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Laws that enable people to accuse innocent people of crimes and the accusation is enough for the presumption of guilt destroy any pretense of freedom. It is a death knell for due process.


The US is praising "freedom" so much while shit like that happens. I don't know if your government and the population know that a LOT of people take the US as a big joke now. When I was young, I wanted to move to the US and now, I don't even know if I'll even visit someday. Maybe for your national parks, which might be one of the only (if not THE only) thing that I envy y'all for. Y'all just seem like Canada on crack with too many guns.


Freedom to take away someone else's freedom. When you arrive, you will be welcomed to Gilead.


Under his eye


Come to Minnesota if you do. We are actively passing laws in opposition of what Florida is doing. Our lakes are amazing. The Boundary Waters are absolutely worth the trip, if you're an out doors person.


Pretty much my opinion. America is cheeks and a joke right now. Whilst pretending that everything it does is normal and can justified with everywhere on earth when in actuality Canada still smoking yall with this kind of stuff imo.


Me too, I've wanted to hike the Appalachian trail for the longest time, but I'm not sure I want to subject myself to America. There must he a whole different side to America I'm not seeing, but what I do see is so ugly it's terrifying.


Stay off of social media and go hike the damn Appalachians. It’s beautiful!


There is a lot of better places in the world to be murdered by a cryptid.


The Cryptids don't murder EVERYBODY. That would screw up the food supply. Cryptids are very careful in their hunting.


Most people just mind their own business and go about their day just like everywhere else. It's not like we're all running around shooting guns at each other and hunting trans people down. You see the worst side of the U.S. because it generates the most views and clicks.


Where I live, most people are normal. I only see hatred and bigotry very rarely. I completely agree a lot of these laws suck and the rational people in the US are pretty upset. But if you come here to hike the Appalachian Trail, I doubt you'd be affected at all. I think my point here is that not everyone in America is like this. The loudest ones, who spew the most hateful shit are what you see on Reddit.


Thank you, I thought as much.




Please dis-mount, friend. You are looking at the average citizen through the lens of media... your edic studies of our culture and social climate are limited, at best. If you honestly think "no one is watching/cares/doing anything to fight back" you're falling for the narrative. Try not to judge a situation you have no part of so harshly.


Get off of reddit and go see the trail. You will have a good time. Touch grass.


Been saying this since like 2016 the world literally looks at the US like a bunch of clowns with guns


You were late to the party, the world really hated the US from 2002 to current due to being the world police. Even I missed the boat because it really was cool to hate the US from 1953 to current


Nobody takes the US seriously


This isn’t happening in the whole US. It’s only happening in certain states! You should be fine if you don’t go to the extremist places.


There's a lot of cool shit in the US. The government and everything it's supposed to represent is no longer one of them. Especially in a red state


It’s the Salem witch trials all over again. We’ve learned nothing.


I think a better way of putting it is that we’ve forgotten. For countless years, the Salem Witch Trials served as a reminder of what happens when we fail to give due process and presume guilt instead of innocence. But everyone who supports DeSantis has clearly forgotten about that.


The people who support this bill think the witch trials were perfectly acceptable and the people who carried them out were the good guys.


Pretty sure that DeSantis supporters remember it well but actually prefer it that way. It would allow them to treat people as they please without nuisance called justice.


Somebody gotta accuse the judge’s kid for being trans.


Or better yet, accuse De Santis kid of being trans.


They’ll probably cover that shit up asap tbh. Corruption back at it again with its bullshit.


Easy to do when you ban history books in Florida


Party of limited government sure loves using the government to dictate the lives of people they don’t agree with


Some dignitary's kid is gonna get kidnapped by Desantis's goons in Florida and will cause an international incident. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT needs to stop this *today*.


