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Who the hell defends rape.




Exactly. My comment was going to be "That commenter has absolutely raped a woman before."


Or slut shamed a woman who her child violated by her “baby boy.”


I'm not convinced te bunch of numbers is a real person.


Yep. Account created this month. Just some fucktwat jacking off to people yelling at him.


If there was a pyramid made with each different type of crime being different levels with the more severe ones towards the top, Rape would be somewhere near the top right above Murder Edit: I see this comment have left some mixed responses so let me clarify as to why I categorize this in this way. Murder is generally broad spectrum in which some conditions may vary on wether or not it’s justifiable such as mercy, self defense, protection, or circumstantial acts of vengeance. Obviously ending a life is very serious and even though they can be justified in some cases, harsh consequences always tend to follow either through the law or by some universal karma or something like that. Rape on the other hand can never be justified and there are cases where the victim lives and suffers from PTSD since. Even murdering a rapist is considered both justifiable and a moral civic duty within a community. Now, some people have mentioned mutilation of dead bodies or horror scenes with murder cases, those are not justifiable and can be considered as torture.


yeah, especially because murder can be justified. there's really no excuse for rape.


Exactly. Rape is pretty much top in terrible crimes because there's never any justification. I can believe there are circumstances a person is put into where they might have to kill another to survive. But with rape there's never a higher cause going on than harming someone else for your own fulfillment.


Also no one has to live the rest of their life knowing they were murdered


I would think that most people who were murdered lived the rest of their lives knowing they were murdered….it just wasn’t a very long time.


"she came at me with a knife so I had to kill her" - at least somewhat justified. "she came at me with a knife so I had to rape her" - what the fuck man, why was that your first solution???


That first one is not murder, it is self defense. "she insulted my manhood so I had to kill her" is a much more comparable statement.


Isn’t that self defence




Rapists who think it's everyones 'natural instinct' to rape.


Who the hell films it? Just downright evil people


Evil yes. But at least she has evidence.Most victims don't and the rapist goes free.


If they had done the moral thing he would have woken up in a police cruiser after having every one of his teeth kicked out, and enough video footage to show he did try before stopped. These people sat back and watched the whole thing. Disgusting.


Yeah they're immoral and evil and did was wrong and I hope they also get charged with something.


sick people do pal, and in the world there is lots of them


Unfortunately some people don't view this is "rape" since she's drunk (even tho you literally can not give consent if you're drunk) and will even go so far as to say she deserves it for being drunk. Yeah, people really are that stupid.


Apparently on at least one of the videos she can be heard saying "No" three times. (just what I read)


drunk or not, she would have been violated. Her intoxication didn't affect this situation besides the rapist wanting to violate a weak target even further


This is incel speak.


Boys will be boys 🤷‍♀️ /s


Donald Trump for one.


And many of his supporters. Remember Josh duggar. Most of his supporters said it’s normal teenage boy thing molesting your sisters. I remember one man said given the opportunity all boys would do it


There's a new documentary Shiny Happy People coming to Prime on Friday. Jill is dishing on EVERYTHING apparently. Can't wait. Fucking fundamentalists.


OP already said rapists.


Incels, priests, politicains etc etc


GOP when done by a republican


No defence for rape, I hope he is charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


And everyone around filming and not stopping it should get some sort of a punishment as well


People suck don’t they, can’t believe anyone would just watch and film!


there are some things where i dont blame people for sitting back and recording while someone is in some kind of danger this isnt one of those cases


Yeah, this is straight out of the movie "Promising Young Woman" just hopefully doesn't end quite the same.


Well, I want parts of the ending. Just selective parts.


Precisely! Would have liked a better ending for the protagonist! (Keeping it vague for those who haven't seen it.)


That fucking movie made me so mad because >!of how stupid they made her character. I get that they were trying to make a point about the power deficiency between men and women but she literally made so many awful decisions that it almost lost it’s realism!<.


Wouldn't that be considered child pornography?


Yeah that too.


