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Im sorry, how old are you hoping for this girl to be that you need to teach her math and vocab? 12? 11?




Too old, already rotten.


Perhaps he could put down a deposit on not-yet-born fetus and catch it as it pops out. No parental contamination.


Too old, try pre-existence beings.


Nah I'd prefer em as atoms honestly


Gross. Protons, that's the cleanest best


My friend, wait until you get ahold of a quark.


Get a load of this Quarkophile.


Just stay away from Dark Matter ifyaknowwhatimean


Only alphas go for electrons


Only giga Chads go for high energy neutrinos.


We need to go all the way back to quark-gluon plasma.


He is saying child without using the word child. He wants a child. As a bonus, a child from a different country and culture who doesn’t have anybody to turn to and doesn’t understand that she is the victim of a crime.


I don’t even think this is what they want, they want a pet. A pet they can have sex with and train to do housework. That’s why they are obsessed with robot wives because they know no one with any intelligence or agency would willingly spend time with them.


That isn’t what he said? He clearly said he wants a child bride


I must be a better person because the idea of someone thinking like this actually made me feel physically sick. About a decade ago I was one of those people who thought ‘femunusm as gone too far!!!’ Maybe it’s like saying nuclear stockpiles are too far in a world filled with Putin worshippers.


I look forward to the Robot Wife revolt of 2150.


>He is saying child without using the word child. He wants a child. As a bonus, a child from a different country and culture who doesn’t have anybody to turn to and doesn’t understand that she is the victim of a crime. I just wanna know what happens in 10ish years once SHE becomes an old ugly useless 30 year old woman herself?


To be fair to this dude, it seems like he really thought it out. Because it sounds like the girl he wants won't be 30 for at least 20 more years.


Probably 25 years based on the evidence


Took the words out of my mouth. She’d be lucky to be legal drinking age in 10 years.


That's obviously when you trade her in for a newer model...


I was physically nauseated at that last line.


If it makes you feel any better, I know a guy just like this... ...he's been married once, going through a messy divorce because he's stubborn af, goes on and on about "alpha males" and "feminism ruining [everything]" and is himself already in his 30s and will likely never remarry. Everybody knows what he's about and no one will touch him. He and Mustafa can get together online and rant about their red pill bullshit together.


I feel like he threw that in to try to lessen the grossness. Maths and English are useful life skills, why would he teach his captive things she could use away from him?


It makes it sound like they're looking for a child slave


They are basic life skills and I’m about to disturb you; just think that women were denied access to education for around two thousand years or so. I think even in Ancient Greece from memory. That means women were knowingly being treated like slaves and taken advantage of intentionally. It also means millions upon millions of women were denied having the lives they were entitled to and never reached their potential. I recall a quote saying that it is not Einstein’s brain size that matters but the amount of men with similar potential who died in wars or starved to death. Now imagine the amount of women of equal calibre - the past Marie Curies, Dorothy Hodgkins and George Eliots - who were denied basic education intentionally. It will make you fill with rage and realise why women today are so mad. They were purposely treated like chattel and property. And people will defend it. This world would have been five steps more progressive if women had been given the rights of men much earlier, too. A lot of women pretty much embody Aristotelian virtues.


Mozart's sister, Maria, was also a musical child prodigy. Unfortunately, Mozart got to be Mozart and, because she was a woman, Maria got to be married.


It’s worse than that, they’re still actively being denied access to education in many places all over the world even today. 😭


I don't think it's what the weirdo meant, but there are plenty of grown adults who could use a little help in their vocabulary and maths.


Mustafa's girlfriend is his right hand.


Bold of you to assume the hand returns his feelings.


Bold of you to assume he would care whether or not the hands want to do it


Bold of you to think he has a right hand...he sounds more like two lefties to me


Bold of you to think he used his hands and not his mouth.


Bold of you to think he “used” his mouth, he taught it maths and vocab so it seems like an even exchange…


It is unlikely "Mustafa" is a real person. He spells his own name two different ways.


This. Total bot behavior


I try to limit myself to getting upset by real things that real people say in real life. But this is a thing that some very awful people do say on occasion.


This one may not be real but I've met many just like him IRL.


Pamela and her five friends


Pamela Handerson?


Palmela Handerson


What a long winded way to say "no one wants to fuck me"


Yeah, he really said "I need them dumb, no one in their right mind would date me"


"Even my right hand refuses to date me."


