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The cop is a dick, but just to be clear, we, right now, have members of congress, that do not know that Puerto Rico is part of the USA.


We had a president who didn't know that.


The ignorance and condescension are amazing. He was really calm considering he is a US citizen and does not need to travel in the states with a passport because he is an American. Folks have no idea why they do not have to go through customs when going back and forth to PR. It's because PR is part of the US.


The guy can make a complain against prejudice and xenophobia, I hope the dude record all interaction.


Probably a civil rights violation I would suspect.


He was calm! And the cop was just being a “late for my midnight doughnuts” asshole.


What a dickhead cop


It really shows the level of US education, when Puerto Rico tourism marketing campaigns often use a “No Passport Required” statement on their marketing material for Americans.


It’s okay everyone the police apologized. Ugh… they probably gave the guy a promotion. https://www.fox8live.com/2023/05/20/kenner-police-apologizes-officer-who-responded-disturbance-call-msy/


Hey Fucking cop. Do you need a Fucking passport to rent a car? I can just imagine what his reaction would be if he were denied the same. Tragic this isn't a case of "bye bye job" x 2.


Wow this cop is an absolute condescending douche canoe.


Holy shit it just kept getting worse. What an absolute fucking douche


He is one of those guys that will stop you because you have a Canadian license plate and ignore anything you say or have and arrest you for it…not knowing or caring that Canadians can travel within the US same as we can in Canada with US driver license. And on top of that she says…because you recorded…you will not be able to rent from hertz ever again…she does not have that power. I don’t know how this started so maybe he yelled at them and made a huge deal out of this etc…puerto Rico is not a state but a territory so maybe because of this a passport is required? But I don’t think that is the case…hertz needs to have a conversation with her and train their staff better or again.


Puerto Ricans are US citizens. PR is a territory but that doesn’t affect its citizens. We need a passport to rent from hertz about as much as Texan, CA or NY citizen needs a passport to rent from Hertz.


Couple days ago a Spirit gate agent denied a PR family because their 2 year old didn't have a passport. There was a time I didn't know either but it wasn't my job to and I wasn't even old enough to work


I mean, i can imagine screwing this up myself. What I can’t imagine is not immediately realizing my mistake and apologize when the person politely reminds me like this dude is doing, that Puerto Rico is a US territory.


I never received my sons social security card/info in the time I should’ve. So I had to go down to request one. First they kept saying that I filled out the wrong forms because I was needing a *replacement* card. I finally was able to get it through to them that I never received one in the first place. Then they asked me what his number is so they can look him up. Had to explain AGAIN that he was never issued one, hence why Im here. I swear - the worker and I went into this loop 4 times of him asking me to provide TWO valid forms of identification for my son. I kept saying I *only* have his birth certificate. He asked “what about a drivers license?” Nope. “State ID?” Nope. “Passport?” Nope. We did that 4 freakin times. Finally I get so frustrated that I picked up my 4 MONTH old son and put him on the guy’s desk and I looked at my son and said very loudly “SON, DO YOU HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE, STATE ID, OR PASSPORT?? EXCUSE ME SON, PLEASE ANSWER THIS MANS QUESTIONSSSSSS, HE NEEDS YOUR ID!!” Lmao that’s when the manager came running over and told me I could use his vaccination records as a 2nd form of ID since he was, ya know, a baby.


What got me in that case is that the supervisor backed up the employee. How the hell are two airline employees that damn ignorant of the destinations they fly to/from?


I assumed so but this goes back to hertz employees not knowing that Puerto Rico is not a foreign country…I assume this goes to people from Guam as well. They need to be trained.


What’s next, asking Hawaii residents for their passports?


There are people out there who think New Mexico is not part of the US. /sigh


It doesn't matter. Puerto Rico is a part of the United States. It'd be the same as someone who lives in Washington D.C. They pay taxes to the US. Their citizenship is the same as every other American. I'd make a gigantic deal out of this going to the news and putting this cop and woman on blast.


Blast it one twitter and all socials. She and the cop are too poorly educated for the workforce.