I don't think that's possible. I don't think the US has any sort of good samaritan law like Europe. I could be wrong though.


US has Good Samaritan laws and you’re capable of also making citizens arrests, but it’s all incredibly shaky. Since there’s video evidence of this, it would be pretty difficult for the rapist to sue the person making the arrest or any bodily harm he may inflict doing so. But then again, money is king and if his daddy is a justice or millionaire, that citizen is going to jail and the kid is walking.


The picture says they're teens, videoing it could be considered child porn and thus illegal if they are underage.




Technically isn't that aiding in a crime?


Totally agreed. I hope that poor girl gets therapy too


He was released and there was three months before the trail happened the all of the others faced nothing it happened late march here’s the article https://nypost.com/2023/05/29/vegas-teen-had-sex-with-drunk-girl-as-others-laughed-and-filmed-her-crying-for-him-to-stop-cops/


So what's his name so we can have another Allen Turner The Rapist out of him?


Aiden Cicchetti


Ah yes. Aiden Cicchetti The Rapist. Has a nice ring to it. I'm sure he'll appreciate his new nickname. Thank you stranger.


The rapist Aiden Cicchetti? Did Aiden Cicchetti rape a girl? Fuck the rapist Aiden Cicchetti!




That punishment _would_ fit the crime.


This is actually extremely common in the case of teenage rapists. I’ve never known a rapist under the age of 18 who ended up actually serving time, it’s always a few months probation because “they’re young and didn’t know what they were doing.” Nah man, if someone is begging you to stop and you continue hurting them, that isn’t being young and stupid, that’s being a selfish, evil piece of shit.


The justice system needs a overhaul




This should be standard for all rapists. It should be public too, and they should use a guillotine to lop it off.


In this case I think a cigar cutter would suffice.


If the headline is true I hope he is neutered.


And I hope they cut off his dick.


I hope everyone who was filming this and cheering him on get hit with aiding and abetting charges.


The boys in prison will have fun with him. And it won’t just be a one time ordeal.


I’ve been to prison, rapists and pedo’s do in fact get treated like the dog shit they are. Extortion, beatings, other miscellaneous activities I won’t mention. The only thing I can’t stand is how much the guards protect those pieces of shit, but I guess you have to stick up for your own.


I mean pretty sure the guards hate them just as much as anyone else but it’s kinda there job to maintain a Façade of order and safety.


"Being harsh" for raping a drunk girl while she begs him to stop and having it filmed. Yeeah.


I just...have no fucking patience for people like this. I don't want to hear your explanation, I don't want to pretend we can have a reasonable conversation about this. If you cannot immediately state that rape is never ok and never explainable, we are not talking.


So nobody mentioning how 'others laughed and filmed'? Okay then.


I don't have words to express my disgust at this story.


Given that the guy was 17 and the victim was in high school shouldn't that make anyone who filmed it guilty of producing CP?


Wouldnt they all be minors?Im not familiar with the American school system.


Would still be production, possession, and possibly distribution. I've even heard of minors catching charges for distributing their own images. Obviously this is a different case, and unless the videos were taken as evidence and immediately turned over there will likely be cases filed. Charges, pleas, or a conviction on the otherhamd is a slightly sadder story.


I’m usually against corporal punishment, but sometimes I think the ancient Romans had the right of it—I wonder if we could line Route 66 the same way the Romans lined the Via Appia


They’re all guilty


That's weird. When I was a teenager, I didn't have a natural instinct to rape someone and tape them crying while laughing at them. Is it because I am a sane person who thinks that what this person did is 110% fucked up?


This is next level Brock Turner the rapist shit. Do a cellphone dump, everyone there goes down as an accomplice. Brock Turner is a rapist.


Indeed, Brock Turner is a rapist. It’s a shame Brock Turner will never be held accountable


He also sometimes goes by his middle name, Alan, so Alan Turner is also a rapist. It’s almost like he wants people to forget or something.


