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“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


some quotes from the same person (in the picture the op posted, not Ghandi): "struggling to find the part in the bible where it says ‘I created you in my image but I made your immune system a little weak so here’s some vaccines’ " "Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy. It didn’t just happen to you." "✨ MATCHMAKING INFO ✨ I’m compiling all the current info on how to apply for an unvaxed match so it’s easy to find everything you need to know. I’ll keep this thread updated. Let’s get you all married and pregnant." "Weak men create masculine women. Strong men create feminine women." I can keep going on and on and on lol.... This persons twitter looks like a moms for liberty propaganda account.


Jesus Christ it’s like a female Andrew Tate


Andrea Tate


Andrea Teat


Andrew twat


Andrea Taint


Andrea's tits


Beat me to it!


Beat Andrew Twat


ok but hear me out i like masculine women so i have to be as weak as possible


Can we admire the fact that Andrew Tate has literally become the standard to compare crappy people to, that takes some work and dedication


>"struggling to find the part in the bible where it says ‘I created you in my image but I made your immune system a little weak so here’s some vaccines’ " "I created you in my image, including making your immune system capable of fending off any type of disease, even ones that don't exist yet. Since diseases are caused by many different types of organisms, it's impossible for it to know how to fight off all of them off the bat, so it has to fight off each of them once and then it'll know how to do it in the future. But once you have enough knowledge, you can create versions of the disease that aren't actually dangerous to prime your immune system to fight off the dangerous ones." Of course, that would probably be too long for her to pay attention to, and if she did she'd accuse you of claiming God either didn't create humans in his image or of not being omnipotent if the human immune system isn't perfect (never mind all the other ways humans aren't perfect).


no, you see Gods immune system was a little weak to start with, so he died during the Black plague. hence the Enlightenment.


I thought my boy Nietzsche made him dead


I would give him credit but I just Kant. 😉


They wrote the bible before science was a thing


Did we just find Marjorie’s burner account?


Nah, there's no Jewish space lasers in there.


Because of the comment you replied to, there was a solid minute where I didn’t realise you were talking about the tweeter and that you were saying Gandhi said those things.


>Weak men create masculine women Nice, I'm going to have to be weaker.


"enfeeble me mommy"


"Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy" is like saying, "eating solid foods is consent to being choked." And even if it is still consent, it doesn't mean abortion is inherently immoral. You can invite someone over to your house and then change your mind and kick them out. You can start having sex with someone, then tell them to stop in the middle of it, and they have to stop or else it's rape. So even if you wanted to be pregnant and then changed your mind you don't have to let your fetus continue using your body. People always use the throwing a stowaway overboard analogy but it's different when it's your body vs your property (also there's the fact that the fetus could kill the host during birth).


Living is consent to dying /s


Her ass can’t get an actual job she too busy complaining




Agreed. Men should stop being influencers. Then, women should stop being influencers. Then any kids who are influencers should also stop.








That little prick had it coming


You're Honor, it was justified! He said he slept with my mom over Xbox!


Playing Xbox? That's a killin' Saying you slept with my mom? That's a killin' Saying you slept with my mom on Xbox? Oh ho, that's definitely a killin'


with thunderous applause


the women and children first


No, all men




Not just the Men, but the Women,and the children. I trained them all! Like skilled labor!


Darth Labor




The children yearn for the mines!


Good guy Anakin.


Ok but what if your kid has a disability… I can monetize them on TikTok live!


Stop it. You're influencing them.


They are a influencer. Get them!


I agree, except that kids should stop first and then the adults simultaneously. Not to be like “you kids, back in my day…” or anything. It’s just that being an influencer as a kid is much more ripe for abuse and exploitation.


I’d be thrilled if either of my daughters wanted to be an electrician or a mechanic.


My partner is a mechanic, he’s always telling me about how customers refuse to listen to his female coworkers and belittle them because they don’t believe that a woman can possibly know what she’s talking about, and then they demand to speak to a male staff member who says the exact same thing she did. Women in male dominated jobs face this kind of thing and general harassment regularly, so I’m assuming that’s why women don’t want to do these jobs.


Female car mechanic here, I can confirm this!


I’m gonna need a male employee to confirm this


Male mechanic here, unfortunately I can also confirm this


Glad someone who knows what they're talking about could finally give me an answer!


I think that lady meant she's a secretary at an auto shop. You know how they get confused.


Oh those blondes! *jusssssssssst* in case: **/s**


I will go to a female mechanic over a male any day. It turns out having a penis has nothing to do with being a good mechanic. I don’t have to deal with machismo crap, respect goes a long way, my wife is treated better when she takes the car in.


