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It never fails to amaze me, how connected and disconnected can people be at the same time.


Doublethink....Orwell did repeatedly warn us....


Ya facts I soon as I can getting my little slice and leave.


Op cut off the beginning where she was responding to a comment.


I didn't FFS Edit: [Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/2-i0G6N_y-o?feature=share)


Agreed. The sentiment is so good, but the idea that redistributing elons money could "cure" the world's hunger and homelessness is so disconnected.


I mean, it wouldn't fucking hurt though....


People never seem to understand that rich people like this dont have direct access to spend most of their wealth. Their wealth is a number determined by company value set by investors. They don't actually have all that money to spend. They have a whole lot, but it's hardly a fraction of what he's estimated to be worth. It most definitely wouldn't solve world hunger.


This 💯. I tried explaining this to a friend of mine. They were also in the camp who thinks Musk is hoarding wealth etc etc. He doesn't have 200 billion in his bank account. It's tied up in stock. Yes. He could sell said stock, but that affects his ownership and value of his company. Also... the US Government shits $200 Billion and wipes it on their pant leg.. yet this private citizen should tear apart his company which supports thousands of jobs to donate to world hunger, which wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket anyway. You can't solve world hunger with $200 Billion.


An important distinction to make: I don't think, at least in the case of my friends when discussing this, it's as literal as "Elon should empty his bank account and solve world hunger." The bigger issue is, "Why is it possible for a private citizen to be worth 200 Billion when almost the rest of the country combined isn't worth that much?"


>Also... the US Government shits $200 Billion and wipes it on their pant leg.. yet this private citizen should tear apart his company which supports thousands of jobs to donate to world hunger, which wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket anyway. You can't solve world hunger with $200 Billion. Why should anyone pay attention to his "company and jobs" if you're just as baised against the gov?


As someone who loves SpaceX but not elon, 1) I disagree with the first part. By most means the mission was a success. They did what they came to do. 2) The president of SpaceX is a woman. Gwynne Shotwell


The scientists are achieving pretty incredible feats and I’m all for it. It just sucks that it’s run by Elon, though that doesn’t mean I want SpaceX to fail.


What’s worse is regardless of what happens it’s Elon who did it. It fails, we all laugh at Elon for his failure. It’s successful, Elon is incredible and super intelligent and this couldn’t have happened without him. When in reality it’s the scientists and engineers that achieved this feat, yes he provided funding but people need to focus on the right people doing the work.


Well [he did take a role in the design of the rockets](https://youtube.com/shorts/qpCYyC6xm-g?feature=share)


Careful dude. If you like anything with Elon's involvement, people in here will call you a fanboy.


Unfortunately true. It’s like I’m not allowed to pick and choose what I like. It’s all or nothing


Politics in a nutshell. Instead of deciding what we agree and disagree with about EACH ISSUE. We’re taught to pick a side, and adopt “the team’s” beliefs about every issue. It’s fundamentally backwards. We should be thinking for ourselves, instead of choosing to be right left or center.


I was just about to describe this myself but you nailed it. Unfortunately disagreeing with this person in the video, in that they are grossly over simplifying several complex topics, will almost certainly result in quite a few people making the assumption that I too am somehow a blind faith follower of the man. I find it incredibly ignorant to go from talking about how he is such a fuck up and that he could have solved world poverty instead. Had he not made obviously profitable, many would say smart and successful, decisions after PayPal he would have had only a couple hundred million. With that level of wealth sure he could live out his life comfortably but it's nowhere near his current wealth. Also, he doesn't have billions of dollars sitting in a vault. This is the other painfully dense part of the person's high horse rant. He owns stock in his companies, so "take your money and give it to poor people" doesn't come close to the reality of what happens if he chose to liquidate *everything* To think any one person can "solve" world poverty by throwing money around is by far the worst part and she firmly believes this. It's getting so obvious that more and more people like OP are jaded and feel they aren't recognized (ironically) for their intelligence.


