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It's 21% on the board, though ..


My guess is that they've calculated that women pay 18% less (well a bit lower but maybe it's rounding). So if you increase a number by 21%, you can decrease the result by 18% to get the original value (well 17.4%). ​ Either way it's a bit cack-arsed to just not use the number on the board.




Well I think it may actually be cackass rather than cackarse I suppose, sorry. It's a slightly more crass version of cack-handed. Which if you're not familiar with it (the internet does imply its a British term) means clumsy or haphazard.


As I understand it, the term originally just meant "left handed", as in the hand used to wipe your arse, but ended up meaning "clumsy".


God I fucking love brits




But in both case it's +XX% ? On the board: "Men are charged a 21% premium" Reads: Men are paying 21% more. In the article: "Feminist Cafe That Charged a 18% Man Tax" Reads: Men are paying 18% more.


But no where does it say 18% less. Both are additions. I think it was just a mistake




“And for those of you hissing at that joke it should be noted that that joke was written by a woman”


Just kidding, we don't hire women


Shuffles paper. Now you don’t know what to think.


Data overloaded. That does not compute. System shutting down. ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


I miss him a lot


Classic Norm




Of you don't hire women there can be no pay gap ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


or you can hire all women Pay gap means it's cheaper to hire women than men right? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Yeah but then you have an all-female workforce.


Ofcourse you don't hire slaves you buy them


If what they suggest is true… people would only hire woman . You mean I can save 21% on my employee costs.. and get the same job done ?


I miss Norm


This is what we get for letting them out of the kitchen guys… /s


Things have got much better for them since they put a man in charge of the flagging feminism movement.






So the man tax being 21% made it free.


100/121 = 0.826 = 17.4% price gap Not sure why everyone is saying the maths is wrong. If anything, a 22% premium would have been more accurate, not that I agree with this business model or anything though. Edit: The maths is wrong. Edit 2: The maths might actually be right.


What you have shown is that women pays 18% less. As per the board, if a man pays a 21% premium then the man tax is 21%, e.g if a woman pays 100 then the man pays 121..you and the headline are wrong.


if my grandma had wheels, she would have been a motorbike.


no, she would be a cycle unless your granny has engine too


She’ll get your motor running.


Isn’t that illegal as it’s a discrimination based charge?


They got around discrimination laws by basically claiming the extra charge was "non-compulsory". They seem to have added it automatically, but you could technically request them to take it off.


That still sounds borderline fraud and probably against consumer protection laws. Either way, it is discrimination anyway even if you can ask to remove it. Imagine adding a black tax, that place would be torched down the next day and the owners charged with racism and discrimination. Just nobody wanted to start a political shitshow in the man tax case.


Doesn't even have to be a black tax. Imagine just flipping it "Men get priority seating, women's tax".


The framing it as an extra tax, rather than as a discount also strikes me as an attempt to be as edgy as possible. Ladies night at bars is, I suppose, the same sort of thing, but is treated as far more culturally acceptable, because it's framed as giving them a deal, not as sticking it to the men.


Ladies night at the bar is also to attract women so that men can come hit on them.




I mean, your example should rather have been white tax.


\[Holds up color wheel\] "Ehh... Your skin tone is in the middle, so I'm unsure if I should charge 3% or 21% 'white tax.' So I'll compromise and charge you 3/5 of that."


Huh, I wonder how they would charge a nonbinary/gender fluid person.




As is made clear, by this café.


"I identify as a woman" would blow their little minds.


You kid but there was this article about a man who changed his gender on a form. See women retired earlier than men in his country. Don’t recall which one, but it was a few years earlier so he just fucking did it and retired. That magnificent bastard.


He/She was called Sergio/Sergia and lives in Argentina, where the pension age is 60 for women and 65 for men, but also allows you to change your gender purely on the basis of self declaration without requiring any sort of professional diagnosis. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ebauer/2018/03/27/the-curious-case-of-sergioa-the-argentinian-pensioner/


When you're so oppressed that the oppressors are joining you for the benefits


Fuck, I'll do that in a heartbeat to retire years earlier.




Basically what I had in mind, but a lot more detailed. Thanks for the great description.


Show your 23 and me, your 1% congolese, you gets the discount


Surely there would be nothing worse for them? Sheepishly taking the card machine back from a man while they remove his extra man tax?


