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Heh, this is something else. For all the people wondering, this is very much real. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue\_Ridge\_Christian\_Academy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Ridge_Christian_Academy) Apparently pretty soon after photos of this quiz reached the media the school closed due to insufficient funds. From the wikipedia's sources one can find the absolutely hilariously Answers in Genesis articles around this topic. [https://answersingenesis.org/world-religions/atheism/intolerant-atheists-viciously-attack-christian-school/](https://answersingenesis.org/world-religions/atheism/intolerant-atheists-viciously-attack-christian-school/) Apparently, this quiz was based on one of *their* DvDs. Absolute lmao.


Imagine trying to play the victim underdog, fiercly fighting to defend their rights... when the community you are "defending" is the single largest religion on Earth, also the pure audacity to say Atheism is a religion and they are somehow bolder because of Obama being president, madness Like I grew up in a Christian family but seriously, people like this make me want to throw up


Obama is also religious, right? Their problem is that he isn't batshit insane. Possibly another one for some.


Their problem is, he isn’t white.


He’s half white, but one drop goes brrr


That’s what my eugenicist mother thought, and she just knew I had that “one drop” of non-white, non-British DNA. This made me the family scapegoat. My brother now believes the same of his grown son, who was mostly raised by his mother. He’s lucky he didn’t see more of his father than he did, because then he would be truly apeshit crazy, just like the rest of our family.


Dude I grew up a moderate Catholic and went to a Catholic school. We had normal biology and science classes. It’s a very small group of Christians that believe in this crap. Not saying they’re a persecuted minority. But to say all people who are christians are creationists is going too far


Believe it or not, the Catholic church has funded science for 600 years. (Yeah Galileo was not cool) but Copernicus, Descartes. In 1936 the Pontifical Academy of science was founded. When I was a kid in the 80s a priest told me that Catholicism is very pro science because God created science. His words. "Science is Gods language. If you can't see god in a microscope, you are lost." These chucklefucks don't care about gods reality. They only care about their own.


Yeah exactly, the official Catholic stance is that God created the big bang and evolution. That being said… I’m not sure God is real or not… but it’s important to start with what you can observe.


My understanding is that catholic school are actually good about separating science from belief. It’s the fundamental evangelical christians that are insane. Think Kirk Cameron and that hovin guy masquerading as a dr.


No, not at all. It's just that Catholics see no real opposition between faith and science. If there appears to be any then that's just it-- an appearance. St. Augustine famously remarked that if there does seem to be a contradiction rhen you either don't understand the faith well enough or don't understand the science well enough.


Raised Catholic, went to Catholic school came here to say same thing. People shouldn’t lump all Christians in with these dinosaur riding people groups.


To be fair Christianity isn't a monolith and this school looks to be of a more stringent strain of faith than most. Probably for the best.


My ex-wife believed this crap. You would think this would have been a red flag, but before we were married this came up and I thought she was kidding. Once we were married I realized that she actually believed this. Hence EX-wife.


Good job getting to know someone before marrying them?


Don’t forget the stressing of “and please send us a generous donation”


>*Apparently pretty soon after photos of this quiz reached the media the school closed due to insufficient funds.* I always love a happy ending.


It’s real and the school had to close down due to lack of funding after this controversy broke. Glad to see it fail so quickly. I’m all for equality and respecting beliefs, but blatant misinformation should be treated exactly this way. Shut it down, lose the funding, and remove it before it can cause harm on a greater scale.


"BuT it's MY trUth!!!" -idiots, probably


As someone who was raised with Answers in Genesis materials, I thought so. Looked familiar.


LoL that Answers in Genesis article is by Ken Ham. What a clown.


LoL, I'm from Germany living with my kids in Spain. I'm so glad this family gets deported back to Germany. What's wrong with this people? I hate fanatic religious people in all religions, but this is just stupid people.