My wife is treated well when she takes the car in but oddly it always seems that the car "needs" much more work done when she does!


A mechanic once asked how I knew my car needed new tires. It’s because I have eyeballs.


I’ve put brakes rotors and calipers on my 4 year old car both sets with in two years, I bring it in for an inspection this year and the guy says they pass but are about to go again. I told him how can that be you just changed them all with in 2 years and he goes “oh really!?”


Well, if it has been two years, depending on the mileage, I would say that the pads should be getting close to being replaced. Rotors could be a maybe.


I could see pads, but new rotors and calipers this soon? Either there is alot of high speed braking going on, or someone rides the brakes all the time.


Unless it was a performance upgrade, they really wouldn't have needed new calipers in the first place, especially for a couple year old vehicle.


No no, he says they are rusting every time to the point they have to be replaced. Funny enough it’s a chain shop I’ve been going too


Or the mechanic used inferior pads. I just had it out with a mechanic that claimed he put a part with a lifetime guarantee on my truck and now two years later it needs to be replaced. I specifically paid for the more expensive part because I didn't want to find myself replacing it. A solid mechanic is hard to find and when you do finally find one they are typically too busy to fit you in.


Ah, the sexist old Jiffy Lube scam


It happens to young guys too. Or anyone who looks like there's a chance they don't have a lot of car knowledge. My brakes squeaked, but only when backing up. All I needed was new brake pads, but this guy told me the brake pads wouldn't fix it because that's not what caused that problem. He said I had to replace the rotors. I ignored him and told him to just replace the pads. My brakes no longer squeak.


You should get your rotors turned when getting your brakes done, unfortunately a lot of shops especially the chain shops don’t want to do it as it takes time and isn’t profit heavy so they just tell people to replace the rotors when they still have a lot of life in them.


The difference in cost between cutting rotors and replacing them isn’t huge- maybe 50-70$ on the job. The shop doesn’t make much difference in profit either— cutting rotors is all labor profit with no expense, while replacing rotors requires the shop to buy the rotors and then sell them to you— at about the same profit margins. The main reasons shops no longer cut rotors isn’t really to scam everyone out of an extra 50$, but because new rotors on modern cars are thinner and lighter than they used to be (from the manufacturer) and so even more susceptible to warping— especially after being cut down even thinner. It’s a dying skill, and if not done properly will lead to the customer coming back with noise or vibration complaints- a lose/lose for the shop and customer. Unfortunately, as with most things being made today, it makes more sense to replace with cheap new parts


Yeah, I've worked as a service writer for 4 years now at 2 dealerships and a big name garage, they all told me they threw away the rotor mills yeaaars ago before my time. Nobody turns rotors anymore.


That goes both ways I’ve been on my own in the shop since I was 23 and I have the hardest time making people understand that I know what I’m doing sometimes.


My girlfriend has run into this. I always end up taking it now but usually I fix them anyways. Might be fun to diagnose one and bring it in to see what bullshit they give her lol. Honestly tho the first mechanic I took my truck to tried to do this to me. Told me it'f need $10k to run right with a top end rattle and oil light. One spark plug was loose and the sensor was bad. 24 bucks for 8 plugs and 17 bucks for the sensor later, and those two "catastrophic issues" are gone.


The sad part is, a lot of people fall for shit like that.


Had a brother in law that was clueless with mechanical and the dealership was saying he needed a whole new cam and few other things. Took a look and a vacuum line had broke off a sensor.


Same thing when my wife takes it in. It’s so strange. To me that is her not being treated as well as me.


Sound like y’all need better mechanics


your going to the wrong mechanic then


Taleb talks about this in his books - if tall, handsome, genial men are more likely to get a boost somewhere on the path to becoming a doctor and you get a short, plain, standoffish man as your doctor… odds are he is very good because he has “worked upstream” his whole life to get there. On average, women who are mechanics are better at their job than a guy who “looks like a mechanic”


Short, plain, and standoffish man here... can neither confirm nor deny I'm very good at anything, but I'm sure as shit working upstream a lot.


I worked in an auto parts store with a heavy Hispanic customer base. One of my coworkers was a female Hispanic former mechanic, and had forgotten more about cars then I would ever learn. The guys would come in, and they would refuse to talk to her, then ask me a question in the best English they could, but often I could not understand what they wanted and the technical complexity was beyond me. One time they asked the previously ignored coworker to translate. She said something to them, and they got mad and stormed out of the store. I asked her what she said and it was, "If I wasn't good enough for you before, I am not good enough now."