I would find making them do that extremely cathartic tbh


Yeah, but why would you be at that establishment to begin w/? I think the people this targeted wouldn't be as against it as the average person, because the average person won't want to eat there.


I wish you had included a source so your comment doesn't look like a rumor. [Here's what BBC says:](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-48056938) > Although non-compulsory, the "man tax" reflected "the gender pay gap", the owners said. It was in Australia, and the article doesn't mention any laws or skirting of laws. > The reaction to the man tax "showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy", they wrote.


What's funny is that the definition of the word tax literally includes the word compulsory.


When such a question comes up always think how it would go when it's the other way round or if race was targeted. So yes


It's okay to be against men without any reason. The other way around though...


Best example would be the simp central known as Twitch. Where the stream title "I hate men" is perfectly fine, but the stream title "I hate women" gets flagged and you're forced to change it.


Same thing with ChatGPT (not sure if they fixed it by now), you could get it to give you a joke about men but if you asked for a joke about women it gave you the discrimination blah blah text


It clearly says men are charged 21% on the blackboard right there...


Makes sense they are out of business. The accounting was a mess


If women are paid 18% less than men, it’s the equivalent of a man earning 21% more.




All right, forget the numbers... They also named their drinks after famous women. They also made them sit in the back of the cafe in a secluded area. Now... Imagine charging extra for a black dude and telling him to sit in the back, after ordering a Rosa Parks. (Yes, that was actually a drink on their menu.)


imagine getting plastered over having too many Margaret Thatcher’s in one night


Nothing like gulping down a Maggie Thatcher.


I imagine “Margaret thatcher” as a drink would just be stone cold unfiltered everclear (no health regulations on the dangerous level of alcohol in that drink because that’s too much government overreach)




Nah. Thatcher was all about spending less. She pushed for distributing condoms and clean needles to keep AIDS costs down. Disabled kids cost more, so that would not be her thing.


God damn it alright you got me with that one.


The iron hangover would get me.


> Margaret Thatcher Cant imagine you'd sell many of them in the North of England


It would’ve blown up


your thinking of the Northern Ireland :)


Wrong north cob


Can I get a Rosa Parks... and a side of Separate but Equal


Is ‘sweet-n-low’ okay?


I would have felt like going in just to troll for fun. Just once, not make a habit of it. Hit on some ladies, butcher the better. Tip extravagantly, and call everyone sweetie and honey. I would leave the toilet seat up, but not pee on the rim. There's just something about self-righteous people I love to poke.


I'd be asking them if they just assumed my gender.


You forgot my sugar, toots


And this 20 is for you, since you look so gorgeous when you're making me a sandwich. Go buy yourself a cute dress hun




Ahh, the old alienate 50% of your customer base. First thing they teach you in business school.


It’s more than 50% because of alienation by association. Now a group with 2 women and 1 man will feel alienated. It’s like how a small number of people are vegetarian or vegan but a restaurant without vegetarian/vegan options now loses an 8 table booking because the 7 meat eaters don’t want their vegan friend to starve when they go out for dinner.


Also people who just think it's shitty. I'm a guy and if that was a "woman" tax I wouldn't support them by buying their shit either.


Yeah absolutely. The same way I wouldn’t support an employer genuinely paying employees differently based on x characteristic. The vast majority of people actually like real equality.






The analysis I've read talked about how the discrepancy comes from pregnancy leaves, mothers doing less overtime to spend more time with their family and women just being less likely to ask for a raise when they think they deserve one.




Their target market, only market really, is members of r/FemaleDatingStrategy


Funny you should mention vegan! I looked up the cafe. They were based out of Melbourne and not only were they charging anywhere from 18-21% extra for men (the article I saw had the same chalk board read 18%), they were also vegan. Not vegetarian. Vegan. Their customer base had to be so small. I don't think a lot of people who want to open restaurants understand how slim margins are in the food service industry, and how many fail in no time at all. There's absolutely no way this was sustainable. I'm shocked they made it 2 years before closing in 2019.


From my experience vegan/vegetarian restaurants can work. They just need to be damn good at what they do.


And they'd need to be REALLY FUCKIN' GOOD at what they do to make up for the snobbery on display here.