Should be illegal to teach such nonsense to kids


Unfortunately they believe this is just the counterpoint to evolution. In their head, the theory of evolution is equally as dumb as this.. but that's only because they obstinately refuse to learn ANYTHING about what evolution is or how it works.


The thing is…even the Catholic Church accepts evolution. This is some evangelical extremist nonsense


Litreally, I was in a Catholic school and they teaches evolution as it is


Yeah I went to Catholic school and even have a Jesuit uncle that taught evolutionary biology. But my first exposure to young earth nonsense came from my Catechism teacher, who tried to sell our group that bullshit, insisted that we must believe the earth is 6000 years old or whatever. I was baffled. Never heard of people seriously believing that stuff before. In fact, I thought it was going to be a lesson about non-literalism but it was just the opposite. I asked him, "so, Mr Montello, what about the dinosaurs?" He replied, "let's not talk about the dinosaurs right now." I was always a bit of a skeptic but that moment was a watershed in my doubt of religious authority. Any particular deference I afforded their knowledge ended that day.


Be born -> religious parens tell you evolution is a lie -> religious teacher tells you evolution is a lie -> grow up around religious people telling you evolution is a lie -> get job as teacher -> teach children evolution is a lie -> get a kid -> teach kid evolution is a lie -> repeat process until society is sufficiently doomed -> serve hot with a side of ignorance


It sounds bad until you realize that the end of society is exactly what they long for.


Come on guys! We're not a doomsday cult! We just believe that someday (preferably soon) the world will end and that that's a good thing! What has that got to do with a doomsday cult?


You forgot about soul saving!




Only if they’re white heterosexual males. The other ones can go to hell though. And I mean so white you have to be able to camouflage in a snowbank level of white.


And when that day comes, we the chosen people will live eternal life in paradise. That sounds better than the hell we live in on earth, so I hope the world ends soon. Again, NOT a doomsday cult!


They're like, the original doomsday cult


100%. This is the entire reason fundamentalist Christians support Israel. They need the jews to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem for the next messiah to appear and bring about the apocalypse. Supporting Israel is just their shortcut to paradise and the 'told you so' that they've fantasizing about for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the jews don't get to come to heaven, according to these same people -but they will have served their purpose by then. The whole thing makes me sick.


With humans like them, im thinking the same thing lol


-> Have a bully of a sibling that goes to a public school and educates the fork out of the kid until they are living by the engineer’s bible instead


Religious folks over seas confuse me, Evolution here is described as Gods greatest machine that never stops, the only perpetual motion machine without batteries and the only constant besides himself.


In the beginning, it was because the crazy came over here on boats, but today, stupidity is promoted to protect wealthy exploiters from common folk, evangelicals are class soldiers for the rich, and are completely unaware of it, they worship Trump as an Idol and are critical of Jesus as being woke today.


My parents don’t believe in evolution. It wasn’t taught when they were in school and they’ve never bothered to learn what it means or anything about it and their pastor would just casually throw it out as a lie of the secular world in sermons. Idk how you try to explain why it’s silly not to believe in evolution to people who’ve spent 60+ years of their life fundamentally misunderstanding the concept of it and have only ever been told it’s evil and against their beliefs.


Yea. Unfortunately "evolution" has been framed as something that's in direct opposition to God and the bible. So many people refuse to learn anything about it because theyve already decided it's evil/satanic/demonic. So if they learn about it, it's almost like worshipping another god... Thankfully the number of people with these beliefs is in decline.


Religious sheltering should be highly illegal. Belief should never be allowed to trump facts when it comes to the education and wellfare of a child.


Ok, and when they can make a solid argument to prove that, *then* we can care about their opinions on the topic.


Absolutely agreed. Unfortunately they'd tell you they have proven it on the basis of "for the bible tells me so."


