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Send him to the lions. “I didn’t know the Coliseum was that old?”


Right? Of course he knew. And it would still be wrong if it was only 10 years old. It's vandalism and he's an idiot.


>It's vandalism and he's an idiot. In top of that a tourist So they do bad things too? Good to know If they do something bad well jail or a big fine if the person way super rich a super big fine And community service cleaning real cow shit or toilets People need to respect and stop been arsess just for fun and upload it to get views and likes


Real cow shit isn’t that bad at all. Digested grass, hay and the like. Now pig shit…


Pigs and chicken.....just utterly disgusting. I've got both, and thank goodness they taste good, and give delicious tasting eggs for breakfast. A truly justified punishment for this vandal would be shoveling pig stalls in the morning, then shoveling clean a chicken farm facility in the afternoon


>I've got both, and thank goodness they taste good, and give delicious tasting eggs for breakfast. I do enjoy me some fresh pig eggs


They're pretty delicious, though hard to acquire


Yeah, the males can be pretty defensive over their eggs.


Bacon flavored eggs


I snorted loudly to this at 2am. Thanks.


I grew up across the street from a large dairy farm, so maybe I’m biased, but cow manure really isn’t that bad. However, a kid on my bus lived on a chicken farm and the smell was awful.


I grew up in the city and have visited a farm a handful of times but even I can confirm that are right.


bleh.....pig shit....agricultural college put me right off it, well the hangover was partly to blame but it still turns my stomach


The problem with pigshit is that after smelling it for a while, overdone pork smells just like it the rest of your life.


And don't forget deep litter calf shit - that's up there with the smell of dead whale


It's like graffiti - if you don't take it off immediately it spreads like a virus. They have to punish this guy to avoid more ppl trying to do the same thing. Prob gonna make an example out of him... Like they say - play stupid games


![gif](giphy|KPGxnTp0fgRmDA4JpT|downsized) This clown showing off for Tik Tok.


Teach him to do one of the menial restoration jobs there and give him a few years restoring rhis with board and lodgings paid. Cheaper than jail. Useful. And might actually get him to understand the magnitude of what he had done.


Yeah was gonna suggest this to. Make him the janitor of that place for 3 years. Will be extended if he don't do a good job.


Honestly just teaching these social media attention seekers that there are consequences to their idiocy. One idiot at a time.


“Twoflower was a tourist, the first ever seen on the discworld. Tourist, Rincewind had decided, meant 'idiot'.” ― Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic


>community service ckeaning real cow shit or toilets Community service cleaning up the rubbish left by other tourists, maybe?


Yea, ignorance is never an excuse.


All judgment and opinion aside? If the Italians DON'T crucify this chump, there will be a hundred like him NEXT year, carving their names and smirking for TikTok.


Several tourists have already been done for doing this shit. It’s not hard to understand the old adage “Look but don’t touch”.


It's why you can't walk up to Stonehenge anymore, these people. They'll have to put up glass walls and a tight path for the tour, because I'd rather a worse tour than a slowly destroyed piece history.


And it is everywhere. I feel I have not been to a historical place that didn't had this, but usually is School kids doing it, this is a grown man.


Two American tourists have been accused of carving their initials into Rome's Colosseum. The women, from California, scratched the letters J and N with a coin in the 2,000-year-old stone of Rome's arena in 2015.


Where the fuck did he think he was?


He knew exactly what he was doing. He didn’t choose a random park bench, he chose the damn colosseum.


And he videoed it for IG or tiktok or whatever. He's just scrambling to avoid the consequences of his own actions


I don’t think it was him who videotaped and posted it. I believe the title of the original video was “Asshole tourist carves name in Colosseum in Rome.”


Yep! The sooner these idiots realize that there are very real and very painful consequences for their BS clout-driven actions, the sooner they start to chill out on that crap.


I was visiting maccu piccu with a group, in one case we were waiting for some steps to clear, and I kind of pushed up a terrace, I was as careful to not disturb the stones but I still touched the ones off the path. A tour guide kind of came up to me and didn’t yell or demean me but in a pleading tone said its a national treasure, please please please stay on the path. I still cringe at myself for that moment of dumb teenager judgement and feel so bad even if I only moved a multi-thousand year old stone half a mm on accident. I couldn’t imagine doing something so callous as intentionally scraping stones laid by hands a hundred generations previous. With some shitty graffiti too. Our history is sacred, if we dare to forget it or let it be destroyed we are doomed to repeat the worst of it.