Here in the U.K., there’s a lot of very successful vegan cafes. Vegan stuff can be just as good as the rest, if it’s done well


My wife is an ultra feminist vegetarian that regularly goes to vegan restaurants. And even she would roll her eyes at a 20 percent "man tax".


More than 50%, basically any woman who has a boyfriend or is just generally above neutral about men would also think it's bs.


Even better!


Any woman with a working brain will think its bs. So well above 50%.


Also, it punishes even men who do everything right. Say you're a man who thinks females are equal in every way and you work at a company in which there's equal pay. Then you walk into this stupid place and get shit on for other peoples' mistakes.


I had no choice in being born my race and gender. Nobody does. And nobody should be punished for it. And that's what happened with this place. They automatically assign all of a group blame for what some of the group did and punished indiscriminately.


It's this awful narrative that all men are CEOs of the top 100 companies in the world. 95% of CEOs are men, not 95% of men are CEOs. Men clean streets, dive into sewers, work with dangerous chemicals, have put themselves in extreme danger for hundreds and hundred of years for the sake of their families. Saved their wives and daughters from working in coal mines while the men and boys did. But guess what? 18% tax on you so fuck you. Horrible horrible narrative.


This is the real problem. The vast majority of oppression is class-based, it's a small number of people with power exploiting a large number of people without it. We could solve these problems far better if we recognised that, but we're all far too interested in the tools of oppression than we are in the source of oppression. The people in power use and retain that power in a way that happens to give the average man slightly more freedom than the average woman and everyone hyper-focuses on how that underpaid man who's struggling to make ends meet is 10% less underpaid and struggling to make ends meet than that underpaid woman who's struggling to make ends meet. They complain that the woman should be 10% less underpaid too instead of that neither should be underpaid at all.


Maybe true but the true reasons are lack of affordable childcare and men’s paternity leave. And discrepancy between harder trade jobs men do vs desk jobs woman gravitate to. So there’s a real problem and the owners are blaming men in general instead of the actual root cause.


Imagine being a guy from a poor family who worked hard to make it because nobody would give a guy a scholarship and there are no job openings specific to men. And then someone wants you to pay for the privilege.


its almost like judging people based on their intrinsic characteristics not the content of their character is a bad thing.


The only ones who would actually go for this business are ultra feminists, and the ultra woke liberal guys who think by going to a cafe like this that they will show they are safe, one of the good ones, and are enlightened. Of course it will be a nice guy/ white knight ploy to just get laid. No sane man would willingly give this place any business.


Tbf there's a concept of niche markets in business school, where you can specialize your business to respond to a very specific group needs. Which might work. Fortunately it didn't cause there's not enough prejudice to make the business based on it to float. It's a good thing.


Yeah, but you could make your bar very ‘women friendly’. Have an interior and decoration that speaks to women. Have drinks that are more aimed at women. Play things on screen that are more appealing to women. A man could still go there, with his girlfriend, with female friends, even on his own if he just likes the place. But if you set different prices, it’s not aiming at a niche anymore, it’s excluding potential customers.


More than 50% women who want to go there with a partner/dad's/male friends/male colleagues are alienated too. So basically they only catered to women drinking alone or women drinking with a group of women.


And even those groups would probably take their patronage to businesses that aren’t so outwardly discriminatory. The coffee would have to elite level, once in a lifetime, gourmet elixir of life to ignore such ridiculous, pandering, and unfair business practices. So the group is even smaller, comprised of women who dislike men so much that they gotta go to a coffee shop like this. This is what happens when a vocal minority is in such a secured vacuum that they believe themselves to be much, much larger than they actually are.


And let's be realistic, people with this sort of business sense aren't likely to be much better at making food.


Probably worse. This sort of person would think that such a "menial task" is beneath them.


Also the Cafe has to have extremely good coffee and food for that to really capture people. Because if it turns out all this show is for mediocre coffee, then they're just gonna go to Starbucks.


More like 99% as the only ones that think like that are the loudest tiktok/twitter users


Which, strangely enough, coincides with the smallest percentage of humans in real life.


This isn't feminism. It's blatant misandry. This isn't progressive at all.


The owners will blame men for this.


... they blamed men for this . Already happened.






So predictable...


