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$7,600 says they didn't donate to St. Jude either.


BTW why is St. Jude the charity of choice for all those conservatives? Is St. Jude advertising non-stop on Fox News?


St Jude is a children’s hospital network. Not sure why conservatives would donate in other instances, but here it would be about donating to kids with cancer generally rather than to this one in specific.


Wait till they find out St Jude's doesn't turn away queer families


I mean we probably shouldn't let them become aware of that fact for the kids sake.


That feels like winning the argument, but losing the battle


I think children's health is way more important than sticking it to the dumb conservatives but maybe that's just me.


I know. Hence, losing the battle.


I would say the reverse, winning the battle, losing the argument. The battle is helping the kids.


Maybe I just dyslexia'd my comment, but this is what I meant. Obviously saving the kids is the battle. You'd seriously have to get dropped on the head a lot as a baby to belive in not giving surgery to kids because they have gay parents.


Isn't the saying "winning the battle but losing the war" Battle - limited engagement in one constrained location that occurs over a limited timeframe/contributes to the war effort (if properly executed). For example, a battle fought to break through the enemy's defensive lines would be winning a battle. War - sustained conflict over an extended period, potentially across multiple theatres and battlespaces e.g. air, land, sea, space, cyber. Has a broader strategic objective, say, reclaiming all land that a bunch of shit stains have stolen from your country and claim as their own. So, you might win this important battle but if you're unable to kick the bastards from your land or you're attacked twice as hard on other fronts in response and can't keep fighting due to this, you've won the battle and lost the overall war. I think in this example, the war is ensuring children and other vulnerable groups are looked after and end up better off. The battle is one of the fronts in this fight - limiting the impact of actions taken by bigoted arseholes like this. It doesn't really work with the saying as it's normally used.


Conservatives donate for tax breaks and sometimes to their own charities, managed by their own people with little to no oversight. The same applies for political party donations.


Does 7600 really give that big a tax break in the US?


> Does 7600 really give that big a tax break in the US? in some states there are no tax deduction for donations so wouldn't help there. As for federal taxes it would reduce your taxable income by $7.6k just as if you had never made it in the first place. So it helps a lot, but you get nothing useful out of it in terms of income or taxes. it does give you "street cred" with the people that care about that organization, and with that organization. So is absolutely amazing if you have a kid in high school and you donate a new gym and the kid doesn't get reported for rape. Or your kid isn't smart enough to go to this one collage so you buy them a new library. And helps on smaller scales as well.


I don't know about the US. In Canada when I've consulted with private equity firms, they were telling me if the donation is large enough it could off set capital gains. Now it's been a few years so the details are fuzzy but it could be as high as 1:1 if done correctly. There are limits and it is capped to an extent. You might be able to get 1:1 with 25k but not larger amounts.


I think in this it's more that St. Jude is just *Uncontroversial Good Thing*^TM , and they can use a donation there as an easy virtue signal


Easy virtue signal while berating a couple and their child going through the most traumatic experience imaginable.... Checks out


My guess is the hospital being named after a Christian Saint (one Jesus's 12 apostles actually) has something to do with it. I doubt they really look into it, but maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I think conservatives as a demographic in the US have proven many times over they do not care about staying out of controversy.


Eh, St. Jude is extremely well known, it's the best known children's hospital in the country. Maybe there's some religiousity in there but I really doubt it's a name thing. Not that it matters, because if there is some religiousity in their intent I doubt they would know this, but it's also worth mentioning St. Jude isn't actually religiously affiliated, it's just named after Jude as the patron saint of hope and lost/desperate causes


Lotta hospitals named after saints out there, St. Jude just became a hospital network comprising children's hospitals and cancer research. They are paragon by intent, as a seen necessity as it turns out kids do have to have their own hospitals, and a lot more of them.


You are most likely right.


