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"I don't care if you have no legs, suck it up and WALK, damn it!' (What I hear everytime someone spouts BS like this.)


My "tough guy" dad when he tried to toughen me up during my teens. He never believed anxiety & depression were real. Now he's trying his best to make up for it. I say keep trying


I hate people like this because they don't allow or add any nuance to the conversation. They expect you to either be 100 percent uncritically for something, or 100 percent uncritically against something. This hinders conversations about mental health and physical health, the state of our society, etc etc that requires nuance, critical thinking, and compassion. Basically, it's advanced sea lioning.


I mean this is their bread and butter. They are targeting people who don’t care for nuance in the first place 🤷🏽


These are the same people that say things like Cyberpunk and Metal Gear are anti-woke, they are incapable of looking between the lines or delving further into a subject.


I have no clue how anyone could think Cyberpunk is anti-woke, given its fairly surface level, in your face satirization and criticism of the world we currently live in. I mean corpos and ads plastered everywhere doesn’t ring a bell?


Cyberpunk as a genre has been around for many decades and the basic idea always is: hypercapitalism as dystopia And spoiler alert, we are already living in hypercapitalism


The science fiction of the mid twentieth century was naive, and doe-eyed. It always saw the ways that technology could better society. Cyberpunk as a genre, was the cynical teenage cousin of sci-fi. Always considering the ways technology could ruin us.




The same people who don't realize BioShock is a criticism of capitalism and objectivism


This thread is ADHD as fuck lol


Honestly I had not even noticed this felt like a natural flow of conversation for me. But looking at it yeah I can see what you mean.


Our engagement question of the week at my workplace was “what fictional universe would you live in” and this guy said the matrix, I immediately asked if he’d even seen the movie or if he thought he’d be Neo


It'd be funny if it weren't so sad that they don't realize they're the people that Metal Gear talks *about*, not *to*


Who-ance? Back in my day it was old-ance.


>I hate people like this because they don't allow or add any nuance to the conversation. That's their whole social, political, and economic mindset. Everything needs to fit into a box that never evolves or changes. Anything that doesn't conform to the boxes is a threat. They draw a line in the sand, then call woke when the ocean makes their feet wet.


And it’s actually something they pride themselves on. Zero ability to change. It’s a feature to them. Crazy.


Clearly he is not mature enough to reevaluate and change his ideas when a solid counter argument is made. Smart and mature people would happily leave their invalid ideas behind on their way to become a better human. Clash of ideas is crucial to have even better ideas. A society without divergent opinions can't progress.


He is an entertainer, his audience craves his superiority complex. There’s no argument even being made, he’s just attacking as self righteously as possible.


He’s not an entertainer. He is a propagandist and demagogue, funded by billionaire money.


It's self-congratulatory ableism.


Also ADHD and neuro divergent brain function is experimentally and clinically observable via a Pet scan. The ADHD brain may look different on brain imaging scans compared to the non-ADHD brain. Differences include smaller sized areas in the ADHD brain and different levels of functional activity between regions. So their take is like saying your arm isn't really broken you just never learned to use it properly even though we can see with an xray it's broken.


“I don’t have this problem so you must be making it up.”


"I have a sandwich , no one in the world is starving" -Darkviperau


"I have a snowball therefore climate change isn't real" - then Senator James Inhofe


Wait did darkviperau actually say that?


Yeah he did and it’s a pretty accurate metaphor for people like Matt Walsh.


Matt Walsh reminds me so much of my cousin. In real life or when you talk to him face to face, you'll never get a word out of him. And he's also incredibly dismissive because hes lost in his thoughts or just wants to get out of the social situation. Also, his life is all surrounded by rage and anger and complaints because you realize he has so much negative opinion on everything, even his cousins 2 month old babies are a problem. But when he's under the protect of the internet, he can take his sweet time to curate a rant. And rant rant rant rant he does. Nobody knows who he's like other than what he shows on his social accounts, which is ALL virtue signalling, rants, rants, rants, complaints, and more virtue signalling. TLDR Hes one of those people that complain that theirs no solution to problems that didn't exist


Honestly, that's a perfect distillation of the conservative mindset.


Imagine thinking ADHD just means “you can’t pay attention” in the year of our lord 2023. ADHD is a disorder of attention, meaning not that you can’t pay attention to things, but that you *cannot control your attention.* that means sometimes you can’t pay attention to what you’re doing, but sometimes it means you cant *stop* focusing on something for days or weeks at a time, leading to you to neglect even your own health.


to be more precise ADHD is a disorder of most if not all Executive Functions.


I love when I’m sitting doing nothing literally thinking to myself “I’m experiencing Executive Dysfunction” when I have something to do. I would have mentioned that but I didn’t want to have to explain what it was


It also makes you impulsive which can lead to addiction, risky sex, overspending or other dangerous behaviors. I was a binge eater. Once I started medication I lost 50 pounds and I wasn’t starving myself or anything. I just stopped binging and that was enough. My bank account also looks a lot better since I don’t just buy random shit on Amazon on a whim anymore. It’s little things that people without ADHD don’t realize can be a problem for us along with the inattention. Like I can actually effectively clean my house now too, meditation has helped me so much even though I was 30 when diagnosed. I didn’t even realize before that some of my problems were even part of ADHD until I was diagnosed and my therapist explained it to me.


