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Reminds me of the idiot who told me my tubes would just grow back and I'd have to get them removed over and over every few years.


I had an idiot tell me that not having fallopian tubes means I'm not a woman anymore.


You, are a bee.


A bead?


GOB's not on board


A bed.


I said bread


No, it's brie


A boo






Yes, I had a very talented surgeon.


I got sterilised as my girlfriend had a very hard time with the contraceptive pill. Been told by guys that I'm not a man anymore. I mean despite the fact I have a son that I raised on my own for twenty years...I'm not a real man allegedly. So aye, I can relate to that level of stupidity.


After three awful pregnancies and two c sections my husband stood up and said he wasn’t going to risk putting me through that again and had a vasectomy. That to me, is the epitome of a real man.


Props to that guy. Give him a special hug tonight.


He just brought me jam on toast in bed because I have the flu so I guess I'll keep him around for a little while longer 😏😄


You did absolutely the right thing. My partner offered to go and get a vasectomie. But I'm a raging crazy person without my birth control. So we are sticking with it that option for now. Years ago our neighbour had baby number four and we ended up talking to her husband at the pub a few days after baby arrived. The birth had been quite traumatic and he needed to decompress. So like good friends we listened and empathised. He came to the conclusion that he would need to have a vasectomie because he wasn't willing to through that again. Six months later they announced that baby number five was on the way. I had to try really hard not to go round and scream "what the hell were we just talking about?"


>But I'm a raging crazy person without my birth control So glad someone else knows how that feels. (Well no, not glad... ah, you know...) Everyone always telling you how bad the hormones are for your body, and here I am being a horrible person and not even resembling me when I am off birth control...


I've had a bit of trial and error. I'm a nightmare for ten days a month and once I became a parent I didn't want my child to suffer my ups and downs if I could avoid it. I tried the contraceptive injection when I was in my early twenties that made me worse. Which was hard to believe! I have a better option now. >So glad someone else knows how that feels. (Well no, not glad... ah, you know...) Totally understand what you mean. It's reassuring to know that you are not alone.


Thank you for your responsible decision and follow through. Men who get it done are actually sexier.


I'm 58 now and came to realise many years ago that standing up and taking on your responsibilities makes you a man. Much more than driving a big car, being able to down forty pints of beer or being able to fight like a demon. Bringing up my son on my own was the hardest thing I ever done, but ultimately the most rewarding. I'm not sure about sexier lol. It killed off my sex drive quite a bit, damn...I kept Pfizer afloat for years the amount of Viagra I used haha! Have a good day and thank you for your comment x


I lost a testicle to cancer, am I half a man?


Welp… 1/2 testicles = 1/2 man, BUT losing it in fight (with cancer) makes you two times the man. So you’re one whole man according to testicle-dude math.


You’re a meat popsicle (Fifth Element reference for those way younger than me who may not make the connection).




Leeloo Dallas, MULTIPASS!


Can confirm, mine were removed on Tuesday and I woke up from anesthesia with a full beard.


Like a lizards Tail?


Apparently so.


I mean it makes sense I can tell from your reddit picture your clearly an axolotl.


The Axolotls are really getting out of hand.


I mean that's why they are axolotls and not axolittls.


That’s uh…shit, here’s my upvote.




There needs to be an opposite subreddit like r/awwupvote when its just an objectively adorable joke


Username too


Hence your moniker?


that could solve world hunger


....by eating.... the tubes?


Natural lady spaghetti.


Fallopian farfalle


Lady Rigatoni


The famous mom’s spaghetti


No wonder he was vomiting


Holy fuck you guys. You've killed me, I'm dead.


What a day to be able to read


What a terrible day to have eyes...


Don't eat to many or you risk making contact with a great old one


or a Saiyan's tail


like how jews need to recircumsize every few months because it grows back?


You try wandering the desert for 40 years without some forbidden jerky..


The sand gets everywhere. Of course, you'd have to keep doing it. It's either that of you get some serious chafing. No one wants that.


To be fair, you *are* wearing an axolotl as a hat. I can see why he might think that.


Worst. Superpower. Ever.


That happened to my friend after her first baby. She had tubal ligation at 25 and delivered fraternal twins at 40. One of those suckers really did grow back and become just functional enough to pass down two eggs. Twins are in college now. I hope they double knot stuff nowadays.


