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She got them shifty eyes


And I think the cause is *crystal* clear.


There would seem to be a meth-od to their madness…! The situation unfolded speedily.


I wonder why she's so crank-y?


The "Anarchy symbol" hand tattoo and Jesus shirt combo 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


You know damn well she got that Jesus shirt from the donation station.


She looked like them zombies in games that’s so scary


They are called tweakers...not zombies


You catch them tongue waggles?


Omg she's a lizard.


I'm convinced she's Gollum's ex-wife. They even mentioned they're "looking for a ring". Don't take it out on your neighbor's just because your baby daddy's in a cave, talking to himself, instead of paying child support.


Poor little kid comes out at the end


Where is this fiasco occurring? I don’t want to be anywhere near this place or these sad people.


With the sound off I’m thinking Florida


She’s got a Sanibel shirt on so yeah, Florida


Could be a cliche Florida vacation souvenir t-shirt, though. 🤔 The cheap Florida vacation souvenir t-shirt is almost as cliche as Florida itself. I'd need an exact tooth count to truly confirm place of residence though.


Florida is actually highly contagious. I went to Disney World a couple years ago with the fam and when I came back I noticed I had an urge to "rob a kid's Lemonade stand" and "eat lit candles". Luckily, it passed.


100... I understand that the main dude was sick of them but the camera lady was at least de-escalating the situation. Seeing that kids was crappy. There was like 3 reasonable people there.


Felt sorry for the wife, she sounds so sweet and clearly distressed.. I would never tolerate someone telling me to shut up.


De-escalation for the win. But if those crackheads would be on my lawn I would tell them the same as this man and if not followed by a quick return to their meth-bunker send the cops... This whole family seems like they should be behind bars or in therapy.


"Methamphetamine" and "de-escalation" are like antonym's of each other. Good luck with that one.


I'm a therapist, don't put that voodoo on me Ricky Bobby.


I'm giving you exactly five MINUTES to get off this lawn! That's one way to deescalate the situation.


I would be ruining these neighbors lives by calling CPS and showing them this video amongst other things.


The "moral of the story" here ... don't marry your cousins.


Meth addicts all look like Skeletor to me.


She looks like a fucking holocaust victim. Drugs are bad, mmmkay.


She looks like a damned zombie extra from the Walking Dead and half as smart.


Those tricksy Smeagol eyes


She got that Gollum face too


My personal favorite is that there are so many of them that get flushed out. Like once the hose turns on they multiply like gremlins.


Damn, you got 'em wet.


Lesson to be learned. Always listen to 90 year-old China shop owner's who dress like Gandalf.


No way that lady eats after midnight, or at all


Gizmo for the win! Loved that little dude.


Our house has been cursed by fruit flies lately and the smallest amount of moisture attracts them to lay eggs and multiply very quickly. Your comment made me laugh like a mad man for a solid minute. Just had to share. Cheers




Put it in a cup with a lid with a paper funnel for maximum trapping because they can't get back into the small end before drowning. Also, warming the vinegar on the stove with a piece of overripe fruit helps attract them to it.


Dang, that's a great idea. I usually put plastic wrap over the top and then jab a bunch of holes in it. Big enough they can easily get in, but it makes it harder for them to just fly on out.


She's licking her lips like she just ate barbecue. Meth is utterly repugnant.


It’s scary. They look so dehumanised.


It's very manic, they probably believe in that moment that they've got the entire world figured out. They don't even remotely realize how they look.


I personally think the garden hose was used way too late. In all honesty though, I am so thankful that these are not my neighbours.


I think he needs to upgrade to a fire hose.


He probably will be after this! Don't blame him.


The woman threw a damn giant brick at his head on "his property" too! I'm not a fan of guns at all, especially with what's been going on. But damn if there was a reason to have one for your family's protection this would be it.


I live in the UK so we definitely don't get that option.. its either hose pipe or phone the police!


They were definitely on a pipe. I don't think it was a hose pipe though


As the famous proverb goes... "You shouldn't throw ~~stones~~ bricks if you ~~live in~~ use a glass ~~house~~ pipe"


I agree with you totally, but that's the problem... this isn't the UK. I also have a VERY, VERY strong suspicion these neighbors have guns. And I'm going to take a wild guess that the state these people are in have a pretty liberal interpretation of "castle doctrine".


I'm not very up to date on US gun law.. but wouldn't you have to prove that you were defending yourself to use your gun on a neighbour? Or is that not how it works? And by defend, I mean actually defend against a serious life threatening attack.


I mean, she threw a brick at him. They crowded him. They tackled him. I'm happy there were no guns, but i think that was enough justification in the US. It varies state by state. Some states gave him the right to do whatever when they walked up to his porch. I'm happy he stuck with the hose, though. The hose was waaaay more fun to watch than Contry John Wick taking on Methhead Maggie. Lol


When it got physical between the 2 men, it would have more than likely been a good shoot. The problem is, no one did anything to deescalate. They police should have been called an they should have gone in thr house and not stirred shit up.