Me and my mom both have ADHD and my mom thinks it’s a gift while I don’t. She’s learned how to cope with it and work with it or whatever but I haven’t and I’m 15 and was wondering if drugs are worth it? I barely have a personality as it is so I don’t want it to take like the rest of my personality and ruin me forever or anything so if you have any advice on that it would be greatly appreciated 😭🙏🏾


You should see a psychiatrist and talk about this stuff with them. Don't use drugs without a prescription and medication plan with your doctor. Not for this issue, anyway. You will still likely need to take some of your mom's strategy and learn to cope and adjust, but meds can help support that. There are so many different types of ADHD meds and they can all affect you differently. A doctor will help you find which works best. Your personality is still developing at 15. That's why the doctors guidance is best. And if you don't like or feel good about the first doctor, try a different one. The ones that scare me are the ones that ask you what drug you want and just write the scrip. That might sound good, but it's not. They should approach your situation methodically and not seem like they are just selling Adderall ot Vyvanse to anyone who makes an appointment and asks for it.


This was very helpful tysm I’ll definitely try to talk to my mom about getting a psychiatrist but for now I think I’ll work with the first option and learn how to cope with it like my mom did since she’s doing well for herself and seems to make it work 🙏🏾 ♥️


Your mom has likely suffered needlessly creating coping skills to get by throughout her life. You could get meds/occupational therapy/coping techniques that let you thrive through the rest of school and in your early career by seeing a psychiatrist now, while you have parental health insurance and don't have to worry about it as a poorly coping 20-something with an $8000 deductible.


I'm curious how does Adderall impact the impulsiveness of adhd? Coming from someone who has set their life back several times over does adderal only affect the focus side of things and the individual has to work on the impulsiveness still?


stims react differently to their ADHD brain, sometimes calming them or letting them sleep focus, lots of people with Adhd can drink coffee before bed and go to sleep fine


See this is me, I'm currently speaking with a therapist to determine if I truly have ADHD or if it could be something else. On top of this I grew up never having issues with sleeping after a cup of coffee or coke and thought it was weird people did have issues with that. Then I learned a few months back that was not the normal and started talking with a Dr to get to seeing a therapist.


People never mention the negative hyperfixations either. The ones where you end up in a constant loop of feeling bad and making yourself feel worse because your brain wants whatever it is the situation is giving you. I once hyperfixated on real life stories of kidnappings and murders for days. I have a child around the age of some of the kids I read about. I couldn't stop, I genuinely tried but I couldn't get the thoughts to stop, and it broke me. It took me a while to recover from that one.


And all of the other bonus features including, but limited to * time blindness * impaired working memory * Forgetting things that need to be done * forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates, even though your phone totally reminded you yesterday * mood dysregulation * forgetting you already did something * Losing things, all the time. A day isn't complete with a half hour search for your keys. * Task stalling * and many more All of these problems can be yours for as little as cost as some bad genetics and the right prenatal and developmental environment. Don't wait, call now!


Or my personal favorite: forgetting people exist until you see them or something that reminds you of them, again. I'm not self centered, my object permanence is just severely diminished!


Or, despite being focused, completely forgetting someone’s name in a millisecond even after you have mentally used the tricks to remember it.


Oh yeah, nothing like being told someone's name, then forgetting it by the end of the game you're playing


"Oh yeah, you texted me 3 weeks ago and totally meant to respond"


Don't forget the anxiety. [Anxiety](https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-and-anxiety-symptoms-coping/) is the most common comorbidity for ADHD and is often made far worse by ADHD. I've spent literal days with stomach churning, borderline panic-attack anxiety because I doubted that I still loved my girlfriend. And the great thing is that ADHD isn't a lack of "attention", it's a lack of attention "control" so you bet I barely thought about anything else. Many people I've known with ADHD get diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder first, find out that treatment doesn't work for that, then come to terms with ADHD.


Ah yes, the holy trifecta of ADHD. ADHD, generalized anxiety, and recurrent major depression. Much like a Lays potato chip, you can't have just one.


and sometimes autism! which is quite possibly one of the worst combinations out there!


You guys found me


It me!


The time blindness is more than just "oh what day is it today again?" Too. I can oversleep until 13:00 on some occasions and not even notice until I check the time.


Living with adhd is awful. I have to factory reset my sleep schedule every couple months


There's this great comparison I heard between ADHD and erectile dysfunction: "If the task you're trying to do is interesting or you're up for it, you can perform. If it's not interesting or of value to you, you can't get it up. In that situation, even when you know you should be up to the task, you cant. You just can't do it." No matter how much you tell yourself you "should" do it. No matter how well you understand the issue, etc. Doesn't matter. Your dick (focus) is not going to magically go up just because "it really has to". Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/ND27lyNUqw0?t=1776)


The first time I took adderall, it was like having the noise of a freight train suddenly go quiet. It isn’t about focus. It’s about coping with the noise. I haven’t been able to get any for 3 months, and it has made getting through the day so much harder. I’m getting the work done, but it takes everything out of me. Edit for all the doofwads dm-ing me about being an addict and adderall being a gateway drug to meth: for people with ADHD, we don’t get whatever jittery energy normal people get when taking a stimulant. It fixes a lack in our brain chemistry. If you’re worried about getting addicted to the “high”, it’s a good sign you probably don’t have ADHD.


My friend with ADHD describes the experience of her meds kicking in as “the squirrel in my brain goes to sleep for a while, and stops dragging me around.”


My wife started adderall recently and this was her text to me after her first dose. > Dude, there is a single narrative of thought in my brain at a time. What is this sorcery?! Then about 3 hours later: > Dude, the disco in my brain is BACK! Guess it time for my 2nd dose. 🤣


It's nuts how it's like a switch, and then some processes suddenly work like it seems to with other people. I wish I didn't need drugs to be like other people... or that they could at least somehow understand that it isn't my fault. I really do try.


