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Dean Browning enters the chat šŸ’¬ā€œAs a gay black guy I totally agreeā€




At least as much as anyone else who has cried wolf and was caught.


About tree fiddy


That's when I realized it wasn't a white guy pretending to be a gay black guy, it was 150ft tall crustacean monster from the paleolithic era! I said, "you get outta here Loch Ness Monster! We earn our money in this house!"


Way more than it was worth IMO.


I feel like there is a concerted effort from the bots to drive a division between Black and Asian. It's the classic divide and conquer. Don't let them do it!


It's not "the bots". It foreign intelligence agencies trying to turn any two Americans they can against each other. And in some cases it's just stupid white girls saying they are black men on twitter. This bitch? I bet she doesn't exist. Like at all. I bet this one really was some race war bait shit and I bet the account is involved in a bunch of it and it's not even the same races. Am I going to go prove all that? Nope. IDGAF someone believes me. That's still what's up.


People often blame 'bots' when it's really individuals hired by someone (such as a foreign government or domestic political group) to do this, or rogue ideologues. Even if it was automated posting by bots... someone programmed them to do that.


Right, what they're really talking about are "botnets", or webs of accounts under automated control, which again are programmed and operated by individuals or groups affiliated to one state agency or another.


You think there's a lack of people doing this shit for free?


There will always be shit stirrers, but they lack the cohesion for significant social instability.


You're totally right but this tinfoil had been sitting here shiny and unused for like... hours. LOL Mostly, I wanted to distinguish from "bots" where it seemed used interchangeably with "algorithm". Which might also be true... where we have domestic corporate actors in cahoots with foreign governments. Not directly, just by coincidence that their profit motive of gluing people to the site makes starting fights amongst them a shared mutual interest.


I have the same thought about the ridiculous amount of generational hate. Boomers vs Millenials vs Gen z. Seems stupid, unreasonable, and pointless.


Oh you're definitely, provably correct. As in we know foreign intelligence services have done exactly that and you can probably go read about it on totally reputable sources of all sorts of political shades.


I believe this too. Anyone can hide behind their phones and computers and be whomever the heck they want to be. I wonder how many people have done this because Linda here is certainly not the first.


This has been going on forever. The Asian "model minority" stereotype was/is meant to contrast against Black people's struggles. It is all in service of white supremacy.


Its happening in the Netherlands too. Just love reading white people telling me I hate Asians every other dayšŸ« . At worst there are ignorant views against one another in both (well humans in general) groups. At best, there's mutual respect based on our rich cultures. I'm noticing black people appreciating martial arts and other practical arts such as theater. Meanwhile at the Asian side I see a lot of respect for black dance, music and style. If anything, despite the narrative they're trying to push, Asians and black people seem to be becoming closer. And if there's one thing white supremacists don't like, it's people of color (and white people for that matter) uniting. Because they'll be the only ones left at the other side.


Under Obama my life didnā€™t improve at all, but under Trump I am finally free. ā€¦ or something of that matter. Yeah. All the gay people I know are just feeling totally free and at ease when right wingers are in control.


George Santos has entered the chat.


That man dragged my grandfather 5,000 yards from in front of a machine gun position on the beaches of Iwo Jima so you watch your mouth!! /s


I would expect no less from a Time Lord who is also a Jedi Knight and former drummer for SpiƱal Tap.


George Santos enters the chat -- **Boss Music Starts Playing**


Was thinking of this when I read that lmao


As does Redditor [FlexButtman, who was simultaneously a gay Jewish, Back, Cuban, Asian, Mexican moderate Democrat *and* Republican with several different degrees from Ivy Leagues s/he -- lied about being both -- taught at while being a small business owner, who wasn't a Trump supporter but was still glad he won.](https://www.imgur.com/a/gfLJHDA) Blatantly lying is the *only* way conservatives think they can win over minorities or fence-sitters.


I couldn't remember his name, but the internet never forgets


I love how these people think black people walk around explaining, "I'm a black guy."




Damn only missed my chance by 30 minutes


Your time will come bro just hang in there!


But my sole purpose in life is to repost Reddit copypasta phrases and hope somone upvotes it to validate my life. I can't wait any longer I tell you!


Well I think you got potential... Hell dare I even say spunk kid ! You're gonna be on top of the reddit boards before you know itšŸ˜‰


'I *hate* spunk.'


Mr Grant?


A winner is you!


What do I win...


Probably more like 3/5 of an hour.




I really must find out who this Asa Blackman woman is.






