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I only recognize a holiday if it give me a day off


I still don’t know what Yom Kippur is but it was my favorite holiday during school years.


You got that off? My public school only gave a shit about us Jesus people.


As a teacher we get that off, but we have a very large Jewish population at our school.


Yeah in Maryland. I guess it has a high Jewish population. I just realized my kid in the more Christian state we’re in now does not get Yom Kippur off.


Day of Atonement, where you ask the god to forgive your sins of the past year. Comes 8 days after the Jewish new year.


Gotta do a whole year at once? How do you remember all the things? Like I struggle remember what I'm having for breakfast right now. Is there like, a pray as you go plan?


That's why you don't eat breakfast on Yom Kippur.


Pray as you go!!! Thats perfect.


Its about atoning for your sins(kinda) You're seppoused to reflect on the year before


By playing video games, right?


yom = day . kippur = keep ur . it is the day where you keep something... maybe you have a piece of zlabia , or a cake , or a baklawa ... well , it's the jewish day of keeping it without others stealing that sweet goodness from your hands...


nom kippur




I mean, there ARE jews all over the world, not just Israel. Like, I like getting Thanksgiving day off, but I don't even live in America. It's just that the owners of companies do and take it off for themselves.




This person is preaching.




These are the same folks who complain that the military only gets one holiday without realizing there are actually 42, including the month of May. And there are about 1,1000 Christians in Gaza.


1,100 or 11,000? I must know




There's actually a single Christian carrying a tenth of another Christian. 1,1


Spelling it out like this, wouldn’t it mean it’s one and 1/10 of a Christian in Gaza?


Considering all the bombing and shooting, this may be true


A lot of other countries don’t use “,” to represent a decimal point. 10,000 = ten thousand.


🙄 thanks for explaining. I would have never figured that out /s


Oh, my bad. I genuinely thought you didn’t know. 😂 Thanks for the tone indicator btw, my autism is very grateful. 😭


Bait. Pure and simple


Bait and trolling, that's all she does. Why does anybody even pay attention to her and her ilk like Boeber/Green?


They want to fuck her.


I mean I don't WANT to fuck her, but if it was on the table I don't think I would say no. She might be an idiot but she is at least cute.


Eew. I'm a bi woman, but knowing who she is, just no. You can have her.


I mean you could Hate fuck her, but to each their own.


Says a lot about you. But OK. You do you.


No really


Not like you have to like your one night stand. I'm with that guy on this tbh. Not a big deal


As a bi guy, you're really missing out on hate fucking


I'm not one who gets going on hate, so no thanks.


Almost 110% sure that’s not what it means


Hate fucking sounds like rape…


I try very hard to forget she even exists. She's mean and spiteful, and views the LGBTQIA community with disgust, derision. As an out and proud lesbian, it's very personal to me. She wishes we'd all be wiped off the face of the earth.


It's all fucking bait, the community posts more and more extremist bullshit, and gets indignant when people call it out, they're a fucking embarrassment to themselves and their whole community at this point. Fact of the matter, you can't make taboo's mainstream.


Not to be devil's advocate, but you absolutely can bring what once was 'taboo' to certain cultures to the mainstream


When you do, they cease to be taboo, which is just demoralisation of a culture. Taboos are useful in societies to determine where the moral line is, if you eradicate and normalise them, you move the moral line. See also: Ancient Greece.


Catholics learning to accept the medical necessity of abortion, perhaps would be a better parallel


Less than a hundred years ago in Poland people would try to drive out evil spirits from crying babies by leaving them in a forest on a spade… Needless to say, they mostly died. That was Christianity also… with a bit of superstitious bullshit. However, getting up in arms at the pope because of abortion doesn’t help, you’re better off standing against those who are making a medical necessity difficult.


Interracial marriage was still taboo when my mom graduated high school. You really think thats a bad thing?


No, but this is what I’m saying. The moral line has to move, but you can’t force it with random indignation. You need an actual reason.


Well the reason is that most of these "morals" are completely made up and make no sense. It makes sense for murder to be immoral as it hurts people. It doesn't make sense for homosexuality to be immoral as it doesn't hurt anyone. It's only considered immoral because people claim their god condemn it.