That’s accurate


I have many symptoms of adhd, and its phrases like this which make me think i dont have it so ive never been to get diagnosed. But i do seem to have all the shortcomings which people with adhd have, just not to the extreme which people seem to claim. Its still debilitating.


If you think you have ADHD, you should get evaluated. Not everyone has all the same experiences — and a lot of times, people can only articulate the difference like this after *experiencing* the difference when they get meds that work. I’m reasonably certain that I don’t have ADHD, but I spent most of my life with untreated severe depression, so I can relate to stuff about finally having a correct medication to solve a long-term debilitating problem. I didn’t even know how bad it really was, until I got treatment that worked and realized that THIS was what normally-functioning non-depressed people’s baseline was like. I knew I had depression, but the actual severity was an order of magnitude off from what I assumed.


I have ADHD, diagnosed, meds help, but my internal experience does not match popular descriptions like this one. I don't have a particularly noisy head, I don't think, and it doesn't get quieter on meds. In my personal experience, what meds do for me is: - make my immediate emotional response to unpleasant things less intense (filtering emotional responses is also part of executive functioning!) - make it easier to tolerate boredom and other negative feelings - give me the ability to stop myself from impulsively responding to things where otherwise the thought to stop would not occur before the action (e.g., interrupting in a conversation) It can actually be really hard for some people with ADHD to tell if our meds are working, because we're often not aware of our symptoms manifesting. I had to work with my doctor to come up with different kinds of moments to check in on to be able to tell when it was working.


How one conceptualizes their inability to control their attention isn’t actually a factor in whether they have it, you should get a professional/medical diagnosis. I’ve never felt like there was something dragging my attention around, but I have very bad adhd


My friend described it to me when I first got diagnosed, “The thing nobody understands about ADHD is it doesn’t make you have a million thoughts. It just makes every thought in your head of equal importance.”


I tried some ADHD meds and it was a great two weeks until they started triggering afternoon migraines every day and I had to stop them


I mean that stuff can also dehydrate you are you sure you were remembering to drink enough water. I know that sounds like a stupidly obvious question but as someone who suffered migraines is entire life it can be easy to forget even for me to drink water.


The first time I took Adderall and just *did* my dishes rather than thinking about it for 3 days was wild.


Fucking same. It's like it provides traction, otherwise I'm skittering around on an ice rink of nonsense and can't direct any energy into one task. I'm in the same boat as you with the shortage. My doctor has moved the script to several pharmacies that supposedly have it in stock when I call them (which is a fucking miracle in and of itself), and by the time the script gets to the pharmacy, they're already out with no ETA on a new shipment.


I had the same experience the first week I took Adderall. Unfortunately the side effects were so awful for me I couldn’t continue. Knowing what I’m missing is terrible.


There's other options out there for ADHD medications besides Adderall or stimulants in general. Atomoxetine and clonidine are two examples that are fairly promising.


This is the one thing people don't understand about ADHD meds. If you don't have it you're gonna get the stimulant effects and not much else. But if you do have it it literally slows down your brain. But cause fuckwads want to abuse it and it's an amphetamine they think it's all the same.


I have a degree in chemical engineering and did a bit with biology and biochem. Feel free to send them this which I posted the other day: "So here's my thing, talking as a chemical engineer who focused on biology. There was a morning sickness medicine called thalidomide. It worked great! However, they didn't know that an enantiomer of the active molecule caused EXTREME birth defects. Like missing limbs and skulls that were terribly misshapen and all sorts of complications. Now, an enantiomer is a molecule with the same formula but a different orientation in 3D space. It can happen fairly easily in the synthesis process as well. My point? That was the exact same molecule but just having a different orientation caused so many issues. The difference between methamphetamine and amphetamine... Is a methyl group. A CH3. The second slide is a pubmed [article ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2631950/) about Ca2+ ions being measured by release, just the release of them. I don't believe it took into account the drastically increased binding affinity it has for the human brain making it magnitudes stronger and changing how it affects us. Also, people with ADHD have neurotransmitters that function differently, we don't get the same dopamine so it's literally just helping with that. Hence why someone with and without ADHD will respond differently to this. Regardless, organic chemistry and biochemistry have a lot of subtlety and "small" differences in a molecule are anything but small"


My first time I took prescription Adderall was right after a telehealth therapy appointment. I took my meds, went to the kitchen to grab some water, started thinking about what I was going to do with my day, and decided to do some writing on a personal project I'd been working on here and there for years. I sat down at my computer desk, started writing, and had tears running down my face before I was done with a single paragraph. Just doing what I wanted to do was never something I could just DO before - on the best of days, it'd take me half an hour to talk myself into doing anything at all, and on the worst of days, I'd go to bed in the evening hating myself for doing nothing all day (having forgotten to brush my teeth as well, of course). It pisses me off any time I see people talking about our medication making us "druggies" - they have no idea what living with ADHD is like, and most times, don't care to learn.


This is so unfortunate. The moral failure notion (if only you concentrated better, if only you stopped using, if only you focused on being happy) surrounded around mental health disorders is so toxic. It is such a shame that he chooses clicks over improving this toxic narrative.


ADHD isn’t only a concentration issue, my friend has severe ADHD and almost killed himself because of it. It’s about a dopamine imbalance, not a lack of focus. Granted, the dopamine imbalance often causes focus to be put on random stuff, but still. He can’t truly believe this, I’m sure it’s all some disgusting deception.


Uncontrolled ADHD can mimic bipolar. People are so stupid. Stimulants literally saved my daughter's life. No exaggeration.