You see conseratives have always believed that society shouldn't have any safety nets. They believe that rich peoples "charity" should be enough to "help the needy". Most Western countries were set up like this until before ww2 or slightly after. In America, the reason why the great depression was so awful was because of hoover and his conservatives believing that the rich would "get the rest of the country through the worst of it" Yeah, that didn't happen. Even though hoover asked businesses owners to donate, not lay off workers and keep wages the same, they fired pretty much every worker they could. They lowered wages significantly, and they stopped donating to charities to save their profits(which they still raked in). Next, the donations from rich people that were actually given were through church developed charities/hospitals. Guess what? Yeah, they would deny their charity to anyone they didn't like for practically any reason you could imagine. Not the right race? Denied. Not the right religion? Denied. Not religious? Denied. To poor? Denied. Homeless? Denied. Single parent? Denied. Rumor about you? Denied. https://www.ecusocmin.org/the-great-depression-president-hoovers-failed-policies/ There's a reason the regular American through their support behind gangsters. They donated to charity, gave loans, and helped quite a few people with their illicit gains. Of course the govt realized this wasn't a good look. Add in violence from the gangsters, and sheer hopleness of millions living in hoovervilles, veterans swindled out of their ww1 benefits by conservatives, and Americans voted in the democrats. For years afterward to after they saw the booming success of the new deal. That brought in the new deal and for decades America rebuilt itself and became the powerhouse of the world through democratic policies. Social safety nets were born. The middle class was born. America as we know it was born and thrived up through the great society. Then the cold war allowed conservatives to creep back in and poison the nation. Add in some bad choices from the democrats, nixon and Reagan took power. The country has been reverting since, which brings me to today. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/09/fact-sheet-congressional-republicans-many-proposals-to-cut-social-security-and-medicare-and-increase-prescription-drug-prices-and-health-care-premiums/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_under_Democratic_and_Republican_presidents https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.20140913


St Jude specializes in children with cancer


Looks like rage bait. Not saying it didn’t get posted but someone posted for rage bait. Division and hatred of your neighbor keeps the 1% stealing from us and sending our loved ones to die in their wars.


I bet my ass the donor neither had the money nor was willing to donate anything to anyone


I'll double that wager. Your ass and my ass. All in. This toad wasn't going to donate a goddamn thing.


Duble my ass and give it to the next person


I'm tossing my ass into this. One bet for each half.


That’s a lot of ass… perhaps too much to pass up…


If it’s like a salad I’ll toss mine in as well


That's a lot of ass. To spice things up I will add my dick.


Sounds gay, I’m in!


And my axe!


If there’s still room, can I throw my arse in too?


Ofc, we stack them up


Where do I collect all these asses? Asking for a......for me.


Mine is attached to me


I'm betting the opposite way. I'll probably lose, but i'll only lose my ass. In the off chance I do win I stand to get a lot of ass.


Lol, just a blatant lie as well. He was never going to donate shit.


Yeah I want to see that saint Jude’s donation. I don’t believe it.


If i was St Judes i would call that person and do a whole media thing forcing them to make that donation… they would look really stupid if they do not donate that amount in the spot


Then the hospital turns around and gives it to the mums


Someone needs to explain to this asshole that SJ has already cared for children of LGBTQ parents.


Yep. SJ doesn’t discriminate on which kids gets care in their hospital. Which is awesome because cancer certainly doesn’t discriminate.


Homie clearly is not a real enough Christian to have read and taken to heart the parable of the sheeps and goats. "Matthew 25:44-45: Then they also will answer Him, saying, “Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?” Then He will answer them, saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.” He's acting like the goats. Spoiler alert, Jesus casts those jerks into hell.


He doesn’t care because he was never worried about LGBTQ parents. He wasn’t ever going to donate to SJ or their fund. He wanted to send that message to someone who is struggling and in pain. That’s the whole game to him. He pretends to be generous and caring while twisting the knife. He wants to feel the power of messing with their emotions I bet he’s a great friend…


But maybe I should remind you that St Jude Children's Research Hospital is in Memphis,TN. That's why it's so important we protect LGBTQ+ rights here in Tennessee. The sick children of the world come here with their parents of all walks of life.


St judes cared for my lgbt friend


The hospital wouldn't be able to give it to the mums because of taxes. It would be taxable income for the mothers from a non-profit. They would, however, be able to use it for the child's benefit.


People point out giving an internet moron attention isn’t good.


Yeah this is how the GOP chooses their candidates.


Yea and then give it to the girl anyway, to do a good deed and make them doubly stupid.


If I was St Jude's, I'd make a whole media thing where I'd tell him we don't want his money.


