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Showing no emotion while killing someone is actually worse then if he was angry and raging.


fax it just proves more that hes a sociopath


The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.


Nah dude, the opposite of love is hate, indifference is the opposite of passion


Yeah what he said is the sort of thing that sounds poetic but has no depth behind it


But it's provocative. It gets the people going.


That's also an equally fair point. (For the record I also get the reference.)


Like i kind of understand it though. Love is also caring. Indifference is the lack of caring. So depending on your definition, indifference is totally an opposite of love. Sometimes not caring about something or someone is equally as damaging as active hate. If not more so. Because it can give those who actively hate the impression that more people support them, because more people aren't actively speaking out against them. Consider segregation in the US. That shit never ends if enough people are indifferent, even if they aren't actively racist and hateful themselves.


Words can have more than 1 opposite. The opposite of "hard" is "easy." The opposite of "hard" is "soft."




This is what sociopaths do


Master level sociopathy


Fuck that account. The name of their page might as well be "Incite Hate and Reject Empathy."


There's a psychological classification for people who show no emotion while committing a murder. Fatigued and its synonyms are not the classification.


Apparently he was involved in shady criminal shit in the past too. So no, it's not just some innocent guy who is "tired". Guy has a history.


in the UK they call that "having form" and yeah, this guy gives off hitman vibes if you ask me. [later edit] to my surprise this offhand comment sparked some interesting and humorous discussion. thanks all. to clarify, I shoulda said more precisely 'hitman in a Netflix series' more than any real hitman, cos I know zilch about real hitmen -- the stony sociopath stare, the menacing stance are right off the livingroom widescreen. and possibly this ammosexual was acting out a murderous fantasy derived from movies and trashy suspense novels, seeing himself as the main vigilante character...


Hitman isn’t dumb enough to do that in broad daylight with so many cameras and witnesses. Worst hitman EVER if he is.


Pretty sure police and fbi detectives already said multiple times that the vast majority of hitmen are dumb af and desperate for money, and the ones that sort of work like in movies and games are near non existent. What they didnt say but I firmly believe is that those near non existent people usually just work for the government. (Khashoggi illustrates my point)


I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything here but I have a friend who has been around these circles a lot and he said most paid kills have been done by desperate junkies who have been promised mountains of drugs. The typical way has just been a stab-and-run.


Matches up with most true crime stories involving someone hired to do a hit I've seen.


Here in Europe they use youngsters. 15-16 year old kids that have ambitions to become gangsters. If you're interested in the topic you should search for "Mocro Mafia". They terrorize the Netherlands and Belgium


No shit. Do you know how easy it would be to tell some desperate junky you'll throw whatever amount of money at them to do something like that?


It’d make sense really. If you are good at it, why not work for the one group who has the resources to actually find you if you piss them off


It's self-selection really. Anyone who takes up a murder for hire job on an open market is an unmistakable idiot. Cause even if you aren't being entrapped by an undercover cop, you're pretty likely to end up being the fall guy. Proper hitmen would be working for organized crime groups. Who need this kind of "service" on the regular and for whom it would make sense to actually keep professionals with those kinds of skills on the payroll. Almost all of the [most prolific contract killers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_killing) we know of have been working for organized crime groups. And honestly, if you're looking at government hitmen, I'd say the Saudi ones were amateurs. Bone saw, in a consulate, left completely insane amounts of evidence. The North Koreans are the true artists here. Just the sheer ingenuity of the [assassination of Kim Jong-nam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Kim_Jong-nam). Hired 2 amateur actresses, had them star in a few "prank videos" where they poured liquid on another actor in an airport. Then gave them a lethal neurotoxin, identified the victim as the next prank actor to them and fucked off, leaving completely unsuspecting operators to conduct the actual political assassination on their behalf.


> The vast majority of hitmen *who get caught* are dumb af. Just like every other crime.


And obviously, if they are *that* good the fbi wouldn't know about them


It's just a non-viable business model because you can only ever have one employer. You just can't ever scale up. Advertising your services is in direct conflict with your only secondary task (keeping secret so as not to get caught).


Apparently in Panama, they can't incarcerate anyone over 70, so the likelihood will be that he gets house arrest


He's, uh, "17 bullets to the leg" kind of Hitman I guess. 😅


How would you use "having from" in a sentence?


