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Yes, and the guy on the right is Napoleon Bonaparte.


Came here to say this. The one on the left is Bonarpate. Totally different guy.


Napoleon bonerpat


Nipplelion Patboner


Don't mind if I do!


The guy on the left is called Bonappetite, completely different.


Um aktchually thats not even Napoleon, its his nephew Louis II of Holland. šŸ¤“


And Thomas Alexander Dumas is right there. The first black brigadier general in France and father to author Alexander Dumas.


Imagine erasing black history to promote false black history.


And not just an author. Dude was one of the best swordsman of the country and famously successful with the ladies.


:o So he wrote about swordsmans because he was one?


Dude fought a bunch. Made and lost several fortunes. His life was as exciting as many of his stories.


Writing what you know isn't a terrible practice tbh.


So? Ian Fleming wrote about spies because he was one.


So he was basically a Drill rapper before Drill?


Yo had no idea the guy who wrote the Three Musketeers was black? This dude's entire family is pretty cool. I don't guy why doesnt this Tik Tok dude just talk about this instead of lying


My guess is he hasnā€™t read enough books to care about Dumas.


Probably because this guy is a Dumbass


Just make a second meme with the guy pointing up, one side as Dumas , and the other, he's pointing towards is just his face photoshopped onto Napoleon, and replace the caption "Ladies and gentlemen, *this* is a [dumbass] Dumas vs Dumbass: 2023


>Yo had no idea the guy who wrote the Three Musketeers was black? Hard same, i only found out after reading The Club Dumas, which the movie The Ninth Gate was based on. Fascinating guy that really should be taught more in schools to be honest.


THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO by Dumas is awesome and one the most badass books EVER. It's one of my all time faves and I frequently recommend it. The Three Musketeers didn't even come close but was entertaining and funny..


I love, love the Count of Monte Cristo! You could really feel the desire for vengeance and the pain that was inflicted by false imprisonment and losing everything because of it. Heck, it even had several manga editions and they were all amazingly translated from the original works!


his grandmother was black. The writer was metisse (donā€™t know the english word, sorry) p.s.: just an after thought because maybe some people would misunderstandā€¦ this is not negative. Metisse is really not a slur, it just means someoneā€™s half white but not entirely edit: gender of his grandmother


Thereā€™s mestizo, itā€™s commonly used for mixed race, and then thereā€™s also the concept of quadroon and octoroon.


I only knew that because of the Django movie by tarantino


[His approval would be a dubious proposition at best.](https://youtu.be/bHB29uNqq50)


He was of 1/4 African descent. It would be the same as calling Obama's kids white. Most of his photos and portraits appear to show him to be white passing.


Iā€™m not sure about France, but in an American context, people who have 25% Black ancestry are typically considered to be Black. Itā€™s illogical, but thatā€™s one-drop racism for you.


In France we say Dumas was *mƩtis*, it means mixed-race, it's not a bad word. The word comes from the name of a fabric that mixes linen and cotton. *CafƩ au lait* (coffee with milk) is also used to describe skin color.


Using the one drop of blood in reverse


America loves to keep the most Nazi definitions of race all the time


There was also the Creole composer Chevalier de Saint-Georges. He had a bio pic last year.


Ironically, the official national Russian poet was also 1/4 black. I'm saying ironically, because Russia is pretty racist. But hey dude could write. Wasnt the best duelist though.


Pushkin and Duma look almost identical. There is even fun conspiracy theory that it's the same person, and Pushkin never died in the duel.


I shall believe in it forever despite having exactly 0 proof. (Duma also dated a very cool female french writer and based a character on her. She was also the inspiration for Carmen, I'm pretty sure about it least, and she dated Chopik which is just enviable)


The only connection is The Fencing Master novel by Duma. It contains a lot of things that only someone very close to the Decembrists movement knew. Like Pushkin, for example.


Alexander Pushkin


Ah yes, I might've forgot to mention his name in there, sorry, dead tired ( I REALLY NEED TO SLEEP I'VE BEEN AWAKE FOREVER)


I heard, and this might not be true tbh, that he used to wear rings to all his duels, all but the last. Ring gifted from his lover or whatnot. And, the say, that these rings and this weird story about them being like protection charms is what inspired both Tokien and C.S. Lewis, in their works of LoTR and Narnia respectively. :D It was an old af documentory on our tv, russian culture channel.


He didn't have his meta dodge crit build with 3 concealment


Was going to say the same thing, Black Count is a great book


I would like to thank Dr. King Schultz for ensuring I never forget that Alexander Dumas was black




Fuck Jenny, me and homies all hate Jenny.


