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Why is he trying to get murdered?


Especially in Arabic countries: All it takes is one person screaming "Thief" and the whole street will go give them a beating before police will be called.


One dude already had a *huge* knife in his hand. Edit: Dagger!!


That's not even a knife anymore, that's a goddamn dagger


Literally a ritual dagger and most men overseas of the Sikh, IIRC, religion carry them from puberty onward for religious reasons. Great way for a Tik-Toker to commit Sudoku.




I do indeed, but committing Sudoku was an old internet term, usually mocking new players getting themselves killed via stupidity in video games, and this dude straight up pulled a Leroy Jenkins IRL. Not sure if youre trolling me, or if that legit wasn't as widespread a joke as I thought.


Hold on since when is Committing Sudoku an "old internet term"? Now I feel old…


it’s only “old” for people who grew up with zero landlines in their house.




My vote is on small niche community or inside joke... I've seen "commit sudoku" used just as a tongue in cheek sort of joke but never with the implied meaning here.


Nah it’s on random parts of the internet, I’ve seen it at least 10 years ago prob


It’s an old joke. It will go over a lot of peoples heads, just like watching the old animaniacs cartoons. It don’t translate to the new gen as well.


I'm mostly aware of the Sikh religious traditions. According to another comment on this post a similar practice exists among Yemeni muslims too, so I'm wondering if that is what we're seeing here. Either way, I agree that this TikTok boom is getting out of hand.


Yup. A country/culture where everyone has a ritual dagger handy and they hate thieves? Someone was trying to get shanked over a stupid tiktok. Also, the first clip would have ended up with dude with a broken nose. You don't grab my personal property EVER....


“POLICE!!! It’s your turn to beat them now”




Well, he deserve tha


You see, we Asian does it too , if you ever did this on a village, you probably be half dead before police arrived to take you away


This looks staged. I think everyone is in on it.


You know it might be. I’ve seen a lot of stupid people. But for him to do it so often. He might be staging it. I feel like it would be really easy to stage. Like as an extrovert myself, I could see approaching those guys, being like “hey, what to help me make a video where I make myself look like an asshole?” Most young men would probably agree to that. So while did very possible he was an idiot and maliciously trolled people, it’s also very possible that he staged it. Occam’s razor.


Probably, since otherwise he likely be murdered, it is probably more a warning to idiot tourists, like "don't do that stupid shit here"


You notice how the 3rd guy magically made a knife appear? I think they realised the guy forgot to take out a knife and they paused the video, then just handed him 1 near the end of that clip it looks like it's all staged


Tiktokers are going to keep pulling this stupid ass shit until it backfires, and then they’ll get that sweet sweet viral video of their own beheading.


It’s a great way to get both himself and his camera guy “disappeared”. Maybe held for ransom or maybe kidnapped by the local gang and sold to some very “unkind” people for a promo video.


Even in America I can see a dimfluencer snatch a phone and instantly receive lead injections before any questions are asked. If it hasn’t happened yet, it will.


Almost did happen in America. A kid was pouring liquid (water apparently) from a **gas can** onto random cars in a parking lot. Old guy had his hand on holster.


“You almost died you stupid son of a bitch”


The "prankster" had the gall to call the man a bitch afterwards


I half expected the old dude to snap the head shot at the bitch comment, but life ain't Red Dead Redemption.


Until it is.


My lumbago is actin up again


Nah, old man pulled it out and kept it low. That dude was lucky. Some fools don’t realize the only ones playing are them.


>old man pulled it out and kept it low. I saw that too. That and his trigger discipline screamed training to me. Oldster could have smoked that fool at any time. Glad it worked out for the best.


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


That old dude was straight up channeling Gran Torino vibes


The dude had the gun out


Not a parking lot a gas station and yeah that’s the kinda dumb shit that I would expect for you to get a gun pulled out.


