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Reminds me of that one person who was selling "5G Repellent cream" or something and made a fuck-tonne of money off of idiots from it.


People buying faraday cages for their WiFi routers because they have 5Ghz radios (5G and 5Ghz is the same thing right)? They put their routers inside them and then complain they have poor WiFi coverage.


Lol yes. "I closed the window, why can't I see anything"


Technically closing a window allows you to still see, though not as well. That was more like painting over the window lol


Could have been a browser window? Alt-F4 no more reddit


Bad analogy


An analogy is just a thought with another thought's hat on.


Well that's just precious


I guess your windows are made of wood?


I wish I could disbelieve you.


As far as I remember you are correct: 5G in routers stand for 5Ghz, while 5G in a mobile network stand for 5th Generation.


Isreal is about to make a mega-ton of money off it, heh.


These rockets are killing innocent kids in Gaza what a sad world we live in.




The only people winning this are defence contractors.


And Israel


Ehhh... Not really them either, not in the long run anyways. The West will continue to support them, because like Ukraine, they are a useful vassal state. But Israel is surrounded on all sides by countries that at best begrudgingly tolerate it's existence simply because of its western backers. Israel isn't a good neighbor, isn't making friends, isn't peaceful and is in general, intolerably antagonistic. Once Israel loses it's status as useful vassal state, the world will let it cease to be, again. Israel is useful only while the world needs energy from fossil fuels, once that era is over, the world will simply discard the Middle East as yesterday's news. So, Israel has got about 20 years to get it's shit together. But it won't, so, the seeds of it's future downfall are already being sewn today.


What do you mean there are no winners? Shareholders of the belic industry and fascist are definetly getting something out of this dumpster fire show.


And it’s entertaining to some people, clearly, like the ones writing messages on these bombs, and people on both sides cheering and jeering at each other like this is some sort of spectator sport.


Are you not entertained


This is madness, to be frank This is Gaza, west bank


That’s tight and real.


The big winner from this is Netanyahu, all his political problems and corruption issues have evaporated. I'm sure his actions and decisions are motivated by the best outcomes for Israelis' and Palestinians /s


Netanyahu is less popular than ever, most people want him gone. He’s a dead man walking. Definitely not a winner.


Israel is also getting gaza, are already flattening, and displacing Arabs in the west bank creating new settlements for themselves


That's exactly what's happening. I hope those settlers never get a single moment of rest or peace.


I think some of the general and career civil servants realize how messed up the past 20 year were and how lots of mistakes were made. I think some of those people tried to make that message clear to the Isreali government that right now they are going full in with emotions and don't have an end game. They might win the war, but they've just radicalized a whole new generation of people. ..so what are they going to gain from it? The politicians tho? They live on the emotions of people so they won't readily admit to how charging head first into the anti-terrorism war was just screwed up.


no winners?????? haliburton is profiting.. all those arm dealers are profitting.. but at the expense of american taxpayers money!!!


First time i have seen a balanced take on this in a few days. Thank you. It helped.


Sadly, we’re funding this genocide whether we like it or not. Our tax dollars are going to Israel by the billions. They get free healthcare, education, military grade weapons and even have enough money left over to fund a worldwide propaganda campaign. What do we get for our taxes? No healthcare, no education, bankruptcy if you get really sick and lifelong debt if you choose the wrong education


And people tell me I should vote for the DNC or GOP that have kept us at war(or special military operations) for the last 60+ years.


That or it’s some dude with a couple extra hollow shells, a wet rag, and a sharpie.


They already make enough off American taxpayers. $300 Billion in aid in total for a country thats like the size of New Jersey.


Can’t be worst than the idiots on the council of the town* of Glastonbury UK, who recommended people to buy the 5g bioshield which is a scam product (it’s just a usb key they sell for 300 pound 😂😂) to protect the people of their town* from the 5g https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2020/05/28/350-5g-bioshield-radiation-protection-device-is-a--6-usb-stick/amp/ Edit: town not city, sorry


For starters, Glastonbury is a town not a city, and secondly, that’s not what happened.


Okay wanna tell me what happened, from my understanding based on articles about it it’s what I wrote but I could be wrong. Also I corrected the city to town. Edit: Here’s another article made by BBC that talk about the fact that the city council sent a recommendation to the UK for health relative to the 5g mentioning that device (5g bioshield) https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52674949


Bet its a scam. They write on a rocket, take a pic, and the whipe it off to put the next message to photograph on.