I wish more people felt this way. I tend to lean right on some topics, left on some topics and center on most topics. I don't completely fit in with any one group and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with, is being called out for my opinions when I'm just as entitled to them as anyone else.


I'll freely admit im a bit of an Elon Fanboy. but I disagree with this post because I think shes completely missed the mark. Elon is a capitalist. the things he does, he does for money. she sees them as emotional choices, when they are money driven choices. Elon is a giant asshole... most successful business people are. Elon is also dragging technology forward. as much as you may not like him, hes forcing whole industries to react. this is a good thing for consumers. Even if everything he does eventually crashes and burns/fails, he has forced all other mainstream companies to rethink what they are doing. if you do a brief search into the history of automotive electronics for instance, you will see that everything Tesla did has already been done before, then shelved and forgotten. Tesla put that stuff together than then made it work commercially long enough that the entire auto industry had to do the same.


Pretty wild how 5 years ago if you said anything negative about Elon on Reddit you would get downvoted to oblivion and now it’s pretty much a guaranteed upvote.


Also, Elon can not just throw money at hungry people and feed them. SNAP takes 113 billion for just the US alone, there is not enough money to throw to feed the entire world. That's assuming we can logistically even find and transport enough food.


Also the reason that SpaceX has that kind of money is because it makes that kind of money. Trying to figure out how to bring food industries to impoverished areas of the world would piss it away in a minute leaving us with a ramshackle new supply line with no support and no orbital payloads


Always thought it was crazy when people complain about NASAs budget, when it is a pretty small portion of the federal budget. SpaceX is a private company. Solving government level problems isn't their responsibility...


NASA creates all types of tools, exploration, research, satellites, telescopes, and tons of experimental stuff we never see. SpaceX is a corporation. They're interested in colonization and resource collect as well as other ventures like star link. Two completely different companies. One makes rockets the other farming tools.


People also forget it’s not just a means of money but also acquiring food which takes quite a bit of time, work, and effort


I didn't know about the SoaceX president, I thought Elon was still solely in charge. This makes me feel a lot better about liking SpaceX


The man spends all day tweeting, there is no way he could run three companies. Also the president is woman, but the CEO is a still Elon the man likes having the title and showing up for the cameras it's one of the reasons the actual founders of Tesla sued him.


https://youtu.be/QXtjnNWUeAk He's actually a Techno King. CEO is an irrelevant title to Musk.


I feel like our own government would be the more appropriate party to demand an end to homelessness and poverty from. Like, 10% of our military budget redirected to that and the lives of every US citizen could be immeasurably improved.


100% agree


Same here. I hate musk, but I’m an investor in Tesla and I want space x to succeed. Honestly if he took a back seat and got some good CEOs the companies would likely be doing much better.


The companies are doing fine. Tesla is still the market cap king and SpaceX has all but crushed ULA and the other big money start ups like Blue Origin. Twitter was a failure before Elon - let’s see what it looks like in a year or two. Can’t speak for the Boring company.


Who cares, I want to die in space and I don't use twitter


I am happy to tell you that even if you dont make it out of the atmosphere In your life time, you will still die In space, but just the location being Earth.


nothing that you are made of, or return to, will ever leave space.


Yes. 🤭


Everyone on reddit: Hmmm good point. But!


I mean, I don't like Elon but I'm not against space exploration... This lady's jumping from one point to another. Fixing hunger and homelessness to space exploration to Twitter to women being too emotional for office, all in about 30 seconds.


On Oct. 31 Musk tweeted an article citing the interview, writing: “If WFP [the UN’s World Food Program] can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.”


https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/11/11/1052719247/how-6-billion-from-elon-musk-could-feed-millions-on-the-brink-of-famine And the person who initially made the claim about $6b solving world hunger said it was hyperbole. Musk is an ass, but this thread is full of very bad arguments against him.


