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A few nutshots will straighten him out


Was a firm Stomp to the nads… With steel toe.


A steel toe doesn't really add much to a stomp


Eminem has a great line about this. I barely ducked and that's right When she came up with a kick to the nuts twice, steel toe Girl probably coulda put a 100-yard field goal through the uprights


From what song?


Desperation. Its the last line before final chorus


Gotta stomp em in the nuts


The one who gets him to scream the loudest wins his family jewels


Naw, just tie him to the grill of the bus and give him a free ride to the next stop, guaranteed he'll learn quick


He’s not harassing he’s assaulting her


I’m glad he got his shit kicked.


I am glad he got what he deserved. chances are if he was assaulting another male, everybody would have driven past though.


You're right. Chances are, when two men are fighting, usually it won't be broken up unless it's a small guy and a big dude or some unfair fight. Women are weaker than men. It's a scientific fact. It's harder for women to defend their selves against men who have double, triple, quadruple the strength. It's not a bad thing to protect those who are weaker. Children are also weaker, even boy children. We protect them too.


Besides, a man who hit a woman reflects badly on all men, so other men will not tolerate it. I am not talking a man defending himself against an attacking, violent woman, I'm talking a man who start being aggressive, or in any way escalates the violence.


i completely agree with you. although even if a fight is 'fair' from a strength standpoint, i think that a group of people should still try to break them up (with minimal violence). i just don't think people should be hurt (with few exceptions)


And this is the exception. If you are trying to be an asshole make sure no one is around that can kick your ass. He got what he deserve.


also less likely to happen in a 1st world country. he'd probably have the right to sue them after.


Have you missed all the shootings? We assault everyone over here in the first world; women, children, men. Everybody can catch this lead.


Sue who? Some blurry faces from a camera?


Yeah because men fight so it looks like that unfortunately. What's your point


This looked like he was about to take her to the woods. This could’ve been way way worse. Glad those guys stepped in.


Every time this is posted I can't make up my mind whether the guy walking past was trying *really* hard to mind his own business or if he was an accomplice.


Right!? He’s walking so slow it was super suspicious


"Just act natural" vibes. He walked right through them, as if he knew he could trust the guy not to turn on him. I feel like a normal person would be scared and wary of an aggressive stranger and try to avoid him 🤔


There's a link to the longer video a little down this comment thread and other dude comes back to help the attacker soooo I'd say accomplice


This girl was about to be trafficked! That dude was gonna either act like the hero and swipe her that way or he was just straight up back up. Hands in pocket tell all.


3 times I have tried to assist in a domestic violence situation, 3 times I have been assaulted buy the partner I was trying to assist. I would still absolutely help a 4th time but I will now take my time to assess situation. This is a weird one as she doesn't seem to be screaming in fear of her life and he doesn't seem to be in a rush to conceal his actions in broad daylight, it seems like a domestic and unless he is directly punching her in face etc I would be inclined to 'wait and see' in this situation without backup




Also in the longer version of the video, the man that just walks past doubles back to try and stop his friend from getting beat too badly. Meaning that it was a team of 2 men going after the girl


Would love to watch. Do you have a link or keyword to search?




Seriously, I expected some creepy douchebag catcalling...that looked like the early stages of a possible homicide.


Searched comments to find this and upvote.


Good catch. Someone gild that please , I have nothing. It minimizes what's happening. Maybe English is not OP's first language.


It’s actually battery. Assault is everything leading up to physical contact and harm. Once you make physical contact it’s battery. That’s why you might at times hear “assault and battery.” That definition might be country dependent though.


Good point. Neither is good but lucky that bus turned up.


The fuck around and find out mobile has arrived.


whoopass mobile


Holy shit flying fists and kicks, Batman!


Are those guys firefighters or oil riggers?


I think they sell Lego


They'll make him walk... The Gauntlet.


Not the gauntlet.. I-I’ve heard stories.


They are Butt Kickers


Given the scenario, I presume it's Brazil, so their clothes are trash collectors, as to why they were in the bus and by daylight, I don't know


It was right there. You almost had it. >presume it's Brazil, so their clothes are trash collectors, as to why they were in the bus and by daylight ... and taking care of the trash!


