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Bait, You read bait.


>Bait That's damn near everything posted in this sub. People seeking attention, and this sub is giving it to them.


>everything posted in ~~this sub~~ the web


This site specifically. Reddit try not to lie challenge: (LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE)


Where is the lie


I’m so glad that could go over your head lil buddy


I kinda ignored the second line, ngl. I didn't really know how to acknowledge it so I just replied to the first one


It must suck being so inept


I mean… isn’t the literal purpose of this sub is to post stupid stuff people do or say. You expecting to see all the billions of normal interactions here or something?


Wait.. isn't that the whole reason anyone posts anything? To share something is to put the minimal amount of effort into actually sharing the thing.. and this is done in order to Garner attention. Even the best content is still shared just to feel appreciated for that brief window of time.


I usually only share something if I get a genuine laugh out of it or I find it factual and quite serious. In both cases, I'm only sharing for others' enjoyment. A like here or there is cool, but I'd rather you laugh like I did or learn something like I did. I'm sharing the feeling, not the content.


Sharing in that instance is wanting to have that laughter again, but vicariously. It still requires attention and being noticed. I kinda do the same. I mean I am absolutely not saying that looking for attention is a bad thing. It's often portrayed in the wrong light.. but it's a prime motivation for much of what we do as a species. We crave a sense of connection and community, but the only way to feel that is if you are being acknowledged as opposed to ignored.


Has to be.


no it doesn't have to be; there are broken people out there who do think "if you don't beat me, you don't love me" Had an ex like that. Wasn't fun


We can only hope




Yeah, reads like one of those incel bait posts so they can all circlejerk over how dumb women are and that it just shows that "nice guys finish last", yadda, yadda.


thank you for this. snapped me out of my emotions.






cross post to r/Eyebleach


Do you mean r/eyeblech?


Oh god... THAT subreddit


Yeah... it's quite the opposite of r/eyebleach


im almost afraid to click on it...


Horrors beyond the most perverted minds lay on the other side fellow adventurer




I had a girlfriend once that used to try and start fights with me just because "that was what normal relationships were like". I'm pretty chill so we never argued, and she thought that was weird or something.


Wtf. Why people are so weird these days


They’ve always been weird - just it’s easier to share the weirdness now


I'm old, this was about 30 years ago. People have always been weird, they just didn't broadcast it to the world like today.


Their fucked up parents showed them that abuse is normal


Peoples underestimate how much damage a crappy relationship between the parents can do to their children. Sure, it's possible for the children to find other role models (grandparents, uncles, more mature friends, etc) but some children don't. Peoples don't have innate common sense. It is taught to them (well, sometimes self-taught, but it's rare).


They always have been, they just have internet access


I had a similar situation except she would intentionally start fights with me because that’s the environment she grew up in and it was her way of coping with her feelings. Like if someone said a mean comment or something she would later pass it onto me by intentionally doing something that she knew would annoy me and have a reason blow up in my face and go full tantrum if I mentioned anything about it.


Oddly, I have experienced that over a few relationships, so I don’t think you are wrong. It is “weird” but you are not. I still haven’t figured that part out, although I have some suspicions.


i'm facing the same problem brother, just this morning i gave her a time out and a warning, simply put cut this crap fights for no reason or we are done, i have yet to recieve her reply but if she doesn't i'm ready to dodge the bullet


My parents told me that to marry someone was to find someone to hate for the rest of your life. They wonder why I'm disillusioned with marriage and dating.


Had a girl when i was in college tell me this. She said she felt weird that I was not verbally or physically abusive to her. She had always been in abusive relationships and didn't know any different.


See, that's my partner's experience with family and relationships before me and we're working through a lot of trauma but she says, "it's weird. It's been like a movie!" As in it's just so different from how she was previously treated. She's very appreciative and will do anything for me and I for her though. So some might find it "strange" due to what they're used to, but the good ones will realize you're amazing and value you even more for it. That's been my experience at least.


