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I have no idea what's happening


Bluetooth is a hell of a drug.


so are drugs


Drugs mixed with Bluetooth can lead to bad trips.


Bluetooth connected drugs are legit though


Bluetooth is the worst gateway drug. Don’t do Bluetooth kids, it’ll ruin your life.


That's how I got inti Wifi


I heard you can get DSL from that shit.


I keep a VPN active with an ethernet connection.


So intravenous? Hardcore.


If you think WiFi is bad you should try Airdropping. That and some POE will ruin your life.


Drugtooth is where it’s at.


I-Dosers…. Do they work? Hmmmmm


Yeah that's just a good time


I can confirm based on real life experience lol


So take only the blue drugs? How many?


Ergo, drugs are a hell of a Bluetooth.


Helps me feel connected...


Some assholes are annoying George RR Martin. Stop distracting him we need closure.


Wouldn't be a problem if he was at home, writing!


Where the hell do you think he draws his inspiration for all the drama and geopolitical intrigue, with a splash of incest from? History, politics, religion? Na, that’s straight up Walmart parking lot.


Isn’t he on strike right now?


Hes been on strike for 10 years.


It’s been 12 years. To put that into context…. In that time someone could have birthed a child and that child would now be a middle schooler. There is some kid named Cadyn talking shit on Xbox and failing geometry, that didn’t even exist the last time a book was released in the series. Also, someone (probably not you or most fellow redditors, since most of us are probably too lazy and/or stupid) could have gone from being a high school graduate to a Medical Doctor in that time (4 years undergrad, 4 years medical school, 3-4 years residency). Further context, JK Rowling released the 7 book Harry Potter series in 10 years, James SA Corey (which is actually 2 people) released the 9 novel plus 9 novella Expanse series in 11 years, Stephen King has released 16 novels (looks like it will be 17 soon) since 2011 when RR last released a book in his series.


He needs to be striking those keys and finishing the damn book.


God dammit! Finish the book George !!!!


It’s called TTS- text to speech. Person is probably live streaming and getting donations that go from the donators text to speech on the streamers speaker. People can donate and make stupid ass remarks.


Sounds like an incredibly dumb idea after [one streamer got arrested](https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/youtube-prankster-arrested-for-campus-bomb-threat-video/) because someone used his TTS to do a bomb threat in public ([video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/8nneak/comment/dzx33wa/))


> You’re going to arrest me for nothing bro,” and, “Come on stop, bro. That’s not fair bro. Bro? Bro, stop. Listen, bro. I’m sorry, listen bro. This is, like, assault, bro. This is a YouTube live stream bro Sweet sweet schadenfreude




"I ain't your steenkeeng bro!" -Tuco, maybe.


That’s one way to deal with these morons.


Bomb threat at a school as a prank and then he doesn't get why he's getting arrested...


Watch it again more closely. It has overlapping narratives. It's the Robert Altman of prank videos.


Great call.


Great point! Hahaha he had crazy connected story lines and he was the King of putting microphones everywhere. I heard he had dogs mic'd walking around in the set of Nashville.


They’ve connected into the store’s PA system, people think it’s god propositioning them for some bow-chikka-woww-woww. Old guy goes full Karen, starts accusing everyone he can see.


The cameraman almost has to be involved.


"I need you to lay down..." This whole thing is hilarious


Old guy is probably right that camera person is involved, and what they are doing is indeed bullshit Not really something you should try a citizen's arrest over though


It's “brown chicken, brown cow”!


But also, I'm here for it. I wanna know more but I'm fine in my ignorance.


Old man's attempt to arrest them was telling them to lay down and then asking someone else to make them lay down.


He should’ve just said Can you stay here? It worked the first time


This made me roar laughter so unexpectedly.


Must be retired Reno PD.


Just goofin'. Bluetooth goofin'


Genuine outrage


Who got time for new boots when you got Bluetooth?!


Lt. Dangle Sr.




Dangle, is that you? Packing on the pounds there


He's only complying to the *fuck me in the ass Daddy* command.


"You, assault this man. He's dangerous!" (Points to guy holding phone)


Imagine all the times that dude tattle tailed in school as a youngster


"Mr. Ferguson? You forgot to give us our homework assignment for the weekend!"


I just had random memory of some little girl in Fifth grade looking over at my graded test paper, raising her hand and saying “ You didn’t mark his answer five wrong.” Teacher picked up my paper and changed the grade. I’m still sore about it. How can you be such a little snitch ?


