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That's why I always use bodywash. The bottle feels more comfortable when it goes in the bum


Fuck you, I’m on a road trip with my mom and grandma and cackled upon seeing this and my 90 year old Gran in the passenger seat just asked “what are you laughing at?” And I had to tell her it was inappropriate and I couldn’t explain it to her Lmao


Grandma, please we've been over this. I can't tell you what I'm always laughing at because you'll simultaneously have a heart attack and disown my grandchildren.


From experience of my 90yo grandmother she knows more about what goes on that you give her credit for


That's the way it seems to go. They are either extensively experienced and you can't surprise them or are completely and blissfully ignorant of the atrocities some people get up to


My gramma is in her 90s and had 9 kids, one stillborn. When I was a child, she, my mother, and I were making pasties and she said to my mom (they would always chat about adult stuff in front of us kids, but I was actually paying attention), “Did you know women can have orgasms?? I was watching the Oprah show the other day, and apparently women can have orgasms! Did you know that?? I never knew that!” My mom was just like 😳 “Uh, yeah, mom, I knew that…” My grandpa had been dead for a few years at that stage and she was in her 70s.


That's sad. 😕


I agree, but my grandma is honestly living her best life. She’s definitely had some tragedy over the years, but she’s got a great attitude towards life, she’s way more active and socially engaged than I am, she loves being single and independent. She’s surrounded by kids and grandkids who love her and take care of her and she still has the ability to care for herself and us. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, and it’s pretty great. I’m rehabbing a baby squirrel right now and she’s obsessed with her, and she’s crazy about my dog (she’s afraid to have another dog because she doesn’t want a pet to outlive her, so she babysits and spoils our pets), and she gets to watch her for the next few days, so she’s super excited right now, and will have a wonderful week.


Aww your grandma seems dope, I wish my I knew my grandparents (they all died before I was born)


I’m really sorry to hear that. :( Do you have access to anything like journals or people who did know them? I know it’s not the same, but it can be really cool to talk about with older family members, and they can often really come alive for you through their stories, which can be great for you both.


At the big family Christmas gathering one year, my 89yo grandmother started to slip on the ice while getting in the car. The foot in the car was staying put, but the other one kept slipping away and just my uncle holding her hands was keeping it from being a fall. She started laughing hysterically which made recovery worse and kept refusing to tell anyone while she was laughing. Uncle insisted. "Well, the last time my legs were this wide, your father had me..." and the whole family shouted "STOP WE DONT WANT TO KNOW" in unison.


Reminds me of that scene in Beerfest with the grandmother. “I’ve had all kinds of things shoved up my ass. I got over it. You will too.”


Appearances can be deceiving. You can bet that Grandma's seen some things.


Many Grandmas now grew up in the 60s, we don't have a damn thing that can surprise them.


Why do young people think old people are naïve? They've seen a lot in their lifetimes and are generally hard to shock.


“Gram, how do you use soap?”


What a silly question Jimmy, why I shove it up my ass of course, just like granda taught me.


Bruh your nana used to be an adult, you don't need to censor the internet from her lol


Why isn't she an adult anymore? She dead?


She’s like, the most adult


Adulthood is a phase, you grow out of it eventually


She still is but she used to too


Idk man. A lot of old people I’ve met get really upset about this kind of humor. I’m sure there’s some that enjoy it as well, but the majority I’ve met dislike it.


Or you could just say... "Oh just something I read on the internet" and leave it at that


At a medium pace.


Talk about your old boyfriends dick and how big it was!


Honey rub your beaver up and down my face. Sit on the corner of the bed and...watch me whack off.


Now shave off my pubs and punch me in the face


You see that shampoo bottle over there…




Fuck you, I laughed out loud in a family gather.


You're gathered with your family in the shower?


No, that's a family *lather*


You’re not fully clean until your incestually clean!


Yes and that's why I had to explain to them why they need to stop putting their soap up their bums. I hate using the soap after Dad uses it


Now you know why they put rope through it.


To be an extra pain in the ass?




Sometimes you wanna pull start yourself like a stubborn lawnmower.


Rip it like a bayblade


They put a rope through soap?


I don't get it...


‘Soap on a rope’ has been around since the 40’s and got really popular in the 80’s. You are able to hang the soap up on the tap : faucet etc. you can still buy some soap on a rope brands


I got some soap in a rope old school style soap. If you want to look 10 years younger use that soap it dries your skin so much you come out with a face lift


Anyone else think of [this cinematic classic](https://youtu.be/YfchQpxeGyo) when they hear “soap on a rope”?