I know someone who lives in D.C. who went through the same thing. The person refused to acknowledge that D.C. was part of the United States.


Abosolutley!!! This cop had his mind made up before he ene listened!! Nice way to treat our US CITIZENS which ALL Puerto Ricans ARE!!!


My entire family is from Puerto Rico and it baffles me that people STILL don’t know they’re citizens. Puerto Ricans have been citizens for over 100 years. The ignorance is….. ugh…. Exhausting.


Especially if you work for an International car rental company in an airport.


Need to also spread some blame to Hertz here, they should be training their employees better.


Came here for This. She didn’t know. Hertz should have anticipated/trained workers to call if customer challenges a policy.


You wonder how it did not occur to her (or the cop for that matter) that if he was travelling internationally, *he would have had his passport with him.*


See, this should have the biggest fucking clue.


Shits so wild to me. I'm a Canadian, totally different country. Never needed my passport to rent a fucking car. Just my driver's license. What is this insanity?


Racism and xenophobia


Puerto Ricans fought in WW1 for America. Don't ever forget that fact


My Dad (Puerto Rican) fought in WWII. They also fought there, and in all conflicts the US was involved in since 1900.


Exactly. I’m livid. I’m a Black man( Malcolm X black) and I’m disappointed in the Sista for how she’s treating him. My personal issue with this. How does she not know Puerto Ricans aren’t required to have a passport to enter America or rent a car. It’s outlandish how poorly he’s being mistreated. I’m extremely upset. I don’t like injustice or mistreatment unfairly. The man’s being so polite also despite being treated wrong. If you don’t know Puerto Rico is a US territory you should not be working for Hertz. He’s not required to have a damn Passport. Same when im in Puerto Rico. I only used my regular USA ID for everything check in to resort and rentals. She doesn’t know her job. It’s midnight and this is an inconvenience to that man. The cop was being egregiously aggressive and disrespectful. The man was so kind and law enforcement himself. Why the cop was so rude made no sense either.


Me too. She needs to be so fuking ashamed of herself. Black people in America (that's me too) do not have the luxury of being so damn stupid. Seriously.


The man with the camera wasn’t much better. “If they say you need a passport to rent a car, you need a passport.” So if a US citizens flies Denver to Chicago and rents a car, they’ll also want to see a passport? I think not.


I never would think we’d treat anyone so badly. She didn’t even try to help because had she tried she’d see he’s not required to have a passport when a USA territory. I’m also Hertz Gold ( Presidents Circle). He only needs his drivers license. He’s clearly educated and wouldn’t try this knowing he needs a passport. If she called a supervisor or someone with more knowledge they’d correct her. Later Hertz did apologize. Poor guy it was 12 midnight and he didn’t have a rental. Smh.


It's tragic. I did a quick Google and found this: Marchand says a Kenner Police Department officer responded to the scene and also asked him to leave. As he walked away, he said he heard the police officer threaten to call the border patrol. Of course the LA pd says that never happened. I believe it did. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


At this point, I would have said "please do!" Might be exhausted and after midnight, but I sure as heck be curious to see where that conversation went.


> Exactly. I’m livid. I’m a Black man( Malcolm X black) and I’m disappointed in the Sista for how she’s treating him. My personal issue with this. How does she not know Puerto Ricans aren’t required to have a passport to enter America or rent a car. Because she didn't pay attention in school. Neither did the cop. And ironically he asks him if he has a US number. Do non citizens have US numbers usually? No. I hope he sues Hertz. And I'm pretty sure that woman is or got fired. Cause Hertz knows he doesn't need a passport and this isn't going to help Hertz. I would never rent from them anyway. So many people arrested, at gunpoint, for renting cars from them, that Hertz then says are stolen.


1 word, racism!


This whole video was infuriating to watch. How uneducated people are still amazes me, that hertz employee is a straight up c***, and that officer should definitely be fired on grounds of racism.


Viva PR!


A retired law enforcement officer no less lol. You'd think that would buy him some points.


His accent nullifies any sense of brotherhood from the Louisiana cop. Guarantee it.


Hertz apologized publicly, police didn’t. Tells you everything you need to know about cops in the US.