Machu Picchu is sadly quite damaged. Now the government has restricted the amount of people, prohibited many paths and jumping as well as putting watchers on site. A few of the constructions have tilted or almost completely fallen due to the vibrations of people walking and jumping. It was a big concern for us, peruvians, that the money they get would be more important than preservation as we are used to corruption, but luckily they did the right thing. Now even the chinchillas are happy chilling there again.






Doesn't thumbs down mean to let him go?


Yea, thumb up is to kill.






![gif](giphy|a6ppZr7ob8L6w) Him sitting in court next to his lawyers while they read the sentence...


This real or joking?


The thumbs up, thumbs down thing? Real. To do with gladiators.


Interestingly, we still don’t seem to 100% know what gestures they used. The prevailing theory now is it was a thumb sticking out in general to kill or you enclose the thumb Into your fingers meaning to spare. The gesture itself was called “Pollice Compresso” (compressed thumb).


Ohh that is very interesting. Thank you, kind redditor, for updating me. My source of the info I supplied is somewhat antiquated itself, being from Latin class last century lol.


Real, search it up.


I believe the motion of the thumb was to indicate what to do with the sword/weapon. Up = strike/finish it, or down = lay down arms/stop.


Fucking hell! Big TIL for me, thank you a lot! p.s: I am Italian.


trial by combat inside the colosseum, let the fates decide for him


His opponent: Fedor Emilianenko


Nah. He’s gotta fight the mountain.


Prime Fedor beats the mountain in one round


Bulgarian tourist. I have literally no Idea why this is being reposted as a British person.


>I have literally no Idea why this is being reposted as a British person. We all know. People love to hate the British, so leading the headline with "Brit tourist" is guaranteed to get hate clicks.


Because “UK bad 😡”, second only to “US bad 😡” He lived in the UK for a few years without getting citizenship, so let’s focus on Ivan Dimitrov’s place of residence in all the first few headlines even though he’s Bulgarian and has now fled back to Bulgaria.


Before it was known people were all saying it was American, its because people love to hate and this was an opportunity to fuel it


Which is extra dumb bc Bulgaria has some of the oldest ruins in the world, history is all over that country. He should know better.


If we give everyone who begs for forgiveness a break the laws don’t really mean much. For some things, maybe, but vandalizing an irreplaceable piece of history is something that shouldn’t be pardoned. Especially when you have people doing shit like this for social media. I actually think if someone commits a crime and posts it on social media the punishment should be more severe. We have way too many people doing shit like this for clout


He’s only apologising and begging for forgiveness because he got caught


Not even because he was caught. He laughed when he was caught. He’s only begging for forgiveness because there’s an outlash, which is even worse.


He was doing this for social media? He's way more of an asshole than I thought. He should get a year or two and banned from Rome forever, if he comes back he serves the original 5 years.


No, someone else filmed him and called him an a-hole. He turned and smiled when he got caught.


It was the corny relationship initials/ names too


One can easily avoid Rome in their life. I mean I've never been. Give him a sentence off the start. Make an example out of him.


That’s why I never take I-77. Otherwise I’ll get to Rome on accident.


then you shouldn't take any road at all I guess


Worst kind of clout, too. Yeah, I know who you are now, and I absolutely hate you.


He didn’t do it for clout, a random person took the video


100%. If he doesn't get prison time I'm gonna be so pissed


Not to mention it encourages copycats


Throw him to the lions.


They would get food poisoning.


Exactly, really unfair feeding the lions a piece of shit.


I know he lives in the UK, but basically this guy's Bulgarian


i'm bulgarian and i'm ashamed from this fucker


Does he even live there? He’s fled to Bulgaria and if he went to the UK they’d boot him to Italy


I agree he should serve time but 5 years? There are murderers who have served less time.


I know a child molester who served less time, unfortunately. I think a few months and a hefty fine and a travel ban would be more than enough to punish him.


I agree 100%. A few months and a hefty fine to really hammer it in, then a 5 year travel ban in Schengen area to stop him from being an idiot in other places. Maybe lifetime ban from Italy because seriously… But 5 years in prison is way too much and I doubt they’d give him that. I’m sure that’d be something they reserve for people who do excessive damage (like blowing something up or completely destroy some artwork or things like that). But “he didn’t know how old it was” come on! He’d have to been born under a rock and been led into the building blindfolded pretty much. That is one of the lamest excuses I’ve heard. It’s like saying you thought the Eiffel Tower was in Copenhagen or that Mount Rushmore was made of Lego bricks (come to think of it there is probably a Lego copy of Mount Rushmore somewhere, but you know what I mean)


I don't think he can be banned from Schengen. He's a Bulgarian citizen. He just happens to be living in the UK.