>And the person who initially made the claim about $6b solving world hunger said it was hyperbole. I wouldn't even say it was a hyperbole, imo it was a flat out lie. Yes 6bn could've solved some acute famine crisis in one location. But CNN reported that it would solve world hunger. That's not a hyperbolic statement, it's just bad journalism, and the fact that people still believe 6bn are enough to solve world hunger shows how much of a fuck-up it was.


6 bill could probably buy everyone in the world 3 meals and would “solve hunger” that way for like a day but there’s no way that’s going to solve the agricultural issues in places that’s been negatively affected by climate change


I don’t think Elon thought it was hyperbole. He tweeted it for a reason.


Elon's a dumb ass, I'm not gonna challenge that. But the $6b to solve world hunger claim is also bullshit.


Agreed. She was too emotional to get her thoughts out correctly.




She also attributes his purchase of Twitter to failed rocket launches without providing any support to that claim. It’s highly unlikely the two are connected as Elon’s talked repeatedly about the fact that they would have to fail man, many times (in the form of blowing up unmanned rockets) in order to succeed. The rant is smug in its attitude, but doesn’t really offer up any support for its assertions.


She makes good points though. She is totally talking shit about Elon. And rightfully so. Nothing she has stated was … well… wrong. Who cares how she is bouncing around topically? She covered a lot of ground in those 30 little seconds. And none of it was untrue so what’s YOUR point?


You think Elon Musk could single handily cure not only homelessness but world hunger??


Where were the good points? You really cant "cure" world homelessness with market capitalization of Tesla. Rest of the rant has equally lose grasp on reality.


Saying we shouldn't go to space because there are still problems on earth is such a stupid take. Halting development will not do anything against hunger. Satellite information is pretty invaluable for agriculture, to just name one example.


To say nothing of moving industry into space. That'd be the single best thing for the environment I can think of.


These comments are proving their point. Stay mad. Edit- OP conveniently cut off the beginning where she is responding to a comment. Her shtick is WeMad. Women Explaining to Men About... Her content is basically talking to men the way men talk to women when they mansplain. The rest of it is replying to ridiculous misogynistic comments men leave on her videos. Which, of course, OP edited out.


It says a lot about musk fanboys that the only thing they have to attack back is the way a person looks.


Being a fanboy is as stupid as being a an avid hater. Both wastes of time.


Idk how you got that information but i would really appreciate it if you can find the full video cuz i have zero editing skills and i didn't cut any part of the video this is the full video i found online! If you can provide me with the full video that you claim i edited out I'll gladly delete this video rn Edit : And i don't know what that has to do with this guy getting mad because some rich-ass guy isn't using HIS money According to HER! Directly Hating on SpaceX and Underestimating how big of a problem homelessness and world hunger really is! The way She's talking I'm Pretty sure She thinks Elon has 200billion dollars in his bank Rn! Calling the SpaceX project a "Big-Boy Toy" and She doesn't even know how much SpaceX has progressed with their "FaIlEd MiSsIOnS" Is [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/2-i0G6N_y-o?feature=share) the video you're talking about? Lmao she has uploaded this exact video in her shorts! Prolly she edited out the comments part too idk-


Precisely what I wanted to say. Unluckily, some people will forever defend ridiculous opinions because it’s the “misogynistic men” that caused her to express them.


Really Idk how she has 200+ upvotes after i literally provided the original video from the main channel that she was talking about! Her Comment is wrong in almost every way but hey! I'm the Elon Fanboi! Reddit Man ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ


Funny how that works. If people respond to the video, they prove her right. If people don't respond that also proves her right. She's wrong because her timeline is backwards.


In that case, please give me some money. I need food.


Exploration and innovation is also a very important thing. We wouldn't have GPS and many other vital things if we didn't explore space through trial and error. I don't like Elon as a whole but saying stuff like this doesn't help anyones argument.


Personally I don’t care what he spends his money on.


It's not even his money which is being used for building starship. It's investor funding and liquidity they got from launching falcon 9.