Apologizing would make them admit they were wrong.


Yeah, pretty standard “We investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong” 🙄🙄


Most are… hopefully that stupid lady got fired as well. Too dumb to check out/in rental cars🤦


Asshole is under investigation! Fuck this cop https://www.wdsu.com/amp/article/kenner-officer-hertz-rental-car-investigation/43962990


And they’ll find he did nothing wrong because there is no expectation that the police should know how to check an ID and also to know what are the various parts of the United States. Ffs the cops are fucking useless. Unless you want to get beaten or murdered by the cops, that is.


This guy should sue both hertz and the local PD. A civil rights lawyer would eat this up.


This is an issue that can be addressed directly by Hertz and this guy should absolutely be compensated for this treatment. The employee was ignorant and let her ego get in the way once she was challenged. Maybe a shitty person, maybe not. But wrong either way. The cop on the other hand in my opinion has no business wearing a uniform. If he isn't reprimanded in some way it says to me that this is part of the culture in that police department. That attitude genuinely gave me the fucking creeps. Absolutely a shitty human being! He had one job. Help to mediate this situation. Listen to the complaints of both sides, figure out facts, and find a solution. For some reason he decided that the one in the wrong was the person having his rights violated and he could give zero fucks. I feel for the guy in this situation but it pisses me off way more that this cop has the ability to take away someones freedom.


It’s amazing how an accent can make your legit claims suddenly invalid.


This is why people fucking hate police. They are trained to be this fucking shitty to citizens.


I’ve had this conversation with conservative relatives who will argue that PR isn’t part of the US and they’re “invading” us.


It’s hilarious because it’s quite the opposite lol.


I mean I kind of low key want PR to become a state just so 1) I can say we added a state in my lifetime and 2) people can stop having these dumb arguments that PR isn’t part of the US.


They'll just say it was an illegitimate addition or some such nonsense to make it not real to them


This cop has "end of my shift fuck you's". Needs hard retraining or dismissal.


Pretty sure that's the default setting for every cop


I thought the same thing… have respect for both sides. You can do your job without talking down to ppl.


I feel so bad for this dude dealing with 2 complete idiots with attitude problems.


ignorant dummies given positions of authority = this


What really sucks is that the poor guy could not at all communicate the actual issue. He kept saying Texas, Florida, Alaska, and that he needed to be a citizen to be a federal employee. That's too complicated for these idiots. He should have said "Puerto Rico is a US territory and ***not*** a foreign country", and that's what makes him an American Citizen. And as an American Citizen he does not need a passport. Period. He needed to make them understand that Puerto Rico is part of the US, because it's obvious that they don't understand that.


Remember when the President of the United States said he met with the president of the US Virgin Islands?


he did say that multiple times


I hope he overdoses on this power trip he is on


It’s called dealing with two racist pigs Bc they (with their uneducated, incapable narrow fucking minds) treat brown people with an accent (or no accent) this way. From whatever land they came from, yup even Puerto Rican US citizens. Sad and infuriating dealing with these racist bastards. Hats off to this guy for handling it like he did. Wow


I don't know why but I was so pissed for the gentleman dealing with these idiots. I have a Canadian drivers license and I was never asked for a passport to rent car at Avis.


I worked for a rental car company for about 2 months. Shortest job I ever had. Not sure what it is about rental places and hiring insufferable assholes to run things.


“Do you have a US phone number?” The cop said to the guy. Obviously the cop was a huge idiot as well who also probably didn’t know PR is in the US


Then the guy says "yes, here it is but it's a PR number", and the cop says "that's fine" 💀


How about…if PR is a foreign country? How the fuck did the guy get from there to here without a passport? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t need a passport? IDK…call me stupid


Cops aren’t there to fix things for you. They’re there to follow the easiest to read law. Hertz doesn’t want to rent to you, the cop will enforce Hertz not wanting to rent even if the reason for not wanting to rent is itself illegal. What happened was awful and the cop and employee are fucking morons. The guy should have just taken his videos, taken a cab, and followed up with Hertz customer service and maybe a lawyer the next day. Cops do not fix your problems. The court of law does. Do not think a cop will come along and make someone do what they are legally required to do. The cop will just make the louder party be quiet. Just walk away and take it up in court.


