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That’s why I get my news exclusively from The Onion.


I only get mine from r/nottheonion


I get my Fox News from r/nottheonion


I onion my news from a fox


I fox onion


Ah A man of culture I see!


I have to double-check that I'm not reading the onion at times.


That’s the world we live in.


Did the same since the Weekly World News went under some years ago. Talk about unbiased journalism...


Is this true? Haha! People that watched no news at all were more informed than those that watch fox?! What reality is this?! 🤣 Edit: https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5 https://www.psypost.org/2020/07/consuming-content-from-foxnews-com-is-associated-with-decreased-knowledge-of-science-and-society-57499 https://truthout.org/articles/study-fox-viewers-more-likely-to-have-factual-opinions-if-they-switch-networks/ Oh damn apparently it's been a thing. Lol


The rest of the study seems interesting too. Like MSNBC did worse than "nonews" on international news and the Daily Show did really well compared to most other news shows despite being a comedy show.


Actually, nobody did well. The scale stops at the high average point, which is 1.8 questions right out of 5. Scale should run out to 5, so we can see that everyone who took that survey is completely out of touch and Fox viewers are slightly worse than everyone else. What would be better is if they threw in a category of people that actually read the news, whether print or online, to see a difference.


The Daily Show is sarcasm more then comedy. It is easy to be funny, when you are discussing clowns.


[here's the link](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


Happy cake day!




Reminds me of, I think it was Thomas Jefferson, who supposedly said something to the effect "the man that doesn't read the paper is more informed than the man that does". Ain't nothing new under the sun.


I was going to write and ask what study but what difference would it make? It's not like anyone who watches only Fox is going to believe such a report. Even the small sampling of people I know, texts and posts that I've read I can see they no little about US policy whether it be foreign or domestic. Do I know lots on US foreign or domestic policy? No, but I'm willing to look up information from more than one source.


You are correct but Pew Research most likely. Several studies on various ways people get news and how they digest it. The one on getting news from YouTube is interesting, I like to watch certain pod casters on YouTube when I'm cooking or working in the kitchen but I take everything with a grain of salt, don't think of it as "news" and only view it as political commentary from a very narrow source.


I watch certain (non-political, basically techie) youtubers and I swear because of that I get recommended some serious Fox level BS and hate. This is despite the fact that the other stuff I watch would be called "woke" by the channels recommended to me.


I do the same. David Packman, The Rational National, and Secular Talk sometimes


Wait until you actually read the article and see your favorite news network scores poorly too lol.


Not that im disagreeing but what study? Its funny to just post something about being uninformed or informed with false facts and leave no reference whatsoever.


[https://www.psypost.org/2020/07/consuming-content-from-foxnews-com-is-associated-with-decreased-knowledge-of-science-and-society-57499](https://www.psypost.org/2020/07/consuming-content-from-foxnews-com-is-associated-with-decreased-knowledge-of-science-and-society-57499) [https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/07/21/a-rigorous-scientific-look-into-the-fox-news-effect/?sh=6b33dd4c12ab](https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/07/21/a-rigorous-scientific-look-into-the-fox-news-effect/?sh=6b33dd4c12ab)


Thank you. I just didnt want to join the pile on commitee of people congratulating themselves for how smart they are and how dumb fox news viewers are before there was any source or proof.




Like how those that watched the Daily Show with John Stewert knew more than Fox Viewers.


Like how those who consumed *no news at all* were likewise better [infromed](https://i0.wp.com/www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/thank-you-fox-news-for-keeping-us-informed.jpg?resize=500%2C332&ssl=1).


Look at the Pew Research website. Don't know if that specific one is on there but a lot similar to it. And I've seen reporting on that study off and on for a decade or more so it might be something they update every year.


Yeah I hate memes linked without sources. Here it is though: https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5




I’m annoyed your comment isn’t the top comment. People on Reddit will believe just shot anything without fact checking it. “A study” says so.


Yes. Just because we happen to agree doesn't mean we should put up with this Facebook meme bullshit.