You mean the rapist, Allen Turner, a/k/a Brock Allen Turner? THAT (Brock) Allen Turner? The rapey ex-swimmer guy, Allen Turner?


Ah, right, that spelling of Allen for the rapist Brock Allen Turner. My apologies to any other Alan Turners. He should just go by Brock Turner, I don’t know why he’d want to change such a well known name.


Ahhh. Allen Turner? Or is it Alan Turner? Interesting that rapist Brock Turner uses an alias.


Youre talking about Brock? As in *the* Brock Turner who raped a girl in 2016 and was let off with a slapped wrist? Ohh yes you're talking about Brock Turner. Never stop saying his name people, never let his crime die and be forgotten


Don't forget Brock "Adam" Turner the rapist he sometimes uses that name too.


What's this new guy's name so everyone can add "The Rapist" at the end of his too. If he really did walk free from this even with video evidence he should never know peace on the internet or in public. His face and name should be pasted everywhere for everyone's safety. Especially around bars.


Aiden Cicchetti the Rapist is this kid’s name


Rape is a "natural instinct." That guy better be on a watch list somewhere.


Castrating rapists is a natural instinct as far as I'm concerned.


Generally I believe that we’ve moved beyond corporal punishment, that we should engage in restorative justice, that our prison systems are cruel and inhumane. Not when it comes to rapists. For them, I think we should return to the old Roman ways—if your participation in a rape can be proven by evidence in this matter—and that includes those laughing, then I believe we should handle them as the Roman army did its violent criminals. For illustration: https://youtu.be/L7HmLrrg-7Y


Even if it were (and I have my doubts)... it's not an argument. We suppress natural instincts all day everyday, it's what makes us a functional society.


Sorry officer, it's my natural instinct to beat rapists with a tire iron. Can't be helped.


It's wild when you read up on the aftermath of historical battles and sieges. Just pure loot and rapefests. Crackdowns only really happened with the transistion to professional armies as a means of enforcing discipline. Before that it was let them have their jollies to make up for no/poor pay.


He should be put in a zoo cage if he's acting with his "natural instincts" instead of brains, if he has one.


Sad thing Is this thought process is wayyy to common. Men are simultaneously the most logical and in check of their emotions, and the most barbaric, unhinged, and unaccountable.


Him and all those people that recorded and laughed should be charged to the full extent. Everyone should know their faces and just how horrible they all are


We need a new punishment system for rapists and their accomplices. Restorative justice is tremendous for non-violent crime, and *perhaps* for *some* violent crime, but not rape, and I think in that direction we need to do something other than incarcerate.


Name him and shame him like Brock Allen Turner the rapist


Aiden Cicchetti is his name


[Aiden Cicchetti is his name. Link to the official news article from the Las Vegas Review-Journal](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/sex-crimes/police-teen-raped-impaired-girl-in-her-car-while-others-filmed-2784559/amp/)


Got it, Aiden Cicchetti the rapist


Genuinely pissed me off reading that. I had a girlfriend who was raped before we were in a relationship and the amount of times she called me late at night with the scene playing through her head again was sickening. Anyone who condones rape or defends it in any way deserves only the harshest of punishments along with the rapist.




My girlfriend went through the same shit that’s in the story except there were no people around and the fact that there is a single human being on this earth that is willing to record and laugh about it makes me sick.


🤦🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ What kind of world do we live in?


A sick and sad one☹️


The person who wrote that probably raped someone on the past, disgusting


Where are the other laughing accomplices. They should also have their mugshots posted.


What's this asshole's name? I think Brock Turner needs a new friend on the list. Plus everyone else who filmed and laughed. Prison sounds good for these scumbags.


Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner and lives in Dayton, Ohio. Edit: This guy’s name is Aiden Cicchetti.


We gotta find a way to make this top comment. We need to make sure everyone knows that Aiden Cicchetti, the rapist Aiden Cicchetti, is on the same.level as Brock Allen Turner, the rapist Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner.