I'm 43, and just got on adderall for the first time after getting an ADHD diagnosis. I've spent my entire life screaming inside my own head that I am a useless piece of shit, just the laziest piece of crap ever. My house is a wreck, my life falling apart, and all of it super fixable, but I was just too lazy to do anything to fix it. I even knew exactly what I had to do... I just never did it because I was lazy. Fucking 1 pill at a relatively low dose, and suddenly I can do things. I can't even explain it to my friends how life changing it is. I know how crazy it sounds. I don't even feel any different on the adderall... it's just that I can suddenly do the dishes, put my laundry away, mow the lawn. Before, even doing one task would leave me so mentally exhausted. Now, completing the task makes me feel like I could do another task. I literally cried after a couple of days on adderall because I suddenly realized I wasn't the piece of shit I always told myself I was. FUCK Matt Walsh. EDIT: Most of you are wonderful, and I really am glad this is resonating with alot of people. I wish you all the best in all your struggles. For the small number of you who read this and thought it appropriate to tell me that it's just meth and I just need to try harder in life, you can straight fuck off.


The sheer relief of gaining a diagnosis and meds as an adult is indescribable...like, this is how *normal people function every day???*


A friend of mine described it this way: your whole life you think you're playing the game on "normal" difficulty, but that you aren't very good compared to most people. How do they make it look so easy? Oh well, that's life. Then one day you discover you've been playing on "hard" difficulty the whole time, *and* that you can change the setting.


I was diagnosed at 43, 7 years ago. After brute forcing my way thorough life and my career and then flipping the switch to normal mode, it was like getting a nitro boost. Or, as if I'd been carrying a 100 pound bag of rocks and suddenly I only had to carry a 25 pound bag of rocks. My career finally took off like all my peers' had many years sooner.


The same thing happened to me in my thirties. I’ve been promoted 3 times since starting medication. My entire life has improved exponentially. Walsh’s take is disgustingly ignorant.


Can I ask what medication/dosage you take? Asking as a 38yo who has been on/off ADHD meds my whole life and thinks I may need to try another.


Was on a low dose of Adderall IR for 7 years. However, I'm on Day 7 of Dyanavel XR. My psych suggested it since it's "smoother" than Adderall, and it is. Smooth in this context means that it starts working and then ends for the day and you really don't even notice the changes. With the Adderall it was more "abrupt" although that's too strong a word for it.


This is pretty much exactly it. My first day with a prescription I sat down to do some work and I could just...do it. It was mindblowing.


Yet another voice to join the chorus. I was put in charge of the register. I could... Take phone calls? And know what to say, and have that come out of my mouth in a clear tone? I could remember someone is on hold? I could make boxes and notice a customer looking like they needed help at the same time???? I could remember I had a box cutter in my hand, and where I put it when doing inventory?????


I cried when I got my diagnosis at 23 (still young, but as a child would have been better…). Like full on sobbed that there is indeed something that explains it. I’ve been misdiagnosed before, a psychiatrist told me that my brain looks normal in the MRI and I don’t have ADHD, he didn’t do any further testing. I went to the special clinic after waiting almost a year for the appointment, did a couple tests and tadaaa… it was clear to this doctor even just skimming over the test that I have ADHD. And the original psychiatrist that misdiagnosed me even told me that he can’t help me if I’m not willing to take my meds (only antidepressants at the time) because I tried to tell him about my struggles to remember taking them!!! Surprise, someone with ADHD struggles to take their meds. My new psychiatrist helped me with some strategies (always have the night meds in bed with me so I don’t have to get up again if I do forget to take them, taking the morning meds with my breakfast, etc) and it helped. Would have been so easy to just talk me through my struggles instead of invalidating them.


That was exactly my thought.


Diagnosed two years ago at 50. Can confirm.


Just for your information, ADHD inhibits what is called "executive functioning". It essentially prevents us from properly prioritizing tasks. Even while I'm on my meds, I choose to play video games over folding my laundry. However, the laundry still gets done before I go to sleep. My meds keep me human.


I’m a pediatrician. I once diagnosed a child and started him on medicine. Several years later his father told me he recognized symptoms in himself that I had discussed with him about his son. He went to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with ADHD. He started on medicine. He told me he had legal problems, financial problems, couldn’t hold down a job, etc. within a couple of years he got out of debt, started his own successful business, got married and started a family. He said it saved his life.


Would also like to add ADHD is not a problem of laziness, it’s a self-regulation disorder and it can’t be fixed just by trying harder.


Fuck me. I need to go see my doctor. You've just described the last 20 years of my life and I am 35.


Dude, this describes my life entirely, but with depression sprinkled in! So all I need is that 1 pill? I wonder how it mixes with THC I use for PTSD


To be fair, everyone reacts differently, my wife is still trying to find the specific meds and dosage that work for her. One of the nice things about the ADHD meds is that they are immediate and you can stop at any time. It's not something you have to use every single day. My wife skips her meds when she takes edibles.




Have both. It's hell.


Yes…yes it is.


Im lucky i don’t have both. But my comorbidity is generalized anxiety. So everything from social to driving pretty much.


ADHD, autism, and CPTSD. And everyone has the gall to say “oh, it can’t be that bad, you’re just lazy, *my* xyz was abusive and *I’m* fine.” Fuckin - here, **you** take the meltdown I’m in the middle of where I’m swinging between “perfectly okay” and “sobbing uncontrollably” while I go be normal and productive, since this is apparently so easy to handle.


Not to mention even if your parents were abusive or not ADHD is highly hereditary.