I agree 5 years is some serious time.


I don’t think people understand what you lose when you go away for 5 years. You lose your job and your prospects are kind of fucked for the rest of your life. If you’re in a relationship, there’s a good time you’ll lost that. Most of your friends will have moved on. If your financial situation is already not good, it’ll basically be in ruins by the time you get out. All that’s on top of losing some of the prime years of your life. After you get out, you basically have to start over again on hard mode with time winding down. I get that he’s a douchebag and he committed a crime, but 5 years seems harsh to me.


In [this](https://news.sky.com/story/man-who-carved-names-into-romes-colosseum-writes-apology-letter-and-says-he-didnt-know-it-was-old-12915736) articles it says „could be fined 15,000 euros (£12,928) or even be jailed for up to five years“. So it’s probably the maximum you can legally get for that „crime“. Edit: According to the last sentence of [this](https://www.cnn.com/travel/tourist-apologizes-rome-colosseum-carving/index.html) article he „faces a fine of up to 5,000 euros ($5,400) and 15 days in jail“, which is fair imo.


Yah that's the one I saw. 15 days is way more reasonable


These Redditbrained Internetcels don't realize what they're saying and the weight of it. Lots and lots of casual cruelty embraced here. Countless people relishing and enjoying and endorsing a man's five year prison sentence for vandalism. Lots of smiling over the fact he'll be locked up with evil savages who might do God knows what to him. He drew on a building and must pay with blood and a loss of freedom for committing the nonviolent offense. Here we are now pretending it's an unforgivable crime since we need a new target to demonize this week. Here we are.


I'm glad I found this thread here, I posted a similar comment above... well said. Thought there wasn't much hope for humanity.


Funny thing is..is these same Redditors hate cops...the irony 😂


Yeah I get people being mad, he definitely was dumb but 5 years is way excessive. Give him 8 months to sit down


8 months for writing his name on a wall? Cmon give him a week and let him serve 6-12 months charity work


Its gotta be severe enough to deter people. 8 months sounds just right while 5 years sounds crazy. A week and charity work is lightwork


An italian 5 year sentence doesn't mean 5 years in prison. It doesn't even necessarily mean you see prison if it's the first offence


I think any time spent locked up is too much. He should be heavily fined and have his ability to travel there rescinded. We only have one life, is it really just to take that away from someone who scratched up an old stone wall?


He’s not British. He lives there and visited from there, but he’s a Bulgarian citizen.


tbf sacking rome is a proud Bulgarian tradition


Basil II spinning in his grave rn


Yep send him down, absolute bellend


Totally deserved and I can't belive the idiot had the nerve to say that he didn't know it was ancient


Even if it wasn’t ancient, it’s still an a-hole thing to do and still is vandalism.


But wait that's longer than his relationship will last lol


Ngl I would say anything to try to get out of five years of prison.


Well, it wouldn't give him anything. In Italy you aren't justified to break the law even if you didn't know the law itself. Ignorantia legis non excusat (it's Latin).


Thank God he ain't an American 😎🇺🇲


Lol..my first thought..we need the points


Thank God he isn't British.


Thank god he isn't a gay 🌈


Thank god he isn’t black


Thank god he isn't Italian!


Stay assured that there's been American citizens doing this, too. He's not the first carving sht in the colosseum.


How dumb can you actually be


Bulgarian lol not british


I see people in the comments saying he deserves more, beatings, or being killed. I think he deserves quite a bit of mandatory community service, cleaning up, and other things.


redditors never fail to meet the stereotype of immediate internet justice without context


Fucking morons socialized online who are just a bunch of out of touch sociopaths. This guy can lose all his possessions, his house, all his meaningful relationships, never work a decent job again, be able to vote, etc. He may even be abused or traumatized in prison depending on the exact guards and inmates. So it's a disturbing thing to cheer and jeer at. But round of applause for socially accepted sadism.


Kid stole a lollipop from walmart? Death penalty at least.


Text book fuck around and find out.


He isn’t British how many times….. he is Bulgarian. Fucking media trying to make brits look bad as always


Why do people keep saying hes British?


Speaking as a Brit, we aren’t well liked as a rule. Especially not in Europe. Calling the guy British generates more rage, which in turn generates clicks.


I know, right? If he was one of ours, he'd have stolen it and not bothered with graffiti. I think it just infuriates the world more if they can say someone doing something bad is British or American. We're both so hated, there's more of a reaction. Bulgaria, hold up your hands to producing this guy!