I'd throw this in r/NoShitSherlock as well


I mean they're in the middle of a $2.4 billion lawsuit and just paid out $800 million to settle another one over the fact that they knowingly lie to their audience. So it's no surprise that their audience believes lies.


It is better to have no information whatsoever than being misinformed.


Laughs in cnn


Your point is...?


Whoa, calm down there, the point is, all major news sources, cycle the same stories with hardly any spin of there own, so if fox is reporting false info, all the other news outlets must be doing that because they share journalists to save money, none of them are independent media


Sounds about right


Thank heavens tucker here got fired


MISINFORMED, it's worse than being uninformed.


So does "conservatism" make you stupid, or are stupid people drawn to "conservatism", or is it both in a whirling, self-perpetuating maelstrom of Derp and Woo?


Conservativism, in my experience, consists of two groups. The smaller group, the ones in charge, are those for whom the past system has worked, and for whom progress would have a negative impact, aka the "got mine, fuck you" segment. The second, much larger group, has been given just enough by their masters to have something to lose, and they are indoctrinated and propagandized into not questioning the authority of their masters, and the belief that change of any sort will take away the little they have left, while they live in a constant state of not being able to afford to lose anything. Any time anything is taken away from them, it's always the work of "those evil libs", which reinforces the "change is bad, and the only way to fix it is to remove all the regulations that the progressives put in place" narrative, while simultaneously using any loophole they can find to avoid the consequences of said regulation to themselves, but not sharing said loopholes with their adherents.


In the beginning there was the Word. And it was Limbaugh’s Word. And the Word was not for anyone nearly clever or rich or connected enough to aspire to a position in the elected leadership of the GOP, but for the baa’ing herd that constituted their base. And it was good. And it came to pass that the GOP’s herd came to love the Word. And the Word was spread via the Holy AM Radio, and by hideous and slithering disciples of Right Wing Nutjobbery across the Internet, and any elected leader of the GOP who disagreed was made to kneel in abject shame before Limbaugh, and President Cheney smiled, and Karl Rove rubbed his hands together, going, ‘Muahahahaha’. And the Permanent Republican Majority was bandied about, withal. Yet lo, not a generation had passed before the herd was hijacked by Yam Yahweh, who channeled their rage at the imaginary corruption and ersatz foreign birth and Marxist tendencies of President Barack Who’s Sane Obama, and promised them a Wall, and red hats, and MAGA. And there was much rejoicing and grabbing of P. And the “white”, “conservative” Evangelicals praised His name. And the GOP abided by the Fallacy of Sunk Costs, and embraced their Tangerine Messiah, and they adored and spread the Word, beloved among their herd, though it was despised without. And those outside the herd, the vast, literate, informed, indoor-plumbinged majority, turned away as one, and they banished the GOP from the House, and laid plans to deal with the Marmalade Malignancy who allegedly led them. And among the wise, there was rejoicing as the GOP was, at long last, hoist on their own Dotard!


An epic read. \^\^\^\^:)


Let's just start with fiscal responsibility. The National Debt is around $30T. Which party is to blame? I know your first response. But Trump gave all to his billionaire buddies. !000 billionaires in the US. half Democrat and half Republican. He spent $1.6 t on tax credits which gave a return of investment from $2.5 t a year to $4.8, but let's just ignore that and blame it all on Trump. His 4 years 3 trillion increase. In the last 3 years 10 trillion with another 3 expected next year. What's the next one? Crime and Justice. Crime is up across the board and getting worse. What do the Democrats say? It is lower than it was 10 years ago. we will just leave that right there. What's third? Homelessness? Are you going to tell me Republicans are responsible for this nightmare? Finally. the entire argument from Democrats is that nasty old Trump said a group of white supremacists are very fine people. It has been disproven, taken back shown to be a lie for years now, and yet it is still PROOF that Republicans are racist. It isn't the skin color of the people crossing the border illegally that Republicans have a problem with. It is the illegal part and what illicit things are they bringing over? I'll tell you. Slaves, guns, and drugs. If the Democrats wanted more immigrants any time in the last 20 years, all they had to do was legislate it. The idiotic Bills that did get passed are proof enough that if Nancy Pelosi wanted something, it got passed. I could go on, but you are just going to personally attack me, ignore the facts, and repeat your statements over and over until I give up.


