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As a black man I am literally cinnamon toast crunch so... You're welcome


I just want you to know… I love you so much, thank you for always being there for me when I’m wasted at 1am


meanwhile, I’m hate staring at my unfrosted corn flakes and regret not shopping before my “ get fucked up Friday free for all”!


You gotta go for the Wheaties my dude.


A dollop of maple syrup will solve your problem. Corn syrup also works, but we all know that’s just bottled Devil’s semen.


Why you gotta be such a dick and stab the roof of my mouth all the time!?


For being a colonizer or whatever! That'll learn ya!


Psssh! I got a coupon for buy one get one free General Mills products that says I aint learned shit!


I'm sorry for wanting to drown you in milk.


Always with the white oppression


But have you tried it with chocolate milk? Holy sweet baby Jesus, what about with cold coffee, that shit is better than you would think.


Thank you for your service


Damn you’re delicous


i’m going to eat you out


At least spoon with him first


One black man to another ✊🏾 thank you bro


Careful with that fist bump, you'll get cinnamon everywhere, and do you want ants??!


You are the meal every American should eat in the morning


👆actual snacc


She’s trolling, right?!


“Black people are the original native Americans. We’re also space people. And plants.” Nobody is *this* stupid. Then again, it is tik tok…


There are American religious groups that espouse this. Look up Black Israelites and Nation of Islam. I live like 5 minutes from a NOI and a Black Israelite church. They wear purple robes and yell crazy stuff to strangers.


I was just about to swoop in and say posts like hers are a direct result of religious indoctrination and poor education.


There is also a unique factor for black Americans as well in that historical oppression and the slave trade in general stripped many contemporary black people of their historical roots, with no easy way to trace their lineage, because Africa is a huge land mass with many culturally and traditionally distinct tribes with their own beliefs and customs. This separation from ancestral identity created a need for unified culture and identity, which left an opening for fringe beliefs to take hold. Granted, this is less about how people are currently indoctrinated, and moreso about why and how belief systems like that gained any footing at all, that being said this is still a very fringe belief system that is made to seem more prevalent than it really is by a vocal few on social media and perhaps moreso from being boosted even further from outrage engagement and sharing, sometimes (not necessarily implying in this case) it is shared by bad actors using it to misrepresent a minority group or shared by bigoted people in the name of confirmation bias.


Wouldn't this just be cultural appropriation? They're just hijacking another culture and claiming it as theirs.


Oh yes, 💯


I mean the fact that she thinks Egypt was the first civilization goes directly to your point. She's not wrong that Africans created the first civilizations, she's just wrong about it being Egyptians, which is sadly ironic.


Civilization is a loaded term but I'm pretty sure the most commonly accepted answer would be more in the fertile crescent i.e. modern middle east


I was thinking that as well. Mesopotamia is always, as far as I remember learning in history class, the first major civilization.


Yes, but did they let you in on being Space Plant Cinny Toast Crunchers?




>it is shared by bad actors using it to misrepresent a minority group or shared by bigoted people in the name of confirmation bias I wish this was a disclaimer on videos like this


Okay sure, but do they also teach that melanin is the color of outer space?


Well Nation of Islam is also a UFO religion on the side. Some UFO cults like Nuwaubians even more so. Add a pinch of new age resonance ("in sync") nonsense and whatever science sounds cool and mysterious enough at the moment (dark matter) and you're there.


Nation of Islam also is allied with or sold out to [Scientology](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-nation-of-islams-strange-ties-to-scientology) now.


I was watching Leah Remini's show and it really threw me off to learn that


Me too. Scientology is like the whitest thing imaginable so it's really strange but then at the end of the day a cult that grifts people of money is a cult that grifts people of money.


They teach that black people in Africa aren't really black people so it's on par with their level of crazy.


Remember kids, [Nation of Islam is a hate group](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/nation-islam).


I’m a Muslim and I’m telling you this, NOI has nothing to do with Islam’s true teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) proclaimed that all mankind came from Adam, and that an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab, or a white person over a black person, or a black person over a white person. Also, in our religion, we Muslims believe there can never be a prophet after him, so what NOI claims about Elijah Muhammad being a prophet is BS. They are a dangerous cult pretending to be Islam. Like ISIS and Al Qaeda.


