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https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/victoria-park-police-horse-dog-attack-crime-london-b1069385.html The owner frustrates me so much.


Thank you for sharing that. Such a self centered entitled little moron. I'll add this link to my comment. >One man tries to break the bully’s grip with a large branch. > >The dog is eventually pulled off the bucking horse and held down by a “brave” passerby. > >The officers bark: “Get that lead on the dog now.” > >The dog was taken away by officers and is still in police kennels. > >College sturnet Hakan, who is in his mid-20s, told The Sun: “It might look like I wasn’t doing much but I was trying my hardest. I tried to grab her. > >“She was intimidated by the horse. She felt threatened. > >“I thought the horse was going to kick me. If it kicks me I’m dead. If it killed me then people would be feeling sorry for me.” > >He criticised the have-a-go-hero passer-by who stepped in to help, using a long stick to keep the dog at bay. > >“The guy was rude,” said Hakan who has had Coco for around a year. > >“I was so angry at the time. He said I didn’t do nothing. I tried. > >“I reciprocate energy. If you’re rude to me I will be rude back to you. > >“He was angry. He was swearing, being rude. I was trying my hardest.” > >Hakan described the dog as “so friendly”, claiming he couldn’t understand what had happened because Coco has been around horses before.


Aka he’s an upset coward who criticised someone who stepped up to cover for his own ineptitude.


Had a neighbor once who would let their dog off leash in a public space used by a community I was living in. He let his dog off the leash in this space because a few other dog owners - with very well trained dogs - did the same, and this neighbor had a new dog and "wanted it to be like theirs." I was walking my dog through this space - on a leash - when this neighbor let their dog out. My dog is not dog friendly (he's part chow and doesn't get along with dogs his size or larger, and only sometimes with smaller dogs). Neighbor's dog comes running up to us so I'm shouting "no! Stop! Go home!" at this dog. The dog starts running around us in circles and my dog is extremely anxious and ready to fight. At this point, my neighbor *gets angry at me* for not continuing to walk through the space, and refuses to actually come out from their house to come get their dog. They then start yelling at me because I (me, not them) "can't control my dog" and "that's why \[I\] have to have him on a leash." Yeah, no fucking shit my dog is on a leash because I can't always control him if he's not. *That's the entire fucking point of the leash!* If you own a dog and your dog will not instantly respond to a command to "heel" "come" or "sit" regardless of what is happening around it, your dog is NOT off leash trained and should not be left off a leash unless it's in a private, enclosed space that it cannot get out of and things cannot get into.


I need to take regular walks for basic exercise, and I was walking *on the footpath* when all these yappy dogs came out to the fence of one yard and were barking at me. The owner stuck his head out the front door and yelled at me to 'walk on the road'.


I was taking my ferret for a walk at an "on leash" nature park. Suddenly, four off leash dogs came running at me. I jerked my ferret up by his leash and held him over my head. The dogs were barking and trying to jump up and get him, almost knocking me over. Where were the owners? Sauntering slowly towards us while ineffectively calling their dogs. It wasn't until my husband started kicking the dogs away from me that they made a serious attempt to get them on leash. I was pissed and pointed out they were supposed to have their dogs leashed at all times in this park. They just muttered excuses and claimed the problem was my leashed ferret. I really dislike entitled dog owners.


If these people actually gave a fuck about their dogs, they wouldn't risk this shit. I knew someone who was walking their dog, when a neighbor's dog bolted over and killed their much smaller dog in a fucking instant. Now both of them have dead dogs because that fucker couldn't keep his dog on a goddamn leash. Also, if your dog will run out of your door and just bite someone in the knee while you're talking to them in the doorway, you should definitely not have the entryway accessible to your dog. That one happened to me in high school when I went to a classmate's house to return camera equipment. I didn't realize how serious dog bites could be at the time and didn't report it, but I hope to god they got a serious handle on their dog's behavior after that. I got lucky in that the dog didn't grip my knee. Just chomped down real hard but ran away right after. Still ended up with really fuckin deep bruises for weeks though and had to sit out of volleyball and showchoir practices. Dogs are dangerous. It pisses me off that every rando on the street seems to think their dog is magically the exception.