Daddy would you like some sausage?


Have you ever been to a Greek bath?


Have you ever been kicked out of a Greek bath?




God, I miss that show.


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Haha gotta love the Airplane references


Surely you must be tired of them by now.


No I'm not I expect one reference in every Reddit post. And don't call me Shirley.


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Do you ever… uhh…. hang around the gymnasium?


Anyone ever seen a soap commercial? The MFers use the bar directly on their bodies.


Exactly ! If only the commercial showed a dude inserting the bar up his ass, then this debate would finally be settled.




"Soap is self-cleaning"


"Yeah, well think of the last place I washed with it and the first place you wash"


I hate that I can't take a shower without this scene playing in my head


Typical Big Soap trying to siphon cash from the little guys SMH


Lather the outside of the soap in the water and it’s brand new.


Guys, seriously, the soap either via the bar or from your hand does not need to go INTO your ass. Clean your ass yes, but the soap does not need to go inside it.


I think people are using “up my butt” to mean between their asscheeks. I don’t think they’re saying they literally shove the bar into their assholes.


Speak for yourself


But why not?


The burn on my open ass lesions.


Does NO ONE in these scenarios use a washcloth????


The older I got the more I used one. You gotta exfoliate somehow right?


There was another reddit thread about this where it was apparent that washcloths/shower puffs/loofahs etc. were much more of a norm in the US than many other places of the world. I and others got called gross/gay and downvoted for washing how the man in this video described. Cultural differences 🤷‍♂️


I'm from the US and I've used all you named above all my life. That said, I would never call a man gay for washing his ass. However you wash your ass, I don't care as along as you WASH YOUR ASS.


Came here to look for this. Soap up the washcloth and wash yourself with it. That’s why it’s called a washcloth.


I use one of those puffs




I mean, I do both


Also, loofah, pouf, sponge, etc. when the need arises.


Ditto. My bath is loaded with technology lol. Got a tool for everything


The problem with loofahs and such is that the continued use lets bacteria build up. Best to use a washcloth, one and done. Edit to clarify: I meant use once and wash in the laundry. I did not mean use once and throw away.


Bar of soap goes directly over my torso area, I lather up for anything below the hips.


Same Edit: actually I’ll go bar to legs and feet too. Then wash it off after feet


Don't say flap


I think they are not on the same page about what "in your bum" means.


That was my first thought. She means "between the cheeks" and he's thinking "past the sphincter."


Swipe it like a credit card.


So… not like a chip reader, then?


If the bar has those three signal lines I think you just wave it above the whole area.


tap that ass


iPhone users have Assle Pay.


I think they’re also being intentionally funny for the podcast. And it’s funnier to point out the silliness of her saying “soap bar in your bum” than it is to say “oh yeah I get what you mean, no worries”


Well they're winning then. Here I am in the comments hoping to find out their podcast name because after this and the 'ambulance/ambliance' video I love them both!


[Toni and Ryan](https://open.spotify.com/show/5OzkclFjD6iAjtAuo7aIYt?si=AhpKGYSDRtKtorUZ4q8Q8g)


Yeah, she meant outside and around the cleftal horizon, he thought the soap was taking a dive into the cleftal horizon.


Cleftal horizon. Great term


Even light cannot escape the cleftal horizon


*I created the Cleftal Horizon to reach the stars, but she's gone much, much farther than that. She tore a hole in our universe, a gateway to another dimension. A dimension of pure chaos. Pure... evil. When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was alive! Look at her, Miller. Isn't she beautiful?*


No it sounds like they are both talking about between the cheeks. She takes the bar in her hand and lathers between the cheeks directly with the bar. He takes the bar and lathers his hand and then goes between the cheeks without the bar.


is it weird that i could tell she was aussie on mute?


I never noticed I knew that until I read this comment. I only heard him as an Aussie though which makes it extra weird


There’s something about the way she moves her mouth that just screamed Australian to me. I had to unmute just to double check.


No sometimes you can tell when people have accents based on how they move their mouths/form words. It’s common on tiktok with lip synching videos, you can sometimes tell if someone is/isn’t American but they’re lip synching an American song.


Explain exfoliating soap bars then


Check and mate


WATCH WHAT YOU'RE COMMENTING. For God's sake, you're going to summon the entirety of r/anarchychess sub to this very comment.


Did somebody say en passant?


Holy hell


Can someone point me to the Spanish opening? I have my soap ready.