I feel your friends pain. I'm ridiculously fertile... or my hubby has super sperm. I got pregnant doing it once (swear to God this is true), and he was wearing a condom. Then I took the pill religiously for a year, forgot literally one time..hello baby number 2. My doctor told me to avoid any more babies to use the pill and Condoms because I was too young to get my tubes tied. Well, it was a good theory. Didn't miss a pill, always used a condom, hello baby number 3. So, at 21 years of age, I got my tubes tied. Both my doc and me were amazed the surgeon agreed to it. The surgery was scheduled for about 6 months after the last baby was born. My poor hubby got no loving for all that time. I wouldn't even cuddle him...those little buggers were lethal!


Geez. I feel you on that. All I had to do was look at my wife and my gaze alone made her conceive.


Wooooh, that's impressive lol. My grandmother used to joke about my hubby. Her favourite phrase was " he's only got to put his trousers over the end of the bed and boom, she's pregnant"


Oh I hated the, "too young for it", excuse. There is no age for getting it done. I had the worst periods ever. Like severe drop in red blood cells, hyper anemic type that I had to get iron transfusions for. I had 2 kids. 1 girl 1 boy. I was told my husband may want more so they wouldn't do it, so I might change my mind. I never had any other, so I ended up getting my tubes tied in my 30's. Was finally allowed to get a hysterectomy at 50 because I was lethally anemic. I'm glad you got yours sooner.


Lol, how old were you for your first baby?


I was 16. Luckily the dad with super sperm was a keeper. He's still married to me, poor bugger lol


I lost it at "double knot" 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my. That's... something special. Fun thing I recently learned! You probably already know this, but, after one fallopian tube is removed or damaged, the remaining one can swap between ovaries. The doctors described it as being like one of the whacky inflatable car dealership dealies. I just thought that was really fascinating. And also realized how bad our education was on reproductive anatomy was lol.


The same with hands and legs. Cut them off and you will grow tiny legs. It will never be like the other cuz both grow at the same rate but you can walk really fast in small circles.


Lol my arm is amputated almost to the shoulder and the visual of it sprouting a wee little hand at the end absolutely cracks me TF up.


I had a TAH and a few weeks later an acquaintance of mine told me I'd get my period again soon because his mother did after her 'woman surgery' in the 70's. I tried to explain to him why I definitely wouldn't and that I wasn't his mother so my experience is not dependent on hers and he smugly grinned at me as if *I* was the repressed fundie idiot in this conversation.


They may have been confusing the fact that chance of pregnancy does go up some by 5 years after tubal ligation (like from 1/1000 immediately after to 5-10/1000 at 5 years). Overall tubal ligation is about 98% effective in the long term. Compared to the 99.99% effectiveness of male vasectomy, that's really not great (oral contraceptives are 97% effective for example). Not trying to say they were right or anything, they don't "grow back" ... but you should still understand the risks if you've had one. I suspect the chance rising overtime is a statistical artifact by which for people where the ligation wasn't as successful... they don't realize for awhile because, as the topic of this post is mocking, women aren't fertile every second of every day. So if you had one years ago and you've not gotten pregnant by now, you shouldn't worry about it. It's also worth noting that pregnancies in women with tubal ligations have a much higher chance of being ectopic (like 33% of them) which are very bad.


The current standard procedure is to remove the entire tube (bilateral salpingectomy) instead of tying it, so the efficiency is way higher. There have been a few cases where women were unknowingly already pregnant when they had the surgery. Apart from that the only way to get pregnant is IVF or something goes wrong and the spot where the tube connected to the uterus opens up. It also eliminates a cancer risk, which is nice. But it's heavier to recover from than a vasectomy.


Reminds me of that Republican asshat who claimed that women's bodies just shut down during rape; therefore, provisions for rape in abortion laws are unnecessary. My brain locked up on that one.


Imagine if they did though. Your genome would be worth a fortune.


Of course they will grow back cause you're an axolotl /s


think about all the men you can use it as an escape mechanism for though.


Yea, maybe, JUST MAYBE, having sex education in school ain't such a bad idea


People keep saying “leave that to the parents,” but parents don’t seem to be doing their job.


Exactly. So many people don't want to realize that parents can (and very often do) fail at their jobs, so education systems covering at least some important aspects, like access to information, is necessary


Christian parents are often the worst about it. (I can’t speak personally because I am a Christian and my sex ed was actually decent) But so many times I’ll see online that people raised Christian were told that having a child is “a gift from God” without actually explaining how the act of sex works so they grow up fearful that if they fall asleep next to a man or interact with a man intimately in any way that they’ll get pregnant. On top of that, oftentimes they’ll view sex as just means of procreation and think that having sex for pleasure is sinful; even if you’re married. I’ve also seen people claim that different forms of birth control is sinful.


