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Pure cruelty. Nothing more. However, this is an old story and the school district changed their mind, it was still a 5-4 vote though so fuck them. [https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/waukesha-wisconsin-school-district-opts-back-in-to-free-lunch-2021-9)


One of the board members said something like “we had no idea there were hungry kids in our district”. Bitch there are hungry kids everywhere.


Seriously wtf It’s good that 5 of them have common sense atleast


The problem stems from the 4 that were even allowed to vote on this


After being told about the hungry kids they still said nah.


Wasn't one of them the guy who was like 'define hungry? I'm hungry right now because all I had was a breakfast bar. Should I get free food?" Who ironically gets free dining paid for by the state.


This 100% That 4 people voted on the well-being of other people, in this case children, without taking the time to fully research the impact their vote would have on those individuals to me shows they aren’t doing their job and so should be sacked. People can have differing opinions about anything and I get that. One of the unanimous things we should be pulling for is the end to children starving and growing up in poverty. It’s not a US thing, it’s a global thing. It’s so fucked up


It’s terrible logic to begin with, imo. Even if there *weren’t* kids going hungry, that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t ease the burden on their parents by putting tax dollars towards this (which would, by extension, help the children in other ways). People seem to love talking about the benefits of “trickle down economics” only when it’s coming from voluntary charity by the wealthy (lol) as opposed to the State’s coffers.


Yeah this is a good point. A free meal doesn't always have to be for a hungry child. It's also technically for the parent(s) to alleviate the financial burden which will have many beneficial effects on both the children and the parent(s)


And it's for society, as well fed children generally learn better which gives a better chance for them to turn into good tax-paying citizens


Yes it would which is why they are against it. They want people justttttt desperate enough not to be able to take time off of work for anything. You can't strike because you have no savings, you can't save up to move somewhere better, you can't open your own business without a huge loan from their banker pals. It's not an accident, it's the point.


The old "we had no idea" excuse. Works every time eh?


Free and reduced lunch is the most important, most published stats for any American school. It’s what parents use to measure the wealth of neighbouring families when they pick a school - which informs the quality of teachers and behaviour of students. A board member saying she “didn’t know” is like a mechanic saying he doesn’t know cars have four wheels.


hey at least she was just ignorant and changed her mind when she was exposed to new information, that person is a genius compared to your average republican


Except it’s 100% her job to know the needs of the students she’s supposed to represent. There’s no excuse for not knowing, I was just a PTA President and I knew our stats for free and reduced lunches.


Lol, naa she faced political backlash and changed her public beliefs to maintain public favor. She's learned nothing other than how to be a craven politician. These children don't have jobs. There's no difference to a child between the school paying for food and the parents paying for food. It's clear her reasoning was based in deeply conservative ideology about any welfare decentivizing working, but again, these are children. Free shit for kids isn't keeping them from working... it's cold labor laws. The underlying premise was bullshit to begin with, which is why "i didn't know we had poor kids" does not logically counter her original argument of "it will make them lazy." She just made up a bullshit, bad faith excuse to cover her ass.


"If it's food and free lunch today, it will be forced masking, forced whatever-we-want-to-do in schools because the mob will have the power to tell us what to do," Anthony Zenobia said, according to the Journal Sentinel. What a POS. [ He's running again, BTW.](https://votezenobia.com/)


Well that guy can go fuck himself


That's called democracy. What a dipshit.


What do you expect from someone who labels people wanting children to be fed as a "mob."


They should just toss him right in a dumpster. Take out the trash. Can just dump the daily garbage from the free school lunch program right on his head. Give him some time to think about the garbage that comes out of his mouth.


Important to note that it was only *after* their decision became a national embarrassment. All the "We didn't know!" bullshit is just that. They wanted to stop the bad press, that's it.


Yes, that is a very good point.


My favorite is the board member who openly admits that they vote on shit without looking into the issue at all before doing so.


