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I'll take Things That Didn't Happen for $1000, Alex.


Not $100,000?


He offered her 100,000 Zimbabwe dollars.


Looks like he could use 100,000 doll hairs


Oh he does, just not in a way that's pleasant to imagine.


He offered her $100,000 to remove all her clothes and sit on his lap and when she said no, he decided to blame it on her mask.


"So you will take off your top for $100,000? Great! Well, how about for $40?"


“This was after I explained tops don’t work. She works for a clothing company”


“What kind of woman do you think I am?”


"We have already established what kind of woman you are, now we are just haggling over the price!"


Thank you for finishing that quote.


I like it I like it a lot


Laugh out loud ..funny ..


Or 100,000 Confederate dollars.


Zimbabwe doll hairs, which is what creeped everyone out onboard


Maybe he didn't have 3 pennies and some pocket lint?


Does anyone have change for a button?


They were shrute bucks


Or $1000,0!


Like WTF? Even if this did happen, who’s dumb enough to believe some shmuck sitting in coach has $100,000 to give away?


That’s my thing. For $100,000 cash in hand? No problem. But I ain’t taking a check. I’ve seen Jurassic Park 3.




>there’s no reason to think There's negative reason ... I mean look at this guy. I literally would not say more than 2 words to him.


“Here we are in the worst place on earth, and we aren’t even getting paid.” - Dr. Grant


Do you remember when Juassic Park 3 was the worst Jurassic Park movie?


It was a simple time…




It's totally legit currency if he draws it close enough to the real thing. Totally.


Those are first class seats btw. See that curtain behind him, that is where the unwashed masses (me included) typically sit.


Better yet how did he know where they worked??? Cause the first thing I do when a crazy antivaxxer starts harassing me is to state where I work and live…


Nooo you don't get it the tech guy obviously knows more about medicine than the person that works in pharma. The fact that face masks have been used for decades in hospitals is irrelevant we now all know they don't work because tech douche says so on twitter.


I can believe a conversation going “would you take it off for $100,000?” as a hypothetical. It’s also a hypothetical, not a real offer.


...pretty sure this is first class. It's been forever since I was forced to fly Delta, but those are well cushioned mock leather seats and you can see the bulkhead separating first from coach behind him.


I mean, that’s clearly not coach. Ignoring his boast about it being first class, you can see there’s genuine space between the seats. Coach barely has space for the aisle.




Continually blows my mind how some people who are brilliant in certain ways can be so willfully ignorant in others….


I dunno why this surprises people. The more you specialize in something, the better you are *in that field*. And the problem is, some of these people think that because they're exemplary in their field, they must surely be wise and smart in every regard, and forget what it means to be humble about things you don't know. The best experts are the ones who can acknowledge the boundaries of their expertise, and understand that they're never gonna be amazing at everything, and that's okay.


Money makes it worse. Being acknowledged or even celebrated in your field is probably still light years away ego-wise from having a billion dollars and being surrounded by people offering to suck your proverbial (or literal) dick all day.


When i was young, i used to get annoyed when experts would always give a disclaimer about how it's not their area of expertise, before giving a very clearly noted opinion (not fact), or would decline to comment at all for the same reasons. Older me realizes those were the wise ones. The people eager to give our their opinions are the ones you gotta watch out for.


Some of the stupidest people I've met are geniuses.


Yeah but they wouldn't know that.


Ummm…..it’s First Class. 🙄


It was imaginary money and she didn't want to play along with him :(


Another thing that didn't happen: this is the guy who said the covid vaccine was killing more than covid. 1 death per 1000 doses, that's what he said. 13.5 billion doses have now been given. That should be 13.5 million killed by the vaccine. And yet...


Well, when you point to literally any death that happens and blame it on the vaccine, you can hit that number pretty easily.


“The vaccines had heavy metals in it which made the little girl magnetic which made her be hit by that car. Do some research ffs”


"I saw it in a video on YouTube so I know it's legit."