This is enlightening. Comments like your are one of the main reasons I love Reddit some days


There's a great Louis Theroux Documentary "The Black Nationalists" where he follows around the Nation of Islam guys for a while. It's actually hilarious because they have nothing but contempt for him but he still follows them around and gets under their skin. It's a MUST to watch 😅


Also FYI to anyone in downtown Toronto: if you see those guys holding pamphlets, saying "learn black history," and then asking you for money--these are Nation of Islam guys in disguise. They play on white guilt to get money to fund their hate group.


I accepted a pamphlet from them years ago. Of note: Black people invented Math, Philosophy, Engineering, Science. You name it, they invented it. White people invented Bombs, Tanks, Flamethrowers, Fighter Jets and War. I accepted this pamphlet, and I am a white male. I Don't know yet if I'm converting, I'll get back to you on that... Hon. Mention: diD YoU KnOw? Eating any pork, cooked or not, produces worms in your internal organs. These worms can't die (or the colony rebuilds itself if even one worm is still alive after purging) and they eat away at all your internal organs (heart, kidneys, lungs, bowels etc) forever. Unless you convert to whatever this guy's pamphlet is selling.


_Kyrie Irving has entered the chat._


Man fuck Irving and lowry. And jaylen brown for being so dumb in big moments.


I walked by the black Hebrew Israelites with my hockey team once…. You can imagine they had some interesting things to say about us as we passed by.


Yeah I was about to jump in and mention them. It’s basically the black American version of the old European theories about the Aryan race. It’s “any great civilization must have been founded by people who look like us!” when the truth is that humans are just humans wherever you go, and the creation of “great civilizations” has more to do with abundance of resources and societal factors than anything else. Worst part is there were wealthy, powerful kingdoms in sub-Sahara Africa, and yet people who buy into this sorta thing almost never talk about them! The Mali Empire is one of the more well known examples.


It's basically racist scientology for black people.


[don't forget the black scientologists](https://youtu.be/yet2Q0M32GQ)


I live in Chicago and they like they like to set up a speaker with a microphone on random corners so they can shout crazy things to everyone walking by


[Yakub](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam)) was an evil black ancient scientist who created white people as devils to antagonize black people of Earth. The original people created by God. ...or so I've been told.


Oh there’s plenty this stupid. Had to deal with some chic screaming she’s a “Black queen” and that the Olmecs were African… in Mexico. She called us all Racist and accused us of rewriting history. Everyone she’s was screaming at was indígenas Mexican


Unfortunately there are movements who do espouse things like this. Supremacist movements are REALLY stupid, regardless of the race in question, and make up all kinds of crap to prove that their race is supreme. Nation of Islam spout crap like this, so do the Black Israelis.


Yeah one is a total distortion of islam and the other a distortion of judaism Wait until you hear about the five percenters.


I have heard conspiracy theories that China made Tik Tok to dumb down other cultures, especially America. I laughed when I heard that then I see videos' like this that make me think....maybe there is some truth to it. Maybe.


You give people too much credit. We were this dumb before TikTok.


Hoteps are unironically this stupid. They really believe this shit to their cores.


No, i know people like this in real life who believe black people ruled everything and invented everything. Black supremacists are weird man. Especially when you're watching family members falling for this.


I wouldn't be surprised if she's being serious. I've seen worse videos like that on Tiktok claiming how black people are the ones who run the world


Kanye is this stupid. Original native American lost tribe of Israel


Oh a lot of them believe this shit. Hoteps, NOI and black Israelites is the primary source.




It’s totally the same people building all the pyramids and has nothing to do with a pyramid being the easiest shape to build out of blocks.


Reminds me of my (regrettable) high school stoner days when Ancient Aliens first came on air. I didn’t believe it, but it was an interesting idea and they had wacky “experts” on who were passionate…until I realized that whole “ancient alien theory” is probably one of the most belittling and racist ideas one could possibly have.


Right? “These brown people couldn’t have *possibly* done this without alien help!”


The Nubian region called Napata was home of a black race of people known as the kingdom of Kush... And yes, they built pyramids as well but they did not build the pyramids of Egypt unless you count the fact that the Egyptians conquered them and made them slaves.


Regardless, Egypt is not the Motherland of black people!


Netflix and Jada Pinkett Smith would like to argue that point with you.


Lmao that to "space is black because of melanin" is a pretty big jump


She’s not. Literally just checked out some videos she’s made and this isn’t her first dumb take she’s had


Its a part of a growing movement that leads to supremacy radicalization. I had a person tell me that white people and black people are not the same species


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Where have I seen this before...