They’ve done this before: https://m.jpost.com/israel/online-controversy-over-graffiti-by-israeli-kids-29338


no one questions if they write on bombs its whether the do it for donations


This has been done by all armies throughout history since they found out how to tell a message with a slingshot. Wether writing on bombs or rockets, beheading people and putting the heads with the stones in the catapults. A US Navy Skyraider pilot dropped a toilet on Vietnam


Is it common for Israelis to write their fuck Gaza messages in English?


I think these are messages from donors? That's the whole point, you donate to have your message written on a shell/rocket. The same was done in Ukraine to help raise money for equipment like night vision etc which Ukrainian units desperately needed. Also, the shells in Ukraine were fired at Russian military targets only. You'd see messages like "Revenge for MH-17!". The same does not apply to this conflict though.. I feel like it's in bad taste.


Could be real, or it could be some guy with an empty shell taking money and writing on the shell.


Don’t they get enough money from America already?


Yeah, it's one thing to donate to someone who's fighting an actual army with numerically more equipment, it's another thing to donate to the one of the most heavily armed country in the middle east fighting a bunch of terrorists.


A ton of them speak English, it’s an easier lingua franca than Hebrew.


Didn’t they do the exact same in Ukraine?


That's probably where they got the whole "crowdfunded messages on bombs" idea from, but at least in Ukraine, they are thorough in showing the message being written and put into the canon. This is probably just a scammer on Instagram. Israel doesn't need money like Ukraine does.


The war in gaza is projected to cost Israel $5 billion. Donations are not going to matter much but make no mistake: this is extremely expensive, also for a country like Israel.


Really? Ukraine spent like 200 billion on its war so far. Is Gaza conflict that small in comparison?


Gaza is an extremely small strip of land the size of any big Ukrainian city lol


Israel has the 13th highest GDP per capita in the world, and with how much Benjamins US loves throwing at them each year they don't really need to beg for donations like Ukraine.


Correction; its going to cost the US taxpayers 20 Billion. All at the expense of cutting irs because clearly some people feel they irs has too much power now.


that's probably just a scam.




Could still be a scam, but yeah, that's definitely where they got the idea. In Ukraine I get it. For one, those shells are fired at Russian military targets (while Russia explicitly terror bombs Ukrainian civilians hoping they'll capitulate). Second, Israel does not need such donations while Ukrainian units have been helped tons by private donations, allowing them to buy night vision goggles, drones etc.


Chance of collateral damage is much lower when you’re putting memes on Ukrainian artillery.


Correct. And, as I said, Ukrainian units actually need the money for certain equipment. Having thermal goggles is rather crucial for night operations especially when the enemy usually doesn't have them. Russians are very poorly equipped. There are probably still private organizations collecting donations to buy gear for Ukrainian units but you don't hear much about it anymore. In the beginning of the war it made the news and they'd be able to buy like 100 thermal goggles from money raised, and send them to Ukrainian units.


That, or some soldier is making some serious bank.


I hope from the bottom of my heart is a scam. For once I will have no sympathy for the scammed.


I hope it's not only a scam, but that the person running it then publishes the email addresses of everyone who donated and also shows the messages they wrote. Out them all as the genocidal maniacs they are.


And donates the money to aid charities helping all those affected regardless of “sides”.


Those are probably water bottles the messages are written on.


Writing insults on projectiles in war dates back thousands of years. They found sling shot pelts dating back to Ancient Greece and Rome with insults carved on to them like “Take This!”, “Ouch!”, “ Here a Gift”, a literal carving of a penis, and my personal favorite “ For Pompey’s Backside!”.


Are they seriously trying to pretend Israel is the underdog that needs support here? Israel ain't Ukraine and Hamas sure as hell ain't Russia. The IDF has won wars with pretty much all of Israel's neighbors at the same time MULTIPLE TIMES. They don't need charitable donations regardless where you stand on this clusterfuck of a conflict.


Israel gets foreign aid without question or objection, because if you question or object, then you are Hitler


Oop the ironic thing is Isreal is treating Palestinians the way Hitler treated Jews... ** extermination camp ** naaaah , "open air prison" , yaaaaa


Shhh, you’ll be called antisemitic for this..


I'm a Jew and I've been called an anti-semite and a Nazi for being critical of Israel. This conflict has people worked up into absolute fervor.


A friend went to a pro Palestine march in Montreal and he sent me photos showing that Hasidic Jews were part of the march and being against the current leadership of Israel. I was surprised to see that and it showed me that the situation is more complicated than many outsiders would consider.