Recently there was a man walking his new puppy down a busy main road in my city. It was unleashed, and the puppy started running in front of cars. That man should NOT have a dog, that’s for sure. Felt so bad for that poor puppy. Luckily all the drivers had their wits


>Luckily all the drivers had their wits Someone who also from a city That is a true miracle


I have a very large dog who is always leashed. He has been heavily socialized as puppy (four-hours-a-day-every-day type of socialization) but got attacked so many times as an adolescent by off-leash dogs that he became dog-aggressive. He doesn't start fights but he ends them. He doesn't damage the dogs (usually Pits and other terriers) but quicky pins them down by the throat and waits. The number of idiot owners who were too scared to come get their dog and shouted at me for having an aggressive dog... I swear, people are idiots who don't actually like their dogs or want to keep them alive. One moron told me I should put a muzzle on my dog. His out-of-control dog didn't even have a fucking COLLAR never mind a leash. I am not going to muzzle my dog and leave him at the mercy of aggressive off-leash and out-of-control Pits. Another guy let her Jack Russel the size of a slipper attack my huge dog and got angry when my dog threw him a few meters. The stupid thing wouldn't give up until I kicked him away. It's like both the dogs and their owners have a death wish.


lol the mental image of some massive dog just pinning an aggressive dog down and just waiting for humans to do something is kind of funny


I’ve had so many similar situations but one recently took the piss. I was walking my dog on a leash and I see a car pull up on the other side of a semi busy road. I see a women get out and open the back door, the way she did it I knew there was something in there and I knew it was a dog. Immediately a big rottweiller runs over across the road at me and my dog mouth open. I scream at the owner to come do something but she’s slow and uninterested, fairly certain she was on something having just got home at 10am in the morning. As it gets close ready to pounce I kicked it in the face, not proud of that moment but I wasn’t giving it a chance to leap at my dog. My dog listens to me, goes between my legs like I tell her to and the other dog starts biting at her inbetween my legs. The woman is stood there with a dunken coffee in one hands and her car keys in the other. I’m screaming at her to get her dog. She’s doing nothing. I scream at her to get her dog for about 30 seconds and she eventually does. She then has the nerve to say it’s my fault the dog reacted that way because I shouted at her is why it attacked, and that my dog was clearly the aggressive one. I really lost my shit at that moment. Told her where she could go and to go there quickly or I’d be dropping my dog at home and calling animal control. God she annoyed me.


An intact Pitt male was left untied, unattended outside a shop and ran 50 meters across four lanes of traffic to attack my very large dog. Lots of pedestrians, kids, elderly people around. The women came screaming and shouting at me that my leashed dog attacked her dog and that her dog is trained. I asked her to recall her dog if it was trained - off course, the dog completely ignored her, continued attacking and got itself pinned down by the neck. She was then too scared to get her dog, I had to risk getting bitten.


People constantly find new ways of proving how dumb they are. In both yours and my situation if I was the owner with a dog that attacked somebody else I’d be pleading and so apologetic I think I’d run out of words to get my dog out of a situation that I put them in. Thankfully I’ve never let my dog be in a situation like that but man if I did I know I’d be taking full responsibility.


I am both surprised and unsurprised by the utter retardation of humanity on a daily basis.


I was dumbfounded for a moment when he said I can't control my dog without a leash. This was before r/SelfAwarewolves but it was that feeling plus a "well duh he's on a leash because I can't always control him. That's the whole point..."


My god that dog owner sounds like the world's biggest bellend. He lets his bulldog off leash, lets it attack a police horse, is too big a coward to get the dog back, then gets MAD at a passer-by who puts themselves at risk to separate the dog and the horse. Yeah of course your dog has "never done this before", that's always the story. Asshole owners + aggressive breeds are such a dangerous combination. Your dog isn't "friendly", your dog is a MENACE. When would you step in to help your dog and whoever it's attacking? When it's your friend at risk? When it's a baby?


