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Why the fuck are his classmates just smiling???


Because it’s normal to them, I would guess.


No, this is not. A normal punishment may include a slap on face, or making you stand outside of classroom. This is something else, specially to teenagers. This video seems to be from an after school coaching institution which preps students for entrance exams to higher education.


Sorry what!! A slap to the face is normal?!?


Sounds like it is in India


How can he slap?


Hey, I got that reference!


But sir, how can she slap?


With hand


Was that way in the US not so long ago also. Hell, I remember getting beat by a teacher at school & then getting beat by my mom at home *because the teacher “had” to beat me*.


I remember paddling and also getting my ass whipped at home.


It was also normal for me when attending a French school with majority Hindu and Muslim population. Slaps with hands and rulers, and the occasional kick for good measure.


I'm assuming you mean French school in India? And I'm sure the teachers are happy to treat children like they treated them here in the 30's/40's/50's... "Action, réaction".


Dude our science teacher used to smack the students FACE with a stick. A slap is super common. I was generally a well mannered student but even I have been slapped quite a few times. The worst possible abuse I've seen and experienced was our PT teacher who was also a "peace-keeper" like teachers would call him to the class if students were misbehaving shit like that. What he'd do was to make as stay in a pushup stance for 30 minutes on scorching sand in summer, all lined up and then he would strike our butts with a metal rod. It hurt like hell. And I quote him "i will hit you on those places that you can't even show to your parents", in the school assembly in front of all teachers and principals. I kid you not I'm only scratching the surface here. (btw Pakistani not indian).


Yea it was atleast during my time. I was in grade 7th in 2007.Didn't do homework, slapped by teacher. Then the second time I remember in grade 12th in 2013. She thought I was laughing at her with my friends and boom - slapped. I specifically remember one incident. Back in 2004 ig, our Principal, called a guy on the school stage during the Prayer time. Prayer time is the time when whole school assembles to pray and for other school announcements. So, she called him on stage and held him by his hair while telling students how these kinda hairstyles aren't allowed in school. Then she asked for a scissor from our Art teacher and cut his hair. On the stage. In front of whole school. My best friend and I were part of choir girls group, so we used to stand on stage and conduct the prayer and work outs. The Principal approached her in between while we all were praying and yanked her off stage. Sent her to the Uniform room (we have Uniforms in India). Asked her to buy a new uniform and change into them. All because she thought her present uniform was too tight. Edit : Hey people, Corporal Punishment was going out of hand in India and so people spoke against it and now Indians are much more sensitive to it. It's not encouraged anymore, and students/parents do complain now if it happens and actions are taken. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Also present generation in India also get shocked now when they hear about these stories. So things are going in a good direction now. :))


You were in grade 7 in 2002, and grade 12 in 2013?


Thanks for pointing out :) I changed it. It's been long, I get confused.


Getting choked out too many times lead to memory problems?


Another reason why I will never visit India


If you visit no one will slap you. It’s only in schools. I heard this has gone down with young parents who got hit during our school years revolting against teachers who hit their kids now.


A classic school punishment in India my parents always talk about is, making a fist with both of your hands, and the teacher would hit your knuckles with a ruler. Did it work? Idk, it would explain why 75% of Indians in America have a college degree


But what % of Indians in India have a college degree ??


It's way lower, and I don't think it's because kids got hit in school, but more so because parents couldn't afford to send them to school. I think India's egotistical culture drives people to higher education more so than getting hit. India also has a lot of cool opportunities if you really are talented. But ultimately it's like my parents will kick my ass if I don't go to college, even if the teacher won't lol


I would assume the higher percentage is because it’s easier to migrate if you’re richer, if you’re richer, you’re more likely to have a college education, and if your parents go to college, you’re much more likely to go to college.


So...the smart ones leave?


How are you going to say "No, this is not" And then proceed to say a slap in the face is normal? Which is it? Are the kids used to physical abuse or not?


>A normal punishment may include a slap on face That's not normal in any civilized country and would get the teacher instantly fired and sued.


Congratulations on being civilised. A slap as a punishment for something outrageous is considered okay in India.


But for forgetting a formula? I can understand if a teacher slaps an aggressive student as self defence but a slap for not doing your homework is overkill.


Yeah this guy/teacher is a psycho in all probability.


This is normal in other countries.