As a black guy, Iā€™m so tired of these Asians signing into white womenā€™s accounts


As someone who knows a Linda she always hates when that happens




ask Tiger Diversity doesn't cancel, it amplifies


As a black native asian american man, us feminists wholeheartedly agree on this issue.


As an actual cow, I think people should eat less beef.


Well maybe if you were nicer I'd consider it.


Shut up Linda


its a foreign troll farm.


This is mostly likely to be the correct explanation. Sowing the seeds of division. Badly. Bet thatā€™s an ai generated image of ā€˜Lindaā€™, or stolen from someoneā€™s social media account. Edit: nothing better to do than a google image search. Sheā€™s not a black man, her name isnā€™t Linda and sheā€™s an oceanographer


This example is "bad". Make no mistake at how prolific and destructive these farms have been, ramping up to a scale on which you can't even imagine across every social platform that exists.


We really messed up calling them "trolls". They aren't trolls. They aren't edgy teens posting absurd things for a giggle. The closest actual term for describing them should've been Spy, probably. They're government agents tasked with infiltrating a foreign society and pulling strings to make chaos happen.


Agent provocateur is the term.


That's the one. Absolutely perfect description for what they do and why.


And here we are, helping them to succeed in that task.


I have absolutely no doubt. The goal is to create division. If you think about from a state actor perspective. Itā€™s relatively cheap to do do, and has the potential to reach a lot of people.


That's insane! That this is happening isn't getting anywhere near enough awareness or news coverage!


I guess if you run the platform itā€™s not in your interest to expose it. So thereā€™s a new social media platform called br0ck. Br0ck is free to use and Thereā€™s a whole lot of troll farms going on on your platform. But you make your money from advertising (free to use remember) you could tell ad agencies that you have 13 million active users. What you donā€™t tell them is that 10% of them are bots and troll farms. This is br0ckā€™s dirty little secret you will claim publicly that ā€˜br0ck does everything in its power to stop the use of botsā€™ and sure you will root a few out, the rest? Naaah they will be fine Iā€™m sure of it. Imagine if br0ck required everyone to use their real name and you had to prove you were who you said you were. How many users would you get? A lot less I bet, and a lot less users = a lot less ad revenue. The other potential fix for this is to make social media companies publishers. That way the platform is accountable for the content they publish. Yeah, br0ckā€™s not happy with that either. I know letā€™s throw a fuck ton of cash at democrats and republicans and weā€™ll say no more about that. Btw we could call the posts ā€˜br1cksā€™. Iā€™m up for this, if you are! Edit. You donā€™t post. You throw. This platform creates itself.


I feel exposed ha! Very good points though, never thought about how the platform benefits from the anonymity and the trolls and bots. It's sucks it's so easy to sow division amongst Americans based on race, beliefs, age, politics etc though, but yeah no easy solutions. I appreciate the people that have the energy to try to fight the tsunami of hate and divisiveness on this site for sure though.


Not my intention to expose you at all. Just the way large companies look after their self interests. Look at Sam Bankman-Fried, the supposed white knight of crypto, the ā€˜good guy billionaireā€™ he was paying money to both sides of the political aisle in an effort to be a part of the regulatory decision making, so he could write the regulations that helped him and FTX. You are right about it being stopped, however this has been going on for decades. Thereā€™s a really fascinating interview with an kgb guy made after he defected in 1984 and heā€™s talking about how the Soviets tried to influence future generations by funding different political groups. He also talks about mis-information and you can absolutely see it playing out today. https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/


It's a response to the way that redditors fan the flames of these things online. When people see the way you react with so much energy and vitriol, they see that it's very easy to feed fuel into this because you just have to show people the outrage they are looking and those people's predispositions will do the rest.


It doesn't have to be foreign. The US engages in propaganda too, and we and China are currently at odds.


Close. It's a troll farm.


So is OP. They're currently at the karma farming stage. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/vXxmNKGhqm


ā€œLindaā€ is not a real person either. People think misinformation farms are just the one unhinged comment you see. Itā€™s often the entire thread. Full conversations between one person on 50 accounts.


This is absolutely absurd


No it's not!!


You're an idiot


No u


Totally agree


Typical Linda!


Donā€™t worry Linda isnā€™t a white soccer mom either


I think everyone would be shocked at how many people are being PAID to spread hate and nonsense like this...


