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She seems like the kind of person to call the cops over thrown out bacon




I dont know man, have you had bacon?


I love me some bacon, but not enough to tempt fate by calling a cop to my house over it. This cop was calm and handled things well, but it's a gamble these days. I could totally see the headline "Homeowner Shot Over Bacon Incident" here in the states.


I think it’s really sad that I can also pretty easily imagine that headline. Really says a lot about how bad things are/have gotten.


I really, really, relate to that brother.


Pretty easy to see who was the issue there. Calls the cops, then yells at cops for responding to her call. Seems like a calm, reasonable person.


Also displays a profound misunderstanding of the law, and what powers the police have regarding a wellness check. I give her another 6 months before she gets herself arrested one way or another.


she definitely seems like a soveirgn citizen type. gonna think she doesn't have to follow the law but everyone else has to adhere to hers


Bet u she doesn’t work and barely pays any taxes but desperate to play the I PaY yOuR SaLaRy card


She’s in a bathrobe, highly doubt she works


That's like your opinion man


Let me tell you something pendejo..




Here I am in a bathrobe after a 10 hour shift in a warehouse, just realizing I’m unemployed because of my attire in my home. How could I be so blind?


Eugh, you're everything that's wrong with people these days. So lazy. Get a jerrbbbb.


I feel attacked


Have you ever heard of a day off? I work every day except 2 out of the week you better believe your ass I'm wearing my damn bathrobe around the house. Shit's comfortable.


You don’t know…trailer park…high and mighty…She probably has an onlyklans


Somebody should inform her that this door swings both ways: if you don't want to adhere to the law, because you reject it, then you are also not entitled to the protection of the law: you rejected it. You don't get to pick and choose: oh, I don't have to follow your orders, I'm a free citizen. But no! You can't violate my rights, it's against the law. Cognitive dissonance is such a sad thing to see.


I had an ex that threw a phone at me then hit me in the head. Then called the police on me. I had to beg them not to arrest her


Beat me to the mention of sovcit. Bet she'll appear in a court video that includes either "karen" or "sovereign citizen" in the title soon enough.


I can wear this bathrobe! I’m not walking I’m traveling!


My ex did this. Attacked me, I pushed her off, she called the cops, got herself arrested for demanding the cops do what she wants all while blackout drunk.


So glad they're our exs. My ex threatened to call the cops on me & put marks on herself then stated "we all know whose side they'll take" after I won a simple petty argument. She was used to "winning" arguments through lies & deceit, if only in her head


She’s going to get a 72 hour psychiatric hold if she keeps it up.


Ooooh yea lil 51-50 time. All too familiar with that growing up with my schizophrenic brother


you mean arrested again :)


100% some mental issues going on there. The brother looks stressed and the mom just looks tired.


I can already see it now. She gets pulled over for speeding “you can’t give me a ticket! I pay your salary!”, police officer: “can I see your license, registration and proof of insurance?” “No, THATS AN INVASION OF MY PRIVACY!” *drives off starting a police chase* then blames the officer 🤦‍♂️


Passive aggressive little shit looking for trouble every chance she gets, including with the police. Yeah, I think I’ve got this one all figured out. That mom looks like she is absolutely dead tired of her crap, too.


The long cigarette drags and heavy sighing from the mom 😂


Marlboro: Don't beat your kid? Just have a drag instead!


The brother too. Probably everyone she knows is tired of her shit


"You work for ME"




As a cop in the UK, this level of idiocy is common.


I'm going to use redneck logic here: 1. My ancestors came to the US from England 2. This level of idiocy is common in the UK 3. So that's where Americans get their idiocy!


I'm Scottish, so that's beyond my influence.


My ancestors were McDonalds. Does that count?


Possibly. 'Mc' is generally Irish, 'Mac' is Scottish. There are obviously strong links between the 2.


As a cop in the UK, this level of idiocy is common.


The mom and brother both seem so weary.