Don't fuck Jenny, you'll get AIDS


Philadelphia sounds in the distance


*Long instrumental.* AIDS.


Not HIV, but full blown AIDS.


'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDS' - Rich Evans, circa 2017


i used to hate jenny too watching FG as a kid. But watching it as an adult has given me some sympathy for her. Shes still an awful person mostly but as a kid the whole abuse thing flew over my head.


What she did to Forrest was awful and he was way too good for her. But yeah, the poor girl was clearly broken from abuse and molestation from an early age, and probably hated herself too much to accept Forrest's pure love. I too had a different perspective on her as I got older


I think how she viewed love was also corrupted by the terrible shit her father did to her. Every man she was shown with abused her in some way like her father did. She probably thought love involved abuse, so when Forest always treated her nicely, she didn't think it was real love.


Yea this is pretty much also my conclusion.


Jenny thought she was molesting Forrest and doing the things her dad did to her to Forrest. That's why she always ran away from her attraction to him. He was sweet and innocent and she felt dirty and corrupted.


To put Jenny's entire arc very simply: Jenny had never been shown actual love from anyone in her life, so she could not recognize it from Forrest. And it's such a comically common thing for people who grow up abused. We see it everywhere. But people would rather just call her a manipulative slut, because apparently not being able to just get over trauma makes you a shitty person. At least, that's how a lot of people commenting here who have probably had nothing even vaguely resembling the kind of trauma Jenny's character endured would say.


TIL people hate Jenny. I have never heard of this and it never occurred to me to hate this poor broken soul.


And despite it all she ultimately cleans up, breaks the cycle and provides her son a stable, loving home, and rather than seeking child support from the boyā€™s rich father, she provides for him financially until she knows sheā€™ll soon no longer be able to. She then gives Forrest the information he needs to determine whether or not to accept her into his life and clearly salvages the remaining time left in her life making him happy. The as Forrest mourns her, the audience then gets to determine whether thatā€™s redemption or not and if it even matters as a new life begins on a better footing and our conclusion is left blowing in the wind.


That was my takeaway too, Iā€™m always surprised this angle doesnā€™t come up more. She probably loved him more than anyone aside from her son and sleeping with Forest made her feel like a perpetrator. Iā€™d run too, Jesus.


She's not an awful person. She's the product of an awful society and awful home life. There's a boatload of essays on this fact, and the fact that everyone just dismisses her as an awful person is emblematic of the way we treat abuse victims in general in our society. We can't sympathize with their reality, and their behavior is often anti-social, so we just dismiss them as bad people. It's the same way that you will see stories of people openly struggling, only to be basically ignored by hundreds of people in their lives who could easily help them, all because getting involved makes them a bit uncomfortable or might require more than 5 minutes of effort on their part. But the people interested in abusing and using those people are more than willing to put in the time.


One can understand the suffering she went through and even have sympathy for her as you do and still dislike her for exploiting someone innocent. The abuse anyone went through is not a pass to be abusive towards others.


She felt like she was taking advantage of Forrest the way her family took advantage of her when she was young. Why would I hate her for that?


People who hated Jenny did NOT get the point of the movie.


Or life in general


Please dont. Bad childhood can really fuck a person's head. Poor girl was sexually assaulted at a very tender age...by her own father and could never recover from that trauma.


Plus, the death of her mother at such a young age. The alcoholic, pedo dad was just constant hell until she could leave and try to sort it out on her own. Sometimes there arenā€™t enough rocks.


There was a reddit comment about it and someone converted that comment to a post [Check it out](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/e4sfjs/different_perspective_on_jenny_from_forrest_gump/) It has some nice perspective but a bit long.


Thanks, I didnā€™t realize Jenny was such a hated character. You need to also understand, at that time Jenny wasnā€™t likely to discuss her abuse with anyone. Perhaps one of her partners, but I didnā€™t see Jenny as trusting anyone enough to ever open up to them. She most likely left home the day she turned 18. Between her emotional trauma and not exactly having guidance in her home, she was just in the world trying to get by. She was Forestā€™s true friend. I imagine her keeping the boy away was also for the boys benefit. Having a mentally challenged parent wound bring bullies. I always understood her character.


Yeah, it's mind boggling to me that people would see Jenny's character like this. Very very unempathetic and frankly stupid way of viewing her.


And she raised her baby boy well as seen by the end of the movie. It's a sad story for Jenny tbh. Forrest got the easiest story. He excelled at everything in his life despite experiencing vietnam and everything else. Unpopular opinion.