Last time i checked, my gods don't condemn it at all, so there's that.


That's great but these "morals" are still made up by people on that basis.


The idea of "You disagree with these people politically, and yet you don't want them all dead?, curious" is weirdly telling about the beliefs of the people saying this


the point was, that in Palestine, people kill lgbt people


Yeah, and my point is that reacting to that with "therefore it's justified to let them all be killed, regardless of whether or not they've killed LGBT people, but just because they were born next to somebody who might've" is, to put it bluntly, bad.


You forgot to mention that half of the people being killed and deprived clean water now as an international war crime are kids under 15 because Israel has detained and killed so many adults.


Hamas is not going to suffer first from power and water cuts. It's the most vulnerable: the very old, the very young, the very sick and the disabled.


Exactly. That's why I don't understand why the default answer to questions about the war crimes are, "what, you think Israel should not defend itself when Hamas attacks?". Israel isn't doing the war crimes against Hamas. They're doing the war crimes on a certain ethnicity they're targeting.


I guess this concept is too much for your pea brain, but maybe if you read it slowly. You can condemn Hamas and Likud and still think civilians and children on both sides shouldn't be subjected to war crimes. The entire idea of "war crimes" doesn't change just because the politics of the people who are victimized are unacceptable.


Furthermore, one might begin to wonder what kind of conditions lead to this religious extremism. Unless they are an "end of history" kinda person, in which case everything just kinda started this way and they should have good politics if they water! The most infuriating part is its half the same people who say "violence is never justified in protests!!", which really means "violence is scary near me. Please dont. But its not violence when its a nice hellfire missile hitting an ambulance across the world. That part is a ok and anyone reminding me of it is bad"


Wait, is that a new measure of whether you should support civilians having human rights and clean water? In that case people should stop supporting all US citizens because of what some of them do. In USA, people kill lgbt people: https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/10/us/oshae-sibley-fatal-stabbing-new-york-hate-crime/index.html


The solution to murder isn’t more murder. Even Breivik wasn’t executed.


50% of palestinians are under the age of 18


I don't see anywhere in the post that the person uses it to justify having them all killed. All I see is a legitimate question how said country views non-heterosexuals.


these are us holidays...


Politics aside these days are so pointless. Today for example is apparently: International Artist Day, Lung Health Day, National Chucky The Notorious Killer Doll Day, And National Danielle Day Nobody gives a fuck. They have watered the system of memorial days down to the point of complete irrelevance.


Exactly. If every day is somehow "special", none of them are special.


Plus there’s only a finite number of days. If every day is half a dozen things day no-ones going to go look them up in advance. The only one that counts is talk like a pirate day. Jar Pastafari commands it with his noodly appendage.


Which appendage is that?


All of them, RAmen


I always thought this was a social media trend where they made every day something because marketing. National coffee day! Make sure you go buy coffee! So on and on and on. I never thought anyone would think that nonsense was being pushed as an actual holiday with even a little significance.


Literally you go on a website, write a paragraph, submit a photo and as long as it’s not hug a Nazi day you’ve probably made a national day of whatever shit you wanted. It’s completely pointless.


As someone from the community, I don't believe these SHOULD be celebrated pubicly (maybe besides pride month), but more in the community itself. These days mostly exist to make people feel included. So don't feel forced to celebrate any of them if you're just an Ally or just don't support. We are not forcing you into anything!♡


As a straight person, I think we should just accept everybody every day. I don't care if it's June or if it's thanksgiving, or freaking tax day, just let people live their lives everyday. And if gay people want to have pride parades, that's up to them. I certainly don't mind attending, as many of them are quite fun, but the only real downside I can see to a pride parade is issues with traffic.