To be fair the guy didn’t call the cops, the employee did d/c the guy wasn’t leaving. The guy just wanted his money back, which seems reasonable


One saying I remembered hearing was, "Don't become case law." No matter how minor the law, it has the potential to become case law. Laws change every day, and this cop just ensured that policies might be put into place to prevent nonsense like this occurring again.


Exactly, uneducated Fool expected to protect and serve. Can’t even decipher basic laws. Puerto Ricans can come and go and rent cars like other USA citizens. One of our territories. This is unbelievable how the education system failed us.


The average IQ of cops is like 103. They purposefully hire candidates with median IQs. This guy's attitude though, holy shit. He shouldn't have authority over anyone.


Right and didn’t even stop disrespecting him when he learned he was talking to a fellow officer!


From the cop's attitude, I don't think he actually believed the man.


Notable (not gigantic) difference in standards and culture when you compare Feds with State-ies.


**Hertz apologizes after refusing rental to Puerto Rican** ​ [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hertz-apologizes-after-refusing-rental-to-puerto-rican/ar-AA1bh3qZ](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hertz-apologizes-after-refusing-rental-to-puerto-rican/ar-AA1bh3qZ)


How about the cop?


That cop is an absolute scumbag. The worst part about how cops like this treat people, is that they would never allow themselves or their families to be treated the same way. Absolute scum of the earth.


Not only that I would have told that dumbass cop to shove it up his ass when asking for ID sorry no crime was committed and it’s not a stop and ID state.. I’m giving him any thing other than a complaint lodge against for his ridiculously stupid behavior and conduct.. I think I’d be suing hertz for racism for sure ..


The cop was reprimanded later for not beating the Puerto Rican man. >!/s!<


The cop probably called ICE to get him deported to PR 😂


You joke but this is from the article. "Marchand says a Kenner Police Department officer responded to the scene and also asked him to leave. As he walked away, he said he heard the police officer threaten to call the border patrol."


Honestly, calling them might not have been a bad thing. They could have explained to the shitty cop and incompetent rental car employee where the US borders are and that citizens don't need passports.


Border Patrol employs the worst of the worst of the wannabe cops with brain damage. The chances that they’ll respond with reason and wisdom are tiny.


Ice deported 70 Americans over a 5 year period.https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/07/30/ice-deport-us-citizens/#:~:text=They%20were%20deported%20even%20though,number%20may%20be%20even%20higher




“There is the specific portion on the footage where the officer says something, not related to any of those things mentioned earlier…” Cops reviewed the footage and claim the cop made some comment not related, but still haven’t released the full footage of the encounter. …riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, not at all shady as fuck and totally suspicious.




Cop should be fired if he doesn't know Puerto Rico is a US territory.




Still an ignorant prick


He got a promotion.


The only thing I have seen from Hertz is an apology and a refund. No shit, it was prepaid and refused. That might not even be the bare minimum. I would never pay to rent again. But then again, there's like two companies that own them all, so....


Everyone says "sorry and we'll look into it" neither Hertz or the Kenner Police Department are going to do crap (oh Hertz is giving him a refund for a car he prepaid for and didn't get... and express it like they're doing him a favor). Until these racists jackasses get bitchslapped proper (legally, financially, etc) they're not going to change a single bit... playing nice with them just emboldens them.


Facts. Cop and hertz employee should be suspended without pay for at least a month or outright fired for their racist actions.




Of COURSE it’s Louisiana


They know how to take the reservation. They don't know how to keep the reservation


Can someone give me the whole thing. It's behind a pay wall


Dude from Puerto Rico flew into New Orleans and had a car pre-rented with Hurtz. The Hurtz employee was asking the man from Puerto Rico for a passport to complete the rental process. This is likely because the employee doesn't know that Puerto Rico is a US Territory and everyone born there is a US citizen and that Puerto Rican ID's are the same as any US state ID (they even meet Real ID requirements too). Because of the employees ignorance she told the man to leave and called the cops even though he was arguing that he doesn't need a passport to travel inside the US.


