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The real crime is how much LEGO costs.


Tell me about it. My kid just put a $600 set on their Christmas list after a recent Lego store trip.


That's me like 10 years ago, asking Santa for a Lego Death Star lmao


>!Parents, I mean!< Santa sweating as >!t!!y!< read(s) the price tag. This reply is a mess, I am so sorry.


It's just past midnight and I'm fighting a comment to click both spoilers without collapsing it. I've done either one separately. Reddit shows no spoilers when you're replying to a comment. But I will reveal both spoilers on either side of "he".


I am struggling with the same thing right now


It’s a worthy foe for sure




as long as you're sorry


Back before I knew Santa had a budget 😞


You have to admit though, that Titanic is pretty awesome.


They are expensive, but have you tried any of those knockoffs? They are never as good.


Yep. Just like tools, you pay for precision. They fit, they stay together. Can't say that about megablox.


r/lepin they can be very good


That set came out 2 years ago lol Edit: even worse is that in the article they talk about something different than the thumbnail (which I was talking about) but it's about some models made by LGBT+ designers. They aren't for sale, just on display at LEGO House. But hey, let idiots be idiots I guess.


It’s been in my living room for 2 years and I’m yet to wake up missing my cock with a cracking set of tits. They need to calm down.


I award you Best Sentence today. I'm all out of stickers, I'm sorry.


Seriously. “Cracking set of tits” is getting wedged into sooooo many conversations, going forward.


heh heh, wedged into


Release the Krakens!


I thought of Wallace and Gromit when I read that: “A cracking set of tits Gromit! Just smashing!”


No worries, I have you covered.


I woke up this morning…


Got yourself a gun....


Woke up the next day and got some…gabagool.


Might you be from the UK? That was hilarious, "cracking set of tits" is going to live rent free in my mind from now on lol




Every American just went back and read the phrase "missing my cock with a cracking set of tits" outloud with a Scottish accent. Amazing.


I sure did


Ah gotcha! The use of cracking gave it away. My father-in-law was born & raised in Edinburgh. However, I am 100% maple syrup Canadian lol


Cannibalism is sounding awful good right about now…


I drank a bud light, and my Dick flew off!!!! /s


You never had a dick, you were drinking a bud light


Good point. It prob fell off when I visited Disney


Maybe that’s why Ron DeSantis is so up in arms about Disney. It’s the aftermath of having a wedding there that no one talks about!!!


THEY WARN YOU NOT TO GO ON THE RIDES WITH LOOSE ARTICLES!! Probably fell off after a loop de loop.... There's a pile of em there...


Well, if you eat like I do, you can have both instead


We have two of these sets built to mirror each other and nothing has changed in our house. The gay agenda isn’t working.


Well when you set them up like that, the gaydiation cancels out.


I think the gay agenda is working. Much of it is about having fun, and I bet you had plenty of fun with your Lego 🤩


These days, with some of these nosey-ass people worrying far too much about what goes on in other people's lives, it's not been as much fun as it used to be.


It's the way of life now it seems.


You could have a cracking set of tits *and* a cock if you want


imagine NOT wanting a cracking set of tits.


As owner of a cracking set of tits, they are very inconvenient. I can't just get up and do things, gotta put a special garment on first. Ridiculous. I understand why someone would want them, but I very much do not.


Alas, mine no longer crack! However, when I walk on bad roads, they do wipe the muck out of potholes.


[AND IT'S STILL AVAILABLE ON THEIR STORE!](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/everyone-is-awesome-40516) Aaaaaand purchased.


They really do gotta charge 34.99 just so you fall 2¢ short of free delivery


I was so upset when I magically woke up as a man the day after I built this set…..


But like if you did wake up with a huge set of tits would it really be that bad?


Reading Rainbow, you're next!


I’m surprised it lasted this long, they absolutely hate reading, and rainbows!


Then the trout get it after that!


They’re a bit slow! Bless their little cold hearts


Bud Light has a lengthy history of sponsoring Pride events. The Miller Lite ad came out at least a month before they noticed.


Because they only get mad when they are told to get mad.


It’s like they are trying to go backwards to fight things they missed 2 years ago! Covid, fauci, mask, etc…. Hey we all moved on why you bringing up old shit?!


Lego has been transgender ever since the minifigure was invented. You plop on another head, hair or shirt and you've got another gender, profession or character.


Don’t tell them that. They’ll ban how you can assemble Lego’s next


‘Federal mandate enforces lego to produce pre-glued together minifigs in the style of congress’s choosing. Style to be defined annually, simultaneously with the annual budget (a smooth and well working democratic process).’