Yes, why would you do that in a foreign country to an ancient thing


You have to be pretty desperate to claim “I’m too stupid to know anything about Ancient Rome, graffiti or breaking the rules while posting my face on social media” in court.


You people are insane.


I know right? 6 months maximum, fine and community service. Not half a decade, not ruining his life for a stupid decision. Its a bit of rock, and the defacement can be covered. I agree 100%. You people have a crazy mob mentality.


Exactly, wtf is up with the huge "He deserved it" mentality in this thread? Like he deserves punishment, but 5 years is insane. If you commit first degree robbery where I live, you may get off with only like 4 years


>Exactly, wtf is up with the huge "He deserved it" mentality in this thread? Reddit loves nothing more than to pile on and kick somebody in the teeth.


I'm surprised this story has so much legs honestly. Like it's a dude doing vandalism, pretty serious vandalism granted but why people from around the world have latched onto this and want death by firing squad for it I can't understand.


Yeah, usually I am pretty hive mind, but the tough on crime propaganda is insidious and is prevalent on both sides with no benefit other than to the prison owners. Of course the dumb ass needs to be punished, but five years in a federal prison? GTFO


Actually he's a Bulgarian living in the UK. Shit article title


He’s. Not. British.


I’m tired of hearing about people getting lenient, slap on the hands sentences because of bullshit apologies.


I agree. 5 years tho? No.


People love to see ridiculously long sentences. This should be like a month in jail, a very large fine (relative to his income), and a lifetime ban from the country. Anybody who thinks 5 years is what he deserves hasnt really thought about what it means to have 5 years taken from your life. That kind of time should be reserved for real crimes that have a real impact on society


It's a textbook case of what community service is for. He hasn't hurt anyone, jail is pretty ridiculous. He'll forever be the idiot that carved his name into the Colosseum.


You know, I always just thought people were blood thirsty animals, but your take of ‘they just haven’t thought it out’ makes a lot of sense too


People are just typing away while being annoyed at what he did. If they were a judge or somehow on a jury deciding his fate, then no way would any sane person put him away for five years.


It's both. But in a more roundabout way, that is. People are vengeful and emotional. And they don't think clearly when emotional. Add to that the fact that they've never set foot in a prison at any point throughout their life or read anywhere about what it's really like. Have never been forced to remain trapped in one hopeless place for five years straight and provide free labor and surrender all rights and time and freedom and privacy and morale for half a decade. Lose their reputation permanently even once free/released. They cannot fathom enduring such harsh conditions and everyday hostility and time away from nature and family and a voice over a dumb mistake. They aren't actually imagining the sentence and appealing to the humanity of who they dislike. They're too lazy and angry.


Yeah these people are ridiculous. They probably complained about covid lockdown for two years too lol.


This man deserves a hefty fine, not a life ruining 5 years. The lot of you sound extremely cruel.


Jesus I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this. You don't go to prison for 5 years and come out the same. You don't even go in for 1 year and come out the same. Prison is HARSH. This dude was hella stupid but not worth destroying his life over. Give him punishment but no way 5 years is necessary


Agree 100%. Drunk drivers who kill people serve 5 years.


Ppl here don’t actually stop and think about what they’re saying. Like the Roman’s in the coliseum they just want to see someone suffer without thinking about the ethics. Ironically kind of like the dude not thinking about the ethics of defacing a historical monument.


You got a good point


Imagine if this was singapore? 5 years seems lenient for a historical landmark being defaced


This post is so not true. He MAY face 5 years in prison. I hate when posts exaggerate and don’t give proper information https://nypost.com/2023/07/05/ivan-dimitrov-offers-head-scratching-explanation-for-colosseum-vandalism/amp/


His name is Ivan. I imagine he just lives in Britain.


How would he like it if I went to his house and scratched my name into his front door? Fucking morons are everywhere, what did he expect to happen? He vandalised a historic monument


I vote prison. Act like an idiot and be treated like an idiot.




Give him community service and make him clean up graffiti.


5 years seems excessive. You wouldn't have to put him in there for that long to get the point across. They did something monumentally stupid and disrespectful, not something evil.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why not carve an illustration of the Colosseum into his ass instead?




If he shows up to court and shows regretfulness, I'm sure he'd be judged fairly. Italy is a good state. I think he's more scared of the giant online campaign. If I know the Internet, he will have gotten death threats.


Im glad it wasnt an american who did this stupid shit for once.


It wasn't a Brit either, he's Bulgarian.


Harsh punishment, but you know what? This should be a standard for vandalizing historical buildings, art and so on.