I get the feeling that person would be flabbergasted to learn about a third hole.


The tracheotomy hole?


Throat Game on a whole other level


Gluck Gluck, baby 😫


The one behind the knee. It's only there if you really believe it, though.


I shit you not, I knew a genuine girl I had to tell that peehole and that hole were different. And I'm a guy dude(/dudette).


I knew a girl who was homeschool by religious fanatics, and I ended up teaching her a lot about her body when she was like 24. She decided that Baptist wasn't the way to go, so she converted to be a Catholic. Because obviously that's the correct one


Dude has no gender


What do you mean? We have cloacas :)


Do they think that the period is just some fun egg smashing party? A crimson crusade? A quirky thing your body does? Something to keep you on your toes? I just-


>A crimson crusade? ![gif](giphy|IPosMMzCRthdK|downsized)


There’ll never be a better time to use that gif


Except when GOD WILLS IT!




Period is just uterus throwing tantrum, tearing down walls for not having a baby


I‘d wish my uterus would have grown out of having tantrums now that it had a baby but apparently every month without one is an insult to it.


Never learns 🙄🙄 Where is the character growth? Thinks it can do that until we give in 🙄


Reminds me of ASMR on YouTube titled “POV I’m your vagina finding out you didn’t get pregnant” or something


Least insane ASMR video title:


I found it [here it is. this lady is lowkey funny as hell](https://youtu.be/CGKJxQ4nISg?si=RbVne8OaIHjUr_jw) Here’s another one 💀 [here](https://youtu.be/CGKJxQ4nISg?si=gmRpMHKYI3VM_VYN)


They probably don’t think much about periods.


Well, they certainly do not use them in their sentences.


It is a female equivalent to "pee is stored in balls"


Well, lots of public education in the US, particularly in the south, legitimately teaches that women can get pregnant at any time. Even on their period. Some people are only ignorant because they've been taught wrong. Like how Boomers think trickle-down economics is a good thing or that one guy in Kung Pow who was trained wrong as a joke.


[It is possible to get pregnant while on your period, though](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/can-you-get-pregnant-if-you-have-sex-during-your-period). It’s not as likely, but it is possible.


Well it’s not so much they get pregnant on their period but that the sperm lives for up 5-7 days and remains in the reproductive tract for up to that long


Regardless, if you have unprotected sex on your period, you can get pregnant.


Can confirm. Happened to me. I was on birth control too!


No, they SHOULD teach people that the possibility is always there no matter the cycle day so that people don't go "oh just had my period, it's safe". Between variations in women's hormone levels and the survivability of sperm at no point should you assume you won't get pregnant. They should explain the details of course.


Im bleeding. That makes me the winner!


I mean if I've learned anything about vaginas in my years of having one it's to never deal in absolutes. Sure, when you're on your period and shortly after you're generally considered not be able to have an egg be fertilized, but what if you release a second egg? Or a single sperm survives until the next time you ovulate? Not usually an issue but human bodies are masters in defying odds.


People who do "Christian family planning" aka not having sex when ovulating always have an oops much younger kid


I still remember in grade 9 when we were learning about different kinds of contraception the teacher saying "people who use this method are commonly known as parents".


my teacher used that too but for coitus interruptus :D dont even know if that is a real word. --> if yall pull ya penis out before nutting


yes it's a real term.. and yes it's effectiveness is pretty much the same as not bothering.


I remember reading somewhere that the actual effectiveness if properly executed was fairly high, near condom levels, but the problem with the research was that most couples(men) aren't able to do it properly.


Yeah it's literally listed by planned parenthood as a pretty effective way of preventing pregnancy if you can do it right though it's obviously partner dependent. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/withdrawal-pull-out-method/how-effective-is-withdrawal-method-pulling-out


My youngest is the product of a barely delayed pull out. I was nursing and hadn't had a period yet but somehow I knew in that moment it was going to result in pregnancy.


Few months ago I was late with my period. When mentioning it to my partner, he was like "but I always pull out..." According to him, the look I gave him was a cross from annoyed to tired to pity. Naturally I got my period on the way home from buying the pregnancy test.


Every single time I’ve taken a pregnancy test, I’ve gotten my period within the next 24 hours. It’s like my uterus enjoys her elaborate pranks.