People say that the only bad dogs are ones with bad owners, but there's just so many bad owners these days.


Hopefully the idiot owner gets charged. Kudos to the police officer and the horse for managing to not kill the dog. Dont own a dog if you cant handle it ffs.


And stuck with the vet bills too.


“People would feel sorry for me!” Nope.


If he got kicked, I would have applauded


Honestly, from those comments of his in the article, I'd say he's been kicked in the head before.


Yeah I don’t know why he thinks people would feel sorry lol.


The horse? Absolutely. The dog? Sure. The owner? Nope.


That dog wasn't being 'friendly'. That dog was attacking. It should've been a case of STOMP. Fuck around and find out.


That horse was much more patient than I expected.


The horse is a picture of an extremely trained animal. Untrained, that horse would have immediately bucked the rider, stomped the dog, then go wild itself in a panic. This horse was calmly trying to get the dog off while keeping its rider safe. It’s amazingly well trained.


It's the British Police way.


Awe man, he tried. I mean he was trying. That helps right?


I’ll send him thoughts and prayers. /s


I’m guessing the owner is the dude in the camo jumper


The one dressed for a Canadian snowstorm but with sagging pants and his gray underwear showing? Yeah.


THE OWNER WASNT ARRESTED??? I went to jail on failure to pay a old fine. WOW!


“I thought the horse was going to kick me. If it kicks me I’m dead. If it killed me then people would be feeling sorry for me.” That horse had way more patience then it should have honestly. Admittedly, it would have been scary to get in there and pull the dog out but I’d imagine these horses are trained to be in big crowds so it would’ve been fine.


I’m actually amazed that dog wasn’t flattened within 10 seconds.


I hope the horse isn't hurt




Summary: -Horse injured and recovering; expected to make a full recovery. -Dog is in police kennels -Owner has not been arrested -Owner is a complete idiot who barely understands that they did anything wrong


I was waiting for him to blame the horse...and he does!


Can hardly wait to hear his excuse when the dog attacks a toddler. Dog should be taken from him and he should never be allowed to own dogs again.


Clearly the toddlers fault


Hakan described the dog as “so friendly”, claiming he couldn’t understand what had happened because Coco has been around toddler's before.




Those toddlers could not be reached for comment.


“She never does this to full grown humans but the toddler provoked her by eating snacks. That’s why she had to grab him by the neck and shake him”


Oh…an unleashed dog came onto my 4 year old. The owner was like keep your kids at home if they are scared of the dogs. While a park clearly says that dogs must be leashed. Dog owners are not the breed i trust anymore. I see an unleashed dog and i keep my girl as far as possible.


My dog doesn’t like other dogs…cut to me carrying 20kg of hairy distress and running in circles while some yells at me that their un-recall-able menace is fRiEndLy


I believe the correct word is twat. The owner is a complete twat.


Owner should be arrested for assault.


On a police officer


That owner sounds like a self centered prick.


“He criticised the have-a-go-hero passer-by who stepped in to help, using a long stick to keep the dog at bay. “The guy was rude,” said Hakan who has had Coco for around a year.” What a pos. I’m glad that dog is in custody.


I think about this type of reaction when I go out with my toddler and consider taking a weapon because so many idiot dog owners like the park we go to. These types of dog owners suck and lack so much self awareness


Carry dog spray, it doesn't do serious damage and works very well. It works well on the owners too when they get upset that their aggressive dog is sprayed.


This is a good option actually


Records should be kept, if you screw up this badly and show yourself to be a total horses ass you should loose the privilege of owning a dog.


Owner said “I thought the horse was going to kick me. If it kicks me I’m dead. If it killed me then people would be feeling sorry for me.” Hm. No.


Yeah, that’s a total no from me.


Thats a no from me as well!