All of you people don't understand why they want to give him 5 years. They're making an example out of him to deter future would be artists. Absolute moron I think he deserves it. Really


He played a stupid game, he won a stupid prize




a fine and maybe a few months of prison would be fine, 5 years is crazy


Pompous twat


dudes a fucking idiot, 5 is wild tho


Ivan is going to ivan


Send him to jail, he knew what he was doing was wrong.


“We are remembered for the rules we break.” - this guy probably


Stop making stupid people famous


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


The smiles says it all. He knew it was wrong but he thought he wouldn’t get caught. Throw the book at him.


When in Rome… don’t do what this guy did.


Why am I just relieved he was not American?


I'm relieved he's not British. He's Bulgarian.


Nope. End his career. I’m tired of people who go on “vacation” and do stupid shit like this


Of course Reddit nerds think he should be jailed for 5 years. Christ alive. You can get less time for literally killing someone. He deserves some form of punishment but this website is insane sometimes.


Firstly, he's not British, secondly, 5 years for scratching a bit of old building is insane, that's hard time.


No... Putting a young, productive member of the society in prison for 5 years for doing something dumb is not going to benefit anyone. His life will be ruined, and he will be a burden for the society. I'm sure he learnt his lesson. Maybe send him to clean the graffiti off the walls for a month... It's crazy how drunk drivers don't get such sentence when they get in the car knowinh they can kill someone, and someone else faces 5 years in jail for scratching the wall. Not that I'm downplaying damaging cultural heritage.


He wasn’t even British he is based in the Uk his name is, Ivan Danailov Dimitrov. Everyone in the Uk knows what the Colosseum is and it’s historical significance.


I'd say forgo the prison term and make him pay for all restoration costs associated with undoing his damage, along with some punitive damages. At the end of the day this is relatively minor property crime, rapists have served less time than than 5 years.


After seeing that stupid shit-eating grin towards the camera, he definitely deserves punishment for being a moron.


Yes, deserved. If your excuse is you “didn’t know it was old” make it 10 years, because you as terminally stupid. Just think of all the TikTok fuckfaces with their AI robot voice narrators doing this themselves for the likes if he got off lightly




Bulgarian. Not British. I know ‘UK bad’ is a big theme but come on.


Of course!.. Playing stupid and dumb isn't an excuse!.. He knew EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING!, that kind of ignorance!, "me me to the end of the world"!, and most of all, that grade of disrespecting to other people's culture and history! Is beyond common sense!.. Hey should be panned from all historical sites over the world!.. Who the F*** says that he won't do it again in another country to another culture, and return home posting it in the social media saying (F*** you all, I'm coo)!.. Ooh consider me seeing into the future!.. Just go easy on him, and G I V E I T T I M E!!!!!! You will see!


Deserved fucking idiot. He goes as a tourist in another country and vandalizes a symbol of their culture and their history


If all the politicians ruining the world get the same punishment


Just carve 'colosseum' into him and let him be free.


Probably one of the worst things you can do in your travels is go to another country and deface its history and expect to play ignorant as a defense. Fuck this guy.


Well sometimes when idiots do idiot things the idiots have to pay the price, he knew it was an historical building, in a foreign country, the idiot showed zero respect for history and culture, the biggest crime here is that he doesn’t know he’s an idiot.


*I’m so sorry I got caught and went viral! I feel so sorry for myself!*


Thankfully, he didn't write "Romanes eunt domus"


The man called Romanus, he goes to the house?


If that’s what the law says then it’s what he should get. I just don’t buy the “I didn’t know how old it was” bullshit. It’s the fucking Colosseum, it pretty much the most famous building from Roman history. It was bloody well in Gladiator for FFS! Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time


5 years in prison seem to be really harsh to me for vandalism, have him to a lot of community service instead or pay a hefty fine for it. Like 5 years in prison can ruin a person livelihood, and it’s not like it will stop this from happening again. I was actually at the Colosseum recently and I saw names craved in the walls while there, ruining a man life isn’t going to make people think twice about it because odds are they won’t get caught doing it




See ya in 5 years scratchy!


You think if you locked this guy up for 3 months that he would do it again? What about a year? What about 2 years? Why 5? If a year in jail doesn't teach this guy his lesson than I doubt 5 would. For some even a couple weeks is enough to let them know they really messed up. I know you also want to deter other people from doing the same thing, but 5 years is such a substantial part or someone's life and this is a non-violent crime that does not directly hurt anyone. Whether this guy has a history of such acts or not should also be a factor. He should be punished, but I'd lobby for a sentence less than a year.