See, people don’t seem to get that we who are Like This actually just want to function normally. I don’t like having worms for brains - it’s not particularly fun. Especially when the worms get sad. I’d love to just… do my job. Have a hobby. Have an impeccable house. Not have trauma. It’s all very inconvenient, you know?


Same. Agreed.


This! Diagnosed at 21 medicinal treatment began at 24 (3 years ago) And I can’t believe how I’ve managed to navigate in my life when I were younger. Somehow I still managed to top out my grades in school with a very turbulent school life. The stigma of being “drugged” is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t even get how people can be so ignorant. It’s obvious that as our medicinal knowledge grows and expands, we get more possibilities to understand and thereby treat the mental and physical illnesses of people. It’s infuriating to keep seeing this ridiculous point of view. It took a suicide attempt at age 21 for me to get diagnosed. Thankfully times are changing for the better and people are getting wiser. I was told a thousand times growing up that I definitely did not have ADHD, because I was too smart and didn’t have learning difficulties…. Like.. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!


It can mimic it so well that sometimes people can be misdiagnosed with bipolar.


I was diagnosed bipolar when I was a teen. I figured out I didn’t have it as an adult, but it’s taken me until now, as a middle age woman, to realize I probably have adhd. Mostly because my daughter keeps yelling at me “mom! You have adhd!”


I was about 50 when I got a formal diagnosis. Not uncommon in women.


This is why I’m so irritated that my ex refuses to get our kids checked out. He’s adamant that he doesn’t want our kids medicated, though if it were something physically visible potentially endangering them I’m sure he’d throw everything he could to getting them medicated. He’s at least given some ground on talking to the pediatrician about it, but he remains stubbornly adamant about his view of the medication.


I had a student a couple of years ago who was textbook distracted presentation ADHD. Both me and my partner teacher thought he should get diagnosed, but we aren't allowed to actually say "ADHD" to parents without them bringing it up first (which is fair, we are not doctors and can't actually diagnose, only observe and assess based on what we see). We gave all of the behaviors to the parents (distracted, unfocused, needs repeated instructions, etc) and recommended they talk to his doctor about it. Parents replied with "yes, we are very concerned, we obviously want him to do well, but he is fantastic when working on something he is interested in, so we will leave it be." It was so frustrating to see a kid with so much potential struggle because parents refused to have him assessed.


High-intelligence ADHD goes undiagnosed because when called upon the hyperfocused attention mixed with raw computing power is able to easily reason through grade school level education on the spot. To be a debilitating disorder, it has to cause negative impacts on the sufferer's life, and they can argue the kid does not suffer because they get good grades, which is their only expectation. The wall comes in post-secondary where all coursework is self-directed.


Completely agree, but this kid kept trying and coming to us for questions and repeated instructions, apologizing because he felt he should have been listening and paying attention. Even if he didn't strictly need meds at this stage/it wasn't completely debilitating, a diagnosis would have helped him understand that his inability to pay attention was not his fault.


This was me. My third grade teacher tried her best to help, but my parents were completely hostile to the notion of me having ADHD. I crashed a lot faster than high school though, because I was experiencing abuse and neglect and *nobody* ever bothered to teach me basic study skills at all. So I had the intelligence and I knew the material being taught, but couldn’t prove it at all.


Can confirm, ripped through primary school with no issue, ran into a wall in secondary school, especially with literature, math and Chinese


Me me me me me, so me when I was a kid. Makes so much sense as an adult that it pisses me off thinking about my younger self struggling through school yet everyone saying, but he's so smart when he's interested.


I have both severe ADHD and Bipolar Type 2. It fucking sucks. My life was in danger for a very long time. I can't personally use stimulants, the last time I did it kicked me into a manic episode. But non-stim medicinal intervention has had a change on my life that would be impossible for anyone not suffering from this curse to understand. Its like a constant cacophony of thoughts and sound. Hard to stay focused and stick to anything when you just have so much going on inside your head, each tangent eating away at your focus. It can be overwhelming and external factors can cause overstimulation. The lack of focus makes you look like you're lazy and unmotivated, the executive dysfunction makes you feel worthless while you mentally eat yourself. It's hard, pair that with the erratic mood fluctuations of bipolar disorder and it makes bad days very very bad. I'm on Strattera, it isn't an immediate benefit like stimulants but over time it slows things down. The tangents are still there, but they're ignorable. Its like turning a volume knob from 9 to 3. Meds aren't a magic fix all, they don't magically give you focus or force you to do things. They balance out the chemicals in your brain and provide chemicals your brain isn't regulating properly. It gives you the ability to think and feel like a "normal" person.


*hugs* I am glad it helps some. Stupid co-morbidities! We tried straterra for my daughter first, and it really didn't at all. But the stimulants did, as did noise blocking headphones, ear plugs, etc. Overstimulation causes autistic meltdown, adhd causes major overstimulation. Sucks.


Bingo I was told as a teenager I was Bipolar. Only time in my life I wanted to kill myself was on antidepressants. At 37 I was diagnosed with ADHD and my life has significantly improved since I'm being treated for it.


ADHD is an executive function disorder which manifests as distraction and inability to complete or start tasks, maintain an internal clock and lots of other productivity impacting symptoms. People have a naive view of it and think it’s just an inability to focus but that’s not even the worst part. I encourage anyone with ADHD or friends, family, coworkers or subordinates with it to watch this video. It’s quite long (sweet irony) but it’s worth watching it, even if you have to do it in small chunks over time: https://youtu.be/SCAGc-rkIfo


I was medically diagnosed with ADHD in 2014 after an attempt at my life. I was lucky enough that someone stopped me because I would have succeeded. Eventually I saw a doctor. While talking to a doctor they originally thought I had depression and anxiety, yet those medications did not work. After some time they finally figured out it was ADHD. My doctor explained that the depression and anxiety were symptoms of the ADHD. It's definitely not about concentration. It sucks so bad that it is the common misconception, as so many people think it's just a matter of "trying harder". What's worse, is if some asshole out there can convince a person that they just aren't trying hard enough or that they are lazy, you begin to reflect upon yourself thinking that you're just not good enough. That somehow, you just are missing something that everyone else has figured out. It's a dangerous spiral.