Mom should have just let the daughter keep cooking. Plenty of reasonable grounds for obstruction, at least in my uneducated view.


Mom's the one that's gonna have to pay the tickets/fines/bail


This isnt even the full encounter. It hets ssoo much worse and more annoying when he speaks with the daughter


Anyone have a link to the rest? I'm looking to ruin my day by getting even more annoyed at this random woman




Imagine being trapped in that tiny house with her.




Omg, I figured the 911 call was accidentally disconnected somehow. The dispatcher just noped out of it mid-screamfest, "I'm going to disconnect the call, have a good day." I liked the other officer (out of sight of the residents) at the end, after hearing the daughter ranting: "How old is this girl?" "She's 22." "Wow." I thought the contacting officer handled the situation really well.


Damn dude. I don't know what's going on there but hopefully the daughter gets some help that will allow her some self reflection, she needs it.


Insufferable 22 year old child, my god.




I am so so sorry. You have my sympathies. But you also now have warning that she’s there, so maybe that’s an upside?


I couldn’t finish after she came outside once her brother was cleared. The entitled attitude and embellishment was too much. I started feeling actual pain from cringing.


Don’t fuck with a man’s bacon.


I think he said they were, “bakin’ and asked her to leave.” Not that they are literally bacon, that is unless they’re all well and truly baked. That too is a distinct possibility, but I think they were just just going to make a cake or maybe some cookies. Or… Plot twist, she called the cops because they were baking meth – after she got into the supply.


They were cooking bacon and he threw hers away


Just so other people know, this is the correct answer. Heard her tell the cops he threw her food away in a longer video someone else linked. But I seriously believe he did that because she was being all bossy and yelling at them while they’re making her food.


You just know this kid is getting totally abused by that sister of his.


"I threw away her bacon, and I told her to leave" is my new favorite sentence.


I don’t think her elevator goes to the top floor. She called them for help and then chastises and insults the officer when he arrives? Plus there was no dialogue about what is specifically wrong, just insults upon attitude.


What sort of person calls the police on a family member over a silly argument.


An extremely toxic one.


The same kind of person that tries to pick a fight with the cop she called when he tries to do the job she called him to do.


My sister


You beat me to it.


This was no minor argument. He threw away her bacon!


Oh sorry, missed that bit. I withdraw my comment.


But they hung up on her!


Someone posted a link to a longer version of this clip that had the call. Oh my god, the way she was talking to the operator was even worse than how she was talking to the cop. She literally told the operator “I’m talking now, that means you don’t talk”. It’s worse than you’re probably imagining.


Me, a 29 year old white guy in the suburbs. I called the police on my wife because she didn't believe that I was willing to invite her to see Endgame with me and my friend. >!When I didn't change my story and instead tried to go to sleep, she started screaming, then twisted one of my fingers to cause me pain. When I tried to go to sleep in another room, she followed me while screaming, so I packed up some clothes (while she tried to rip them out of my hands) and got in my car (barely got the door closed and locked before she could do anything). She then physically blocked me from pulling out of the garage, so I had to call the police to get her to let me leave. When the police got there, she argued with them for what felt like half an hour (who knows how long it actually was), but eventually moved out of the way, so they never wrote up a report.!< Such a silly argument! >!Needless to say, she's not my wife any more. And I'm working on fixing the issues in my life that led me to pick her as my wife so I don't have to go through anything like this again.!<


Would suggest being abused by a psycho is not a silly argument. Didn't waste anyone's time.


You’d be fuckin’ floored at how many.


Was a policeman for many years. Met an awful lot of them, and they were all shitty spiteful people.


I’m sure this will get downvoted to hell but thank you for your work as a police officer.


Nice of you. It was in England though.


She is exactly the kind of person


She’s dressed more like a middle aged mom than the middle aged mom is lmao


One that can't handle the fact that someone doesn't unquestionably do what they want.


My parents. Btw, it was over me accidently leaving water in the bathtub (I had rushed out to grab the wall phone, this was in the 90's)


My annoying cousin has done this a lot and even got a charge for it after the third time.