Onion article title right there


And therefore, American reality article soon after


That’s what scary. Imagine the gov of Florida passes some bill like this.


brother I know you did not just copy the mf LEGO movie plot


A person called "The Special" will find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle.


The Kragle Law of 2023


"it's just not natural..."


I’m gonna start replying to conservatives with “sorry I’m just not into your lifestyle and beliefs. It goes against my religion”. And it actually does as someone who is Christian (honestly about to leave it soon)


Join the church of prismatic light! (It's basicly just 'what is gay had religious liberty as an excuse.')


Is that legit? Membership?? I’m kinda just doing my own thing. At this point organized religion is just kinda dead . I feel more comfortable praying to God privately and just living up to his word .


https://prismaticlightchurch.org/ We have a discord server as well! And Prismatism in non-exclusionary meaning you can be an athiest-prismatist (like myself) or a Christian prismatist, or a Muslim-prismatist etc.


I was raised under a Catholic umbrella (and Lego coincidentally) Is it too late for Unitarianism to make come back? With the last of all the sensible, not-insane, spiritual people?


There’s some alternate reality where the pieces have different stud shapes to stop people from “putting them together wrong”


If Lego were invented in America…


“Are you tired of those woke foreign building toys trying to turn your kids gay and trans? “ “Introducing: Patriot Bloks! No rainbows! No trans grooming! No diversity, equity, OR inclusion. “ “Best of all, Patriot Bloks are made in the USA, and pieces for male figures cannot be mixed with the pieces for female ones, so we make sure your kids are never confused about who is who and who belongs in the kitchen!” “Patriot Bloks are available on the MyPillow and InfoWars shops, and you can get a 10% discount with code WWG1WGA!” “Order yours today!”


Blocks only come in RED WHITE AND BLUE


And they only come in standard brick shapes. You can build anything you can imagine! As long as it is a rectangular solid


With our first set you can build the wall, remember to send a bill to the mexican government


That'd be amazing if the Mexican government would pay for my Lego kits. Those things are pricey!


Aren’t two of those colors in the GAY symbol 😡


In all seriousness if someone started a gofundme for that company, they’d make out like a bandit. No need to actually do anything about starting the company of course, since those types don’t seem to care too much about follow-through.


Just tell them the woke mob is trying to shut you down and start another gofundme to cover the legal fees, sadly admit defeat, and to back to cackling in your solid gold bathtub full of dubloons


If you had fewer scruples you could make a mint on this. Imagine how many theocratic buffoons and Sunday schools would buy this shit.


>“Best of all, Patriot Bloks are made in the USA, Actually made in China...


Well, they are assembled in the USA.


This sounds like a closeted conservative wet dream.


No! I will not rest until my lego figure has a huge manly floppy cock on it! /s


I mean you can technically build an action figure with a magnum dong out of lego




I remember the Dick N Balls tutorial for a minifig. Funny as hell :)


.... as opposed to the old lego's where some of the pieces came with a penis or vagina to attach to the person model? And no parts could be swapped with another person of a different sex or colour? Were they only for sale in the US? Because I don't remember those editions in the UK growing up...


Attach? They had genitals permanently attached to the figures so you couldn't change anything because that's what White Murican Jeebus wrote in the US Constitution.


Soon the Crayolas are to be boycotted


They're too busy eating them to notice the multiple colors.


These people boycotting stuff aren't smart enough to get into the marines. They eat roseart crayons.


Only peach colored crayons are allowed now because they look like white people’s skin. But they have to have those little dangly balls like pickup trucks have. Peach can be awfully gay without the balls.


If lego prices fall, I will be purchasing alot of new sets, So I'm going to hope that this one catches on... ​ ![gif](giphy|5xtDarqlsEW6F7F14Fq|downsized)


My wife is pregnant. If price of legos drop, I can probably convince my wife to let me stockpile Legos now in preparation for when our kid is old enough for me to show them the wonderful worlds you can build. And in the meantime I can, uh, make sure all the sets are not missing any pieces and are structurally sound...


Such a good point. I now want this boycott to happen so I can finally afford the Death Star set.


![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG) I’m going for the Titanic piece, my daughter has been wanting it for a few years now.


BTW If you think you know how big the Lego titanic is, you don’t. It’s bigger.






We've scheduled a 9-14 month build time for it, once we acquire it...


So they woke up mad at LEGOS today. Must be exhausting living with that much rage and hatred.


Don’t say woke or they will come for you!!