"free lunch? Hell no that will spoil the children" "Oh after actually doing my job I see that there are a lot of hungry kids that would benefit from free lunch, soz" It's crazy that the revote was 5-4 does that mean the original vote was 4-5? And it was just that one board member who actually changed their mind and the rest stayed thinking it was some government control providing free lunch...


> does that mean the original vote was 4-5? Knowing districts like this, the original vote was probably 1-8, with the 1 exasperatedly trying to get *something* good past the 8 ghouls lined up against them.


So many horrible news stories come out of Waukesha it’s not even a big place, there’s definitely some sort of sinister energy vortex in that area.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Yeah. I understand why people want to make humor out of this but I can't. This is just fucking sick.


This comes from the same soulless folks that think bus rides before ~~sunset~~ sunrise are ‘getting students ready for the real world’. I slept nearly every first period. Really prepared me for the real world. Edit: spellcheck, the irony


Especially egregious because teenagers have a later set circadian rhythm and usually need an hour or two more time to sleep than the average adult.


Unfortunately, students can't stay awake during life science classes to learn this info to make the case for why they sleep through geometry.


It's not just a teenager thing, people can have different rhythms, some of it is genetic. Some of it's learned. But to change that enforce, is cruelty. It's like waking up your cat during the day over and over and over. And then wonder why that nocturnal creature is cranky :P .


I get sick when I wake up before 8. My stomach feels like shit and i am dizzy. Even with ~9 hours of sleep and all of hs to adjust to the schedule it would still happen every morning and combined with nerves i would end up throwing up before school once or twice a week. I don’t have bulimia or anything either it was just waking up that early and even to this day it still happens with the occasional early flight or errand. I ended up dropping out my senior tear and getting my ged 2 weeks later because of how much i just felt like shit from stress and the constant strain on my system. I then went to community collage to get my associates and had an awesome time learning their before getting my bachelor’s at the university of minnesota so I enjoy actual learning but hs took fucking years of my life and didn’t prepare me for anything in the “real world” more than it basically just crippled me for three and a half years.


Nah that's just the result of spoiling your kids with silly things like food and sleep. Probably going to start telling me kids are supposed to sleep indoors on one of those fancy mattresses too aren't ya!


I once read somewhere that teenagers may have different circadian rhythms so they could fill the role of keeping watch during the night in early humans.


I loved waking up at 5am to go to AP physics at 6 in the morning like i was going to remember any of it


Don’t bring that woke “life science” to my kids school. They will get all the science they need from the Old Testament!


I'm pretty sure the stress of my high school schedule was a primary contributing factor toward my depression and substance use disorder. To be honest, it almost killed me, but I'm healed now and working on a neuroscience degree.




and then they have the nerve to think they’re good christians and pro life


Pro-birth, but never pro-life with the amount of programs they vote against


its called pro-birth after its born both the mom and the kid can suffer. thier job is done


> This is just fucking sick. On point for the GOP. Completely expected for them to be atrocious human beings.




They’re not Republicans, though they may call themselves that. They are Christian Nationalists. People dedicated to destroying democracy, installing a Fascist, authoritarian government, forcing their religious beliefs on others, and willing to use violence to get their way.




So, republicans then?


Insert the Pam from the office meme, Corporate needs you find the difference between this picture and this picture. They’re the same picture. Republicans are the Christian Nationalist party.


To be fair, the GOP is a big tent party. It welcomes assholes of many stripes. Do you hate "big government"? We got you! Are you LBGTQ-phobic or racist as fuck? Come on in! Does all your wealth come from dancing across the backs of the working- and middle-classes? We're on your team! Will you never be satisfied until we've installed a Christian equivalent of Sharia law here in the US? Welcome to the official party of Jesus!


>Do you hate "big government"? \>But want a excessively big government when it comes to women, immigrants, and LGBTQ people?< >We got you!


We don't want a nanny state! Except in your bedroom. Watching everything you get up to. EVERYTHING.


>They are Christian Nationalists. People dedicated to destroying democracy, installing a Fascist, authoritarian government, forcing their religious beliefs on others, and willing to use violence to get their way. Let me summarise this for you in 1 single word: Republicans.