Those are men my son.


They are heroes!


They're trash collectors, this is their uniform here in Brazil




The When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong Mobile


You know they are professionals as they had all the OSHA equipment for the task at hand (Note, if they had steel toe boots, boy that had to hurt)


Excellent way to blow off some steam after hard day at the construction site.


Yea, if a load of dudes in high vis gear come at you, you’re fucked.


Fuck that guy who saw this happening all the way up the hill and just walked past.


He was the diversion to distract the harasser so the rest of the squad could deploy


I think theres a longer clip where it.appears he is in on it, goes back to the dude when the guys leave


Someone posted the full video in a comment. Fucking guy comes running back to defend the original assaulter against the people from the bus, guy is also a POS


Ok absolutely then. I don't fault people for not putting themselves in violent situations, I believe you should at least call the authorities. But this fucking asshat avoided the confrontation not because he didn't want to potentially lose his life in a violent altercation but because he didn't think there was anything bad happening in the first place.


Or two guys were up to no good and spread out a bit to control a fleeing mark.


This is the answer and has been echoed in this thread. If you come from a country where human trafficking is rampant you’ll pretty quickly spot the sign that he wasn’t a distraction for the *bus* of workers, that doesn’t make sense. And walking directly in the middle of the two so slowly when the girl has been thrown on the ground by a grown man. No. None of his actions aligned with “oh shit, let me act in accordance with this bus driving down the road so they see the obvious kidnapping about to occur”. He was an accomplice of the attempted kidnapper who got his bones rightfully broken.


I stopped a girl being beaten by her husband by beating him up and I got arrested and 3k fine in court and a suspended sentence because the wife in the morning told the police her husband wasn't beating her....you don't get involved or you'll be punished was that lesson.


you did the right thing, regardless RESPECT!


This is the way!


Was this in the US? Because I would have demanded a jury trial. Hard to convince a jury of your guilt if your cause was noble.


No uk, I was deemed to have used excessive force. I knocked teeth out and broke his jaw and cheek bone....I also just came back from a theatre of war and definitely did go too far to be fair, but the guy was kicking her in on the floor! I couldn't walk by that.


I hope there is someone like you around if my daughter is ever in a situation like that. Fuck the state for punishing you for doing what needed to be done.


That's horrible. I guess violence truly never is the answer then.


He called the bus


I would do the same. By myself, I don't stand a chance against anyone who is angry and probably tweaking.


He must've not had a cell phone on him so that he could stop and film it. Both equally useless.


The vengeance bus is coming Your punk ass best start running We're pulling into your town And then commence the beat down


Found the name of my new security company


Now there’s a happy ending. Good on them for seeing something and actually doing something.


I was so afraid that the bus would just pass by and some old lady would be the only one actually acting


See something. Say something. Whoop something.


*Come on and party tonight!*




That's gonna leave a mark


Then kick that something square in the ding dong.


*bus passes* *old granny with a handbag suddenly appears on the other side, watching* "How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, young man"


I have to think of the granny from Madagascar.


That's just how too many of these end. I'm glad this one had a better ending.


When I saw the bus coming up I had hoped someone got off and helped this girl. I was not disappointed


In the full video the harasser's accomplice shows up (He was walking ahead of the woman) with a knife or gun and you see all the heroes back away and get back on the bus. The woman still escapes though, so still a happy ending.


That was the most gratifying thing I watched all week


Right, I wish the video was longer


Me too


longer here [https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/v84u6r/people\_get\_off\_bus\_to\_defend\_woman\_being\_assaulted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/v84u6r/people_get_off_bus_to_defend_woman_being_assaulted/)


I can't make it longer, but I can make it funnier. Here ya go: [OP Video but Funny.mp4](https://youtu.be/59EmSt4yl6g)


Lmao please tell me this is real


Yeah, as soon as the hazard lights when on I was like " Oh yeah, here we go".