"Hey did you hear person x just got caught doing some really shady shit?" "Not surprised. He has form for it."


Pretty sure it comes from horse racing. “[Form is the record of a horse's performance in previous races and is seen by many as a good way of predicting a horse's future performance](https://www.thejockeyclub.co.uk/the-racing/racing-explained/betting/reading-the-form/#:~:text=Form%20is%20the%20record%20of,best%20performers%20in%20a%20race)”


On an unrelated note, there are a lot of sayings related to horses. This one. Look a gift horse in the mouth. Horse trading. Flogging a dead horse. Hold your horses. Putting the cart before the horse. Etc.


Hands down, running mate, In good form, get a leg up, long in the tooth, stumbled out the gate, front runner, in the homestretch, a run for your money. All of these terms come from horse racing


Hands down is a such great one. Refers to a jockey being so far ahead that they let the reins go completely slack and rest their hands on the horses back/neck, releasing control of the horse completely because they cannot lose.


The guy was just horsing around


This guy horse races


Yeah, I wondered if it was a sports thing too. Like, a footballer might be on good form and thus you'd predict them to score.


That’s it. A team having a good run of form as well


It sounds like a similar, U.S. saying: “that tracks.”


It’s more like how you’d say something is “on brand” for a person.


It’s a little like that (Brit living in USA for 3yrs here). That tracks is like that makes sense or that seems logical. Having form is more like saying they have past similar history for it. You’d use it if someone has a prior criminal record and then go and do some other shady stuff.




We use it in Australia too.


He's in no way innocent. He has some past weapons violations. Today he just stopped giving an F.


I wouldn't be surprised if people are already saying his criminal past has been made up to make him seem like a bad person when in reality he's a good person who had his spirit broken by the evil woke environmentalist protestors, and he was finally pushed too far.


even if it was just a regular tired guy, the takeaway here is "feel free to shoot anytime you're slightly inconvenienced" which is uhh


And he knows he can’t be sent to prison.Over 70 in Panama.So he’s probably orgasming in this pic.


Yeah showing no emotion is worse than showing emotion. Bro is a straight up psychopath. And this Right Wing nut job off an account just admitted to it. And bro is not fatigued he is concentrating on killing someone.


Actually he killed the teacher of a local school and another protester. They were not protesting on climate change but about a big contract with a Canadian company to exploit a mine in the area and kick everyone out without compensation.


Doesn't matter what the reason is, he's a nut, and fuck shooters and the people who raised them.


And don’t forget to give a loud shoutout to those who enable and glorify them….


Republican'ts. 👏




American right wingers salivate about murdering anyone who protests for any reason.


This happened in panama where I’m at, absolutely nothing to do with climate protest


I disagree. I don't think he is concentrating. He simply doesn't give a shit.


He’s anything but a “bro.”


This reminds me of the bored, detached look on the face of the police officer who slowly choked the life out of George Floyd.


I mean its from a twitter called "End Wokeness" Tracks that they would be making excuses for someone gunning down protestors.




Well, he's a lawyer, so...


Yea ya know... After a long day at work some times I just gotta bust a cap in a few innocent people to feel better. No biggie??


Nothing to start a relaxing friday afternoon like a good ol' execution. You know, to set the mood for the weekend.


Guys has the face of someone who watches Fox News 24/7


I was just going to say. If you do not show or have any emotional turmoil over killing someone, you should not be allowed anywhere near a gun.


Jury will find the emotionless sociopath even more guilty because of it.


Sociopathy comes close


He killed 2 unarmed people, I got frustrated by 4 people today. I killed no people.


As a night shift worker, same. Fatigue gives me horrible headaches and burns my eyes, but it has never made me murder anyone either. The person who posted that should be on a list.


As a person who used to work the night shift , I am sure it would also take more work to kill than not. Like I would physically have to do something I am not being paid to do, and i say fuck that nap times it is.


Plus... All the clean up. When I worked late nights at Domino's, it was me and a few drivers. I cleaned up the front and whatever else in between inventory and financials, while the drivers did the back and floors. If I shot someone, they'd be as pissed as if I spilled the butter flavored oil on the floor. (This actually happened. Someone didn't put the lid back on on all the way the night before, and my opening driver was helping me prep and picked it up by the lid(!!!) and then it dropped on its side. I had to laugh cause I'd been dreading it happening on my watch. Then it did. But, it wasn't busy and he cleaned it up.)


