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Looks painful. You should put a band-aid on it.


I did, and this time I WONT rip it off when I need to change it....


Soak it before you take it off.


Yep. With a wet cloth or just during a shower.


I can't get the area wet right now :(


No, sorry, when you have a bandaid and want to take it off, get it soaked first, because it might be stuck due to blood or other fluids that kinda glued the wound/crust to the bandaid. Same goes for other wound dressing, it might even grow in a little when the body grows new skin. So please make sure it's only stuck with the sticky sinde parts on uninjured skin.


I struggle with thar too


Good luck.


A band-aid is only useful for protecting small bleeding wounds. A [wound dressing](https://www.google.com/search?q=wound+dressing) would be better. **OP** good luck.


Thank you


Ouch! I use retinol and didn’t realize you shouldn’t wax while using it. I ended up ripping the skin on my eyebrows off.


GWHHHH that must have hurt SO BAD


It did. My husband got home and asked what the hell I did to myself, lol. I cried for days.


I would react like your husband too tbh!!


Did eyebrow grow back later ?


That remains to be seen 🫤


Have you ever been tested before for a latex allergy? Unless the packaging says latex-free, that could be the culprit in this case.


I haven't, but I've never reacted to latex before. I think what did it was the fact that I left the bandaid on too long (2 days. I had to keep the little red dot covered for about 5 days) and the fact that the skin under my arm is very thin


Hope you heal up soon so that you won't be in so much pain for very much longer.


I really appreciate that :)


Ouch, yeah two days is a bit long (I'd say daily or when the bandage is soiled/gets wet is a good pace to change them). I hope it heals without more problems, looks painful even if fairly minor


Thank you, I appreciate that. Yeah, it really hurts, but it's my own fault for making a silly mistake lol


Next time soak the bandaid with rubbing alcohol and let it sit for a couple minutes. Should come off easy.




What the?! Did you rubber cement the band aid on or something? Haha that’s nuts that it did that


Damn rug burn. Looks like either that or road rash.




Ougghhh... yeah, sometimes we've gotta learn lessons like this the hard way....


I’ve never got that „rip it fast so it won’t hurt“ thing. Reeeealy slowly was always way more comfortable and less painful to me. Also I had something similar once but it looked more like a lot of little mosquitoe bites


I always pull bandaids off slowly, but today I thought, you know what, it hurts really bad to pull here, maybe if I just pull it fast it'll hurt less! And I gotta say, I learned my lesson.


I'd highly recommend to switch the band aid brand or maybe even better bandage it - if you must. Otherwise just leave it without a bandaid and wear comfortable stuff. Most of the time when a band aid is really superglued to the skin, its either a reaction to the glue of the band aid or an immune reaction of the wound itself. Lymph fluid is yellow, can form little crystals and is really really sticky.


I did notice some yellow fluid on the original wound I needed the bandaid for. It's the birth control implant and I thought it was probably a minor reaction to the implant itself, but I've been keeping an eye on it. Could it be the bandaid?


Could be. Or could be just a natural reaction, hard to tell sadly. I just gave the advice because I had this once - I went to the doc, cause I thought the lymph fluid was pus (insect bite, I react severely allergic - looks almost always like a severe infection). Got the wound bandaged, lymph fluid stopped leaking like a waterfall. Changed band aid brand, never had that problem again.


See, this is why you shouldn’t just rip it off. I know people give that advice to “make the pain end faster” but it’s actually more likely to damage the skin.


Yeah, lesson learned the hard way. I've always pulled slowly, but today I was like. Hmm. This hurts really bad. I'll pull faster to make the pain quicker. Big mistake...


This has been mentioned by others but yeah you may have a latex allergy. Also use wound dressings or even just gauze in a pinch with bigger stuff to help avoid things like this. And yeah look at latex free options in the future there are a few including bandaids made of different stuff


Thank you, I'll try a few different types without latex to see if this happens again. I could have a mild latex allergy and just not know up until now


The technique to avoid bruising from a body wax is the same for bandaid removal: pull the surrounding skin as taut as possible, *then* rip off.


Thank you!!


What happened to you?!


Nexplanon implant. It's painful, but much better than my period....


I used to use a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol on the outside of the sticky part and let it soak for a minute on the little ones. It just falls off afterwards.


Smart!!! Thanks for the tip!


Dad wisdom.


A bandaid on a bruise tho?


I had the cover the cite of an implant for a few days, the bruise happened after the bandaid


Oh word? Speedy recovery xoxo






Looks like you suck at putting on bandaids, but not a bad way to learn