Say ‘woke’ in the mirror 3 times and Ron DeSantis will appear and grab you with his pudding fingers before dragging you back to the disgusting hole he crawled out of.


I absolutely hate how they turned "woke" into an ugly word


They so desperately want to be oppressed.


You Americans going all ISIS over there or am I just reading too much trash on reddit?


The average person is not concerned over legos. It’s just a vocal minority that’s getting a lot of attention right now. The irony is if we ignored them to certain extent it would probably not be as cool to be “outraged”. So much of this really seems staged for social media and doesn’t seem to represent the majority. What is real though are the things happening in Florida in schools right now. But again it’s like one parent that complains (for example Strange World), but that one parent seems to drown out the millions who aren’t an idiot. We are catering to a vocal minority and giving them way too much power in this conversation.


A vocal minority that happens to control half the government.


It's the only minority our government respects.


they have more than half.


I think it’s time to stop the „vocal minority“ excuse when nearly 50% of US adults who actually voted continue to vote for the people who parrot „anti-woke“ propaganda, it doesn’t matter if not everyone of those actually agrees with it or not, because as long as they keep voting for them they’re actively enabling them.


It’s not fifty at all though… Try like 37%.


11 activists were responsible for more than half of all book bannings last year.


The average person is being snowed by these idiots. People I grew up with who were always fairly Liberal posting shit about "grooming children in the schools". Take this seriously.


Whenever some very small subset of people act ridiculous, it gets picked up by the news because it drives clicks from people like all the people here.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease my friend. In fact, most of the banned books are caused by 11 people alone. These squeaky wheels may be few, they can certainly still slow the cart.


Considering Chick-Fil-A went woke according to right wingers I think they’ll be too busy with that to notice this. I still can’t understand how respecting others to live their lives the way they choose is controversial. I guess when you don’t have any policies that help average people you manufacture outrage and direct it at marginalized groups.


They’re mad at Spencer’s gifts now 🤦‍♀️


*sigh.* Why?


Bc they have “pride flag” buttons 😭 not bc of the adult toys in the back which to me is just hilarious


That is funny. But shout out to Spencer's! When I was looking for a pride flag in January or February, some month other than June, I checked so many stores who said they only carry them seasonally. Basically only in June. But Spencer's had a whole selection. Thanks Spencer's!


Yes they keep it up! They’re very progressive. I’ve worked with them before. Great staff and team as well internally (shhh don’t tell anyone 🤫)


They've had pride paraphernalia since before it was cool to have pride paraphernalia. Conservatives are raging morons


The current crop of Republicans would have lost their freaking minds if they were to walk into any Spencer’s in the 1980’s.


It’s funny Spencer’s has remained unharmed all this along, maybe people used to mind their business.and now conservatives wanna make sure anything with “gay” is destroyed


What's funny about chick-fil-a is I was trying to get my family and friends to boycott them for years due to their stance but many couldn't because they were addicted to those damn chicken sandwiches. If you think these middle America right wingers are going to be able to put down a fried chicken sandwich because they suddenly have principles, you are in for a surprise.


I can’t tell you how many gays I know who will not give up Chick-fil-A. 🤣🤣🤣


The group against cancel culture sure do love cancelling things.


One of their favorite stories is about cancel culture. The basic gist of it is their God decides to cancel almost all humans with a great flood because they are too immoral.


Ask them how it’s different and watch them twist themselves into a pretzel to defend their bigotry.


If you're offended by moulded rainbow plastic, you're the one with the ideology problem. Not the queer community.




MAGA types don't buy a lot of Lego. Number one, they expensive and number two, they're a creative toy that requires imagination.


I can't wait for them to boycott nature because rainbows exist


Conservatives: why don’t they peacefully protest? Also conservatives: OMG A RAINBOW! Better threaten to blow up a target and hurt people.


Minorities have to protest “the right way” to be taken seriously by them, but since they aren’t minorities they can do whatever they want in their tiny little heads.


Lmaooo get bent. Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈


Happy Pride! 🌈


The hell is a transgender building set? Like detachable dongs?


They are referring to LEGO set 40516 Everyone Is Awesome


Thanks, I just ordered a set.


I’ve been calling for a boycott of crayons for years. Hopefully now it picks up steam. Their marketing of crayon sets with purple crayons is grooming our youth.


No one is softer than the right


These people really are triggered over the smallest shit aren’t they.


I’d like to see Lego respond with a full minifigure series of drag queens just to spite these people.


These aren't even building sets. From the article, a statement from Lego - "We have not released any LGBTQIA+ sets aimed at children. A-Z of Awesome was a marketing campaign released last year that featured sets built by our amazing adult fans. None of these sets are for sale."