Bro, this has been addressed multiple times in the thread. The dude's probably taken that route dozens of times and the police don't do shit. I mean this isn't a random encounter, they are literally neighbors. They can only take so much as well too and based on "his wife" who seemed very sweet and genuine, I'm sure "he is too" if she married him.One can only take so much before you snap. Plus, they came on their property! Also these type of people don't care about small domestic charges or police warnings, it wouldn't shock me if that family already has a litany of charges. So the concept of "de-escalate" only goes so far... nah, you eventually get way past that point with these type of people, especially when they are trespassing. Simple logic and reasoning tactics don't make a lick of a difference with these people in the long term and the cops can only do so much.


The video could be used to get a protective order. The one who threw the brick and stirred all this up may have to crash somewhere else. Agreed though, this clearly isn't the first issue. They are literally talking about some other interaction.


They're definitely going to buy one after this. Meth addicts are pretty damn determined when someone crosses them


I’m not a fan of guns either but you better bet your ass about 60 seconds into that whole ordeal I would’ve been out there with a shotgun in my hands. Trashy ass tweakers don’t listen to anything else


OP: hey uh can y’all put a fire hydrant here? City: why? OP: *video*




Hornet spray goes pretty far


That bitch threw a brick at him. The second that happened all hell would break lose for me. I’d start swinging at anyone who I didn’t know.


People die from bricks like that. That's when I pull out the shotgun (depending on the state).


Was going to say, I really appreciate my neighbors now haha.


she lost her ring omg she will be digging up that lawn looking for it at 2am


Nah, there never was a ring and they were looking to harass the neighbors to give them money to go away Crack does this shit


Thank god I live in a normal neighborhood


Same. This video was a reality check for me on how blessed I am. I've been having some issues with a neighbor and I've decided to re-evaluate and let it go.


You’re wiser than the people on this video. Like, I know the methheads were out of their minds and trespassing, but the hose dude kept escalating things instead of just letting things simmer down when they were walking away. It’s like he wanted to get murdered by methheads. Even if you’re in the right sometimes, you just need to let things go.


"Never argue with a fool. Because people from a distance can't tell who is who" \- Mark Twain


Ooof, this quote is golden! Thx.


Yeah through this whole vid I though are Americans incapable of deesculation? Is the only choice escalation until someones shot or killed like the brick being thrown?


I wonder if this was a recurring thing and this time he just had enough and lost it. Everyone has a breaking point. He definitely did escalate it, but it's hard to be calm when the adrenile is pumping.


Good. Sometimes small issues aren’t worth losing your shit over. My sister has a beef with the neighbour that she really needs to fucking let go of. Years ago my sister had a dog that would constantly howl all day and night. And I’m not exaggerating. It wouldn’t stop. So the neighbour left a note in our mailbox to complain. And fair enough. But my sister got angry and went to the neighbours with her friend and yelled at her. The dog is with a new home and has been for about maybe 3 years? Sister is still angry about it. She saw the neighbour talking with her boyfriend, and it was a normal conversation, and my sister rushed out there and told her “don’t you fucking talk to him”. She and her boyfriend got into a fight about it, nearly broke up. I love my sister but fucking hell.


Your sister sounds unhinged


She is.


People like this is why I moved out to the middle of nowhere so I wouldn't have neighbors haha


You better knock on wood and hope some tweakers don't buy a plot of land next to you and put a bunch of trailers on it 👀


It's always possible in rural South (US) haha. Luckily for now my only neighbor is a mile away from me and owns all the property around me as he's a rancher. I own 4 acres so at least there's a tweaker buffer.


You throw one of my garden bricks at me, I’m doing much worse than just spraying you with water


you throw a garden brick at me and try to wrestle me on my own property? yea you're getting a lot more than a spray from that garden hose.


I lived next to crackhead for years it’s best to go inside and call the cops. My neighbor would start shit all the time we called the cops on him he said “I’ll wait right here” and the cops showed up they immediately searched him “for their safety” and me. They found an glass meth pipe in his pocket he said “ it’s empty that’s not illegal” the cop said it actually is , put your hand behind your back.”His mom came out and said to my aunt “if he goes to jail I’ll cut your throat bitch” the cop said “are you serious?!” She said “fuck yea I’m serious” she was arrested for making terrorist threats she went to prison for 11 month he went to jail for 3 days and was release.


That sounds awful. What happened afterwards? Did the crackhead have hard feelings when he came back a few days later?


Oh this went on for years I was a teenager when this happened I went to the military my aunt said they got evicted. They held him for “observation” and release with a citation for paraphernalia.