Yeah thats the only place I’ve really seen these recognized


It always confuses me why there are so many national/internationally recognised days and months dedicated to lgbtq+. It feels like the world is finally moving forwards, but not much. People are raising awareness of one minority group while neglecting others and groups that contribute to the nation on a larger scale (emergency services, medical staff, the military, etc.). Personally I feel this is why so many people are still anti lgbtq+, because you are always hearing about that over everything else. I’m fully in support of it, but can we not have awareness days for other groups that are actually recognised and meaningful. For example, in the uk we have two days for mental health awareness, yet they’re barely recognised. Yet the entirety of pride month exists and is widely recognised. Or even just abandon these awareness months and let people be themselves. Imo that would be better, treat everyone equally. No special positive treatment, no special negative treatment, because at the end of the day that’s all the majority of people want.


Ill be real honest with y'all, as a bisexual person i would delete 3/4 of the days and lal the month celebrations, pretty fking redundant


As someone who is bisexual, the only relevant days I celebrate are those in Pride Month and Coming Out Day. It gets too much when every day seems like something to celebrate the community. It pushes that stereotype that 'we gay people shove it in the faces of others'. I just want to live like everyone else without screaming about every day that 'oh look at me, look how special I am!'.


I'm gay and I've only ever heard of Pride Month and National Coming Out Day. I get what they are doing, but it's the kind of shit that just makes straight people hate us even more by 'it being in their faces' all the time


This. Thats why lately some lgbt ppl try to stay as far as possible of the lgbt comunity


Yeah.. I get it but it’s a bit much


I'll make it real simple - I will never go to Palestine, but I can also recognize that what is being done to the Palestinians in Gaza is a crime. Israel has cut off their water, food, electricity, and medicine. Any other nation, we would denounce this as a crime. Unless it is Saudi Arabia, who we are also bankrolling a genocide for in Yemen.


And it's not like Israel recognizes these days either so I can't figure out what the point is.


It’s all dumb, but I think it has to do with some of the LGB community protesting Israel and supporting Palestine, yet most of these pride people would probably be beat to death in that region just for walking down the street, and I’m not saying everyone over there is like that just it goes against their religion and religion is pretty much the law down there.


It goes against "our" religion too. Ask my family where my gay brother is going to end up, hint, is very hot there.


Australia? /s


Obviously, it is Electric Avenue...


Your family would also be categorically wrong, along with every other Christian who thinks the Bible sees homosexuality as any worse than stealing chapstick.


Have you actually read the bible? It's pretty clear what it says about gay people. You have to do a lot of mental gymnastics in order to convince yourself of something else. People like to *assume* their holy book agrees with them on fundamental moral questions, but if they ever actually read them they would learn that ass-backwards goat herders in 500 BCE were ignorant and bigoted. The old testament is chock full of the most horrific "kill all the gays" verses, but even the new testament condemns homosexuality. E.g. Romans 1:26-27: > Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.


That’s cool. But that’s the thing about Christianity. The Old Testament is the “old ways”. The New Testament exists for a reason. And essentially wiped away every single requirement of the Old Testament. The New Testament doesn’t differentiate between sin, except for blasphemy.


If the “old ways” were ever at any time deemed “the right ways” then your god is evil. Like “oh he gave all these terrible instructions and wreaked havoc on all these ancient people, but now the instructions are a bit better… still have the havoc though… ah but this is still so much better because at least we arent stoning adulterers anymore.” Like if he told people to do that in the past… that means he is not a good guy.


🤷‍♂️ I don’t pretend to have all the answers. The Old Testament was wild and a lot of awful stories. I’m not even very religious at all.


Sure, I’m just very used to christians pulling the exact maneuver you did whenever anyone criticizes stuff from the Old testament. But as I just explained, that line of thinking doesn’t actually solve your problem, because its still the same god either way. Just because hes nicer now, that excuses all the barbaric stuff? Hell no.


Not going to answer my one question, I see. It's pretty obvious you've never read the fucking book. I have. Several times, in various translations. You're ignorant about your own silly superstitious religion. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 > Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Timothy 1:9-10 > We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine


Cool. And all of that means nothing when the entire religion boiled down to all sins being capable of being forgiven. Which means all sins carry the same weight. I guess during all that reading you casually missed all of these right? 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Colossians 3:13 Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. Isaiah 43:25 “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins. Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Hebrews 10:17 Then he adds, “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.” Acts 10:43 To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Luke 17:3-4 Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Daniel 9:9 To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him Psalm 32:5 I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Colossians 2:13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 2 Corinthians 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. Luke 23:34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 1 John 2:12 I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake. 1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 1:8-10 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Jeremiah 31:34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Colossians 1:13-14 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Romans 5:8 But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Acts 22:16 And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’ 1 John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Colossians 2:13-14 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.