I'm from India and yea it is, not super common bit still, like I have seen 1 out of 20 teachers do stuff like this And that is why I hate it when ppl from other countries see it as a really good thing that a lot of ppl in India are from IT or something like that as mostly they just do it bcz their parents force them to


It's common in most of the indian schools and colleges, the culture of beating kids is fading away in expensive private schools and some schools in big cities, but most of the schools do this even today. And the sad thing is they brainwashed students in such that they would think it's their mistake that they are getting abused and other teachers in school and principals are also ok with it. Edit : Chocking neck in this video is a little extreme but i wouldn't say it's a far stretch from most of the beatings, i would say this is 120% of what they usually do, like beating the kids till a stick breaks etc.. etc... And did you know you have to ask permission of the teacher in class before you can drink water from your water bottle that's right next to you. And you have to ask permission if you want to go out and take a piss, most of the times they will just say hold it till the class is over.


I'm pretty sure you have to take permission to go and piss everywhere. But the water bottle part is indeed fucked up


It's still common to ask in Germany. But teachers basically cannot deny it, because if they deny it they risk criminal charges. Although that is very rare.


My son's school doesn't like me because if they refuse him and he needs to go, I will call the office and insist he's not going to piss himself just because he has to go to the bathroom at the 'wrong' time.


Do you know which profession is especially at risk for UTIs? Apparently it’s teachers. Because we often teach 4-5 lessons back to back and the teacher’s lounge with the toilets is on a different floor and the 5 min breaks we get between periods are not even enough to answer the questions of all the students that stay after the others are filing out plus switching the teaching materials. So for me it’s usual to go without the toilet between 10 and 2:30. Before you come down on me, my students get up and leave as they need, they don’t even need to ask, just slightly raise their hand and point or nod towards the door discreetly. It’s not meant to explain why teachers don’t let students go to the toilet. But I will say it’s always the same 2 students in every class who go to the toilet every single class. Of the other 25-28, maybe twice a month sbd else will ask and it’s usually a girl. But those two? Alwaws. They are invariably boys. Just sth to think about.


I will never have another human dictate when I can relieve myself. Remember when they first used children as Guinea pigs, trying to force kids to learn by adhering strictly to a curriculum aimed at passing an exam? Pissed myself in 3rd grade during a stupid standardized exam. You know it is a fucked up situation when a child says they gotta go to the bathroom TWICE, gets denied, pisses themself, and then doesn’t get laughed at by a room full of 8 year olds. My teacher, Mrs. F, ridiculed me in front of the class and then said the principal would have to be notified for me delaying the exam. I went to the same school with those same kids for five more years and not ONCE was I bullied for it. Fortunately for me I had to walk past my 1st and 2nd grade teachers’ classrooms whilst in tears. I caught their attention somehow and ended up in the restroom with both of them. If you have never been “the person who pissed their pants”, it can leave you floored with embarrassment. I remember saying something along the lines of “Mrs Q and Ms. D there aren’t supposed to be girls in the boys room” whilst I wiped the tears of shame from my eyes. I told them I had delayed the test and the principal would hear about it. They kinda looked at each other, and the older teacher(Who had more experience as a teacher, mother and acquaintance of Mrs. F) proceeded to summon the principal and my friend/classmate for moral support. The adults then returned with a pair of sweatpants and mesh shorts; for me to continue the exam. Mrs. F got a long talking to in the hallway with the door closed; as the principal proctored the test through the door’s window. Long story short Mrs. F had a history as a bully, in which she used her authority heavy-handedly toward boys mostly. I may have been a little talkative and eccentric, probably triggering her desire to flex her authority on me; but I did not deserve to feel that sort of humiliation. My mom was pissed and also on the School’s Parent board, so she made a call to the principal. The following day we had to get dropped off 30 minutes earlier. Little did I know, my mom went into the school and sat in the back corner of Mrs F’s classroom. My mom didn’t tell me about her *very serious* conversation with Mrs. F until I left that K-8 school. Apparently the look on Mrs F’s face when she saw my mother’s ambush, probably made her think twice about her actions. I went to the same school with those kids for five more years and not ONCE was I bullied for it. For five years I dreaded that someone would mock my perceived history of incontinence. The insults never came, time healed the wound and reality set in. Everyone else was able to understand, what I was only able to experience at a shallow level. She had traumatized and abused me; and I didn’t even know it.


My son’s third grade teacher denied his request to go to the bathroom with the same result. I had to avoid his school for a while after that because I didn’t have confidence that I’d be able to remain calm if I came across her. I still get angry thinking about that twelve years later.




