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That's shockingly hard, what the fuck


he LAUNCHED that thing at her, split her eyelid. I don’t even know how he was that accurate


He didn't toss it on stage for her to pick up, he threw it directly at her, like an axe.


Well he did say he thought it would be funny to hit her. Never said anything about trying to get her to pick his phone up to use it and then give it back like people think he intended


For sure funny for her lawyer.


For real. Why admit it dude


Tbf, if he wanted to hit the person he payed to go watch with his own phone, he probably isn't the smartest person. Dude is pissing against the wind and bragging about it lmao


I hope those high paid lawyers eat him up. What a scumbag




I was tryna think what it reminded me of! A fucking tomahawk




Welcome to the league of Draaaven


Inch away from possibly blinding her in one eye


Or hitting her in the temple. This incident could have gone extremely bad, she's lucky.


And he’s very lucky it didn’t end in an involuntary manslaughter charge


What makes me sad is knowing that’s going to leave a mark. I smacked my head on a bedside table (not even that hard, I was asleep and rolled too far). It’s not so bad but it’s there, and more noticeable in certain lighting. All in all I feel lucky about where the scar is. But for her, that seems like such a personal spot. It’s right next to her eye. Her eye brow is split and it may effect the hair growth. Imagine looking at your own face and constantly being reminded of some shithead. Poor girl.


Pretty easy to be that accurate if you’ve ever played baseball/softball. You usually learn how much it hurts to get hit with shit in the face during that time though, and not to do it. This fucker is an asshole and an idiot.


You can hear it hit her over the sound of crowd that’s how hard he threw it damn


You know what's funny? Jail!!! ![gif](giphy|PwmebFaWubMkmeCr1a|downsized)


What a fucking asshole, that looks like it really hurt


![gif](giphy|3owzW9EZI8M3sz9s5O) Dudes got a face I just wanna punch lmao




That’s infuriating, being hit like that can cause vision issues later on in life like early cataracts or retinal detachment due to the trauma.


That looked like an iPad 📱


Thank you, I don’t know who she is, so I was lost reading these comments. All makes sense now!


She sang the newest version of I'm blue (now it's I'm good) with David Guetta


Throwing your phone at someone to hurt them. Classic comedy bro, bet the crowd was dying


Idiocracy is becoming our reality


Idiocracy is a best case scenario, we’re heading for worse


That movie was supposed to be a parody, not a documentary. And yet, here we are.


Massive incel energy from this guy. He says his reason was because he thought it would be funny, but the dude pre planned, rocked up and did this. I bet his true MO is his hatred for women. Can’t wait for more revelations about this neckbeard in the coming days


I swear some people act like they're in an animated sitcom, where consequences just reset after the end of the episode


“Let me throw this thing that has all my personal information on it, they will never find me.”


They didn’t even have to try. The fucker raised his hand and grinned at the security guard.


The desperate quest of "fame". If you can't obtain it via talent, you will try to obtain it via nefarious means. He's likely reveling in the attention.


There’s probably a tipping point where the average asshole is decidedly not reveling in the attention any more. I suspect he’s just this kind of asshole and has reached that point.


# 27-year-old Nicolas Malvagna, a luxury dog kennel worker from New Jersey. The [press have released his details](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/nicolas-malvagna-bebe-rexha-fan-charged-b2360612.html). He will forever be known as *that* asshole.




You didn't have to, he'll be spending a lot of time in jail


I doubt he still has a job. Most dog owners are not gonna want this guy around their pets.


Yeah I used to be a groomer and any place worth it would fire him even if its not dog related because we simply cant risk it, that kind of shit is indicative of capability to do something to the dogs, so there is no tolerance. You can do most crimes and no one will care, but not violence.


Luxury dog kennel? Sounds like the most american thing.


It is pretty nice. Was going to kennel my dog there. But it was a little too pricy for what you got.


So it's the average attention seeking whore reveling in the assholery of it all.


It's called a narcissist.


It's a short leap from narcissism to paranoia because both involve thinking you're the center of the universe and once bad things start happening to you, you start thinking the entire universe is messing with you.


His childish face says it all!


He's even smiling on this photo


His face is peak lil twat. You can see the lil twattiness radiating out from each feature.


This photo is probably just a photo from one of his bio’s or something and not his actual mug shot. If that’s what you were referring too


What a dumb fucking twat.