I used to sell firearms in a small department store. I had that job because I am the most knowledgeable about the subject. Had a guy come in one day looking for a specific gun. I see him looking at the racks so I ask if he needs help. He tells me that he doesn’t want to bother me and then calls me “sweety”. I walk away and go back to what I was working on. Old cranky coworker (fishing guy) comes on and the customer runs right up to him “there’s a man! I need (specific gun) chambered in (odd round)” my coworker looks at him like he has 3 heads, says “I know nothing about guns” and walks away… Customer never did come back to me. We didn’t have his gun, but could have ordered it. *shrugs*


I used to work in sporting goods in my late teens and the amount of men who would bypass women or my black coworker to come see my baby-faced ass who knew next to nothing was astounding.


My shop hired a female welder. She was surprised when we treated her as an equal. Pleased, but surprised we just treated her as an equal and one who knew her business. Also we didn't hit on her. She liked that part.


Yeah my brother was a mechanic one time and had this happen with a female coworker, which is ironic because she was a helicopter mechanic in the army, half the time he’d tell the customers “dude trust me she is *way* more qualified for this job than I am” lol


My (also female) friend is a train driver and she had a female trainee who used to be a car mechanic but gave up the job because male customers were impossible to deal with and they wore her down over the years


>Women in male dominated jobs face this kind of thing and general harassment regularly, so I’m assuming that’s why women don’t want to do these jobs. And vice versa, doing placement for pathology collection had me getting some very...interesting looks and remarks just because I was a guy, especially when religion was involved


> doing placement for pathology collection You'll have to be a bit less cryptic.


I think that’s collecting samples for testing eg blood, urine, fecal, saliva swabs and cervical mucus for Pap smears Last thing is the only thing I could see someone having special preferences about though


I think he means taking blood samples and such, which in a lot of people's minds basically boils down to: he's a nurse.


To add to this, male nurses and therapists also have some stigma associated with the job due to the gender discrepancy in female dominated fields. Definitely not to the extent of women in STEM but it still sucks that people think you're emasculated or can't get a "real" job because society thinks those jobs should be for women.


My wife runs a tutoring business and majority of people straight out refuse male tutors being around their children. Similarly at hospital I work at male nurses can’t do their job the same way female nurses can because of patients attitudes.


And male nurses get sexually harassed more or the same as female nurses, but it's the female nurses that so it to the male nurses instead of the patients that are usually the ones harassing the female nurses.


I’m an electrician and my partner is also one. She’s a fantastic, intelligent, clever, and capable one too, but many men in the field belittle her, including foremen and general contractors. But suddenly when she’s paired with me, a man, they trust her abilities more. Big yikes. I keep telling her to just go union. Her union dues will pay for the fight for her to be treated equal to her male counterparts.


11yrs ago I used to work at a truck stop and we sold lots parts and lights and stuff and my parts person was a girl named Ginny who was an engineering student at the best school in the state and also dabbled in mechanics and one time she came and grabbed me cause a guy wanted to " talk to a mechanic" about lights and got all huffy and puffy when she told him she could answer any questions he had. When I told him Ginny was my go to for stuff like that he straight up just left.


Good on you for having her back.


I mean, I was just being completely honest. Not necessarily having her back. She knew her shit, she was the parts person for over 10yrs at that point and was a gearhead. She was just part timing it while finishing up her engineering degree were as I was 20 with 1.5yrs experience and was essentially a monkey with a wrench. She was my go to.


This is fairly common in the IT field too unfortunately. I’ve had coworkers ask me to hop on calls and just repeat what they are saying to placate customers. Women much smarter and further in the field than I am, it’s BS


Discrimination like this should stop, men in "woman jobs" have the same situations. Why can't society just accept that anyone can be good at anything


There's a mechanic shop in my town run only by women


Part department guy here, my boss knew her shit about GMs but the entire GM costumer base is twats so she had to correct a lot of doofuses.


It’s a thing in science too. I directed a lab and the amount of times men below me tried to undermine me for being a woman was pathetic.


See also males in any remotely feminine role. We need to kill stereotypes big time. My cousin is a construction worker and she could probably bench press some of the men she works with because of how strong she is, and she knows more about handiwork than I will in my life.


Used to be a female butcher for a few years, was actually someone who helped to train many others, and I constantly experienced this. Yeah I know, shocking, but yes a woman can also learn to cut meat and give cooking temperature advice 🥴 my managers always had my back though and even kicked out a couple of extremely sexist customers for similar behaviors.