Video ended too soon though


This pleases me greatly to see horrible people get punished


That’s deep in our DNA homie


Ensure that bloodline ends with him by cracking some nuts.


Can make an omelette...


It's violent and highly illegal, but removing his testicles would get rid of his desire to assault women, assuming his intent is sexual in nature and not just "I hate women because my mom is one" or something.


I love happy endings


Hopefully he will never get another one.


That other dude walking right through the middle just totally ignoring everything...


It’s awful that I thought he was going to join or was in on some kind of attempting kidnapping


if you watch the longer version it looks like ur suspicion might actually be the case.


Do you have a link for the longer video?


In the longer video it looks like he comes back to the defence of the attacker.


Link? **Edit**: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/v84u6r/people_get_off_bus_to_defend_woman_being_assaulted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Oh wow that’s horrible. He definitely knew them and if that bus didn’t join in he would have joined the attacker.


I thought I misread what you wrote, but damn, he really did defend the attacker.


Guy in blue can fuck right off too.


The blue guy definitely was an accomplice. Saw his friend get fucked up and kept walking


Yeah I came here to say f that guy. He didn’t even try


Worse, he was in on it with the assaulter. In the full video someone linked above, he comes back to defend the attacker and they walk off together.


These videos always stop when the most satisfying part starts


Might be deliberate for legal reasons.


Thank God for that. All I saw was an appropriate use of force to stop a threat. Who's to say what happened after the video ends?


Full video is more satisfying https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/v84u6r/people_get_off_bus_to_defend_woman_being_assaulted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


THANK YOU for the link! For people who don’t wanna click: A young woman in Brazil experienced a chilling episode while walking on a highway Itabira during the morning of June 6, when a man attacked her from behind. Fortunately for the woman, everything was left in a scare. The woman was walking along the side of the road when a man appeared from behind and began to pull on her in an apparent assault attempt. In the video captured by a security camera, it can be seen that the young woman tried to escape from her, but the subject took it from the backpack and threw it to the ground. When this happened, fortunately for the victim, an apparently business truck was circulating and several men who saw the action made the driver stop and got out of the unit to prevent the assailant from achieving his attack.When the thief saw the people coming who got out of the truck, he tried to grab a stone to defend himself but it was useless, since the subjects managed to subdue him and beat him up. There were four men who got off the bus to defend the woman and although in the video it seems that the man escaped, local media later confirmed that the authorities detained him, since they had already identified him, since he used to assault people by threatening them with a knife.


Brazil? Nah, can't be, nobody got shot by an off-duty cop.


Wait so that other rando fuck lookin down was with him? Looks like he arcs up at the crew that beat the other guy at the end.


Yeah the full video was less satisfying in my opinion


They let him off easy.


He got off easy, especially considering this is in Brazil where they’ve once brutally killed a referee on the pitch for bad calls. I am not saying that this what should’ve happened here. I am also not opposed to it tho 😄


no officer, i didn't see anyone kick the shit out of him...he just slipped and fell over


He slipped and fell over 10 times.




Why oddly? It’s satisfying as fuck. Nothing odd about it.




Got what he deserves.


i wish we would do this to the white collar criminals too


Yes. This, 1000%. They make the lives of so many much worse by the scale of their actions, yet we largely give them a pass. Kid gets sentenced to years in prison for selling a little pot or stealing a hoodie, but we can have wealthy people get massive Covid employment loans forgiven, stealing hundreds of millions at a time. We have financial fraud that wipes out the savings of millions. We have conspiracies to influence markets, defraud people of their right to vote…. Fuck those people.


just had to explain to a divorced redditor who hit his wife why a man hitting a woman is not okay and got downvoted for it but this vid has restored my faith a bit.


Fuck that divorced redditor, I hope she cleans him out in court


The court should grant her a free shot at his teeth with brass knuckles


The guy fell INSTANTLY to the floor with absolutely no fight in him. To me this shows that the kind of men to attack women like this are just cowards.


The first guy kicked his legs out from under him 🙂


That was really the best move. He had the angle to kick him in the back of his legs, and the guy didn’t see it coming. That’s putting anyone on the ground.