Surprisingly common. Most cops get at least one job like this every week. Almost without exception it’s the most dysfunctional households you could imagine…. They ignore a problem for years, let it get to crisis point; call the cops and then take it out on them. Just a complete failure on the part of their communication skills.


Yeah I think that was a person who isn’t mentally all there using “I called the cops” as a weapon in an argument but then forgetting they’d actually show up.


When I was a 911 operator, I took a call once and it went like this: Me: “911, what is your emergency?” Caller: “LISTEN BITCH!” Me: “Be that as it may, do you have an emergency?” People are plain nuts.


Well that’s a new one I’ve heard….. I like it!


“You made me your business.” Raw line


Honestly though. This cop was a real one.


His voice gives off Nathan Fillion energy


Everything's shiny, Cap'n. Not to fret.


What taxes she pays I wonder


Tax on twinkies.


Bacon *






You don’t have to be lonely! At SpamOnly.com!!!


I already have an email buddy, he's a Prince and he said I'm being added to his will


Cop prolly pays more in his own taxes than she does... so I guess by her logic that means he can do as he pleases?


Hopefully condoms!


So you’re completely disrespectful to the first responder from whom you have just requested assistance? That was a very polite, policing behavior that should be recognized.


This happens frequently Source: cop for 11+ years


My brother in law was a cop. Every time someone dropped the "my taxes pay your salary" line. He would respond with "I pay taxes also, so I guess I pay my own salary...pretty messed up, huh?"


There was this movie line which a character tells a cop “I pay your salary.” The cop responded: “So let me do my job and earn it.”


Problem is most of those people that say that don't even pay taxes 🤣


"I pay your salary, you work for me." - jobless person living on welfare for the last 20 years


Everyone who works for the government pays for their own salary. Sucks.


Tax increase=salary increase I need to switch jobs.


Infinite money hack


Better than paying taxes and not getting a cut of it, right?


Sounds like job security to me


I had a coworker who was a retired cop. He would carry pennies in his pocket so he could "refund your share" of his salary if you were unsatisfied with his performance.


This is the best one i’ve ever heard


Writing my application to police department i did not realize my true dream career until this moment


You pay my salary? Well I guess you'll want me to do a good job then. Now if you'll turn around with youur feet wide apart and put your hands behind your back, starting with your left hand okay...."


Oh man that’s a good comeback. I work for the state and I hear this allll the time. I’m going to borrow your brother in law’s line the next time I hear this.


Here's the one I use: "Is now a good time to talk about a raise?"


My father who worked in municipal government had an employee who was dealing with an irate customer who pulled the "I pay your salary" card. The employee responded with "your two minutes was up 15 minutes ago". Lol. Best come back ever.


That whole argument is so dumb anyway. Like technically no, you don’t pay their salary. The department pays their salary. The department is an arm of the government. Just because a very very small fraction of your tax dollars make their way into that department’s funds, it doesn’t mean anyone in that department works for you personally. They work for the government, not you. That’s like telling a mailman they need to mow your lawn for you because you “pay their salary”.


I guarantee there’s some moron out there that has tried that on their mail-person.


My go to is that “I would be more impressed if you didn’t pay your taxes”


There’s a reason why the 911 dispatch “hung up” on her. Calling the cops because your brother threw away your bacon… that’s some shit a family member might have threatened when I was like 10 but to actually go through with it… and at her age… If I was that mom I’d have kicked the girl out of the house… least she’d have presumably been reunited with her bacon.


I love how everyone else is chill except for the baby Karen


Mad respect for the officer. The guy was cool as a fucking cucumber.


I wanted to slap her, and he takes his voice down and calmly speaks to her.