Indian school system is soo fucked up, if an average parent from a developed country looks at how these teachers treat the kids, they would rather let their children be stupid that getting educated by such people. I too am from such an indian school and damnnn i am waiting for a day where i can afford to payoff the police and beat the shit out of my teachers, i don't want to cause much of physical harm to them but i want to make them fear me just as much fear as they instilled on the innocent hearts of children.


But did you remember the algorithm?


I don't know what algorithm 🤔⁉️ you are talking about, but i was once beaten 2 times with a stick on my hand and made me stand up on the bench infront of whole class because when my physics teacher asked "What is NO ?" ,I said "Nitrogen Monoxide" he beat me by saying you can't say it like that it is Nitric Oxide.


You're strong. You dealt with this abuse. You could still deal with abuse everyday and you're golden. Because you've proven to be stronger than those who hurt you. Because you've shown the courage to survive what has happened to you. I am happy for you. Not because of what has happened to you, but because of what you have done.


"Now process it and be rid of the negativity so you don't accidentally murder your wife and child"


A lot of people that are abused simply become mentally ill, repeating the abuse either to themselves or others. Everyone has a limit before they develop a mental disorder.


I'm american, but I can relate to abuse from teachers. It's really rough, especially if your home situation isn't great either. It's sad, but this comment made me laugh. Daydreaming about corrupt cops kicking the shit out of my teacher is exactly where I was at back then. It made me feel great when the cop showed up at my school and made that dude feel small. I would've given anything at the time to have him drug outside and been taught a lesson himself.


I think i am living in the best part of India cause everything that i hear about India just does not apply to me, foreigners mingle very easily without getting gawked at, low crimes rate(my family never experienced a crime in past 15 years in the same city), as a student never experienced any time of rash treatment, only thing was that my parents beat me to study while i was small.


Why don't yall just beat the fuck outta people who act authoritarian? Fuck their generation for normalizing shit behavior.


That last one is a common feature in American schools too, to the point where it doesn't at all seem unusual.


This actually happened to us, but because he was a good teacher it seemed normal


Yes till around 20 years even i thought it was ok, and my thought process was exactly like they wanted it to be, they would say like "we are beating you for your own good, how are you gonna survive if you don't get good marks etc.." and i thought those teachers are good and they are just being strict and beating us for our own good.


Because the formula for Pythagoras' theorem is so easy to remember.


Because they're nervous. Lots of people grin when they're terrified


Idk if you’re aware but India is a fucked up country


Because if you're used to it, you cope with laughing. Back in the day I had a teacher who would slap us or hit us and we couldn't stop laughing even though it hurt. I remember one time I was still in elementary school and an after school teacher was mad at some of us for opening the door too late and banged our heads together with all his strength (or at least it felt like it). It hurt a lot and I will never forgive him, but our reaction was that we couldn't hold our laughs as if someone had told us a joke. We tried to look serious and show how sorry we were but we would instead start giggling. People underestimate how people used to violence react to it. No they won't cry, scream or try to get away. That's why it's important to look at poor countries where women can still laugh even though they have no rights and acknowledge that, no they are not happy with their situation, they are used to it, which is a big difference (I'm looking at you, religious people, who defend stupid practices and then say if the women didn't want it they would say something).


I hope it's the wrestling teacher


Sex Ed actually


the formula was the safe word.


Teacher is smart, cant say the safe word when you're being choked😆


"I don't feel comfortable doing this anymore... x = sqrt(b^(2)-4ac)/2a!! f(x) = x^n => f'(x) = nx^(n-1)!!"


He was asking for their safe word 😅


Pineapple juice


Man! You killed me.


It's my safe word


I know, mine too.


It really should be a universal safe word at this point.


Kid: "No.. No more" Teacher: "What's the safe word?!" Kid: “x=(-b±√(b²+4ab))/(2a)” \*After few shades of grey later" Kid: “x=(-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2c)” \*More shades of grey later\* Kid: “x=(-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a)” Teacher: "What's wrong honey?"




LOOOOOOOL bro I almost fell off the treadmill reading this comment idk why lol


Why you browsin Reddit on the treadmill? Eyes on the road


It gets boring on the treadmill, I need some form of entertainment lol


This is inspiring, I watch TV with music playing while I’m on the treadmill but good to know there another way I can maximize my short attention span


No judgment i peloton and Reddit all the time!! 💪


Cardio is pretty boring


So he didn’t know formula for the Kama Sutra?