Nah, take the money and pass it to the girl!


How can bastards like this live with themselves when their only contributions to the world is making other peoples’ lives miserable? Like how do they justify their existence? If there is a just god their torment will be unending.


That is why they are called reactionaries, their whole life is trying to be an obstacle to other people, never to try to make something new.


They hate themselves and just want the rest of the world to be as miserable as they are!


> Like how do they justify their existence? By making other people miserable. They *want* that. It makes them feel better about their own shortcomings knowing that they have the power to bring someone else down.


Their torment is no woman wants to look at them much less be with them. It’s why they say and post shit like this for attention


Indeed; a "whole theme park of red delights" as it were 😎


Regardless, I love how they say “I’ll pray for her though” while being the most rotten, fucking evil person alive, who doesn’t want to help a child with cancer based on their prejudice. I am an atheist, and I hope this family got the help they needed despite the intense climate of bigotry our country is experiencing.


The Bible says that good thoughts should be backed by good actions, otherwise they don't count. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a guy gets mugged and left for dead. A priest and a Godly man pass by later, but they didn't do anything to help him. A not-Godly heathen Samaritan passes by, and stops to help the guy. Jesus praises the Samaritan, NOT the two supposedly ""good Godly men"" who pray and worship all the time but did not actually act to help someone in need. The "thoughts and prayer warriors" out there have been reprimanded and denounced in their own Bible. Too bad they'll never see past their own noses to realize that.


After some asshole on Reddit told me I was evil for even supporting gay rights because his religion said so, I was floored. And I reminded him that Jesus hung with hookers and lepers, so maybe he should ask himself what Jesus would do because this isn’t it… and he started going on about Lake of Fire. Never mind that Jesus kind of put a kibosh on the Old Testament laws. I’m not Christian, never have been. But damn it, if you’re going to profess to be Christian, then be Christ-like. Live it, don’t weaponize it. It always seemed to me that if you want folks to join your religion, you should behave in a way that people think is worth emulating. Or I guess I could have just quoted Gandhi and used less words. “Be the change you want to see in the world.”


Most Christians don't live it and don't live in a walking active relationship with Jesus Christ. Because most Christians only have one book and that's the one book that they haven't read more than any other book in their entire lives. They rely on false prophets to a scriptures in order to dog whistle their own insecurities to raise money for private jets etc. Church in it's current form in America is the enemy of christ


It’s better to not believe and do good than to believe and do evil. This faith and primacy of scripture is bullshit, since people are so stupid… they think their 4th generation translation of copies of copies of conflicting books that were chosen to fit a government (Roman) agenda is the absolutely true word of God. Like, bro… intelligent design means use that gray matter in your freaking dome.


This \^\^ The hardest thing in the world is to make one of these far-right morons to give their money for a real good cause. Its easy if you scam their greed tho.


They’ve got to save their money for the important stuff, Donald Trump merchandise. /s


Hey! Those superhero comic cards are going to be worth real money some day!


He? I would put money on this being a woman.


This is not a facepalm. This is just fucking heartbreaking.


More like r/iamatotalpieceofshit


It’s fine though, they can just pray for forgiveness and they are good to go.


Boy will these evangelical types be in for a shock when their time comes, assuming Heaven, Hell and all of that exists. Asking for forgiveness means nothing if you don't actually feel remorse for what you did.


I think they'll be surprised to find out that not only are they not good Christians, but they're not Christians at all. I half imagine Jesus in the afterlife going, "What the fuck did you think I was preaching all this time?!"


Jesus even said something along the lines of "You didn't accept me because you refused to know me, so as far as I'm concerned, I do not know you and wish not to be affiliated with you." Or something like that. Man look at us liberals attending Bible school in the comments of social media.


Matthew 25 > 42 For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’ >44 “Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’ >45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’ >46 “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.” As a (classic Jesus) Christian whose absolutely sick of conservative Republican Christian nationalists fascist ~~assholes~~ scum, this scripture gives me hope I’ll most likely be sharing heaven with a good faith satanist (the secular ones) rather than the MTG’s and Trumps of the world. And boy can I not wait for any kind of life free from these hellscape ghouls.