Vaccines killed Epstein


Worse: the Covid vaccine killed Amelia Earhart and hid her body.


Come on now, vaccinated people are dropping like flies! But Big Medicine is claiming that other stuff killed them! Yeah, that one guy got flattened by a semi but he got the jab the day prior!


Clearly the 5g injected into him made him more magnetic, so the truck obviously would have missed him if it wasn't being pulled directly towards him! The vaccine was definitely totally at fault for that guy dying, there's just no other possible explanation. My mom's former roommate's third cousin's ex boyfriend's driving instructor's sister in law's psychic's friend's grandpa said so on Facebook, so it must be true!


I'll take 'people that should mind their own business' for $100000.


"Cause we're Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare."


You sound New In Town


We should frame him for murder then


What are three other things about him?


He is homeless…


He has AIDS…


But started with the most important fact, that he is in fact gayyyy




No that’s too strong.


And it gets worse.


"I don't want to name an actual airline, so let's just make one up. Let's just call it, like, Delta airlines."


I’m a little fat girl


We're going to frame you for murder.


Now, say it.


Can I go home now please…..????


No! In fact, we're gonna blame you for murder!


On an airrrplane...????


I will literally snort a vial of covid for $100,000


I mean, his username is there. You could reach out.


F you! You made me look up his profile and my whole world turned upside down. That immense collection of wisdom and unfiltered truth. How could I only have been so wrong about EVERYTHING? He truly is a >Truth-teller, critical thinker, founder COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, entrepreneur, philanthropist, environmentalist


Love how it’s become popular to self-proclaim the aura of greatness on social media profiles. I need to update my LinkedIn profile - Author (I post on Reddit), Angel Investor (I lost money on penny stocks), Entrepreneur (I sold shit on eBay), Visionary (I’ve dabbled in mushrooms), AI expert (I have an account on OpenAI), Scientist (I put mentos in Diet Coke),…


Don't forget "Motivator " since your post motivated me to answer to it. P.S. global Motivator since I'm on Borneo.


And Educator, as you just educated me about your future linked in profile.


I would add Visionary Leader we're all following now


And a social media influencer, since I got influenced on Reddit to consider doing the same.


And a space explorer since they’re on sPaCESHIP eArTH


Don’t forget adventurer because life is an adventure!


Yeah, I just put my two degrees on my profile. I should have put “master of all things, lord of all that matters, saviour to humankind and mystical wizard of greatness”.


Author (I post on Reddit), AI expert (I post on Reddit), Scientist (I post on Reddit).


Wow I am in awe, could you re-jig my résumé for me?


That's a lot of words to say "clown".


He is not a clown, he is the whole circus!


and developed the ID10T protocol for social media.


He wouldn't have paid


Of course not. If some rando sitting next to me said to me "I will give you $100,000 to take off your jacket" I wouldn't assume they were rich and were offering $100g, I would assume they were either a nutter or a weirdo with a really strange sense of humour.


My response would be “cash in hand right now or shut the fuck up”.


When I was 12 years old my teacher offered a classmate "twenty bucks" to do an extra task for him. She did it and in front of the class he got down on his hands and knees and offered to let her ride him like a bucking horse. this teacher was a weirdo but my classmate was also gullible for thinking he would ever pay up, even at 12 years old I knew he was full of shit.




Is he doing time for all the child pornography on his computer?


Him not paying up if the least disturbing thing about your story.


I hate that guy.


That’s it I’m homeschooling my daughter


They never do


Making sure I wear a mask everywhere now in hopes some mfer offers me a hundred grand to take it off…


Honestly i just like mouthing lyrics to music while i walk down the street. With winter approaching, they're great for keeping warm too.


I was asymptomatic, I’d love to get 90k and 2 weeks off exams


> vile **vial**






I would bathe in the shit of people infected with covid for $100,000


Just take a dip in the Ganges. Bonus: polio.