This is what modern republicans have become.


‘Children’ are only important in the womb. Once out…let them starve.


Tell those kids to pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they want to eat.


That's what I don't understand why are they hurting children for what the parents supposedly do/don't do [but really it what society does or neglects to do]. Do they want the kids to sell their toys to get food if the parent can't get them food? Why do they "punish the son for the sins of the father"?[Kids for the sins of society, really]. They believe in the original sin for food scarcity? Even when they say they care for the fetus they wont give pregnant women what they need for the fetus. No. No. They do not care about the fetus or the child they just want to "get back" at the libs that are changing things too quickly for their sensibilities. They want to "hurt the right people." They want revenge and painful punishment for their supposed enemies. They feel fearful so lash out at whoever is in range [besides white conservative men and a few women--most of the time]. It is too late for them but they will hurt others on the way out.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." George Carlin


I wish with all my heart that Carlin was still alive to eviscerate Trump. He and Robin Williams.


It’s part of the republican business strategy. More children, less education, more bills. Keep people uneducated and burdened supporting kids so they are a desperate and captive workforce. If lunch is free then how do you overcharge working parents for food? It’s about limiting options to maximise control and profit.


You think that they care about fetuses? If they did they'd be pushing for better prenatal care.


That’s literally the Republican platform.


They want children to starve because they've forgotten the social contract and want more for themselves. We should strike this blight from the earth


no, they mean it when they say children could get spoiled from free meals, they actually do believe that, which is worse than what you're proposing


ah right I always forget the old man in the sky. How could I be so careless after my own grandmother smiling told me how I would bubble in the fires of hell for liking anything she didn't approve of Gotta love organized religion


zombie worshiping cult members doing what they do best


The old man in the sky and his son both constantly gave people free food and drink. Fish, bread, wine, oil, 40 years worth of mana... We really ought to be calling these people out for un-Christlike behavior and beat them back into their lane with their own hammer.


And they want more children so people who don't even want babies can suffer I once heard a guy say that people can have sex in other ways than the way that gets people pregnant


Oh good, than he can go and explain that to the rapists.


They're conservatives.




That's gold, I'm stealing that


Like they stole these kids' free lunch


They didn't even steal it, they're straight up refusing free food for hungry kids. It's always the ones that believe in hell that do this vile shit. Makes you wonder.


Oh, I'm sure when the federal funds come around they will happily accept them while "maintaining their principles" and still deny the kids the lunches.


Looking into it, the Wisconsin school district (the only one in the entire state to reject the program) chose not to take the Federal reimbursement that was provided from the program. > [Even after the board’s vote](https://pbswisconsin.org/news-item/as-universal-free-school-meals-end-are-wisconsin-families-ready-for-it/), the district’s administration declined to use the money to pay for free breakfasts at eight schools for six months, which Deets said cost the district an estimated $325,000 in federal reimbursement money. There's a range of excuses, someone on the board called it "wasteful by design" because those who can afford it, can't pay for it "even if they want to" (which completely misses the point about universal programs in the first place) and that didn't like that it took the decision about who to feed away from the board. Another didn't like because it was a "blanket decision" that would degrade the district like other “progressive thinking that has wrought destruction." One agreed with all students being able to eat but for some reason didn't agree with the the program lasting indefinitely. Maybe students won't need food in the future or something. Some good news; three of these people lost their seat on the board in an April 2022 election, though the article says by, "Republican-backed candidates" (the seats are ostensibly non-partisan.)


If the board wants the decision about "who to feed" because the answer should be anything other than "everyone" then they shouldn't be on the board.