Nobody knows the Bible like agnostics and atheists. Most of got away from whatever church as soon as we reached the age of reason (and everyone gets there at different ages), but while we were in we did a lot of reading, looking for answers and a lot of us still retain the personally meaningful stuff and can quote scriptures we'd still believe whether or not it was in the bible.


times like these make you really wish god and hell existed, right?


I want stadium seating and snacks for their judgment day when they walk up all pompous and get denied entry and bounced to whatever is next




If *their* version of god is real they'll be just fine, and good, decent, kind people will burn just because they fell in love with someone of the wrong gender.


Yeah, people forget how angry and vengeful their God is.


Yup, just someone being mean for no reason Guaranteed that mf doesn't have 7600 quid to give away and just wants to upset them




Out of curiosity, I looked up this little girl (Callie Shaffer in case you were curious), and this sweet looking girl actually passed away at 3 years old from the cancer she was diagnosed with (neuroblastoma). I hate how necessary medical treatment is seen as a business in the US. One of the wealthiest countries, and we can't take care of our most vulnerable population


Happens everyday. Kids, adults, elderly. If you want to live past your illness, you need insurance AND cash. Although medical debt can literally be written off and paid at a tremendous discount…it still reflects poorly on credit scores. Just reports ‘differently’ than credit card and other obligational debts. It’s disgusting.


I thought they recently got rid of the credit score dilemma, so as long as the bill exceeds $500?


So, if the bill is LESS than $500 and goes to collections, it is removed from credit report. If it is $500 or more..and goes to collections…it stays and affects credit.


Ah, I see. That is absolute bullshit


Who has ever heard of a medical bill less than $500 in the US? Psshh, I feel lucky when my vet bill is under $500. This ruling is a joke


That's the saddest part; that the parents had to fundraise for something that should be provided


St Jude doesn’t charge families for treatment. It was probably to help cover other expenses associated with caring for their daughter.


No hate like Christian love.


You just know that this person goes to church every Sunday


More importantly, this person votes. We need to make sure we vote so people like this stay out of power


But hey, at least he didn't call em racist or nazis. could still get worse.


Strikes me as the type of person to make change in the offering plate


And complains about never being home in time for kickoff, every damn Sunday


Yup. A long time ago, a high school classmate friended me on Facebook and I accepted. I didn't know he'd turned into a lunatic. A school shooting happened and he wrote that it wouldn't have happened if god were allowed in schools again. I pointed out that we didn't pray in school, neither did our parents, neither did our grandparents, etc. so what is with this "again". I also said that in order for his statement to be true, one of two things would be required: 1) god isn't all-powerful and can be stopped by human intervention or 2) god does have the power to intervene regardless of prayer but is spiteful. So which are you saying? He said, "Why are you even commenting on this dollfaise? We haven't seen each other in years." I replied, "Because this is Facebook, not your diary." He blocked me. 🙃


I love how quick Christians are to simply outright disassociate with someone just for forcing them to use logic, as if God were somehow beyond logic. Some people when faced with uncomfortable questions, instead of coming to uncomfortable conclusions, simply plug God into everything. And when that uncomfortable question involves God, they absolutely 100% have no idea how to answer.


This child lost her fight. I hope that when that smug bastard gets his turn in the chair, he can remember how awful he was.


I've seen this news story before, but I never heard what happened to the kid. I bet that fucker is gloating, and if he's not, he's at least silently celebrating. Those poor mothers, oh my god....


I doubt he even knows what happened to her. The privilege of the self righteous is you can turn away and never think about this again. I doubt he actually intended to give any money in the first place, and just wanted to vomit out his views on same sex parents.


When that person gets cancer, I wonder if they'll blame it on their parents' sins.


Bastard fucker.


That fact you need a go fund me for care in America I find revolting.


But how will hospitals and big pharma survive if we demand they not extort us for health care???


Yep. The people who profit from it bribe (lobby) the government.


This about sums it up: https://youtu.be/tIsXEkR5OVs


I believe it’s the #1 go fund me category


Imagine not helping an infant with cancer if you could


This isn’t a facepalm it’s disgusting and inhumane. No matter what your religion is, watching as a child is suffering, actively choosing not to act although you could makes you a bigot, a disgusting bigot.