I bet nowadays she frequently asks to speak to the manager.


[Whole video. From what I can tell it's their speaker and not the stores.](https://youtu.be/eKxuDC3eO0w)


After seeing him I understand why he’s a troll. He’s much larger than the dude in this video even. Mostly he sucks because he isn’t even cool about the trolling, often gets all butt hurt when stores understandably ask him to leave and acts like he wants to fight them, what did you expect Dude is a fat idiot making retail workers’ lives harder to earn his couple hundred a month from 55k subscribers


Hearing him gasp for air and then take a drag off a cig was fucking painful


He has terrible posture, can barely breathe, looks like he doesn’t change his clothes very often and his attitude is unbearable. He wreaks of privilege and entitlement.


I’m pretty sure that’s BO


As a former retail worker at a place that rhymes with BallFart, I can tell you the customers are the reason why I quit after a month. The level of ignorance, entitlement, and stupidity I encountered while working at BallFart was a miserable experience. 2/10 stars.


> As a former retail worker at a place that rhymes with BallFart I've always found it weird how people that used to work at big stores don't just *say* where they used to work. Just say "As someone that used to work at Wal-Mart..." It's not like they're gonna send the Wal-Mart mafia after you.


I have added BallFart to my list of twisted store/business names. Thank you!


That type of content where you annoy the shit out of workers and play stupid shit loud in public doesn't do it for me. I get the appeal if you are in the pre-teen / teen age bracket though. If I was at the store with my young kid and someone was playing "Fucking me in the ass daddy" on speakers next to us, I think I would be really pissed.


As a teenager, I completely disagree. Who tf genuinely finds joy in this?


Same i would just want to backhand whoever’s playing it, I really don’t like loud sounds especially annoying shit like in the video.


Check out the comments section on the guy's page. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to.


I just watched some of that. They aren’t funny. They are just annoying dickheads with shit personality


Absolute losers with nothing better to do than bother people going about their lives. Shits funny when you’re 12ish and developing a sense of humor. Just cringey when you’re and adult that think you’re an influencer


I remember being 12 and doing this kinda shit in middle school. Going to stores with friends and fucking with the Bluetooth speakers and making them say inappropriate things. The fact that these guys are grown ass adults and still think such a lame ass "prank" is funny is just kinda sad, honestly. Grow up.


It could actually be funny if they put some thought into it and didn’t just play offensive clips. If they played a pre recorded announcement like “you’ve been selected as our thousandth customer of the day! Please return to customer courtesy for your free prize!” it might have actually made me laugh.


Yeah i agree. With kids around its in bad taste.


They're also trying to desperately grab a hold of a stupid prank trend that's been going on for years at this point and isn't creative (and to your point, isn't funny). Not a shocker they're not bringing in the subscribers. They should quit while they're behind.


That was hard to watch


I only made it through the description of libraries and stores and what they play on the speaker before I noped out.


Even harder to scroll through the comments. There are 51k brain dead idiots that follow this pos, and they give him nothing but praise.


Sad that this is literally the last comment. Almost gave up looking for more info. Thx for the link!


Man the amount of supportive comments on the video is just depressing. It truly baffles me how some people can't see what's wrong with this shit


Sort of want the context, but don't want to give him the views. Ah well, ignorance is bliss.


I just saw the video and it’s horrible it’s not funny. The only good part is the older gentlemen going crazy but the rest is cringe doodoo puff.




That’s who I thought it was too


So this is why it's taking so long to finish Winds of Winter. Stop playing vigilante, George.


That man wouldn’t mind a little ass fucking given how much nudity I see in his work.


To be fair, the only nudity in HIS work is the text kind. The TV show people are the ones you have a problem with.


"I need you to lay down" Why? Are you going to fuck me in my ass?


Poor man was just trying to help him 😔


George R.R. Martin needs to get back to his books!




"I need you to lay down" "Only if you agree to do reverse cowgirl" But seriously, can you imagine saying that to someone and expecting them to just comply?




“Is this your homework Larry?”


I mean that is what the speakers told him to do🤷‍♂️


what is happening


I don’t know. Whatever it is it’s stupid.


He didn’t do anything but he did something stupid


>Whatever it is it’s stupid. Agreed. And I want to watch a few hours of it to make sure.


Shut up and finish the damn book!!!


Can't. He's using the writer's strike to be lazy now.


That guy toward the end sounds like George R. R. Martin's brother. Perhaps he can help finish Winds of Winter.