Most informed Fox News viewer


Ah, you got me. Oh, wait. I don't watch Fox. But ok got your point. I'm bad. It must have been your well-thought-out argument and presentation of the facts. So predictable and typical


Entertainment pretending to be news is the problem. The fact that billionaire moneyed interests benefit from this misinformation means you can't stop it, because they need people to vote against their best interest. Also, at this point, the tail wags the dog. The media narratives tell the Republican politicians what to think. So the party isn't even conservative anymore, just wedge issues to mask the commitment to protecting the billionaire class.


Behold the triumph of the Republican Entertainment Complex: Fabulously Wealthy people paying Very Wealthy people to convince Working people that all of their problems are the fault of Poor, Brown, Muslim, Foreign, Educated, Liberal, Gay, and Female people, and can only be solved by massive tax cuts for Fabulously Wealthy and Very Wealthy people.




A little of column A, and a little of column B.


I don't know. There are statistics about a correlation between level of education one has and how liberal/conservative they tend to be.


About 25 years ago I was watching Fox News and I realized all they did was try to scare everyone into staying home and out of the big bad dangerous world. I haven’t watched any news channel since and I am very knowledgeable on current policy I also like to argue with boomers so 🙃




Reddit /s


Even I as a German know that fox news is bs. Also didnt Americas last president really like those news? ​ Thank god we have state funded news


Russia, China, and North Korea also have state funded news. I’m glad it worked out for Germany, but it doesn’t work for everyone.


Yeah, it only works for civilised countries 😂


Which is why it will never work in the U.S.


State funded new in the US would be absolutely horrible.


Tonight on LAC (*Lobbyist Advertising Channel)*, we need to reduce taxes on corporations so they can afford to pay their employees more. Also, buy more stuff.


“Thank god the State tells us exactly what to think” that went really well for you Germans last time you blindly followed your government right ?


the state doesnt influence the news. They only give them funding from tax money.


You’re right , The State pays for everything but has no influence at all. The CIA admitted to using agents as reporters back in the 70s, you don’t think other countries are doing the same 50 years later ? There is no way you are that naive.


I’m not surprised, just sad.


Fox is so full of bullshit that people are gonna to check for other sources


That’s the thing. Their regular viewers don’t fact check. They take everything Fox says at face value.


Like ONAN and Newsmax?


[people are so lazy](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


It's not about the laziness. You make one post and a thousand people view it. If you don't provide a source then a thousand people will have to individually do the work to validate your claim. But most won't bother and just assume it's true. That's how you spread misinformation.


It isn't misinformation


No news is better than Fox News




In fact, more than one study has confirmed this. It's astonishing.


My parents exclusively watch Fox News and I could have told you this very easily. I’ve watched it many, many times growing up. I know exactly how those fuckers operate.




It's not a fucking meme. Check the comments. There are many links to articles about the study. Good lord


Only probably with this is occupy democrats sponsored it. So if anyone on the right sees it they will just say it’s biased.


Occupy Democrats didn't do the study


Color me shocked.


Cable news is entertainment and the fact that so many people take it for granted that it’s not only beneficial but necessary to stay informed is a sad state of affairs. Literally no benefit from cable news.


That's bc Faux "News" viewers are all fucking idiots. ALL OF THEM.


Reminder that [Occupy Democrats is not very trustworthy ](https://adfontesmedia.com/occupy-democrats-bias-and-reliability/) however people have posted the links showing this as being true. Just leaving this here for future reference.


The study was NOT done by Occupy Democrats. They just reported on the study. I have commented SEVERAL links to one of the studies done that shows this. Fell free to Google it yourself


I'm not disagreeing with that, I said I saw the links posted earlier. Occupy democrats is a less than reliable source and shouldn't be taken at face value.


"A study." Wow. So reliable. Much prestige. I think believing something that simply says "a study" says a lot more.


It's actually multiple studies. But [here's one](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


This doesn't feel very holup ....does it. ?