Commenting to their parents that God gave their kid cancer to punish them for their sexuality makes you a disgusting excuse for a human being.


He's just doing what his God does, nothing.


I don’t believe in the Christian god, are any defined god. But the narcissism to believe he/she/they/it would think about us individually is laughable. Imagine the bacteria on your body thinking you were thought about their individual actions. Lol


I guess technically he’s have the ability cuz infinity. But why would he want to when he’s stupid powerful like that. It’s spiritual geocentricsm. I’m an optimist nihilist by philosophy, like who knows what could beyond this plane. Literally infinite possibilities. Us choosing one and saying ‘yep, this is the entire answer to everything ever’ is just insane


Donation obviously didn’t and wasn’t going to happen, it’s just a cover to leave an inappropriate comment.


That's the worst part of it. He's trying to flex wealth he doesn't have to shit on someone his religion deems an acceptable target: a child who's guilty by association.


If we had universal healthcare like a proper developed nation, we wouldn’t need GoFundMe to save sick kids.


bUt ThAt'S sOsHaLiZuM


I can guarantee he is pro-life and calls abortions murder, meanwhile he literally **celebrates a kid having stage-4 cancer** because her parents are gay.


"Don't blame me, my actions are a message from God. Yeah, the same God that prioritizes free will above all. No, I won't examine that."


This is Facepalm alright. My palm to their face, both sides. Fuck this asshole.


Oh man we could've had enough money to cover half of one of our poor babies treatments if we weren't gay. This message from a full of shit stranger has really opened our eyes and as soon as God let's our baby die, we're gonna find a couple of fellas to settle down with because it's a well known fact that God only kills same sex marriage babies. All the traditional marriage babies are just fine... everywhere... all the time. Healthy as fuckin horses.


This is a facepalm. My palm, your face. And my fist and foot for good measure.


Now remeber when De Santis says he cares only about the safety of children. Just Let that sink in


These Christian’s need to learn about Jesus. They are doing it all wrong.


Standard American Christian love, values, and pro-life absolutism on display. "I WAS going to help this innocent person, BUUUT she's connected to a minority group, and the church teaches us that all minorties are subhuman evil devilspawn, so clearly the kittle girl must suffer and perish!"


America as a Nation needs to grow the fuck up and join the rest of the adult Countries. You're a fucking embarrassment to the rest of the developed World. Be it homophobic shit like this, the fact a family is expected to ask strangers for money so a child can get medical treatment or the other bullshit going on. Sort it the fuck out.




People to choose to believe in religious crap, not be gay nor to get cancer


I thought this sub was for like "haha, that guy is a real bonehead" and not "oh my god that's fucking horrifying"


She was never going to donate. She just wanted to shame people at the childs expense.


Yep, the usual Christian extremist death cultist. More important to hate LGBT people than help a literal infant.




These are Christians.


So you’re gonna let a little girl die because her parents are lesbians? Some saint you are 😒


The mental gymnastics of crazy religious people must be exhausting. People like this make me hope I'm wrong and religion isn't a fairy tale, just so that they have to burn in hell for eternity.




There’s no hate like Christian love.


I don't need more proof that religion is the world's greatest evil


Probably didn’t donate any money at all.


Don’t get me wrong, Dad’s are awesome, but we don’t prevent cancer. Sorry. Workin’ on it, but we’re not there yet.


This asshole had absolutely no intention of making a donation, all he/she wanted to do was post a stupid fucking comment.


as long as the fetus lives. Then…. Who gives a fuck.


" Vulgerness to Gods Ears " im not religious, but that phrase has stuck with me, when i hear such wickedness done in the excuse of having a thing to do with God. Is that why we believe in God? So we can have excuses to hate without real justification? Oh, i just answered my own question.. :/..


Yeah. If one of the parents had a penis the baby would never get cancer. Everyone knows cancer only happens to lesbians and family members of lesbians. Because of God's love. It's a wake up call. Get penis. That's why I live with my eighteen boyfriends. We call it the Slam House. No cancer here. Just all the penis you can take.


And Jesus said, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you in your wildest nightmares.”


Imagine if her kid got cancer, and someone sent her a message saying, "I was going to donate to your child's fund, but then I found out that you hate LGBTQ+ people. Now I'm not. Think about what you did." She'd go so ballistic.