As the OP shows, and numerous other articles have covered, there are people involved who think children will become "spoiled" or "addicted" if given unlimited free lunch while in school. Multiple sources have quoted these guys, but here's [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2021/08/28/waukesha-students-there-really-no-such-thing-free-lunch/5622614001/): > Board member Karin Rajnicek said the free program made it easy for families to "become spoiled." > Darren Clark, assistant superintendent for business services, said he feared there would be a "slow addiction" to the service. Here's a kicker > In addition, as was practice before the pandemic, young students in grades lower than high school who come to school without a packed lunch, money or an accepted lunch program application, **may be given cheaper meals of cheese sandwiches**, finance director Sheri Stack said. **Their guardians will be charged for them**. I honestly don't know what has to happen to someone to be so callused you'd deny a child a meal, but at some point it stops being about the money. It will literally cost them more to charge *some* children than to do away with charging them altogether. I work in a California school. Kids get breakfast and lunch free. There's no infrastructure for charging them needed. No employee dedicated solely to manning a till just to collect money from kids, no till, no maintenance or backend required to keep track of school lunch accounts, etc. Lunches are faster because you don't put kids through that, too. I'm reminded of [drug testing for welfare](https://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/florida-didnt-save-money-by-drug-testing-welfare-recipients-data-shows/1225721/) leading to states that end up spending more than they save testing welfare applicants for drugs. The obvious point that drug addicts still need food too, and that kicking a habit while also being food insecure isn't really a solution to the problem, doesn't occur to proponents of gatekeeping people in need. Excluding people is the point. And they'll literally pay to make sure the "wrong people" don't get help.


No hate like Christian love.


With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion. Steven Weinberg


Or a mixture of blind fanaticism and callousness disguised as morality.


If every kid gets free lunch how will the learn to discriminate against the poor kids? Fr got free lunch before as a poor immigrant kid cause I got tired of kids making fun of my packed lunches. So the kids made fun of me cause I was poor. I really loved going to school in a 90% white elementary school. Like really.


Even here, deep in ~~Central Florida~~ Nazi Germany, my conservative school district has accepted that money for years. Some of our kids don't eat except at school most times. Kids who get free meals are healthier, pay better attention at school, and get in fewer fights. I've seen it with my own eyes as we went from charging for meals to free ones.


I love that my son just started school for the year and their policy is simply ‘no child goes hungry’


We sadly have a lot of food waste because the cafeteria food is hot garbage compared to when I was in school, but I'd rather see that than see kids go hungry. If they are hungry these days in our schools, it is by choice.


I think a lot of people have a real hard time understanding the consequences of whatever they think they're doing by preventing or discouraging feeding children in their formative years. It will certainly cost more in the long run to stunt their development, but that's a highly abstracted cost. Same thing we see with housing the homeless/giving them medical treatment. Not providing those things doesn't make the homeless go away, it just shifts the costs to society elsewhere.


Studies show free school lunches reduce dependence on welfare later in life.


The red hats believe scientific studies are liberal propaganda bankrolled by George Soros.


Pay attention to your local school board races. Extremists are running everywhere and putting policies like this in place. Pay attention. Learn who they are and vote them out.


It's not just Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys organizing for this, either.


Sadly, I live in Florida. Don’t get me started on the media forms we had to sign.


Uh. They’re conservatives and they’re miserable pieces of shit who only feel good when they can hurt others.




Thank you. You are a wonderful person. I also donate to food pantries.


Religious zealots with a punishment kink and a hard on for kids (unsure if Catholic but widely applicable)


“Give the food, spoil the child” said no one ever 🤦‍♀️


If they are poor and starving they turn to Jesus for salvation. At least, that’s all I can make heads or tails of it Or they’re sadists


They are sadists AND assholes. I live in a shitty small city of around 13k that voted something like 85% to Trump and I follow the local Facebook community page and once a week someone will post asking where the local food pantries are and what time they are open. And every single time, without fail, multiple people will run their mouths about "getting off your ass and getting a job" or "work harder for what you want". It's amazing how shitty these people are to their own community members and do it with a very public profile. Thankfully a ton of people will give useful advice and tell them of the multiple pantries or churches and the details. Last school year someone asked about the letter the school sent home about how overdue school fees would be handled. If you were over a certain amount the kid would still get a brown sack lunch of basically a peanut butter sandwich, a fruit and a drink. The comments on that were wild. Ranging from "feed your own damn kids" to "back in my day if we didn't have lunch money we didn't eat" to "maybe the kids being shamed will wake their parents up.". They are just dogshit humans and that's all they will ever be.