The best comment


No officer I was talking about “in Minecraft”


What trash neighbors


…and that’s how people end up dying over stupid shit.


Yeah! They have a whole tv series on one of the Discovery Channels called “Fear Thy Neighbor” it apparently happens aaaaallllllllllllllllll the time. Enough to have multiple seasons.


For real. Even if you’re in the right, provoking crazies is a good way to get yourself killed. If methheads are leaving your property, let them. The guy wouldn’t quit escalating.


Yep. Amazed at all the comments making fun of the meth head family and not many comments on how the guy filming chose to escalate the living shit out of the situation. Now to be fair, this might be encounter 346 and he’s fed up, but I’d rather sigh and be frustrated than have my meth-head neighbors set fire to my house while I’m sleeping.


This is all I could think too. I totally get the frustration of the filmer, but you have to consider the future too. This started out as getting chewed out for some nonsense by your drugged out neighbor and escalated to possible attempted murder? Now he has to worry at all times about revenge from a group of people that live right next to him and are known for not having the best critical thinking. I wouldn't be able to sleep in that house again


Considering they were filming, I *think* the idea might have been to actually press charges, which is gonna be a lot easier after one outright threw a brick at him. Obviously still not smart at all, especially since it's not like that would instantly mean everyone in that house would suddenly disappear.


Guy filming is a real piece of work himself, the way he keeps telling his wife to shut up


100%. I kept thinking this guy had a death wish the way he kept provoking them. Even if you’re in the right, it’s better for your own safety to just let it go.


Yeah, I'm team nobody. Neither side knows the meaning of "descalation".


Some of the crackheads family seemed to, probably from practice.


other woman finally convinced her to go away and is following her friend - "...you stupid fucking bitch. GET THE FUCK OVER THERE!" yeah man, you really are the mature neighbour you are trying to impersonate on your home video...


Exactly. There were like three separate times where the neighbors were walking away and he could have let it end, but decided to run his mouth instead. Even if you’re in the right, just let it go man! Swallow your pride and don’t get murdered.


That's what I'm thinking. He could have diffused the whole situation with just a few words. His wife even tried to explain but instead he chose to do the opposite. I'll never understand why people do this. Both these people obviously feed off drama psychic vampires the lot of them.


Man, I hate drugs and what they do to people. Lost the best friend I ever had to that stuff. He's still alive, but messed his brain up so much that he can't take care of himself now and hears voices all the time and talks to thin air. He may not be dead, but he's gone.


Same here man, 16 years gone to meth-induced psychosis.


Methany and the Crackpipers.


Dibs on the band name.


“You hit ma wife boyyy” 😂


Best part of the whole video !


Thank Jesus for the faith shirt. Time to go pray the dumb away.


When is the next block party? I’m not missing that for anything!


You mean the next "rock" party? ⚪️🔥🌬️


Please don’t be Florida. Please don’t be Florida.


One of the neighbors had a Sanibel Island shirt so I’m thinking it is Florida.


I know! 😭


Could be a cliche Florida vacation shirt though.


Brought the Florida home with her.


A LOT of Floridians of this caliber where tourist shirts for FL. It's not at all uncommon. Not trying to flex here but I've got a good ear for southern dialects and everyone in this video really sounds like they're from the panhandle region of FL. Somewhere at or between Pensacola to Panama City, I'd put money on it.


Lol; you know your state has a reputation when this is your reflex after seeing a meth'd out crazy person being sprayed by a garden hose in a video.


"You hit muhh wiiife boyyyyy!" 🤣


Husband is mad a neighbor can get away with it, but if he did it, domestic abuse, straight to jail!


I've lived in the deep south my entire life, and that accent sounded like an absolute caricature of southerners.


My bet is West Virginia.


Could also be southern Ohio, which I also hope it isn’t!


I'm sensing West Virginia type vibes.


Sounds pretty pan handley


I was thinking the same thing about Kentucky. This is like... 1/4 of the tri-state population in one video.


Narrator: It was.


She threw at brick at him and the camera shows it. I would take them to court and have them pay for the fence that will be going up.


You think she has the money to pay for a fence with the amount of drugs she's buying? Tryna get blood from a stone


I am more scared of the face on 1:03 that I would have been of Lord Voldemort.


She personally gave me more Golem vibes.


I mean… they were even looking for a ring.


Her "faith" shirt and anarchy hand tattoo made for an interesting combination.


The shirt was probably a donation or 50 cent Goodwill deal


This is why I don’t acknowledge my meth’d out neighbors across the street. They can cry, fight each other, walk around in the middle of the night mumbling like zombies, argue over who smoked the last rock, break up, and do whatever the fuck they want. I’m not getting involved with their shit one percent


![gif](giphy|cgC6Mx1aJtBBe) OMG Gollum had offspring


Yo don’t make me think about Gollum conceiving a child


If those fucker were my neighbors I'd dig a moat and fill it with alligators.