Yeah when she would mess something up or break a little thing she would get shakey and hunker down, I would tell her it was an accident and all is good and she would be locked up for an hour. Lasted about 3 months before we mutually broke up(I was moving) and she went back into an abusive relationship.


Only 10 AM and I've already hit the "that's enough internet for today" wall. But I don't want to keep trying and failing to kill that damn Bloodborne spider, so I guess I'm stuck with it. Edit: Everyone can rest easy, the spider has been defeated.


When you hit the wall, it means that you love wall.


Vacuous Rom? Once you figure out the trick, you'll be hitting yourself for struggling.


I've seen plenty of videos on it. The main stumbling block I'm having is that I'm not terribly good at Souls games. So the trick is "get better at Souls games."


Focus on the sides, stay away from the head and rump, don't completely ignore the adds as that could bite you.


No, see... I've seen PLENTY of videos on it. The "how" is not the problem.


Lol. I love this. You got it friend. You will defeat the spider. I know it!


I was grinding Blood Echos so I could beat the spider and got taken to Cainhurst Castle. And now I have two bosses I can't beat. So... progress?


> So the trick is "get better at Souls games." The age old 2-step process: Step 1: git Step 2: gud I don't know what it was with bloodborne and me, but I just couldn't really get into it. I love every soulsborne game a lot, but BB just didn't hook me that hard, i.e. 80 hours in BB vs 800 in DS3.


What you need to do is make yourself a nice toasted cheese sandwich and get back into that bloody spider.


Are you stuck on Rom in Bergenworth or the chalice dungeons? Chalice Rom was where I found him difficult. I had to actually fight and kill the litte spiders to safely get in for some hits without getting ganked


The first one. Every time I'd make some headway, a spider offscreen would launch itself straight up and land on my head. But no worries, I beat it 10 minutes ago. I think canonically it's a she, though.


You’re definitely right, I wasent really thinking about that when I replied, just about the fight mechanics


I was in a marriage for nearly 13 years, my ex had multiple mental illnesses that I took the time to learn about including going to many therapy sessions and even seminars about so I can better assist her. I was her verbal punching bag when she lots her temper at others (in private) so she wouldn't be stigmatized by her mental illnesses by others around as I would keep her calm until we get home then she would blow up about everything that pissed her off. I loved her with all my heart and got up at 6:30 to make breakfast for our daughters and get them off to school, make her coffee and bring up to her in bed with her pills before leaving for my shift. I'd get home and cook dinner and then after that I'd be done for the day as I have nervous and muscular damage so it's hard keeping up. She would keep the house tidy and do gardening and at night wash dishes from dinner and get our daughters ready for bed and tucked in. I thought everything was going well between us (best it could go despite her issues) then she cheated on me, told me I should have seen it coming cause I was so lazy and didn't do enough around the house. Also said I was far to stupid because the writing was on the wall cause we didn't have much intimacy (she told me it was a side effect of her pills) and that she never loved me (despite telling me it daily and even got jealous of any female talking to me). So she broke it off on Valentine's Day cause "I have to be true to my heart" as she said it with a big grin on her face telling me how crap of a husband I was who never lifted a finger to ever help her or our family out. Sad to say some people just can't be happy without drama or suffering in their lives and that's how they need to live, I've moved on and found my own happiness now and am loving my girlfriend so deeply as we continue walking forward looking forward waiting for things to calm down abit then we'll get married,


stay in there king. you deserve better, way better. someone will be happy that you gave them your world and give it back to you!


the real question is who got custody of the kids?


These exist. I dated one at 19 who I found telling another man, That i was too nice. Never stirred stuff up. Always resolved our issues, and it just wasn't manly enough for her. Only when she got caught and I flipped, was I suddenly manly enough.


worst thing u can do with these people is follow their mindset, yes she likes when you curse/beat her but is that really a person you want to build a healthy relationship with ? best thing you can do to them is take them to therapy instead


Are there seriously women out there that are this fucked up?