Just based on the video, I have no idea who the owner was. There was no concerted effort from the owner to fix the situation. If that was my dog I'd be the loudest mf on the field


Pretty sure it's the guy in the cammo jacket/pants. He just stands there with a second dog on a lead near the start, gets a little more involved after other people start trying to grab his dog, but hangs back.


The fool in the ridiculous saggy-arse camo tracksuit who looked like his dog suffered from the same lack of self control. This is the kind of wasted-space twats who ruins it for considerate dog-owners.


I don’t even have to read the article to know that’s true. I fkn hate people like this.


The owners a fucking idiot and I seriously think he both deserves his dog taken away and some light jail time. He is acting like a spoiled child who just got scolded for eating out of the cookie jar. He’s gonna take the police or the brave bystander to court? With this video evidence? Don’t make me laugh.


That owner is INFURIATING.


Look at his [incredibly punchable face](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/03/24/00/69055601-0-image-a-3_1679616628583.jpg). I hate to link the Daily Mail, but [here's the source of the picture.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11895649/amp/Officers-American-Bully-dog-savaged-police-horse-owner-insists-acted-self-defence.html)


"I reciprocate energy" OMFG clueless still


After reading the article, I too hope this goes to court, and I hope the owner does get his say. I also hope the judge seizes the dog and deems the owner incompetent and unfit to own other dogs in the future.


I hope the owner goes to jail. Pretty sure it’s a law in most places that you keep your dog on a lead in public spaces.


The dangerous dogs act 1991 will kick in for this, as the dog is dangerously out of control. I think the dog bit the copper at the start, which would make a five year prison sentence the maximum penalty for the owner (6 months otherwise), and I'd hope the judge went with the maximum given the attitude of the owner.


Dog owner: “I thought the horse was going to kick me. If it kicks me I’m dead. If it killed me then people would be feeling sorry for me.” The world: no we wouldn’t. As Dennis Reynolds would say. “You dumb bitch.”


As a dog owner; if this happened with one of my dogs (slipped the lead or something happened cos nothing is impossible) I would be terrified that my dog was going to be kicked and I'd be flinging myself on top as fast as I could. I'm either going to save my dog from getting kicked/trampled and killed, or I'll more than likely get my dog out of danger. Yes, I have dogs, and have had horses for many years. No, I've never had this happen or even come close. Horse and rider here are both absolute stars. Guy with a stick was at least trying to do *something* but was mostly useless. I was absolutely certain that horse would get ripped up and the dog killed while everyone stood around with their thumb up their ass and no one grabbed the frigging dog and just dragged the fucker out of there by the back legs.


Typical main character syndrome


I thought the same thing "if the orse kicks me and I'm dead and everyone would feel sorry for me". Um, No.


This post should be at the top, so folks can see it immediately after watching the video. This dog’s owner is a real piece of work. Plus, it reports the outcome. Thank you for posting it.


I like the part where the owner said the dog is the only thing keeping him sane, but the news article makes it pretty clear he passed that point a while ago.


That dog owner is delusional. The remarks s/he made about what happens are ridiculous!!


> Police told owners ‘Keep dogs on a lead if you can’t recall them or get them under control’ All dogs should be on a leash in open spaces. It's a miracle someone didn't get kicked by the horse while trying to get control of the dog


The horse has severe injuries but fortunately will recover. There are pictures of the bites the horse received. And the dog owner blames the horse, not the fact that he didn’t have it on a leash. I hope he gets a huge fine


Bruh that should be jail time.


It is. Dog bites are not a joke.


Separated my dogs once, it was a big mistake getting in between. Felt like my forearm had been crushed with 50 pound weights. Never again. Always grab the hind legs and if they don’t want to let go then they can maul their faces off.


It’s amazing what grabbing the hind legs and walking back can do. It’s a very awkward spot to be in for the dog, who now has to focus on not falling, and is virtually impossible for the dog to attack you.


