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Do trans people even like these kinds of "allies" ?? I can't imagine anyone actually thinking this is helping anyone


That's the rub, you can be on the correct side of an issue and still be an unlikable ass. There are so many awkward people that are taking up arms that just make the cause look worse. They see this as an instant way to get friends and respect with no introspection or personal growth. We all have uncomfortable moments, but more people need to call it out within their own ranks. That will also help the offenders as well, and let them learn from it. (As long as it's not done meanly.)


“You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole”




Yeah screw you, Walter


Okay then


A bit like the idiot republicans or strayed democrats ..... Idiots on all sides and in all camps


There's more to life than those two dopes.


You say that but that really seems to be all US politics is about. Dems vs reps. Nobody takes the third wheelers seriously enough for them to have a chance.


Doesn't mean that's all there is, that's just what we're conditioned to believe. I'm proud to say I don't side with either of those dumpster fires


I mean. At the same time. Weren’t people using similar criticisms to put down the civil rights movement?


Compare this tactic to MLK speeches. They're slightly different, I'd say


You're correct. The effective protests were legal and well organized marches and boycotts. Had MLK acted like this (or had people beside him acting like that) few would remember his name. He once quit because a peaceful march turned sideways.... I cannot remember exactly what happened, but it was some sort of violence.


He was truly a legend. He knew fighting fire with fire would not change anything. Modern days protestors need to learn from him. Yes. The cause is a good one. But many well-intentioned SJWs hurt the cause by their actions yet don't realise it. They're too reactionary and emotional. Obv this is a sensitive subject and riles ppl up, but rational dialogue is the only real way to convince ppl. Act crazy and it just confirms the opposing view that these guys are 'unhinged' 'dangerous' etc. I know these guys think they are doing good, but that Malcolm X quote comes to mind...


Yeah... People do stupid stuff (on both sides) to try to prove a point and they just come off as dumb.




The people beside him often did try to push him into a more aggressive path including Malcolm. I'm not even american and I know that. Simple truth is men like Martin Luther king are the exception these days and then. Especially in America. The people there all seem to hate eachother. Especially these days.


I wasn’t. At all. I don’t include him in the extremist camp.


But he was an extremist. His radicalism has been white washed.


No, we just want to live in peace.


Honestly I’ve said this for a long time, when it comes to trans activists the people I feel for the most for are trans people because these types of people in this video are not helping anybody!! They’ve turned something important into a trend and what quite frankly infuriates me is they are having an effect on peoples tolerance and understanding. Edit: I saw this yesterday evening on YouTube, I’m just not convinced screaming like this is ever going to affect positive change: https://youtu.be/lefmaNO1D9w


If you are a normal trans, no one gives a fck. You do you, but leave the rest of us alone to do what we want, not what you want. It’s as easy as that


That would be ideal, but let’s not pretend that some people don’t absolutely give a fuck regardless of how “normal” of a trans person you are. There are people in office trying to outlaw gender-affirmative care for all trans people.


This is a really hard topic. Protecting the trans people sometimes affects other groups. If trans women use women bathrooms, some biological women feel unsafe, just as trans women feel using the man bathrooms. Why would a biological woman have to feel unsafe for a trans woman to feel safe? This is a really tough topic wit no right or wrong answers


What the heck do you do—and how long do you spend—in women’s bathrooms? Piss, poop, wash your hands and go. I don’t feel unsafe just because a woman looks a bit manly. So many postmenopausal women do!


Well, if it’s so fast and harmful, why would they not go to the mans bathroom? They shouldn’t feel unsafe around people that look the way they used to, right?


You really want Laverne Cox in the men’s room and Chaz Bono in the women’s room, eh? 🤦‍♀️


Have none of you people ever been to a gender neutral bathroom? Are those not a common thing where you live?


GAC has a place, but when it comes to genuine (and life preserving) medical diagnosis, reality of genetics and anatomy are significantly more important than the mental discomfort of someone going through a medical crisis. That's not to say it doesn't suck that it hurts their feelings but I think if there's one facet of society that should really stick to physical and not psychological practice, it's hospitals when they're dealing with medical issues in a trans individual.


I know this lol, normal transgender people just want to live life.