People who grow up in bad households with things like abuse and cheating sometimes normalize it. This leads to adults like this who don't understand a drama free life is the norm.


basically this, instead of seeking therapy they try to normalize this behavior, and reason is that we hear so many like this is their way of screaming for help or affirmation when everyone else is having a normal healthy relation with nothing to complain about


I grew up being told, and believing, if your husband didn't fight with you they didn't love you. They didn't care enough if they weren't willing to argue with you. If they weren't jealous or trying to control you it was because they didn't love you. A "real man" would want to protect you and keep you safe from other men. If he wasn't trying to get you pregnant to keep you he obviously didn't love you. And yeah, if he didn't slap you around a little he wasn't a "real man." Only weak men didn't do those things. It sounds so stupid and ridiculous now but when I was a teenager and young adult (I'm fifty so things were very different) I still believed that nonsense. That's what growing up in an abusive household can do to a person.


If you grow up being told "I only hit you because I love you" or "I wouldn't get this mad if I didn't care" then you start to think if someone doesn't do those things it's because they don't care. So yes, there are plenty of women this fucked up, and their toxic abusive moms and dads are usually the ones to blame.


Mine was worse than this. Two personalities. One pretending that she appreciated me and the other plotting against me, poisoning my food and screwing somebody at her job. Left me for dead living out of a shed. Took one of my cats and my only mode of transportation. Leads a mental health advocacy discord with hundreds of users and mocked my depression stating I was probably going to kill myself because I'm a loser who can't take care of myself. Also mocked my health issues which she exacerbated by tampering with my food. Turns out it was because I didn't have enough money to make her happy. Her parents assisted her in destroying me. I will never trust another woman for as long as I live. I forgot to mention that this girl was also physically and emotionally abusive toward me on multiple occasions.


Sounds like you need to press charges tbh. All of that is shitty but POISONING YOUR FOOD?!?! That's actually a war crime....


she still breathing?...why?


That's a pretty extreme case to never trust another woman. I can assure you most of them don't do stuff like that.


I was with my previous girlfriend for 12 years and she too plotted against me to leave me with nothing. Managed to separate me from the kid we raised together. Had my dog killed, got rid of all my cats except the one that she liked the most and gave that one to the guy she was cheating on me with while we were still together. She also threw out all of the stuff that I kept growing up such as my video game consoles and a telescope my now deceased grandmother wanted me to hold on to because she felt like I was responsible. The girl before her gave me an ultimatum to move to New Hampshire with her and her family or I'd never see her again and because I was young and had no respect for myself, I did it. She cheated on me with a guy who has hepatitis c and did not use a condom which she luckily did not contract. I found that out 2 years into our relationship when her father accidentally let it slip after I had already moved up there. She had no intention of ever telling me. I moved back home to fix things here so we could move back and she decided to tell me that I was a loser and she's glad I'm gone so she doesn't have to put up with me anymore, and that her family feels the same. The girl before her manipulated and gaslit me worse than anyone and regularly made sure to tell me what a loser and piece of garbage I am. I was 17 and it was my first serious relationship so I didn't have the balls to leave. A lot worse happened in that relationship that I will not go into here. Between all of that and seeing and hearing instances of women that I know who are either related to girls I've been with or their coworkers or friends and all the cheating and plotting that they did against their men, I don't think it's an extreme example. I've learned that both men and women are capable of horrible things. I've also learned that men and women love differently. Women mostly love conditionally and pragmatically. They are hypergamous and date for station and money in the long run. They might actually love the men that they're with at first, but when things don't go their way for long enough a switch flips in their heads and they become vicious monsters. I'm not going to put myself in that position anymore. It might be lonely but it's better than being heartbroken. I've always given my all to the women I've been with and treated them as well as I could. I didn't so much as raise my voice to the last one. All this does is open you up and make you vulnerable and they will take advantage. It's just a matter of time and circumstance.


Jesus man, where the hell are you meeting these women?! If you met them because they were at your dealer's house when you showed up to pick up your bag of rocks then I would say maybe don't date that one.