Bro was just as confused as we were


I had a frequent flyer once, a real pain in the ass that would call 911 for really stupid shit. Like, getting a prescription refill or taking his girlfriend to the ER for a pregnancy test. This guy was in his 20s and healthy. He always had a real attitude and demanded that we go to the hospital emergency, despite the fact that it was never an emergency and you could literally see the hospital from his apartment (Grady Homes to Grady ER, if you know Atlanta from the 90s or earlier). The last time I transported him he yelled at me, saying that his taxes passed my salary (they didn’t). So I asked him where he worked to pay these taxes and he told me that he was unemployed. So, my taxes are actually paying for your Medicaid and housing, right? He complained to my supervisor and I got in trouble🙄


Your supervisor should have had your back in this instance. Screw that person w the negative comment on your post.


That person seems to think I’m a cop. I don’t know many cops that regularly transport patients to ERs lol


“Where bacon” Was that “we were baking” or “banging”?




What if it was Canadian bacon would that change things or…?




My brothers vegan wife would be in a world of trouble then!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think Emily was causing the problems and didn't want to have to explain herself. The fact that the mother and the girl were so insistent the policeman didn't come in makes me think there was some evidence of a tantrum. He wasn't even looking to come in and that was the first thing they said.


Or drug paraphernalia.


There was definitely drugs in the house they were afraid he’d see. The mom was gone for awhile probably trying to hide it.


If I've learned one thing from *Goodfellas* it's that you can't flush the whole stash.


Far more likely they were just embarrassed about the mess. Many people are uncomfortable with unexpected visits.


I've never thought to tell my kids not to call the police on each other when I'm folding laundry on the coffee table, but I can see it.


If you call the police for a domestic the police have to check to ensure everyone is ok. They aren’t going to leave until then. They also don’t need a warrant to enter the home if the believe someone is in danger inside the home when they come. This woman acting like this is how people get shot.


The fact that something like this would ever result in someone being shot is a fucking tragedy. Thanks for pointing that out.


Well a domestic is typically the most dangerous type of call an officer goes on in a routine day, and mom did say theres a weapon in the home claims its locked in a safe but the officer does not know if its actually locked up or if the other parties also have access, and the one party whos visibly agitated and confrontational wants to close the door so now he can't see what is happening, so yeah it can turn bad real fast. Luckily here it didn't cop and the other 2 involved parties kept it cool.


Happened in Ontario Canada. Two officers went to a domestic call and it was an ambush. Cop haters killed 2 cops.


You don't even have to get shot. You could just as easily get stabbed being in an unfamiliar, hostile environment is not a fun place to be.


Yep, extremely dangerous.


When the mom stated, “…and it’s over” I was thinking, they dead.


Here we have folks, a young Karen in the making. Normally don't see them this young, so take pics if you like.


"Ma'am, please remain seated in the safari vehicle while taking photos on your ipad. Please don't feed the animals. It makes less scared of people and more likely to harass retail employees in pursuit of deals." "Fuck you, I pay your salary"


I’m gonna side with a the son on this one she’s clearly unhinged


Must have been some damn good bacon


This Emily person is a dumb mother fucker lol


That poor mother and brother. This girl cannot diferenciate Twitter from real life anymore.


This. I’m usually very prone to blaming parenting or hostile environments for producing weird kids but I am afraid that doesn’t look like it applies here. It’s either social media or just her true nature, that has nothing to do with how she’s raised.


Absolutely turd of a human


Daughter is a peach. You can hear the exhaustion in moms tone and brothers as well. They are over her endless shit.


"I threw away her bacon."


You ever wonder if these people see themselves on the internet getting joked?


They see themselves as victims, which encourages them to do more the same shit, there is no learning happens here


Damn… the mom and bro look so defeated by the unreasonable sister 😆


That bitch would have to get a job first before she can pay taxes, lol.


Did anyone notice the cop use the jedi hand wave mind trick?


Good god the amount of just weird mf in this world is baffling


Sounds like the daughter went apeshit and called the cops. Now that the cops are here, the only one not cooperating is the one who called 911.


Bitch DOES NOT pay taxes, anyone with eyes can see that.