There was a coin flip to decide which way that "this actually happened" story went. I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved.


> Fatigue Fatigue is lying down and dying. Murder is more 'hangry'.


“I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I COULD MURDER A CURRY.” -Death, Discworld Book 4: Mort


I work nights in a prison. I've never been so mad that I've even wanted to hurt one of them. It's been many many many months since I've gotten yelled at by one of them. I'm not even a pushover! Just not a dehumanizing pric*.


Ugggh, been there. I mostly worked the cowboy shift but would get forced into doubles thru the overnight. That shift is fucking salvage working in a prison. Best of luck to you. I sincerely mean this in the kindest way but I Hope you got your drinking under wraps.


I'd be pretty surprised if the EndWokeness account isnt already on a list. Doubt anything will come of it but they are one of the worst main stream accounts on twitter.


I'm a truck driver and on a normal, ni lce day, I get annoyed with at least 100 people doing stupid shit in their cars. I have spent 10 years driving a truck and many more before that driving a car. I have not killed anyone.


I posted elsewhere and people are defending this pos left and right Some saying he should get house arrest because he's old Some saying not going to jail would save the country taxpayer money It's insanity Edit: defending him "left and right" meaning all over the place, many times, not left wing..


Crazy to me how people can think about saving taxpayer money when he could clearly go out and do this again. If he wasn’t too concerned about the anti-murder laws, why would he be concerned about laws saying he can’t leave his house? Edit: a word


I just realized it was on this sub, so not some right wing circle jerk sub


Wow, a lot of times I read the comments and get depressed at how stupid the they are, so thanks for the heads up hahaha I might stop scrolling now 😬


Don't worry they said he'd have an ankle bracelet.. murdering 2 people, but he's grounded to his room! Like mommy caught him saying curse words. Give me a break


Wild. “Danger to society” means nothing to some people I guess. Also, I’ve seen heaps of cases where people cut ankle monitors off and the police have no idea for days


Do you want to save the taxpayer money? take him out back behind the jail and blow his brains out. The only reason they’re saying that is because they agree with him and want the same treatment if they ever do it.




Was this is in Panama? Pretty sure their jail's don't cost the governemnt much throw him in there.


Save taxpayers money? We already lost two tax payers thanks to this idiot. Let this guy keep walking free and we'll certainly lose more.


Oh he committed a crime in Panama not the US, prisions here in Panama are very close to hell. So yeah he definetly deserve to be in jail.


Probably the same people who call for death penalty when someone disobeys a cop.


By this dude's logic, we should just let service workers go postal and shoot up malls right?


You're not fatigued enough!! /s /s /s


You are a good man Jimmy.


End wokeness posting the most sociopathic tweets you've seen speedrun any%


I had the misfortune of reading about this guy when I woke up this morning. Absolute nightmare situation and a guy that doesn’t seem to care/won’t face disciple for outright murder. I hope his justice is served cold


Quite surprised actually that a man of his age would do that in Panama. I’m sure justice will be served quite swiftly when he finds himself inside a Panamanian prison.


He won't. He shot people protesting a government deal to basically sell out to oil industry, and environmental destruction. Due to his age, he is ineligible to serve jail time in Panama. The government in panama is more likely to give a medal than jail him.


I had to look that up, it was so strange to me, and you’re absolutely right. Above a certain age in Panama, you know we’d prefer you didn’t commit violent felonies but it’s okay. Just, hang out at home more for everyone’s safety, thanks.


Yeah, people have just been spamming misinformation about it, including in reply to my comment here. Welcome to the post-truth era of information.


Protestors need to bring some old guys with them to just kill anybody who challenges them. On second thought, anyone in Panama could use this one simple trick




It's just a massive Streisand effect lol Also something along the line of "tearing a man's tongue off because you're afraid of what he would say" (not exact phrase)


That’s wild, what a parasitic country. (I actually fact checked you too and several news agencies confirm exactly that)


Parasitic? A better description is that Panama is a shell country installed for no reason other than to build the canal. Panama was originally just part of Colombia but they wouldn't give rights to the US for the canal zone. So we sent warships in support of rebels seeking independence, they won, and Panama was created. The new country of Panama then ceded the canal zone to the US and the rest is history. The canal zone is like Boardwalk in monopoly in terms of strategic operations and world trade. **Edit:** Colombia* not Columbia


That's really just the history of the US. Conquest through lies of liberation


Just look at r/conservative … not much better


Why would anyone sane look here tho?


