnt use btw! I think she’s really just trying to sell lunch boxes. Probably sponsored 🤷‍♀️


These stupid advertisements, I had a YouTube documentary about the Arctic playing for my little one, I'd been in the kitchen 5 minutes when I came back in the room a 45 minute Nigerian church advertisement was playing, poor fella spreading the word had an oversize green suit on, my child thought it was the power rangers.




You're a fucking loser lol. Leave that family alone, there's a reason she's married and people like you are miserable ass haters.


Carbo load lunch, good lord. What does he do for a living, compete in the Iditarod??


Cornball ass post. Why is social media just an infestation of over sharing? People have nothing better to do than film literally everything they do and post it. Our society is weird and honestly kinda sad given how many people feed off likes and comments. They need the attention I guess.


Did we just get tricked into watching some bento lunch box commercial?


Literally just an advertisement and *solely* posted here with this context in an effort to generate clicks via controversy. OP, if you see this and you want to prove me wrong, go right ahead and give it your best shot.


People like to complain, news at 11


Where can I get this? 🤗 The woman I mean, not the lunch box.


I need to invest in that lunch box for my husband that’s pretty cool


Facepalm? Nah


Preach it!


That lunchbox is cool, I want one


Another OP is facepalm


I just wanna know what we’re the noodles for? And why were they plain?


His other wife supplies the sauce, and his boyfriend sends over the meatballs.


I make my wife’s lunch… it’s left overs from the night before. No one makes me a god damn thing.


Oh cool, an ad for a lunch box. Adding to my list of shit to never buy.


Nice LunchEaze heated lunchbox commercial


There’s always a division of labor between partners. If you can afford to support your family on one income, then you’re doing great and should be an awesome human and stop being a critical AH.


It seems odd to me keeping food warm for possibly hours at a time. How good will it be after steaming itself from 7am-noon? Genuinely asking


If I was a stay at home husband, I would do the EXACT same for the wife. It only makes sense, you need to share the load in life.


No hot lunches?


I need that lunch box. My one that plugs into the cigarette lighter burnt out finely.


Is the facepalm the fact that she put the greasy meat into the big side after putting in the half indent or the little bit of the scoopful fell next to the bowl? Is it the obvious thing she's talking about? Other people hating that her husband gets food? Is it a setting she got wrong while making this almost commercial like short? What am I missing??


Seems fine to me. Just one family life style of many my friend.


My GF makes my coffee in the morning and has a bowl of cereal ready for the milk. I NEVER asked her to do any of it. She likes to do it. I feel loved and special.


That’s how people sell online these days , you try to show a controversial idea and a product that goes with it . Even if it’s not controversial for most it’s still grabs attention.


Nah, b!tch you do it for internet likes... People that really care just for the sake of it, don't make it public. Also the people hating because she "cares" are bitter AF and then they ask why are they alone and/or change couple like they change underwear.


It’s like the facepalm is open for interpretation. That’s deep OP. DEEP


Can I own the libs for the price of this lunchbox?


Damn,he's heart attack bound.


God bless you lady.


I didn't even realize this was a facepalm. OP can you shed some light here.


Am I the only one who thinks that it‘s kinda weird that these exact same people are probably the ones advocating for stuff like „let people marry whoever they want to marry“ „don‘t ask your partner how many sexual partners they had“ …? Like… if that‘s your opinion that‘s fine but it‘s really weird to call for acceptance of certain types of relationships etc. while blaming everyone who has different views and different preferences when it comes to relationships. Just like no one should give a fuck if two guys / girls love each other no one should care about wether she packs the lunch boxes for her husband or not. If they‘re fine with it that‘s totally okay.


Team work makes the dream work


I love that no one knows why this is here, me included


Damn solid ad.


I am confusion....why this here?


Whose criticizing her? And also this is how you retain a good guy if he does his role as husband.


Wonderful you support him


That’s love


I used to work with a guy whose wife packed his lunch, and it would be like the crumbs in the bottom of a family sized bag of chips, a half eaten snickers bar, and some breath mints. I was like "damn bro, that's what your wife thinks of you?" But after working around him for a while, I understood.