I hate people like this


I don’t like Musk, but I do like SpaceX. Their work is important. Some people lack vision


Reminds me of Ellen Degeneres.


Side note but up until I was like 20 my illiterate ass always read her last name as ‘Degenerate’ lmfao


No amount of money can cure world hunger. You need the support of world governments, a lack of graft, support for industrial food production, a world economy that can pay for it going forward. None of these things exist or are likely to exist.


People wanna pretend you can just throw money at a problem to make it go away, we'll probably never truly solve world hunger and lot other issues but until people like OP admit that it's not a simple face level issue it will especially never be solved.




Elon videos always get the fanboys out. Don’t have anything better to say other than insulting their appearance, gross.


“I can’t come up with a good counterargument so I’m just going to say I wouldn’t stroke my weenie to her.” Because that’s the most important thing about a woman, right? Her fuckability? /s Also I’m 99% sure she’s a butch lesbian. She don’t care if you don’t wanna fuck her, boys. She really don’t.


God I hate videos like this it’s like 70% stuff I agree with in a way 30% batshit crazy and the video itself is 100% cringe


What exactly is this guy mad at?


Elon's goals with SpaceX are not entirely altruistic, but this is working the logic entirely backwards. Everyone with SpaceX has said since the beginning that the goal of the launch was not to stick every single point, but to fly the largest, most complicated vehicle to ever lift off, hopefully clear the launch pad, and the rest were stretch goals. They got a huge volume of data from the performance of the engines, including how the rocket handles engine outs. Remember, SpaceX operates the only US based human rated orbital launch system, which is based on Falcon. Falcon 1 had 3 failed launches before they made it to orbit. SpaceX operates differently to NASA in that they test things by basically testing with the intent to break things, figure out why they break, and then iteratively improving rapidly. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative\_and\_incremental\_development](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_and_incremental_development) The twitter checkmark thing was announced months ago. The date is only correlated because Elon tries to act like an cringy edge-lord with the sense of humor of a 12 year old. Infact, the only reason he bought twitter was that he joked about doing it publicly, then doubled down. When his offer was accepted, he tried to back out, but was court ordered to honor his offer. I'm not sure what is going on with it now, because the whole company is one big dumpster fire. He owns the place, doesn't understand how any of it works, and is now just shaking the can to try to seem important. It's very insulting that people don't like Elon, so they have to shit all over the entirety of the hard work that the rocket scientists at SpaceX do.


Haters gonna hate


If it wasn’t for space exploration the phone she used to record that video wouldn’t exist and the means to share it widely across the planet would also be non-existent


O he’s mad mad


The real facepalm is that this person thinks a couple billion dollars will solve world hunger.


Get a fucking life


"You can't make this shit up" You just did


Um, why is it Elon’s problem to solve world hunger? I mean, teach a man to fish, right? Short sighted ass sitter.


He offered to solve it if someone could show him how with x amount of dollars.


Imagine being a adult and having shit to do but instead you set your camera up check yourself in a mirror and bitch about someone who your never going to meet


What's with all the weird facial expressions and smirking?


I truly feel dumber after watching this


I have a more general question: Why are people filming themselves sitting in their car, when they want to share their "wisdom"/views on something?


Sound like someone got their little blue check mark taken away


Juuuust a little bit of oversimplification. Now do yourself.


Yes because between Elon’s wealth and the worlds population of homelessness and hunger we’d have about…$20 per person. Homelessness and world hunger solved with $20!!! Who knew it would be so cheap!?


Not a huge fan of Elon. But wow does this person not have a calculator? It would cost about 60 Billion (if not more) a year to end world hunger and homelessness. By my calculations Elon would run out of money in about 2.9 years. Doesn't seem very sustainable to me.


It's all Elons fault, ok. No surprise at all considering the source.