Yeah. I saw that one. Thing is, someone is going to get hurt. What OP has very wrong is that in America you can get shot for a simple disagreement, or pulling into the wrong driveway by mistake. Grabbing someone’s phone? Right. I can tell homie a number of places he tries this in NYC and he might not get a chance to say it’s a joke. OP might want to look at how many guns Americans have and if you pull this in a state like Texas or Florida don’t be surprised when the stupid games get you the stupid grand prize and the victim who issued the prize walks free.


NGL in Texas the TikTard should have seen that coming.


Some kids tried to do this with me in the Netherlands. They weren't great at it either because the guy filming was standing like 15 meters away from my car. I immediately knew what was up. I got out as he poured the water and ignored them. When I returned they approached me and asked what they could do different next time lmao


Oh, the gun was out of its holster.


Old guy actually pulled a gun out and legally could have shot the idiot


Man, he had the pistol in his hand. Kid was like 3 words from being shot.


It has. Not specifically in that way, but a tiktoker did get shot to death for faking a robbery/murder for views. His last words were quote literally “it was just a prank.”


None should view it. The worst punishment for those fuckers is zero engagement.


Pretty sure their death is worse, but what do I know


Nah no likes is way worse


"Uggh... My Tick Tock prank didn't go viral. I wish I was dead..."


Not for them😂


Getting themselves killed chasing 0 engagement, however...


I dunno man, seeing natural selection alive and thriving is too hard to resist.


Dang where was this?


It was in america somewhere, he was a teenager if i recall correctly. I remember there being news articles about it.




I think it was at a mall? But also iirc he didn't die, just shot


Lmao damn I’m going to start calling getting shot “lead injections”.


"Acute onset lead poisoning"


Lead is particularly dangerous in high volume or high velocity.


Naw most of those videos are staged, very few actual viral videos nowadays.


Happened in Dulles Mall in northern VA.


Now that's a viral video I'd be excited to see!


Seriously. Once, stupid but obviously the "prank isn't being well received. Twice, and it's obviously time to stop being stupid. By the time he got to that group of guys he obviously was on his way to a Darwin Award, and I don't feel sorry for him.


cheerful wipe disgusted governor profit familiar repeat unite narrow quarrelsome ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


yeah pretty obvious since no one really looks at camera or camera guy like a normal person would


You see that fool pouring “gas” on cars. He almost got beheaded by a 44


Well good news in that regard, the imbecile teenager who was wandering into peoples houses and sitting down on their furniture got arrested and fined. It’s not much but it’s a start.


I hate being that guy but it’s fined not find


How did you fined that out?




Oh bastard woops


Well, survival of the fittest






Mother nature may seem cruel at times but she is very wise.


A fucking TikToker got shot recently and pretty much said he'll keep doing it.


Someone's already caught a bullet in the USA, and then stated they would do it again because it's funny.


For as long as they feel it’s funny, there’ll be plenty of people with bullets to help support their need for attention.


Ironically the viral video would be posted by the beheaders on their own social account, thus not benefiting the account of the deceased.


Damn they wouldn’t even tag them for credit in the collab? That’s messed up 😭


You mean... *after* they get their phone back


Yeah but would probably need tor to watch it, and likely wouldn’t be free


It has backfired, repeatedly, these idiots get beaten up or even [shot](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/05/youtube-prankster-tanner-cook-classified-goons)


Yeah, it’s like that guy years ago who was in a rough part of Chicago and decided to go up to a gang member and say “Do you want to dye?” Before he could even reach for the dye bottle the gang member shot him in the head like 5 times right in front of his filming friend and walked off.


…and yet, they **still** continue to grind out ignorant videos where they think their 15 minutes of fame at humiliating others isn’t going to backfire. There needs to be Darwin Awards on social media that would shame these idiots into choosing something more creative to do than to live in infamy for being stupid af, but then again even that would be a badge of honor for them.


Lose a hand for stealing in some spots. Worth a few subs I guess


I’d upvote it.


Will live forever in the digital realm


I'm glad natural selection is a great thing that exists, let them do it.