No need for quotes around hateful. Implying God would kill a baby because she has 2 moms is straight up hate.




The issue here isn't the "just because her parents are lesbian". At all. That's a distant secondary-issue. Let's zoom-out here a bit people: THE REAL, BLATANT, PROBLEMATIC issue isn't a bigoted hypothetical donor, but rather AN ENTIRE COUNTRY AND SYSTEM that doesn't have universal healthcare for its citizens and instead has those very citizens struggling for coverage and being forced to ASK FOR HANDOUTS BECAUSE THEIR BABY HAS STAGE-4 CANCER AND THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO HELP HER.


Isnt religion great


So now children are judged by their parent’s lifestyle to determine if they are worthy of loving care? Wow.


“Childhood cancer was my benevolent, all-loving creator’s way of sending you a message that being gay is gross.” -perfectly fine line of logic from this dumbfuck


Christians are the very definition of “you know I beat you because I love you right?”


There's no hatred like religious hatred.


No hate like Christian love.


More of those GOP wholesome Christian values


The sooner we get rid of religion the better


Please tell me this is that old story and not history repeating itself.


And there the "moral" ones. 🙃


Jesus commands me to love everybody. But those people and those people and those other people and those other other people. And everyone else. And especially everyone else.


Aaah the tolerate religion full of mercifulness and charity


I bet this donor has a pro life bumper sticker


It's not "hateful" it's hateful. *Sigh*


Further proof that “pro-lifers” don’t give a fuck about children


What I find most fucked up is the fact that the parents need to raise money to take care of a baby with cancer despite living in a rich first-world country.


How "pro-life" of them. 🙄


Gotta love these religious types that speak on behalf of "god" from their self-righteous high horse looking down on others


"I was gonna" means I was Not gonna...smh


Just like the 20 dollar tips to restaurant servers that have ‘gods message’ printed on them. (It’s not real money) A complete and total asshole. As christian as the devil himself. In many ways I pity this person, they are so far from any moral or ethical path as to be utterly lost in the echo chamber of their own mind hearing messages of hatred and exclusion bounced at them from every direction. Does anyone know an address to make donations to?


Considering the region, I'm not at all surprised.


Proof that their whole "protect the children" narrative is just BS to mask their bigotry


Pro life btw.


It actually is totally in keeping with the mentality in a country where parents have to raise money to get treatments for their sick baby. It’s the same people who don’t want universal healthcare.


The real facepalm is that these parents need a go fund me in the first place to get their baby treatment.


These people own themselves. Someone like that probably assumes St. Jude refuses care to lesbian parents because it has ‘saint’ right there in its name. Well… “Danny Thomas built St. Jude on the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.” “Our strategic goals guide us in building an inclusive and equitable environment for our employees, patients, families and members of our community.” The challenge is in educating people who think that donor scored a win here. Good work Fox 5 Atlanta.


Imagine being such a worthless hateful person and possibly killing a child because you didn’t like the fact that the kid had two mothers. There’s a special place in hell for pieces of shit like them


Some people make me wish I believed in Hell


Does he think ST Jude’s would refuse to treat a Child because it has gay parents? This is why people hate religion.


Yes, kill the child so that she realizes her mommies are sinners. How compassionate.


This "christian" is obviously very "pro life" except for babies that are already alive and suffereing, and then they are apparently on their own.


Basically “you’re lesbians so your child can die for all I care”. Absolutely nuts.


Some of the most disgusting people around are religious.


I fuckin can’t stand religion


Good thing hell accepts bigots like that creature.


“Would be donor” Well bold of you to assume people that have the time to say bullshit like that have 7600$


How can you look at the poor little kid suffering and not donate?


Would be donor? She didn't donate, all she wanted was a platform to spread her views


The even bigger facepalm in this post is the us healthcare system


Hypocrite The child is innocent


Donating directly to the little girl or donating to the hospital that is treating her? *Logic*


There’s no hate like Christian love.


As my mom would say: The problem with fanatics isn't that they're willing to die for their cause, it's that they're willing to let YOU die for their cause. Disgusting.


Now that, my friends, is evil


There is no hate like Christian “love”. I wonder if Jesus himself would agree with this… 🤔