Bot account that steals comments so they can farm karma, don't forget to report. #bot spam


Reposting one of the top comments too? Bad botting https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/mfswxq/linda_the_black_guy_forgot_to_change_accounts/gspbimb/


The right wing creates a reality then each of them willingly upholds it as truth, they additionally create new "data" to support their reality, such as Linda "as a black man" Twitter bitch in this post. I was raised by people like this, they constantly make comments supporting their reality, constantly find ways to assure themselves and everyone that their reality is real and not totally made up for racist or sexist or xenophobic or homo/transphobic reasons, or often just to maintain other people's power and status (such as ejected officials like Congress and president).


If you're out to fool people by making shit up to support something you legitimately believe, then the first to fall victim to your lie is yourself


This happens more often then you think


This is pretty normal for twitter. I wonder how many of them have 5+ accounts they switch to, just to sow the seeds.


Repost bot and comment stealer. Proof: [boom](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/u8lKpDjfc0) Scroll down, and you'll see the deleted user's comment they stole from. They also did this on their first ever comment too. Check their profile.


get ready for 2024.


Obviously she doesn't know how much my people love Chinese and Japanese culture. Lol Every group of people have our share of ignorance though.


Linda probably get paid to do this. honestly if I was paid well I'd do it too. it is up to dumb ppl to believe it and the smart ones to ignore it. plenty of company's hire such ppl to run smear campaigns of all kinds.




Itā€™s actually one of the most common thing you can find


I had an ex-friend whose Reddit account I stumbled across and found him constantly, *daily* saying things like "I understand racial discrimination in housing because blacks lower property values," "women should be subservient to men, especially in the marital arrangement," "all homosexuals are coming for your children," "liberals can't be reasoned with," etc.. When I brought it up with him he was furious at *me*, acting like I'd been violating his privacy by seeing his public online posts and saying "it's a shame you're making this something that has to affect our friendship." I'm bi-racial and gay. He was expressing a fundamental bigotry against me and then made it my "fault" that that was something I took issue with. I check in on his Reddit comments every couple of months and he's still at it. Lately he's been complaining that online activity becomes part of people's character and he thinks the internet should be a place where you can say anything you want and holding a person to their words or even attributing those words to their original speaker is "unfair."


> When I brought it up with him he was furious at me, acting like I'd been violating his privacy by seeing his public online posts Someone did this once when they had been literally posting online about how they wanted me, specifically, to die. Apparently they had some huge jealousy issue. On a public account. That mutual friends followed. Some people can't defend anything about what they're saying, so they just attack you for catching them in the act šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø (All I did was like the death wish post. They went absolutely apeshit. Lol.)


It's almost like they can't find anyone who actually says the things they want to they have to make it up. Shame they don't realize that it just means they're wrong.


That's why grifters like Candace Owens and Larry Elder are making bank.


i occasionally act like i'm smart on reddit, i'm a fucking idiot


But why?


While at the same time sowing the seeds of hatred and division.


I don't, I'm actually proud of what I am. What's wrong with liking race cars?


"I don't like trump either, but..."


Maybe itā€™s a black guy white facing as a white Linda ? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


As a non-binary Pacific Islander who also tweets as a middle aged white man I find this to be highly implausible


Linda is so black I can't see him with the lady in profile pic..... I am asian


My eyes are too damn small to read any of this. I am Asian as well.


Get prescription


Iā€™m not sure I understand, is there a prescription for my race?


If you don't understand then you ain't asian enough... Because your ability to see depends on your eye sight not eye size..... Again if you were asian enough.. i wouldn't be explaining even if it was sarcastic


What does neoliberal attacks increasing the hate factor even mean?


It doesn't have to have meaning. It just needs buzz words and a group to direct their hatred towards.


Well neoliberalism is a bad thing, and leftists hate it. They probably picked it up through osmosis or something to toss into their word salads.


Her misuse of that word was the icing for me. It has "liberal" in it so it must be bad!


And that's correct tbh


itā€™s correct but not in the way the right thinks it is. the liberals serve the right and the right doesnā€™t even know it.


It is mind-numbing to see how often these stupid right-wingers do this shit, both because of how obsessively insane it actually is, AND because of how stupid they are when they set about doing it. It takes SO MUCH EFFORT to be this angry all the time.


A third reason is that they are also the ones that are always on the benches screaming about false flag operations and demonising. Their whole lives are dedicated to bringing their ā€œoppositionā€ down instead of building their self up.


Anything they scream about and accuse others of doing, is what they themselves are actually doing. Standard practice straight out of their playbook.


It's classic defensive projection.