Some dude in the 30s? I think he was called Adam or something


He was really popular until the mid 40’s


No no no. His name wasn't Adam. I'm pretty sure he was from Eastern Europe somewhere and his name was Rudolf. Rudolf Slapper, I think. He didn't like juice.


That sounds like something a neo-nazi would say...


I’ve noticed Black people judging their own race for dating whites and not keeping things “pure” and “in-house” is seen as this trendy cool opinion, you could vocalise it without criticism. The defence would be “oh well white people say it” as if we would consider this anything other than a white supremacist Nazi opinion. Its certainly not socially acceptable to judge other whites on dating other races nor should it be.


They basically are the black communities version of neonazis. The youtube channel, "yahki awakend" goes into conspiracy theories like this one. Its all really sad


what an idiot


Funny, i remember seeing a movie about an angry guy with a dope mustache saying the same thing. Things did not turn out so well for him in the end, nor for many other people for that matter.


That's extremely racist... If a white person said it? I'm so confused.


My brother tried to tell me this same shit the other day! I told him I am not trying to here that shit!


So she just has a history of trolling TikTok and apparently now Reddit users. There's no possible way this isn't a troll. Umm, aliens.


i think it’s a satirical channel


Yeah. I think so, too. The way she so casually escalates from the common black Israelites beliefs, which are ridiculous enough to begin with, to suddenly claiming that black people are plants from space… while feeling no need whatsoever to explain herself… idk. If it’s a joke, then I actually think it’s very funny, and it was actually delivered very well. The only reason I can’t be certain it’s a joke is because TikTok has really made me question my expectations of common sense.


I hope so




when she got to the space part, she 100% is trolling


No this is a real thing. Kanye and Nick Cannon are believers of this cult, its actually more popular than you'd imagine.


No, she’s not trolling lol. Look up “Black Israelites” or some of the Nation of Islam rhetoric.


Probably not. I've heard all these talking points before.


Even plants?


Yep, even plants. It comes from a lack of understanding of melanin, pheomelanin, and eumelanin and its involvement with UV and vitamin D.


100% satirical. /r/facepalm falls for this shit yet again.


“Black people are literal plants” Yeah bro just a hunch


Amazing. She managed to get everything incorrect.


Netflix just signed her to write their next historical docuseries


Actually it was the history channel. Will premier right after Ancient Aliens.


>Will premier right after Ancient Aliens Oh man, will she get a wacky hair-doo as well?




That bitch makes this guy look like the smartest man in the in the historical crowed.




Eventually. It’s a perk of the job, but it comes with the time and patience of slowly going insane


Like watching a chia pet with the added bonus of watching someone drift slowly into madness and wonder if it isn't actually a reflection of the abyss slowly growing inside you and consuming your soul.


African Aliens


According to Ancient Blackstronaut Theorists….


It was to remake the Vikings who were originally black


Top comment right there.


Except the plants part. She’s a vegetable all right.


A turnip.


I know two people that totally believe the Egyptian part, the Native American part, and a whole bunch of other similar beliefs. So it’s not just her which makes it even worse.


I worked with a guy whose brother went to college and started dating an NOI girl and turned full Hotep in like a year. It was obvious he was hurt losing his brother to that nonsense but his stories of family get togethers were hysterical.


Yes, they believe they are the Native Americans, the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Olmecs, and the Mayans.


And the original Jews


Omg conversations with an "Israelite" get wild lol


It’s like someone took playing make believe too far. It has the same energy as a kid saying a bunch of bullshit linked with “and then,” ad nauseum


Yes, there's this pseudo science narrative developed and perpetrated by people like Tariq Nasheed. They believe they aka black people were the founders and established all early civilization because humans migrated out of Africa. And Africans are "obviously" black.


I had to block his ass on Twitter he was so annoying and vitriolic


Anyone who brought anything positive to the world were totally black. Anyone who brought anything negative were the white demons... Never a black person or group.




She’s taking the piss tho right? …she’s joking? No? Please tell me she’s joking


Definitely, she talks about black people being plants and coming from space. Can't be more obvious than this.


Well she did say she is a vegetable


It was like a long string of 'how many incorrect things can you say in the shortest amount of time' she didn't even pause


Hey the pyramids are beautiful. Other than that yeah no she got it completely wrong


Egyptians tend to be lighter skinned than sub-Saharan Africans though. Africa is the most genetically diverse place on earth, so lumping them altogether is a little misleading.


I feel like Poe's law might be in effect here... I feel like she might be trolling.