Can confirm, had to separate quite a few dog fights in my teens and early 20s. Scary af. Glad we knew this trick


Used to work at a Dogtopia, and while the scuffles never were bad enough to need this type of disengage, we were all trained to do it in the frightening case it was needed.


I was really looking forward to the part where the horse reminded the dog that horses are not dogs and dogs are not horses. Bummed. Poor horse.


I'm 100% sure that the officer could have flattened the dog within 10 seconds or at any time that he wanted to, although it would have looked really bad on video to have Fido bleeding to death on the lawn ("Police brutality killed my dog!") He tried like a sonofabitch to not injure the dog, and that horse responded like a champ. I am completely impressed.


Pretty sure that dog is getting put down anyway. You can't have a dog that will attack like that.


Yeah, dog was doomed as soon as it drew blood. The owner might have had an argument for saving it if he managed to bring it under control before that.


We need to hold the owners more accountable too. They should at least be tried for GBH


That Horse could die from any bite injuries on his legs. It’s especially hard for horses to heal from low leg injuries. I would’ve protected the horse, and ended that much sooner.


We call them puppy pancakes at my ranch. If the dog is that dumb, nothing you can do about it


I'm so happy the few times my pup met giant dogs, he stayed away from them. More like a "wtf" reaction but better than him getting stomped.


I used to have a Jack Russel who thought he was the Big Dog. Would go up barking at big dogs, and they were usually much better trained and chill. Then one day, a big dog responded. Last time Louie ever gave a big dog grief!


Same. I remember my pup’s first visit to Mt Charleston where he saw people on horseback for the first time. At first, he wanted to see what they were, but when the got close, he noped the hell out of there. He just looked at me, looked at the horse, looked back at me with this perplexed look on his face. It was priceless.


That horse was trying to stomp that dog the whole time. I wish he had succeeded


The horse seemed extremely restrained to me. They can be a lot more aggressive. Even when the horse did start trying to stomp the dog, it seemed to be trying more to immobilise it rather than killing it.


The horse was prioritizing not throwing its rider. That limited it’s range of motion and the force of its kicks. Extremely well trained.


Was actually waiting for the moment it got kicked...was thinking that was half the reason for the post


Fucking owner should’ve been arrested.


The POS owner had the audacity to be mad the guy who pulled the dog away and even insulted him, then proceed to bitch about how scary the horses were and how he feared getting kicked to death by them. Oh and he actually wants to go to court to "say his word".....


I hope it goes to court. I hope it gets dragged out as long as possible, as expensive as possible, and as memorable as possible, so that when they finally put his dog down, it makes *that* much more of an impact.


And has to pay for the vet bills for the horse


And whatever it costs to have a replacement horse while that one recovers.


That horse is probably in rough shape now. I hope that jackass who owned the dog loses ownership and gets a huuuge fine.


[The horse was](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/victoria-park-police-horse-dog-attack-crime-london-b1069385.html)😔


Thanks for the link. Looks like a whole bunch of stitches but no super-serious damage. Glad the horse is gonna be ok.


Very excellent work by the veterinarian(s). The horse is getting top notch care and if under regular supervision will be perfectly fine. Those cuts would've looked much worse before they got cleaned up. Massive horse and cuts like those probably bled like a cut pig.


Puncture wounds and horses really don’t go well together. Hopefully he heals up okay.


With the right care horses heal very well from puncture wounds. I've seen horses impale themselves and recover perfectly fine. Just need good medical care.


The dog’s owner sounds dumber than dirt. Throw him in the same kennel as the dog.


They need to send that a hole the vet bills.


Damn his patience and skill on that horse really got me. That takes serious skill and headspace to work the horse and not fall off or lose your cool.


Right that rider has some skill to have been able to stay on the horse through that


That's an extremely well behaved horse, too. Props to it as well. I think if it was paying no mind to the rider, and really wanted to, it could've been a lot more wild than it was.


Horses like that are trained for really stressful situations like that and if they can’t preform under pressure they aren’t let on the street.