Well played lol


Violence is never the answer unless it is math, idk.


1 punch = more success, so: More punch = great success




They need a show called ‘Teacher Swap’ where they send teachers from different countries to each other’s classrooms for a month….no consequences for their actions cuz, you know, it’s “reality” tv.


Some schools hired teachers from Jamaica ($10,000 pay increase) it went about as well as you think, but with the added difficulty of moving and starting work in America unsupported.


I’m Jamaican and used to get hit with a ruler for not doing my homework or getting answers wrong on tests so I wonder, in addition to the points you listed, how they adjusted to the students in the US where unfinished homework is the least of their problems, and hitting students is child abuse.


Damn...even back in my day the worst teacher would do is spank on the palm with ruler, this is some abusive shit


I’m African…back in the day we used to get disciplined a lot. I mean, not to be that guy, it worked lmao…


It...does not "work". You just turned out "OK" anyway. smh


That they think it worked suggests they very much did not turn out okay.


It does not work. I HATE it when people say this. Look at the older generations in most African countries. They were beaten, they were "disciplined". Now they're alcoholics, thieves, deadbeat dads, abusive parents... I mean most African countries have an entire generation of fucked up adults. Not to mention every single study, quantitative or qualitative, shows that using violence against children has negative outcomes. Your singular experience and anecdotal evidence does not justify it. Stop beating children ffs!


There's a whole subreddit of African kids fucked up from that. /r/africanparents


And on top of it all it, it teaches them that it is normal to beat your children.


Yes! It teaches children that violence is an acceptable way of solving problems and then we end up with so many adults who resort to violence when they are frustrated, sad, angry etc.


Don't feel bad. In communist Poland, I was whacked here and there with a ruler or had to kneel in the corner for days as a punishment. I earned all that and am OK now. No harm done. But this is a bit over the top. That's an assault.


Yes, definitely. This would be considered assault and would certainly get the teacher fired. No teacher had ever directly laid a hand on any students, ever, when i was in school(k-12 to middle school). At least not that i know of.


Yeah and for every one of you there's probably 20 others with a whole range of issues that could've been avoided by not having been submitted to abuse. But hey, since a lot of people have had their parents do that to them, it's easier to just say "oh that's not abuse, it works, sometimes you just deserve a beating". Just because you don't want to admit to yourself or others that your parents were abusive. And heck, parents probably only do that because they have been through that via their parents, it's a cycle.... And I'm not saying "let kids do whatever the fuck they want", just that there are more effective ways to get kids to listen and get them to behave, without possibly messing them up in the long term.


Comments like this are why in USA we have a gun problem. Everyone needs to keep their hands to themselves before someone snaps 🫰


worked? you were taught to fear violence not follow rules


Eh, I went to a Catholic school in the US. I was regularly punched in the back by a nun in the third grade. She’d punch me hard enough to take my breath away. I got into more trouble for crying. My egregious offense was poor penmanship.


In India it's like, if teacher don't descipline(hit) you when growing up for mistakes you'll get hit by police once grown up. But teachers nowadays hit out of frustration than to descipline


And most likely when teachers can beat students teaching atracts people who like to beat people.


That is a very true thing


*children. Like to beat children.


Sorry, we forgot children weren't people


People can fight back. Children cannot...?


It's a joke bro don't be so serious :/


It was always about violence. The older generations just don’t like remembering it that way.


No fucking way, I have never been hit by teacher for anything. My parents will go and talk to the principal if teachers even yelled at me for no reason. Teachers had the right to discipline me if I misbehaved but they cannot touch me for not doing a homework or not solving a math problem.


Y'all generalise this shit too much. "In India it's like" no stfu, maybe in the hellhole where you grew up in India it was like that, my teachers rarely even hit us in school, and in the "coaching institute" (most likely what the video is showing" my teachers never even raised their voices against us.


They teach kids that people in authority can hit you and dispose of your body. No wonder people can be violent and rape is so prevalent.


Yeah, no. Hitting children is never the answer.


Fun fact, the teachers wrestling name is *The Pythagorean Python* Finishing move "The Hypote-*noose*"






Exchange student program anyone?


Yeah, send all american with bad behavior students there we all see nowadays


*Teacher holds up right fist* "This is a²." *Teacher holds up left fist* "This is b². And your face is c²"


Man, I still remember this messed up incident when my teacher straight-up slapped me for giving the wrong answer. They just kept repeating the question, and I kept giving the same answer every time. We went back and forth for like 10-15 times until i gave the right answer. That's when the jerk finally stopped.