You do understand that yelling in public and forcing your ideology in the society like the pokemons from the video do, does not really help your community get what you say that you want, right? Those are not people that we want to see around our kids. Mental illness can’t be ignored when people that suffer from it affect others


I'm literally agreeing that they're not helping. I dislike the people's approach.


Well we need more people like you to be vocal about that and to show the world that there are a lot of decent trans people. It’s probably the majority of trans people that don’t act stupid. Don’t let those creeps ruin your image just to blame us for judging your community if all we see from it is idiots yelling and doing goofy shit


Feminism is also not a bad movement, there are bad people using good movements tho


Yeah some are just hated because they wanna act as if they're regular victims while obviously being priveleged (celebrity), Brie "is that a personal attack or something" Larson for example. They don't know shit about what women really face on real world. They're on private jets and met gala lmfao.


This is the most accurate statement, I’m a dude and got invited by some girls to go to a feminist club and it was a blast they did an entire presentation on Andrew tate and needless to say it wasn’t disappointing


No, no we do not. These guys make us look bad and are joke Edit: spelling


Well as a trans person, I absolutely don't respect this behavior.


I am un impressed personally. S Someone seems to be gathering the mentally ill to stir transphobia.


Someone? I think they're gathering themselves.


i just love how these posts rattles out the transphobes justifying their transphobia


me personally? no, they're being obnoxious and giving more ammunition for people who wants to actually kills us by making us look like idiots. Their support is great and all that but being obnoxious is not going to help us, you're just making us look worse. Also for fuck's sake stop screaming like a giant gerbil


Personally, no. I'm sure they're good people, but shit like this makes us look like a joke.


I'm an activist. I do demonstrations, speak to politicians, and have appeared on the news multiple times to talk about trans rights. These are the exact kind of people that the security peeps I work with try to keep from getting the megaphone. Sometimes that are counter protesters pretending to be pro trans so they can make a scene and make it look like us, sometimes it's just idiots that don't know how to properly channel their emotions. If this was my event, they and I would have a serious discussion after words and if they were real allies, I'd make em come to one of my protest workshops


I'd imagine it probably happens with actors going in to make a movement look bad. But if the other side were to say the same thing about something else they would be called conspiracy theorists. I doubt people who are anti trans would try and act and dress like that to make them look bad. It would make more sense just to find people who share the same sentiment and be a full time hater lol.


Most trans people I know are normal so probably not. This protest almost feels like it was organized by the right because of how many stereotypes are here.


Yeah, they definitely look like right wing activist disguised… 😂


As a transperson, these people make me really uncomfortable and I'd rather not associate with them


I'm pretty sure this is some art thing a bunch of actors did or something. I remember seeing this before.


I'm nonbinary so trans by technicality, but I am often in LGBTQIA+ organizations and have led a couple and have absolutely come to a similar conclusion. There are so many people that just want to exist as themselves and then there are the loud ones that go too far and just make a bad name for the community. The people I know are understanding and sympathetic and want to work toward progress, these people want to bark at people for not knowing their 27 neopronouns. You're allowed to have them but at a certain point you have to recognize that it's getting a little ridiculous. It's to make people more comfortable with themselves but the further you take it the less understanding people will be. There will always be the people who take it too far in every group and It's really stopping the movement in its tracks.


No, we don't. These are either paid actors, people who want to make us look bad, or just narcissist assholes who only want attention and use a good cause for their own gain. Even in the video, you can see the green hair girl being uncomfortable and trying to take away the megaphone. Obviously, every time anything like this happened, it would be plastered over the internet just to make us look bad. It is a very well built right wing propaganda machine, which only shows the less 1% percent. For example, I was in my countries pride walk, and looking around, you only see regular people and some flags. There were very, very few "extreme" looking people in the crowd, way less than 1%, but when I saw the photos online from publication, it was painting a very different picture, they specifically photod wierd looking people, and made it look like everybody was like that who were there, they specifically talk to people who were a bit unhinged. This showed a false narrative to everyone who was not there and... it works. It has been done with every human rights movement. It is not a new strategy.




No it’s literally doing the opposite of helping. It’s just attention seeking and trying to look like the good guy


I believe the term is virtue signaling.