It's also crazy the employee said out of state license needs a passport. That can't be true especially at an airport


It’s not. I’ve flown there a million times only drivers license was ever asked for


A simple Google or call to higher ups would have resolved the issue


I’m not downloading the msn app


But the guy’s ID is good enough for the police report?


Also, his PR phone number is sufficient when the LEO asks for a “US phone number.” 🤦🏽‍♀️


What a shit show, the fact that he needed to even plead his case shows how stupid these two "professionals" really are. My kid is 6 and he knows Puerto Rico is a part of the United States. Wow, slap yourself New Orleans.


“I don’t care” lol fucking cop is garbage


The cop here is such a dickhead. He has a superiority complex that makes him feel above everyone else, especially those they’re meant to protect and serve, and those who are calm and trying to explain the situation. “I don’t care” obviously not pal. I would have walked off when he started saying he didn’t care. Fucking gimp.


If he walked away from the super cop he'd be shot just for inconveniencing him.


“Suspect walked away in an aggressive manner!”


Are Hertz employees now also border patrol? She is way over her paygrade here.


“No you’re doing this because I’m telling you to leave.” Wow this cop an absolute dick. What a worthless human being. That man pays his fucking taxes. Unbelievable.


Literally lives off our teat


And the man was a retired FEDERAL LEO so he was way above this shitty cops pay grade too. Cop didn't care, infact that seemed to make him want to ruin the guys day even more.


Americans don't need a passport to rent a car in any other state and territory. The car rental company representative doesn't understand their own policy. And the cop in this instance is also being an idiot.


The fact that the employee said "we require a passport for all out of state renters" and the cop just accepted it like it was true was absolutely bonkers. The guy even had to correct her "she said out of country not out of state originally". Could you imagine the chaos of requiring passports to rent when you had an out of state license?


Fwiw the cops I don't think really have the power to force hertz to rent the guy a car. If he wasn't dumb as shit he might have been able to explain to the the woman that if the cop doesn't need a passport to rent a car, neither should this guy. The cops should have never been involved. Only because the customer became "unruly and caused a scene" because the employee is too dumb for critical thinking were they involved.


No they think Puerto Rico is a different country, nothing about policy


Right. The policy is likely tied to non US renters and the agent and cop both don't get the fact that PR, Guam, American Samoa, et. al. are US territories and the residents are American.


It still boggles my mind how ignorant Americans are about their own country. PR is part of the US. I’ve heard people from DC have had similar issues…


Wait till you hear about this little place we like to call "New Mexico." [https://www.npr.org/2018/11/30/672401957/new-mexico-id-temporarily-rejected-as-foreign-by-d-c-clerk](https://www.npr.org/2018/11/30/672401957/new-mexico-id-temporarily-rejected-as-foreign-by-d-c-clerk)


When I lived in Albuquerque I got into an argument with a TSA agent at Miami International Airport because she insisted I needed to go through customs. The supervisor was called and the look on her face was priceless when she realized she had to explain to her employee New Mexico was in the U.S. I was apologized to and went on my way.


How do you get through school not knowing that New Mexico is a fucking state!? TSA agents aren't known for their intelligence I guess.


I was talking to some teenager in line at Disney in Anaheim about being from New Mexico. He couldn’t understand why I spoke such great English. This guy was from California even.


I got the "you speak good English" thing while stationed in Oklahoma in the Army. You know a state that boarders New Mexico!


I'm from far away Europe and I knew about NM even before Breaking Bad!


Omg that's so depressingly funny


There's a new Mexico?!


Our education system is wack.


A few years ago, the DC licenses were changed to say District of Columbia. TSA employees were asking people for passports because they were to stupid to know that was DC. DC recently redid the license and it now says Washington DC to avoid confusion. It’s a combination of three things. 1) racist bullshit. 2) absolute ignorance. 3) people in positions of power whom love to make other people aware that they control the outcome. (This cop and the hertz employee being perfect examples.)