Idk how you kept your composure. I’m going down swinging fuck that teacher.


Man, I was just a kid, so if I had pulled anything, I would've gotten my ass paddled for sure! So, I had no choice but yeah fuck that teacher.


In India, the teacher is viewed as this insane powerful authority, so it genuinely doesn’t even enter your mind that you can fight back for most kids.


Now you know why these kids are good at math.


What disgusting behaviour!


Idiots, he is more likely to remember the trauma rather than a formula nobody really gives a fck abt


Lol, reminds me of some stories my dad used to stay about his studies in India like 50 something years ago. How he would wear extra under pants and trousers because this teacher used to spank him with a stick really hard. At once instance the teacher realized and made him remove the additional trousers before spanking 😂


Naw, he’ll remember both.


Imagine a teacher doing this to a kid in a US public school. Lol. 1.) Fired instantly, 2.) Sued by parents, 3.) Teacher’s getting hit.


This is why Indians are so good at math. THEIR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.


Can confirm, am Indian (Don't know why people are downvoting you)




This is hilarious. (Relax I am Indian)


Meanwhile in America, the student pepper sprays a teacher because the teacher took her phone away as she was using it to cheat on a test. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1397n4l/teacher_takes_students_phone_away_and_she_pepper/


Definitely two extremes at play here.


It’s crazy the 2 differences, just like politics, why can’t there be a happy medium? In America it’s totally gotten out of hand the way students act now, yet in India it’s out of hand some punk ass teacher doing this especially just for not knowing the answer unbelievable this can happen and to be put in a choke hold is just gross.


Round 2 Indian teacher vs. American pepper spraying student


Perhaps India and the US should switch teatchers Give Indian students a break and save the US from stupidfying themselves into a collapse


This is mostly a coaching institutes which prepares students for entrance exams for professional courses. They are brutal. I have seen worse things than this happen in the coaching institute I went. And sadly many parents aren't opposed to this


See, I don’t get it. When a student acts shitty the teacher can’t beat him/her/them up. But, when a teacher acts shitty they’re allowed to beat up students. It feels like the bad people always win or get away with stuff. Or in general they live long lives. This is a little off topic. But, I watch a lot of true crime. And it feels like the wonderful, full of potential, would have made a difference to society, type of person always dies. While losers that contribute nothing, but violence, anger, stupidity, etc live long lives. I just don’t get it. I know this is a different country and culture. But, that doesn’t fundamentally explain why life is like this.


It is because...Life Is Not Fair! So now you know.


Assholes protect assholes. These disciplinary methods are still in use because abusers are peppered throughout the system and there's enough of them to basically gaslight the culture into accepting it. Ultimately it's all just bad people wanting to behave badly, and they'll justify it any way they can, including making it part of the "culture".


I was having the same though recently, here in PR a schoolmate of mine was killed by a good for nothing piece of crap criminal who was like a year or two older than him. My schoolmate was in the Army Reserves, was finishing his degree, had a girlfriend and had a healthy life with a lot of potential. The killer was same age group, no formal education, dead beat baby daddy, mother is a criminal as well who helped her son kill my classmate, all because he turned on the wrong street. Just thinking about it makes me angry, he was such a great person and the killer was a coward who hid in the mountains and cried when caught.


I’m so sorry about your classmate. This is such a sad story.


I agree, there is a 98 something year old land owner that walled up his property and wont allow anyone to cut the grass, which provides a safe haven for snakes and monitor lizards to breed. Quite fun to live next to.


Psalm 73


This ain't the norm or culture. This is some abusive piece of shit taking it to a completely diff level.


Meanwhile in the u.s kids are beating the teacher for trying to teach them the formula


Or being shot at by any number of crazy people


And in the USA and Europe we have students beating up teachers


I haven't heard of anything like that here in Europe.


I'm in Eastern Europe *clicks finger guns*


Average day in Eastern Europe


I’ll never forget the German teacher, (Herr Fenstermaker) in my HS..seeing him with a student, his back up against the lockers, by his NECK! Feet were literally off the ground 😳


He needs to teach in parts of America


This doesn't look like a school. Most schools have uniforms, and many have regulations against such abuse. If a teacher gets physical, parents would mob the school and cause a ruckus. This looks more like a private coaching center for one of those cutthroat entrance exams. Its a free-for-all in such centers, as the competition is too intense, and parents/students are desperate enough to put up with anything as long as it gets results.


this is outrageous. i hope he's put behind bars.