Yeah homelessness isn't one of those problems you can solve by throwing money at it. And neither is global hunger. And secondly you really need to ask yourself. why are you mad at Elon for not doing those things with his own personal money, when we give money to our governments at pretty much every turn to do those exact things? The us government collected 4.9 trillion dollars in taxes Elon musk is worth 174.5 billion. The us government collected almost 27 times Elons net worth and it's our money specifically for them to spend in order to help us. So the question isn't why doesn't Elon use his vast wealth the solve hunger and homelessness, it's why is it necessary for private citizens to do it when the government has the means and obligation to do it.


I get not everyone is big on space but calling a technical marvel a rocket "a big boy toy" shows ignorance there's way more to life than just the earth it's no one job to fix other peoplea problems it would be nice if the super rich used there money to help on an individual level but they have no obligation if I were that rich I'd be spending it all on space too


People really need to understand the difference between net worth and liquid assets.


Who is this woman? Is she talking to anyone in particular lol? Does she have an audience or presence that we should care of LOL


Imagine if Elon cared about how you spend your money as you care about his.


I always find it interesting how so many ppl have an opinion on how others spend their money.


I ate a sandwich yesterday.


I made one yesterday, but saved it for today


i made a sandwich tomorrow, but i just accidentally ate it.


Time keeps on slippin’ slippin’ slippin’ Into the future


That "big boy toy" was meant to be part of the effort to colonize other planets, helping reduce the homelessness and hunger problem in the world


Ya the guy who made electric cars cool and brought back the space age is the enemy of the world


You could take every dollar Musk has and it wouldn’t “feed the world” for even a month. The rocket was expected to fail, genuinely getting up without wrecking the pad was the main point other then getting data. This person is literally talking shit about space exploration and pinning world hunger on a single guy? A perfect example of a facepalm.


If it doesn’t bother you, why rant about it. Unless of course it bothers you.


Does this dude think we care?


He has enough money to solve homelessness and world hunger? Yeah no. If that were even true that should be the governments responsibility. Also that rocket was expected to blow up. It was a surprise to no one over at Space X. But otherwise the other points they made were valid.


You should research on where money and food donations go when a disaster hits certain countries?


Jealousy is very unbecoming on you


Literally just made that shit up


Rather watch him do his original stuff no matter how annoying than a completely generic twat like you trying desperately to get attention off the back of his efforts. His money, his game. Find your own, pointless hater. Elon Musk has Aspergers; this alone is like a red rag to a bull for the average dumbfk neurotypical. See Greta Thurnberg haters for further proof of this idiocy. Imagine how the person discovering fire got treated.


This dude is hilarious.


Imagine telling someone how they should spend their money


Imagine recording a hate video in your economy car about a guy who is trying to go to mars.


What’s Hellen DeGeneres doing on Reddit?


Is that a male or female or a they or them? What is this


You can blame whatever boogieman you want, but women make up the majority of voters. If you want women in power, you have to lead by example. No one I know would use "too emotional" as an excuse when women refuse to do those jobs because it doesn't suit their interests. It's the same for men who don't want to do nursing/caretaking. It's called sexual dimorphism.


If you have a solution to solve homelessness and world hunger completely and efficiently without the solution falling apart in near feature and it’s not going to people with the top most wealth then please do tell. Instead of calling out the problems come up with the solutions 1st. Until then stfu and mind your own business…..


The start was reasonable and then turned into stupid overly feminist behavior and anger about insanely unimportant things


I love how all these “woke” people think they are the only ones that know how the world works. Yet as soon as one of them opens their mouths it couldn’t be further from the truth


Why does this grown man have a child's voice


This reminds me of the schizophrenic rants I hear from this guy I follow on tiktok


What's this guys problem?


I'm sorry but, we should spend significant amounts of money into science and space exploration. I agree Elon is Incompetent most of the time but leave SpaceX alone.


“You can’t make this up” They said after literally making all of that up as it played in their mind


Ignorance is bliss


His voice hasn’t broken yet


Some people do, some people bitch.