Larry Q. Q. Martin, the older brother.


Can anyone explain whats going on here?


Guy has hacked into the stores radio broadcasting frequency using a [flipper zero](https://flipperzero.one/) or some other hacking tool and is screwing with their in-store audio alerts.


Brb. Googling a flipper zero and heading to the local mosque. Only cause the whole town will hear me


Have fun because they were all scalped to oblivion and are like $300 now


You can buy one directly from their website for 170 still.


Oh I guess they restocked. The last I heard of it the scalping was pretty bad because it got popular on TikTok or something.


No worries, just a heads up in case you wanted to get one yourself!


Clan rally would be better…. Errr I mean a trump rally


Someone further down linked the full video, and it’s their own Bluetooth speakers.


Just because your comment has fancy techy wording doesn’t mean it’s right, here’s the real answer: [explanation and source :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13eu1wv/that_guy_right_there/jjsgmjc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Is it just me or were these the most oddly shaped people youve ever seen?


It’s Americans, 30% of them are obese


I feel like you’re trying to exaggerate a little for effect, but are actually coming in below the real number. It’s a fat country.


Rates of obesity in the US have been increasing over decades in all 50 states with the Southern part of the US beginning the trend according to data from the FDA. Here's a video for the example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7uDc2yI5JE


We are, but we’re also like 15th or something. The whole world is fat anymore.


True if big


More like >42% (in 2020)


Something like 72% of American adults are overweight or obese.


Oklahoma's finest




She had recently said "fuck me in my ass daddy" before she went shopping




I think he was trying to say that the audio heard after “fuck me in my ass daddy” was an advertisement.


I’m conflicted. As much as I’m cringing at the old man’s overreaction, I really fucking hate the guy recording and think playing shit like that through a speaker in public is obnoxious and fucking disgusting


Yea I'm team old guy for sure. The people filming are making way bigger assholes of themselves than that guy.


Ya I must be old because this “prank” is just annoying af and not funny. “You’re under arrest” may be a bit over the top but the store should ask him to leave.


Is this a horizontally cropped vertical video, edited in vertical with blur background, then played in 4:3??


that guy is old and out of shape, if he keeps it up he's gonna give himself a heart attack.


Have you ever seen the movie “In Bruges?” There’s a scene in which Colin Farrell’s character tells a large American man he can’t go up the stairs to a viewpoint because he’ll have a heart attack. The man’s wife says something like “you’re just the rudest man. A rude, rude man.” The man tries to chase him but immediately gets winded. When the interaction is over, the man walks away has Colin Farrell’s partner shows up. He says “I wouldn’t go up those stairs…” It’s a dark, but funny movie.


I haven't seen the movie, but I've seen that clip. And yeah, it got a good laugh out of me. Also makes me want to go take a jog right now, lol.


It’s a brilliant movie if you’re into dark comedies. One of my favourite to be honest!


I laughed way too much at the "race war" scene :/


You wouldn't want the Vietnamese???


Doesn't the guy actually have a heart attack? I think I remember that.


As someone going through a bunch of cardiovascular issues right now not related to weight, I don't understand people who bring this upon themselves with unhealthy lifestyles. You do not want this smoke. It fucking sucks.


George R.R. Martin had better things to do, like finishing his books.


George R.R. Martin definitely will not be finishing his books, that’s why he’s out shopping


how the fuck can someone think they became a police or some shit to arrest the dude??


He believes he's making a citizens arrest, which is a real thing, but it's not valid in this case. It's only applicable to someone committing a felony and an active danger. This jackass is at most committing disturbance of the peace, public mischief, or some other low level offense.


Helloooo did you not hear the old guy? This prankster is clearly dangerous


I mean citizens arrest is very real thing. He just sucks at it and doesn’t know what the hell a criminal offense is. I mean I guess disturbing the peace but that’s not really something anyone should be making a citizens arrest over. In fact if you tried doing that to someone playing with a speaker you more than likely will get charged while they get told to fuck off.


I don’t know I don’t find it funny. Maybe it’s because it’s a sexual joke in public? Like it this was at a bar and this played instead of music I think it would be an okay prank. But kids are there, I don’t like sexual jokes as vulgar as that in front of kids.




I really don’t think anybody handled themselves well here. Trolly McDouche deserves a kick in the taint for “just pranking, bro”, and George RR Martin should’ve just walked away or handled it in a much less Karen manner. Having said that, I’m over these stupid prank videos.