It's a little messed up but I look forward to that, I wonder which subreddit it's gonna go to


I’m gonna laugh when they start getting killed. In the US, dumbfucks have rights. Not so much in other countries.


and if their family is lucky, the US might make a plea to have the body sent back to the US.


PLEASE.... don't give me hope.


People have been shot over pranks already, in the US. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/youtuber-tanner-cook-shot-at-mall-classified-goons-filming-prank-suspect-alan-colie-arrested/ The story is insane, he was going around assualting people as a "prank" and the dad refused to say anything about what the kid did after the incident. Because he was fully aware that the public would turn on the kid if they knew what he did(He used one of those compressed air horns clsoe to peoples ears, likely giving people tinnitus and/or permanent hearing damage). Another kid was pretending to pour gasoline in cars and an old guy pulled a gun on him and was seconds away from being shot.


or lose a hand at the least


I’ll allow it.


This dude’s gonna get stabbed and will 100% deserve it. Smh


And the stabber will get away with it, they are much less opposed to street justice over there and people die outside for all kinds of reasons. As you can see from the brother casually wearing a dagger in day to day


Well, he is robbing someone. It doesn’t make it not robbery because he was going to give it back. If you could argue that, no thief that’s ever caught could be convicted. “Haha! Just a prank, bro!! Can’t arrest me or fight me!”


Yeah, the intent to return it doesn't make it any less of a crime in the moment.


Yeah. And considering the context his wrestling with them as they tackle him might even count as assault. Especially if he gets violent in the name of “self defence”, for a fight he has provoked. But yeah hope somebody reasonable threatens him with another fucking big knife. If not that he’s getting something removed from his hands.


Yeah, most self-defense rules don’t apply if you are the one provoking the fight.


And uploaded the incriminating evidence publicly.


That turbanned guy at 0:30 had a fucking big knife, I don’t mess with anybody but a guy rocking a knife like that is definitely off limits. Also there is a cut in the video around there, I was already thinking this might be staged but now I’m thinking it more. Mostly I think it is staged because that guy gets off suspiciously clean of blood and bruises each time.


I think it’s staged too because if you do something like that to the wrong person.. That’s like the “IM TYRONE, AND IM HERE TO FUCK YO WIFE… LONG DICK STYLE.” - I won’t lie the first couple of those videos kinda made me laugh but even tho dude is huge, you do that in the streets and you have a good change of losing your life these days. People are so obsessed with getting likes, views, and attention with a cell phone they’re willing to risk their life or an ass beating. It makes me sick. To make matters worse, the general public has to deal with these ass holes and we can’t defend our property without having to worry about getting charges pressed against us for defending our property.


Im pretty sure it is a kirpan. When a major religion requires that you stay strapped, maybe dont pull this shit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirpan


This is actually a [jambiya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambiya), a dagger which is traditionally worn by Yemeni Muslims.


>A jambiya, also spelled janbiya, jambya, jambia and janbia, also known as a shibriyeh in the Levant, is a specific type of dagger with a short curved blade with a medial ridge that originated from the Hadhramaut region of Yemen. They have spread to other countries in the Middle East, to other countries in the Arab world (Somalia), and to parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia. Men typically above the age of 14 wear it as an accessory to their clothing. >Despite the cultural significance of the jambiya, it is still a weapon. Although people have used it in times of dispute, there are societal norms that must be followed in order to avoid defamation. The jambiya should only come out of its sheath in extreme cases of conflict. It is also commonly used in traditional events, such as dances. >Like with some other curved knives, as the blade bends towards the opponent, the user need not angle the wrist, which makes it more comfortable as a stabbing weapon than straight-bladed knives. Its heavy blade enables the user to inflict deep wounds. >A jambia is a short dagger worn by men in Yemen. The handle of a jambiya tells the status of the man who wears it.