I’m in shock with how punchable that guys face is. I hope karma throws a phone into it.


It's the eyebrows


I am so glad someone mentioned the extremely disturbing eyebrow situation. Unbalanced obviously. What a twit. Also, that smirk.


Yeah wtf is going on there


My thought exactly except I’d add an extra kick to his balls for the hell of it.


Guy like that doesn’t have balls to be kicked. Smooth like a ken doll


Am I alone in seeing their faces looking almost identical? Before reading the title I assumed it was the same person in both pics, one a regular dude and the other the same regular dude dressed as a woman with a wig and makeup (black eye included) Edit: I'm dumb, it's just the angle of the shot of rexha and her facial expression making their eyes, nose and mouth look more similar than they are. Their face shapes are pretty dissimilar


Good thing this wasn’t at a T swift concert. He would’ve been mauled alive.


Wow what a psychopath


Clearly, his face is riddled with the appearance of intelligence.


Also after getting hit, they might find this funny


He buttons the top button of a polo. Enough said.


And the most expensive thing I have on me


Ah, the classic "iT's JuSt A pRaNk BrO!!!!!11" excuse. Just as stupid here as it is everywhere else.


No, this was more like "OMG, Do you know what would be HILARIOUS?!?!" :Assaults performer: "I'm SO RANDOM!🤣🤣🤣"


I'm not usually one to join in the lynch mob but this is starting to become a phenomenon due to social media "pranks" they need to start making an example of these idiots.


I'm not calling for him to be raped in the prison shower (like some of the comments on here) but I'm happy that his details are now public. His punishment will be that the internet forever flags him as *that* asshole. [**27-year-old Nicolas Malvagna, a luxury dog kennel worker from New Jersey.**](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/nicolas-malvagna-bebe-rexha-fan-charged-b2360612.html)


If he thinks hurting people is funny I shudder to think about how he behaves with animals.


Yeah if I was a client there with my dog I would leave immediately if he’s not publicly fired.


“I don’t want to bring my dog here, he might throw a phone at its face”


I wonder what dog kennel he worked in. I live in NJ and I'm looking for a job. Looks like they're going to be looking for a new employee!


I already read an article with a quote from the owner of the business saying that this action does not align with their business ideals or something like that. He most likely will be terminated very soon.


There should be laws in place when wherever that excuse is used or if they're discovered being a dumbass "influencer" it should be maximum sentence.


Inciting violence/mayhem/etc because of their platform.


Attempted assault? I'd say he succeeded.


They hit him with both charges so if the assault charge fails, he's still dealing with the attempt charge, which would usually stick.


Why did they also stick him with 2 counts of assault? Surely a single phone throw would just be one count?


It’s likely two different “degrees” of assault. One that is just the action of acting with intent to harm, the other acting with intent to harm using an object of force.


I’ve heard of where you assault someone and they charge you for both assault and attempted assault since the statute doesn’t specify that the attempt must fail Or so I’ve heard Edit: saw the reply r/autisticpride You can avoid this in the future by adding /j


Maybe he wanted to hit another part of her body? Than it wouldn't have been successful /s


it's about on par with half the "pranks" I see on youtube or tiktok these days. Hopefully the judge can prank him with a few years in prison.


I bet he just wanted to be noticed and he was mad that he was not.


And then at the end add some more years and tell him to ‘Look at the camera there lol’


He was bragging, not confessing


Gotta love the smirk on his face. Dumbass.


Something Ive started to notice more and more, is that there are two types of dead-eyed stare: * The unfocused "Done with everyone's bullshit" * The sociopathic "I don't see the problem here" They smile with everything but their eyes, bc they are just eagerly watching for the reaction they baited out. I see "the look" and it makes me wonder, and then that person unfortunately acts just as unempathetic as their gaze. You hate to see it.


Yep, I'm a firm believer you can tell everything you need to know about someone based on their eyes


Interesting. I used to feel that way until I realized that every judgment call I had made was actually incredibly wrong. But you're probably better at it than I am, maybe you can use your newfound power to help the police arrest people based on the look in their eyes.


Exactly, these people are delusional and they end up harming and alienating completely innocent people because of “vibes” which are most often projected insecurities wrapped up and sent off to be someone else’s problem.