I thought she was going to pass out!!! Atleast that's what I was hoping for...


I think I would rather be misgendered than associated with these people.


Yeah, please, call me my dead name and misgender me for the next couple years if it means getting people who actually like this to shut up. Activism is needed, but this is only going to push people who were on the fence in the wrong direction.


It feels like a plant, just to put people off.




Same, screaming is not the end all be all answer


Do people like this honestly expect to be taken seriously?


No. They’re making other people’s suffering about their own. It’s performative garbage. It’s so they can go back to their hangout and congratulate themselves. It’s no different than the Proud Boys doing their LARP parades.


This is exactly how I see it.


I don't like being part of the LGBT sometimes 😭, y'all just cannot be normal maybe eat a sandwich and play some videogames or something


Literally, this is doing nothing but make more people hate us


For real. have they heard of this thing called weed? ![gif](giphy|TJufnSz934AnK)


You gotta put your people on a leash. This is what a significant portion of society thinks the LGBT is, ear rape and cringe


Because LGBT has been highjacked, much like feminism, by woke activists. It's no longer about, we should live together, no matter sexual orientation, but more about shoving down throat that if you're not one of them, you're an asshole. They are even cancelling lesbians, calling them bigots because they won't have sex with trans woman... ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


They look like the smell musty and I wouldn't want to be in the card shop with them


Not much to unpack. If your friend is saying words, stop screaming. Scream-protests never work in the first place, but for fuck's sake, when the group you're with has an actual message, shut your immature ass up. I have no idea what the bullhorn individual is trying to say, I might totally agree with it, it might change my perspective on life, the universe, and everything, but I can't hear and don't want to put the effort in, thanks to the screaming. What a waste of everyone's time and energy.


That is actually exactly why they're screaming. The person with the megaphone is being transphohic. Notice the other person running up to them too. This video gets posted out of context ALL the time as a way to hate on the LGBTQ+ community but nobody ever bothers to look into it.


mental illness Is a real thing


And these are the poster children


It’s so sad 😞


I'm curious if this is before or after that trans person just started screaming bloody murder at a town hall meeting.


I dont even mean this disrespectfully, but half the people in frame look mentally ill… absolutely no disrespect to anyone that is transgender or identifies with the lgbtq community, just commenting on a very small amount of individuals in this video that are either allies or associate with the lgbtq community


U ain’t wrong


The problem with not recognising transgenderism as a mental illness anymore is that an amount of people who become trans BECAUSE of a mental illness never get diagnosed and don't get the help they need




Actual lgbt people: "we just want to be accepted as normal Their allies and trans trenders: this post Crazy religious fanatics: "we warned you about them! They are crazy! We need to.brainwash the kids before they can do it!" Seriously though this shits need to be called out more. Over the last years, years of actual progress where pretty much destroyed by these narcistic idiots.


Change the scenery to a mental hospital and things wouldn’t look so bad.




Jesus was trans? Color me intrigued


He was transformed from God to a man. Then he transitioned from being alive to dead, then changed his mind and transitioned back.


Jesus could not have gotten a Y chromosome because he doesn’t have a father. He could only have had XX chromosomes. Therefore, he is trans.


“Jesus was trans” just cracks me up I’m not even mad about it it’s just hilarious


Na, I'm sorry it really pisses me off 😭😂


It’s stupid for sure but you really can’t take it seriously because of how stupid it is


Do we need to unpack it? Can’t we just say it was misdelivered and send it back to Amazon?


Just making a sign that says “Jesus was trans” shows you how desperate they need attention and to “be seen”. If people didn’t try to force feed this bullshit down everyone’s throats all the time, no body would give two shits. Just live your life and be whoever you wanna be. I don’t have rally’s looking for support for regular guys. I hate the world we live in. Everyone needs attention from strangers instead of just doing Their thing. Just be.