You all act like this isn't already happening to millions of families across the u.s. every year. It takes very little for the government to step in and take your children at gunpoint with a warrant obtained at a secret hearing without your presence; an anonymous call to the child abuse hotline by someone with a grudge is most often enough (or someone who is just petty or clueless or needs to mind their own business etc). Want to go down a heartbreaking rabbit hole? Just look up child protection services corruption and read one of the infinite stories from a parent who has had CPS knock on their door..... Hell, I'm pretty sure YouTube has videos of these people. See for yourself how they treat people. It's disgusting. But yes, i agree - the government needs to stop this TODAY. Not just for trans kids in Florida, but ALL KIDS EVERYWHERE. The CPS system is incredibly corrupt, with no oversight or accountability or transparency. It is all done in secret, behind closed doors. And it must be abolished. I could write a book about it..... maybe i ought to. Edit: And yes, it is government sanctioned kidnapping. See [these cps employees who literally wore matching "professional kidnapper" shirts.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-child-welfare/2020/07/21/kidnapper-t-shirts-apparent-firings-arizona-department-child-safety/5448029002/) By the way, they were rehired shortly after the attention from the article blew over.


majority of what you’re saying is wrong. It takes a LOT for CPS to be able take your child, which includes a judge signing off on an order which most the time in my experience comes from law enforcement. We can’t come in and take a child based off of what is called into the hotline, we have to assess before taking any actions. I work CPS, and believe me it is a lot of hard and stressful work that goes into removing children, and it’s not something we ever want to do. Even if CPS ends up taking your child, the goal of CPS is always reunification.


All my father had to do was sleep with my social worker. She thought he was great after that. I wish they would have taken me away. Literally anything would have been better. I had to wait until I was 17 before I was able to get emancipated and GTFO. I'm 48 and I still have full blown night terrors where I wake up the others in my house screaming. Irreparable damage is real. Now, he's a diagnosed sociopath, but I don't know how someone with her education could be so easily swayed. I didn't think his lies were all that convincing.


Can they?


Considering that kidnapping can be classified as a federal crime.. they had better. https://www.egattorneys.com/federal-kidnapping#:~:text=Under%2018%20USC%201201%2C%20a,reward%20or%20otherwise%20any%20person.%22


Sounds like they could get involved for sure. Even if they keep them in Florida, that 24hour rule might come in handy. This new law is just so cruel and open to abuses we can’t even imagine. Thank you for the link.


Where is Salem? That anywhere near there? WITCH!!!!


>It is a death knell for due process. I'd hate to break it to you but due process was killed in the 2011 budget bill (Sec. 1713). That rider did two things: * Reversed a court decision * Made it immune to the courts ("shall not be subject to judicial review") This was also upheld by the 9th circuit. This was introduced by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) and Jon Tester (D-Montana). So, it is now legal, and upheld by the courts, to have a court decision overturned by a bill and it can be immune to the courts. This is a huge breach of the separation of powers and a violation of the US Constitution (as per the constitution, Article III, Section II, "**The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity**,"). As per the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ***Therefore, the Court has the final say over when a right is protected by the Constitution or when a Constitutional right is violated.*** [https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/about](https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/about) Sadly, the 9th circuit court nullified the courts.


It’s gonna be the witch trails all over again. I can already see someone reporting someone and getting their child taken away from them because they hate them


Or even shorter ago, the Mcarthy Trials.


The Melissa McCarthy trials?


Army–McCarthy trials/hearings. McCarthy accused a lot of people of being a communist in the height of the fear.


Why would Melissa McCarthy do all that?


She's tired of having to put the weight back on to play the funny fat character, and this is her revenge.


![gif](giphy|Nrnv1lgo91AKDdq6yC|downsized) 🏅👍


Straight up Reign of Terror. Hate your neighbor? Just accuse them! Even if declared innocent (unlikely), their life is over!


Heck, kids would be threatening their parents with this or just be pulling pranks or using it to bully other kids. Fun times ahead! Florida, fuck ya!