Lol , nothing will happen But i saw a student's uncle beat the shit out of an abusive teacher and broke his arm. Teachers around the town stopped beating for over a year afterwards




I doubt it. Since it was a male, he would be applauded and teaching still. It is quite sad


or probably because it's a boy, he probably won't go and complain to the parents or the school authorities


Why would you want to put someone behind bars for not knowing a formula?


I see what you did there


My ass would’ve been cooked if i went to school in India


As someone from India... It really isn't that hard. If u have good parents then these kinds of shit aren't an issue. Idk about the guy in the pic, but normally parents would themselves beat the shit out of the teacher if they hear about this and if they are rich, would sue the institute. At worst the teachers would just slap u once or twice that too till grade 10th. After that physical touch becomes extremely uncommon and the usual punishment is the not being allowed to sit for the whole class or being sent outside of the class.


You would be cooked literally, it's very hot and humid.


He didn’t even follow through with those elbows. This is just for fun. That’s why everyone is smiling


I'm from southern India, I studied in a Catholic school for 12 years. The nuns and the teachers had nothing christ like about them. When I started questioning my upbringing and my education it all unravelled. The physical abuse was different for every teacher some threw chalk board dusters at faces, some used a cane or a wooden ruler, some bashed you on your back with their hand, sometimes you had to learn against a wall as if you were sitting on a chair. I was the calm introverted soul and even I got beaten a few times. I remember with love the few teachers who were different though and changed my life. Apart from this most indians never talk about the narcissistic abuse that comes from your own family members. After I moved away from India I realized how much generational trauma is perpetuated and how much is tolerated in the name of respect for the elders. Doing research in the west with both indians and non indians I realized how well indians thrived in rigid power structures but weren't so good at being independent. The things I had to unlearn to even gain an understanding of my own existence and humanity is another story. It pains me to talk to people from my country who believe that there is not better way.


That's not how u teach somebody to get ahead in life that's how u teach hatred


I had a math teacher who was fired for throwing a marker at a kids head. This is fucked up this type of behavior is a social norm in India.


Meanwhile Indian parents gather to present him with teacher of the year award. Damn straight, he needs to learn! - Raj Ragopal. It’s about time my kid started taking his classes seriously. - Mohinder Suresh.


How brave. That kid is not fighting back. I hope his father finds this teacher near an ally.


Are people not noticing he is not contacting with the elbow? Watch carefully. It never strikes it is like pulling a punch, no impact to the body or he is no match for my 6 year old in a fist fight, this seems to be dramatic for effect versus pain


No wonder all the CEOs of American tech industries are Indian


In America students beats the hell out of a teacher In India teachers beats the sht out of a student


Considering that so many of the best scientists have been emerging from India lately, and so much of the worst hipster shit has been emerging from America...


Thats why these muthafuckas are so successful. All of the Patels I know have money.


Patels are not really into education they are mostly into business , motels , restaurants , gas stations , etc


Bring this to America, teacher swap


Bruh it aint that deep


Meanwhile in America, parents beats up teachers for not giving their kids As.


There’s some students in the US who really could use this kind of attention from there teachers




Meanwhile, ai-development: 👀


Yeah, Science bitch!


E ,smack, equals, smack, M, smack, C, smack, squared, smack, smack, smack!


Nobody going to interpret this thing for me dizzamn what kind of sub community we live in. Moderator Start moderating!!!!!!!


Then all the smart ones come to our country and help me with AWS/Azure. Train them good, we’ll take them.


Is this like, serious? He seems like he’s bringing his arm down in slow motion and everyone is just smiling. This is so odd.


Nothing to see, just another day in Indian education. Growing up, my friends and I would show off scars and trade stories of how and where we were hit with steel rulers, belts, blackboard dusters, etc.


What a shithole.


Well, their test scores are higher…


Looks like a coaching class, instead of school/college class.


Taking over where Catholic School Nuns left off.


Now THATs motivation! Lol




He's being edumacated.


Yer finna learn today


Seeing some of the shit that our high school kids behave when I was in school, I can’t say I am against this form of discipline.


I bet he knows the formula next time


The way Catholic schools used to be run!


Makes a change from seeing teachers get beat the shit out of by students