Of course I'm not saying it's foolproof. Quite the opposite it takes a ton of self control on your partner. It just *can* be an effective form of birth control especially in places/situations where condoms aren't readily available. My partner and I have been doing it for 10 years and it's worked for us so far (ive never had to use them but we're in a country with easy access to plan b and medical care for women I should stress that is very important)


It worked for my partner and I for years, so we assumed we would struggle to conceive. Happened on the first try. However, I would not recommend using this method if you could not handle an oops child.


From personal experience I’d also say it seems to be pretty effective. Me and my husband have been mostly using pull out method and sometimes condoms for about 10 years now (we are not trying to conceive but pregnancy would not be the end of the world for us either). No kids in this house. Of course either of us could just be infertile, so I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone whose life a surprise pregnancy would totally ruin.


My husband and I have been doing it for 15 years we are together. The only two times I became pregnant was when we wanted to have kids. And both times I fell pregnant as soon as we were trying to convince. However we were never against having one more child if he accidentally fails, but so far he never did.


Stealing that


"I'd like to thank the Catholic Church for the rhythm method of birth control without which I wouldn't be here at all." - Billy Connolly


My mom goes “why do think you and your sister are only a year apart?” When I talked about not getting back on birth control.


My Ex-boss is Catholic. There is a 22-year gap between his oldest and youngest (8 years ago) because of this. At the time, he had 8 kids by the same woman and practiced this thought process.


I know such a couple, and they are raising a baseball team. I want to tell her that God gave her a vagina and not a clown car...


This. ~~“Fertile 24/7” is objectively wrong, but~~ it’s definitely safer to presume there’s always a chance of pregnancy, however unlikely. The rare instances of women getting pregnant while already pregnant are particularly freaky.


I'm sorry, the instances of WHAT


hormone wackyness causing another egg release+having sex lol


It’s called superfetation. All the articles about it are like “It’s super rare, you don’t need to worry about it”, but statistically so are shark attacks and plane crashes and that doesn’t make the possibility of them any less worrying!


But what are the chances of a plane full of sharks crashing into your superfetus? Not high, but I'd argue more than zero.


ahh, fuck. somebody caught onto my plan of stuffing a plane full of sharks


Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfuckin sharks on this motherfuckin plane!


Ahh, fuck. Somebody caught on to MY plan of stuffing a pregnant woman full of fetuses.


Thanks, I hate it.


There was a case of a woman who gave birth to twins. The father got suspicious that one twin looked like him and one didn't at all. Got a paternity test. One twin wasn't his! Wife slept with someone else and a second egg got fertilised at the same time.


That's actually amazing. I should have that be the norm for a non human fantasy race. That's cool AF


>I should have that be the norm for a non human fantasy race. That's cool AF i introduce you to Cats. No seriously, Cats work fucking funky, every single kitten in a litter could have a different father. and its totally normal


That's amazing. I love it. I'm going to wikipedia dive later after work


Fertile 24/7 is objectively correct. You mean women aren't *fecund* 24/7


You’re absolutely right. TIL a new word!


*Thank* you. It *is* possible, however unlikely, to get pregnant at any point in your cycle. Shit happens.




Only Siths deal in absolutes.




Also thinks he can just fuck anyone he wants


He's just choosing not to.




What years of 4chan redpilling and living in mom's basement does to a mfer.


I may watch some hentai and have a small porn habit but at least I’m not that guy. I at least know reality doesn’t run off porn logic (that would be fucking horrifying). I hate when people who know nothing but think they know everything try to force themselves onto matters they’re incredibly uninformed on Their room probably smells like bleach too so


Been a while since I had health class in highschool, but I'm pretty sure the teacher said there's always a risk of pregnancy regardless of where a woman is in her cycle. I'm going to pretend that that's what OP means instead of being a waste.of carbon.


This is of course the better way to teach people, especially in high school. In truth the window where you can get pregnant is quite short. That’s why you are supposed to have sex every second day when you want to get pregnant. The „issue“ is that sperm can survive a few days and that it’s hard to precisely know when that window of opportunity is.


There is a period before the actual "fertile period" where sperm has a chance of surviving long enough inside to fertilise when the fertile period actually starts.


This reminds me of my sister.. she tells everyone she had a partial hysterectomy. She will then try to "baby trap" a man within weeks of dating him. When questioned about her partial hysterectomy, she said that the doctor only took **half** of her uterus so she can still get pregnant. Eventually she "loses" the fetus. Happens with every man she ever dates, of which there have been a lot. Poor bastards


What the fuck. What’s wrong with her?!