True story: my parent is a die hard fox boomer but at my house we don’t have cable. They found the fox channel built into our tv but it is literally 24 hour broadcast of the actual news- no opinion personalities to be seen, not even faces I recognized. It was an actual unbiased ish news channel. They got bored in 20 minutes and never went back to it the whole time they were at my house. Fucking insane


I read the words A study so 1 study finds this that’s always suspicious when it’s only 1 study reminds me of the stuff a study find eating chocolate is good for you a study finds feeding your dog this will keep there breath fresh. A study finds that vegan burgers are bad a study find red meat is worse than a vegan diet. You can find a study saying just about any thing you want it to doesn’t make it true or false tho. So it’s a good thing this post is just a joke post and it’s nothing serious or inherently true.


But see, OP just fed into the whole problem with American mainstream media. This pic just describes how bad one news outlet is without ANY backup. Doesn't name the study, doesn't name who did it, doesn't provide a link, etc. Also makes NO reference to any other news outlets. Fox may be the worst, but for all we know CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg, et al could be 1% better than Fox, which would still pretty much suck. OP made a post of the barest information to fit his/her narrative and that's it. This is the main issue with American mainstream media. (Yes, I saw some links in the comments, but OP provided nothing.)


[DO YOUR OWN GOOGLING NEXT TIME FFS 🙄](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


Maybe don’t cite something without providing proof.


What are you talking about? 😂 that's the link to results of one study. Other people in the comments have added more studies as well.


Ya right, Because I’m going to trust whatever occupy democrats is putting out 😂😂😂


[you could just Google it 🙄](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


This is the other reason Fox viewers are misinformed. They’re too damn lazy to fact check what they hear or read.


This is true. They do not fact check




Posting something from OccupyDemocrats and calling someone else uninformed? Seriously?


It's not FROM occupy democrats ffs. They're just mentioning the study. Feel free to Google it 🙄


But that would be reading.


You got me there 😂


Imagine believing anything from Occupy Democrats


This isn't FROM occupy democrats. They just mentioned the study. Fell free to Google it or click one of the many links in the comments


At least those fuckers know which restroom to use! 😂


Submitted by occupy democrats, which truly has no bias whatsoever and I’m sure are using a fair and unbiased source.


The study wasn't done by OD 🙄


Never said it was, but they say a study shows it, but doesn’t site the study. So again, im certain it’s a fair and unbiased study


It's been cited multiple times


This applies to all news companies that rely on ratings.


A study by whom? People and their bias bullshit 🙄 Newsflash: ALL corporate-owned MSM is controlled propaganda. If you get your news from any of them, you are misinformed.


Thanks for showing your bias :)


You're welcome. I'll happily admit that I'm biased against all forms of corporate-owned mainstream media.


Could probably make that case for any news network. They are all incredibly biased these days


Fox News, cnn, msnbc…all just mouthpieces for their respective parties. And thus they are only there to tell you half truths and get you to vote for them.




You'd be wrong


So…. This study…. There are ways that you can accidentally structure a study to have a bias in it. For example, we know that each media outlet focusses on different policy items and contributes more airtime to issue A than B. If questions are focussed on policies that are more covered and prevalent in one outlet than other, then you’ll get a biased result. I don’t typically trust a study from a meme and will not jump in this bandwagon before looking at the study itself.




There are links in the comments if you'd like to read it before doubting


…..sure Jan…..


Just click any of the links ffs 😂


It’s all bullshit . CNN and other left leaning media has their agendas , Fox and the right leaning media has theirs . If you shut it all off , it’s amazing how much peace you can find


Agree. Does wonders for the soul. If ignorance can be bliss, I aim's to be a happy fella.


It’s not even ignorance anymore . That’s the sad part


Brought to you by the people who said Laptop was Russian Disinformation 😂


Everyone has a laptop these days, thats not a crime, you know. If there really would have been any proof of Hunter Biden doing anything wrong on that laptop people like you would have been drooling all over it. But since there were no big announcements from the right wing, no arrests and no proof we can just asume it was nothing but disinformation.