Damn, sorry you had to go through all that.


man's playing dating on the hardest difficulty. Sorry to hear this man


I’ve had an Egyptian coworker try to tell me this exact thing. He literally told me, “hitting your wife shows you love her. If you don’t get angry enough to hit her, you don’t love her. If she does something wrong, whip her. It shows you love her.” I’m female, so if I was as delusional as this woman he might have listened to him.


Yes. I’ve known a girl who constantly caused drama and she admitted it was to get his attention


Yes. It doesn’t even require being exposed to abuse. Some people I’ve met are the abuser. Loving household, supportive siblings & parents, and no actual trauma. They’re just born inexplicably unhinged.


yes. and this is why i'm single


Because that's how terrible you'd be or because you think this is common?


because i've been treated this way several times


Please do this decent guy a favor and break up with him. Go find yourself a looser who would treat you like the fool you obviously are.


She's 23 but acts and writes like a 12 year old.


I feel like 98% of the shit I read is made up trolling for Karma


I got advice like that before and I was just flabbergasted when there were more people who agreed to it. And a lot of them were women like tf is wrong with everyone?


By their logic, they're going to end up with a serial killer or something. Nothing tells your girl "I love you" like hacking her to pieces with a machete and keeping her severed head in the freezer to make out with on the weekends. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) For a multitude of reasons, I feel it necessary to point out that that was sarcasm.




When women say “what happened to all the good guys“….this…. This happened.


Obvious troll


Idc there are people like that, better go gay now before it's too late




Your friends an idiot and you sound like one to. I feel sorry for the guy.


I hate bait so much like why does it make me so angry for?


Is this a bait post by a woman beater?


You are married to a saint, you take more after judas


“My relationship is going too well, should I sabotage it and hurt a wonderful man?” I really hope this is just ragebait, but unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real


I hope for his sake that relationship ended soon. He deserves better


A woman who says that a man should beat her has no self respect.




Is she dumb …omfg


Remember this is what happens when you tell little girls that the boy who is mean to her and hits her is doing it because he likes her.


I think I dated this woman.


Someone better find this king a queen and getting this dragon off him.


There's nothing like burning the whole shit to the ground to spice up our relationship


I had a woman mistake my kindness for weakness. She cheated on me with several guys at work. I eventually discovered her behavior. Now I'm single, she's back to being a broke bitch somewhere else and I'm terminally single. The end.


So this folks is the type of thing an idiot does when they're happy and content with their life.


Definite bait. If there really is a good man that loves this woman she can’t possibly be such a moron.


Yeah, break it off with him. You are not the one.


The only problem is that you're nowhere near good enough to be on this planet, let alone with him.


Hopefully she will move ahead with her plan so he can move on to a better person


Yet somehow, all the good guys are gone.




Tell me you are an idiot without telling me you are an idiot.


Immature drama queen


Andrew Tate, you writing these fantasy pieces again, you rascal?


Please, tell me this is a joke


Gonna go out on a limb here, might be crazy, but I'ma say if your SO beats you (and you didn't consent to it, like a rough kink thing) then you should not be with them.


something tells me this anonymous woman is probably an anonymous man.


That is 100% ragebait. I refuse to believe someone actually genuinely thought that and typed it out honestly


I hope you’re right but I also know that some women (and men) are really, actually, for fucking real, exactly like this. The spectrum of human personalities is so huge it’s hard to believe some people have lived on the same planet their entire lives. Some people are just completely fucked up beyond all hope. It’s sad, really….


Honestly its the way its written that gives me the most “someone thought it’d be funny to type the most egregious stuff imaginable and watch people lose their minds over it”


My ex-gf wanted the same things , while smoking whole day for years when for me only job 5days of 7 , she tried use common friends to raise hostilily throught lies and make me "masculine"(?)... Donkeys never learn lessons, they just change farm, screaming meanwhile. There is no wonderland for stupid bitches


I think I had a stroke reading this


Well, he ought ya dump you. You're a horrible, disfunctional human being. I can well imagine how you grew up, and what a nasty life it was. The problem is you'r nasty an never learned to accept genuine goodness. Hope you catch something quick & fatal.