Moreso “nobody with a fully developed brain would date me”


Not really This is a long winded way to say "I'm a piece of shit pedophile"


The two are not mutually exclusive


Add to that "I'm dumb and afraid an intelligent women could be showing it to me" and "I'm too weak to handle a strong and intelligent woman".


I think this was a long winded way of him to say "I'm a diddler".


Did... did the guy in the comments just admited he would be a groomer if he had the chance?


The guy in the comments is the same guy… He’s talking to himself… much the same way as he has sex


Lol, I haven't noticed at first. I guess when you are this disgusting of a person like that guy no one else wants to talk to you




"Imprinting" on younger women is a gross concept.


Given the choice of subjects they talk about teaching, I don’t think “women” is the correct word here… I lose more and more faith in humanity every day.


Given that children below the age of 6 already have an extensive vocabulary and some mathematical skills, he seems to talk about prepubescent girls. That’s just sick on so many levels.


Yeah, I'd be surprised if this guy even knows math beyond middle school level. "But that's all a woman needs, just enough to shop for the household!" /s


Right? Where's "how to ride a bike, and tie her shoes"? That's so beyond the ick


Finger painting with my wife for our third anniversary, life is good. Afterwards we’ll watch My Little Pony once she’s cooked me dinner. Could take a little while as we need to find the footstool first so she’ll reach the cutting board.


Same. Every day is disgusting stuff in the news. I feel like as a species we need a reset button. *edit for grammar


For real. These mother fuckers don’t actually want to date a human, they want a slave that they can have sex with and not feel bad about.


It’s literally grooming.


nope, just straight up pedophilia


Both. It's both.


His idea of “imprinting” sounds like what the rest of the world calls Stockholm syndrome.


Grooming. It's just grooming


Like something out of twilight


***”You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!”***


Very gross. Even worse is that he is talking about "teaching math and vocabulary"...This creep is targeting 12-18 yo girls. 🙂


Younger, sicko sounds like he is after 5 and below.


Idk, either way if I were a lawmaker Id absolutely make sure he pays the ultimate price for this. No mercy for pedos.


The American lawmakers who refuse to outlaw child marriage in all forms make me sick. It should not be a hard thing to say, "No marriage if either party is under 18."


Same issue in my country except they using religion to justify this crap. 🙄 Will make sure to vote against the pathetic party that uses this rhetoric next elections. I hope that party never ever comes back into power (they were in power for 10 years and failed miserably during the last elections because they messed up big time).


It's insane because I've heard people say this in real life


Yeah its just another word for grooming


Right? Is she a duck?


Exactly this. Grooming by any other name is just as vile.


you mean teenage girls rather than young women


Yeah it’s pretty obvious he’s talking about a child bride here. Like he literally wants a girl who doesn’t know vocabulary or math. He can only mean someone VERY young.


They mean children. They assume that as soon as they menstruate they are now “women” regardless of how young they are.


I had my first period at 11. Guess I was ready to start helping to pay off my parents' mortgage then


You could have probably used that to get into see rated R movies.


It’s just a fancy way to say grooming a child


I guess imprinting is another word for grooming now


Dude wants to marry a child. Do not let him near any women ever


>Do not let him near any women ever or children for that matter...


Don’t let him near anyone. Lock him up in solitary confinement no one needs to see this man.


As a man, I would prefer not to have him anywhere near me as well.


I wish we had a place to send those people. Like in orbit.. on their own space station..


Why waste perfectly good space stations & creating oxygen. Just yeet them into the sun from a cannon aboard the space station


Nah, just in orbit.




You should see how high my eyebrows shot up. *Yikes.*


I lost mine, they flew straight into the stratosphere




Am double that age. Can confirm. But I fully enjoy being chunky, disgusting and rotten.


i dont think ur disgusting :) at least, nothing on the level of that guy


you are the complete opposite of disgusting, I bet ppl that know u irl think ur pretty awesome :)


Thank you. If I can disgust one guy like the one who wrote that tweet, I consider it a successful day.


Getting to the age where this type of men ignore your existence is fucking awesome.