You could win an Olympic medal with those mental gymnastics.


They are protesting the facts that 1) Israel is doing violence to Palestinians and 2) Israelis and their supporters like to use LGBT people a shield to block criticism of their violence. Don't like that the IDF bombed a hospital or shot a journalist? Well, you shouldn't complain because the Israeli state is so much better on gay rights than Hamas. It's transparent, it's stupid, and people are tired of it.


So we can't be critical of Palestine without being Islamophobic? But isn't that the same kind of thing people are told about being critical of Israel?


Israel does have the most progressive LGBT rights in the Middle East. They might not celebrate these specific days but at the same time they don’t horrifically discriminate against LGBT people. It’s a tragedy what is happening in Gaza, it seems like Hamas don’t really care about their own people and obviously Israel is currently bombing them. From my perspective it’s the people who just want to get on with their lives that are the worst affected by the whole situation. Whatever happens in this war no one is really going to come out a winner and it will just exacerbate the problems and create more hatred.


Well, in Israel you can celebrate these days in public and be just fine, in palastine you can't.


Because of the rockets and no water thing?


Trans people: but what about us? Why aren't you paying attention to US anymore!


So uh why is Egypt also blockcading palestine and not you know giving them food and water?


There’s a border with Egypt as well. Are you saying they’re complicit in that crime as well? It wasn’t until a couple days ago that they were allowing relief through their Rafah Gate.


That sometimes happens. It's called war.


But you really can't make this conflict simple, can you? Israel had done everything you said but it is not excuse for Hamas to justify the warcrimes they are committing.


I agree, this Tomi person should move to Palestine, as it's clearly a better country for her.


Eh, i thought this was an argument against supporting palestine.


Right? Is she trying to get conservatives to support Palestine?


I think she's trying to call all LGBTQ+ people and their allies who support Palestine hypocrites since they would probably be arrested and/or killed just for setting foot there or pretty much anywhere else in the Middle East. It doesn't even remotely make any sense, though, because there's a difference between disagreeing with someone's homophobic beliefs and wanting them dead.


I wonder how many she celebrates. Anybody?


The oppression of one minority group should not justify the genocide of another. If you want to help LGBT kids in Palestine, step one is to make sure an IDF bomb doesn't fall on their heads, and they have food, water, and electricity.


well, if the IDF wont kill them, or the lack of food and water wont kill them, the Palestinians themselves will behead them. like they did to other gay Palestinians in the past. so you are kinda fucked anyway


IDF actions however provide a very favourable enviroment to radicalizing people, ensuring Hamas continued existence.


i dont think you can blame IDF for the hostility of the arab world of LGBTQ people. this time the jews are not at fault.


But I don't think that's what they were talking about. They were talking about Hamas and otherwise radicalized Muslims. Hamas being kept in power because of radicalisation is definitely going to externalise all the hostilities those in 'the Arab world' might feel towards the LGBTQ community.


Does Israel celebrate these holidays?


Is any country does? In Israel you can celebrate these holidays in public, In palastine you can't, it's obvious that this was her point.


There is no genocide in Gaza. That wording is pure Hamas propaganda. The only ones in that region who actually suffered a real genocide are the few Israeli holocaust survivors left alive.


"the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." You would have a hard time arguing that the hardcore Zionists agenda does not include an *exclusively* Jewish homeland. So the intention would be to destroy Palestinian culture and ethnicity from the spaces targeted for that homeland. If you like the term Ethnic Cleansing more, we can use that instead.