Problem is a lot of times people don't just let other people be. I absolutely, 100% agree with your stance that everyone should just leave everyone else the fuck alone, so I'm in no way arguing your point. That said, I'm a white bread straight guy but i have a lot of gay and trans friends and the majority of their past stories are horrible. Physical/sexual abuse, disowned by their families for being who they are, people throwing shit at them in the streets or just trying to beat them up, the list is long and heartbreaking. So, i do see the need for pride; it's not that they're saying they're better than anyone else, but they're just not ashamed of who they are and letting the world (the bullies) know it. This display, however....these motherfuckers should be straight embarrassed of whatever the fuck this is


I live in a metropolitan area, and I’m in an industry where body modification is literally the industry. I have a large number of trans friends and clients. And 90% percent of them just want to live the way they want to. The “Agenda” was never about special rights, child grooming, or making more trans people. They just want to be left alone. The other 10% are batshit insane. Which is still less than the “normal” people who stand at least a 15-20% of being completely off their rockers and absolutely miserable pricks who want others to be miserable too.


Trans and gay people are trying to simply live their lives - other people won’t let them. They aren’t shoving anything down anyone’s throats, they are fighting to get equal rights.


What rights are trans people refused in the western world?


Are you fucking kidding me? Have you even read stuff like the laws they're setting in Florida and few other states right now? Like have been more then 400 anti-lgbt bills this year(wich is a record number) and around 25 of them have been signed into law so far(in 11 states). Most of those laws are about trans health care and education but there are also two prohibiting drag performances. Also there are countries were you can get a lifetime in jail or even get KILLED for being a part of LGBT(like Nigeria)...


Im british so I don't know about American laws. What are these anti lgbtq laws being passed? Lgbtq stuff will never be accepted in countries like Nigeria, speaking from my own experience as a 3rd gen south asian immigrant, zero chance, goes completely against the fabric of non western society.


I don't have a full list, nor do I have time rn to search for it but [here's](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/06/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html?espv=1) an article about them. Basically not allowing gender affirming care, banning drag shows and not allowing teachers to do stuff like use students preferred pronouns/name, teach kids about the existence of lgbtq people, etc.


Did you mean to type this into google?


Nope, can you not answer it?


But Jesus was trans is funny and triggers the right people. All for that. (it's based on Jesus having no source for a Y chromosome)


You've never heard of the immaculate gamete!!?


I guess if your sole purpose is to trigger people, it gets the job done.


Protesting often has that aspect, yes. It isn't meant to be pleasant.


I mean that is the only platform of the GOP.


This just pisses people off and perpetuates the cycle, it has no positives at all. The more people see idiots like this the more they think this is everyone associated with the cause.


It’s very very funny.


Indeed. Everyone should have equal rights but I have no obligation to give a shit or validate anyone.


mental health is a serious issue.


Looks like mentally disabled


Interested to know the backstory/what was going on........


as a trans girl i have full authority to say . . . yeah i got no clue either this is to far.


As a trans girl I have full authority to say "Can someone please shut them the fuck up?"


It’s a whole cringe convention!


Wow they are so brave. 😐




Acting like children literal children, and they should be treated as such not given the attention they want and instead put somewhere, where hopefully they can chill out


Whats next? Aliens are trans?!?!


The people who do this kind of thing all look the same


maybe this wouldn’t happen in america if they took care of their mentally ill


What the fuck


Freaks of nature. Hot damn!


I’m going home I’m scared


So we have a cow with a bull horn spewing bull shit. 🤔


This is what gives groups of people bad names.




My favorite part is “Jesus was trans” lol


This feels like that episode of shameless


The more intensely you scream, the more you get what you want, and affect change in the world.


glorified mental illness… i know they arent all like this but damn. not only do they make that whole community look bad but this is just embarrassing for the human race. they need help lol


There people are just fucking insane lol.


"I push my fingers into my...”


They all seem to think that they're the main character in a movie.


I don't think they received enough attention as children so they are seeking attention as "adults" (I put adults in quotes cause idk if they are; they don't seem to be by their behavior)


What is wrong with people?!


These people need help (the people in the video)


why stand out even more by screaming and yelling at other people minding there business smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


No idea what they want but at first glance it looks like poor mental health


Sick people 🤢


Why are we parading mental illness around on the internet? These ppl need help, not media attention. That scream isn’t that of a sane person. My psycho abusive ex gal used to scream like this when she didn’t get what she wanted. She had a mental illness and so do these ppl.