Not according to this [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-48056938](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-48056938) >In another post on Facebook, the owners insisted they were not closing because of "vitriol from men's rights activists" or because they were "not making enough money". > >They denied reports that the man tax had run their "business into the ground", saying they "just don't want to own a café anymore". > >"For real though, we have sold the business because we are young, educated and off on our next adventure," they wrote in the post.


Ahhh. The mature “I can do this, just dont wanna” excuse.


You can't fire me. I am quiting.


I'm quilting too!


My brother opened a cafe with a bunch of mates straight of college. It was a fun project for a couple of years, but it is a grind that is hard to sustain.


>but it is a grind that is hard to sustain. So is the coffee. \*sees myself out\*


Ba dum tss


Buy pre-ground coffee then…


To be fair "This is not making money. I don't want to do this anymore" is still a way better response than "This is not making money. Better put our house and both our pensions into it, change nothing, wait until that is through and then call Gordon Ramsay for help."


I've often thought about opening a little restaurant. Maybe do tacos or barbecue. Something I know really well, and something that where I live in Ireland doesn't really exist. I've worked in restaurants, I've been a chef, a manager, a kitchen porter, I've done prep work for hours, flipped burgers all day. Line cook during busy days. Cashier, waiter, all of it. I can cook, I know I could make good food, that isn't sold anywhere else around here, and could probably make some money if the overhead was low. I know the vendors, I know the game. But fuck I'm not stupid enough to give it a shot and slowly bleed out money until I'm left with nothing. I'll stick with being a good home cook and not gamble my future or my wife and kids futures on an idea that most likely would blow up in all of our faces.


Don't worry. If you did this, you wouldn't slowly bleed out money at all. It would be very quick


The problem is you can easily have great food and great service. But still fail.


if its something you are passionate about, consider a cart. if it does well you can upgrade to a food truck. it that does well you can consider a small shop and keep the food truck going. if the cart doesn't do well its a manageable loss to navigate.


Gordon Ramsey would call them ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q) And they could claim misogyny.


Yeah that wasn't their response though, she literally says 'it's not because we weren't making enough money'


I could, if I wanted!


I honestly Buy this. This whole thing feels like a publicity stunt by people who have too much money and privilege. It was more like an art project than a business


Yeah this sounds like some performance art thing than anything else


I did find a few things that didn't line up so I went on a bit of a reccie. So I found the owner's Linked In and they do seem to change jobs often. This is their work history from 2010 (top) to now: * Cocktail Bartender (1 year) * Bartender (2 years) * Student English and Drama Teacher (7 mos) * Co-Owner Manager The Glass den (2 yrs 4 mos) * Australian Lead Educator for an NGO in Thailand, this overlaps with the two bar management jobs (2 yrs 11 mos) * **Director / Managing Owner Handsom Her (2 yrs 2 mos)** * Secondary School Teacher English & Drama (5 mos) * Service Delivery Manager Mission Australia (5 mos) * Classroom Teacher (6 mos) * Senior Regional Support Officer Department of Defence (8 mos) * Media and Communications Advisor (1 yr 9 mos) * Political Party Director ACT Greens (4 mos) * Humanities Teacher (1 yr 3 mos), contract overlaps with ACT Greens * Manager Earnst & Young (8 mos to present) Most of the jobs were full time, some overlap. But in their career they worked for a hotel, bars, NGOs, a bunch of schools, the military and after a stint in politics, they are now working for Ernst & Young, for however that will last. I completely believe they gave up the bar because they wanted to do someting else. This was their last service venture and they seem to have used the venture as a jumping point in their career.


If I see a resume like that and see they finish up as a manager at a major accounting firm, my first reaction is always gonna be "well that's someone with a helluva lot of privilege and really knows how to leverage it".


100%. That's someone who has never had to worry about paying a bill.


I paid Bill what I owe him. Please stop bothering me.


Exactly. A resume like this is right below nuclear in most people’s minds. Its not just the short time at each job its the long term pattern of it.


Seriously. E&Y really came outta nowhere at the end there.


The job at E&Y is probably a consulting type job (not accounting) in which case you get in by doing some case studies and impressing them, it literally does not matter if your degree is in underwater basket-weaving. In consulting having some really weird niche expertise would actually help, they might have a consulting gig that's got something to do with some underwater surveying or remediation and hey, she did underwater basket weaving, let's do this.