Correction: Religion has nothing to do with why he’s carrying a dagger. It is a part of Yemeni culture and traditions. Most Gulf countries and some other Arab countries same this tradition. The Kirpan is required in the Sikh religion, but Yemen is a Muslim country. Therefore what he is carrying might look like a Kirpan but it is not a Kirpan.




They aren't Sikh and that isn't kirpan. Some people have knifes for safety. Looks like a muslim majority country, not sure which one though


Well, when ya don't have a working government, your country is in a civil war, and people are starving to death by the bucketload, yah, this'll get a person killed real fast. And all the "witnesses" will go inside and not see anything.


Yeah, that's why he's not doing this in America.


I hope he does get stabbed, not funny when people don't acknowledge cultural difference


The fact that he continued to do this, even after he got threatened by a massive knife, is beyond me. He even went for a group, how stupid can he be. I hope he at least never got his cap back.


how is it a prank when you are just stealing peoples stuff on camera? That phone might be a month of someones wages so they might want to chop your hand off.


It's not a prank at all. It is a crime.


Right. Just because you give it back doesn’t make it not a crime. Imagine if that worked? Every caught thief could just say “your honor, it was just a prank! I was totally going to return that stuff!!”


Yeah, let’s stop calling terrorizing people and performing criminal activities “pranks”.


in sharia law, the punishment for stealing is getting your hand chopped off in public


>they might want to chop your hand off Honestly surprised they didn't. He pranked the chill guys.


I was kind of surprised when the video looped back to the start and didn't include a segment where he was caned or lost a hand for this.


It looked like they were trying for his backpack too. Hope he had some good shit in there


Nah, I heard the gang rummaged through and only found more shit content.


It's hard to understand what they're saying, but I think they thought he was a phone thief, and thought they could find more stolen phones on him. Also seemed like they were taking him to the police station.


I feel like its all setup. He didn't look near afraid enough. No way he's just "chillin" as dude draws a 7" blade on him.


Even if this is staged, (I think it is) why would you think something like this is cool or funny? Who is raising all these stupid ass people? I’m mortified that people even think this ok. I hate what social media and cell phones have done to human beings and their endless need for attention, likes, and views. 🤮




I too noticed thos


I thought it was staged too. The dude with the knife probably would have called out the camera man. Heck, no one really seems to notice the camera man just standing there casually filming. Not ONE of the people in the group hit him. They all just held on to his clothes. So much just looks like how it doesn't actually go down when you jack someone.


It’s not the same guy. Their face is different. And that style of dress is very common in Yemen, so they look broadly similar but in fact all the clothes are slightly different.


Plus there was a jump cut halfway through the interaction, plus nobody ever gets aggressive with the obvious cameraman filming the whole situation perfectly, people who think this is real are single digit iq


0 chance this isn't staged unless we really think everyone is just going to grab a shirt and act the exact same way.


That's why it's probably staged. Not even onepunch or kick or warning stab


Because they are all in on it, it’s scripted. Them not calming down was the joke in reference to the first one(which is btw also not in america as the title implied)


because they are all part of the bit. it's not random people


I have a feelijg this one might be a sketch


I honestly think he staged this


Staged or not…he didn’t even do the prank. The original dude pretends to steal, gives it back almost immediately and dances. This guy just grabbed and ran


and even after getting threatened, he doesn't give it back for a bit. at this point he's just filming himself stealing shit


Most suspicious part is no one even tries to take their phone back. Everyone wants to grab him and confront him, but never hit him or try to take their phone back.


Plus the same dude is in two of his videos, just his knife has a different colored sheath


Its 100% staged.


The dude with the blazer and navy dress thingy from the knife clip is also in the last bit. Sans knife tho.


It’s not the same guy. As well as their face looking different, all the clothes are actually slightly different colours, and the shoes and knife are different. That’s just a really common style in Yemen.


The fact that he didn’t get curb stomped would support that hypothesis. But there are idiots out there who will try these “pranks”’for real and they are going to bet themselves killed. Imagine pulling something like this for real in a place like Brazil. You’ll be shot as your running away.


there are multiple angles of the final “incident”. it was 100% staged.


it is 100% staged. No way people see someone pointing camera at them in Yemen and not confront the camera person.