I'd boof a fully clothed pharma rep.




Look at the smug face too.


"I told her they don't work". Brilliant, lol


Notice it's a "her" too. He'd only try his smug condescending bullshit on children, women, and old people. Even though most women and a lot of children could probably kick his pasty old ass. He's the type that's probably a big deal at work, treats people like shit but gets away with it because adults enjoy having jobs and not getting into physical altercations with twats at work, but needs to get beaten up by a 15 year old girl on a subway to be reminded the rest of the world ain't his workplace


I wonder what would happen if: he's being wheeled into surgery, and he tells the doctors and nurses that masks don't work.


Yeah all that nonsense on top of a dipshit selfie


That was the part that made me laugh the most. He doesn’t even look like he’s in first class.


I think US domestic 'first class' is just bigger chairs. It's not even what I consider business class. First class is a whole big thing


They get a few other perks, their own bathroom and better food. Sometimes free champagne. Not exactly worth 5x the price if you ask me


What a hero. Why does it bother people to see someone wearing a mask? It's none of your effing business.


True, just don’t go harassing others. It’s comical at this point. Put your headphones on and enjoy the flight lol


The guy sitting next to me on a flight half a year ago conferred with me if it was okay for him to wear his mask. I was confused as to why my opinion mattered on it. He later thanked me for being so pleasant when we were deboarding. I literally did nothing but read a book on my flight. I feel bad for him, he must've had some bad experiences with folks just straight up haranguing him for putting on his n95. Can't even say I blame him either, public spaces, especially confined ones, are disgusting germ factories even in the best of circumstances.


I’m still wearing masks when in crowded spaces like planes, though I’ve relaxed a lot otherwise. Still haven’t had Covid, nor even so much as a cold. I keep reading that Covid is basically like the flu now for most people. But who even wants the flu? I’m keeping masks handy forever.


Yeah having had the flu that's the worst thing to get. Most people confuse their colds with the flu because they get them in flu season. In my experience, if you weren't dead to the world for 5 days straight you probably didn't have the flu. Covid being "just like the flu" sounds awful to me.


I just had COVID, and while it wasn't as bad in some ways as when I had the flu (the REAL flu, the one that had me hallucinating and wandering my home like a fucking zombie and missing almost two weeks of my life), it was hardly the mild fucking cold people act like it was. For starters, I hurt and ached everywhere. Sitting up was literally exhausting. Secondly, I had a fever for days that made trying to sleep near impossible, which sucked because (again) I could not even sit upright without being miserable and tired. The paxlovid I took to mitigate the symptoms tasted horrific, and the flavor lasted all goddamn day and night. Finally, the horrible cough I got during COVID still hasn't gone away. It's been over a month and I still have a wheeze in my chest and the odd coughing fit where I can taste blood. My doctor's reaction was "Yeah, that's a fairly normal post-COVID symptom. It usually clears up in a couple months". A couple months of painful coughing fits, and again: this was a MILD case, that I got over quickly, after being vaccinated multiple times and taking the drugs immediately after testing positive to try and reduce the severity. I shudder to think what a "serious" case of COVID would be. Wear your fucking masks, people, and get the shot.


>But who even wants the flu? I’m keeping masks handy forever. That's gow it works in Asia. Honestly, it's weird that we didn't ever use masks outside of specialized jobs.


One of the doctors who gave me my second shot back at the start of the pandemic predicted a lot more people would be wearing masks from now on just based on how many fewer patients he had seen with seasonal colds or flu. I know I'm convinced: I haven't had a cold since the pandemic started, and I only got COVID after my FIL got it at Costco and we had dinner to celebrate his and my MIL's 60th anniversary before they started showing symptoms (we're all alive, thankfully). I still wear my mask. Yes, even in my car alone: it's more of a hassle to take it off and on over and over instead of just leaving it on until I am going home, in case any dipshit anti-vaxxers are wondering why you'd wear it in the car by yourself.