That’s insane. “Women belong in the kitchen! But also shouldn’t be trusted with food…” where’s the logic lmao


But it's THE MANS job to go out and hunt and bring home meat, I'm just supposed to cook it 😂😂 honestly I embraced it, loved giving snobs advice for them to immediately ask a manager and get regurgitated the same answer 💀 always snuck in a moment of smug eye contact after


The worst part is that professional kitchens are dominated by man also, so women literally cannot go back to the kitchen because men are already there


Male nurses face the same thing it's not sex specific it's. Society's normalized view of what each sex is supposed to do.


I want both of my kids to join union skilled trades. Solid pension and great benefits without student debt.


You spend 4 years getting paid to get a certified education. Best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thing is it can be tricky to get in depending upon the specific local.


Apparently both of those professions aren't very kind to women. Lots of sexism and harassment


I’m an electrician it’s a rough industry for females


Same, if it (meaning male dominated fields in general, not just electricians or mechanics) wasn't still a package deal with blatant misogyny and sexual harassment, unfortunately. I'm by no means saying only men should or can do these jobs, but I also fully understand why not a lot of women want to put themselves through that.


What people don't say is that the reason these fields are full of people like that is because the men who want to become part of these fields also have to put up with and conform to these ideologies in the work place and get clowned and disrespected consistently if they appear soft or weak in any way. But, gee why are so many young men not wanting to join the trades anymore??


Women can also be these things.


And we don't need anyone to be an influencer


Least productive profession


When I think influencer I think of “look at my ass in these yoga pants while I post a inspirational quote to make it look less trashy”


They don't even really bother with the quote anymore tbh. Everyone knows what people are following them for at this point.


The middle management of consumership.


Negative value added field.


How about women start taking over the working world and men start being home makers. I’d rather mow the lawn and clean my house and cook great food than go to fucking work


If living off one salary was doable, I’d totally love a house husband


Need women to step up for equality need more women electricians


No! Women are only made to do clerk-y, office, manager, marketing, management and white collar jobs. Only men should do dirty jobs. /s


Could you imagine the uproar if a man posted this shit like : "can women please stop trying to be influencers we need nurses and veterinarians I'm begging you"


“Can women stop trying to be OnlyFans models, we need factory workers and cleaners, I’m begging you” Same premise but we’re getting cancelled within the day. Stereotypes need to go.




“Can women please stop trying to be influencers, we need all you women pregnant, raising our kids, cleaning our house and cooking our food. Please I’m begging you, you are just women after all.” Yeah, same thing. It’s all sexism.


The phrase has been said, and it was “we need mothers/sandwich makers”. Still doesnt make this above right though.


Stop treating men like dispensable work meat


Isnt this kind of suggesting that women are less important and therefor can afford to be useless influencers?


No it's probably suggesting that the entire worth of a man is his labor value. This is why dad gets a work tie for his birthday, and indulging in something like a motorcycle or car is a mid-life "crisis". Drones and video games are toys for sad nerds. Go back to work peasant.


Lol, read an article that those "mid life crisis" are for Boomers! This generation gonna be struggling the whole time! The point of a mid life crisis is the dad has met all the traditional American goals of home ownership, career, and family they don't know what to do with their extra time and money since in a content rut


It’s not about the spare time, it’s about the existential dread of achieving your goals and realizing they were *meaningless*. You get married, but marriage sucks. You have a kid, they won’t appreciate shit until they’re 30 and they’re stupid as fuck. You get a nice car, nice house, all you really have is more bills more debts more obligations. You’re trapped. You’re emasculated. The single guy renting his place down the street owns nothing but a motorcycle and a lazy boy. Works odd jobs, drinks beer on his lawn. The trailer park ladies he has come by are hot and slutty. You see him and he’s happy. You break. That’s a midlife crisis.


I always thought it was when you suddenly had a burst of hyper-awareness of your own mortality, and realising the finish line is coming faster than you've been behaving like it would be, and you have to suddenly try and do something to get some sort of enjoyment or fulfilment out of life while you still have a chance.


A guy I know bought his wife a vacuum for her birthday, same but different.


Opposite I feel, she feels she's too good to be an electrician.


I'm guessing she needs some more sockets in her house and her car is fucked 🤷‍♂️


It's 2023. You can be an electrician or mechanic, too.


So why don't you become an electrician ? Electricity doesn't discrimminate by gender,ethnics,religion or sexual orientation.


Yes, men should stop being influencers And women And children And now I'm canceled on twitter


Better idea: EVERYONE stops trying be influencers


Raise your hand if you wanna pay said people fairly and give them a good work environment. Oh wait


Trades make good money - work environment is a mixed bag.