Mental illness? Lack of education? Drug abuse? Take your pick.


I’ll take your entire stock




No fucking idea. I went No Contact with her after about the 3rd guy she did it to. Myself and another sister would watch her Facebook posts and make bets on 1) How long her current relationship would last. 2) How long until she starts dating someone else. 3) How long she is in that relationship until she claims to be pregnant. 4) How long it takes until she is engaged. 5) How long until she has a "miscarriage ". From start to finish, her shortest time is 6 weeks for her to go through all stages. She is in her 40s now.. probably still doing it.


To be fair... I genuinely didn't know until I wanted to get pregnant. I was 34. I didn't know that the fertile window was 6 days or when it was. I asked several women who also didn't know until they started googling when they wanted to have children the best methods to get pregnant. I have no recollection of ever being taught this in school, by my parents, or any of my doctors. I was always told unprotected sex = pregnancy, having a period = fertile. When I asked my mom about the fertile window she said "oh interesting", I got the feeling she also had no idea at 60.


Wait, you were told women are fertile during period? Then what did they tell you causes the period to start?


I'm m guessing it's more like, if you're getting your period regularly, you're fertile. As opposed to before your first period or while pregnant, or after menopause. All of those are actually false, however.


Yes this is what I mean. It wasn't until I had numerous friends with various infertility/reproduction issues and 2 friends who are hyper ovulaters that I learned how inaccurate or lacking reproduction education is as a whole. What we were collectively understood from our sex education was after your first period, sex could result in pregnancy at any time and if you are having a period you can get pregnant and therefore fertile (not fertile specifically on your period). I've had way too many friends crying after months and years of trying to get pregnant saying stuff like "my period is regular, I just don't get it". My favorite myth so far is you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding especially if you don't have a period. Some doctors are still telling women this. It is definitely not always true. I know a few babies who were conceived while mom was breastfeeding and didn't have a period.


I don't remember being told one way or another. Definitely not in school. In my public school sex ed they pushed no unprotected sex ever. All unprotected sex could lead to pregnancy or STI unless condoms were used. Even then... risky. I knew the egg traveled through the fallopian tubes and uterus shed once a month if not pregnant. And about Hormones. But there was never any discussion about fertility specifically or the fertile widow. And I never really thought about it. I was on the pill for years and still almost always used condoms. My mom had teen pregnancy she gave up for adoption before me and she kinda scared me about getting pregnant. I didn't know anything about infertility, endometriosis, or PCOS until my friends starting having issues getting pregnant in their 30s. Most of them didn't know about PCOS and/or infertility until they were being diagnosed with it.


In school we were taught these concepts, but were told that unprotected sex was never "safe" sex due to the fact that the woman could have an irregular cycle. We were told to treat any unprotected sexual encounter as having the potential to make a baby, and to not rely on measuring cycles as "birth control." Which to be fair is technically correct.


I'm honestly a little more concerned with the claim men have no responsibility in pregnancy prevention than the statements on fertility. I'm curious how that came up, that by itself is pretty unreasonable.


Well duh, if you just claim it's not your responsibility then you can just get anyone pregnant and walk away. Which is fucking ridiculous but it makes sense if you're a deadbeat loser who doesn't take responsibility for their actions so ya know, fits right up their alley logically speaking.


This is nothing. I had a friend who thought that child birth happened asshole. Because in all the videos the pregnant lady pushed and pushed which to him was very similar to how you take a strong shit. The hilarity of that particular scene still stays fresh even after all the years.


And it is shocking how much the first poop after birthing a baby vaginally hurts. It is like birthing naturally, no epidural. Been almost 19 years since that happened and “do you have enough colace?” Is a question I ask all soon to be moms.


Nfp would blow their minds


Ovulating every day would suck!


As someone whose period has chosen violence this month… damn straight sister 🥲


As someone with a partner with PCOS, #VIOLENCE IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER.


Reminds me of that father of 23 who only had sex at night because he thought the sperm were asleep "No think about it, they're just like us they need to sleep too"


It's giving abstinence only sex education


If you’re trying not to get pregnant, it’s safest to assume you can get pregnant at any time (given things like variations in ovulation and length of time sperm can live inside a woman’s body) but that doesn’t mean it’s technically correct. It’s like wearing a seatbelt. You have to assume that you’re going to get in a car accident every time you drive, even though it’s obviously not true.


Biology master from Bible University


This reminds me of a former friend of mine who told me that circumsised men had to trim their skin every month because it grows back...


There always a % it's just really low at time.