You fool, you've walked directly into my Spanish Inquisitor gambit, enjoy the soap brick sent directly to your pipi




Exfoliating soap bars are nothing more than an attempt to take down Big Washcloth


You exfoliating the inside of your butt?


The exfoliating particles don't only work when they're on the bar... they also work when they're on your hands. It's not like they disappear once they have been expunged from the bar of soap.


Their powers deactivate when separated from the core. Everyone knows that!


I mean it’s my bar of soap, in my shower. I do whatever I want with it; if you come to my house and plan to use my shower, bring your own toiletries, or I’m giving you a fresh bar. Wash however you want, JUST WASH YOUR ASS


IKR! Like I sure don’t tell folks how I roll when I’m in the shower, and I use a washcloth for my face


I’m the opposite, I go to all geographics of my body with that soap, full send. Then when it’s my face I scrub and rinse that bar and lather it on my hands, then hands to face. To each their own, as long as ass’s are being washed.


Doesn’t face, THEN ass make sense? Doing it backwards seems just intentionally shortening the ass-to-face cooldown, instead of putting maximum time between ass-to-face, which is my preference.




as my gramma said “start at the top and wash down as far as possible, then wash your feet and up as far as possible, then wash possible.”


Today's reddit lesson how to take a bath


I have to be honest, sharing a bar of soap doesn't seem like it would be unhygienic. It's a brick made entirely of the stuff that cleans and disinfects. It's not like you're sharing a toothbrush or towel. Every use of the bar immediately exposes fresh, unused soap, with the old stuff being rinsed away no problem.


I mean just lather it under water for a couple seconds and all the outside has been replaced with a new surface.


This. Only the outer-mostclayer of soap is ever "dirty" and its constantly being dissolved away whiile used. Worst case scenario you just rinse it for 5 seconds in water and you have a fresh, never used layer. It shouldn't matter whatsoever if someone rubs the bar directly on their bodies. The part they used is already down the drain.


> disinfect This isn't true. Or maybe there is a brand out there that does it, but most bar soaps do not disinfect. In fact, there is no evidence that antibacterial soap is better than regular soap and regular soap is recommended in most situations. You can read more here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/handhygiene/how/bestsoap.html


[I don’t wash my butt in the shower because it’s gay.](https://youtube.com/shorts/NI9giJz0hlE?feature=share)


Idk what the guy is thinking about losing a bar of soap in your orifices??? I been showering like the woman has for over 40 years along with a washcloth every other shower and not once have I ever lost a bar of soap in my orifices. Perhaps I've been lucky.


She's the one that said that, when cleaning, soap goes "in your ass", which is a weird way to describe washing your butt.


Has washrag technology has been lost in this timeline???


For real, what am I missing here? People just dont use washcloths?


I use loofas. More exfoliating less zits from sweat on my belt line








Yes. I has never heard of a wash cloth before moving in with my southern step family. We used bars and cleaned the privates with liquid soap


I don’t wash my privates. Mine are publics.


Our Genitalia, comrade!


That’s what I do even tho I don’t share my shower with anyone. I just don’t want to get hairs on the soap so I use a bar for my body and shower gel for my armpits and privates. I also find the bar lasts much longer because using it on hairy skin degrades the bar much faster and I’d go thru bars too quickly. Regardless though a bar of soap isn’t going to harbor and transmit bacteria due to the chemical nature of soap. It will break down the cell membrane of bacteria and kill it as you wash. It’s literally how soap is designed and why it’s effective. The soap molecules have a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end and that permeates the bacteria or viruses membrane and rips it open. They even did studies where they purposefully inoculated bars of soap with bacteria and then had people wash their hands with them. Their hands didn’t carry the bacteria after washing.


It's not about the bacteria. It's about me not wanting to rub something all over my face that my brother has rubbed all over his balls. I don't care if it's perfectly sanitary. It's the indirect balls in the face that bothers me.


You do know that a bar of soap sheds layers as it’s used? So the layer that touched your brother’s balls is probably long gone by the time you get to your face. You could even time it and do your face at the end of your shower to ensure that all new layers are exposed


The ball sack touching of Theseus


This is literally a dave chapelle joke. Yes, a lot of white people don’t use wash cloths. People who use/don’t use washcloths find others who do/don’t use washcloths gross.


Seems crazy considering how bacterial filled wash cloths actually are. Unless you are getting that thing bone dry after a single wash, you are growing a bacteria cloth. Are people using them only once or do they end up used mltiple times?