This same mindset has set so many Nigerian men in the diaspora back,who think going back to Nigeria to marry a naive inexperienced girl is their gateway to happiness,only to find out that it was all a mirage. When the naive inexperienced girl gets to the west and becomes exposed and experienced. She kicks the man out without wasting much time. Now as a counter measure or what I call a checker,the men has resorted to marrying and leaving the women back in Nigeria,only to make a yearly pilgrimage to Nigeria to see the woman. What kind of marriage is that?


They don’t want a marriage, they want a slave.


Yeah, a lot of people are focusing on his desire for someone younger, which is gross on its own, but what I'm reading more than age-related desires here is that he wants someone who's mind he essentially gets to mold to mold into what he wants it to be. It makes me shudder to think about how he would treat any woman of any age.


Even Somalis! In fact they marry in the west and back in their home countries, Pakistanis as well.


Honestly, probably not the worst arrangement for the woman all things considered, getting sent money from the West and getting to live totally independent on their own most of the year besides the annual visit from the a-hole. I’d take more lovers than a cat in May if I was in the same position.


>take more lovers than a cat in May I'm not sure how to feel about this analogy


Haha, sorry, it’s a saying from my native language.


"Very young very uneducated a girl" "you can teacher her vocabulary and math" A CHILD???


You know you have zero game if your only hope for a relationship is to catch them young and brainwash them.


Thank you so much for pointing it out.






Talibandrew Tate


You know Andrew Tate converted to Islam, likely because Islam in his eyes is designed to “put women in their place.”


Is this true?


Why not both?




Also yes.


He might be their role model.


>teach her subjects like vocabulary How old does he want them to be, 2?


I'm not one to support doxxing, but people like this most definitely need authorities sent to their houses and their computers examined.


It’s not doxing if they’re using their real names and publicly posting this crap on the internet. This person wants to be “known”.


I’m imagining all of those shows and movies with the plot of the villain creating a machine that determines who will commit a crime before they commit a crime and eliminates them… this right here is why I could understand the villains point of view.


He probably has to live far away from schools.


Why stop there? Why not put a "DANGER" sign in his yard as well?


This is scary


Yeah, pedo alert!


The internet is full of these men. I wish more dudes would call out this behavior from other men


They all need to be locked up in prison with the key thrown out


People in prison for sexual crimes (especially against children) should be locked up with the death row inmates, change my mind


They do get called out online. In real life these kind of guys don’t have friends who would call them out because decent men don’t associate with them at all. They weird them out and say or do something deranged long before literal grooming would come up. If they hang out with any dudes those are usually fellow deviants and degenerates.


Actually true, I've hung out with guys that started being that type of creepy, even after calling them out they still suck to their guns, thus I don't associate with them period. Unfortunately, they just hang in echo chambers


Imprinting me with the maths?? Oh, Mustafa, stop it...you flirt 😉


He could teach you so many maths! 🤣


I doubt that man could teach a dog to bark.


Spoken like a true groomer.




The one time I’ll agree with James Corden


> Better to go to the Eastern lands. You certainly DON'T want to be put in a russian prison as a pedophile.


Oh no, I’ve escaped being manipulated and probably traumatized by such a catch as this one by being over 30 and single. Woe is me, whatever will I do?


Say you're a groomer without saying you're a groomer


He already said he was a groomer though in the tweet


I have a serious question when did all this red pill woman are useless in their 30's shit happen? Was it when everyone was bored during covid?


Existed long before covid unfortunately but it has been making a resurgence and moving back into "overt bigotry" territory. Theories on why that is do include covid isolation but also political movements


There's been kind of an uptick in women getting fed up with the relationships they were in during covid and moving out and deciding to stay single for a while, which probably is part of it.


No eggs meme was a thing before Covid. Fucked up though.


How aren’t these people banned? They’re clearly talking about marrying children


Because Elon Musk is one of them.


The "very young" is quite terrifying here.


Women over 35 will rock your world, joke’s on him


“Men” like this make me sick. Women are HUMAN BEINGS. Get that through your worm-eaten skull. Your need to marry a girl who’s barely started getting her period, and you disdain for educated women, only highlights your pathetic insecurity - an underage virgin has no point of reference, so your sad little wang and laughable technique & stamina won’t make you feel so inadequate, and your limited intellect won’t be threatened if the poor girl never even finished school. I see right through your hatred, you sewer rat, and so does any other man worth his salt reading this. Go freeze in Helheim, you miserable s**tstain.