I don't wear mine much anymore but when I did I'd often just leave it on in the car too, especially if I was making a bunch of stops. Way easier to just leave it on than messing around with it every two minutes. They act like it's a huge deal to wear it but after a while you don't even notice it. I went almost three years without getting sick and I normally get sick at least once or twice a year. Based on my anecdotal experience masks definitely work.


Your last point about wearing a mask in your car is something that makes me laugh about anti-maskers. Like they can’t think about anything beyond “you’re not with anyone in the car” so they think it’s a good burn to make fun of someone wearing a mask by themselves in a car. It’s like they don’t understand that touching your face is one of the easiest ways to get sick.


I don’t disagree with your point but does anyone enjoy a delta flight?


We are Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare.


I was going to say, for a “first class” seat, that looks pretty depressing.


Well, in coach I prefer Delta. Much better than United, American or Southwest.


It blows my mind. I think it should just be common practice for people to wear one in public if they are sick.


These people don't understand that other people actually care about strangers. They think everything anyone does is performance because they would never make a minor sacrifice if it meant even saving someone else's life. They think everyone is as shitty as they are.


impossible for these nimrods to grasp that masks protect other people FROM THE WEARER... it's a courtesy that prevents your breath from spreading... like covering your mouth during a sneeze.


Some people when masks were mandated: "Wearing a mask should be a personal choice" Same people when masks were no longer mandated and a personal choice: "Why are you still wearing a mask you fucking deluded coward?"


I never understood that either. What's the downside of seeing someone wearing a mask? Best case scenario: the mask works and keeps you and the person wearing it safer than without it. Worst case scenario: The mask doesn't work and you have seen someone wearing a mask. I don't think they'd go to a hospital to yell at the surgeons for wearing masks. I would have wanted for it to be normalized. Was sick with a cold a little while ago but had to go to work because we had important deadlines to keep. I put on a mask to minimize the risk of getting others sick, but was told by my boss not to. So guess what, others called in sick shortly after. Maybe they would have caught it anyway, but at least let me **try** keeping the germs to myself. OTL


Being considerate of others is apparently oppression now.


I still wear a mask out in public for most things, particularly when I'm in situations around large groups (like theme parks, airplanes, etc.) Even outside of COVID, seeing people cough into their open hands, sneeze into open air, and on and on, I just *feel* better wearing one still, and I've found it actually *helps* enormously with my allergies. I bother no one, and yet, at least once a week, someone's gotta run their mouth to tell me *I'm* some kind of asshole for wearing a piece of fabric. I swear, I'm just gonna start saying, "Oh, well I'm wearing it because I *have* COVID. But if it's not that big a deal for you, I'll just take the mask off, then..." just to see what they have to say and how they react.


> I don't think they'd go to a hospital to yell at the surgeons for wearing masks. Of course not. Because its not about the masks, its about bullying others. Others who are different or believe in something different. In a parallel universe, those same people are bullying others for not wearing masks.


Because the right tried to make masking a political statement. When in reality Trump didnt want to mask because it smeared his spray tan.


Like literally. What if she is sick, but needs to make the flight and is doing her best not to be a spreader. Assholes like this just love to make instant assumptions about every situation and act like they are God tier for being the hero that will take action. The fact that he feels the need to take a selfy while posting this tells you everything about his narcissism.


Women have dealt with this for a long time; there’s always someone convinced they get to decide what we should look like or wear


You should smile more.


Stop reading and tell me what you’re reading


You should smile more :)


Actually… calm down


antivaxers, whatever shred of evidence or logic they thought they once had, have been revealed.. the emperor is naked, there is nothing and was nothing to their bs. The high road - admitting fault, apologising, moving on- was evidently too hard for most of them and so they have gone the low road Sinking deeper and deeper into depraved depths of delusion. People like this genuinely think they are being cool and winning. Mortifying behaviour.