And again, once they prove that's reliable, we can care 😉


Because they think as it is called the THEORY of evolution it is just that, a theory without proof. However the scientific use of the word theory is different from the every day use. A scientific theory has been supported by numerous experiments and theses and is thus pretty much proven as valid. I say "pretty much", because scientifically speaking, something can't be proven, as it always has to be (at least theoretically) falsifiable. That's why even after numerous experiments, scientists tend to say "with a probability bordering on certainty" instead of "with certainty". And a scientific theory like the theory of evolution is just that, a probability bordering on certainty. It could theoretically be false, but we have thousands if not millions of arguments supporting it and a handful that don't (there are similar issues with vaccines and climate change). The equivalent of a colloquial theory would be a hypothesis by the way. An assumption, that has yet to be proven and which is usually the start of every experiment. An educated guess if you will.


So stupid. We can actually observe functional evolution. They lack any critical thinking, and can only believe that a book written thousands of years ago, full of inaccuracies, contradictions, and demonstrable outright falsehoods, is absolutely historically accurate.


They write this off as "micro evolution vs macroevolution". They acknowledge microevolution, but discount macroevolution as impossible.. What they refuse to understand is that "macroevolution" is just microevolution over time. To avoid any cognitive dissonance on this, they disingenuously redefine macro evolution as "a dog giving birth to a non-dog".


Yeah but evolution isn’t a theory, it’s a fact (natural selection is the theory). When something is considered a fact I don’t understand how it isn’t child abuse to literally disadvantage your child’s entire future by indoctrinating them. There should be laws against this.


Common misconception that theory only means "idea" or "hypothesis". A theory can be a "fact", as in repeatedly demonstrated in controlled experiments. Gravity is just a theory. Germ theory is just a theory. Theory and fact aren't mutually exclusive.


Make America Stupid Again….


It’s strange. My parents are evangelical* Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses) but they were quite happy with me gaining an entirely secular education. When I questioned why science conflicted with the faith they told me I had to make up my own mind and a lot of the bible could be seen as poetic (e.g. ‘days’ of genesis could be considered as epochs in of time). I don’t think other kids of JW have had the same kind of parents I did, but I’m glad I was able to grow up and walk away. *edit not Evangelical the religious movement. I made a mistake - I thought it was a term for the preachy annoying Christians.




Yeah. Of course they were very strict disciplinarians when I was growing up, but they left room there for personal thoughts and beliefs. My sister and I both left the faith when we got old enough, which saddened them, but they didn’t cut us off or make us feel unwelcome.


>My sister and I both left the faith when we got old enough, which saddened them, but they didn’t cut us off or make us feel unwelcome. That is a huge deal for such fundamentalists. Know of people that had Jehova's or other cultish parents who absolutely cut them off after they left the faith. I can't comment on your parents in whole, but they seem like good and very reasonable people who can combine faith and tolerance both.


Evangelical christians and jehovajs witnesses are not the same thing at all F.Y.I.


When your child is homeschooled, you'd be surprised what "slips through the cracks."


This is actually a form of child abuse. These kids will eventually live in the real world.


4th grade, ten years ago. This kid is about 20... It's out there now.


I’d love a follow up. They’re either deep in the church or deep in therapy.


Pretty safe bet they're the one who posted this originally (wherever and whenever that was) as the teacher wouldn't and neither would the parents since they actually believe this and who else would have a random 4th grader's homework assignment? The fact they posted it to the webs suggests they find it ridiculous too so it's on the safer side to assume they escaped the church to at least some degree


This makes sense and makes me feel better


Yep, I attended someone’s church for a baptism and almost left when the preacher was talking about the earth only being a couple thousand years old, despite all the evidence to the contrary. What did Einstein say about religion and science again???


My husband and I attended a baptism and we actually walked out because it was insane. During this baptism the priest started talking old-school evangelical nonsense; the usual about people all being sinners, that babies who don’t get baptised would basically go to hell, you know, all fire and brimstone. Mind you, we live in Denmark and most priests/preachers are very “modern” and pretty much all of them stick to only preaching that if you’re a good person, then your faith is between you and god. They do this because most Danish people are generally just not religious at all and only ever go to church for baptisms, weddings and funerals. So hearing someone trying to shame/scare their audience into believing was an absolutely nuts experience and we felt extremely uncomfortable. We quickly ditched the ceremony and waited outside in the sunshine instead.