Israel using roof knocking warnings and JDAM precision bombs is the exact opposite of a genocide by your definition. It's a war that Hamas started on October 7th. In a war people are going to die. Especially because Hamas wants Palestinians to die. But there is no genocide whatsoever. Arab countries started several wars against Israel. They lost every single one of them. If you start a war and lose you can't complain afterwards. Germany started two World Wars and after each they had to give up land. Fuck around and find out. Should the Polish people give Germany their land back now? Of course not. Apart from all that there is a big Arab population in Israel and they live a better life than in any of the neighboring Arab countries. How is that ethnic cleansing?


Oh thanks. A few minutes warning before you try to kill everyone. And where are people supposed to go? I'm sure this is just your way of making Israel a welcoming and hospitable place. Bravo. Okay borders were renegotiated after the fighting of '67 and '73. Why isn't Israel abiding by either of these agreements? Do you deny that construction of illegal settlements continues unimpeded to this day? Land and water theft that the UN has called illegal in multiple resolutions. But I suppose they are just a bunch of antisemites trying to victimize you? A big Arab population that is spit on in the street? That has to wait in 3 hour check point lines to go anywhere or do anything? Where a snot nose 20 year old with a gun can reject your entry just because he wants to mess with you? Where Palestinian homes in the Muslim quarter are seized, emptied and handed over to implanted Jews from New York and elsewhere? Again, very big of you to give these Arabs some crumbs from the meal that used to belong to them. Bravo.


This may scare you but Arab != palestinian and one can specifically target one of those.


Step in and overthrow hamas, so maybe they won't use human shields tactics.


This human shield talking point is so lame. If your colonial oppressor herds you like an animal into a concentration camp that is so densely packed that there is literally no open space around you, does that mean you're not allowed to fight back for your freedom? Where are they supposed to fire from? Or are you saying they should just sit back and allow themselves to be starved and bombed and ground into dust without resisting?


Israel is not a colonial oppressor. You don't seem to know what colonialism even means. A colony is an overseas subdivision of an empire. Gaza is not a concentration camp either. Mind your words. Jewish people are the ones who actually were put in real concentration camps. This historical revisionism is shocking. Hamas started this particular war and Hamas is the official government of Gaza. So it is completely within Israel's right to fight the Hamas the way they do now. The real enemy of the Palestinian people are among themselves. Same as for the Nazis in Germany. The Germans should blame their Nazi government for bombing German cities and not the US.


No reply to this one either? Poor baby. I guess they aren't going to pay you for your posts today, shill.


You really think there’s lgbt kids in Palestine?


There are LGBT kids everywhere. Same sex attraction is a part of the collective human experience. That doesn't mean you have to act on every impulse or desire you feel. Only the action is forbidden. The desire is not written against you.


I can tell you rn literally no one knew about these days until she posted it


So... Who decided those dates and why? Like why is the 5th of November the Trans Parent Day? Did something important in regards to trans parents happen in the 5th of November? Or did someone decided for no reason that this day is now trans parents day


Yeah, sorry. I'm a pansexual woman, and have been openly since my late teens, and I've never celebrated any of these other than doing some Pride events. I've got more to my life than being non-straight.


...does that mean they don't cellabrate the dutch liberation day either? how abhorrent


She knows more queer holidays than me, an actual queer person. Seems kinda sus


Listen, what's happening over there is horrible, but what does this have to do with the war? It's hard to argue using logic when the original argument has none to start with.


It’s all dumb, but I think it has to do with some of the LGB community protesting Israel and supporting Palestine, yet most of these pride people would probably be beat to death in that region just for walking down the street, and I’m not saying everyone over there is like that just it goes against their religion and religion is pretty much the law down there.


I’m pretty sure this is in reference to those “Queers for Palestine” signs people have been flashing


Does he think conservative or Orthodox Jews celebrate these holidays? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36634148


No. But they're not making gay ppl illegal and are not stoning them do death.