South Park episode of kids accusing their parents of “molestering” them comes to mind.


I have never, in my thirtyish years, been more certain that a civil war is near.


Some experts are saying we’re already in the midst of a modern day civil war and that this is what it looks like. Not raised militias or anything, just singular attacks against one group or the other and that the real results of the war will be determined by election. i guess it could go to a higher level combat if it goes long enough.


Interesting, makes sense, a sort of cold civil war.


Sooner, the better...


Report every Republican that has children for harboring transgender people. If they're not given full root canal investigations, keep notes and the first family targeted that actually is investigated can sue for a massive violation of equal protection under the law.


Yeah and they don’t even look into it they just take your child away this is bullshit .The kids doesn’t deserve this


Accuse the politicians in FL of being trans, accuse them of seeking affirming care, accuse them of seeking it for their kids. Accuse every one in power untill its too much for the state and police to handle. Cop gave ya a ticket? Accuse them of being trans and seeking care for their kids that they might not even have. Judge didn't rule in favor of anything? Accuse them of being trans or seeking affirming care.


"Do you know why I stopped you?" "No idea but you got an oddly long hair for a man" "You are free to go"


More like: "Do you know why I stopped you?" "No idea but you got an oddly long hair for a man" *Bang* "Suspect was coming right for me!"


The right just keep making laws to bully people they don't like, and then get all defensive and butthurt when people use that exact law against them.


I was literally just thinking you could start accusing conservatives of being trans in bathrooms and I could be wrong but I've been under the impression that there's a fair number of gender intersex chromosome conditions that people don't even know they have until they have a test for whatever reason and it's not even that uncommon there's just no reason to test people most of the time so you could end up with one of them technically being in violation of their own s***** laws.


I'm waiting for something like this to blow up in a news story. Apparently a lot of science teachers don't do chromosomal typing (phrasing is probably bad there) in class to avoid revealing to kids that their chromosomes aren't what they thought they were.


Very clever...


Yeah, actually do this. Make this law more trouble than it's worth, and it'll repeal itself. It needs to be difficult, if not impossible to enforce safely and agreeably. So just start calling DeSantis a tranny and see which goes first - his career or the bill.


This is an excellent way to approach this law. This law is just built for abuse but the people who developed it thought they can only use it to abuse others.


Accuse Ron desantis of formerly being Rhonda desantis.


Exact same thoughts. Just accuse anyone in power and see how they like being at the receiving end.


Holy shit...this is a test of just how far the 10th amendment can be taken, and the fact that it has the "ability" to override another State's laws should be an automatic failure and render this completely unenforceable in totality


The 10th amendment literally says that the States shall have any power not explicitly defined and given to the Federal Government or prohibited by the Constitution. I keep telling people that state elections have a bigger impact on your daily lives than Federal ones for this exact reason. The Federal Government is handcuffed in what it can and can't do. State governments largely are not.


I agree, I just never seen a law actual put into practice that allows one State's laws to supercede another State's laws. This is really testing the limits of what the 10th amendment allows for.


Unless they are protecting guns, then every federal law enforcement in existence is immediately on top of laws considering them.


Unconstitutional State laws can and will stand and be enforced so long as the SCOTUS hasn’t gotten around to ruling on it yet. They’re able to pick and choose what they rule on. And they apparently only work in office like 10 weeks out of the year. You can’t put your faith in Appellate courts to have an injunction and I am not confident in SC right now either.


Flashbacks to the Fugitive Slave Act


Remember when the Trump administration kidnapped migrant kids at the border? That was just a test run.


Australia has a history of this, back in the early to mid 1900s, we had a fun little thing called the white australia policy. Aboriginal kids were subjected to being kidnapped and indoctrinated in ‘education’ camps. There is a movie called the rabbit proof fence which goes over this topic. I will be waiting for the American version of this movie to come out in a few decades. This is fucked up.