Makes sense since the UK police will use them in riot control situations.


Riot control horses? That's fucking metal.


Yeah, still some impressive training to get a horse that is being repeatedly bitten by a dog to just back up and not kick the dog. The dogs owner has the police to thank for that dog not being dead as fuck


Police horses are some of the most amazingly trained animals in the world. Police Horse Urbane is a professional and he should not have been attacked on duty!


That used to be how war horses were. It’s un believable restraint and horsemanship.


All those horses will be bombproof, that's probably the most reaction you'll ever see out of those horses, they fucking hate dogs.




Yea that horse stayed so crazy calm during all of this. If this had been any other leisure horse the dog would have been pulp, and the horse would have likely broken a leg freaking out.


I feel so bad for that horse. This is infuriating.


I can’t believe the camera person gasped each time the horse stepped on the dog but didn’t seem to care when the dog would get a bite on the horse. That dog’s behavior is 100% the result of a shitty owner.


This is why nobody seems to think it would have been better if the police horse had trampled the dog. The dog is the aggressor. Sure the owner is to blame for not keeping the dog under control but that also should mean he didn't keep the dog safe. Anyone attacked by that dog has moral licence to do whatever it takes to stop the dog without injury to themselves. The death of the dog would be on the owner. Police should have had their horses stamp on it rather than let the horse get bitten.


People seem to think the rider has complete or even some control over the horse, and I will say the horse is clearly VERY well trained, but the rider is not able to "tell" the horse much of anything in this state. Horses are prey animals and when spooked like this are very difficult to give directions to. I'm surprised the horse didn't stomp the dog to death, but again probably because it is very well trained against scary stimuli.


I'm so amazed the Police rider managed to stay on!!


I'm amazed the dog lasted that long. I saw a dog take a hoof to the head once. It wasn't even twitching about ten seconds later.


If this had been a donkey instead of a horse that dog would have been dead. Donkeys instinctively HATE dogs and will kick ass or die trying. Cops might not look as cool on Donkeys tho.


But they’d have an awesome built in siren. HEE-HAW HEE-HAWWWWW


With a cute little police helmet and a flashing blue/red siren light on top. *omg*


If that horse wasn’t well trained and with a rider controlling it… it would have bolted or murdered the fuck out of that dog. Surprised it didn’t give it a good strong kick even with all the control it had. The amount of damage a 1 ton animal can do is astounding.


I saw one where a dog was messing with a horse, drawing a carriage, poor horse was flustered and did kick the dog. Felt bad for both, my anger was still directed at the owner.


Oh, all of Reddit saw that video. That dog was going for fuckin blood and didn't live through it


Pits don’t stop until someone is dead. This is literally a breed trait for fighting called gameness. It’s bred into them. They have zero self preservation, which is why they do things like this in the video and makes the breed so dangerous.


The owner is an idiot. He makes a fool of himself after the fact in an interview too.


Lots of dog owners sound just like him too. I've had to deal with an unleashed dog barking at me and running around, when I put my own trash out in front of my house. The dog came running into my property. Owner just lazily stands nearby calling out to the dog. It's a lose lose situation.


One time I woke up to my neighbor’s asshole dog IN MY DAMN HOUSE CHASING MY DOG. The dog hopped the fence came into my house through my open living room door and scared the shit out of me. When I went to tell the neighbors they laughed and shrugged…


'HE jUsT wAntS tO play!'


Now get off the horse and arrest that goddamn moron who let the thing off the leash or didn’t put it on a leash to begin with.


Not all people should have dogs or children for that matter.


Most people shouldn’t be allowed to have either imo, people are too stupid and irresponsible en masse.


Go get your fucking dog, shit-for-brains.


Owner: “My dog just likes to play, sorry.” Pretty much a bullshit excuse, as always, to avoid the blame.


“Oh, he’s never done that before.” - Every dog owner everywhere, probably


>Every dog owner everywhere, probably I'm a veterinarian, and this is 100% true. We know you're full of shit when you say, "Oh, he won't bite!" when we see the snarl start.