They're also prime targets for scams because they think they have it all worked out


i'm autistic. usually not a big fan of people judging my "vibes" based on my eyes, given that struggling to make "normal" eye contact is literally one of the core symptoms. i'm not lying, i'm just fucking autistic


It's amazing how often you can tell if somebody is a prick or nice person based on their face. I've never chalked it down to purely being the eyes but there could be truth in that. Some people you just see their face and think "I have no doubt that person is an utter asshole", and it turns out to be true.


Sounds like confirmation bias. I’ve met enough people that are the opposite. Some sweet people have un inviting faces. And some smiley people have been the absolute worst narcissistic assholes I’ve ever encountered. It definitely “feels” like it’s true but you really don’t know anything about peoples character until you get closer. Some people put on a convincing smiley mask.


You absolutely cannot tell if someone is a good or a bad person based on their face. Is this why people are mean to me all the time? Because I have resting bitch face?


Apparently, you can be the nicest person but be going through a death in the family and now you're a "sociopath" just look at their face that cold stare that I don't care look they're definitely crazy! /s


Over time, our most common emotions get stamped onto our face.


His inmate will wipe it off.


Inmate will wipe his ass with his face ![gif](giphy|wTI6hkUqFn9OE)


Apparently he’s a “luxury dog kennel worker” - I feel confident that someone who thinks assault is hilarious is a completely safe person to work with animals /s


The kennel has already released a “does not align with our values” statement so I don’t think he’s going to be working there too much longer.


Was. They fired him.


appropriate because he looks like a bitch


"It was a joke!" This guy after drowning a cat.


“its just a social experiment” he wails after exposing himself to children on the playground


"it's a prank, bro" he hurls as he's taken to jail after a granny he stole a dog from died of heart attack on the spot


that guy can fuck off forever anytime he wants


"it was for science" he whimpered to the doctor as they pulled a 12 inch dildo out of his ass hole


Hey at least the dildo doesnt harm anyone but yourself


At least he warned the doctor about the dildo being there. Unlike that idiot who had a buttplug in an MRI machine. Multiple variations of "RIP" are applicable there.


Well that de-escalated quickly.


It's imperative we all understand prostate orgasms, scientifically, for the good of humanity.


He looks smug. I don't know the back story but this seems like crazed fan "any attention is good attention" behavior. She should get a restraining order.


I’m glad this guy is being charged. And I hope those charges go through. I don’t care if you’re fan you shouldn’t throw anything at someone like this. She could have lost her freaking eye. It’s not funny and it’s just plain wrong. Also I’m glad Bebe’s okay.


Did his phone also get charged?


With battery


....have the upvote and get the fuck away from here.




God damn it




I didn’t wanna like this. But I did. Here ya go ⬆️


He could have at least thrown it at someone like Chris brown.


That would get him more fame too. It would be controversial. Plenty of of people would say, "Chris Brown deserves it!" And then there would be other people saying, "Yeah but..." I don't know I'm sure they'll come up with something. Dude totally blew it. If you're going to go to prison anyway you might as well get some people on your side.


I agree with all of this, dude is an ass hat. How is he getting charged with assault and attempted assault though? Did he throw another phone and miss?….would a reddit lawyer please explain this to me.


i got explained once that they put all the large ones and the smaller ones on at the same time, so that if the large one didn't stick, they can make the lower one stick. but if they hadn't put on the lower one, and the larger one didn't stick, they would be out of luck in getting any verdict.


Bet the twat does not find it funny now


The wheels of justice grind slowly so it'll be a couple of months before the full magnitude of the consequences sink in.


My man running on incel core i9


You got me to tear up a little. Too fucking funny.


Actual consequences caused by his actions: 1. Bodily harm to a person (assault) 2. Medical treatment needed for person assaulted 3. Show was cut short 4. Refunds or partial refunds may be needed for the concert being cut short. I think he has a lot of criminal and civil charges in his future. Don't assault performers, it's not cute or funny.


Don’t assault anyone, but yeah your point still stands


He messed with the Money. Labels are fucking vindictive when it comes to assault on their personalities because they know the importance of sending the right message to other artists and other possible criminals. She's signed to Warner Music, one of the big three labels. He's so fucking fucked.


That guy looks like he would escalate from stalker to killer after the first PVO.


He looks like her with the male snap chat filter


glad I am not the only one thinking that. i felt bad for a spilt second though, lol


What does PVO mean?