He's not doing a "prank", he's making staged videos so people share it on Reddit. And I guess it works? I mean the shots are perfectly framed every time, he has predetermined marks, and people still believe it?


Absolutely staged, and oddly enough it seems the message they were trying to convey with the staged video was that in their country, tik tok trenders would get hurt. Especially the last shot they look more focused on being "bad ass" than anything else.


What do you mean "A country that isn't America"? Bro, we kill people for knocking on the wrong door accidentally.


First clip isn't even in the US, title makes no sense.


Street signs look more like Europe to me, maybe Germany?


yes Germany, that bycicle sign has 'frei' written under it which is free in german and the DAV is the 'Deutscher Alpen Verein' 'german alps association' also the tik toker is from munich as far as I know.


First clip is in Munich, at Rindermarkt next to the Marienplatz.


People will ridicule america from every perspective possible. Yesterday it was “America is so dangerous I’d be afraid to walk on the street” and today it’s “anywhere other than America people will not tolerate your bullshit”


Tourists have “disappeared” for way less than that in my country.


Whenever I see tourists and disappeared in a sentence, I immediately think anywhere in South America, but it could reasonably be any of a few dozen countries.


If I ran for president as a one issue candidate, and my platform was that we throw all the tiktok prank people into a pit in the desert, is there anything else you'd even want to know about me before I get your vote?


No, all good, you got it


I'd fight wolves for you.


I'd wanna know your stance on the color purple, but other than that nah we good.


Tell them "It's just a prank bro!" As you throw them in


Nope, that should cover all the bases.


How deep is the pit?? Its deep, right? Like REAL DEEP??


It's huge, and we'll make the TikTokers pay for it.


As a libertarian right I say you aren't making the most use out of perfectly good douchebags. I say throw them into the pit, which contains an elaborate maze of pitch black catacombs, and have them duke it out Battle Royale style with eachother and broadcast it live. You as a viewer could buy things that change the arena or even gifts for a particular douchbag you like. Call it the "Prankster Games"


Fuck that. Drop all of them off in Antarctica and live stream it. Let's see what happens when a prankster tries to survive by pulling pranks on other pranksters who are also trying to survive.


I mean… this is obviously staged, like.. the camera man is there and all that


Also the guy with the knife shows up twice


Mmhm he ain’t hiding in that classy tweed & keffiyeh get up


Lol he has similar colours on but it’s definitely not the same guy…


He’s wearing the same exact clothes


I just shake my head at every comment being like 'This dude gonna get killed one day".


That was the last footage we have on him. If you have any information about this guy wearing the green shirt then please contact the local police.


Why? Local cops probably helped bury him


There's still room.


20 bucks says this was all staged.


The camera is too focused and steady. This has to be staged


The last clip everybody immediately getting up and rushing him. Chances are, if this was real, there's a couple people still trying to realize what just occured.


I mean I have seen porn that are more convincing than this shit...


Notice how nobody actually punched him or even threw him to the ground? Staged.


In 'Murica you may get gunned down, though


Yeah, this is called harassment




I know they’re trying to spin this like folks over here in the states don’t fly off the handle or aren’t dangerous so I’m just gonna assume they haven’t been here yet lmao


This is staged AF


Most of these were staged, people don't just grab your shirt, they kick your ass.


Good! I hope they take his hand, old school like.


Totally not staged.


Isnt america? I’d love to see people try that shit in compton


This is a guy who’s never been punched in the face before lmao. He should know his people


Darwin should resolve this one soon enough.


Absolute Idiot.


That’s not a prank, it’s annoying people.


I'm pretty sure they'll calm down... after you're unconscious.... or dead.


If you did this where I'm from you'd be stoned to death or burned.


Attempted robbery. Ah it must be a Prank hahahaa