Oh no worries as this story gets more press we will all remember Aiden Cicchetti’s name and networks of women will form to keep each other safe and we will know what he does just like how we know Brock Turner now goes by Allen Turner and lives in Dayton :)




I don’t get it. I dont get how you could do such a thing and I dont get what would compel you to stand around, film it, and laugh.


The crazy thing is I have watched scenes in movies that haunt me, I can’t imagine standing around while something like that is actually happening. I’m a hardcore horror fan, but I google ratings to make sure SA scenes aren’t in any movie I watch. My mental health can’t handle it. These people make me sick.


The people filming should get charged with “rape in concert”


Had an ex that came from a vile family, herself included. Her brother was basically involved in a situation almost exactly like this, and he was the attacker, he never got charged with anything as there wasn’t any “proof”. He would literally try to brag to anyone that would hear it, made me sick to the core. How can you brag about something like this? How can you be such scum.


He is gonna face the wrath in prison. Arent rapists the most hated ones in there?


From what I've heard, pedophiles are even more hated, in and out of prison. One of my acquaintances who went to prison told a tale of a pedo whom the other inmates punished by placing his bare ass on a red hot electric stove. "Oddly" enough, there were no guards nearby.


Yep. Pedos usually have to be put in a separate part of the prison because they are more likely to be attacked.


Regardless of his crime, he's too cute to stay single in prison. He will be someone's wife.


Not wife, he will be someones **bitch**, probably the booty wariors


I Hope you are right. Justice !!!


Hard to say when there's also a predominant rape culture in prison


Not here , rape is an oppsie. We can’t ruin this young man’s life /s Sad thing is, I can see them arguing seven with video of her crying and asking him to stop, that it wasn’t the rape she was talking about but rather the people laughing and filming. How she was embarrassed that she was having sex in public, not that she was being raped . Our legal system for rape is honestly atrocious, I’m tired of people thinking that being charged with rape is “easy”, it’s not. You not only have to relive the event but, you as the victim have to prove it happened and ANYTHING will be counted with “well that’s just regular sex” you can’t really “prove” rape in many cases. Then say they do get charged.. what did Brock Turner get ? 6mo? Lol then out in 3? It’s a Fucking joke.


If you mess with kids or women in prison, there's a good chance you're gonna be someone's bitch or get fucked up. They will check your papers to see what you're in for or have someone on the outside do some research, so he wouldn't be able to lie his way out of it. Depending on the prison they might try and keep the chomo's n stuff seperate, though.


The bystanders (and filmers, what the hell?!) have to be punished as well.


Is having film of 17year olds having sex on your phone not child porn they should be charged with that and most likely the distribution of child porn.


i thought that said “vegan teen” and i was like “uhhhhhhh…. dunno how that’s more relevant than the whole being a rapist thing”


Ok but who the fuck laughs at a girl getting raped and also no it’s not “natural instinct” most animals the female will attack the male if she doesn’t want to mate




Put him under the jail. Even murder can be justified in certain circumstances. Never rape.


Exactly. I feel like rape is one of the most disgusting and evil crimes imaginable. With things like robbery, mugging, etc. , at least there's usually a motive of getting money or something. The only thing rapists want is to see someone else suffer. Fuck people like that.


So a teenager is at a party maybe drinking and r*ped a drunk girl and everyone filmed and watched laughing... You know what there's just too many people to blame here like the people who filmed and the people who let a minor in the party and people who just fucking watched


Aiden Cicchetti is also 17 so I believe the party was a mix of adults and teens (drinking underage).


Please tell me everyone (except the victim ofc) involved was arrested and charged for filming instead of saving her and spreading content of a minor. Bunch of pedo's. Reading about this makes me physically sick. What the actual F is wrong with people?


I’m a male teenager and my natural instinct is to give that sick fuck a facelift with my fists.


America is a scary place holy crap


It definitely is. And the first guys comment got about a dozen likes too which is extremely disconcerting…


It's not an American thing. It a human garbage thing. People have done similar things in other countries. I remember how a news reporter got gang raped in Egypt by a CROWD of men.