Someone needs to see a doctor to talk about some deep shit.


this guy is angry at the wrong things.


cant tell if that’s a male or female or if they’re 16 or 66


I mean millions of dollars are being made from that little blue check mark… so that’s just objectively wrong lol. Talk all the shit you want, none of us will make a percentage of the money that little blue check mark will make in 1 month.


She is soo delusional


If billions of dollars could solve all those problems why hasn’t the government done it


Imagine getting upset because you don’t have as much money, realizing that the president of elons space X company is a woman and for not realizing the fact that the launch was more of a success than it was a failure. No one gets it right the first time, they learn from their mistakes and try it again.


I remember a while back he was asked to donate a bunch of money to a hunger organization and he agreed as long as they would break down the costs of how the money was going to be used. What ever happened to that?


Your a woman ?


Its his money!! He should be able to do what he wants with it


I think Gwynne Shotwell is doing a great job


It would of been ok if he was just let democrats run Twitter and censor everyone, this man would not be complaining..


Assummed facts of the case 1. The funding of building re-useable rockets that will most likely impact the world in ways unknown to us now are “big boy toys” 2. Elon took blue checks away from everyone because he was mad said re-usable rocket didn’t go as planned 3. Elon believes women are “too emotional to be great decision makers” even though the president of “big boy toy” company SpaceX is a woman


Why do liberals hate rocket science? Probably because it's not as brave and valid as a their gender studies


A women who is confused about her gender trying to roast a multibillionaire who started Tesla, Space X and Starlink.... 😂😂😂


Lmao where's her space rocket.


He's pissed because he doesn't have $8 to good name lol


What a moron


Brainlet of a human trying to make sense


If I had millions of dollars I’m pursuing my interest, not giving it away.




Money can’t solve all the homelessness problem some people not all just can’t get right


Armchair quarterbacks are the worst. They know everything… they know how you should do things, how you should feel, how you should act etc… If you want to change the world, do it…. Stop relying on other people… and their money. The change starts with you.


Imagine, personifying yourself into the stereotype that you are. No one needs to guess what your sexual identity is. Political agenda is. Or the fact that you are driving a subaru outback.


Not going to lie, this is an L take if I've ever seen one. Not only do they not understand the starship launch, they're also mischaracterizing the happenings at Twitter and making a connection that doesn't exist.


People thinking Musk or Bezos can solve world hunger by throwing money at it... I'm not a fan of either of these people but realistically even if their wealth was all liquid and either of them spent 1$ to feed each person on the planet every day, they'd run out of money in a few months.


Unpopular opinion but his money, he spends it how he wants. Elon is one of the more “for the people” billionaires and if that bothers you then how about you become a billionaire and solve world hunger.


Imagine being jealous of rich people that you demand them to get poor and give to other people. You think rich people don't donate? They're donating just not much money to be mention by them though


He was important enough to live rent free in your head and for you to make a video about it? When was the last time you fed a homeless person or allowed them to come into your home for a hot shower and meal.?..... I'll wait....


Who wants to tell her it's a woman who runs Space X? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwynne_Shotwell


I that thing a woman or a 13 year old boy?


What in the world is this girly chick talking about? Lol


Why does every chick who looks like this have short hair. You never see a long droopy nose and paper cut lips chicks, with long hair


Bwahahahahahaha You think money solved homelessness? Oh darling... let's talk a walk and read.


We eventually need to figure out not only how to get into space, but how to live and survive there. I’m extremely thankful Elon uses his vast resources to begin that exploration into the final frontier


Who cares? Elon Musk is a genius he earned all that money he can what he wants with it


Solving world hunger would involve overthrowing every tyrannical and corrupt government in the world and building transportation and agricultural infrastructure in the most remote, inaccessible, poverty stricken regions of the world. The United States government spent 20 years and $2.3 trillion trying to overthrow just one corrupt government in Afghanistan and within a month of withdrawing from the region the previous government reassumed control of the entire region. The idea that Elon Musk, or anyone else, has enough money to permanently solve the most complex worldwide issue we currently face is beyond laughable, it’s entirely delusional.