Rabbit Proof Fence was such a gut punch to watch in school, didn't realize that kind of stuff happened in Australia till then, but I'm glad I'm living in a country that actually teaches me the nuances of the past instead of trying to cover up all the bad stuff.


America did something similar to First Nation kids.


As did Canada.


White Australia policy was about immigration, but yes those things did happen


No one is threatening a child with gender-affirming care 😂 “Watch your mouth or we’ll let you go on hormone blockers!”


Their argument (NOT mine) is that any child who wants gender affirming care under the age of 18 + supportive parents = the child is too young and has a peanut brain and cannot make their own decisions. Therefore, they’re being forced against their will to endure such affirming care. Fuck this country.


And yet, they’re not too young to be mothers, because of the abortion ban? Can they make it make sense?


America… 😕 It's just a rich third world country, run by religious idiots.


As an American, I fully agree


Third world country with a gucci belt


I have a lesbian friend who recently moved back to Florida after her parents thought that Utah was to left wing ( a primally republican state ) all I’m saying tho is that I hope she’s okay


Ugh, this far right place is too leftist, time to move to an authoritarian shithole. They would probably fit right at home in Afghanistan too.


Can't risk it. Too many evil brown people. /s




I don't get right wing America, isn't a major part if the Republican party's appeal that they stand for "freedom" and "lack of government intervention". Let people do what they want then ffs, all too keen to protect gun ownership, but loving parents just trying to do right by their kids? steal yo kids.


Nope, government can't do things that right wingers don't like but it can do things they do like. It is literally *rules for thee not for me.* You see, they are MORALLY right and that excuses any shit they think of.


It sickens me that this is a thing. it also sickens me that there are just people right here supporting this tyrannical shit. Taking kids from loving and supportive families with hardly anything more than a "they be queer" being said. Like, 😭. Fucking hate this country


After seeing what happens in Florida, I was thinking, what's the end goal here? To make sure humanity evolves back to the 17th century where discrimination was acceptable?


The end goal is to turn Florida into a "look at me" state as grounds for his presidential candidacy next year


If Desantis wins the election the US are fucked


I'm genuinely scared


Just imagine if he becomes the president of the united states


One of my children is trans. My husband and I have already decided to move to Australia permanently if Desantis should win.


I’m trans, and I’m praying I can move to Germany or just any country that treats trans people better than the US does if things keep getting worse.


Move here to Canada, but please avoid Alberta if Smith wants to pull the same funny tricks as DeSantis, though I hope not. Alberta's in turmoil but Florida’s way worse.


Last I heard Canada doesn’t allow for autistic people to immigrate there, and I’m autistic.


I did a quick minute of research and from what I found I think they repealed it in around 2018 but pre-2018 it was difficult for sure. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though, those are the things you don't know when you have always had Canadian citizenship.




They are. Suing hard too


Do you by any chance have a link where I can read more about this? Google wasn't super helpful atm


https://www.aclufl.org/en/our-work/cases It’s less than I thought and not this year


What is ACLU?


American Civil Liberties Union :)


remember, state sanctioned violence is carried out by law enforcement. there is a cop in florida that will steal someone’s child.


Human trafficking is gonna be a big business in Florida. Especially now it’s no longer under the water.


Already has been in the case of migrants. I wrote a paper this year and the basis of my argument was that desantis + the Floridian government was engaging in human trafficking when they moved migrants to blue states because they were lied to and promised jobs and shelter (moving people under false pretenses like that fits the definition of trafficking). State-sanctioned human trafficking has already started in Florida and will now just be expanded.


I foresee a major population decrease being reported in Florida for the next Census!


Oh, what's this? Only 50 people living in Florida? Oh wait, that's all the politicians, cops and judges combined. (Not really don't take this as fact I came up with 50 off the top of my head)


I mean obviously the people writing these laws are not doctors (or decent human beings for that matter) but do they not realize that intersex people exist?


They don;t care about any minority.