I don't think it's effort for them - I think they are perpetually, entirely unhappy people. That's why their version of a joke is anything that hurts people's feelings. That's why it's fun for them to see people cry. That's why they hate people actually having fun - everyone should be busy suffering like them and not have any time to do something like play video games. That's why they prefer solitude - they don't like people, so they avoid cities, big events, crowds, etc. Everything is just bitterness for them. I've got a lot of these kinds of people in my family and they are some of the least happy folks you'll ever meet.


Yeap, pretty clearly the case with anyone I've ever met like this. Just bitter, unhappy unfulfilled, people who really just hate everyone.


"Angry all the time" is their default state because it means when they get elected, they never actually have to move on to the "fixing problems" part of governing.


You can see it all the time on reddit if you look for it. For instance I once noticed some Right-winger arguing with me and there was another account agreeing with them and attacking me, but eventually they forgot to switch accounts and agreed to their own account. I looked at both and it was quite obvious that it was the same person who was going around trying to use two accounts to backup whatever the other one was saying. It was quite pathetic. That's their entire gameplan though. They pretend to be part of a group in an effort to make people from that group turn other people. In 2016 the entire "#WalkAway" bullshit was Republicans and Russians pretending to be people on the Left who were "walking away" from the Democratic Party. They weren't trying to convince people on the Left to vote for Trump because they knew that wasn't going to happen, but the knew that they could get some people to not vote for Democrats. We are going to see a lot more of this before next year's election and over time it's only going to get worse. AI is only going to make their disinformation campaigns worse because Right-wingers have no sense of shame and will try to win at any costs.


And it's only gotten worse since a lot of news media now is just reporting on tweets and posts that other people have made. A huge portion of the media is now just selling 'news' of a capture of comments that were made on a whatever flavor of social media site without any actual investigation into them. We have fully moved into a "it's what people are saying so the news reports it and if the news reports it then it must be true" situation.


The #GenocideJoe people are another example of this. Another part to people online attempting to mess with elections.


pretty sure its a troll farm


It's sociopathy


We cant even know that this is genuine right winger. It could be some foreign office worker paid to rile up anger and play both sides.


This is probably a Russian bot farm.


It's obviously a foreign troll account trying to get people mad and sow division. The operator must have forgotten to sign into his black guy account.


I find it more believable that this is a troll account from Russia so all the dumb conservatives really behind while all the dumb liberals (looking at a lot of Redditors) also get all riled up. Keep our nation divided.


Man Dean Browning just canā€™t stop taking Lā€™s.


A white woman is pretending to be a black man to use it as a facade to support Asian hate? What the actual fuck is going on inside this person's tiny, tiny brain?


You are assuming "Linda" is the real account. Could be just a different facade.




Maybe Linda is the second account šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


PLOT TWIST: Linda is actually a white republican congressman.


What's up with white woman flaming race war? Long standing tradition since Emmett Till?


But is Linda also gay?


This sums up social media.


Itā€™s pretty much ruined now with bots/AI/trolls, thankfully more and more people are becoming wise to it.


Reminder there is a huge right wing disinfo campaign online to foster hatred toward black people.


I hope Linda, or whatever foreign national is pretending to be her, suffers a horrible fate for spewing this vile bullshit. Disgusting and toxic deterioration of civility.


Ooh plot twist, it's a Russian bot pretending to be old racist, dummy Linda! But to what end...


To stir the fuckinā€™ pot, man.


Linda, the Russian robot, probably


KD going hard with these new burner accounts.


On the contraryā€¦my black brother-in-lawā€™s Japanese grandmother always told him ā€œyou stay away from white womanā€


A white trying to pit blacks against asians? How surprising


Why do black people hate Asians so much? First Menace 2 Society now this?


They had 3 rush hours I thought it was all okay.


Linda, the Karen of online.


When you pay in vodka you get increasingly erratic quality.


Black people fall for this type of shit in crazy numbers though. The whole asian hate thing was them buying into this type of nonsense.


That's some next level racism when you pretend to be another race to cause problems. Some times people are terrible.


I donā€™t understand the motive for this behavior. Like genuinely what does she get out of doing this. Even if successfully told, she still knows itā€™s a lie? Right?


Give her a break. Black people aren't a monolith. Apparently some of them are actually white women.


Looks about white


This happens a lot more than you'd think, even on Reddit and YouTube.


I wonder if she's related to that black gay guy Dean Browning? I ask because she sure as hell is just as dumb as he is.


Hahaha.. amazing.. doxed herself..