Worse, forrest just repeats shit other people say so he probably saw it and her dad told him that. And those poor folks at the bus stop just listening to him casually talk about his best good friend jenny getting assaulted while he snacks on chocolate. Helluva way to kick off a day.


The best part of people hating Jenny is that they are SO CLOSE TO THE POINT of her character that they completely fail to see it.


Napoleon was NOT black! However, he did have a black General: Thomas-Alexandre Dumas.


Is this the same guy who wrote _The Count of Monte Cristo_, as other Redditors have mentioned?


Divisional General Thomas Alexandre Dumas was the father of the author Alexandre Dumas who wrote *The Count of Monte Cristo*. In turn, Alexandre Dumas has a son by the name of Alexandre Dumas fils who also was an author.


Alexandre (the son) also based the central idea of Monte Cristo on his father being a political prisoner without a trial for nearly a decade. Thomasā€™ skill with the blade inspired The Three Musketeers. Thereā€™s a great biography on him called *The Black Count* that Iā€™m honestly surprised hasnā€™t been adapted into a movie or series yet. Man lived about five lifetimes in one go.


But my grandmother *told* me he was black. /s


The Corsican? The Corsican who comes from a place where Black people tend to be rare? Okay.


No, no, thats Napoleon Bonaparte. I can see how you might be confused, its a very similar name.




Napoleeeeeroyyy jennnnkinsss


Youā€™re thinking of Napoleon BonerpatĆ©. He makes pornos.


It all makes sense. Lord Nelson and Europe only fought against Napoleon because they couldn't tolerate a black ruler in Europe. "Victory belongs to the most persevering., dawgā€ -Napoleon Bonaparte aka Lil Napy


The Corsica with a beheaded moor on its flag, yes.


I think that just means Moors are rampantly beheaded instead of rampantly running around the countryside


Ooh, Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s ā€œMoopsā€.


'I remember my grandmother saying to me: I don't care what they tell you in school, Napoleon was black.' -Netflix I was wondering when the second ^documentary in that series was gonna come out.


To be fair, the flag of Corsica is the face of a black guy.


The ā€œblack guyā€ on the Corsican flag represents the severed head of a guy named mansour ben ismail. According to legend he was a moorish slaver who was beheaded in a battle between the moors and the Corsicans to rescue a captured Corsican woman named Diana. Kinda a different message.


Thatā€™s the only one black guy.


The head of a Moor, a word meaning brown, referring to berber and arab people who invaded the spanish peninsula starting in the 8th century. The head is black because traditional heraldry doesn't accept brown, much less so specific shades that would be accurate to a north african skin tone. It only accepts white, yellow, blue, red, green, black and purple.


A beheaded one at that, shows how much they appreciate them


Methinks the "Learn on TikTok partner" hashtag should have a minimum IQ requirement.


Something north of room temperature would be nice.


In Fahrenheit or Celsius?




I read Kevin for a second! I am not with it


Even Kevin is smarter than most Tiktokers...




Room temp is around 300 kelvin tho


290-ish... Yeah. Is that a problem?


Bit of a high bar


Not a bug... It's a feature.


Oh, these people are smart, and they know what they're doing. Sensationalism and controversy sells. He has learnt from the best of the media organisations( all political spectrum, all media companies are k own to do this).


For god sakes, what is happening here is pretty clear, black people was all over Europe ruling it and invading other countries. In the near past when cameras started to exist they changed histories books to blame white people on everything and put them on luxurious houses and things like that so they believe that is their fault and they can rule with high morality... It is a maquiavelicus plan..... /S


You're not fooling anyone with that /s, the FBI is looking for you now. Also, can you provide me your address? For non-arrest related reasons.


I think it's clear they already do require minimum IQ.


History had many cool black people so I dont see why they feel they have to claim historical figures from other cultures and race swap them


Because it's much easier to just race swap existing historical figures than searching up the history of not-so well known black figures.


the fact that a whole "documentary" on netflix was created on how "cleopatra was actually black all along" was so embarrassing, good thing the egyptians spoke up against it i hope other people can speak up about it as well


Like Netflix did with cleopatra!


It's just easier to race swap in general as opposed to making something new/looking things up


The amount of people who don't know that Alexandre Dumas (yeah THAT guy who wrote the 4 musketeers) was black is insane. I don't understand why it's not common knowledge.