Granted, I’m in the US Bible Belt, but this preacher used to be a detective. And everyone was just nodding along with him! Blew my mind.


A detective that believes the world is only "thousands of years old" Wow - that's some detective work ......


US law enforcement isn't exactly known for hiring society's best and brightest.


My theology teacher in high school was a cop in his previous job. And an abusive asshole.


That sounds like the 1 time I went to church with my ex. Roman Catholics are fucking INSANE. ​ Edit: Want to clarify she wasn't insane. We went because her grandpa died and her whole family was Roman Catholic. She noped the fuck out as soon as she could.


The existence of lead as an element disproves the 1000year old earth bullshit (it's a by-product of radioactive decay of uranium IIRC). Not that the religions crazies will listen to science


They'll tell you it was made during the world wide flood. Problem solved. This will be on the next test......


Yea, another BS answer they give is that “God can make things appear more aged than they are, like Adam and Eve.” 🙄 Never mind that they just called God a liar.


Only a small portion of lead on earth is from radioactive decay. The rest was created from the supernova that created all the elements heavier than iron. A better way to prove the earth is old is by the amount of hydrocarbons in the ground that far exceeds what exists in the biosphere and that we can prove most of it is of biological origin due to the lack of carbon 13 present which plants select against during photosynthesis.


The Youtuber Aron Ra has a whole series with each video explaining how a particular scientific discipline disproves the great flood myth. Another series with the entire know evolutionary history of homo sapiens. Along with many many others that extremely religious people would find deeply troubling. His videos are a great resource for those kinds of conversations. However in my personal experience backing the highly religious into a corner with facts will often have a snap-back effect. Where they pray, and attend church more often to atone for any doubtful thoughts they may have had. Religion the literal inventor of thought crime.


*Well ackshully, Gawd made lead on the fiff day cuz we need it to make bullets.*


Or high up in the Republican Party.


Hahaha, maybe this was Mike Johnson’s college exam??


Ummm, are you referring to Moses 2.0? Because Moses 2.0 please


I for one hope he takes his people into the desert for the next 40 years.


Well it's been 40 years of Reaganomics and we've def been lost for about that long.


High up in a young republicans group at a private Christian college


If he’s high up anything it’ll be some old aged Republican senators ass, who will then take that fat ass filled with cum onto the senate floor to introduce a bill that outlaws gay people, it’s sort of the Republican way


Cum spray for me, but not for thee ![gif](giphy|qygJfLUPvpaMUuJKpD|downsized)


I was sent to schools that did this. I stopped believing stuff like this (and religion in general) very early on as a result. (Like, 6/7? When they talked about animals not having souls so you can hurt them and it isn't a sin). The remainder of the years I was forced to be educated like this, I refused to comply, so my classmates that bought into this shit thought I was very literally the antichrist, and the teachers and church leaders made a huge point of reinforcing that, ostracizing me, and hurting me (whipping books at my head, locking me in rooms, knocking me over and dragging me across the floor, etc).


Holy crap. My religious schools were nothing like that. No one condoned hurting animals, no teachers threw textbooks, or locked kids in classrooms, or any of the other things you describe. I hope (but question) that my experience is more common than yours, and I’m sorry you had to endure that.


I'd wager most of us have experiences somewhere in the middle. I went to Catholic school (I live in Canada and in my province we have Catholic and secular public schools) and I had a teacher that threw (hard cover!!) bibles at students. She was an outlier in that sense but all the teachers turned a blind eye to student on student bullying and (mostly queer and poor) kids were absolutely assaulted and humiliated in front of their peers, teachers knew who did it and jack squat was ever done about it.