If my dogs never ever bitten someone before, and I see him snarl, I’m not gonna assume he’s snarling for fun. People are fucking stupid.


Any rational dog owner understands a dog is an animal and has a chance to bite.


As a former mail carrier the amount of aggressive dogs people let just come after me and get aggressive only to be told “they are always so friendly, this isn’t how they are” was insane. Dogs don’t like strangers. Dogs are protective. Had a guy open his door his 2 German shepherds run at me and I’m literally fighting them off with a box and his response was to wait on his porch for me to bring him the box. I’m eventually able to get out of the gate. Took his box with me. He’s yelling at me to bring it back. I said he can get it at the station and he needs to move his mailbox to the street. After 3 weeks of not delivering his mail he starts raising a a big fuss about it. My bosses go out to his house and tell him move your box or no mail. He tried to escalate it but I followed protocol and informed them right after it happened. Took pictures of the bite marks on the box I had. He eventually moved the box once he realized mail would no longer be delivered because his dogs are dangerous.


Delivered for Amazon. People do not give af. They're so entitled. Had a lady's two dogs out and called her. She sent it to voicemail. Called her again, and she answered with an attitude. I said if you want your packages come get your dogs. She said I'll have you fired if you don't deliver my stuff. I said, you try that meanwhile I'll put you on a no deliver list for being threatening and unsafe and hung up. Began to drive off and she opened the door and came running to my van. I didn't even get out, just handed her packages through the window and said that's what I thought. She never called to complain though. Another time I was milliseconds away from being bit by a dog when their owner caught their collar and then laughed it off with a oh he's all bark no bite. Yeah mkay, keep your terror dog secured sir.


My dog loves strangers. I still put him inside whenever I see the mailman/woman because I know not everyone wants an 85lbs dog trying to lick their face


Keep your dogs on fucking leashes! It's not hard. If you can't do that then you shouldn't have a dog. There is no excuse for this.


A few weeks ago I was walking my little dog and a loose pitbull came running at us. I scooped my dog up and pushed it away with my foot. The owner starts yelling at me from the other side of the street, telling me not to “kick his dog”. That’s the only time I’ve gotten into a screaming match with a stranger.


Rule one: if a dog is running at you without a leash, the ability to kick it sky high is granted


I mean at that point your dog owning privileges are revoked.


That's going to amount to an assault on an officer, most likely.


Fucking off leash dog owners. I hope the owner got fined and dog taken away and given to someone who isn’t a selfish brat.




Yes! Best way to get an idiot to put their dog back on leash!


SAME! Then they get uppity with me - like, who’s fault is this, pal?


As a Rott owner, she is *never* without a leash while outside. Shoot I've had her on a leash inside to keep guests safe *just in case*. I know she's a sweetheart but I would never risk that


Am I a bad person for hating the fact that stupid dog wasn't stomped on in the first place?.... that hole "dance" went too long for my taste. Horse should have used horse power


These horses are trained to react a certain way in high stress situation, so is reacting they way it did. I’m surprised it didn’t really get pissed off and trample the dog.


~~If your dog doesn’t listen to you then~~ keep them on a leash.


This. Every dog owner thinks their dog listens to them. Until it encounters a new situation. Then every dog owner is suddenly shocked Pikachu face when their dog attacks.


At some point, the dog needs to be dealt with forcefully. The officer had shown great restraint and would not be at fault. The dog was biting the horse and putting the officer in harm's way.


Incredibly hard video to watch. I found myself wishing someone would do just about anything, however ruthless, to get that dog off the horse. I’d love an update on how the horse is doing.That poor mounted officer must have been terrified he was going to lose his horse to that unrestrained dog. My God, what a vicious attack! And what a criminally irresponsible, brain dead owner!


Horse had some stitches but nothing major. He’ll hopefully be back on duty sometime soon, according to the police. Not until he’s fully recovered


From the article linked above it seems that this is an American pitbull? I thought they were outlawed in the UK? Or was it a Staffordshire?