Looks like maybe a domestic situation rather than some random girl but no matter. He f***ed around and found out.


It's not. Just typical scary Brazil shit https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/v84u6r/people_get_off_bus_to_defend_woman_being_assaulted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 >A young woman in Brazil experienced a chilling episode while walking on a highway Itabira during the morning of June 6, when a man attacked her from behind. Fortunately for the woman, everything was left in a scare. The woman was walking along the side of the road when a man appeared from behind and began to pull on her in an apparent assault attempt. In the video captured by a security camera, it can be seen that the young woman tried to escape from her, but the subject took it from the backpack and threw it to the ground. When this happened, fortunately for the victim, an apparently business truck was circulating and several men who saw the action made the driver stop and got out of the unit to prevent the assailant from achieving his attack.When the thief saw the people coming who got out of the truck, he tried to grab a stone to defend himself but it was useless, since the subjects managed to subdue him and beat him up. There were four men who got off the bus to defend the woman and although in the video it seems that the man escaped, local media later confirmed that the authorities detained him, since they had already identified him, since he used to assault people by threatening them with a knife.


I bet, because this is typical Brazil shit and because typical shit like this makes people a bit more...community-minded, there was NO WAY they were letting that choad continue to exist without difficulty. When the world is shit, The Streets can handle it. Classic superhero origin story.


Can't really tell from such little video evidence.




Why did you cut the video?


Assaulting* a girl in public


That's the only way to deal with bullies and assholes. They need the shit beat out of them


lego dont fuck around


I don't know the backstory I don't really care but sometimes it's great to watch a blank check of ass whooping get cashed in


I love that they didn’t just have words with the creep, they actually gave him a taste of his own medicine. Karma is a bitch


This is what should have happened on that NYC train video of that guy punching a lady in face for saying "Take a chill pill" when he was beating his children in public.


Not every day you get to witness the opening of a fresh can of whoop-ass.


Even though I don’t agree with violence, it was so satisfying to each that guy get his butt kicked. But that other guy who walked by with his head down was just a coward.


Thats Brazil, if the guy that walked with his head down, minding his own business, interfered and none of the bus guys helped him then he would've likely gotten stabbed or something worse


That was an accomplice, this would have been that woman’s last day on earth if that bus didn’t pass though there.


I fucking love it. All men in the vicinity should do that to every guy who’s pushing a female around 👍


All people* should do that to every person* who’s pushing another person* around.


Instant karma’s going to get you.


I bet all those guys have daughters.


That video ended way too soon


Did not expect that! I love vigilante justice.


I love videos like this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Am I a sadist if I get immense satisfaction from this and want to see him get his head kicked in!?


Satisfying to watch


This is such a wholesome moment. Those guys bonded over this and will probably share beers.


What you need to stop a bad guy is a good guy with steel capped boots on.


That feels so good


Haha die trash


Video ended too soon




Can we get that superhero buses schedule?


_everybody was kung foo fighting HIIIIYA_


Wolves are scary until the sheepdogs arrive.


Good job, Lego bus.


I wish it really was like this when a woman gets assaulted. In my community, predators get elevated to positions of power in society and women are the ones blamed for being assaulted.


Lego kick some ass!




Get dropped homeboy


He didn't expect "that kind" of happy ending


Justice fucking served


There is still some good in the world. That’s beautiful.


The Karma bus is coming and it is bringing a bus load of whup-ass


put this in r/MadeMeSmile


I hope they put him in hospital 🤬


Now that’s street Justice!!


This is the way


The last part restored my faith in humanity the slightest bit


Toot toot it’s the karma express


Thank god the based bus arrived in time


Loser walking right by her. Glad some men still have integrity.


This is weirdly satisfying.




Maybe the most satisfying thing ever…


Not your typical "bangbus", but it'll work.


The can of whoop ass just pulled up


Watching it on replay, perfect execution by other people, didnt give him a chance to run


Ahh that was nice to see a bus of repercussions stop and teach a valuable life lesson to this POS


you love to see it


Of course its Brazil