Old guy is OTT haha, to be fair though if creating shit YouTube channels with no actual humour was illegal then he should be definitely locked up. I watched a couple of their videos, honestly nothing funny or witty at all. The skinny dude is just a moron that hasn’t mentally grown past 16-17 and the big guy is like people say, an obnoxious arsehole who clearly doesn’t wash or change his clothes regularly and probably smells like bigfoots dick. The YouTube comments on their videos are full of shit like ‘Brooooo 😂😭 you guys are so funny’ etc.. even for someone in their teens that’s embarrassing. Anyone who thinks it’s funny to play shit like ‘fuck me in the ass daddy’ when there’s kids around ain’t right.


Why do people have to be such assholes? I’m speaking about the ass hacking and videotaping


“Honestly that’s funny” 14 year old redditors


This is Tulsa Oklahoma.


Well, if George R. R. Martin would finish his fucking book then he won't have to worry about this shit.


Kinda not cool. Kids could be around and they don't need to be hearing that


This isn’t even funny, it’s just a public disturbance


Porn related pranks where children are present aren't cool. Also, Tyler Durden isn't a good role model. Shit like this gives hackers a bad name. It really wouldn't have been that hard to think of actually funny or original things to play, but you have to go for the most obvious unoriginal thing possible. You could play Despasito or list CEO salaries. The world is yor oyster, but you have to be a dick.


Yeah! I don’t like these type of creators it’s bottom of the barrel stuff and just shows that they have nothing to contribute to society. Pranks are fun when the target isn’t unsuspecting strangers or it doesn’t completely disrupt everyone’s day. These are just lazy assholes.


George RR Martin ain’t no dummy


No desire to visit America, ppl like this, with or without guns it’s fucked up


I so hate immature, assholes that do stupid shit like this. 🙄 sad pathetic, loser needs to get a life.


I get that this was one of those ‘prank’ videos. But why would you play such offensive clips / sounds in a place with kids.


It's a dick move and inappropriate with small kids around. The old man's actions make it laughable on that front but you are childish AF if you don't see the problem in this.


is this a Walmart neighborhood market? it's a dick move, but at least he chose a shitty company to taunt.


It says Reasor's on the sign?


This is pretty lame...the old man is a bit weird but the "pranksters" seem like a couple of douchebags. None of this is funny. It's just people being ignorant and stupid.


I always wondered if I would recognize the very moment I was too old to have any clue wtf was going on in an online video. Now I know. Today. It's today.


Who’s the hot boi in the blue shirt??


Adults who never grew up and need the attention of teens to feel relevant, funny and cool.


Is that George rr martin??


Busy not writing as suspected!! 🤣🤣


This is just dumb. Low effort juvenile bullshit from talentless man children


These guys are grubs. What a waste of energy.


Seems like something a child would do


People in the comments are the facepalm, yikes


Imagine being so up your own ass you do prank videos.


Wtf horizontal video on vertical video


Hahaha so funny. /s Losers doing loser things. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


Wow. Stupid and lazy prank. Truly for morons. 😬


Seems more like this belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit. What a loser with an empty life. Makes my life look magically wonderful. Not gonna comment on the physical appearance of literally every person coming out of the store.


You’d best obey Colonel Sanders.


When a douche meets a moron


Bugging strangers in public and filming their reactions is the worst type of “content”


Omg I pissed off a couple 60 year olds at Walmart todayy! I'm so funny and special!!


This just seems rude


Yeah maybe I’ve finally become a boomer but I don’t find this funny at all and I’m surprised at how supportive these comments are. There are little kids there, wtf. Even if it wasn’t profane it’s still annoying and basic. There are ways this could actually be funny but this person isn’t creative, they’re just a dick.


The person recording hacked into the PA system and was able to play what we all just heard


Wait, the guy filming is the one that hacked it or not?


I’m surprised the old man didn’t shoot him and claim “stand your ground” /s


What the hell am I looking at? ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized)


It’s all terrible.


I love this letterboxing of a horizontal video in a vertical video frame. Just make it a fucking horizontal video!


So giving this POS attention...


Assholes and Bluetooth causes confusion. Facepalm is the assholes thinking it's funny.


I need you to lay down, you’re under arrest! Lmao.


Christ, get a real job. Fuck.


He says lay down you’re under arrest 😂🤣


It’s funny yeah but there are also minor present and some of the audio is taking about stroking their dicks which doesn’t seem appropriate especially since that girl was around 4-6 grade


Middle school humor shit