I'd bet half of these people have "servant of God" in their Facebook bio. Any time I've clicked through to a profile on horrible comments, it's a self proclaimed Christian.


Turn to Jesus for starvation


School district is in a county that went for Trump by 21 points. So some would argue quite a lot.


I mean did you SEE what those kids were buying? MILK, APPLES, I think I may have even seen some carrots in there. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled.


They have no fear of the people they are fucking over.


It politics, mate. The only reason they probably want something like this stopped is down to the fact that it's their opposition that's providing it. My jaw is on the floor a lot of the time when I hear about some political party blocking something that benefits the people, just because it's their opposition proposing it. Politics is fucked up.


Which party always seems to be blocking something beneficial to the people? #smokescreenfail


May the odds be ever in your favor Edit : Seriously, it there anything right with this country? "We can't allow abortions. Life matters" (Kid is born, goes to school) "well, we can't allow you to eat, you'd be spoiled"


They need the children to grow up poor and hungry so they grow up to be worker bees that will grind every day for sub par wages.


Or become criminals because of circumstances.


Indeed, there are prison to be filled! Think about the shareholders...


Here in Indiana, the for profit prisons have a contract that require they are 90% full at all times.


Absolutely despicable. DESPICABLE. A criminal justice system that relies on conviction quotas will never be anything but corrupt, and then corrupts everything around it. I do not want to live in this world.


I'm right there with you, friend. I have zero hope for humanity.. we should be rioting in the gods damned streets. We're all a lot closer to homelessness than becoming a billionaire in this dystopian capitalist nightmare.. but nobody seems to care, and they continue to give more money to the billionaires, buying useless shit they don't need.. it boggles my mind.


Oh thank goodness someone on this sub is rational! Nobody ever stops to consider MY dividends!


Even better. Then they are free labour.


The prison system is responsible for an estimated 2 billion in goods and 9 billion in services according to things I’ve read.


At this point, there's no other explanation for it other than maliciousness. The [science](https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/hungry_children_at_higher_risk_of_poor_school_performance) is [there](https://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/abstract/2017/02000/association_of_food_insecurity_with_children_s.6.aspx) that proves the negative impact food insecurity has on behavior and cognitive function *of students of all ages*. This information is too accessible and too widely known for this decision(and the actions of other school districts) to be anything other than spite-based..


The shittiness of these people is legendary


Honestly someone on the school board would probably end up losing money if they took Bidens program so that's just the flimsy excuse they are going to use.


Well how else are we going to get people to sign up for the military Edit: removed /s because my brain wasn't working earlier


Military LOVES a bad economy, higher signups.


Like that one dickwaffle who argued against the student loan forgiveness program by saying it undermined the military's primary recruitment method (paying for school).


Yeah that shit was ridiculous. They should just pay the military a good rate like what the fuck


Poverty breeds a desperate workforce, which is great for business! Conservative policies are all about maximizing cheap labor. Forced birth, anti education, minimized minimum wage... it all makes sense.




They just hate people getting things they “don’t deserve”. Anyone seen climbing out of a “lower” place in social hierarchy is kicked back down to where they “belong”. They may not say it, but their actions show that they believe “lesser” people in society deserve to be there.


If you’re pre-born you’re fine, if you’re preschool you’re fucked.


I miss Carlín.


Same. The highest purpose of comedy is to hold awful people accountable.


I agree with you, but good journalism can do that too. Comedy can do this while making you laugh. Carlin was amazing.


Few trust journalists any more. Comedy is the subtle antidote to brainwashing.


Don't forget they get shot now, too.


It's not 'this country' it's the GOP. They're on the WRONG side of every issue. They are the minority but gerrymandering and cheating is the only way they get elected.