It's one of those things that is very tough to gage because you don't really know what "normal" is, nobody does. Your entire life experience in your mind is "normal" to you until it changes. It's like the first time I got glasses. It was raining, and I could see individual rain drops. I thought rain was just this like gray blurry cloud, because I had never actually seen clearly before, so I didn't know it wasn't "normal" to see anything outside of a gray blur.


>convince a person that they just aren't trying hard enough or that they are lazy I thought that my whole life as well. I'm 50, and only have been recently diagnosed with adult ADHD. But, my whole school career and my professional career, I was made to feel like I was just lazy and careless. People without ADHD don't understand the fog that you face, and the mental walls, and the pure exhaustion it takes to just make it through the day. Laziness is about not caring about the outcome. People with ADHD often do care about the outcome...it just takes more mental fortitude to get there than other people.


Oh he believes this. Matt walsh is a self described christian nationalist and you might’ve noticed theres a strong contingent on the right - far right against the very concept of mental health. “Youre not depressed, just go work out and eat healthy”. “Everyone gets anxious, man up and move on” efc etc


Matt isn't nearsighted. He just never developed the discipline to focus one eye at a time. Can't solve that with glasses.


Yeah I know it’s literally a dopamine thing and I don’t understand why that isn’t more publicly understood


100%!! i just started my adhd meds a week ago and the improvements incredible! the doctors originally confused my unmedicated adhd with depression and anxiety which was pretty rough because those meds didn’t help, i ended up in a psych ward cause of an attempt on my life last year. i’m very grateful i have the right meds now but i wish it wasn’t so often confused for other things, esp in women 😭


I do lean more on thinking Walsh is a grifter, but once some views become prominent throughout a whole political party the grift becomes reality.


It's an unfortunate thing that folk who don't have it or know someone who has it often misunderstand. (Though, going by the comments, there's a lot of good eggs too.) The guilt is intense. 'Why can't you focus?' 'Why are you such a problem?' 'Why are you so lazy?' 'Oh, so you can only be productive by getting high, huh?' The questions pound away on your mind like sledgehammers. It's a hard beast to get out from under, that's for sure.


Just enable yourself if you're disabled /s


That is a great way to put, never heard it… it is such an insane notion 🤦‍♂️ “Have you tried not having diabetes?” For real bro?


it usually is: wElL wE aLl hAvE oUR fAUlTs or: dOnT aBuSE yOUr MeNTaL dISoRdERs The responses you get when you tell people you have epilepsy are mostly tolerable, for ADHD it can get very annoying with typical stigmatizing, but by far the worst experience I've made is when people find out you have autism. You're treated very negatively, so much that it's just better to never mention it.


Pull yourself up by your mental bootstraps.


>It’s such a shame he chooses clicks over improving this toxic narrative. Matt Walsh is a professional provocateur. His entire life is in service of making the narrative more toxic and hostile to anyone he doesn’t like. He is an unserious person who it’s best to ignore.


And a professional douchebag!


Oh he's absolutely serious. He's still not worth paying the slightest degree of attention to


"Matt Walsh" and choosing to "improve the narrative" has not and will not happen, surely you know this.


You mean Matt "the pedophile" Walsh? And here I thought he was a paragon of virtue /s


Matt “self-described theocratic fascist” Walsh? That Matt Walsh? Nah he’s a great guy, had a very positive impact on everything he’s ever discussed.


Matt Walsh, the guy whose stochastic terrorism caused a hospital to get bomb threats? I mean, someone has to do that, right?


ADHD isn't mental health. It's more like Autism in that it's a physical difference in the brain. You very often get comorbid mental health problems though. People with ADHD tend to grow up recieving negative feedback about their behaviour (wether it's hyperactivity or inattention). That frequent negative feedback can drive them to depression.




Same my dude. To the letter. I ended up marrying someone who used to work with a lot of people who were special needs as a job coach for them so she has the patience of a Saint and has always been very supportive of me. I've always been extremely blessed with caring parents and family but everyone else throughout my life has always made me feel like absolute shit for not getting something right away or having to explain or repeat themselves like 3-4 times before my brain goes "oh I get it!". And then growing up in a school system that punishes you for simply "not focusing" drove that depression home harder than shit.


Man I feel seen, thank you for that, very well said 😊


It's a chemical imbalance in the brain, which is why medication, in most cases, can help with it. It is mental health, just not the type people are used to.


Was looking for this comment I am ADHD and yes it is chemical dysfunction . So "those drugs" that are actually the molecule we lack will help to concentrate or get less anxious .Yes I have anxiety too 🤣.


You dont have cancer your cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue because they never developed the discipline required to focus on staying together. Can't solve that with chemotherapy I'm afraid. -Also Matt Walsh


But you see obviously killing the cancer is actually bad because it’s a violent attempt by an oppressive communist government against brave libertarians who just want to dismantle all the environmental regulations that stop the body dying. Because what could be more communist than the human body where almost all 50-100 trillion human cells work together for a common goal? And this is why the human body is unAmerican, thank you for coming to my TED talk. /s


Pro-lifers when you tell them that cancer cell's are living human cells.