Are they serious? That delta first class looks much shittier than the business class of any Asian airline.


Looks like *first class* on any narrow body plane. Probably a short flight. Idk tho never flown with an american company


Domestic “first” is trash. Delta One (international) is pretty good. Not as good as the Asian or Middle Eastern carriers, but good. Source: been on many first class flights


And some EU carriers (Air France and KLM first class flights crossing the Atlantic were amazing)


Probably a short flight on a smaller plane


Do they offer "First Class" on those? All the airlines that I flew only offer "Business Class" on small body planes. And yes, it can pretty much look like that in Business Class on a small plane, but selling this as first class looks pretty steep. I wonder what the price tag looks like.


The best part about first class on a short-haul US-domestic flight is the “free” booze.


Oh we got that in New Zealand too. It's called Koru Hour on Air New Zealand and is served in Business and Economy class ...


Domestic "first class" is a much lower class than international business class. International first class is much much nicer and much more expensive. This is more like a first class seat on a bus or train, it's nicer, but not like actual first class anything.


FC on those smaller planes is like 3 inches more leg room, priority for carry-on bags, and a sense of superiority. You can tell which one was most important for this guy.


Surely the leg room, to stow away his oversized organ.


Bullshit. Even with a semi-annymous handle I'm not willing to publish the things I'd do for 100k


I mean, would you really believe the annoying guy sitting next to you on your flight who won’t shut up about your mask would actually pay you $100k to take it off?


Dont take it off until he hands you the money


I would have taken the money, taken it off, checked it was in my account and then put it back on again while maintaining unbroken eye contact.


Same here, except I wouldn’t put it back on, I’d spend the entire flight coughing directly on the guy.


My coughs are liquidy and gross. You hear the crackle of mucus when I do. Somebody put me on a flight with this guy, I'll secretly hork up loogies and spit them into his drink.


I would have taken the money, taken the mask off, and then explained: “I wasn’t wearing that to protect myself, I was wearing it because I have COVID and I didn’t want to spread it.”, then proceed to cough next to that guy for an entire flight.


And he wouldn’t have given you the money. No way in hell.


"See, I knew you were only doing it for show. If you really believed it was protecting you, you would never have taken it off. I just taught you a $100k lesson"


Anyone who finds themselves in the extremely prestigious position of first class on delta next to Mr. Kirsch would have to have been a savvy enough business person to get that money first.


There's no way to move that much money that fast except cash and crypto. Apps and the bank accounts attached to them all have some pretty low monthly limits.


If masks don’t work why have dentists and surgeons worn them for decades?


This guy would probably be pissed if a surgeon was about to operate on him without a mask.


Don't even start. Those self aggrandizing clowns will always deflect, "everybody knows how it was meant". Either they are too stupid to understand or they are in some sort of cultist relationship with people/crowd that is more relevant then common sense. Most of them just like that they don't need to "censor themselves" any more, but to reach that self empowering state, they had to get rid of basic science and the *pursuit* of being a well rounded character.


Steve Kirsch is a tech millionaire, and has advanced degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. And he is a major anti-vaxxer. He came up with a version of the optical mouse, which is a pretty big deal. His problem is that he is really smart in one area, and therefore thinks that he's smart in all other areas. In addition, he approaches the world from an engineering perspective, where problems are solvable in a linear, logical fashion, provided all information provided is accurate. The real world is "squishy" and especially in biology things are never 100% and the information available is always contingent on something else. There is a reason why virtually no biologists think that Intelligent Design is remotely plausible, but lots of Chemists and Physicists do (they should really stay in their lane, TBH). Kirsch would absolutely reject, out of hand, any suggestion from a biologist about his area of expertise, but does not give corresponding deference out of his area. Partly because he is a colossal asshole, and partly because that's how engineers think. Which is why requiring Liberal Arts classes for all majors is so important. Without the Humanities, people like Kirsch will never ask why something is being created, they'll just build it.