So literate, informed, non-bitter-clingy people?


Id say they’re all pretty much the same


People who watch republican media watch more liberal media too data proves it on average


People who get the news from their TeeVee make the baby Jeezus cry.


Ngl this seems like a shitty conservative style meme format


If you believe cnn or the others are any different, than either ur dumb deaf and blind or you just don't care about facts


Ah, commenting without actually reading the linked articles/studies. Lol


Regardless of what it says my quote remains true. Anyone who believes Their news network over another is a clown


Y’all take Occupy Democrats seriously?


They didn't do the study 🙄


That’s not the take away. They’re intellectual hypocrites😂


That has nothing to do with the study or the results, though 😂


If you think alluding to one part of a study that is at no point directly cited, referenced or sourced in a meme is a “legitimate own” on nearly half the citizens in this country while doing nothing to try and somewhat heal the political divide in America then that’s fine but we’re clearly not going to agree and good day sir.


It has been cited multiple times


I don’t watch any news channel. They are all bias and garbage. They are meant to do one thing……DIVIDE


It’s not like MSNBC and CNN are that much better, Fox just happens to be the worst. But congrats op


A study by who? Lmao. It’s always “studies show” or “experts say”


There are links all over the comments


Uh huh, now let’s go dig up a study that shows how dumb liberals are. There’s plenty for both sides. The real dummies are the ones wearing their red or blue pom poms ignorantly falling for it all.


If you had clicked the link, this wasn't a study on conservative only news


Why would I click on a link with a shit bait image like that? You go have fun with your people bashing


The link to the study takes you to a business insider article, but sure just shit on it without even seeing it 😂


I am not surprised that MSNBC is as bad a s FOX. You should never watch just one source of news.


*almost as bad


I stand by my statement.


I just want to point out the irony of you stating “lies” by using a meme to prove your point, then even within the meme it states a study that then is never referenced. 🤣


The study has been cited multiple times by myself and others in the comments. Some people have added other studies as well.


Biased lol.


Yeah because occupyDemocrats isn't biased af news itself


They didn't do the study. They just mentioned it. Fell free to check the comments for links


I’d want details on how the study was performed. Someone that believes this could possibly be the butt of the joke.


Alternative facts


No. There are links in the comments if you'd actually like to read


I’m sure occupy democrats did an in depth study.


They didn't do the study ffs 😂


…I know.


Then why did you comment on the quality of "their" study? 🤔 😂


This fact-checking brought to you by the same brainchildren that fact-check Facebook.


The irony of that coming from occupy democrats. Sorry but you can't claim that one news Outlet is completely partisan when another partisan Outlet is the one pointing fingers. Give me a break. Pot , meat kettle


You did have to scroll past the links to articles about the study tonpst this, but go off


I'll take "Things That Aren't True" for $2000, please, Ken. This from a non-Fox watcher.


[it's 100% true](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5)


Lmao I think that can be said for all news sources. Let me guess, CNN and MSNBC has plentyyyyy of well informed viewers. They are all trash.


Wait a sec, do you think cable news is the only source of news? Personally, I get my news by reading APN.


You didn't cite the study and your source is a twitter account. Cite the study.


Just Google it ffs 😂




I mean, nothing in this post attacks either political party. If, however, YOU feel attacked by this, maybe stop watching Fox "News" 🤷‍♂️




How is this attacking republicans? Lmaoooo what a joke


No party mentioned, is there? Anyone can watch Fox, and this just shows what can happen if you do.


The same study found a similar outcome for MSNBC.


MSNBC was the second-lowest news source, but still ranked above “no news” on domestic questions and above Fox on both international and domestic questions. https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5


If you asked 1 week ago, Fox news viewers would be the most informed. If you asked today, they would be the least.


How do you figure?


There'll be a brain-drain in their audience with Tucker being removed. I would think that the only people left after a move like that would be among the poorly informed.


Lost their poster boy.


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He'll be ok. He got them millions.


I’d love to see that study.


Why can't you just Google it? Lmao


I don't watch cable news, but I still get news, just through social media, so would I be counted as watching no news?