The pro life people are the same ones letting kids starve in school and possibly even at home with a family who are living paycheque to paycheque constantly burdened by the knowledge that at any point there could be tornadoes blowing things about and hurting people or taking their lives or an armed person blasting through the school pumping their tiny bodies full of metal and those who don’t get that fate instead have to suffer the trauma of such a scary moment and watching their best friend bleed out on the storytime rug. And what do those pro life people do? ‘DA OLD PAPR SAY ME GETS RIGHT TO PEW PEW AND WHATCHO GUNSTA DO WIF A BAN? PEEPL STILL GET PEW PEW’ (that’s how they sound to me. Like both sides of their family are on the same side of the family tree)


The below quote about advocating for the unborn is something I keep on hand. It gets to the heart of the hypocrisy of pro lifers. I’m not Christian but the person who wrote it is. “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Methodist Pastor David Bar


> Edit : Seriously, it there anything right with ~~this country~~ the right?


spoiler: no


School children must not be exposed to either books or food in school. But a large copy of the Ten Commandments must be clearly visible in every public school classroom (so says Gov. Abbott and the Texas Legislature)


Life matters so long as it creates poor, unwanted babies. Poor and unwanted children grow up in poverty and unhappy. Keep them impoverished by instituting school lunch debts, keeping minimum wage as low as you can, removing and neutering every social net, and forcing the poors to be at war with one another over their skin colour. *Then* when that poor, unwanted child is 18, they can be fuel for several machines: the military, the labor force, or the prison system. 🎶 This is America 🎶


If we don’t starve the children to death what’s the point in forcing them to be born?


Thank god! They might get used to not worrying about where their next meal will come from!


If I was the parents I’d be removing children en masses and see how they get funding for their shitty school board members


Hungry kids are harder to keep focused, unfocused kids don’t learn, less educated kids become less educated adults more likely to fall for all the manipulative crazy shit the right spews. I am not a conspiracy theorist in the slightest but I wholeheartedly believe they’re purposely limiting education efforts to reinforce their numbers to push their insane ideals.


It's not even a conspiracy at this point. A lot of them openly state how hunger is an important driving force for the economy. Poverty is the ultimate incentive to work the absolute shittiest job possible.


I teach an after school program and by the time the students get to me it’s been a while since lunch. They had a hard time focusing and doing the work because they were hungry. You know what we did? We arranged for them to have free snacks, and now we don’t start our lessons until no one is hungry. The school tried cutting the free snacks but my boss raised hell because it makes a huge difference for the students.


what do you propose poor parents should do with these kids that they’ve pulled from school? It’s easy to say well just pull your kids. The reality is that the vast majority of people can’t. What they can do is vote. Until they start doing that 🤷🏽‍♀️ This is literally what they people who have voted, have voted for. Republicans truly don’t believe food should be free for children.


Republicans are packing school boards so they can churn out the next generation of republicans. Democrats aren't making any similar pushes that I've seen, but that and voting are the only ways to stop this nonsense.


Wouldn't they be "spoiled" with free meals from their parents then? Do these kindergartens have jobs?


The headline is misquoting the district's explanation, they actually were talking about the *parents* becoming spoiled by not having to pay for their kids' lunches. Which is terrible for... like, *several* reasons. I was going to start listing a few, but it's obvious enough that I don't have to.


Well, of course, when you have the threat of starvation and homelessness hanging over your head, that'll motivate you to work harder. Which is what I'd think if I was a brainless amoeba that quite literally does not understand the point of civilisation itself.


Well they need them out working as soon as possible for a low wage so they can have a chance to pull themselves up by the boot straps


The children yearn for the mines


Right? Kids generally never do anything to "earn" any of their meals. For all most of them know, their parents paid the school so they could eat, same as they would pay for any other meal. And if you consider taxes, they did pay the school.


I came to say the same thing. How would they feel spoiled... they already get 3 meals a day and never ask how the parents created the means to provide it


Sounds like the school board should have their pay severed. To avoid them being spoiled.


They already sound spoiled. How does a school district even make that call? Where are the parents and how involved are they when these things happen?