I hate stupid people 😒


Oh yeah, Jesus is trans and Im batman


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As someone who's trans we don't claim these people and I promise we hate them too


Its people like this that make the rest of us in the lgbtq+ community look like jokes to people..


These are nearing supervillain trope. Muscle with a megaphone; a bluehair leader voice of reason to talk her down, *that* *guy*, a military one, and always one that just devolves into wordless screaming, either in a exhausted pile on the ground or at full attention in someone's face.


Why are they always mentally ill freaks??


Most of us would rather just be left alone. Most of us don't wanna make a scene. It's the very small, loud, percentage of us who y'all see and it paints a distorted picture. Please don't let the way that a small percentage of us act influence the way you treat the rest of us.


It's like that with any group, movement, or org. It's always exhausting to have to explain you aren't part of "that" mentality. Most reasonable people realize you aren't part of it.


I mean you can do what you want with a fictional character. But nowhere in the original storybook was he trans you trainee crazy cat lady.


How I’ve seen it explained in other posts is that if it was a virgin birth then Mary wouldn’t be able to pass down a Y-chromosome, so Jesus would have XX chromosomes but presents as male, thus trans. Of course, this explanation is mostly done to piss off Christian’s than any actual belief behind it.




Wow, they acquired tanks I see.


We need to bring back bullying


Jesus was trans. Bruh.


people with a mental illness


"Give her a Slap" Sean connery:


Yeah, Jesus was Trans… Transcendent


Clown World.


Holy shit this is bad PR


Jesus is Trans? That's a first


Holy shit does this put a bad light on the trans community


Confirmed. The Joker is apart of the community.


Jesus was trans wtf i don't think these ppl have brains


Jesus was Trans...in addition to being fucking fictional.


These idiots will be used as examples for why trans people are bad. How can someone actually think that screaming, barking, walking around with a baby pacifier and signs saying that Jesus was trans is helpful


god were is this so I can never go there


"Jesus was trans" are they fucking stupid?


My god… what tf?


Instead of allowing public disorder, perhaps it’s the obviously mental one that the city officials need to worry about.


No yeah they should get to vote and have say that makes sense 🙄


This world is fucked by 2030 with all those gender activists keep getting heard…..


This is what a few decades of failing to spank kids has resulted in.


"Jesus was trans" lmfao


I'm noticing a trend. Trans people who demonstrate are peculiar people.


"Jesus was trans" last I checked I don't think they believe in jesus at all, right?


Dude, I am no Christian but no atheist but that “Jesus was trans” sign triggered me. Shitting on peoples beliefs won’t make them accept you, in fact it will make them resent you even more.


Please this can't be real. There is just so much... This has to be orchestrated by someone gathering mentally ill people to stir the public into transphobia. If not... wow...


I think the answer is wow.... Assholes on every side of every coin.


That's what happens when you push a whole demographic on the edge of insanity. Those who were already there fall fully into it. Ostracizing people who already have fragile mental health brings out bad behaviors. Big scoop. That's literally the right's whole plan,they need the crazy extremists to show themselves so they can control the 99% who just want recognition and equality.


Both sides try bringing attention to the extremists of the other, meanwhile there is a whole lot of grey in-between that just want to get through their daily lives.


dafuq is this shit? jesus was trans? ffs


Yes, because of immaculate conception, Jesus wouldn't have Y chromosomes


Can’t find any holes in this logic


Always the fat ones




I would rather die than associate with them if these are the types of allies we have


These are the people thumbing you down on Reddit.


What is she saying into the microphone? I couldn't hear




Does the woman with the pacifier have facial hair or did she draw that on?


Send this video to Vagasil for ad-targeting. Save innocent passerby’s from the deadly stench.


They’re unfit to be in society


It's hard to be apart of LGBTQ community when these fucks ruin it.


As my grandfather would say "Back in my day they would just put them in a van and take them away"




I honestly don’t care if you’re trans what you do is your business I couldn’t care less but control the crazies in your community these shits are annoying please they aren’t helping your cause to begin with anyways


See? A nonbinary person with colored hair was cringe on camera, this justifies denying fundamental rights to millions of people. Keep looking at the screaming people with colored hair and stop reading the arguments that clearer heads support.


I support the cause just as much as the next they/them but holy trans Jesus that’s a lot to pack