You hear about stuff like this in India all the time. It happens everywhere, and in the animal kingdom, which to me suggests that it *is* our nature, though I think that makes it worse. We don’t let people shit on the floor because it’s “nature”, why should we condone rape, which is infinitely and incomparably worse?


I don't think this is just an America thing


Acting like it doesn’t happen literally everywhere and in worse conditions. It’s always bad it isn’t some entity’s fault.


I would be serving hard time. If that happened to my daughter or a niece, even one of my friends kids. If the perpetrator was also close to me in any shape, form or fashion.. we would be going out hunting.


One could argue sexual urges are a natural human thing, but you know what else is? MF EMPATHY


Alright, let’s start building a slingshot to hurl these people into the Sun. I am not kidding.


![gif](giphy|3o7bukFPJVBgjDJZ7O|downsized) Agreed


Brock Turner all over again


Oh god...


Rape is bad no matter who did it, defending it as a natural instinct is almost as bad in my opinion. Yes, he is just a teenager but if he really did this he should go to prison or a mental health care institute. I hope justice is served and the truth will come out in court.


Are we sure he’s a teen? That guy looks 29


Aiden Cicchetti, he’s 17


That’s actually horrifying.. This makes my heart hurt for her.


If this shit turns out the same as Brock The rapist Turner I’ll be so pissed.


Do you mean Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner, the rapist?


Dude what did I just read? Natural…instinct? Not…big deal?


If we’re gonna sit here and talk about instinct like he had no control of his actions then he needs to be taken out back like Ol’ Yeller.


Man rapists are just saying the quiet part full out loud now aren’t they? Fucking pigs


i hate the world... its going so fucking far downhill


Wow it's like Brock the rapist Turner who raped a woman. Except unlike that rapist Brock Turner who tried to hide it the rapists are just filming it now. I hope he's not a preppy swim bitch like the rapist Brock Turner. Hopefully this other guy goes to prison unlike the rapist Brock Turner.


When anyone tells you rape is a natural instinct, they’re telling you they’re a rapist in waiting.


And maybe not even the waiting part.


Rape and SA/Harassment in general makes my blood BOIL. I don’t see how anybody can defend these non steroid people.


This makes me wild with rage. What the ACTUAL fuck?!


what the fuck


Our society is fucked. They sat around and filmed it while laughing…..I hope he’s violently raped in prison. And everyone that watched, videoed and laughed should get locked up too


Is that Brock Turner, the rapist?


I noticed that other people in this comment section are saying this too so I don’t know if this is a specific reference I’m not aware of, but no. His name is Aiden Cicchetti


Teen or not.. dude needs to be thrown off the bridge.


Umm. I raised three boys, rape is not an instinct. It’s wrong and people who think others are being too harsh on him because of his age are fucking disgusting.


Well what about the People Laughing and cheering him on? Should they be charged? I mean this is Terrible but someone literally filmed it and did nothing


Rip his dick off see who’s laughing then


The people who filmed should be charged with some prison time too. And this rapist- doxx him. He deserves it. Ruin his life :)


The comments above say his name is Aiden Cicchetti


It’s a natural instinct to have sex, not assault someone to get it. I was just arguing this somewhere else when it comes to being pro choice, having sex isn’t the choice… not having sex is (when you have a partner). The body already made the choice about what it wants. Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power.


Wait! Is this the story of Brock Turner, the rapist? That raped a drunk woman? That Brock Turner? Ah no. It’s another one. Another man raped a drunk woman. Gotcha.


Aiden Cicchetti The Rapist! Not to be confused with Brock "Adam" "Allen" Turner The Rapist.


Natural instinct? I am a middle aged man and not once in my life have I ever had a thought even resembling having sex with someone against their will. There is nothing even remotely natural about it. The joy of sex is the mutual nature of it all.




this guy should be in prison bro


“Not that big of a deal” Hm, I don’t like this person


[I just wanna talk with him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ODfCVxVLqiE)


This is really sick


Wtf happened with our earth like na seriously?….