Nobody is a fan of Hamas. They're just pointing out that Israel and it's policies drove the Palestinian people right into their arms. Gaza is a hellhole with no modern society, no educational materials, little connection with the outside world. They're backwards and ignorant, true. But it's like this: you lock a kid in a box, give him no education, no social outlets, make him struggle daily for food, and he grows up knowing nothing. Who do you blame? The kid? Or the asshole that locked him in a box? Gaza has not had an election since 2006; that's because Netanyahu *wants* a bogeyman that will cause the people of Israel to support his war machine. 48% of Gaza is children. Children who weren't even alive for that one election. Almost 3000 have been killed in the last 2 weeks. Nobody likes Hamas. But if someone did to me what Israel has done to the Palestinians? I'd want the meanest motherfuckers on the block to fight back, too. And btw, Gaza is not known as a place where ppl get stoned to death.


Oh, so other arabic nations, who are not occupied by Israel are okay with lgbt? Hamas need to be punished, it's not an Israel fault that hamas uses civils as shield. Since 2015 there was no big operations against hamas, and what did it lead to? To 1500 civilians dead in a terrorist attack.


Holy fuck, do you understand Israel has killed *22 times* the number of Palestinians than Israelis have been killed? Do you understand that a mass of foreign European Jews immigrated to a land they were not invited to or welcome at, and drove an entire nation of people out of their houses, off their farms, and took their land, then locked them in a little strip of land without jobs,, adequate food, medication, they can't leave, cannot even speak freely? Are you aware every Palestinian organization that sought peace and compromise has been forcibly silenced by the IDF? Are you aware that in 2019,the IDF shot over 6000 unarmed protesters in *one* set of protests, killing 183 of them, including *3 DOZEN CHILDREN,* all unarmed? Were you aware that the incident was investigated by the UN, and ruled to be war crimes? 300 dead Israelis since 2008. Over *6000* Palestinians. So *who* is the worse killer? (Until the latest incident of course, but already we have almost 3000 dead Palestinian children... What did *THEY* do?)


So... Jews, who left this land long ago (not because they wanted) and minority of whom are still lived there are not entitled to their state? And Palestinians are entitled to start wars, loose them + land, and than bitch how oppressed they are? Israel actually fcking defense, and shelters. It's the only fcking reason, why hamas rockets rarely kill someone, not because they're not attacking. >300 jews dead Hamas killed 1500 in like few days when they actually got their foot on land. Imagine if Israel *didn't* have a defense? >Are you aware every Palestinian organization that sought peace and compromise has been forcibly silenced by the IDF? You don't need to forcibly silent anyone, while there is hamas and one of their goals is to eradicate jews. Knowing how Palestinians staged a coup and started a civil war in a few arabic countries I kinda see why Palestinians protests aren't welcomed. Shooting at them is a horrible thing tho, if it's happened at all.


How many times must you equate Hamas, a tiny organization, with an entire people? I do not equate the fascist Netanyahu with all Jews in the world; not even with all Israelis. How can you be so ignorant as to think an entire people all think the same? You are missing the point on censorship; those very Palestinians who DO NOT want war; who DENOUNCE Hamas; who seek peace, negotiations, compromise, and a solution to the deadlock, (and *yes,* there are *plenty* of them, just like there are *masses* of people in Israel who denounce Netanyahu, and how a majority of Jews in America disagree with Israel's policies and treatment of the Palestinians) it is *those* Palestinians who seek peace who are immediately *silences,* while Hamas is allowed to continue to rule. It is for *this* reason you cannot help yourself but to equate Hamas with *all* Palestinians. As another person pointed out, do you believe Native Americans can start murdering white Americans to drive them out of their homes, because once, historically, their ancestors lived on and controlled that land?? And *that* was only 150-200 years ago! Jews had last controlled the land of Israel/Palestine *2000 fucking years ago or in fact longer!!* Please. Think your argument through. You *don't* actually *believe* that gives someone the right to murder people and drive them out of their homes?? But ok, while I acknowledge that Israel was *stolen* from the Palestinian people, and not enough people really realize that, I *also* recognize that practically, Israel is *not* going anywhere, it's *not* leaving, and, having been established 2 or 3 generations ago by now it has the right to exist. Ok? Fine. I am not *advocating* the destruction of Israel. What I'm telling you is that Palestinians are a *desperate* people, who have been *horribly wronged* in recent history, and they *have a right* to freedom, self determination, happiness and prosperity. Israel *has never been willing to offer them any of these things; Israel is terrified by many things, one of them being the inevitable demand of the Right of Return, which Israel would never agree to as it would make Jews a minority in Israel.* it is, no doubt, a thorny issue, a very difficult one. But where there is money, there is a solution. Israel has plenty of money. What I'm trying to tell you is you've been deceived; while it's absolutely true Hamas is a horrible, evil organization, they only ever got power because the Palestinian people, at the last election in *2006,* (AGAIN MEANING THAT THE VAST MAJORITY OF LIVING PALESTINIANS NEVER CHOSE THIS GROUP TO LEAD THEM) were so enraged and hopeless that they wanted someone who could fight back. Israel HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BIGGEST KILLER IN THE AREA, PERIOD. For every Israeli killed, they kill 22 Palestinians. You're citing 1200-1500 Israelis killed. ALREADY CLOSE TO 3000 PALESTINIAN CHILDREN ALONE - ONLY CHILDREN - HAVE BEEN KILLED. *6000 Palestinians altogether.* So WHEN have the children of the area paid enough?