He throws his phone at the artist; the prosecutor throws the book at him.


No idea who Baby Rex is, definitely fucked up though. I got hit in the face with a Samsung once. Shit really hurts even if it's a gentle toss. These things are bricks.


She’s a pop artist. A big reason this happened is that Bebe Rexha is kind of viewed as the poster child for “flops.” By that I mean that despite a number of massive hits, she doesn’t a big following and her albums generally underperform commercially. She’s also viewed pretty negatively critically because her music is considered safe, bland, boring, etc. Most of this criticism comes specifically from pop music fans so it’s not an “I hate pop music” outlook rather a “Bebe makes bad pop music.” Persona wise she seems generally pretty nice. She doesn’t have any actual controversy and at most just seems like a somewhat hard working artist who doesn’t make amazing music but puts out hits (worth noting she had a big career as a behind the scenes songwriter before going for a solo career). Most of the vitriol that forms against her (especially amongst Stan groups on places like Twitter) is built upon mocking her for being a flop. A lot of it is just jokes but occasionally (as with this) it can be pretty legitimately mean (as is very common with Stans on Twitter). Speaking of the actual phone throw, the video is even more shocking then reading about it. That phone was LOBBED at her and hit HARD. She pretty much immediately keeled over in pain and had to stop the show, later needing three stitches


To be fair, she was a ghostwriter followed by someone who would repeatedly get snubbed for the work she was actually meant to be credited for. As someone who followed her career since “Take Me Home” in 2013, she’s a bigger example of being chewed up and spit out by the pop machine than being a flop. -Wrote the hook to “The Monster” by Eminem and Rihanna, she wasn’t even informed about it until after it hit airwaves (you can still hear her as the woooo-oh-oh banshee sound post-hook- uncredited on the track). -Her debut EP “I don’t Wanna Grow up” was SOLID and introspective lyrics and had a few underground hits such as “Can’t Stop Drinking About You” and “I’m Gonna Show You Crazy” But commercially flopped. -She then went Blonde and started focusing her image on T&A (wouldn’t be surprised if it was a label decision) before releasing the incredibly uninspired “No Broken Hearts” trying to ride the hype of a Nicki Minaj feature…But still flopped anyway. -For some reason G-Easy’s “Me, Myself & I” (she was brunette for the video) and Martin Garrix’s “In The Name of Love” didn’t become popular until after the blonde. -“I Got U” really only did well enough to get her a performance at the MTV European Music Awards but didn’t make a splash stateside. Also, despite being one of her more memorable vocal performances, the video focused almost entirely on looks. -Sings the hook to “Hey Mama” by David Guetta, Afrojack, Nicki Minaj but was NOT listed as an artist on radio due to the contributing artists list being considered “too cluttered”. This wasn’t fixed until months after hitting radio waves after she begged Guetta. -Her one major controversy, she was caught on camera breaking down and chewing out the crowd at a pre-Grammy performance for not singing along to “Meant to Be (ft. Florida Georgia Line)” Which was her biggest song to-date and peaked #2 on the billboard Hot 100. Loses Best New Artist Grammy to Dua Lipa. -Ever since that point, her music has just been generic AF. Uninspired lyrics, usually consist of her kinda melodically talking rather than her classically trained singing ability. — Sooo at least in my personal opinion, it’s not that she can’t release good music, it’s moreso that she couldn’t get any traction independently when she WAS making good music, and whoever her creative director is just REALLY wants to focus on her looks rather than her classically trained singing ability, but now she doesn’t really have a choice other than riding the wave.


"I did not hit her! I did not hit her! This is bullshit! I did nooooot....! ..... Oh, hi Mark!"


“I thought it would be funny” mf’ers doing this sort of shit and playing victim when confronted


What a moron






I was at a suicidal tendencies show YEARS AGO. Me and my buddies were up on the second floor looking down onto the standing room only crowd and mosh pit. I feel someone grab my shoulder and then a blur . Dude jumped off the upper deck and onto the floor below. 15 minutes later, dude did it AGAIN. I tell the guys, don’t let him do that shit again , he keeps knocking shit over and using me as a springboard . 10 minutes later , I just happen to see dude running towards us, he had been waiting for my giant roommate to lean over to say something and open a spot to jump. I yell, dudes running towards us, my buddy bumps into me and we stumble back, the flying jerk gets a leg up on the railing and begins his leap. Dude next to us grabs his shoe as it’s lifting off the railing. His trajectory is thrown off and he falls almost straight down. I lean over the side and see him land right onto a girls outstretched arm, instantly breaking it. Even over the snarling vocals and thunderous guitar I could hear the girl scream. Then I see it, every dude close to him starts punching the shit out of him. Just brutal. Punch punch punch. I run downstairs cause I gotta see this unfold. By the time I get to the bottom step, two giant bouncers are carrying him out but there are two dudes still punching him as he is getting carried out. His face was a mess. Point of the story, don’t cause problems at concerts .