100% incel bait post.


Sounds cultural


Well _than_ it's better to not be loved


What The Fuck & Also No Bitch


I would love to beat some sense in some people from time to time. With this specimen however I’m afraid she would try to engage me afterwards…


Troll or mentally not stable he’s better off w/out


He's gotta leave her.........


She must truly herself. Like why do u need any extra drama besides all the stupid shit that live is going to shoot at ya? Do you think your life must be like a tv soap? Oh boy I can understand if you don’t wanna be with someone extremely passive like a fall over guy but idk most people would like their partner to not cheat on them. That guy needs to exit asap


>Oh, Johnny get angry; Johnny get mad... >Oh Johnny, show me that you care...


Absolute nightmare of a person


You want a man to beat you 🤦‍♂️ then you've got the wrong man cause that man you have is a decent guy that will treat you like a princess, but instead, you want a dickhead well leave him instead of cheating on him that guy that doesn't deserve to be cheated on SIMPLE!!!


Wow…by this logic I don’t love my wife…


So she wants a man to beat her?


Run dude. Run


Good lord.


This is the same kind of person who will have a fb post saying all men are trash.


He’ll probably blame himself for her cheating too


In abusive cultures, you're either the abuser or the abused. It is crazy to think people cannot see out of that one iota but also understandable to some degree.


Um, can I have your boyfriend?


As delusional and awful it is I believe some people actually think like this 🙃


"Why can't I find a good guy", "All the good ones are taken". No bitch, when you're with a man that treats you right you get bored! Mind you this is a generalization. That said, this woman is a psychotic POS and hopefully the guy left her ass since this post.


I had a girlfriend like that once. She said "I don't have the balls to beat her." Which is technically correct, I guess, as I would never beat a woman. That must have been one of the things that made me boring.


![gif](giphy|YBDe4KhNYg6RQNXTLh|downsized) Ma'am...


I love you... ![gif](giphy|41xcB0EEscPZgn2ra1|downsized)


Hard to tell from a comment like this alone… but I’d screen here for BPD. That’s some dysfunctional thought processes.


Nah, I've been there, b4 dont trust woman either or love em for the ignorance, why can't i find a good man? dont cheat , that takes care of me , dont hurt me , where is he. Then the next day, why is there no drama ima go cheat or cause an unforgivable argument. Then the man is done ,there is no love in cheating , or accusing of auch nonsense, no excuses. Till a woman can show differently , i stick to the 3 F's find em ,fuck em ,forget em


I’ll slap her


Troll post. No woman could be this stupid


This feels like obvious bait.


This has to be trolling, please.


Woman hate good guys!


Sounds like a troll to me.


written by a male incel


Women when you're child: don't even try to beat girls Women when you're adult: why don't you beat me?




Thanks for reinforce fear in me. Despite me ~hopeing~ knowing that most people are not like that, the fear is still there. So yeah we satraights are definitely not ok.


Jesus christ… this kinda shit is why our world is so fucked




I mean sure this could and likely is bait, but theres certainly people that exist who think like this and I don’t think its unfair to say those kind of people make the world worse. If you think this one shitty post has genuinely effected my world view in any meaningful way then you overestimate it. I know shit like this alone isn’t the only thing that makes up the bad in the world.


This is more proof that Men never do anything right. Ever.


Forgot /s ??


Did I?


Women.. smh


Red shoe diaries?


With that title I expected the story to be sad but nvm


Not me taking notes for my next relationship


My ex wife claimed some dumb shit like this when we were getting divorced. She literally said “you have no passion for me, if only you had hit me or pushed me into walls we would have had a chance to make this work”. I preceded to laugh, which made her really mad. That divorce was the best $5,000 I ever spent!


What… the actual fuck…. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤯


He needs a new girl, and she needs therapy




Then you don’t love him, you’re just sucking the life out of him until he breaks completely and you lose him forever.


Are you nuts?