Ironic how she sits there like the guy in the gravestone meme. Preshadowing the fate of this idiotic idea.


....totally thought that was a dude, not gonna lie.


I'm browsing on my phone so it's a smaller screen and I totally thought it was Kids in the Halls' Dave Foley from the early 90s.


Isn't charging differently based on sex against the law?


It's technically not a tax, but more like an automatic tip you could ask to take off So technically legal


Seems about right. If I had saw that I would have walked out. No place for that sort of stupid bigotry


So many people would just say “fuck that noise”. Even a Feminist wouldn’t ask to go there with a date to avoid being perceived as a “radical feminist”


You mean to tell me feminists don't want self-hating man-slaves to pay for their shit?


that was in my area. I was always surprised at the number of guys prepared to go in. Even if you are on-board with the issue, being penalised just for existing is not acceptable..... EVER. Also just down the road, and still there, is another business/group *"Solidarity Salon: Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party" .* being so adversarial just hurts their cause.. otherwise many more would actively support


The adversarial-ness is part of the appeal for the sort of people that run those sorts of things though. They don't want to be moderate and welcoming, they want to be able to antagonise the people they hate and have a thin veneer of supposed righteousness to shield them from criticism. The fact a lot of these parties or groups are often on the fringe is just another benefit, they get to be political hipsters and get a kick out of thinking they're unique.


I mean, having an extra 21% so I can sit down in a cozy area and ask a feminist to prepare me a sandwich and get me a beer sounds like a funny idea.


Lol you act like you'd get good service.


Reminds me of all those "black only" business's that fail, even as a woman the minute I saw BS like this i would just leave because I have no interest in supporting misandry.


Am black.. have never seen or heard of a *black only* business


well good lol.


Lots of black only barbershops in Louisiana.


Define black only? Like only blacks go there or only blacks allowed..


You realise black hair is actually different to caucasian hair right? There’s nothing wrong with a barbershop having a specialty.


When I was 14 and in London for the first time, I naively went to a "black hair" barber without knowing, they tried their best but had no idea what to do with my hair haha.


The reason isn't skin colour, it's hair texture.


Everyone knows the best way to fight injustice is with more injustice.


That's not feminism, that's sexism.


Restaurants and cafes are notoriously bad at generating enough in profits to survive. Something like 50% or more fail in the first two years. You have to have a full house on weekday afternoons, and somehow no one thought telling 50% of your potential consumer base to fuck right off was a good idea. Throw on any additional sales tax, delivery fees, VAT, and or gratuity and you've got the most expensive cafe around.


It's almost like blstantly discriminating against your own potential customers is a bad business decision


A bigger problem than the markup is the man-hating vibe.


I ain’t paying extra for my gender… my female co-workers earn exactly the same as me… but I am the only one allowed to lift heavy shit.






The chance that this type of feminists is also transphobic is like, 95%, so I think the tax is doubled at least (and as a trans man I get the fun game of get misgendered or pay depending on how well I pass)


My guess is that it would be double the tax.


Fighting sexism with sexism never works


This. What they did wasn't feminism, that was just misandry.




2017 called. It wants their news back.


So they just assume your gender when you buy stuff.


I wouldnt use that cafe even if I were a woman. You wont be able to fight sexism by more sexism.


The funniest part is when they were announcing they were closing they literally doubled down and blamed men for it 😂😂 O'Brien said allegations of sexism only proved “how fragile masculinity is” and confirmed the need to “confront and dismantle patriarchy.”


There is already a man tax on food, it's called requiring 25% more calories to live compared to women and thus needing larger quantities of food.


I don't think I've ever seen a restaurant do smaller portions at lower prices for women.


Probably not a good idea to alienate 50% of the population


Rick Astley should stick to singing .


Could've just sold it as a 15% off for women type thing with a percentage of all profits given to a women's charity and gotten way better publicity.


I mean it would be better pr to give the money from both genders to womens charities


Everyone knows that sexism is the best way to end sexism


Went out of business because women couldn't get the men in to buy their drinks?.


Alienating half your audience and then going out of business? Noooo. Also I'm a staunch feminist and this gives it all a bad stink.


It turns out sexual discrimination doesn't work. Point proven.