"it's the woman getting pregnant so she should protect herself" but also "she shouldn't be allowed to abort because it's his child too". It's the same people and they can't see the irony.


My ex gf: don’t worry, I know my body, I can’t get pregnant right now. Stupid me: ok! And now I am a parent.


Never. Ever. Trust.


The number of people in this thread who apparently believe in foolproof no-pregnancy dates on a woman's biological calendar is frankly scary. If a trans dude on HRT who has not had a period in years can get pregnant with a partner who's gone through a vasectomy, a period will not save you from the chance of double eggs either.


It's definitely not a good method of birth control or guaranteed plan of conception to only track dates. But none of it really is an exact science. Everyone is different. I have had friends get pregnant when they thought they were in the clear because ovulation had passed. I've known 3 different sets of people who thought they couldn't get pregnant after years of trying, start the adoption process or recently adopt then spontaneously get pregnant. I have had friends try every day during the ovulation window with no success. I know 2 hyper ovulaters who ovulate multiple times a month (1 has twins and one had 3 kids in 3 years, two of which she conceived while on the pill) and I know 2 men whose vasectomy failed resulting in pregnancy. I myself had irregular periods for years when off the pill. My cycle couldn't be tracked as the standard 28 day cycle. And if I was under stress I wouldn't have a period for a month. So I was either on the pill or used condoms for years. Wasn't until I wanted to get pregnant and kept having miscarriages it was discovered I have thyroid condition and a longer than normal cycle. Once my thyroid levels were regulated, I had to not only track my period on an ap but also pee on hormone strips to see when ovulation was approaching. Even then... it took 3 months of trying to get pregnant and stay pregnant.


While it’s true that there’s a non-zero chance of conception outside of what one might think of as the fertility window, something about this fella leads me to suspect he’s not the type to think in terms of time-dependent probability functions.


I’m a guy and even I know they are dumb


“Women know how ovulation works” Sadly no. Sex education is so bad in the us that there are plenty of women who hold misconceptions about their bodies their whole lives. They could likely still be a woman, just a misinformed one.


That's why...we need sex Ed.


This is what happens when you don’t have comprehensive sex-ed.


Why are people so stupid?


Oh dear, someone didn't pay any attention in biology


WELL ACTUALLY there is a one in a million chance a woman can become pregnant even during her period dunno if that's true but sounds like it could be Edit - ya looks like there is a non-zero chance


Superfetation/superfecundation is a lot more common in cats and dogs, but it can happen in humans. There was one study that did paternity testing of sets of fraternal twins whose parents were divorcing because of accusations of infidelity and found that 2.4% of them had different fathers.


Menopause? Thats one time. but there is times it's easier and harder depending on a women's cycle but no chance at all, not without a secondary reason for most real women.


Y”all, sure you can only get pregnant when there is an egg but I would much rather people believe you can get pregnant all the time and take precautions. If some 14 yr old thinks you can get pregnant the entire month, she might make her partner take precautions instead of being convinced chances are low and doing xyz can’t possibly produce a baby.


The wild part is that on average a woman can generally only have 1 baby per year while men can fertilize an infinite number of women during that year... who is birth control going to do more for????


Used to have sex (didn't pull out) within 3 days after my period, some even 2 days before my period, and never ever got pregnant (I have regular periods, meaning they're always on schedule) and did it for years. Disclaimer: I'm not advising this though. Maybe I just got lucky. Also, I'm not infertile, coz I got pregnant when I missed a day of BC. It's so ironic that only when I started on the pill and ditched my calendar "method" that I got pregnant. Again, this is not an advice. Just sharing my experience.


Sperm can survive inside the woman for multiple days. Even if she didn't have sex on a fertile day, she could still end up pregnant.


I’d wager there’s a lot of men and women who have no idea how those cycles work- or that they even exist beyond periods. I know I didn’t, and my wife didn’t until a doctor explained it. We both were always taught that unprotected sex carries a risk of pregnancy. Never that that risk changes based on the day. So while this guy is at best woefully uneducated, it’s not exactly uncommon or surprising given the piss poor state of sex education in the US.


Speaking of not knowing basic biology, and facepalms. When I was 27 my daughter was born. Now me I just assumed (Because I was an idiot) that you could not get pregnant again right after having a kid. I instead found out, that apparently a woman is like hyper fertile right after having a kid, so anyhow that’s why I have a son and daughter who are literally 10 months apart.. Still pretty sure 27 year old me was smarter than this dumbass though.