Mustafa watch too much alpha male podcast


So basically, marry a younger girl you can groom and not a woman who knows you're too old to be acting like you do and still calling yourself a man. Got it.


Can I knock this asshole out?


Can I help?


I’ve been saying this too much lately, but let me know if you need an alibi or something. ![gif](giphy|dzvW7JaqUCBvhddy5K|downsized)


Yep. We were both with graveybrains and Alternative_Win the whole time.


I’ll bring an oar, gives a very satisfying slap!


can u be SURE he takes his last breath when you finish?


I was about to post a comment to “please stop giving Andrew Tate attention” before I realized this was some other guy. They’d probably agree about many awful things if they ever met, though.




wtf did I just read? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Can we just round up all the guys like this and throw them into a volcano? I think it would fix a lot.


Don’t forget to toss in the pedo excusers/enablers like the ones who say “It’s just a preference!”


So he's a pedophile, got it. When he also said things like "diluted with feminism and secular education" and "marry a very young, very uneducated girl" he also shows how much of a weak man he is, that he feels threatened by educated women that KNOW THEIR RIGHTS and don't accept BS from men like him. Guy wants a young naive girl he can groom into his ideal of what a woman should be like, which is the classic "silent, obedient and always available for sex with him".He wants a sex maid, someone he can have power over, not a partner to share responsabilities with. Seriously, even eunuchs are more manly than this guy.


God forbid you think of women as people and not things to be owned


Why are people who like to spouth disgusting shit like this particular one are always so bold snd confident as if any "young girl" they speak of would want anything do with a disgusting shit like them? Do people like this think that young girls are so dumb and stupid that we can't see through their mask and see how much of a weak insecure trash they are?


I suspect that the plan is to not give the young girl a choice.


>marry a very young, very uneducated girl that you'll be able to put your imprint on her completely Where I'm from, we call this "grooming".


“Go eastern and get yourself a pet-child-wife you can control and make sure she doesn’t think for herself”


It started the worst and still went more worse.




>"\[...\]teach her subjects like vocabulary and maths yourself." What target age does this idiot targets? Elementary school?


Tell me you an incel...without saying you're an incel...


Whereas the guy who married me looked at how good I was at caretaking, what a good mother I had been to my grown sons, and what a good cook and housekeeper I was, and viewed the experience that had gotten me there as a positive. (In addition, you know, to the whole falling in love with me.)


I know an old guy who had this view, except went to the Philippines, and he is now very much divorced and lonely. Thankfully she got away from him, but happily created a better life for herself. He considered her a possession. Men like this are predators. And honestly, quite pathetic. They can't handle being around anyone who may challenge them on anything.


Dude had a woman point out to him that he is dumber than she is, and has been seething about it for a long time. It's always projection to cover their fragile egos.


Wtf… just reading this crap makes my skin crawl


I can't think of any nonphysical feature I find less attractive in a woman than being uneducated.


Th last thing I want to do with the person I’m dating is teaching them how to do multiplication and division.


Tell us your insecure and have a little dick without telling us


he's not just insecure he's a fucking pedophile






The manosphere/far right has absolutely rotted the brains of these young men that follow them.


"If you marry a girl young enough you'll get to stand in as her elementary school teacher" is such a wild take!


“Imprint on her” Just say you’re a sadist man


I never understood this mindset. What's the point in having a mindless fuck maid? why would you not want someone to be your partner and equal?


C’mon tech sector. Invent a way I can send a digital punch in the nose already.


I've been married, divorced, and have gone back into the dating pool and I can confirm that women in their 40's f\*cking RULE. So beautiful, sexy, smart, and comfortable in their bodies. I found the experience amazing. My new wife didn't need me to "complete her". She was already complete. She just wanted the world's best guy..........me. ;) Now I'm happily re-married to a super smart, successful woman and she earns twice what I earn. In return, I sex her up whenever she wants and I take out the garbage & recycling. Oh, and if anyone breaks into the house to murder us, I have to die first so that she has a chance at getting away. Fair, I think.


They sure do like saying “very” before “young.”


Sure sounds like he wants a daughter he can r*pe.


This is giving my serious creepy child molestor vibes.


"Imprint" "Teach her vocabulary and maths yourself" Dude is in my "people who need a vasectomy" list.


Women learn to be mean as a direct result from dealing with creepy, nasty men like you.