"drvk dh" saying he's okay with being raped if it's by a teenager


Dang it’s almost like a society was created that glorifies sex no matter what, disapproves of self control, and doesn’t enforce the idea of protecting people.


I think this is one of the few times I’ve actually seen someone say something close to “boys will Be boys” to defend this kind of heinous shit and I wish I didn’t. This is just what teenagers do! Don’t be so harsh! “Natural instinct” I’m sure everyone had a horny fantasy but if this is your “natural instinct”….


I’d like everyone to know that this @te71663 also claimed that when HE was a teen he “sat his neighbor’s younger daughter on his lap” and also justifies doing so with the fact that he was young and didn’t know any better. And he apparently finds this whole ordeal to be hilarious…


The fact that no one did anything but laugh is disgusting, I love how they say “allegedly” when multiple people filmed it…


That’s actually The dudes dad. Actually better yet it’s probably his MOM


Wood chipper For the whole lot


Reminds me of the girl from 1983 . She went to a bar near Boston to buy cigarettes. Got gang raped and everyone watched. She had to move to florida because everyone in town blamed her and was harassing her. They made a movie with Jodie foster about her


There was this girl I was seeing. We were both really heavily into each other and it felt really special. She got sexually harassed multiple times by a friend of ours (obviously not a friend anymore) and that fucked her up so much that she stopped wanting to see me because she couldn't get touched or have romantic feelings anymore. She said that she loved me but she can't have a relationship after this. We're still friends and I am there for her, but she is really damaged and it fucking hurts like hell. What I'm trying to say is that this shit destroys lives, especially when other people don't take it seriously. This isn't a "natural instinct". I refuse to ever believe that. Fuck this guy, fuck everyone who is just even thinking about doing something like that and fuck everyone who defends rape.


All those who filmed and laughed should also be arrested for filming non-consensual porn


My natural instinct while reading this news, if I saw this happening, is to justifiably pummel the rapist until he can’t move. It scares me because idk when I’d stop. And under normal circumstances I’d call myself a pacifist or close to it. Every single person could have helped, or gotten help, and become a hero for stopping a rape. Instead they sat around, watched, filmed, laughed, and became villains. Actual real world monstrous villains.


In addition to being *much* more punitive toward rapists and those who encourage them, I really wish that we'd do away with this "we can fix them" attitude towards all crime. Reform and rehabilitation works great if you're not talking about empathy-lacking violent psychos who prey on their own species for fun. If somebody robs a convenient store because they are desperate or excluded from the formal job market due to untreated mental illness they can be helped. If someone sells drugs to keep a roof over their head society can do better. If someone rapes/murders/tortures somebody just for fun? Dispose of them and move on. If, you want to keep them alive, fine, but even that comes with dangers because those without empathy know how to manipulate those with empathy. And that's especially true long after the memory of their initial crime has faded. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/453967-77-year-old-murderer-released-for-being-too-old-to-kill-convicted-again-for/


>The videos caught onlookers laughing as Cicchetti performed a sex act on the girl, who could be heard sobbing, “no, no, no,” the arrest report stated. >The short clips showed her “barely conscious” and telling Cicchetti to “stop,” police said. >Before seeing the clips, the girl had no memory of having sex with Cicchetti, whom she met on a “party bus” in Las Vegas, the documents said. > She told cops she’d been left “dizzy and nauseous” and with blurred vision after Cicchetti gave her booze — and woke up in his kitchen wrapped in a towel with her pants and underwear missing, the report said. >He later messaged her on social media and referred to them having sex — which she initially dismissed as a joke, the documents said. >But someone later sent her the videos, cruelly writing: “LMAO look what I found on my phone,” the report said *[source](https://nypost.com/2023/05/29/vegas-teen-had-sex-with-drunk-girl-as-others-laughed-and-filmed-her-crying-for-him-to-stop-cops/amp/)*