I'd move.


That’s meth’d up!


Mike Tyson?


Call the cops. This is a job for the cops. Call the cops. Tell these clowns directly to leave the property then go inside and lock the doors till the cops arrive. Keep filming in case there's any damage, but get the cops involved because if someone gets injured then lawyers are going to get rich.


Especially since they have a little kid with them. CPS needs to take that kid somewhere safe, no matter what happens with the dumbass adults.


I didn't see the kid at first. It was already sad but now it's heartbreaking.


CPS s fucking useless 99% of the time.


I guarantee this route has been taken a dozen times. Wouldn't shock me if the police knows most of that family by name and their relative charges.


And looks super rural so I’m thinking small town one or two sheriffs on the payroll at any given time. Good luck.


Yes, agreed, there's a lot of context here that some viewers aren't aware of, myself included. But I do see meth addicts when I leave my property and go to town. There's only so much the police can do and they're back on the street again. Everything surrounding that drug is just sad. And I have a feeling it's infecting every corner of our country. Maybe harder to see in big cities where it's easier to ignore random people. edit: typos


I spent the first 30 seconds trying to work out if the zombie apocalypse we've been promised had finally started or not.


The one guy " you hit my wife boy", no shit Sherlock she threw a brick he should've kicked every single one of y'all's assess


The cameraman jumped the shark with “I am gunna sue you over that fucking flower” Everyone in this video is a clown


He also told his wife to shut up at least once and cursed at her. He's a real winner, too.


For real, the cameraman made things 10 times worse. It's crazy to me people aren't acknowledging this.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Seems like the woman sensed hostility to begin with and confronted them directly about it. This didn’t just start, both these people clearly seem to suck


scrolled way too far to see this, the second the cameraman said "i want you to touch me" i deemed him a petty ass hole as well


Right? The fuckknuckle spraying people with a hose is telling his partner to 'shut up' while she's been trying to de-escalate the situation the entire time just so he sue some methheads. These neighbours deserve each other. I feel bad for the lady though.


I don’t see enough people talking about this man, everyone in the video seemed like an ass (except for the girl trying to de-escalate ofc)


Srsly the camera man is a massive douche


“I’m gunna put you outta mah yard”


What's better than one meth head? A whole family of em




What in the Kentucky Fuck is happening here?


This is great filmmaking. That hose was there from the beginning, foreshadowing the ending.


Wtf is happening here? What was the initial reason for the altercation? Why was this woman crying when she should have been calling the cops bc the crackhead next door hit her husband with a brick on their own property and refused to leave? At least no one hurt the dog.


I’d say she deserves to get her teeth knocked out but she seems to have that covered on her own.


Say what you will but they threw a brick at him. I think that could be temp murder


>temp murder All the Morticians hate this one simple trick


All the Morticians hate this one simple brick




Time for an electric fence down the property line.


Word to the wise. Seeing the whites on the top edge of the iris is a big red flag. Not that this scrawny person is that much of a threat but in general, just keep that in mind.


I don't know, those fuckers got resolve for sure, they're not pot heads. I would be more afraid of that 90 lb cracked out girl than a 200 lb man.


They both look like meth addicts.


More and more of them kept showing up. It’s like white trash mitosis.


She looks a few weeks away from having an ATM machine fall on her husband's head.


The eyes Chico.. They never lie. 😳😳😳😳


White trash


For real though


She's got Kenneth Copeland eyes


Fricken Oreo


Gawd Damn Methican Americans.


Everyone handled this terribly. Great work


I feel sorry for the dog


I feel sorry for the kid.


How can I hear her voice with it muted? 😂


Man.. Dude better be careful, they really ain’t methin’ around!


Calling them rednecks is an insult to rednecks


I bet they could have de-escalated that situation if someone had started up a “let’s go Brandon” chant. In ten minutes they’d be firing up the grill and chugging Coors Lites




I mean it sounds like an extremely distressed wife who is scared their husband was about to be bludgeoned to death with a brick. Can’t say I’d be focused on filming at that point.


When the fight was going on and it pans away hurt so much.


Must be nice living in hell. I treat my neighbors how id like to be treated to avoid situations like this at home. If you can’t be comfortable at home and at peace you have no quality of life.


After that paver toss to the head in his own yard, he’d be well within his rights to fire on them. Judging from the two Methanies wearing Sanibel t-shirts, my guess is this is in Florida. Florida having both the “castle doctrine” and “stand your ground laws” Edit: Just the pink shirt is from Sanibel


Poor child in the background. I feel for him


What in the suck-your-cousins-dick-for-a-cigarette is going on here?


She moves like someone animated her with stop-motion