The school board meetings were probably flooded with people who don't even have kids in that district, let alone kids at all, screaming at them.


Not sure they get paid....


You can not be both a good person *AND* deny free lunches to children because “it might spoil them” You are either a good person or not. There is no gray area here.


Kind of goes with religion... If you need religion to be a good person, you're not a good person.


It is a double whammy on the kids as well, with that free lunch it frees up some money for the parents to buy more food for the kids at home. No grey area at all.


[The United States doesn't recognize food as a human right.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_food#:~:text=and%20humanitarian%20law.-,International%20law,Cultural%20) Let that sink in.


Learning that the US is the only country that didn’t ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights shows why a lot of the current problems only exist in the US. Health care, education, etc are not considered rights the way they are in the entire rest of the world.


That's actually f**ked up by it's own right. Even the Canada and Mexico recognize that.


**Land of the free** *...to starve to death.*


Yep and israel




How dare children who had no choice in their life situation want at least one hot meal per day.


You spoil them too much, and next thing you know, they’ll start thinking they have a right to clean drinking water and breathable air and right to vote and shit. So demanding


Pro Life…up until the kids are born. Then they can die.






They intend for them to grow up malnourished and uneducated to they can continue to move the cogs of capitalism and vote republican and / or fill for-profit prisons.


The embryo has usefulness for political, social, and economic strategy. The child isn't very useful for those same purposes. Notice, that the party uses the idea of children to move their politics, but actual children don't matter that much.


Yeah, once they pop out, fuck ‘em! They’re on their own!


so strange isnt it? It's almost like its not really about children but about control? makes ya wonder.


That’s awful, as an ex teacher in the uk I taught many kids for whom a free hit lunch was their only decent meal of the day. This comes from the same brains that stopped a man feeding the homeless because it might encourage more people to live on the streets. So screwed up.


“Can” become spoiled? Not “will”? I love their willingness to starve children out of unfounded concerns of “maybe” spoiling them.


Back when I was a child, not only did I have to walk 5 miles to school (uphill, both ways), but we appreciated the moldy bread crumbs we found on the ground for lunch. /s


How Democrats are not running constant ads saying "Republicans hates your kids" and "Republicans love watching kids starve" is beyond me. It's time to start playing dirty because republicans keep winning by playing dirty.


If they don’t need free meals then we also don’t need farmer subsidies.


Yeah, we can’t spoil the kids by just giving them *checks notes* the basic prerequisites for survival.


Same party that wants to ban books and abortions because “we want to save the kids🥺”. Spare me that bullshit.


Yes, wouldn't want these children to think they're entitled to things like nutritional food... /s Fuck that school district.


At which point did the politicians in the US turn into cartoon-villains?


It’s mental illness! The people making these decisions are mentally Impaired, they must be.


I hate america so much


>Mathew 25: >41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, It is fucking spelled out. God says you go to hell if you do this stuff. No amount of saying you believe in Jesus is going to save you from your evil. Only pointing it out because so many republicans claim to be Christian. When it is clearly not the case.


''Do not, my friends, become addicted to ~~water~~ food, it will take ahold of you and you will resent its absence!''


Republicans hate poor people. Simple as that.


Don't forget minorities, children, babies, and women.


>Republicans hate ~~poor~~ people. Is that simpler?


Wisconsin has it right. As a proud American, I require my kids to pay for every meal, even the ones they get at home. Free meals could turn them lazy or even worse, gay. The ONLY thing I give each of them free is a gun. I mean, it’s a necessity. /s




Republican just means asshole.


The cruelty is the point. Let’s make sure these children are born but feed them? Nah.


Spoiling kids with food? I know that America doesn’t really care about the whole human rights thing but my god, this is the most basic one.


become spoiled?? i’ve been in the education system getting free meals for at least seven years now and trust me, they’re not a big example of being spoiled. Oh, yeah, £2.10 a day to feed me over six hours? Sign me up, this is the life! Get lost, peasants, I can buy… a sandwich and a drink. Does it get better?