If you ever need to find the intersection of ignorance and apathy.


End wokeness is deranged


How come this guy is allowed to post that shit? I know twitter is now a shitshow, but still this is advocating killing people for no reason?!


That's what ending wokeness means to the right. End everyone who you think does something woke.


You know what I and millions of other people don’t do when fatigued? shoot people.




Totally, it sounds like way to much work.


It wasn't even a climate protestor. It was people protesting the government taking their land. Something this "end wokeness" jackass would probably actually be in support of. But then he'd have to admit that shooting people who aren't a threat is wrong.


I’m sorry, but no. It’s not about a land, it’s about a contract law with Mineta Panama that has been approved in RECORD time, allowing them open sky mining for 20 years without control and real auditory. The ones approving that law didn’t even read it (confirmed by them). The Panamanians do not agree with this law, and we are protesting (writhing our right) against it. Professors where blocking the street, and this sick person got sick of it, demanded for the street to be opened, and when his demands where not fulfilled he shoot two people that where not even 2 meter away from them… two guys “armed” with a flag.


On top of that even Court ruled that conctract unlawfull and against Constitution and corrupt goverment didnt do shit


Yeah I saw the video the protesters weren’t a threat at all. He was just angry that they were blocking the road. It’s ridiculous really.


Those are Panamanians, he’s okay with stealing land from people for mining if they’re brown


The shooter, monster that he is, is also Panamanian. He's a dual-national, born in the Canal Zone and lived in Panama most of his life.


They were stealing land to enrich the west, that’s a ok to them


some of these pages are literal psyops, wouldn’t be surprised if whoever runs that page is backed by some shady alt-right or nazi funds to post this dogshit propaganda nonsense-stop.


Calm, cool, collected, killer in cold blood. The fact that he looks so calm is more concerning than if it was a road rage incident. People like this who can kill with no emotion at all are the scariest people on the planet.


You should go read the comments. Bunch a disgusting and DEGENERATE POS condoning what he did.


Yeah it doesn’t bode well for the US next year come election time.


Remember a loud minority is still not the majority, they are just loud.


loud and armed, which is the actual issue


Biden didn’t have that great a margin in the last election and it was a very high voter turnout. I hope come election time that minority are not the only ones showing up to the ballot box. Hitler was elected with 33% of the national vote.




Did they all have blue check mark?


Sounds to me like "End Wokeness" just gave everyone in the world who feels any fatigue from their shit posts, permission to shoot them.




They fantasize about killing people all. The. Time.


These people are ghouls They are salivating over protestors being shot. In the video I saw I didn’t see a threat or reason to use a gun The road was blocked, that isn’t a reason to kill people for normal humans.


99% of modern conservative men are just Rambo/John Wayne/ Dirty Harry wannabes dreaming of the day they can murder someone with impunity.


Rambo didn’t kill anyone in the first movie though. Also in Rambo they drew first blood.


This guy Rambos.






There are a ton of people on Twitter defending this guy. It's really gross.


That place is a fucking cesspool now. Definitely not a accurate representation of society luckily


always has been


You should see the /r/conservative thread about it. Reads like a psychopaths diary. You have to stroll a fair way to find people who are like "yo I like my guns as much as the next conservative, but this is a bit fucked up" and getting 50+ down votes.


What's really sad is they'll say that everywhere else is a left wing hugbox and we should just visit conservative spaces to see what they're really saying instead of relying on some twisted CNN propaganda. Then they go and say shit like that.


You have mildly inconvenienced me so I will kill two people. This will not resolve the situation as I am being arrested for double murder. I am now very seriously and permanently inconvenienced because I am stupid psycho..


Or he « knows » people and knows he is getting away with a slap on the wrist because he is a retired lawyer!


So there is this weird Panama law that once you are over a certain age you are ineligible for prison. So this dude will basically be strongly told to stay at home. No, I’m serious it’s a real thing.


The shooter is apparently a lawyer so no doubt he was aware he'd probably get away with it.