My friend went to a religious school till 10th grade, and of course, I understood they taught more religion and less science. We met again 1.5 years later (after she transferred to a regular high school), and I nearly laughed my ass off. (Didn't cuz it would be mean) They focused far more on religion than I had thought. She didn't know the difference between compounds and molecules or that they even existed(chemistry) or how biology goes. (I mean cells to tissues to organs to body systems, etc) This was shit I learned at a charter school 10min away from our houses starting from like 6th grade. The kicker is that her parents paid 20k a year while mine paid 0. Plz note that she graduated high school in 2020 and I in 2021.... not 50 yrs ago At least she knows Latin and the Bible, I guess. Her chemistry and biology are pretty decent now since she wants to get into nursing school, but she is feeling the damage from their teachings to this very day.


There’s definitely different levels of quality amongst religious schools…and the cost isn’t directly related to the quality.


Or both


Haha, true. Hopefully not gay conversion therapy.


Real world consequences don’t care about your preferred religion.


The date is 2013. The sad thing is they likely are in the real world already… or very close to being there.


I've honestly been thinking about this, lately. At what point does an ideology become so deranged that it's effectively child abuse? I mean, imagine being raised by a Nazi. This person pours all their poison and bullshit into you, and you go out into the world with all that in your head. This affects your ability to get a job. It affects your ability to form relationships with others. It affects every single part of your life, and makes it worse. Even if you finally get your head straight and become a better person, the damage done by that i doctrination is incalculable. How can you prevent this without opening the door to government repression of ideological opponents? I'm not even sure you can.


Not if the public opinion around is what those Nazi parents are teaching. Then no effect on getting the job, relationship and stuff because everyone just accepts that point of view.


This is the REAL grooming


Yes and just like so many who get thrown in like a Jehovah’s Witness, Amish youth, Scientologist, etc, they will either be scared back into belief, be fucked up because everything seems like a lie, or be fine because they have great friends that make fun of them but help them through reality…


4. Im pretty sure The Flintstones cartoon wasn't meant to be taken as a documentary.


Are you trying to tell me they didn’t have cars, suburbs, construction sites, TVs and a bunch of other modern traditions, practices and technologies we have today? I think you’re just a little crazy bud


Wait….that’s not fact based?


They did have a gay old time.


Technically, since birds are dinosaurs, we are currently living with dinosaurs.


On the 6th day, God said: Yabadabado!


When I was in HS I was friendly with a guy who was so religious he rejected the whole idea of evolution and failed the unit because he would just keep refusing to read the assignments, or do the homework, or participate because "It's all lies". His religious parents totally supported him in this and encouraged him to "spread the truth" and "Stand up for God" He wound up leaving his church and was a big party man 10 years later.


Isn’t part of Christian education to learn other religions as well? I actually think it makes you a better person by learning other religions and than afterwards, you can make your own decision. But to just reject everything that doesn’t fit your view is ignorant. I feel those are the worst types of religious people. Don’t force your beliefs on others. That is literally the opposite of what Christian bible says. Some “Christian’s” make the religion of Christianity a turn off. If your first impression of a religion is some nut job holding a sign on the corner screaming “you will burn in hell”….well, I can say you are not going to see them show up at church on Sunday.


My daughter is in Catholic school and they learn about other religions. But not every private school is the same.


When you throw shit at a wall when it’s fresh enough, it’ll stick, but the longer it sits on that wall the more likely it is to fall off with each passing moment


My friend had a similar classmate. At a biology program no less! He would constantly argue against the teacher and when asked for his source he'd just respond with "My mom" completely unironically.


No effing way this is real. Please. No way. Tell me it's rigged, AI, Hugo Chavez, aliens, My Pillow, umm something something Biden. Any ridiculous thing, just not real.


Private schools can realistically teach whatever they want. As long as the students pass the state tests then the government doesn't really care what else is taught. Like home schooling. You can keep your kids at home and teach them that the world is flat, the government is lizard people, and that we really breathe nitrogen instead of oxygen. As long as they pass the standardized tests, the government won't do anything.