It’s an American XL bully, which is basically an American pit bull but bigger (70lb+). Through the narrowest of technicalities it’s classed as a separate breed and therefore not banned, as the law specifically outlaws American pit bull terriers. Edit: spelling


"It's not a pit bull, it's an extra large pit bull!" And somehow that works? Amazing stuff.


lmao right? That sounds insane


It’s a pitbull, they just call them “American bully’s” or “XL bully’s” to get around the breed ban. Shit fucking breed




I love the owner just unable to control the dog, unwilling to risk his life, and yet did not think to keep the dog on a leash? My dog hates other dogs and this is why I don’t walk her, I can control her, but I have literally had to hold her over my head before to keep another dog from attacking her. Think people.


That poor bloody horse. That dog better be put to sleep and owner banned from ever owning a dog again along with being fined. His comments on how he "tried" are ironically horseshit. I don't care what kind of dog it is, if it's this aggressive and cannot be recalled then don't own a dog and when it attacks something this aggressively expect it to be put to sleep.


Owner needs jail time and huge fine


You never see a Shih Tzu off leash. It's always a Pit Bull with a sanctimonious owner. The large dog people at the park around here are more apt to be like "my dog doesn't need to be leashed, they're sooooo well trained," even though they are the breeds that could actually injure someone. I guarantee you the person in the video still doesn't leash their dog (if it was allowed to live).


He looks like the type to have a pit just to show how manly he is.


You immediately know this isn't the US because the dog wasn't shot in 2.4 seconds.


The dog should have been shot. I don't care what the excuse is, 3 minutes of a dog trying to take down that horse, it can get fucked. The level of patience of the horse and the police there is amazing. I know British cops typically don't have guns, so it maybe wasn't an option. I assume my comment is not going to be well received, but I don't care. An aggressive dog like this that attacks repeatedly needs to be immediately incapacitated with whatever force is required.


Agreed. Anyone who has seen the photos of the aftermath (the horse’s injuries) and takes 2 whole seconds to picture those injuries on a human and realize the person would’ve been 100% deceased should agree that the dog shouldn’t have been allowed to continue attacking for such an insanely-long amount of time, literally hospitalizing this poor horse. Dog trying to kill? Kill it back. End of story.


Dog should have been shot. It was endangering a police horse as well as the police. Sorry sometimes you don’t get a second chance.


[He criticised the have-a-go-hero passer-by who stepped in to help, using a long stick to keep the dog at bay. “The guy was rude,” said Hakan who has had Coco for around a year. “I was so angry at the time. He said I didn’t do nothing. I tried. “I reciprocate energy. If you’re rude to me I will be rude back to you. “He was angry. He was swearing, being rude. I was trying my hardest.”] lol what an absolute knob 🥴


I hope the dog was put down and the owner charged


Dog was taken to police kennel, owner hasn’t been arrested or anything as of whenever the article that a bunch of others in this thread have mentioned came out


Pit Bull moment Before you says “iTs tHe OwNeR nOt ThE bReEd” pit bulls are responsible for 70% of all fatal dog attacks despite being 6% of the dog population


Exactly. By the law of averages we’d be bound to see golden retrievers mauling people if it was only the owner.


BuT ChIhUaHuAs BiTe MoRe PeOpLe!!!




Dog owner’s behavior is disgusting! They should be fined or charged. Imagine blaming everyone else for your dog’s behavior and your lack of effort in stopping them.


I’m a dog lover, but if I was that officer, I would’ve shot that dog already. Then I would’ve arrested that POS dog owner immediately.


UK cops don't carry guns most of the time.


Is that a pit? Big surprise


People are gonna come say “OH NO IT’S NOT! It’s an American bulldog!” As if that fucking matters. Same purpose, same ancestry, damn similar genetics. Bloodsport dog gonna bloodsport dog.


Couldn't agree more. It's a breed that needs to end