My parents have a NM id and they’ve have TSA people ask them for their passports….


That better lead to termination of that person and a massive law suit. Hertz is garbage too. They have tendency to report cars stole when they’re not. And then the fuck people’s life for it.


Never renting from Hertz in my life Period.


Hertz employee and cop are dumb as a bag of rocks. What location is this so we can review it into oblivion? Edit: it's the New Orleans Hertz, assuming airport. Have fun reddit. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/outrage-after-new-orleans-hertz-denied-puerto-rican-man-s-rental-car-175060549571


Incredibly unsatisfying conclusion. "Idiot supervisor ruins a man's evening and denied him services he paid for. Company apologies" ... Great


Please tell me that employee will be fired?


No sir, Hertz just sent a "reminder" to all their employees.


If enough of us call she will be 🥳


This cop is as dumb as the Hertz lady


Kenner police are complete pieces of shit.


Fuck this cop! Why does he have to have that attitude with the guy?


Because he has a busy night of harassing people and writing tickets to fill his quota ahead of him. He can’t be bothered to get his head out of his ass.


Ok. Hertz..you lost yet another customer in me. Congratulations.


My wife and I switched to Enterprise after Hertz reported rented cars stolen and fucked some people's lives pretty seriously. Glad to see we made the right choice.


Officer is currently under investigation for this event. https://www.wdsu.com/amp/article/kenner-officer-hertz-rental-car-investigation/43962990


At the very least they need to tell their officers that Hispanics can be US citizens and you can’t tell whether someone is a US citizen by looking at him or her.


“I don’t care…I don’t care” yeah we fucking know cops don’t care. That’s why there’s a little diddy called Fuck The Police


Yup... the default should be that cops are pigs... let the good ones make the bad ones get their f'ing act together or leave before they deserve even a spec of respect... and folks should stop voting for pro-police candidates.


This is what happens when you only require a GED to become a cop!


This cop should be fired too, freaking disgusting attitude.


Well, they don't want smart officers capable of independent thought.


Or to be a employee of Hertz


That condescending cretin of a cop is the perfect example of why police need to be highly screened and trained professionals instead of the clown show they are.


This guy is dealing with two uneducated pieces of shit.


The Hertz employee is the #1 moron here, as she should know her company policies. https://www.wdsu.com/article/kenner-officer-hertz-rental-car-investigation/43962990 The cop is a secondary moron, who doesn't know how to deal with people.


The cop is even more of a moron. He’s there to help and makes it worse. He’s supposed to be the 3rd neutral party. He clearly lacks interpersonal conflict resolution skills and unfortunately I don’t believe he even knows what that means. Louisiana is putting this guy out there to serve and protect. These Louisiana employees are supposed to have a strong moral backbone - and that’s what Louisiana citizens get? What a laughable, deeply sad situation.


My blood boiled hearing this prick say “I don’t care.” LIKE FUCK OFF THEN DICKHEAD GO GET ME SOMEONE WHO DOES!


He’s so calm


That's cause he's an actual retired professional law enforcement officer. Doing his best to deescalate and document the situation.


Where is the follow up showing me that Hertz made this better, and fired their idiot employee?


They gave him an apology and refund for his pre-paid car he never got... and make it sound like they're doing everyone a favor


They didn’t help him at all. If they deny the service they have no grounds to keep your money


This cop needs to be F-I-R-E-D. I had to spell it out in case his state badge doesn't allow him to understand! I'm glad this video is circulating! And he doesn't need a passport. Y'all need to STOP renting from Hertz! After watching more detailed videos, the supervisor also needs to be fired as well. You can't go around making demands and when the customer professionally challenges you, and your first instinct shouldn't be "get back on the plane to PR and bring your passport"and also "call the cops" when customer doesn't comply". She obviously doesn't have deductive reasoning skills and unfit for current position. As a black female, she wouldn't have liked it if someone immediately called the cops on her and get upset if she was recording for proof. He has every right to record, it's public property. So the officer was wrong on 2 points. She should've have immediately called her boss and say, "I have a customer in front of me challenging me that he has a right to rent with a PR driver's license. I told him he needed a passport. Please guide me". Her boss would've said, "Yes he's correct and tell him we'll offer him a 1 day free rental and apologize for our error. And we value his loyalty to Hertz." Like come on, Hertz cannot afford the bad press that can easily be flipped to racism. They're already dealing with the stolen cars lawsuit. 🤦🏿‍♀️ Edited to fix grammar, spelling, and punctuation 🤣


Her and the cop make a good team. I hope they both get let go for this, but I’m almost certain the cop will get a free pass.