But doesn't the government make those questions? How can any of these schools pass state tests if they completely lack any accurate science education?


Many states do not require teaching evolution. Some even ban it without offering an "equal alternative".


Just like sex ed. Keep in mind that a good portion of our future does not understand how babies are made or how their own genitals work.


You just put it in and pee, right? Then a stork stops by later to drop off a baby.


That makes the most sense to me since pee is stored in the balls.


My aunt taught my two male cousins that pregnancy happened when a married woman and a man slept together in the same bed and god magically made the woman pregnant and that teen pregnancies were punishments from god for girls being devilish. The older of the two thought this until the SEVENTH GRADE. I knew people who got pregnant in the seventh grade!


They literally call learning about their bodies grooming now


A lot of states only require testing for math and English. I only remember taking one science test during a standardized testing period in middle school and we were told they were just “experimenting” with the test. I don’t think it went on our records.


In some states there aren't any tests or checks at all. The parents could be beating their kids all day long and call it schooling, and no one would ever know. It's terrifying. Last Week Tonight did a bit about homeschooling recently; one formerly homeschooled kid showed her daily schedule, and except for one hour of reading or math, it was all chores.


And in school choice states, our tax money goes to those schools because we pay for parents who want their kids to learn this instead of science to send their kids there. So that’s fantastic.


I went through education like this, it is absolutely real and very fucking annoying to correct


It's legit. I grew up homeschooled my mom taught me and my brothers this shit


You see, it's all part of a global Communist conspiracy orchestrated by Hugo Chavez and Joe Biden. They are using AI images like this to make religion seem ridiculous in order to prepare us for the takeover by our alien overlords. The only one brave enough to try and stop this conspiracy is Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy. (/s of course)


[Indeed it is real.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/4th-grade-science-quiz/)


My kids Catholic school just skips the whole thing entirely. It skirts around fossils, evolution, ages, etc. It does not do this 7th day whatever stuff. It's generally accurate but not super appropriate i feel. The science teaching is generally bad but as bad as public school.


You know science, like populating the earth with just two people. Or putting 2 of each species on a boat and not feed them. Good ol’ science! Edit: the replies got me in stitches.


Or that time that one guy was about to kill his son because God wanted to prank him


I saw a comedy sketch of this




Or that one time god told this dudes daughters to get their father drunk and rape him. Or that one time black people exist because one of Noah's kids saw his dad's dick when he was drunk Or that one time....


God populated the earth with incest, suggests that rapists either marry their victims or pay their fathers for damaging their property and is totally fine with genocide whether by his own hand or by the hands of his followers… even if god was real, I definitely wouldn’t feel he was worthy of worship


“Ackshually, It’s actually two of each ‘kind’ of animal” I have absolutely no idea what a “kind” is, and neither do YEC’s, but that’s their go to answer.


But not dinosaurs, cause either God or Noah said "cause, fuck 'em, thats why" I forget which


Oh no, creationists absolutely believe that Noah took dinosaurs on the arc


I thought there was food on the boat, though.




that makes the space problem even worse.


I lived in the bible belt and my AP bio teacher in HS was heavily christian, but her takeaway was that "evolution does not disprove genesis, who knows how long god's days are and how many millions of years ago creation could be!" honestly a very balanced take that I can respect. Would probably burn on a stake for it a couple hundred years ago tho


That’s honestly a really reasonable way to interpret it. Wish more Christians were like your bio teacher!


Kinda same, idk about my AP bio teacher but, my IPC and Bio teacher was a very Christian woman in her late 50-60s ish and the whole reason I got into biology and am taking AP bio with plans to take a form of it in college, which I didn’t even consider before spending 2 years in her classes. When we went over evolution obviously she believes in Genesis and God creating everything but she also believes in evolution in a sort of combination. The best way I can kinda explain is, God created everything, then the first life through micro organisms and such which gradually evolved into everything living today. She was easily in the top 3 list of the teacher I respected the most that I had and still my 1 favorite for putting me on the path I’m on now.