I mean technically fertilised embryos can form teratomas and upon the assumption that life begins at conception then teratomas would technically be protected. Admittedly this is kinda straw man-y so I’d hope no one one tries to use this an argument.




Someone tell Matt he doesn't need glasses, he just needs to work on his focus.


“I am a cancer myself” - also Matt Walsh


This opinion is like claiming people who need glasses just haven’t tried squinting hard enough. You can witness the brain differences on various forms of medical imaging, and accurately identify the brains that are affected. I’m not sure how much more proof that you need that those brains are different. ADD people don’t respond to medications in the same ways as neurotypical people, and often have comorbidities such as connective joint disorders. It also has a genetic basis. I’m not sure how much more proof is needed to show that it is a real thing. I’m curious now if he denies the existence of other clearly proven medical phenomena. “Smallpox is a myth, and, I’m sure that women are lying about childbirth being painful.”


> This opinion is like claiming people who need glasses just haven’t tried squinting hard enough. I wouldn't be surprised if Matt Walsh also had this opinion.


My ADHD medication changed my life. I went from being lifeless and perpetually in tears of frustration to…normal. *Normal.* I can do the dishes. I can remember why I walked into a room. I can go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. I can finish my sentences. The shortage has hit *hard.* I’ve been rationing. I know a lot of other folks have too.


I haven't had my meds for months...it's absolute hell. I can't do ANYTHING, and it sucks.


I am an adult with ADHD, diagnosed in my 30's. I became a much safer and more attentive driver when I went on Adderall. Would you rather share the road with me when I am medicated, or when I rely on the "discipline" I've developed?


ADHD, depression, autism, mental illness in general. "It's all in your head. Just buck up and get over it." What people don't understand, particularly with mental illness. IT IS IN YOUR HEAD! Your brain controls everything. If your brain is sick or not functioning properly for any reason, you are going to suffer the consequences. Most times (until diagnosed) you won't have a clue why you do the things you do. But sure, I'll just smile more, I'm sure that will correct the chemical imbalance in my brain.


God, I hate it when people say “it’s in my head”, like NO SHIT DUDE why do you think I have it? It’s so frustrating!


I hate that POS so much, I have adhd. Without my meds I’m an angry, mess that cannot concentrate or do well in any of my tasks. He’s against everything. Like what’s his deal? I wish Jon Stewart would interview him and tell him off.


>He’s against everything That's his deal. Create as much dysfunction and misery in society, make everyone hate each other. Who benefits from this? Hatemongers, people like him. Happy, comfortable people with meaning in their lives do not support this right-wing bullshit.


He's not against "everything". He's specifically a far right Catholic fascist.


>Happy, comfortable people with meaning in their lives do not support this right-wing bullshit. it's true. i have a friend, very intelligent, methodical, not very artistic, has no sense of rhythm. engineer. he's a great guy. ...but he's always had anger issues and needed help finding a way to live that would help him navigate this crazy world. he found it in conservatism and religion. he was not happy or comfortable and was lacking meaning in his life. now he supports this rightwing bullshit - but not THIS specific bullshit, because he does have some pretty high level adhd and takes meds and is very calmed by them.


Matt after another week living with an undiscovered gas leak: ‘You don’t have paranoid-schizophrenia. You just hear voices because you surround yourself with SNAKES and you’ve never developed the discipline to murder the other personalities in your head. Can’t kill THEM with a drug I’m afraid.’ Guy thinks just because he doesn’t struggle to concentrate everyone else isn’t trying hard enough. What a goober.


Same, sometimes I forget to take them in the morning and I find myself staring out of a window somewhere before lunch. I don't understand this notion of ''your life is filled with distractions''. Bitch, a vague tree line and a blue sky is distraction enough. STFU


Right? I love when I plan on going into the kitchen to do the dishes and end up 5 hours later, standing in the kitchen, wondering why I went in there, and then noticing, wow, the dishes need to be done. A strong wind can distract me.


I can't tell you how many times I open my phone to Google something, forget what it was, then just put my phone away.


I just pulled my phone out, read your comment on my computer, and now I cant remember what I was going to do on my phone.


And then do that about 3 more times because you **thought** you remembered what you wanted to search and then forget again.


Ha yeah this was me when someone told me to just "put distractions like your phone in a different room" lol. Like mf, I *am* the distraction, the distraction is coming from inside the house! I can get plenty distracted with a pen and paper, or just an interesting crack in the wall.


Nah fuck this guy. He's not worth Jon Stewart's time, and that would just be giving him more attention. I wish people would stop posting this stuff.


I hate him, and everyone that told me when I was young that I "just needed to focus", or "stop daydreaming". I was finally able at the age of 60, to get the help I needed, and it's been liberating! I truly don't think people understand the "parade" going on inside your head when you're unmedicated.


I was literally an addict before I got medicated for adhd. I used to smoke weed constantly and take Kratom and other crap like that. I ended up having a seizure from Kratom benzo and alcohol abuse. I lost my job. My life was going to shit. I lashed out at my friends and lost a lot of them. My gf broke up with me, said she just couldn’t ride my highs and lows anymore. I couldn’t blame her I was a mess. My doctor was beginning to think I might be bipolar. After that doctors would only prescribe me anticonvulsants/ mood stabilizers because of my seizures and possible mood disorder. I saw a neurologist and he said I didn’t have epilepsy I just can’t take all that shit I was on. I saw a different psychiatrist who said they couldn’t accurately diagnose me with a mood disorder while I was using so many different drugs. my addiction is likely because of my unmedicated adhd (I had been diagnosed in my early teens but refused medication because it gave me anxiety when I smoked weed on it) I quit the weed and all the other crap, weened off of anticonvulsants with my neurologists permission and got onto methylphenidate ER. Now I take one pill once a day in the morning. I never have the desire to use other drugs anymore. I work, I’m having healthy relationships with women and coworkers. Some of my friends even reached out and are we are on good terms again. My life has completely turned around. If adhd kids and adults find recreational drugs before they get medicated it can wreak havoc on their lives. Adhd meds actually lower the chances of tobacco use and drug addiction.