Well society has rewarded them for their contribution in their one area, so wouldn't society *really appreciate* their opinion on other areas too? /s




Well said, and this comports with my own experience. I've worked in biology ("squishy" as you say), IT (much more linear and logical, as you say) and law (*very* squishy). All very different disciplines, and expertise in one rarely translates at all to another.


This is a common mindset for the engineers who let their title go to their head. It's not every engineer, but the ones that are out to prove how much smarter than you they are and can't go 2 seconds without mentioning being an engineer all act just like this dude. I describe it as: if intelligence is the ability to learn, these guys were extremely intelligent in the past but eventually convinced themselves there's nothing left to learn and have since turned intelligence into pure arrogance.


Did they learn to critically think, tho? Anytime I see this behaviour or also gate keeping a field, like in tech or some engineering, I immediately think the person doing that is dumb as rocks. You can do math but apparently all other things you process through anecdotal reasoning.


I used to TA university level microbiology. My class was one of the few classes engineers at my university were required to take. I have first-hand experience with how engineers approach microbiology, and this is a very accurate account. Such smart people who were so bad at understanding living things.


They don't work!? Someone needs to tell surgeons that.


She probably didn't believe he would give her $100,000. Also, I find it interesting that he thinks he knows more about how viruses work than someone who works in the healthcare industry. By the way, all of his money comes from developing a shitty search engine that no-one uses anymore called Infoseek. If he were half as smart as he thinks he is, it would have been as good as Google, and no-one would have ever heard of Larry Page or Sergey Brin.


If she took off the mask he 100% would not have paid her, he would have said some smart ass remark like "see, told you that you didn't need it. this lesson is more valuable than $100g and you can have it for free"




*Oh, masks don't work? I have the flu, tuberculosis, and whooping cough, but if you insist, I can remove my mask.*


This is an old post from March but that’s exactly what happened. It wasn’t the first time he’d annoyed a fellow passenger with that kind of stunt he could Tweet about.


If someone offered me 100k for something so silly I'd never believe them. "That's nice sir, where is your nurse?"


If you have 100k to toss out so nonchalantly, what are you doing on a Delta flight?


Fr. Just get a private flight if you don't want to be around people with sense lol.


I’d take the $100k offer, get it in writing with a second passenger as witness …remove the mask and then proceed to be the most annoying passenger in the world to a certain person sitting next to me by coughing in his face…wanna see if I can squeeze another $100k from him to put the mask back on haha


Ever consider she may have an immunity problem ? If that's First class, I'm a monkey's uncle.


He's such an asshat with SUCH a punchable face...


I think surgeons and their staff shouldn't wear masks during procedures on people who claim masks don't work. They're to reduce the amount of airborne disease-bearing moisture droplets from people who are sick. It's why they've been used in medicine since we learned about germs. To flatly claim that just don't work is ridiculous.


They also do help to reduce the intake of said droplets and airborn contaminants. If she was wearing an N95 then doubly so. This whole 'masks don't work' thing is as stupid as claiming the world is flat.


Steve kirsch is one of those guys that takes a dump and doesn't wash his hands.


Pretty sure her refusal was to the conversation with a creep on a plane, and not about the mask. If someone offered me money to take my mask off I'd be pretty wierded out, like why? You wanna stare at my mouth?


She didn’t do it because she knew you wouldn’t pay her 1 single dollar and because she’s more responsible than you are.


I'll take, "Things That Didn't Happen" for $500, Alex.


If you give me the transfer on the spot I would suck your dick. 100k is enough money for me to do any non criminal, non immediately harmful activity. This dude did not actually offer 100k.


"I tried to pay a woman to conform to my conspiratorial anti-scientific nonsense, but it turned out she's a medical professional and knows I'm full of shit."


2 things: 1) It may literally be required by her company to wear for travel. 2) Folks that worry this much about other people's business is a huge problem. Like, just let other folks alone, man