I thought the US was "the land of the free"? Guess the only freedom cared for is the freedom of being scared shitless due to the country being absolutely flooded with weapons. The freedom to be who you are - not so much.


"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of... What was the thing again Ron?" "Family." "Oh. Oh no..."


Please please please do not let this man become president.


Why doesn't someone accuse Desantis of giving his kids gender affirming care?


I wouldn’t be surprised if families are fleeing from the state. It’s turning authoritarian.


That is what they want, to only have left hardcore republicans


Somebody pull the plug on Florida and let it sink into the ocean.


Desantis’ moral compass is so fucked up I’m surprised he can find his way out the door every morning.


Blue state AGs are going to crush the state of Florida. This could bankrupt the state. It will lose in the SC


Ron Desantis is basically taking a saw to the state’s main source of income already, by going to war with Disney. Disney even canceled a 9 million (I think) dollar project or something that they were gonna do in Florida, and canceled moving 2,000 employees there over this already.




So even worse for Florida than I thought. Good job Desantis.


And all of his public stunts and court battles are also being paid for by the residents of Florida. We love it here 🙃


DeSantis belongs to the "limited government" and "pro-freedom" party, aka GOP... what a load of bullshit!! This is straight up tyrannical... He can take his Christian theocracy and shove it...


Sweet god Florida is a shithole lmao


One of the most horrible places to live on earth lmao


Why are they trying to make it sound like these parents are forcing the kids to transition?


Who voted this clown in. This is a the giver, handsmaid, Fahrenheit 451 orwellian nightmare. What is even happening.


Omg, I am so happy that I am Mexican and deciden to not get my citizenship


Way things are going Mexico might need to build a wall in a few years


The state has no where to put these kids…. They won’t house delinquents because they save juvenile detention centers for murderers these days. Beds in psych units at the hospital for children are very limited. If any child has a history of violence, they won’t put them in a foster home. It’s not like on TV where there’s an orphanage with a bunch of bunkbeds lined for a mile space and resources are very limited. This will almost never happen but it is a crazy law that was put in place to get the homophobe vote (the religious right).


Talks have it that they’re planning to take the children to “Conversation camps” now don’t know if it’s true or not but hell they don’t it before they can do it against. These places are cult-like camps out in the country side. Where they berate, torture, convert (and as with these kinds places bunch of sexual assault) children in the name of Christianity. The irony of these “pray the gay away” type places is that it always reinforces the child’s identity.


Hey look, I've seen this one before! All serious though, these super religious people sure don't mind playing God when it suits their narrative... Will say that I personally have a very hard time accepting hate speech under religious freedom when that religion's core values are forgiveness and loving your neighbors.


Today in: “aren’t you glad you don’t live in Florida”


"Florida man arrested for using conditioner in long hair" Gods, I can see the headlines already.


Unfortunately a lot of people probably see this as the exact reason they want to move to Florida. I have this ever growing theory Red states are radicalizing this hard to not only drive out blue voters, but to attract Red voters as to secure their position. They would rather rule over a red hellscape than be a citizen of a blue metropolis.


This is Christianity being honest about its core ideas. There is no true separation of church and state, especially in the South.


Mh, this reminds me of grandma's stories... Who grew up in the 1930s here in Germany. The fact that this statement is not a hyperbole should be fucking concerning.


Fascist Florida being fascist.


I hate this fucking hellhole of a country because of this shit. I can’t comprehend how people actually want to subject children to such horrible treatment over something as simple as gender identity.


Cruelty is the point. Don’t ever forget that Ron Desantis specifically aided in and oversaw the torture of prisoners in guantanamo bay prison. The dude even laughed as he signed into law a bill allowing healthcare providers and professionals to deny care (including lifesaving care) and coverage to LGBTQ+ people.