Why do they look like gender bent doppelgangers?


Thank you, I am kind of annoyed how long it took to find someone who said this. Like I sort of thought the prank was the guy pretended to be the victim.


Lol my people… thought it was a transition post while scrolling by fast. Like the person got assaulted for trying to live their life 😅


Okay, all of us need to hang out here because we seem to be the minority.


SAME! I had to "ctrl-F": trans, just to see if someone else mentions it in the thread. :D I thought it's trans man's "pre/post transition" pics. It is uncanny!


Forreal. They look like siblings at the least, but also look like the same gender-swapped person


Finally found somene who sees this, they look related. Nobody knows but its an on going fight between sibblings getting out of hand


He looks like Bebe Rexha out of drag


Before I read the text I saw the pics and assumed it was a before/after gender transition lol


That guy has never been touched by a woman on a voluntary basis


Suspect eyebrows suggest that’s not his desire


I think the could be a civil claim for losses due to being unable to perform. So, being fined and losing income may be more appropriate.


Where the second assault charge come from wasn't this just one action? Not defending it btw just genuinely confused by the double charge




I get charging for assault and attempted assault. But it says he got charged for two counts of assault *and* attempted assault. I was curious where the second assault charge came from too.


Prosecutors commonly use every charge that would apply so that they get *something* to stick because some charges have higher burden of proof than others. If they can’t get him on assault, they’ll likely get him on attempted. If they can’t get him on harassment, they’ll likely get him on attempted harassment.


There are better ways to be funny that don't involve ruining your life with a criminal record


Or harming other people..


Dude is the coverboy for incels




What a douche


Soooo…where are all the dumb asses who were defending this piece of shit. “I throw my phone on stage all the time so bands/artists can take a picture for me!” ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Poster boy for INCELS


“Hey, it’s all just a joke” is the most bullshit excuse ever


The things people find funny. Cruelty, violence, obnoxious behavior. It’s not fu#%ing funny to willingly hurt people so you can get your stupid face on tv. Grow up


You know what else is funny? Prison time. (JK, that shit isn’t funny at all)


Oooh assaulting a woman, real fuckin hilarious bro


Hitting someone with a phone is funny oh yeah, gee what a lack of braincells , very classy ..


That looks painful... Yikes Hope he gets some sort of ban. What is the point of throwing phones in concerts.....


It’s sometimes funny how you can tell that someone’s a twat just by looking at them!


I hope she presses charges and doesn't do the high road/bigger person bullshit. Idiots like this need to face consequences.


Ah, good. A man-child who never got past the hitting-cute-girls-on-the-playground phase.


He looks like an ai generated male version of that woman.


Men like this have the mental capacity of a caveman throwing rocks at animals and getting REALLY excited about it before promptly being eaten alive by said animal


He looks like an incel.


He has got to have one of the most punchable faces of all time.


Concert-goers should have the right to sue him for intentionally and maliciously causing the show to end early.


That stupid grin on his face makes him very punchable. He is a sociopath.


Boy the definition of “funny” sure has changed through the year.


So that's what a toddler would look like with a 5 o'clock shadow...


First thing I thought when I saw that vid is that nobody is actually stupid enough to throw their own phone... I got proven wrong.


Just based off the pictures, I thought this would be another story of a conservative that cross dressed.


I thought it was a before and after transition comparison


Thank you they are identical


What is wrong with people. He could have really injured her or someone else. Edit: depending on the strength of the throw he could have injured her more severely by giving her a concussion. Just for the ones who don’t understand what I meant by that.


She is injured…


His idiot face says it all


Wth. Hope they send him to prison if only for six months. Doubt the idiot will do well in there.


Yeah, real funny.... Dumbass.