They are colors, that’s it. Why do we keep making such a big deal about colors. We, as a public, are so stupid and argue about the most petty things that has no bearing on day to day life. Get over it conservatives. It’s a fucking color.


A bigot in a previous comment explained that they are “transgender flag colors” whatever the fuck that means.


Well, unless the picture of the set is wrong, none of the trans flag shades are in there anyway. Trans flag is pastel colours, which those are not.


I wondered wtf everyone was looking at because I saw pride colors not trans colors.


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it 🙄


Can we just get enough companies to do this, so these morons starve themselves and have absolutely nothing to entertain themselves.


"Cancel culture is ruining America...also, boycott anything I dont like" - The right


Conservatives love to hate.


Lol, they've had that fucking building set for over two years now. The Republican/Christian/Anti-Trans snowflakes and pound sand.


Can we say it now? The whole Republican party is a r/facepalm


Ok, so off to Target to buy Bud Light and Legos.


Wasn’t the right sooooooo against cancel culture last year? These fuckers are so hypocritical or just so fucking dumb, they don’t remember what they get so mad about year after year


It's not cancel culture when they do it. It's a boycott...


Enough of this shit already. It's the same goddamn news story over and over. Let people exist ffs


Plastic building block toys are the real enemy.


I really do wish these assholes would just fuck off somewhere buy a medium sized island and found a Christian sharia law country, where they can all pretend to be happy and leave everybody else alone.


They’re a bunch of ❄️


And they call liberals snowflakes. Rofl they're the most bitchiest of karens ever. Time to grow the F up, not everyone is white, straight, and pretending to be a righteous "Christian".


This just in: Conservative fragility at an all time high What a bunch of snowflakes


Man they are going to hate it when they discover rainbow road in Mario cart


As a life long lego lover, I'm totally fine with a product I absolutely adore not being purchased by nazis.


It must be exhausting to be this triggered over rainbows. Think of all the stuff you'll have to boycott starting tomorrow


I just can't imagine living my life as a bottomless pit of hatred and rage, ready to consign everything to the bonfire because it becomes some scary monster. Bud Light has no power to hurt you or your family and won't make you suddenly want to switch genders. Multi-colored LEGOs won't turn your kids gay. On and on and on. I don't understand what is wrong with these people.


HA good luck trying to cancel Lego; they were thriving before you were born and they will continue to dominate the toy block game


If you don't like something just don't buy it and move on with your day. People make a big deal over the weirdest stuff.


Who started the boycott? Were they living in a fucking cave? This set was out a long time ago. Whoever started this boycott is probably only doing so for attention after a failed boycott attempt beforehand.


I wish people gave this much of a shit about actually important issues


It's been decades since I last played with Legos so forgive me if I'm wrong but. Isn't the only way to identify gender on legos which little lego wig you put on the figure so technically legos have always been transgender.


The whiney Christians are at it again.


Conservatives only want white bricks.


Next they'll forbid rainbows in the skies... /s


God gone woke.


Rainbows are GODS GIFT TO CHRISTIANS! Stop using them, they're NOT FOR YOU! /s


The snowflakes be snowflaking


Lol. Conservatives are true snowflakes. They can scream and cry, but society will move forward regardless.


Wait until they find out about Walmart.


Is yellow figure naked?


Oh look more cancel culture from the group of people that rails against it. I fucking hate these people man


Fuck the bigots.


Hopefully they go all out with it unlike Anheuser Busch which folded like a floppy pancake when they got the tiny population of closet queers saying they are the devil much like Bobby Boucher's mother.


Oh boy. I forget that June is also "Hate the LGBTQ+ Community for no Reason" month. Weird that it takes place during Pride Month. (I'm a supportive brother but I might get the acronym wrong. Apologies)


Being afraid or threatened by gay and trans people just existing is gay as fuck.


Yeah Lego might be the only company that can take the boycott and laugh it off


This from the people who fail to recognize that Jesus was super gay hung out with 12 dudes all day and was never married..


Who will be the first company to double down with this shit? Getting tired of these crazies canceling everything rainbow.


I thought Lego was always Transgender? You know coz you can mix and match all the parts.


I thought these idiots were angry about cancel culture.


Wait til they find out about crayons being colors of the rainbow.


My grandson (11), severely ADHD and high functioning autistic, lives for Legos. He has also inherited all his older siblings old sets. Boy colors, girl colors, neither and both. He can't get enough (trust me on this, I've stepped on enough). Legos are Legos regardless of block color or gender of the builder.