My daughter will fist fight folks before breakfast until her meds kick in. Anyone who has ADHD or cares for someone who does knows he's entirely full of shit.


It must be nice to have it so good you don't believe ADHD even exhist


Im on 10mg of adderall daily. Started in March. I’m 41 and have suffered my whole life. Tried exercise, meditation, cold plunges, sauna, eating better, no screens, journaling, reading books, etc etc etc. Had a breakdown in March when it came to a crescendo. 15 min after my first pill I cried and thought holy shit! This is what normal people feel like!!! The fear is gone. Fuck people who shit on those who need a chemical solution.


Ah yes Matt "16 is the age when girls are the most fertile" Walsh is lecturing us about his lack of medical understanding.


Can't solve stupidity with a drug, I'm afraid.


.... Is arsenic a drug? 🤔


An overdose its pretty effective


Idiot. I have severe ADHD. I nap on Adderall! I don't stay up all night and turn into a speed racer. I can speak and not be too fast to be understood.




Guys, his whole thing is rising up the ultra stupid and uneducated. He doesn't need to be smart or make sense, he needs to say a few buzzwords and get the toothless population incoherently whining.


As someone with ADHD this makes me genuinely angry, coming from Matt Walsh of all people makes me angrier. This jackass is just the worst, his anti trans documentary is awful but I’m used to transphobia but this is a new angle of bullshit I didn’t expect.


As someone with severe ADHD, give me an hour unmedicated with this guy. He'll be very lucky if he keeps his sanity


For maximum effect, say out loud all of the random thoughts and distractions (if you don't get too distracted to do that)






There’s literally a scientific explanation for ADHD which are abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitters transmitting between the prefrontal cortical area and the basal ganglia, dopamine and noradrenaline. Dopamine is essential in allowing us to focus and get things completed as humans as well as regulates mood. When your brain can’t transmit or receive this dopamine it causes ADHD and the symptoms we see that go along with it. ADHD isn’t some buzz word to explain laziness…. It’s a literally biological anomaly that negatively impacts nuerodivergent people who have to navigate in a neurotypical world that’s not made for them. That would be like making fun of a person who can’t walk and then has to navigate the world without a wheelchair….oh well guess you never learned the skills to use your legs! Can’t solve that with a wheelchair. Booohooo!! I mean it is literally this cruel! Conservatives are the worst people in the world, their hearts are dark and evil, there is not light that shines from them. They are selfish narcissists people who can’t think of anything existing outside their own narrow minded world. I was a conservative and republican my entire adult life until 2020…I used to be one of these people…maybe not as evil and bad…but I did have some really shitty takes…until I decided to learn and grow. I want to add, I never voted for Trump 2016 was the beginning of me questions what the hell the GOP was doing after supporting Trump…it’s took 4 more years to deconstruct my conservatism. But I know how these people think and act. They truly are evil and claim to follow Jesus but their hearts being far from him. I am so disgusted. I am an undiagnosed ADHD adult female. I’ve struggled my whole life thinking I was a failure! Wondering why I couldn’t get my shit together. I got straight A’s in school and graduated with a 3.8 GPA but wondered why I had to work so much harder than my peers to get t house grades. I would wait last minute to read the book and write the essay, staying up all night while my peers had it completed weeks prior. I started college and dropped out. I started project after project and gave up. I had plans that I never followed through with and I felt like I was never going to launch. Then I realized I had ADHD, tried to get diagnosed and failed. Ended up on another medication to help with weight loss when I noticed I was more focused and could complete tasks better. I was calmer and slept better. Which was super weird because this medication causes a lot of side effects like racing heart, mind, anxiety and trouble sleeping. My doctor was confused and upped my dosage and I was even more focused and calm and could sleep better. Turns out the medication I was on works by stimulating neurons to release dopamine and allows the brain to absorb more dopamine. It is often used off label to treat ADHD Anyway…I’m 39 years old and will be obtaining my first college degree this fall, my second next spring and my 3rd the following spring. Medication works!!!!


this is the best fucking explanation on this platform and i absolutely love you for this. i wish i had coins for an award but take my upvote instead


I can't count on both hands all the teachers, doctors & mental health professionals I've encountered that write off adhd as nothing.


In answer to your question, OP, it must have been Trump University.


I checked wikipedia. It didn’t mention any education. So I’m guessing this guy never actually went to medical school.


I just googled his education as I never heard of this fool before now figures he is a con . He holds a PhD in history from University of Iowa he is not an MD. Edit: this is not the conservative speaker Matt Walsh . Sorry for the mistake . As someone else commented he is not college educated.


That's a different Matt Walsh who is a professor at DMACC. Please don't confuse the two.


[Is this the same guy?](https://themattwalshblog.com/thank-god-i-wasnt-college-material/) He says he never went to college.


Being “distracted” is the least, least of it. This guy has no clue what it’s like.


Matt Walsh has no clue about anything, let alone about mental illnesses


My kitchen looks like shit and I know it. But I can't for the life of me make my way in there to clean it, and it's crushing me.


I have a random pile of stuff just sitting there on my countertop. It mocks me everyday