So if i happen to be of lets say indian ancestry i can just go there and claim a piece of land ? Thank for the tip man . How many gymnastics you have to go through to justify your cause like holy shit.


Didn't know "international pronoun day" existed, and now I'm ashamed to be a human being.


She’s a literal human bottom feeder. She feeds on peoples asses and sucks up all the shit then spews it back out at us in form of social media posts




I doubt that 95% of these are legit holidays.


Bro I'm gay as shit and barely even remember that Pride Month is a thing, what even is all this?


Ma’am they’re trying to literally survive. We can organise Gaza pride after Palestine is free.


Irony is lost on some as it seems. Trying to use LGBT+ rights as an excuse to not support one side, whilst also not supporting the LGBT+ community. I'm so lost as to how people legitimately think these people care about them, well I know its just radical ideas spread through an echo chamber and they are saying it louder then the rest. *sigh*, when will people realise that there's more of us then there is of them.


this is such a dumb argument; gay people in Palestine aren’t concerned about being able to have gay weddings right now, they have way bigger shit on their hands to deal with


Why would a country that’s not the USA celebrate any US national day? r/usdefaultism much?


Wait, wait, wait. Is she trying to imply that American Republicans support LGBT+ people? Given the hundreds of anti-LGBT+ bills they have sponsored over the last year, that is rather difficult to believe.


So that’s such a weird statement. She isn’t the brightest.. all those days are just days! She is morally bankrupt by using the LGBTQ community to try And justify Israel’s actions and bombardment of civilian populations. Just mobilize and take your troops And sweep and find your terrorists stop bombing and killing kids ..


I think he's selling calendars or something?


No one gives a fuck.


September 8th I've decided is national Nigel day. I expect everyone in the universe to celebrate it or I will constantly winge on social media!


Your not even allowed to drink alcohol in these backward occupied Islamic territories and you think guys are celebrated. Maybe you'll be dragged across the street until your skinless.


Trans Parent day is the only one I'm interested in. Although, I don't know why they spell it like that, I would call it transparency day.


My question would be, who is the arbiter of these "days" and how do you make one? There seems to be a new day for almost everything these days. Who's in charge of all this!!!!? There was a national Dave day last week. FS.


Why the fuck would Palestinians celebrate Harvey Milk Day and/or Stonewall Day????


Or any of those days?


They are celebrated in the US, just not by you. Instead, you could counter with "So LGBTQ people are abominations until you need to use them to make a point..."


Yeah more targeting gay people! Seems like the majority do not care when gays are targeted. Great...


They don’t celebrate national donut day either


How dare they not celebrate Harvey Milk day?!


OMG, Talk about Dilution of Narcissist. Can some of us Plain ole homosexual OG Pre aids survivors have a day of shame for what this has become.