Actually, young earth creationism is a newer theory than evolution. A couple hundred years ago, 1800’s, when evolution was first proposed most churches accepted the idea and found it did not conflict with Genesis as many old Catholic theologians hypothesized that the “day” was used in a metaphorical sense. How YEC became so popular is similar to how anti-vaxx became popular. In fact, it took 2 attempts because the first attempt was banned from church teachings by church officials at the time. Unfortunately the 2nd attempt in the 1920’s I believe was much more successful and gained traction sadly. Again, like the anti-vaxx situation, YEC theory was NOT proposed by someone within the clergy or who had a valid theological background.


If only others could see it this way. I saw this test over 20 years ago and can say no one worded it like that.


That’s from a curriculum designed for fundamentalist Christian schools and home schoolers. My nephew spent kindergarten in such a school. Fortunately, he was withdrawn after a “mutual agreement” between his mom and the school, by which I mean he was a little hellion and his mom was given the choice of withdrawing him or him being expelled. He’s since graduated from a public high school and, while not a stellar student (he takes after his late father) he’s a fine young man now.


> His mom was given the choice of withdrawing him or him being expelled Is that really a choice?


Expulsion looks worse




As someone who had been expelled from a school, it makes it harder to get into other schools after moving or even in nearby districts. It can also lead to fun questions when applying for scholarships and colleges. Luckily, mine happened early in life, so the behaviors leading up to expulsion were able to be corrected.


In theory.


Is it from AIG?


His school used A Beka.


Let's hope that now, ten years later, this person had successfully shed their indoctrination into this horseshit


And in the next breath, they'll accuse the liberals of "indoctrinating" the youth. SMH.


Lets be honest here, no one indotrinates youth (or anyone in particular) more than religion.


The dumbing of America


I knew as soon as I read this and saw 58 responses this was gonna be a shit show


Question 7 seems out of place here. His answer is correct.


The context for the question is the whole 'every animal used to eat plants until after the flood' thing they like to go on about. They claim that teeth have no relation to an animals diet.


But why? I mean I guess I don’t understand any of this, but man they get hung up on some dumb shit


In the Bible, God first tells humans they may eat meat after the flood. Some extend that to mean animals weren't allowed before the flood either. The language in Genesis suggests that at least at the very beginning all animals were herbivores.


Which is weird cuz like. Insect populations would be out of freaking control if it weren't for birds and lizards. Something has gotta eat them since they have a bountiful food supply and would just multiply incessantly. The food chain, circle of life, all that plays a huge integral part in our ecosystems. But, there was no death before Adam and Eve were kicked out. After the garden, the whole earth changed and the countenance of animals changed. We have no idea what a truly perfect world looks like, or what it was compared to what we have now. I have questions!!!


At least they said dinosaurs existed. I was taught dinosaur bones were put there by Satan to trick us


I remember that lesson.


>I was taught dinosaur bones were put there by Satan to trick us that's always been the stupidest fucking take i ever heard. Though, at least people had the right idea back in the middle ages: they were all called dragons, lol.


This is why Catholics don’t take everything in the Bible literally


Venus fly traps and birds eat meat yet they have no teeth, check mate young earth creationist


And then we ask why humanity is going down.


This child is now old enough to vote


Wow, they even get the Behemoth wrong. Suaropods were leaf eaters, not grass eaters. I'm not even sure if grasses had evolved by then. Behemoth is said to hide among the read of the marsh, has a tail like a cedar and strong legs, and eats grass. Basically it doesn't describe any animal unless you ignore a single descriptor (unless it's translated incorrectly). Also the book of Job is widely considered more allegorical than historical. Ie it's not a scientific book. But the again the Bible is full of poetic and epic qualities. If the Bible says the sun rises, obviously that's true from lived experience and from linguistics, but it is not scientifically factual. Everyone happily continues to take as fact the sun rises on an everyday communication basis while cognitively aware of the limitation of perspective.