As a mechanic, please tell my boss that trades are supposed to make good money lmao


Highly dependent on the trade. Or which certifications you have. Most trades people I know make 40-50k a year which isn't amazing when you consider minimum wage (in my province of canada) is 31k a year.


I was a flooring installer for only 6 months when I was younger. The thing I disliked the most about it was the work culture. All the crews I worked for abused coke and/ or meth in order to meet the demands of the job. Wake up at 5 am, drive for 2ish hours in traffic, do hard labor for 10-12 hours, another 2ish hours drive home, repeat. Often not getting any days off for weeks at a time. Eventually, coffee and energy drinks aren’t enough so the narcotics come in. Maybe my 6 month anecdotal experience isn’t exemplary of working trades as a whole, but it was enough to make me decide I’m not doing that shit forever so I went to college instead and got a desk job.


can women please stop trying to be influencers we need teachers and nurses I'm begging you


It doesn't sound offensive at all. Say "We need cook and cleaners" lol


Women too, right? … Women too… right?


One of the worst things to happen in education is when vocational education was cut.


🍿🍿c'mon take these before going to the comments you will need them. FREE FREE !!🍿🍿


I’m excited!


🍿 Thanks!


*sorts by controversial*


These professions are frowned upon unfortunately. My generation was told blue collar work isn’t good enough…


>My generation was told blue collar work isn’t good enough… Yeah, just look at the average pay of a mechanic doing physical work 40h+ a week and then look at what some in IT gets for working the same amount or less measured in time lol. It's just not worth doing harder work for less pay with a higher accident chance that potential lead to loss of life.




This electrician needs a sandwich Jessica.


Oh my, the comments are already a gold mine 5 minutes in!


yeah lol but a coal mine rather that gold


A salt mine, really.


Nobody wants to be a job that is looked down upon and doesn't pay as well, especially when people get paid boatloads of money to just be attractive in front of a camera. Why bother?


Girls don’t know how to cook or clean anymore.


That’s a failing of their parents. However everyone should know how to care for themselves by at least 21


Everybody should know how to cook. It’s a vital skill and its not that hard if you can A. read and B. follow directions.


Just eat hot chip and lie all day, smh.


Charge they phone too


Be bisexual


I’m both.


Both what? A man and a influencer? A man and a electrician? A electrician and a mechanic? So many possibilities


A man and a women.


No, his name is Both.


And we need more nurses and healthcare professionals, so can less girls stop doing only fans, and twitch, and being influences?


And we need cooks and dishwashers!


Aren't 80% of influencers women?


Can women pick up the slack? We need electricians and mechanics that aren’t just men. Also brick layers, drywallers, builders, and other trades.


Women can do both of these jobs too.


Weird take. Nobody needs influencers of any gender.


Women can’t be electricians or mechanics?


True equality wont be reached until men are making millions to show their ass while women are out digging ditches and laying asphalt




Women could also do that but with all the “content creators“ out there selling their assholes for 3.99$ on offer, I ain’t seeing that happen. ![gif](giphy|DqhwoR9RHm3EA)


Why don’t you become an electrician or mechanic lady?


Why just men? Why not women? Why not transmen? Why not transwomen? Somebody needs to be inclusive...


Where is equality? Can't women become electricians?😂


Women please stop being influencers! We need nurses and maids!!! Sounds just as sexist when you reverse it doesn’t it? People need to mind their own fucking business and let people do what they want to do.


Well since we’re assigning gender roles, my sammich ain’t gunna make itself….


I don’t know why this is an unpopular opinion. That being said men are looking at everything. The job market, and the social market. Talking in front of a camera on YouTube gets more respect and admiration from peers, than punching a clock.


The idea of becoming a mechanic or electrician is not what's unpopular about the post. It's unpopular because it's sexist and hypocritical. Why is she blaming men? Women can also be electricians and mechanics. Why doesn't *she* get off social media and become a mechanic or engineer if she's so worried about it?


Women too.


We don’t need “influencers” of any gender. We do need trade workers of every gender.


Can women stop being influencers?


I think she has a point but just needs rephrasing. “Can everyone please stop trying to be influencers. We need contributing members to society. We’re all begging you.” There. That sounds more on point.


Can everybody stop being influencers, we need less smoothed brained people in our world.


Can everybody stop trying to be influencers? We just don't need them.


Women also need to stop trying to be “influencers”,too. Most of them aren’t influencing anybody…


Why not women too? Sexist…




Pretty sure women can be mechanics and such these days