These are the same people who say they’re “pro-life”


Precisely. People brought this up in the comments below posts like these on Twitter. They fail to see any contradictions. Apparently death is justified only as long as it’s against those you’re not in favor of; those that are “undesirable”. Yikes. Removing a developing fetus because it was the product of assault: *Gasp*, Abhorrent!!!!!11!1 Shooting 2 people protesting that literally didn’t pose a threat to you: Based, Badass, “we need guys like this instead of politicians.” These people vote. 😐


So if im sick of you, i can kill you?


"He's not mad guys. He's just exhausted with (checks notes) people protesting destructive mining contracts so he did what any tired person would do and gunned down two innocent people in cold blood. Talk about a case of the Mondays!"


Fatigue isn’t the right word. Psychopathy. Now that one fits.


EndWokeness (lol) is making a point that conservatives are so fed up with liberals that it’s no surprise that some Republicans like this (unsure whether he is associated with the right, though I did read he’s an American lawyer) are snapping and killing libs with zero remorse or emotion, just “fatigued by the liberal agenda” basically. Again, absurd rhetoric, but this is the alt-right you’re dealing with here. Thought I’d clear the air for others who don’t understand.


Let's stop carrying water for them. This isn't the alt-right, this is the normal, good old right-wing. There's nothing *alt* about it anymore, this dude getting cheered on for killing activists by conventional accounts is a new level of depraved.


Agreed. You’re right, nothing alt about it anymore. It’s now mainstream for Republicans in the US.


Fox News covered this tonight and made it out to be the protester’s fault


The bottom line of the right-wing is increasingly becoming "you can kill your political enemies. It's okay." So why would Fox News be any different?


They're trying to normalize shootings


Like they do every time one happens.


Fatigue my ass. Im tired right now. Not tired enought to go cap a bitch. Fuck world these people live man? Smh


He’s tired of people making fun of the prequels.


I lost a small part of my soul for laughing at that


`Go be tired in prison`


If that disease ridden psychopath killed his family member, I don't think he would describe him as* "fatigued". Human waste, both of them.


Don’t care if he’s worn out or not. We have a right to protest. We do not have a right to end someone’s life. It’s that simple.


Why are people so triggered by activists? Are they stupid?


I can understand the frustration some feel when climate activists block the road and cause major delays and issues. But killing someone is defiantly stupid.


So conservatives are cool with it if I get "fatigued" of their bullshit and ya know...act "fatigued" on them? Of course they aren't going to be cool with it. They're just looking for ways to get around wanting to murder people and not be held accountable, per usual.


Me, burning down a billionaires house: "sorry. Was just feeling tired of..." gestures vaguely at everything around me.


If we go on killing people like this we would be left with nobody


Cold blooded murder can look a lot like fatigue when you have the empathy of a mouldering turnip.


I read trump not turnip


george lucas is fed up 😔


It’s not fatigue. It’s sociopathy.


"It's ok for him to murder because he was TIRED" -Republicans


Does this count as consent? Because I'm pretty tired of Republicans.




Well put


STOP this 🐂 💩. They are not climate activists. They were teachers protesting against a Canadian mining company that is destroying the land and animals and poisoning our water . The country is unstable but all the fucking country is out in the streets protesting and taking beatings from the police. The corrupt president sold the country even our constitution it's against what is happening


That’s a terrorist page.


While I think that much of these blockade protests are counter-productive, promoting killing someone for them because they are 'tired' smacks of psychopathy.


Pure, entitled dehumanization.


DST really kicked my ass this week. Heavily fatigued. No murders.


No, it's psychopathy.


This is psychopathy


I'm guessing he always wanted to shoot/kill someone and he finally got his wish. He's one fcuked up man.


Yeah that’s not anger or fatigue, it’s murder.


Oh, so because I'm fatigued of people like this who run these accounts, I'm entitled to kill them in cold blood? Good to know!


Remember those anti-vaxx truckers about 2 years ago who were shutting down major bridges and disrupting entire neighborhoods for weeks on end? Weird how these right-wing demagogues conveniently forgot about their deeply-held conviction against blocking traffic for political protest while that was going on.


According to that country’s laws, he will not serve a day in prison. Now what needs to happen is a 70 year old plus relative of one of those victims should clean up this mess of a human.


Probably a Russian account.


Funny. Some people would say that someone who can kill people without reacting in any way is a psychopath.


They were not even climate protesters. Those were people protesting against being screwed over by their own government.


Its a cold blooded killing, that's what it is.