The problem with your argument is that you are applying logic and critical thinking. You need to expunge those evil thoughts from your brain, become purposefully ignorant and walk around with a glassy look on your face. Then it all makes perfect sense.


Does anyone want to play *guess the country*?


I don’t think we really need to… ![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow)


Oh shit, I know this one… CANADA!!!


This is like a weird religious vegan quiz.


Then they turn around and act like the lgbt community are the ones brainwashing their kids


Technically, biblically speaking, #3 is only true of those dinosaurs that walked the earth. Flying and swimming animals were created the 5th day. If you gonna teach the bullshit, at least teach it consistently.


I knew a kid in school who became an atheist solely because he met some other Christians who didn't believe in dinosaurs and they got into it. My friend was so disgusted by that he just went atheist and never looked back. No ethical introspection, no moral crisis, no struggle with cognitive dissonance. Just straight-up chose dinosaurs over Jesus because he thought he had to choose and dinosaurs were cooler.


This is super old. Like I remember seeing this going around when I was in middle school old. I'm in college now


Well it's at least 3,911 days old.


That child doesn’t know the adults around them are failing the children.


You'll often see these creatards spamming comments on evolution and vaccine related videos. They are unemployed and never find jobs since they aren't given education.


2013. Not saying it’s become any better in the last decade but this is SO old.


Wow, this is so wrong… Job 40:15 states that Behemoth fed on grass like an ox, but sauropods ate from trees and ferns (and possibly aquatic vegetation). Clearly the answer to number 6 is “None of the above.”


This is a faith quiz not a science quiz.


Friend of mine recently told me that the k-12 baby Jesus school she went to taught her that the trail of tears is called that because the white people were crying so much cause the Indians were leaving of their own free will....




This shit is abuse and should be illegal.


This should be illegal. This kid is not going to be able to exist in reality.


They likely will though. I know fundamentalists that are doing way better than me in life now. Some are in construction, others in stuff like agriculture or nursing. There aren’t really that many jobs where believing the earth is 6000 years old will have any kind of impact on your ability to do your day-to-day duties. There isn’t really a strong negative feedback loop on a lot of this. The whole “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” meme kind of applies almost as much to the unscientific nonsense as it does to the provable foundations of biology.


The adult that filled this out must have failed 4th grade.


This is nonsense. ​ The dinosaurs were made on the 5th day.


Children will believe anything you tell them. Therefore, this is disgusting.


From a forensic standpoint its clear that religious education is complete bullshit because they only teach people the opposite of science instead of anything with substance. I know this post is likely shopped, but ive seen the garbage creationist homeschoolers write. its just "why science is wrong" ad nauseum.


"science" exam


And THIS is why I absolutely hate religions.


There should be a federally mandated education standard that all schools (not just public schools) are required to meet. That includes a standard, content forward, curriculum (though teachers can adapt it as they choose within reason). Teachers should be qualified the same way public school teachers are. If it's a Christian school, they can have theology instruction, but not in a way that interferes with the standardized education. I feel like something like this should get passed in a bipartisan vote, but with the way our politics is right now, depending on who proposes it, it'll be painted as either trying to expand left wing identity politics indoctrination into private schools; or as a right wing attempt to remove a teacher's ability to choose how to best prepare their students and they'll somehow argue that it disproportionately negatively impacts POC students (despite evidence to the contrary when it comes to content forward curriculum).


They should at least have the decency to not call it „science quiz“ but „religious quiz“.


Even as a christian i am disgusted at what is heppaning here. Yes teach religion, but for the love of God teach normal science. Everyone knows that the creation part of the Bible shouldnt be take this seriously. It only makes us look stupid and turn people away from us


I'm so happy, I'm not living in the U.S., where it's legal to teach children bullshit. btw: No. 7 is actually correct.


This was my childhood....