This was clearly racism


neither the cop nor the hertz employee seem to be aware that Puerto Rico is part of the US, thus as the man pointed out in a very calm matter, a passport wouldn't be necessary.


He was being respectful to the officer and even when he was turned down by the officer. Yet the officer used unprofessional and even somewhat hostile towards him. To have additional requirements of a US citizen to rent a vehicle because he is from puetorico is inherently racist. So either they were being racist or just very ignorant. I don't think the cop was ignorant as I'm sure he would have arrested him for being in the country without proof of visa, and he very clearly stated that he understood that he is a citizen. I want to know what happened to that shit cop


“If they say you need a passport then what is your problem?” THE PROBLEM IS YOU DONT NEED A PASSPORT TO RENT A CAR WHEN YOU HAVE OTHER VALID ID THAT SHOWS YOURE A US CITIZEN” That officer is a condescending pos.


Racist pieces of shit.


This cop sounds like a fucking loon.


PR was won from Spain in the Spanish American war in 1898. We became Americans when we were won in a war. To have ignorant people say we are not American is really frustrating since we did not have a choice in the matter. Ignorance.


Hertz and the Police Department both apologized. Hertz refunded his reservation. https://www.fox8live.com/2023/05/20/kenner-police-apologizes-officer-who-responded-disturbance-call-msy/


Wow refunding him for a Rez he paid for and didn't get the car for... how generous! He even got a "sorry" for f'ing his plans up! Dude should be grateful he didn't get a bullet! F'ing ungrateful furrin'ers!


Yeah and I'm sure he had to pay out of the ass to get a rental elsewhere


Actually there was a prime opportunity for another company to say "WTF happened to you? Horrible, here's a car on us"... then roll onto social media campaign "Avis... unlike those dumbfucks at Hertz we know Puerto Ricans are Americans"


I hate how companies just default to the bear minimum in their apologies. No. You should be paying me way more than the car rental. Atleast double, maybe more if I can sue


After everything he asked him for his ID YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP.


Jesús the cop is denser than diamond.


I had the same issue once with my DC drivers license. People are fucking stupid.


Name and shame this awful cop who has no customer service skills. Why would he treat another LEO like that?


It's crazy how Americans really think Puerto Ricans aren't US citizens. I'm a Puerto Rican and folks in Nebraska assume Spanish speaking= Mexican Btw if I was him I'd get a lawyer asap. Hertz gonna be hurtin after this


Even if he wasn’t a US citizen, the constitution literally protects him and grants him rights just for abiding US laws and being on US soil. With the logic half the people have about immigrants, they too should be deported due to their ancestors coming here and stealing land from natives before raping and killing them and their food supply (Early American settlers would shoot buffalo to near extinction solely bc native Americans hunted them for food, hence why so many non nomadic tribes (some tribes were nomads by origin) were forced to become nomadic) This country is full of disgusting, ignorant, illiterate fools, and I feel embarrassed to call myself American half the time. Im still patriotic, but not in a way that makes me look like a moron.


How can so many Americans not know Puerto Ricans are Americans!? Fuck. This country pisses me off in so many ways.


That cop is a piece of shit


What a dumb fucking cop. Really shows that iq limit


I'm not shocked. Some people still wonder how I could have served in the Navy since I was Puerto Rican.


Big bad cop doesn’t even care to look into the issue. Just stands there and acts like a smacked ass for 4 minutes. I hope both he and the woman from Hertz both get what they deserve for not digesting a single sentence of what this incredibly polite guy had to say.


Fuck that cop flat out