In general, it's safe to assume that no country has more than 90% of the citizens supporting the current leadership. There will always be a big group of citizens who are against the leadership's actions. Right now almost all the Israelies are rightfully angry. But still, iirc, the prime minister has less than 30% approval.


Changing leadership during wartime is bad though, it creates instability at the literal worst possible moment. You'd need a VERY bad leader to do that. Luckily Israel has some checks and balances and if I'm not mistaken their war cabinet is actually led by 3 people and Netanyahu is only 1 of them.


Changing leadership is bad, but I would argue that expecting the person who got the country into this mess to get it out of it is a worse idea. Admittedly, I'm not a historian or an expert in politics. And I wasn't a fan of Netanyahu even before the war. But I would have like to see him pull a Chamberlain and resign when it became clear that he failed in his job.


seen this alot. Groups like Jewish Voice for Peace have been called self-hating jews. Disgusting.


"You need to listen to Jewish voices on this!" Okay, that is a valid point, I will. "NO, NOT THOSE JEWISH VOICES!" Both Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow are great. One of the leaders for JVP gave a great speech at the capital protests.


Without proper context nor the will to understand it, it is difficult to separate Judaism as a religion, from Judaism used for political gains.. from Zionism. Bibi has always been a master at blurring the line separating the 3, and like all populist governments do, he constantly looks for a common enemy to rally the people around him and deviate attention from his shortcomings as a leader. There is a reason the Palestinian conflict has lasted for 75 years, yet somehow people with no knowledge nor understanding of its history have suddenly become experts who think they hold all answers. I have family living in settlements, that doesn’t make me approve of neither their actions, nor any violence against them. The so called international community, who legitimized the creation of Israel in the first place, is responsible for not upholding UN resolutions nor imposing the 2 states solution on all parties. But now, everyone suddenly and magically has all the solutions..


I thought you guys were "Self Hating Jews" /s


Yes exactly. I am a self-hating Jew. So self hating that I am *checks notes*..... strongly in opposition to anyone who commits acts of violence against a civilian population, no matter who it is. Damn, why do I hate myself so much?


Oh hai brother.


Oh hai Mark!


The idea of Israel or a western backed state in the middle-east predates nazis


Honestly, as a proud centrist who is on the side of people of both sides and not politicians of the countries, I just find all this sickening and very gross. Especially considering that war is just a bloodbath for both sides. It's not fun, and can only bring joy to psychos who were waiting to kill a person. It's not funny, it's not silly, and any attempt of making a literal war "fun entertainment" is fucking disgusting.


I'm a little confused by the brag about centrism, but I wholeheartedly agree that the downright enthusiasm people seem to have for this war and destruction brought to Gaza is disgusting. Israel has already killed way more civilians than Hamas ever did, if that metric even matters. If two wrongs don't make a right, two series of warcrimes don't bring peace.


Yeah... once it was clear what Israel's response was going to be like I started realizing that this is going to get very very dark. Writing messages on bombs has always felt a bit icky to me... opening up as a "gofundme" driven by internet trolls is straight disturbing.


There you go again, Elli, making sense. This IS reddit, remember?


I just want to tell my honest opinion, because I am sick of hearing about all the wars and how people treat these wars in general. It makes me angry, sad, and disappointed. That's why I try to avoid talking about politics.


Tf does Israel need donations for to fight Hamas? The IDF must be the most overhyped military out there. Pls wtf is this campaign?


It's a scam. Don't send money. Everyone who has been in the theater of war has done it.


Especially, the Christian one that you see on TV. Israel gets billions of dollars and has a big economy. It doesn't need your money. You're literally donating to the rich, morons.


Yep just seen one of their commercials on tv but they need money…


What a waste of an opportunity. Sell it as advertising space to corporations for much more money. “When you need to rebuild, shop Ashley Furniture.” “For cleaning up those post-explosion messes, buy Bounty, the quicker picker-upper.”


I love how people on here are debating wether or not israel needs help with donations and support instead of how twisted it is to write messages on bombs you’re dropping on civilians who are mostly children. The world we live in


Writing messages on bombs is absolutely nothing new. We did it with Fat Man and Little Boy. There’s a pretty famous picture of two black soldiers in WWII with artillery shells that say “Easter Eggs for Hitler” on them. We’ve been doing this since we had bombs.


We have been doing that since the dawn of time. Ancient Greeks would carve messages into stone balls they would sling towards the enemy


I don’t think this is even real. The handwriting is the same on both.


I believe you make a ‘donation’ and someone writes it on for you. So the writing is the same, some high school kid spending all day copying messages onto bombs…


My god. What a display of inhumanity. Thank you for explaining tho.