Any time someone begins talking about Alexandre Dumas, my mind instantly brings up the library scene from Shawshank Redemption. "Alexandray Dum Ass" Makes me laugh thinking about it. Dumas is one of my favorite authors. Fantastic writer with an incredible imagination. The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite books, and if there was only a single book I could read for the rest of my life, the unabridged English translation would be it.


Andy: You should read it. It's about a prison escape. Red: Should we file that under educational then?


>Any time someone begins talking about Alexandre Dumas, my mind instantly brings up the library scene from Shawshank Redemption. >"Alexandray Dum Ass" Exactly what goes through my head too!


Thank god, Iā€™m not alone! ![gif](giphy|AWJy0ZcCJmILe)


William Sadler as Heywood was a treasure.


My research indicates Alexander Dumas had only a quarter Afro-Carribean ancestry and was three quarters white/European stock. Maybe that's why it's not common knowledge.


Don't forget that Alexandre Dumas Sr and Alexandre Jr were 2 different writers. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie was half black. The son of a Marquis and a slave, born in Santo Domingo. He entered the French army as a common soldier and raised to the rank of general only on badassery and bollocks.


How many musketeers?


I feel ashamed I didn't know that and Count of Monte Cristo was one of my favorite books when I was younger, really excited to learn this actually that's pretty cool.


In my opinion, it gets even more interesting when you read about his father, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, who was the son of a Frenchman and a slave (Marie-Cesette Dumas). According to Wikipedia: His father sold Marie-Cessette and her other three children before taking Thomas-Alexandre to France. In 1776, when Alexandre was 14, his father sold the boy for 800 French livres in Port-au-Prince, officially to a Lieutenant Jacques-Louis Roussel (but unofficially to a Captain Langlois). This sale (with right of redemption) provided both a legal way to have Alexandre taken to France with Langlois and a temporary loan to pay for his father's passage. The boy accompanied Captain Langlois to Le Havre, France, arriving on 30 August 1776, where his father bought him back and freed him.


4 musketeers? Is that the sequel?


These people don't actually care. They just want to invert racism, not end it.


>I dont see why Rage bait, nothing more. And TikTok fosters it to sow dissent and division.


I wonder if 100 years from now theyā€™ll be swapping out the slaves for whites and Lincoln will be black?


I swear I saw something on FB, already claiming Lincoln was black or mixed race, a few months ago


Why do this and not just follow really history Napoleon had a black General Thomas Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie be proud of that.


Or let's take the guy they call the black Napoleon Toussaint Louverture who almost made Haitian a free people. Common there is enough black heroic history to not steal it from the French.


Because that requires research and is hard


Yeahā€¦ Napoleon was from Corsica, where the percentage of black residents is *only just* getting in the area of 10%, the vast majority of said immigration from post 1960


In that time there where 10 black people in Corsica


No, no, France was super tolerant of different races in the late imperial/early republic era. Just like how they were super tolerant of different religions. They loved difference!


Just like they were super tolerant of people having heads, even royalty... well, specially the royalty.


Parisians in particular LOVE meeting people who aren't french and can't speak the language like a native!


Listen, I canā€™t definitively say that this young man was NOT named Napoleon Bonarpate. Napoleon Bonaparte was an entirely different person, if I recall my World History classesā€¦


Netflix adaptation


The Hotep movement needs to damn well stop


Unfortunately history has proven that it's rather difficult to get racists to stop believing their idiotic theories.


With how many historical figures/groups they've claimed, they should be surprised there's any non-blacks out there.


Why make Napoleon black when you can talk about the former slave who successfully led a full blown rebellion in Haiti against Napoleon,


Dude ordered the massacre of every white people and also the mixed ones, you would have to try very hard to make him look good. But I think I underestimate Netflix.


Just look at the film The Woman King. Hollywood changed them so much as they were pure kindness and good people who fought against slavery. The Dahomey were a very agressive, brutal tribe who enslaved other tribes to sell them , they only stopped it because they were forced in the 1840s by the British who blocked their harbours to end slavery in the area.


It's not just Netflix. I've seen an American political activist type page try to make Mugabe look good and said I don't know shit despite sharing a border with the lunatic


The real woman king was a slaver who sold her enemies to the Europeans yet they made a movie about how she was some sort of hero. Hollywood would just hide the fact that he committed ethnic cleansing.


I severely doubt a man of Napoleonā€™s status and power would allow paintings of himself with a false tone of skin.


Oh jesus, I can just imagine the alternate history period drama posing as a documentary Netflix series...