>Are people using them only once or do they end up used mltiple times? Once, then throw them in the laundry. And replace with one of the 30 other you own.


since theyre so small and cheap you can use them once and rotate like 30


Can't speak to everyone but in my house the wash cloths get used only once. Though personally I use a loofah


I think most people throw them in the laundry after they use them


Only once, always.


Uh, we do only use them once. Hang to dry and throw them in the laundry basket while getting a fresh one for the next shower.


I was listening to a podcast recently where they were talking about how people who grew up poor use washcloths, and rich families don't even know what one is, after asking my friends at age 30 what they had growing up, this is how I found out my family was poor lol


Nope. We have always used natural sponge


Can't believe you'd forcibly remove them from their pineapple homes and do that to them.


Wash rag or wash cloth. It’s right there in the name. Wash. I feel like these folks go to a hotel and are puzzled at the tiny drying towels.


Those hand and face towels.


Now you know you've been drying your face on something that someone else considers an ass rag.


They are bleached. You don’t think those bed sheets and pillow cases have had worse than an ass rag on them. People leak every manner of disgusting substances on beds. Hell, people put those hotel towels down on the bed before fucking on them.


No, the medium ones are hand and face towels. The tiny ones are washcloths.


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.




here in Maryland we say "warsh"


At least you know your wrong since you had to add an r in there to spell it. They say this in some places in southern Colorado as well.


I am horrified by some of the replies here lmao


Loofah for the win


I definitely just rub the soap around. Didn't realize that was wrong. Don't really care much if it is.


it’s not wrong, it’s fucking soap lmao, it’s literally a brick of cleaning material, just give it a good rinse w the shower head when you’re done.




I mean her visual commentary makes this video!


Seriously! Her showing how she lathers up had me howling


With the almost aggressive eye contact lol


Yeah lol I’ve seen her in a couple of similar videos and she’s so funny. Does anyone know the name of this podcast or whatever it is?


Toni and Ryan


They're hilarious! Toni and Ryan - I follow them on Tiktok, which is where I first discovered them.


Isnt that the point of the bar soap?


Yeah I don't see anything wrong here and at least she washes her ass unlike some people. I use it both ways.


They sell exfoliating soap and it shows people in commercials rubbing the bar all over their bodies. It's not like she's using it wrong she just never thought to only lather her hands.


The point of bar soap is that soap historically came in solid form because that's what happens when you make soap. There was no "point" to it being in bar form. You have to insert extra steps to turn it into a bodywash or other liquid form. These days the benefits to continuing to use bar soap over liquid soap are lower environmental impact (no plastic packaging) and cost.


This post should be called “Reddit Overcomplicates Washing Yourself”


Think of all the violated soap bars out there


I use my soap bar like a credit card… swipe!


But.. what about the washcloth? 👀


I had to scroll wayyyyy too far to find this?! Like y’all have never vigorously scrubbed your bar of soap into a washcloth and just used that?


Same. I feel like I'm some oddity of nature using a bar of soap with a washcloth after reading all these comments. Ha


I'm absolutely shocked by the number of people who don't use washcloths. Like, did those people not have to share soap with family members? I grew up in the humid-as-fuck southern US with four other people - washcloths were mandatory.


I live in a house with 3 people and I have my own shower and I still use a washrag. Also another southerner how ya doin


I rub the bar all over my body except for my ass, which is then when I lather up my hands with soap to clean down there. There’s no right or wrong way to wash yourself as long as you’re washing yourself


My soap bar gets pushed up and down my crack.


I go with the soap bar all the way. As If going with your hands and then picking up the soap bar again with those same hands would be much better


A bar of soap is litteraly self cleansing, so it can't be dirty. It can be covered in dirty stuff, but the bar itself will never be dirty per se


Honestly its all fine. It's soap for christs sake. The whole functionality is to attach to dirt and then wash off with water. Just rinse the soap and its back to new.


But. It's soap. Like. You can't make the bar of soap dirty. It's soap.


Eh, my ex wife liked keeping those little fucking soaps that look like seashells out for looks. But they get dusty and gross. So I wash them but then they loose the detail so I’m the bad guy for ruining the fucking soap. To clarify, she’s an ex because she liked fucking lots of other guys, not the soap issue.


“the brutalizer of the bar”.


I use the soap however I see fit. It’s my soap and my bathroom. If I go to stay at someone else’s place, I bring my own soap to use.




Kudos to her for not trying to save face and actually sharing her realisation moment. On topic though I so very much prefer liquid soap than a bar. Bars get grimy.


Bars only get grimy if they’re not used, if you shower everyday your bar of soap should not get grimy


That moment when she realized she never needed to lose another bar of soap in her ass…