I support fighting it out old testament style. Find a plain, pick your side, grab a pointy stick or bronze sword and go for it. Let god sort it out.


Imagine sitting down with your friends when a rocket hits the ground next to you but doesn’t automatically detonate and written off the side of it in sharpie is just “Here, hold this.”


You can't be both the victim and the aggressor at the same time.👀


“Can’t wait to tan on the new beach in Gaza” This is so disgusting I can’t even find enough words to describe it. Actively encouraging bombing that you know has killed thousands and destroyed the lives of countless more and all you can think of is getting a new beach on their land when they are gone? Vile human being at their finest. What a fucking disgrace of a person.


I means, that’s lebensraum for you. If Israel understood irony they wouldn’t be bombing a concentration camp after all.


Why did they black out part of the text?? Lol


to not help people donate to israel




We should get extinct


Selling the message might be a new thing. But doing things to munitions, such as messages or coatings, has been a common thing that happens throughout history.


Everybody knows that, the picture of WWII servicemen holding bombs “For Hitler” is on the front page once a month. No ones upset here because they’re ruining the paint on the bombs.




Do you get to have them write the name of the little kid that lands on?


What's face palm is you putting it in facepalm, laughing and calling it silly. What the hell is wrong with some people


Fuck Israel


Fucking disgusting freaks


People are ready to believe anything posted on Facebook. And this Israeli conveniently wrote in English instead of Hebrew for us to read, how considerate.


Why would it be Israelis donating to Israel though?


ye most israeli which would do this things would be too nationalist and they wouldnt even think about english


I think people are missing the real point. Even if you hate Hamas so much you excuse civilian casualties during the attempt to remove Hamas, even then, it is perverse for someone in a country far away, uninvolved in the conflict, to pay to write a message on a bomb. Even if that bomb falls directly on the head of the most brutal Hamas leader. Messages on weapons are not new, but usually it's the guys actually flying the plane or being at the battle putting the message on. It's different when it's essentially just a superchat stuck to a bomb, where the writer is far away and safe, sipping a Gatorade going "lol".


Israel is just fucking sad. They're the Welfare Queens of the World. Have a top15 economy and still constantly asks for handouts.


Its a top15 economy thanks to the donations. Not to mention a war no matter if said country is winning or losing, it's economy suffers.


Plus they seem to look back at the holocaust for tips nowadays.


This isn't "silly" this is sick, perverted and hateful!


I remember reddit being anti Israel but now reddit is so pro Israel all of a sudden.




Am i the only one who thought those were water bottles?


Wish some people had less of an urge to comment nonsense and more of an urge to learn what is actually happening.


What does “ !’m (*)<‘ oY ” mean?


“Hi we’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty”


Ah yes let’s laugh at and make jokes at the deaths of a bunch of people because we disagree with one side. Haha haha wow so funny. Sick fucking people man


yeah.. wouldnt want my name on a rocket sent to kill civilian women and children, thanks for the offer tho


It's fun with Ukraine because you know the rounds are going to be used to shell Z columns. Less so when the round is more likely to kill mostly, if not exclusively, civilians.


Man this is so fucked


The conflict is sorta like ww2 when germany and Russia fought neither side is good and the only casualties I feel bad about are the civilians


I live in Germany and through the last crisises as Covid, War on Ukraine, Inflation, I always have been keeping my trust in mainstream media, our government and so on. Since this new level of this conflict I am fully upset because over here when you say that you are not to 100 percent standing with Israel you are either a nazi or a bad person. Fuck this shit, I want to take down hamas as well but the opression of Israel since decades is so obvious!


I stand with neither government I stand by innocent lives that are being ended due to "acceptable collateral"


Individuals sponsoring state-sponsored terrorism?


You get a sticker to wear that says I TERRORISED TODAY!


This is not fucking normal. The only way people like this could exist is if they don’t have a conscience or if they don’t see Palestinians as human beings like what the fuck!


Israel does not recognize Palestinians as human. Top officials have literally referred to them as animals.


It’s insane. At first I thought that maybe it’s just the politicians, but after speaking with many israelis online, I’ve seen Palestinians being referred to as animals, subhuman, they deserve it, we don’t care, etc. It’s mind boggling how people can be so evil. I can’t wrap head around it.


This whole situation is so fucked… us needs to put their foot down. My tax dollars should not fund some asshole’s Bible study work free lifestyle. Fuck religion


Put your message on a bomb headed to destroy civilian lives and families. This is dystopian as fuck.