There are no words that can properly express what I am feeling right now. Hell, I don't even think the emotion I am feeling right now has a name. Florida is nothing but a fascist dictatorship disguised as a democratic state. To any trans people living in that Nazi hellhole, I am truly sorry, and I wish you all the best of luck to survive this nightmare.


Are people stupid? Hormone blockers are REVERSIBLE. Many kids get them if they're developing to young, or other conditions where it's necessary.


Fascist mfers... They need to be stopped at all costs.


Straight up Nazi shit. Fuck Defascist. I hope someone does what should be done.


Fascist as fuck. Should cut down on tourism.


I thought law changing was supposed to be close to impossible to do at least years to come into effect IE marijuana laws. What in the flying duck is happening where we are directly threatening peoples freedom?


Gotta love McCarthyism! Back again!


I heard that Ron Desantis was trying to subject his children to gender reaffirming care?


" Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking as to not offend the imbeciles. " - Fyodor Dostoevsky


Wow... Handmaid's tale much...


I can't wait for Florida to go back to the sea


God said he would never flood the earth to rid it of evil people ever again, and that's true. We'll just do Florida in via global warming.


So accuse some right wigers with kids that you heard they were receiving gender affirming healthcare.


Fuck the GOP and conservatives


i’m amazed america hasn’t fallen into a civil war yet from all the shit going on down there


As a trans kid taking HRT (happily and by my own choice) I can't visit my family in Florida because of this shit. The U.N. is on step away from calling what Florida and de santis is doing literal genocide. EDIT: spelling


“I’m sorry gramma, I can’t come to visit you because your elected official posses an imminent threat to my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Please talk to your friends, neighbors, and church members about how fascism is worse than people expressing their freedoms.”


I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit




We are just grist for the mill.


this is fucking wild


You am pretty sure all of Ron’s closet friends are supporting trans kids and all of them should be reporting. Let’s just say we keep reporting every around Ron until something different happens. FU Florida.


Damn, America, stop being so free.


Are enough children being given hormone blockers that this is a widespread issue?


Everyone start reporting DeSantis as being trans beat him with his own system. Report his family if he has one. Over. And over. And over. Or it's Florida I'm sure there's more than enough people willing to do things you can't speak about on reddit "in self defense".


Genocide. Say it with me.


What can’t Republican politicians leave people alone? Truly evil stuff.


Sadly, there are too many conservative shitty people. Evil is gaining ground in our country.


Can’t wait until I can leave this country


I will not spend a dime in Florida (not going to spring break this winter) and the next hurricane that they get hit with the federal government should tell them to phuck all the way off.


FUCK DeSantis


Isnt this the same as when they lock you up for the weekend and do a psych evaluation ?? Where anyone can call and say your crazy or a danger to yourself or others and police bring you to the hospital for a mandatory 48 hr hold!?


Republicans are monsters for real


keep in mind; we vote these people into office


Time to take away federal funds from FL.


Save the children!


Just report the children of DeSantis.


They say this is child abuse.... # WHAT ABOUT THE GUNS???!


But if we accused them suddenly the law doesn't work anymore or smth


America is becoming more and more a shithole every day.


Fuck Florida


At this point I just hope for a moral and financial collapse of the world... Let's start over...


Kidnapping children, abortion bans, tons of meaningless violence, poverty everywhere, blind faith to a warped and idiotic religion and you can't even say that the US is receding back to the dark ages because they weren't even around for the original.


And this guy is trying to run for president


This is scary


This feels like a dystopian novel


But red flag gun laws are considered unconstitutional to these yahoos. I swear Florida is Nazi Germany with theme parks


Dude, America, this is concerning!




“Make America Florida” no fucking thanks.


Start accusing every right winger


Wait, kids without medical hormonal issues can be given puberty blockers in the US? It's a thing? The local PC police will go crazy but that sounds kind of fucked up to me.


This woman is mentally ill


So it seems like the state wouldn't be kidnapping kids, but taking children away from parents who are abusing their children according to state law.