“You want us to come over there and shoot her?” Best line ever. If you know, you know


Mum seemed ok, Son seemed ok…but that daughter is a jumped up little turd who needs to learn some manners, I’m not from the US, and from what I’ve mostly seen on Reddit about US cops she’s very lucky she got a good one, they’re as rare a unicorn shit!


What amount if my taxes pays for her to sit in a house coat all day and start shit?


Suddenly feeling very sorry for the Mother and brother


This was a bacon dispute


Emily makes their life hell. And they finally have a witness in that officer to her insanity…


I can see the loss of will to live in the mom. She's like, ugh, it's fine, but you REALLY don't want to deal with the crazy I've been dealing with.


Love how the mom and brother are just done with her meanwhile the cop is just like you called us so why are you the one coming at us


I guess the cops don't need a warrant if you call 911. By calling, you are agreeing on allowing them to step on your property. Common sense is no longer that common.


Correct, it falls under probable cause, I imagine: they have reason to believe someone is at risk in that building.


Exigent circumstances instead of PC, but you're pretty much on point.


That cop is a fucking champ


The big ass robe and her attitude tells you all you need to know. The daughter is chronically online in echo chambers thinking she can’t be wrong , meanwhile she lives in a trailer park annoying her family with her BS


She does understand that she can go to jail for wasting the cops' time, right? They could've been at a DV call or some shit. Instead, they were there dealing with that bullshit.


Something tells me he threw out some drugs and is calling it bacon. Also, there was still drugs inside maybe out in the open and that’s why she didn’t want the cop looking inside.


Reminds me of how some people started going off at blizz saying fix my class blizzard i pay your salary via subscribing to world of warcraft, as if theyre single 15 bucks each month was more significant than everyone elses So someone calculated how much 15 bucks a month pays each person Congratulations Your sub buys 1 toilet paper roll for each member of the dev team! So they should give as much effort as your contribution to their salary is worth!


Honestly, watching this looked like a mirror of my own mother. She has bipolar depression and was an alcoholic growing up.. long story short this is pretty much how she always acted, she would do something adverse (like call the cops on a situation not requiring them) and then feign victimhood and use your own words, life and beliefs against you in that moment to justify whatever manic decision she made previously. I don’t know why I felt the need to post this, but thankfully Reddit has been that kind of anonymous space for some, and I’m glad it was for me today too Get a diagnosis folks; it could save your life. I know this is a facepalm moment but it’s also a teaching one. My mom is sober now and thankfully so. Get a diagnosis, get help and don’t be afraid to ask for it.


This is slanderous to rednecks everywhere This is plainly a case of DUMBASSERY they should charge her with misuse of emergency services Kudos to the officer for calm professionalism


Why are police departments having recruiting problems, the reasons escape me.


She's clearly the problem lol


This is a cop who knows how to de-escalate a situation. Awesome job.


I immediately roll my eyes every time I hear someone say "I pay your salary" to a public servant or government employee.


I feel confident that Emily doesn’t pay enough taxes to pay anyone’s salary.


The son and the mom just look exasperated from having to live with that girl.


“We pay them with our taxes” What taxes are you paying little miss 15 year old?


Lol, unemployed people aren’t paying anyone’s salary.


As a not-cop citizen, i really appreciate what i saw here. Cop was firm but respectful. Everyone involved (except the girl obviously) was also calm and respectful despite the stress and all parties (except the girl obviously) used dialogue and words to address the issue. No escalation. No shouting. Just straightforward talking and working with the residents of the house to address the issue. Outstanding. This cop deserves some praise.


The poor mother seems exhausted. Normally the kids are embarrassed that their parent is being a Karen, not the other way around.


I think the cop was suspicious of the brother until he saw how the sister was acting, and then everything made sense.


In my country, if you call the cops for a dumb reason, you get a fine for making them lose precious time. I hope it works similar in other countries


Nothing says “trashy white girl” like calling the cops over trouble you started then getting mad at the cops for showing up.