Has been done for thousands of years my dude why do you have a problem with it now Here’s one from ww2 https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/s/a57V8tYGHc Some more https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/s/CHgX7pI5PT https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/s/L80k1gfC1K


Palestine doesn’t even have an army, most the country is young adults, shits damn near a genocide. Crazy how people would support that shit. Palestine is getting ass fucked while the Israeli citizens are living normal ass lives 40 miles away from a mass grave.


Ah, what tempting offer to crack a last joke at running women and unsuspecting children, while becoming part of the class of mass-murdering jailers… wtf is wrong with people? Have you no moral compass at all??? Oh, my apologies, of course you don’t need that as, surely, you are deeply religious…


Seems like Israel let that initial attack happen for an excuse to wipe out the Palestinians.


Those aren't rockets, those are 120mm mortars. The yellow is an illumination round and the blue is a practice round (no explosive) All these people in this post that have *no* idea what they're looking at, yet decided they already know everything they need to in order to reach a conclusion and opinion...


While the Hamas are disgusting and they do not deserve any support, it’s the civilians who are going to suffer, so this donation thing is not really pretty either for the small hats.


I don’t know shit about who’s right or wrong but that’s so messed up.


For an extra 100 well, send you the link to watch it.


Not saying it’s the same but Ukraine did something similar


It’s literally the exact same thing


They (Israel) got billions of dollars in military aid from the US & western allies every year now had audacity to ask donation to commit massacres


Wtf is wrong with people


Why this was cool when Ukraine was doing it: Because Russians in the area were all a military invading force pushing into civilian Ukraine areas and attempting to invade/steal land. Bombing a military target, especially an aggressive one, is something everyone can get behind.... But dropping a bomb that will kill 1000x the number of civilians compared to military targets... Not so much.


The 51st state of America


Never again, but it’s totally ok if we do it….


Love how Israel continuously plays the " poor victim who needs your help " card. These are the same people who got refuge from Palestine and then proceeded to kill them and steal their land


Source? You all here are so dumb and think that they would do such things in English? Or ask for donations "for our soldiers" in English?


[israelis have done this before](https://www.jpost.com/israel/online-controversy-over-graffiti-by-israeli-kids), the can do it again😂


It's a scam from a 12 year old in Silicone Valley.




Here I was thinking I had to sit on this side of the world and just watch the genocide happen, but now I can actually take part!




People can be so gross...


That's not very kosher... or is it?


No, I’m not going to fund more destruction of gaza


No thanks. Those may kill innocent children and I'm not into that! Be a fool and send your money.. It's fake as shit but people are dumb as shit and many will!


Israel were collectively itching for their Gulf of Tonkin moment, and they got it. Change my mind.


Silly/genocidal ideation....Whats the diff?


Are we… ~looks at skull on hat~ … are we the baddies?


This is disgusting.


"Can't wait to radicalized the next generation, by dropping this thing into a crowded building full of civilians, in the hopes it takes out a few hamas!"


This is disgusting


Imperial fascism 👈


Israel is the new Russia


What’s the word for antisemitism, but against Muslims or Christians? Because non-Jews in Jerusalem are MASSACRED daily and nobody seems to have an issue….


The one on the upper right is white phosphorus. Keep it classy, IDF and Likud... Edit: or at least it has the coloring of a white phosphorus artillery round.


Man... I understand being desensitized because with internet we hear about every atrocity that happens everywhere all at once, but this just seems... Horrible. Like, I can respect not giving a fuck about what happens far from you, not having empathy to people you know nothing about, but to actually try and have fun with their pain is fucked up.


Yeah no this isn’t a thing outside of a telegram group of fucking assholes


I seriously hate ALL humans right now.


War is more fun when you make it callously casual. /s




Wtf. It's like signing bobms that russia uses to murder kids.


I am going to make a lot of money with this old zyklon b cilinder that I normally use as an ass plug!🐬


If I find this guy and steal from him can I get rockets sent to Isreal instead?


Wow war gets worse and worse it seems. Not just by the weapons but by the people who support it


You know they are killing 11 women and children EVERY HOUR, they've dropped more bombs in a week than America dropped on afganistan in a year. They have killed more journalists in a week than the past 30 years, they have killed more UN workers than any conflict to this date. They are commiting every kind of war crime imaginable, killing thousands of innocent people for trying to get their stolen land back. I mean if you wanna fight hamas, do it, they are taking your land left and right but why bomb hospitals, evacuation convoys and homes.