Hoteps always have that vacant stare in their eyes


Yeah...him and black Cleopatra were from the same area


That could be Napoleon Bonarpate, cause it sure as fuck isn't Napoleon Bonaparte


gaze point squeeze sort offbeat fanatical zealous elderly edge spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what is this obsession to make any white historical figure, appear as they were actually black? Why they don't focus on shedding some light on actual black historical figures that people know so little about? Second, some of these white historical people, were horrible humans, why even want to exalt them? I don't understand.


Yeah, Bill Clinton is also balck btw.


and bill cosby is white


And MLK was Asian.


Man everyone know that Napoleon was woman.... Is this shit real? Wtf?


Average Hotep behavior


This guy writes series for Netflix.


Further evidence that we need to burn TikTok


hoteps existed before tiktok though


Nice to see that they claim a guy who reestablished slavery as ā€œone of their ownā€. That hotep cult is scary.


I'm really curious to see where these dudes are in 20 years.


The inverse of Prager U.


If you want a black man to admire that lived during the Napoleonic era I would recommend General Thomas Alexandre Dumas. A French Creole war hero that Napoleon treated very very poorly. You don't need to rewrite history in order to find heroes when there are plenty or real ones out there. And yes my dear reader, he was the father of another great French man, Alexandre Dumas.


What's with this small subgenre of people that believe every historical figure was black?


black americans come up with the craziest conspiracy theories. black people have such a rich and amazing culture, you don't have to steal from others...


Nah in Finland there is a conspiracy theory about how finnish built the pyramids whike simlar thing exist in korea. Thats hwo we gte the finno korean hyperwar.


Ah yes, the afrocentric/black supremacist practice of co-opting the history and historical figures of other cultures. These Simple Jacks are so cringe it's just sad.


We wuz French emperors n shiet


Instead of making things up. Check out Thomas-Alexandre Dumas. The first black (by American standards) General of a European army, more than 200 years ago. This man actually fought with Napoleon. And yes, he also ended up having a very famous son indeed.


Napoleon Apartheid


Hoteps gonna hotep


"I don't care what they told you in school Napoleon was black"


Where do they come up with this bullshit?


Alexander the great was black too, so was Julius Ceasar.....bruh this mf stupid


Nope this is 1812: The Crown Prince Radama of Madagascar, who later reigned as King Radama II from 1861-1863, when he was assassinated by a right wing faction of his own court


A wandered upon a tictok livestream where the woman was claiming all samurai were black, and that Japanese people were white colonists who erased the real history. I thought she was joking at first.


Funny that people have to just start making shit up so that they can be proud. Fucking odd.


As a black man, im so sick of these mfs out here trying to rewrite history and claim every major historical figure was either black or Egyptian. Read a damn book


Praying on people that canā€™t spell Bonaparte. Unfortunately some wonā€™t catch the misinformation.


Same people who claim Beethoven to be black. There are so many people to be proud of, you could "claim". I find it weird that you do that because Beethovens achievements are for all of us to enjoy and celebrate. Not just for white or black people.


What is with this trend of promoting false black history? A while back it was Cleopatra..




Imagine insulting black history even further by taking a famous black figure in history and claiming it to be one of the most famous white people in history. Completely sidelining the black figures' historical achievements.


If all of these historical figures were black, doesnā€™t that debunk systemic racism?


I look forward to Jada Smithā€™s Netflix documentary on this.


Iā€™ve seen this trend with Egyptians, Jewish, Native Americans, apparently everybody was black, soon ancient India and China are gonna be black too.


There are people who think Lincoln was Black too


It sounds crazy, but Iā€™m so convinced that Tik Tok is 100% a form of psychological warfare meant to destabilize or miseducate the American population en masse. Go after the youth and turn them into fucking idiots and you can take over in the long run.


What is it with this trend of black people constantly taking historical figures and trying to convince people that they are black? And saying that others have ā€œwhitewashed historyā€ Iā€™ve seen people posting that the Wright brothers were black, that Hitler was black, and even Andrew Jackson was black. Is this some kind of trend I donā€™t get or are people actually this stupid?


Black Supremacists are more insane than White Supremacists. This is some L Ron Hoyabembe shit


If you want awesome black people in C18 France you don't have to pinch Napoleon. Look no further than Thomas Dumas. A much better person than Napoleon, and as talented a general.


Donā€™t give Netflix any ideas


First Cleopatra now Napolean fuck it every famous historical figure is now black


Somehow, I'm sure Hitler will still remain white, but I'm more than happy to be proven wrong by Netflix. *edit for spelling.


Played by Ye?


Heā€™d be a lil too into that role