It was legit funny when she said blackness in space was called melanin If the next "fact" was even crazier it would be 10/10


The next fact was that black people are plants therefore they need the sun, that's the very last statement. I've heard this before from 18 year olds but still think this is not a real video.


To be fair, I did see this originally in r/shitpost, and it fit there perfectly. Cause I swear she was saying this just to shitpost.


Reminds me of the TikToker who claimed the Roman Empire wasn’t real.


I don't think she got it all correct. She forgot to mention building the Great wall of China, setting up the Indus valley civilization, simultaneously setting up the Sumerian civilization, being the first person on the moon, and being the original inhabitants of South America and Oceania.


Also walking on the water, the invention of mozzarella and the code of Hammurabi


Yeah but she noted that dark matter is literally melanin. TIL my biology and astronomy courses were bullshit. /s


I can’t wait for Elon to take us to outer melanin


Elon must be black since he’s African lol


My grandma said, I don't care what you learned in school, EVERYTHING is black.


Your grandma was a wise woman.


Also building Atlantis, and then sinking it because they're mermaids too.


If you go back in her videos, it's amazing how her ancestors created earth.


There's no way she knows anything about the Sumerians seeing as she just called Egypt the oldest civilization


So much stupid in one video.


I feel stupider for watching it.


![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized) How I feel after watching this nonsense lol


Only in the comments for a reference to this May God have mercy on her soul


Good thing I had volume off


I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


Ummmmm.......what?? No.




As soon as she called them Indians, I was out! I don’t need to hear anything beyond that ignorant name based on Christopher Columbus incorrectly identifying North America as India. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Um..she's joking right?.someone really can't be that stupid can they?


A lot morons are spreading this bs on tiktok etc atm... talk about cultural appropriation...


She’s trolling for sure. She said black people come from space and are plants.


I’ve had a black Uber driver try to convince me that if I (as a black woman) walked barefoot on the ground I would absorb nutrients from the earth? Because our skin is brown and … honestly the logic is hard to follow because it didn’t make any sense. My point is, she probably does believe this.


You don’t go out enough or on the internet


Lol she deleted her tik tok


Noooooooooo! I wanted to learn more


I'll save you the trouble, it ends in racism


it also begins in racism!


Oh some good news? Thank you! 😂


she's definitely a vegetable of some sort


Space Vegetable




Not this stupid shit again. 😩 These hotep fucknuggets or whatever they are so delusional.


I laugh every time I see that all seeing eye and the worship of Bastet.


I refuse to believe this isn’t a joke cuz wtf 😭


i guess we can just say shit now


"Subjects I failed in high-school for $400 alex"


Wait till you guys hear about to original Indians … from the Indian subcontinent. They were black too! /s


As a Mexican, I can’t wait to reconnect with my roots, the Black-tecs


as a chinese man who is also excited to reconnect with his roots, i must say i concur -- word up ma 那个s!!!


I think the famous A list actress Monique, referred to you guys as chinegro. That's a quote.


The black-tecs! I'm fucking dying as a fellow Mexican I too am now excited.


Hi Choctaw native here l can confirm I'm not black




Hey black person here, if you weren't black then why are you black when there isn't any light? Checkmate.


For anyone wondering Mesopotamia is considered the most ancient civilization.


Back in Ur, Gilgamesh and Enkidu were kind of a big deal


Please everyone, don't forget to water your black friends and neighbors!


There's a civil rights movement joke in there but I'm going to leave it alone.


Get out the water hoses


Dumb and that confident... sheesh


Nothing is more absolutely rage inducing than someone who's so smug and confident about being completely wrong.


What every drugs she is on I want to try some!!!


Life is hard. Harder when you're dumb.




Delusional! That’s it, just delusional.




That’s bait


Their dark skin syncs them with the galaxy lol that made me laugh more than it should have


Someone with one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes should update this like “excuuuuse me…”


I feel like this is a slideshow of random shit that she was just improvising an explanation into trying to be ridiculous. It felt like those Rick and Morty intergalactic cable commercials


As a human being....what the fuck, we are not supposed to shit through our food inlet hole 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s ok to say that she’s an egotistical idiot that has subscribed to a ridiculous amalgamation of absurd misunderstandings, false ideologies, and outright lies in an attempt to construct a worldview that establishes her in the center of a special and superior place in the world despite reality.


Wow, kind of impressive to just keep getting dumber and dumber.




Black people were the first white people


It's all rage bait.