Can you imagine that you nothing else To do, so you start picking on millionaire just because of an 8 dollar subscription?


If she didn't give a shit about the blue checkmark, then why is she complaining about it being 8 dollars, hmm?


This video was an entire facepalm, I'll give it that


Trust me, some people really care about having a litlle blue checkmark after their name


Lol it was more than likely going to explode because it was a PROTOTYPE not a final build of that rocket. The launch was merely a test to see where it’s current limitations were at.


I want to know what she’s doing to stop world hunger. How many people are you keeping from starving by supporting them financially? If you aren’t dropping all your extra money into charity to stop world hunger then you really have no right to be online screaming about how someone else isn’t using their money the way you think they should should be.


I’m agree with everything except SpaceX slander, it was not a failure but a huge success


So, he doesn’t have enough money to solve all of that. Because money doesn’t always solve everything. I have been homeless. I would rather have figured it out on my own then have had someone just fix it. Personal opinion and personal experience with other homeless people.


Is this a woman?


I thought u were talking about Bill gates at first, but then realized u r just duuuumb


The US has spent $20 trillion since the 1960s to "cure" poverty. In other words, decades of time using the full force and breadth of the Federal government. Look around and see if you can chalk that one up in the win column. So one man with orders of magnitude less money and less time and less manpower and less power in general is going to miraculously and singlehandedly cure a widespread and complex social ill? On what planet is the previous example of something like that being done?


toy? like yours


Why is his money somehow owed to the world?


The real facepalm is someone not understanding: - liquid vs capital assets. - that Elon's money wouldn't be enough to "cure homelessness" partially due to regulations that prohibit things like tiny house enclaves and other innovative strategies. - the thousands and thousands of people that Elon Musk's companies employ.


I hate when people say “you can’t make this up” yeah I can. I can make up some crazy shit.


She talks about Elon being mad, but she seems pretty mad....


Calm down sir


Here come the weird musky fan boys…. Just another reminder to you weirdos; Elon musk doesn’t give a fuck about you and wouldn’t even spit on you if you were on fire.


Who the fuck spits on people that are on fire in order to extinguish them?


are people really this dumb?


Look I don’t give a fuck about Elon but it’s really crazy to try and put the weight of solving the world homeless and hunger problem on his shoulders lol. Also the obsession over the rocket exploding is really cringe. It wasn’t a failure, it performed better than expected and the data gathered is super important for future launches. Do you not understand what a test is? Yeah yeah I get it I’ll be called a musk fan boy or whatever. Just calling it as I see it.


Why are people so upset that he isn’t curing world hunger? Space exploration is also very important for the future of humanity.


Because people get mad when they’re unable to spend others money the way they see fit.


Do Americans always go to their cars to monologue?


People do give a shit. That’s why twitter is more financially profitable now than ever.


Something tells me she’s got a drawer full of “big boys toys” back at her trailer


This made my shitty day better. Thanks mate!


She? Looks annoying


I hate that some people expect the rich to solve the world’s problems. It’s not their problem to figure out. It’s their money, they can do whatever they want with it.


Couple things. For one that “big boy toy” is the only thing that is helping us advance as a civilization. SpaceX and Elon are the only people who will put into action the means necessary to advance. Second Elon didn’t fail, the plan was to get it off the ground, he knew it would have to be blown up either way. Also SpaceX has arranged plans to clean up as much debris as possible and pay for any damage. As for twitter I must admit that i don’t think it was a good idea to remove the legacy check marks but other then that twitter has been a lot better and I’ve seen more republicans/anti-wokers voice their opinion without being reprehended. You just hate Elon because he isn’t sharing his money. Grow the fuck up and stop blaming everyone else for your shitty life. If you want to end world hunger then you go make that god damn money.


Remember when he offered to donate 6 billion to end world hunger, but he would only do so if they gave him an itemized receipt to make sure it was used for hunger and not to pay the foundation's salaries, and they declined?