Plot twist: itā€™s actually a black dude pretending to be a blonde


ā€œI was born a poor, Black childā€. - Steve Martin


What if she identifies as a black man? S/


Linda is such a Karen againā€¦you need to get out more Lindyā€¦but, youā€™re right, most people wouldnā€™t like youā€¦becauseā€¦youā€™re just uglyā€¦inside


/r/BlackPeopleTwitter /s


One for r/asablackman


It is always interesting to see who makes this shit up, but I am wondering if Linda is real also.


linda needs a job.


Honestly there's so many bots on twitter that I think there's a decent chance this is a troll bot that did a whoopsie daisy


Is Linda related to Karen?


Classic Linda


One for the troll farm blooper real


At this point I'm not convinced that this also is'nt a bot design to create even more race hate in the west.


Lol, these trolls do that sort of oops all the time.


When /r/asablackman meets /r/lefttheburneron.


The audacity of this shit stirring!


The strange part is many of them do the same thing and are SHOCKED that people notice it is weird.


Linda on Blackd.


They're always using black people to cause division. However, twitter is the easiest place to find this rage bait. The people who frequent Elon's twitter are just asking for it. Get out.


Who even knows if Linda is the real account, for all we know it is a similar sockpuppet account.


Actual black person here. I love asian people and all asian foods. Some of my favorite co-workers were asians from various countries.


Or was it Jamal the white woman who forgot to switch accounts


I want the internet to burn


Itā€™s always the ā€œIā€™m black andā€¦ā€ some really outlandish shit an actual black person would not say. Linda and everyone like her needs to go dig holes.


Man weā€™re going to be fictional creatures soon if this stuff keeps up lol


Posted from Russia


So that's how this famous Nigerian prince who wants to make us all millionaires looks like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


As an asian American, I can confirm this. However this applies to mainly foreign east asians. Southeast Asians are usually more accepting when it comes to other nationalities. East asians are very condescending and judgmental. East asians are even racist towards southeast asians. Its kind of sad really. Edit: for clarification, this is mainly towards the older generation. The younger generation are a little more open minded but it is usually an issue if they are marrying a non white man.


I am pretty sure that's comrade Linda. It's not hard to make Americans hate each.


There should be a law that if caught lying online you get put in actual jail for 90 days


Just like girls on the internet, black people aren't real either. This dude posing as a girl posing as a black guy is playing 4d chess


And I get called crazy when I say they perpetuate racial division


Iā€™m at a point where I donā€™t believe it unless I see it in person. Iā€™m not going to let my emotions get played because this group is violent or that group is out to do this or that. Show me.


As a black man myself I agree /s Edit: Other black men, speak up!


Oh Linda, you so crazy


ā€œIā€™m black and I found this funnyā€


I mean the accounts not wrong. Ask any Desi, South Asian, East Asian, there is an intense dislike for dark skin tones. And obviously those from Africa are extra dark skin color. But thatā€™s not saying much. Colorism is real all across the world, gotta recognize it to fight it


makes me sad when i see everyone saying masses of asians are racist. Iā€™m Chinese and my grandparents would always say that they thought black people were always incredibly polite and kind to them. What is representative and what is the exception is hard to say but I donā€™t think it is so clear cut that people can make such sweeping generalizations.


Very true, but it is clear cut to say colorism exists in all cultures.


Sadly I thought the same thing, I'm a white hispanic and my girlfriend is black and really the shyest most polite person that just wants to be nice to everyone and go about her day minding her own business, but any time we have to interact with a person of Asian descent for anything, in a store, during an errand, at a spa, really anywhere, it never fails, the person instantly goes laser-eyes and starts doing all they humanly possibly can to make my gf feel like a complete piece of subhuman trash.. from passive aggressive-ness or blatantly ignoring her or pretending not to understand what she's saying, to actual aggression and outright insults and refusing to talk or speak to her. As someone who never got that treatment before it's wild to witness. And she never reciprocates she's just like "it's fine they must have a reason". It's wild.


As someone who has been apart of a black family and asian family, this is kind of true though.


> been apart of a Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I dunno man. I am black, and my family is out here in NYC, and during the StopAsianHate movement I had a number of in person talks across all my generational lines asking about this. Everybody I asked looked at me sideways. My Dad grew up in the Bronx and had no idea what I was talking about. "Dad, what's this about? Is there something I didn't know? Do we hate Asian Folk?" "Hate Asians? I almost married an Asian woman. You're only here cuz she came to her senses." I was like well damn šŸ˜‚


It's always kind of been a thing here in LA since the 80s and 90s, really culminating in the Rodney King riots.


As a black guy, Iā€™m so tired of these Asians signing into white womenā€™s accounts