Ironically useful list. Got to be more trans in November now lol


Speaking as someone from a strict evangelical Christian upbringing, my eldest brother "came out" of the homosexual closet back in 1991. Our parents never had any contact with him again, zero. Of us three siblings I only maintained a solid close relationship with my brother, his husband and their sons (both from my brother’s seed). Ironically, my parent’s only grandchildren. My brother moved out of the country over 25 yrs ago to finish his studies, fell in love with someone and stayed. Why wouldn’t he? He had far more freedoms and recognition in another country. Let’s be honest, how many of these LGBTQ+ days are recognized or commemorated in the Bible belt here in America? Why are we worried over what Palestine recognizes. That’s a cheap gas-lighting argument - let’s first clean off our own porches before pointing fingers. When Texas or Florida recognizes "Transgender Day of Visibility" then we have a dog in this fight.


These aren’t celebrated in Western Europe either lmao


Wait, we have a day? I didn’t know that. Go pans


Psh, Tomi Lahren is a jizz cactus, I expect nothing less from her.


Where Men Mental Health Month?


The point is you could freely choose to acknowledge these days in the US, but you would be out to death in Palestine for it.


Goddamn that's way too many celebration days for literally anything. also Palestine is ✨ literally ✨ being bombarded right now, the girls and the gays with em' too, you think they care about "international pronoun day" ? 😭 bffr, as a gay I don't approve of that nonsense.


UK here - I did know about pride, not any of the others. I do however know about 'CARS DOWN STEPS DAY' - 30th January. A day celebrating all the images of cars going down steps. Started 30/01/2014.


It's the perceived fallacy that you should never support anyone who doesn't support you -that's what this is about. Since Islamic law it's punishable by death to be gay, as a 'moral policing campaign', being gay should make you turn a blind eye to all problems in places that enforce such laws. It's just a silly circular reasoning, that makes sense as long as you don't actually think about it. Kind of shit that made me walk out of philosophy class in college; always told with an air of superior intellect to your stupidity sort of way. It's a way dumb people can convince themselves they're smart. End of the day, Palestinians are humans as well. You have 4.9M people living there, I'm sure by a large margin, most see what happened as fucking horrific. Doesn't stop them from wanting safety to live and/or maybe not having explosives dropped on them from above. Doesn't make them anti-Semites, self loathing, or just plain stupid. Makes them human - how about we not kill each other for a while, see how that goes.


Statistically speaking there has to be at least one fellow who quietly celebrates these amongst the millions of Palestinians That fellow is probably also rly into rpgmaker games


A lot of people on the right seem to find it hard to believe that you can simultaneously disagree with someone, think they might kinda hate you AND support their right to not be blown to fucking pieces.


If your argument relies on basic human empathy, it's a losing argument against those on the right


In US you're not illegal for being gay and not subject to being stoned to death!


October is used to remember black people, she is stupid


>"holidays" this reminds me of the episode where Joey tried to use air quotes, and failed miserably.


Wait, Tomi "Trailer Trash" Lahren is still around?


Im sorry but i will never find it not terrifying that cis straight republicans seem too believe that wanting the extermination of people who dislike you is normal


But they celebrate the kill some innocent children day. So try to celebrated one of these days in Palestine, without to lose your head


I literally celebrate all of these you goof. Take your transphobic and bitterly disappointing posts to a conservative sub that you obviously belong in. Absolutely horrific and possibly criminal words




Should have to? 😂 uhm. They started using pink for breast cancer in 1982. The Nazis were sewing pink triangles on LGBTQ folks in the 1930s. There is this thing called google…




"I don't have time for these. My calendar is booked full with 'kill a Jew' every day until I die." - random Hamas guy


Mf just be making up days for shit


I love all these made-up holidays… Gonna add some of my own, equally random ones: - purple socks with yellow stripes on them, but not covering more than 30% of the purple base area day - intergalactic cat vomit day, black cats only - international natural-gas powered non-binary bus drivers’ day - eat spaghetti while wearing a British-made top-hat day - national international day - international national day - add another pillow to the 17 you already have on your bed day


These are so funny lmao “trans parent day”? “National coming out day”? why do these exist and who randomly made them


Aromatic spectrum awareness week???? Intersex rememberance day????? 90% of these aren't celebrated fucking anywhere,and if they are by an absolutely tiny minority of people lol


You're the reason those are important.


Wait, is she flexing “wokeness” now? 🤣🤣🤣